lITS i i W. Nahe lj.. bs emam.m' .Mà*um oo aéswk fdmIm t«v w;t uh5 ele à. Us - *xe"sSuits*leJUe.leSle F T Us bal IsCLit ubU»ttl hi hM mml ichi tât. thube% -c,éms u 11- i& Pusl8 Eidown .Butte ohuem he v*ritI ~Om f - lmmyuiM» fmlj& 1 * -2-2- -9 -à O. esmmmuudry mimuhD, me iilolotha d 8umme uits euh me et *6 wÎ& vu PfSl twomme aà fbail ab g Suite *8 mi à" 01314 vela l fa g» MW.O4i omt mhe S.- la mm*.. *eMb faek. e @ââmâmihzlm . nq Uwd ,Ocirng «d 'Suiteafor BEVery. usulMmeSUequi% bodyAJ 8mt1dp11Sh ,,~ ~ *~ ~ WhhimtUi~'jAM( T COXPLECTE RANGE 0r mmi tal zm i ât e mm M4 ieaumob"., threouibu Me Odmcbm h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S àà -* -pi___ ae-ai Cpsan W ttee peg»= lUm or m âââ tg m#ÀM Uk iOée b b leo........ ' 4 mc M m* moisi l =tu Ssu e .ia-eu e1.mbuffo le fLarge and Bmil .1mb. ~~ ~= a. a.t "mi, M 2_ a a8erl0dteLok ve lap lb.m m a l l uldmwmlWu»Wl1%ml. 'w4"7 es 0*aml"*b. te Au @@lmt* umeta,«a& o, IB1O 011@80àe pml. us.ulh me- vu al um n * 1- * a m187.e us fi erewlh u 1W.mik 2. mi f.v .i w=mlli Doàfflt ci fflmve làmtc. thé 'M J-ue. T eaq,.ftw rn sàw h ea "mwhaf e* m egwgMiiif.lgtsuomcmmoE.I h hi.~ ~ ~~~~~~~* "oi lia,,uzaamiuima S . Mu O if u iemu M lsugs, mM0 S. k e.S.i%-uisv okJmi ui tsWo wi - wae. r 11f ti i is aule pt 0l, m l ost thm #j.t'.- b m *0 a oba, xmiato ù me @m1 las Bth oIarad m. io - -au dle ta a tom r. e aihllo.1c . lobI f eV7m er, u.ltm 6M mû«, but- mhS II .Wu MW Mma a o emi. lywhat f. pJ-uets is ..te thé ouomelà uI OI op a à@,h sp5 m . MS. t.1. 5.15, vIlb O gYt'l"uieCRIT9 -RA n poomb .Mlmg=" he vlacé faquo" malu le s ** % vals u ol m.e pa> nl ,jelb ima , m. viellaI - Pr1ices% OP WMà mid hontt l y" te ou S. *le le mmut i c i m mise.mmm. va i or.8Ladro L golm t%%Tana 1 ltlIRou t sbmml mai.-00 m zà w nua w is. 'uwRI'. pumlmsmt Bp. t ulom j g it ut emu. U"m fSm lns m ugbubeo.ul zéul e se.mmm us y God Hu 1%Omahba t vl mpetsl* m mls u otySutUAfurei - à#"mpuma &tot f vi a, h la eat ma &., la «M le u uzbllls 09 -cPof * h.lal J»Oh guami a rogk miwi.SvI"kha -ag ohal%!;à:e nlagtheih mPâ levol .m fnuniio su i lleshw al . auffl tb pMd s b mtO aoum u, - me uhso Maahm- .m Hàb« mii.m di b ..t u e eV e i rt Uéil s i esidm," e ePM - S tou t ouoa thé tula Pacik. lell b 'mi.Lm t tf M m SkuS. &h se .h W, M:!1làr tciu a, amFut h"tu*au _101b 0 mmlo «, l e- - Iozbvileuaiy ha S.versict f ubles ohmu ifoi.1vas ont odauS. leu thbékt f 51*t Mi Isala at.16.l1d togibe a -tmasimu»6 Mia. h m l atoWdMmIaSbeyS. nta aab 488 us v o.. a Mu liilouàmt0 vg aisémi em e us «Matdf, wOaMJ5! h m lbhg idmtM kb vu &p 8' -! dmolleihs... .M ! a Pm mm Dry Goeso-o-ds Hou». o OcuMW MdI h té.t-mlavim l kaso .. >~im c .i a m situadrp ln X . am m b ral&walaég .agln utab *MMnIm ai ue tsi lu mlol V ut j ailoWebb01vy. t vue -k am lOb 15 3170eue 11a u Em ov ubibas uks -s le It.a »à»les bî 1 aslmulimammd.olaueil-- lm b "mo . S% b a t.,. a %bus.m*0.. la ..dey ..ON . t otuulio & s hm t ibm, be J~1, -àho nE M d kt ma W .~ j'~-...-** of thé. Sl. aba.r. mlhslvsi @W» théowaty « ;1 i10m ta Qeue.a - cubeaw lb e uuUL 1"»UU5 mil *M-lmMu*LVAUd*%G la le tyoyi «dse vasmldi "t emu& e . fis k . voClamb klte s 00 9 *.t.i Ilm -tliea. h lb. laootb. t 4eminaold ' ý m ~< mu l à* i*P*. e.b .c ucTi0 tfat1 ao Amyoba udae to if eu M "mm am fflf*1?a àmis wrntu MU Wd o lbzl;g i.blleoti~..-...----*'*e.~ gal nzd sti miithoengImdul. u sdvooofqueton s r e rcs S. gafl mi M taimi ii~I ibe minage th thétuthat a ofcthstructiotata guI usaas h a w.... " .. 1.1 .. . £1 bito. ti.hrug o. rad1 - _. »i l 1-1l 4aue m e0 ta ei& Ho ammy 1s a rea su md. nmoiv H Il MiImil l aiieus is imt5kmd.P1id~ ~ S~ fond n ohertin Theelut" ba-no îte 1 bonupls r Jb..1 T,. h* n l thzemreutly ic" uimiaIs o .li rem a JthIF;mu fU u eatnde Ite hmdrveaonltom aS~ SuUhe I mi 0Mm sSe thlét sade f heEcti 5ht t68coi otaful-go. i~em l um teiaag . lm ual Ter lIasho w 1 tebe l b f S.MiM » wh " aim h U. IU emlwuaa Q0bu t lm maMs, le u e t m e S.msii f h Pacehaw S. -m.lmqou o l» -uese sut v lu., é . .hw. ........., b ~tlm et*s.saim it.ta OMM" Ievm54 miUiizc4 it the case the 1"ww ýfbu t %M mmbt61064 lbl enis 1eti ta ie.04. gi eb j . uiuicàik leA I Ti Ioier m ne ma mm*Bme amaq 6 . es..08 muottounen tho sub *mt thé usina I.5.,- MOI lute"wu g ohm -a bsta Md mvubâUalsy té cNI mi a Mtmi de , bn o~.ita ahnd Jtese Ad ,,~ My" tUO uIgfl.ifl k in t ttt 1 -ae ns" $m W7 id ukm te I mmm Wte ect fI vIa hmk"7.1B ha mt od lmes or lim d de ve hé mom m me o ot pwl »oM Ini.W d*1 b&i* odfesel and '=14 mybu ig a bm belyfvrite ti n ;ýîc mm, 1m esti os fheli b uneomak i rg"to ei alt ad Exogut& Pwàmt --«y mi bm&dfodere ihsa PUIL WX. T UIRhe gp Spj COsuwt breuodved for tha epurce 11he 0 a" senUIS iSLMiio.t ta thie Ëut CenOMM IWWBM OftsTvmhP0 OZISlaite . ocly Vieb 1 muesmor or leu, Prame Bar% et penadka. culorableVcsedon 1SoiMrw LIndsay, Ont. h1,i.UL-4 .THE RATHBUI 00, haea large snpply of firstâc1ass îB-NDER u~N for sale this senscin at their AND KING BTIUEETS, at rkbht vi S poen aou tempuilig buying ý aW IN D 8 0 C. T wheul dW. ae nseiOuriteSpecially pre'varrd for L a nd buttEf bicycle. baies. 17 jea ris ithout 50king . u k a cks~n'4 .rls r l..uuin b estpoints in thcu - 0Ie uk~ cs uttotogofshel.BEST OEMFNTS, BICY-CLE Port1an'J d ilydraulic. in 1ike oter thingg. 15 May be1 .hoeldy.- W. velue our reputation'! PLJASTER P RISI ico highly tW Lundi. -»Ch géode.!Ba rni W. beudie ouly Honeat bicycles et, HouitEl cei 01viipay you t .Doors, Nash, 114îuldingg j sipu pie. Very wel odand other iLýY ùab by ua OUAR NTiD fough and Ibrt.s.(-d Lumber.9 by a jeliable manufasturer and Sinlc. osset viimes th«fT our vitel >giveà y pu * emLire mataatim u ..-L W. tosh ySoWrideut te Rink. i Egg, Stove, iNut Blacksmih. ~m ELX ~flLEHONU-OflC, i..77. NO. 6 Kent 88.3 Lindisy. eN78 i~mv.A 15. . s. ~. a à c c L. Agent a I f v @meut. ehI l. <Yttl t, Eo.vIIU o- salO' xony * r 4 441 I I J i 'i 'I .4. A xr à 1 li