Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Jun 1897, p. 7

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iatteo mitÀa80 1à) gv-ir te mvinget we*m h jaMe IRt ua e.ê' mmte t, theeriai tmu th ate iaig oveu la n*offbert-softha e yaur tbasbleu etilStoaytIIW4 tkPP1Y 011 hankeuis 1 Datriy-tbe dOat « mome th h* bo ii » ail Ib u~t ptb i homsgmf'juor ,midu bathe t orne ti e clsaeLWd AMoiulerdeysrthebyeuaOrt ab e si DantheieKmuts b ZàeaedbouZ4S$& joeseacd grea tha nlgt* W ever happened betore. A . aité0 son iv'aodi thé, WorM a&uppoed wuuld be- eorne a Yag4ibond and, outlaw Duey)t bus got tired of m&hteeing and lbas rn tarned ta hi& iather's bouse. TheU«ld fàd lie neYes woold icornee é skI man always said bimson woiald Se back. - e had been looking !or him, daY after day and jear citer ypar. JHe kew he would corne back. Now, bav- inýg rtturnedto i iather's hous, the lather proulaixas celebrataun. Thtre la la the paddock acalf thatýbaz ubSlpt ap and ted te utmost eapacity, me e te be e md3'for morne occ»ason Of »y tiat aùght came along. Ah,. there neyer Vould b. a grander day on the oki home #m.d than on this. day. liet the buteis do their work ,and the huseeers bring inta the table the ýsmoàang nmit. Temusiciens wiil take their p.,4 Mthe gay groupe. vili move up aud down the floor. Ail the friends andi egbbors are gathered lu, and au êxtrai ou is l sent out ta the table or the* *1 van ts. The father presldes et the table suddsays grace and thanks God tbat, i2i long absent boy l home agan.Oh. kow tbey ml4stti bim!. How glà d they are to have hlmi back! ,on- brother stands pouting at the beck door, ami sayse: "ThIs la a great ado about nothing. Tis tad boy shou1d have tieefl ch:ùtised instead of gmetM. Veal i, too good for hlim." But the fath- er gas Nothi'ig is toa good; nothing i, god .tow."There sits the Yofug maxn i. llat the heàrty recepýtian. but a s1had,,w of iorrow tlitting aqerassbisa brow nt the remeuitrance of the trouble Ire had , qeen. .1il ready now.- Let tihe covers ifut. Music. He was dead and he is alive again. He waas t and he is tQnttl. liy siteli 10. inxaýLgery dcffl the B:. e roth iio rr-akn whvi Seffl 'bull UIs 11011t te >d. kirsi (et ail, thert' la the nemcw eta jov. It b no. tane tbing to becoure a inistari. The niost tremnudous mo- ment in a maxm's lite is when he surren-' drt i e God. The graîndest tinte oni thv f.;trher',s homestend la w,%hen thre "boy viiie-a hack. Among the great thrüng wlifu in the parlors of our ýehnrch s profesed Christ oue, night waa Youngr mani who next mcening rang my doorbell. 1iaisuid:. -Sir, 1 cannet contain iyý.ef ith te joY I teel. Ircame here titis L ~morning- to express it.-I have iaund * more juoy li five minutes inerving Goil than in i l the yexars af my prodigualit.y. * md.I ennme here ta aay is." Yon bave seen perha ps a mn. running for his tem- poral libîerty and the officers ai t)àe Ian after himxî. and yvou san' him escape, or -afterward you fhear the judge had par- doned hlm, and bowy grent vas, thre, gle et that rescued mani, but if la a very tamne thing comupmred with the run5liUX for oae's everlastiag Ii.e, tIre terrrsao -Iý ie law atter bim and Christ ei i ta pardon and blessa and réecue, anud lae. You remember John Bunyan inhibs great stoay tells how the pilgrim put bis fingera ta hi. coUs and rau, crylugj, ÀIfe, lite, eternal rife t" A poor car duivr .moqe time agi>, aiter jeaim bavlug had taemtrng-.le to support his family* sud- deniy w-ns.inforued that a large inrt- ante.xvas his, and there was a joy am-, ouating ta bewildermemxt, but titat l aa aMail thing compared- with thte expert- enee ai one wh.en h.lbas put lu hia baud ttitle deed ta the joya, the raptures, aptendors ai beavea, and tir eau truly nes: "Its manons are mine- its ongs am mine; its God la miner"'4Ôbtis Me as tamne thing ta Ireome a Christlan! Xtinh a mrrry-making; t la the killilng of the la=tedeauif tàà1 'f uile ou n mw ft.e Bible neyer commres àI tcwir-, aIt but lwtq>s compares ik te sômetint deàightfrml. It la more asut t be cou*- "a lita a banquet tiran to auyrtblimg de.. p ~~ it gcmae in thre Bib. te *valif brgt ijauhingate1r, theii m b *~ ~ , -oete, Irlwrked, imoutalu franot- urdmoring.xtiea i love of Jestus écine'ruÉhiag into "iY SOnt lIke <he smrges of the oea, and 1 Und 10 ery ont, 'Stop,, Lord, it la enaug?; aiçi,I Lord, enaug r." Oh, the josee fteti Christian religon I Just -puss over froro those tame jaja af tila vend, intc, the raptures of the gospel. This world au- moi .ntlify 70; as onhave foumi that eut. Alexander, lenglngt for ether vérIi5 to couquer, and, yet dnawned lunhi w bottbe; Byron whipped b 7rue" Si!mad the. vorld; VbftmkS uai onMoW whlle ail tic U«b tfF vée &Wppludlng him; ResuIL ton- smnt gwlth iatred agalusi poor Tbe m aeeke- I ainoIUIIi 09 iUe*tct Otat t"tis orld eau5Oi ea m bupy. Tbýêvet anWho mm!SS * el.0athébm Addlé r o=s bebrade éoÏ"in L @Od ave icQuéeni"Om the vorld a an~idu uthe net Xfhut ftbe nd cuathe tu s '?et aIntothe gtimt w5t ere tiouma5b Oe Ani v ie eam, Where siulri ,nhe song a a the siitCa. ~1 t-fl- mOs.,. a.glmsS 55 Bih. B. ~S Iii oBet ts~w5hut~ *0US 15B9~h aboli lE ami oeioee mswm ;oe~ Ie - -1-ZI lbtw 1 -b %FU Iu MIM ffwM tir her #d'Wtfrcr etstae ty ats a ebmeeat blLuIlM. But vn Cam -e It. prtemma1 eomiag heure us Mwboaveha t iremve r lrw5lt~~is ,t neus tire pomidà Wi m arageorwr wlc=trneebgd cRpa& v tie mtmatoet %dte m ep. dt nioe r bw "t0. %eui.-it fros mlu mn aen ir ludrno1Qd.. sela lsampt *0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wt tos'btuel i. us nd mm xes t ib11ma1*onIw esMe a8"a the o e utiu euiraot otakQ 4 ho 6h mat' bRtef a nd :evy histony. i mrnephauveol Iye tol uMuta ptsteriré whsvlandht a»p Yeh wdMt ris fin tie le of eagy a onevas a hurrisae «at mm jI vb, Bj . es RU"nW Ufnur oIt te t Iclninare u otamelng toard ire m he suda intai rshet mg ue tiscbailècf fa domu th S@iJiY d e.-titoet. aingluen enrhes, sudoumcv ot O& te ît andutod sec s fd he moeil sju-Tgea tic1frteVeny KEESR' HOUS ti. boteeatcebying he doke pend u gdUre the mr b i" lut !(l l~ ~ B.ym é sa.lo "Dot you weesauythinvong eiraout " amismethà osl onticcgo bi tc ta clone lr&gS e miv our Fther. hnid mm pn tiei feet- n te rc <irSil pe,"kh t shore tand tie Couleborne 4> roalgi, fri» te vil- less. O, whe ~ii odJgaI . camesm, tMh;ta. eron e! O Tsbre, re omse n e ak ar the Christlu lg ia aian eoe. I ou r biscitetP oshe;ee.s evrutnoty.Ifetint vircu tin podni rthe Conistaspo!ita n i a lmv' tb" orLte er r rte , vs u ofthergysnd oi. iii.s aureotpe suppliatin ve hawe beard e 0 àA crbeet io our'rw: out trot g r el vi ti d u oraid look w o r d over agaore,2d & ealrs but I "lu t 4 ae" dd iePioo onath eoekafre miit t ente. Go nti Gd Iitit an Irorat una MWp aln. o mymo'tht yrearad1fe vsitl tie andliby tre vmetl, i.d i e l ong pra ers linnyrp igebot atadbth ."-DTEtriJews. HRU tir ea c o r lu. Wc ave had eenongir an ne. the rav o hin saté , " 1ssr- 0 aeoot ~e tt trkoble inyute, n ! Wtoe tic sud n othe r earis r brdsu coL-ilbÀ.ka. tin amdonubt eus- th h ietnd swt i ngthe c piedu- tai. pay ies lu te blChact orene an -____Phio- Oh, cIt vaSuan outuratiat he r n:-*! sinedpan v er fuhat ponate r od'critb e "I *v heneemm o a lot-e sudme;father's jay. od te I. yoar erci i t ue a smnnels ord.o eme , tIraisohèý" eriesi ti. erhtoe, o (edIomet lnes m ea Ithe ri sTheianssgstprye. D.kCECoAn . ca* n qbui- . Butr, n iui evr nks a-Slmn.pae tr eitio tomf t he ed-4itiiatEu ing ~ - fota thcyai bis ubhe ts. A a cardl athe h r dlun ar ratelai notuai- "y.AdomAt h F.1t meIwor r 1 amnhrews thed-mc h. uoesof«.tire steroypsupiation je ha e rmj no cru ndu a klug wth nldi cloug, sud v ertntdtii r aigai arorco0ning homeutien zr eiglat tra miumer? I mdo verelu? alterci o, sud oan arjr ui s othe asehte bd. bapund oft h v. 1,In y cdy tIr.othemr vit hangente. Go ardce, forth i or tsate f erinaNovas loedot!g resatenad eviac Nah uite ic kig i, "theeiand ti nn, foraay, but aMen ery rasp et rt Q"'Xi WSSUIt SPead 4 trdube pst-myortem eAh nathe and ti ceas ae heart sentcl AU prhetrof be a at etir naie"d s h rn t heiaeBiofln e andautwe ote reaairâedutm u- Le was a n AtIr nty f fo scen e and. shrthen se ise Chnisbct ome - loveq tint! OmthGad la ot a sultan, otar ecs wi lul aante t Iey ? d "'l i d a a" ït m i eo ave qut a Sa deapot1 baantekn, lovng. or-se.1htayrci mn gt"p, sud w th te >okawt agalutheidescaipia of.Cdr ne t k i i d ceotr e tinghesy "o, '<e;ti Jk u1 otv bd tnha ndplesure," et sand,"isn -tepl, leteetthn eThy serints d e art lu Ùiiler 1h.- laoReo deatDt wtthat d f iet." Ail nA b pece, ig o inhe hdiavyre- een yua-f lhi tips"1ge tccnit man td.meIf a inosnaetth e a- atin" n utha hmpa o, YUae etRm erBo No~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~te dlOpu h aon ifrnetehredjt rsnl nea eectoiTre alvig . via flbd cae lui1 er ands a kine rdifereue tic urrod - and un te pdal a e off i s hmckles, ntii 0 & hsoe r biaie I mue w in altfercaeticn, mdin. hte h-Jute i eam stoe a nd i sNo ungo wd he t*thanes of hisit victor artdtile furthe joflien asopng thi a -W thlurir. dO me."bymc bndthekiigi eutte ceeateaetenri doralwthanc but ahtro hosuk wru W 0j WS bif ej raho, and i, yo -mrti ex.amintiom n i, tic muscles drtiencart srat hl. 1>ass i rj"Dit »s rtae asee ladies rete then ai Hlm Any th ingerfonntie streets outhéouoho lie aersud . A. e ,cr m oftI a ses a nderAd whe e cis famu Chrvs, tianSI vlhv a u a irer. ai!lur is in ta, ultngian di facs o dan. tses ti.excaiesus-d eih WwUtiig-IPU c baie Qrieti auluespocsbu0falauea, and ota ur ee picat, p.rman gLuaînd a itte ay gte2& preos tatdglae mI akes ny- trsaieom icepritsn, 5ea s a Kith nk-Mo y~ S k>?W"s aidaireMOU i)o4W comésM b s1uT"! od ougnr etaég heato-b ait'No%? he;tOBiiSii It comm ence mmx have dne apl ai-9ptha, "udnathe rd lu a ntonRisevant dy, ioplu ht vÈMeYce R Dnerd detitù ailhélgt, sud v idertian epail m urne in day ae et en ca ax %maob svl I f, a.d ane ticu ail uli en-ty iveatiea s he oud ath W a p e i ef Bthe .ve aei i theanse i Dor to itetn u t he vir ws mnoopKingh wo wI.hwrba i vhtrepu- jayDO Theo eebrrcdn i ti ndkiec tte onsdvn n comm nd tia f or n i.y e lumi No f Uu vite o orne g fre da aihe' a- a ntlong p arantie oamiiy veâte Il ,abi lt, arfa, i tivly sattns ilvr ad glibm~mng ue tgeter gai. O, i yo vold tan they arou piet cee my i ter pnee, o- se rnt vau tbe sprecat an d unfor tic igo ff (adiis s h ou. veM prhaiTha andelt h o laicou re nbtethein., v eau thf,>ikcame ad you o uld thfisn c r al î o te enh he cames osk, oflad las gladitrtae-yoa nd, whi sudth e aly ail our nthiie uau dlng t.trepl'ot mutre uiah yon maysu rliesinounoft e ,amd, coenman wo ha-fntcr motiersd oh er, una vl dra el'aazaon& res aouglere hte robe ailHema i s isteraondthe tvmao ndotnad lie hedvors laho n ti rdeme1 sra eiiulio e a uir w ci comnwer e s fti ws e ew ue oSdalaveo ess mriea~-thnt 'th eins min ivha dtemiti, a 'n ailce o e ar et alsti. O li eavn.exfuus a lutatles oit per-s At tiie peuluet te exposindtion eu-'riaiebt si ackteluaittl antsoi ye . rçetr uabraidB aid tIr soie md te aie r tin thaio , If you haeieyr tank-aitIre ett i bcg nrdrirrc prsd a t e e et eer te n s oaiP0111, tlr ap cao aen dsby l il emn3,0 umlgbra aecornpathe ytcgetogn am ax isaenectai together 0,00ct foiai30,10rlg lu btth ouais it u l eut2ge, s hu on ad.n enlyati-e neigi-1 - w next~oeuta*' univeer. viren car=$ti td n. rin coninent ti amnient. Bungt mareptnaei ii e eslaoasn ,oaundi g est eta. idertj a. 811or ieapldlj g o i tdlugm t ram erh t gl h i. espr itaina --ith jan tatir vOn t irc Ures jear hedave n cu rvis ta pro dlrtun t e Theagmes Uat m i ak I tavartugeinc1tumstance,' b ut ie fatt r isn botis, a n ov p sent ha ul ith &IlIt"e U idl c or aci. irYofesta n ntrd ti e i do tIrer. vo li e wu- t w r hte pwlu tirt~ rns adsyuctater oi, l "it'.maictier," "Tint'. my moth- Leat» tnicee eand rnwigh. eatl. hteGtrain ere" " int'.my o "Th at's tic NM r~* u IsI rrvai tr.eeiplng ouai ottcepstoy n- I usked - theprsy ndiern'Tnat n.for I W n «u]ymmae vas raplu-e gerakiguIhoien »Meir. e artneof tis- ndwh o ng epsan te ars," nezdan c d86.isit*Me oar'i a trint. sAtt uôo hveir asd otiean. gathn saul veami a' "hsanna r culd ate niy "dvengt or th S an r "exli vatchlng tire alance ai tire trin vomyof yaflelulr sbtttsfrbt th. peple mi etic deatuae. At igto o h igbeo o I or ff.P-,h" nMd vistchla tIe goug frthken a os tIrelrtdigit5 e ly * i im e d et'lassei tt n4em. ln vans srbis mou odu, lcoback. (lad Iex- youfidad nerlUlgur go, àlfl ut aedahi-to rqpor t~e 1n prass ien 'at elng sut vallug ordsmarad he hven Is Simd vitthe y. I t im ei«Y 1tlOfaMtiCL1Steeefr eto spaee-m" broinei, 10 ew. s 20 Nd on ainls e ud err Jy o tain, Punâage * ivOad tilIe taudtbn- ro0l yesm, 40th wite s, ped n the 5> of a s Bterkirondvthaucv Ire mtnar es ng~eue et l -e> tI sbirepre- wthlen ailg, tehiallu, atlng, Tl ie aluner ates funtheye o 'a s snt i ueatu a±ir.-tirt sudh a votic roligbal sitol ne AulChrst itr ordItilglyre.a "Titmasace,-c.ik __ -mIreeemrt home, aisranin if gland es ccul mnin tes- ou wol "u' m hm 25» onM,000 (mmm ir M ei- m vakoir theiolce or an l ie re%.teu tic ontheiti acedonlan fO estva ioi*teasi vEsan t'vItIr) flwic .*Thiseoneson ai e, avdiiis oit ne'onsu tPh. Onetire*cnqear, . at h r le Hei v ut* m aure f Tort iiijon iiice mrbanque ma Scrattinhuoo~m t*ria -r i. I te I aotthe oe sic toftheiiex pton.iganpr, bul gts ai outhe Irnablait ail of a buett e ,blder Of d NewOrles 'I *rsaà ihan fhelu tieetn elp rodlaLsIm re titan con-1 "eMd f14" -a e.I and e so elIgthlolo, ad hea gra nueor i. 1Tif vonblsave hee "WIII,1* loigo 'osrl ader tutel tirera e i. c gort and ofmsicbut ae *redeehrnelou a e no sudtie gIDJI- ' la a ieIta 6 (ail)SIkOW hWe'obd be tire trii sud th#estdhi ofrgEe ins. iet besae ncTed ugeti d 900for- -AMdsu'uis.b itIs nlte . ince I haenrai tc pr o give laes s.u , evcny b aud UT te net ai 0.9tnt Gma el wtisu Ia il oristr ail t l- vrosodet ar. Th e n e ia A wlauJiy.le *Jha gmaer hauiltheeômind jy e tb iandnew fiesfgraviy tocit ad g *mtavm» temwith brie 6 ail en cmaredy. i kovhmre- I timccpsn t rantm cotie. B ut mr. alae tbr& fe on sonlo mn te ys at har .quillrluutimecudatici' acraen, lwet a i ta selmrne oft ie .uisezve mk toth et asltoi u asrn, u d tIrev Lartir uned ml ie or tu of avearla peubn«M . tonai h instancesebu emil ut Ansditk ges olg owPresnk t ired14lel aa eomBch, "d h irjd at .d oein vhe I avsnr. ka! a troussay Leainr. thrç tmesa dy he at up w btIn Ta'm aiSh SE!"orThat smy th-* the êam ingli hthebearin, esul a y at'àr=y soi l*mp slilrtew nem.u Wqe and one nrUolilboitaI !1l ail teutry"it- wirel gersand fotu epatur of thé w vmIiicvi .nor of uhRaao tri. tnonli Rster gin - - a lHsna'ad aohr esveyavri i n"xeln wachn te daneofth ranwul ay, t9>alegtb r' myu otU bte. wachn te earue. At ug i lae ithte w, h dt blw1 I mb mbl kU Ü % wtte- w a t e e g a n w a c h n -t h o-n s - -h a v e t n e t h p w n o ~a oud s~ -las"- - eneny 000- 1 ~~oor o&- &àS a sm-vdgbf ai,*h te houl InterSoeNç dd.« f»,. a 4%www« assos c Mte Îiie the Mme* ai tIt4.g" loivm l i. laamq ul -ata reklue t ir lut tail CMA ~ sl. 1stiol tlltêt * Whto baa pot &sîýLaeax oaivilà tout ~ ~ ~ l .atco 0 0'trkrsls< IIt Mgiiy tirem saltfood h it sa)» roluis as th e bmiOiht tOih vam iat.- A' botesr esplanaou iate h. towuld 1 5 Inn elti.S n CMtb*I"5 aw lugaI 49ves the phurase anr À*- Or .thre. boeiof ttcUaUa O Îi itMaco t&-e&. evm"i la i flu m-e nature e Wb nà u'h ~ ' r d«u.j.vrl ùutiy-dbteetel ma soppaI bthe loues" aue qmenaus, asudth-eamiOi Odai.*Tir he o ai 10 erbâffl them ratier sa Vndi i thIr t The atory montiîi f "Oend for eaaihn< la ltW5~ asfolov: u tc tilietiem to'ta ci ieý et. le"st li in mmwwat a csat.rn the moddle aown ta aoqu*tu&wS vho hovtbeen tumsbaicu la ti ewovNetlrnisda er~a u mrino sa vas Jan Plebuasn, vbo iad corne ta perlaI iras. tlraen vei. Tir.e a nu Port Orange ftrc m rdam and vas o1mrs amsof mcurée, ritMtlT the fta mmfs lauthe ne ov vuitte a nxe sara,,ta! lttring thr erflviceo, A higir thom Oat o.goa&ornmuentaly.-Sti"' aud s WO ooden paxtitIon lividesl wEib-wy- PuiI>~ ~~th portoraithe building they re- ciq, hoibamecookies, familiar te à-il OCiPe u tr 4 p ail New. Tankers via -vere cildre in *il0ot- tis seromia obstacle ta deter *0 laa-d oeal i idDii ia tirntaltogether tissa ttic cOmuUC5,- toms ~ ~ a thtaIlue unden tc na- inenos Uic>'speoily lusire te halt it e"NvTsar',cakes" Pleteruen vas Ucopsiemr u gau tciy a juat ma, but, his justice vas neyer tiuey a cn, tri'tlaterY ue yrs if tempiel viii lberality. Wîth i la 'a so, wOr tma ke vu-y ecuar r.-v dose as a sdosen, neltier moe o te 1h. l'wa IMr eston ae lias. Aime a pmnnyortir vas Worthra ffiîctiaithîet rÎm-- 8d wrm.l peny ansd h. par-tel 'ail no penny Iwhièclu lu ýmessmi,-attacira, 1m"es. Worth e h mve lu cansiderationiofs nwntea alady f nend on thé othrr peuDy ha ban sd reeelved in exoluammge. d hth ael ud"bth:l Ou tire nigit 09 I. i3, 16W, Jà * trat ipre la "lu qod." but ne- is Pk«-em saiot inu bu âo, Wilgtckd aldyon re act o'neibrachia.l il& Nov Téare cakes provided for telnetue Ovrnr nume hIi tha iex= us iladoaitie morrov, viien gm i c tiegoe no rros- informahmlia t, a ctioldvomsu, besrlng ail tii. mau*ra a hIn ouieis ad tge e1 ta of age sud poventi that in tiome laya ta tice air of tihe cispel until he la bet- mariel voaen onui s iieles, entereti, ter-& cure foris comupiaint wvila 1' demaullng c losen New' Ye5i'5 coki. at once perfeet>', Com-pletg. (On thre - Pietersen caretulli' camtel oui ive*re ifemnale aile ai thre partltion a vosn - cakes. "Mmc'. are but tvelve, 1 vaut a per-mxutted ta takre irer luffintboia u1 dose.4'," reumnrated, bs eusatamen. fprison, ta cirupel viii iter pincica t:ci "Tvelve, la sdoiea," scid Jan. "Ont uniantunate mlte tii Ita simili yels New Year's eve, between ricir and poar, reveai lier -proxmuky ta Un, t-tirer, e;t- thirtecu In sabien," abiily insisted ie lu eutively lestening tis-Ougir thre nu. qume cutaier."Give me tirteeftL' j.Re ,th> ie govenai-oaione of our Wùitersei ounet HL e anguxd county prisons -vas gree±iy perp,1ex- liai nobodi'. even heord the like; 1 ed'by thre discoveny trat. tie t-it-ee of ail times cul on ail occasions, n daZet ciilnisis charge Managed luin ha c losca. finsili', finding argument msome znysterîus nmnn-n ta' ascaertaicr if -no avail agannt tire's per- the presence ai every indivîduah man aisteexce, ire told her ta go ito '-(iPI thre otiteraide ai tire lmpervious tui<eI," fer tihe extra cooky. Pnoabhy î Idngboirrer. Queef tire *women thc aid volusu iook Iris ad vice, fan aheiejad,%erten-tiy, let drap the tact tirai sic lefi tire sirop*and fmain ihat inatant necognlze<l lier hýu3 band, vh e e Pkterma end uhimmif pusued by saine positior ther.e muet, acccriiing ta mite, saperuaturai and malevolent pover. Ai have beexi compietel>' unirnown u ler hda New !Cesr's.cakes tune stale a nd jNoue of the afficers c0àil ecomiat for niouldy beitore nromng, he bast is ekilli an urmpermitted, knowledge vhîci vwas as c baker, ai iisdougit vas so light 'found taelie shared ,b>' al! thc airer fluet it Ilev up thre ciney, or so hityy >vamn. At lasi a ver>' caretul ex- tirai i ll tbugi thc aven,is Jounei'- eminaîlou oft tiec cipel gave an ex-, ïMe. robiîed hm, hWbis e deveioped a planation af thc mysteu'y. ýAliûoU gr e~4tjg~ Won sud a tommue hnug * tnicil>' divideti, is ve hlem nd, otu luo* tue , rliks dMâMTddnet vild, the niai. sud temale p =lder acetid s»d iisbalevent ehwmer.Feirmenm tic sitar lu uder semis, and -uven lt coul have faugiri agalat such i c.,ni- isd beeu fIxed a ver>' large bre cross binatian of mîofortunes. but P ýtcr,;:cm againsi tie wali, noigil>' pollsed as irad monre» laid by sud. Pietmtrwn was ta tort a ver>' goal mIrror. In. its the moat oatiioste sud phelgmantic ai dlean surface tic vomen sav there ne- Dutcimea. go he kept is &hop open flection of e-vcny mati as.ire passel te toigh nabody mcme ta buy, and the his piace and ira-I enicyed tic spec- mcat, ill-rnade andull1-baked stock he 'tacle viti ImPunit>' tili awvue, muait vas abIe ta pravile for it mouldeti on Imterested In the appeairar.ce at er iri hande. spouze., had. mal- an Imp>rudent ne- Durnug tire. jeans, on cadi successive mark ta anc af thre, olf]ceM which ri- New Ycar's enta, tieald womnxincaep- veaiedthe tict. Tire bras cross mn-. pearel in Jan Pleteres's melancholv 'atante ieouly . disappeared, sud thre siop,. demaudiug tue tuirteexi couies. blanir vai be-undI h nu langer telle Eacthdm nesite us ment axiew ta thie suy secrets.-The Hosplital, dcvii. Jan Pietersen vas no fool. He coul mec as- far linha millstrne as any l'ests; of Australla and, Nw Zeutaul. man in the Nov Neihenlauds. Aiiiat frein the finit re iad beeca coavincei of Ra.bbkts are- net thre oly 'ticsIugm- tue cannectian beiveenis refusai ta o fteslintlut u.treala 1Wtrch h-Veý count tirteen te the dose. andis mis- prat-ed nuisances. Thc Loulon F!el fortunes. But i. vould net violate is tSn3mtirat tire houe;, or Engilir. SPar- life-creel:. "'Adozeni a dozen.. A4,tan nov, vicr lis praieme 0troublez-àmc hadonc ihisevItaleduty touvard GaI aand lu Ames-icn,le just. a bad lun Ze Z.- tovard bis acigibon vhen i. lias kepi klnd. 'iamnanl an sd ustrais. Iite etnlctiy te tic lutter o! thre lai." But at WvIrelIt la S kuprtel t a out thec itM vhea iis mvlgs ver. s-ll gone, Ire tiure vien It via brougkit to Câaaa. braie lowvand appealel te St. Nicha- Ini Aizitria - t paroi' lave jrruved las ta iclp luir. Instautly thre venenalble mosti irocrbicsoene ta ha'mers Wiro giav gua:li o f ail goal Hoilcuders appear- xetsdota TI nslisc- ed. TIe sat stes-nlv rebuked lhe 1ark5., iLi nuit>'have vieetitO trmblgbaker for & h&lird *uarrow- brlngtutt tis country, have pulleti UP meu sud melf-nigiteoue tuatbail IVC Mufflonslad lis. s. n astirejL given tic foui fiend, paver aven hlmSPate hioav Nufmww Zeaarulux-r almoniaicd hlm ta b. mare caretul in wP1anta lav e grvu ii teregioniof tic futurre, and cancluded hi promialng UTIuê hnta a atrergina hm onu meon chince. ta redeleixuself if raa. G.ruel8t, bitin TIr mii aiklte ilies, watercress, 1titistles et.. bave, The saint departougiInNwalZed the;ogo -ne venta-a vtihberu Imnufor thre extra 1a1m'ds-abou br Newsd Ouefosnk tilsil coky te make up ber losen. Ih vas jtitx~ ~ ~ >wh' adpikypt-ar ban& e t ler sandcire vaimlred, enying: -thooghAnabaila. TIre reffuît' bas "The speâle labroken; tram ti. Ume an eentae.crowd omit. marc ueffl tv ihlrteê.u la a domen. -Ian7 Pietermen aever plants and ta spread râ nuit lida of forgat bis lemmon. .Tirough s long ndvheat cundoit. prospereus enreer he nlvmiya gave tunr- ________ tee ta tic doe., snd aacnibedis suff- csa to tiat practice. SaoihW eustom be-I aeMtlFrnTama. ememcthe cuebom oaiiea bale sud thir- kmnreg tic s-nir. aluable ioe- t£en vas tic 11baker's dozen." ISm of latie lu OY-tic.coon' i aaum Ta-dm,>'tihe liberal. practicelins long anc vici is"oreeelMM u" rlbtmq*t d uce besen aadoumed and the.- "baker's In mînlng cirees, la au extensive dipoait phrrase. Fer nov v e have ail revertel .1 the manufacture oif Igmanescent gCs t» Jau Piciersen's selfisi aud nsnraw b'mantes. - *The airou la a geu g«cou- S S&eel "a doses la a dzen."' Ou r daty gidmennble lisullIs ci' sud ard MItes -,1l tovardournéelgtrrla tulffilel vien»u'e hmavier- tientire timSi, aMid viren have renleneluto hlm ail tirai ve can't dl seodd I b liet tas beanu usa for. oeAntiyv itihol front hlm, cul national encni*ui irte -b«or itvet2i Cam, the ub .tY mma i en me«m ladu leé be*,mm ot wlb b prims Cbrmer Siusex and Peel StiL-p -20704ly. Box 415, Lindsay DU BING TEMONTH 0F APRIL Our, sk lu always 3enlarged. Wu have ¶ust added sme very nie Mandie Clockue t especWaly low prices. [n a Trew Days W. vinl abo ome snrpim ln quality * sd uin- S VR WARE Ladies Long Chua, Bilt#er sud Ensmcel Blouse Setsi, Gem sud Wedding Ring., Largst" Âuortment of Eye Glaisesr sud Spectacles. AHl kindoe of REPAIRING in aur line. QWÂuything mode ta Order.U Ouer uI Adies'GoId Fled Wutch only 10.50; Bc oypad Silver Watcb, $4.. Nlt ex . Daly Houas, Kent St. àÊ:Ç:a:Offelr9 The Lo'doni- ftee Press Thît Prs. oerIg t re.y iz noTle semat t fl ,tot enarcrsa st01un f=:saa 'heeby Seuh- matibies te e e Fr.Prceswiil gotr One Year's Paper Free. Mm flirn P»»sshbamade arrango- iees wull ameVtnary ce Puboi Cor.nmb, =1115 ~of tWr oorr "neVeterinary Science,." the r dwh lch Je $2.00.Iî. bouk t ltyMI plain Ingnage the An mýlf and Poiultry. Ièd'O minil destription of Med1idne w~ that ev ery ïame= n Poit Pr bat a T Bar E' rith VIE jade = 1~ ne -:0.- . -:o:-

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