-~ 'IONEY "Minggm i umtày Un 05 CASHM 1ioL3-m -duel w I. -Goal Gi 00., TOW1:N, PIROPIERTY nu PR NIu<DB iBhNWES BOtTGRT.. SOL» AND JtENTIRD. vhare toliu f ohaogu Matd. à .s anl heilal 11 aomut na ta isv3lovUst rat.. MlMe otaié I by lIa rairihaet be ave thée OPPof1MWlB Ioboaum Vuvaut s e i*ruusel atou. Dolt uehhluee but amule -71 'WOgSm. proDiPtil. geai Est&te Bought anù Bul on commiusioU. BENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. de Sel8;SOOTHERAN, Bank-et -end- Brokete Il KENT 81.. LIND8AYs ONTI Umarnt0O9. ltI 5ub -l LG.EDAIID ou, IA" Buildr-HIardwae Beiected Col Nuals, Stéel Wire iNas, Buru Doorfinges anid Roulets, Fibre Building Pape", Tarred suad Plain B.ilding râper, Frech PorhlutI Now is a god tinie to buy. oii be plessed b quoI.ue s ou aU lunes. J G6 EDWARDS & CO. )EI BUYNQ OeilMd l apeotOu, r o ALL -GRADES elesys bpt ta stool. Our The. New Yorkl Hoeal-Amuflin bigir atme newvqpepe-for se l&%7 lait. l eàb M ON EY TO LOAN on, - el" %W. .oraiy. -w,. Ee SEfl8OI, Usa Ueae auuwa.m-du s m WMNu wenutwr8Ne. S ln MËItslèm 4mê lm a-Oe. iokai ami mmi vemmite B U te maun.I Oa.., Oiibbe O cilomia m mqw u" tain fron t eegh maltai ivhg" OrnAmit h mheama ego vi bua usai M b mtwe Ilhm m* h ith b..iotm.th Numu. Uommm ouispoha WsilmeoAlbut~ am 11t6nith baiusburm m Bumduidit euKGI tiomuaM e M- Éàbuo m ul b. alet bês Va lem moti ac « %S«g Taboahe. 1.1v 13. e *imest~0t(ofihme vrsuoah nue i - 10 mmi pe t-10q> p.a Mo -m'a eto me Im m -81% o -me s him* Vté d mb e %163w &.6 l bou a heImm ta hi brth qates.lb uabuIý et tu eu il Mrau - - 800mu onIssu iamis -mis 7Md&au -le vu lm Y*1* *0 maM oc la, ïbas ig e isé 01V.an 0o Mm h v I.4 u "t a ami mi, P* boc imsue mot- vu e z.at.tsmtmu .au.stou VUW ehugefou gsy ou .T nbb vs7o.&ton la *6 mtu~ alt wu t h st. ofs lw? d1slimaxma beaL Wriatev me d vauaute monfTu Tue-9te hwest" u It a *6 toua neoqUal m lle lM M st bim tae et -tMlvmi <lepOum&etthÀS mot. uamav eeaaabe Mdmasobut le d - bv Inetv Tu >TrnuBais. ee "Md ta un aoiewtopin taa &binepp. mi hove tht Moult.Voué a pulai. te the uam.emm te ipbai& ?UM an NIG-The b.phy pila mDoulaitlat ou Thumu ai ah.aadu" tht Maths of,:*ldymm *8 601000h tie tova Wv dualoe t1 Pm àaup.*]» depubd bsathé bMIR.MIS OWbal Ia.. ba iMâite limk I I Ma Ob o t i * mases. ie i a m fa, a* oft to " bpl dos*. E t ad eu ta as 10 lImaItht - OMboys oMd Det MidIl e.hmutu. Pur.. a il os oucSlow Md ve hopetIso Mhm<t éoci ca.e douflu.e emtie ho oait sains hm. bumte hmo Smples carrsi yv it.thème suMMte leé tund lv uty oseuadséthé 1100m8 polis."vIemry-'I h Pmain âflbroaout on" h as rme ssinoduatth" uauswMRbtag mull stmps et the iMnalSî a el aM te thè ilouaI pitsi sh moeil.hllrou' oebatl.ofetthe- dladjiabueluthe AoedF " tu fle s v N*le i. mme i h Bmoartvil<hue dkis. muonP' momalq, aout o'bouof hmi.pe mraa..mR. J. MloLubl rock 1bdînas aloisetogotes ou Bondla&.-Tht 1eMtaemisvusforial tb»oWb l*0 kitcblf amI hin woo v d ace buea MM mi Pbm gvai ta» v- .. - ua, l @luImMle Pu et M i n"tii' j ltone ug Thé, d" bai t t ofmds s bora prm anin et -, yuonni Leie.~iba tLdwt lin.Pne' odMdca icey blood. kput.tt hrel ooctios Aade -lathD. etebMse Amnen &o ai oeeOM nkm pj. Coumon mdical ADsverf on f thtandardedicalwor esof h d gr et the.50i la. A irco maflwbernent thondout cusom Assma edigalDA a, Sboflo, NmY A ium Place ie 4 09 t8 E- - tht fleoarney - tela Un mm. dm$01 oneof1he t ud workalls o h wes bavlg gt mis A b eoy w be sent ugutoond vtloS ba.. is.Y, $t.'eILan orta Ilth-mS4thSt lo Wor labm 'à mauhm uff t' & l mibofiOigaS ou*0ono uti labiles orthe ttý uum oi1satsaba ht m U ehàm te Uns t of'tuaeimt. uiai MI& b je uyri Tht Isooeligetio l" bui9belmu4 MUOMMs. oregrson mi osea ul*1 nt mmb Mah ets t idp uia jobtst* xu =4 ibeaisUei U mmb 4le'ptb a Oame WIkg à m am a - Isleauým âmm urveau bu etsaMUA Poe Imtei el ~bsashelelirumou% ymlat mib nip rnmEl"miel sisa ta 1w *» IR'L Sm ibe bn. ~~~~w aisih. leOaml.f tht~~~~~~u OU aseiavi mm blf n.i mâm ai e llobu lIras om lm v ets t u ïpiue l almiaiaphgm bleai l uam0" è~. viom tésab tmO. ha là e. Tio viiideBMat ls U Va% *a 0h e la rsmoe mumm1o0e tisTAM bMu.MW Piebesoii ou aIy hi *aMsau àà I5 iA uhanom al m. on" vIas * oauamsu Issise lusme I eMou.t Y e THE s soýLrn i REASON -why.We MUstH:ave the G oods, Go: 1. Dissolution* of the -Business 1 Qi. Removaàl to. New' Pre-mises Oet Big Dissolution Sale will continue for 3o days longer. People vil realize how necessary it is for us to get rid of the goodu, when we ay that ini addtionta the requirements of closing Up the interesta of the late finm there is the imperative cail to clear stock befOre remaving. We go to our 10w store. Dobson's block, corner of Kent and William Streets, as soon as they can be made ready. Our removal illustrates the growth of the business.Its growth means satisfaction of customers who have brought trade to its doors. The nov store will fil a larger trade and handle a larger stock. Our frie ndu need flot fear that under thre nov auspices Mr. B. . Gough ill be leua able than in th. past ta do his share as a successful bayer and seller, fo r h. still remasa member of thre buying syndicate of Gough Bros.'-buying for eight stores-the largest Clothing syndicate in Canada. COME AN» SEE. Tiremotta will be "Spot cash, and your moneyback if thre goads are nlot as represented." You can't judge af thre values wo effer unless you corne and sect the goods for yoturseves. COME AND SEE. COllE AND SELý We cannot afford, for the sake of aur reputat .ion, ta have any but the best and latest clothing. must offer it at thre lowest prices. This voe do. COllE AND SEL. WiU ou ~anfby ndià1h unladig dueand not get ashare af thre advantages? an n c GOUGIL SuccesSOr to Gough..Bros., Etc. The WünderuD . BVEB a p DaITIL n .E to travul f r T.0p01b1u uialihbui O~do. Ualaty 3180. payable SES weualy mi fmnSL Pogdtlm pe.mamt.Rhiffu. Eaolus E.edrod aampod auvu1ope. lb MW Bin ElUbt .Chicao.g-8e.L u ai UoEau& imits auis foruth beyau ieeu ié by br *0 lS* oIm&& &uagi-boflu t i. V. Oaa m~wm il'I -~ Sewer anld .Culvert Ppe AU màhm aud au. t si o. mma RTEFOR RimOe. THE ONTARIO lIER pKFECa. ar uaCo.TOIIOIETO ver IWlSEE mamS WUIN 1E LN- cgHakeTo po*1 V lm dt thebo éli iable - aikd clebreted Detri 4«di" is s!!U U=eting with the greatest SCLL >AND S CP5 q =,a wh r ek nros he& q ci dbiease, over work, iony, from the imJo df ouaothe excoems of mm-q ýbDod; =inwohave failed to fini ea D~ O OM IDESPAJE, Do-NOT GIVE UP 1 Dr. BOBERTZ AMl yo cmn rely upon beihg spedaly4 lSd en endy tly red toI PZAuCr DusCrnbe yooecmefuy ami a Cool mmg aueadvice.tubd um* nd fuf EMahiobow tO b< ýbe au' meufl m C eV ~D.* so àtoc Weyu il r ýi-. We