Wby~seettlsOo bUla fr. Aga.<e Liv. UIuab Dlaordeu Nb.. lus, lieu oas t dIWIfP mi~ Asti ..ifl. * DL *mg~. les liii ukfow. *h.fud SI#t4 flIDAl t- 1 .4 z * I t, t j j;- a O. lauwew - tiso egi mm;u thsof blasm ,I.mev aflit b tip *stbmLblla Lump imdo tro Esa a au slilIsm iï Te esil a Who ulbtds ii ombr' WlIiIiiusqumuohaibea4ulet Lbuq 1 And mamy drm iiallethe ur t -Tiatgva s ibakuthhs'itg; For torelga ammiid they tORaIip sigi Sar soleil, larn ecountur baisille O2r, t tir nmre id>fro ai.usys mourafal page. KaredfWarvbondaum1 tKnov pet mo Whaoueuild.ba itraminumlm mut "kt li By thah ulgiht aa= lhe casquit mm ee WilI Gattl or Itoovlie rediaisletiNo!1 Trais, they may- lay pour proul iupellari Eut ' am1e juvi rmdio' allai, ame. Shaa utli ebeaIiuiqb s'ai peurtu Grame 1 hago tir lardas, %hl atala t îil Thy glorieus day la o'ai, bui mett hp pea&of A com'hdsébmab. MTap - hmamao .tfron vauomear mu iudigeative ilutuli. mois Ni.couluer-tm, t a Iac al m show awusii lathoesymplama vil iare chaaotmlaetamdoadhaidir Tbousude et lime, vosehave bas truetaNe rthe viaug imi*mr..Dr. Flue'"lvathe Prea orpillea vm poudil for bthe sl poaU5 . t ielevlg vommklmi f thèefno sd pi Thmuaaad et ouas mmbavae hufle ita atwa lsking buaientt om m" psomu vilimut biaiât.lbo. Favrite Puuumioà~ eaa& tbMino e.ujilIma lwd*u1ab hum beau mu aMWoe hiI -paur buau arokesa»bord et aius. iThe .omouanwho iiltaie tulivtlM toaend SI mua.uat càmpeto caaium l, the i . of &MglIà a apy 1 Dotas'PircVu <lmmon OUMe KaI&Ol Advbuoràwitb otal.. plal. *emi rtea nabout al ofuthergn et 1là@ humas body alendthi.fuacoîaa *OODIHi V. ALur ont708g gelemen Whaoaa -bl aparedare aiavyona liadiifféreai dilvis, se Our village bas rather a qjuiet toues jm.i EI>NuiY Mr. Whites, a former rosi. dent bore, titubethai "opposiion le lia lite ci traie," for h. bas relumesi an aaîl ia blacksmi sluplin thesubtile et our vilagean a spaiy tforailkinds Qet stmsoaork, sIc. MR- DOv'S Wboo f legis-paumid ibtrough Plue labo ulie on BalodZ lui. .OV. Mesifil & Auutinuà boom biche 1Undleî leiemmense pressure et lie lily- ug lesu liok upad bs loguvere . Bllerel ailover lbhelabo; Misars. HuMbOr, Mintz mi Sip*enoaly ère buulvy employai! gathorini tisra Up eai li. lme of wilhlg. MasrBathuna o'. loge broibeo aiun.a'nov nm"alg MneuPO&Mima 1 hrbon " ahe. lb.0als m i damseaM gaatrnbg Iem as le thiefeeling haie poliioaliy W iraiev. amd ui a lLAxaise aamnistrmtion. RaImo hou88lraiy dalla, im hlle mut., . Ormlnee afthte Hardy clique for Bmsl 1Viaoerla ln -opposItio eOur Presant warthp uiciner, Mr. J. H. Oaiae. amg éailthe goveimmalparnage ab bis baak ho vil not vaseiapaisas esltu vei for the deloaiea nofef Ilicteal WB are abot la ibave -ane* magite .1boe.-laà *0.zoom- ef Mr. Way, isaaedW, s ud Ourpresealclaruk theid ivision fsa8Uri, Mr- 8- KetislduuIio boe ua m for lie Position, lie grit -Partypaliogethat, 1oveibooblmg Mr. j. j. Buutw's long -01" 1«orParty mais. Mr.Busit siould ha ii. heposition. eo asWoue . quaDliefleor l, lu a renemaof0<tlb.villge aMi dessirvadlypoppulr. B#Uh lIss e. anstue bnqgla bave of Mr. KmllVsap Spalaîmeaî: If vvau t le have bwvVe ball hava le va in Ivmilus 14 go%, lor 1 les ai lai Sahurmdap la0ousO nAla MsU uau, 1 ~~âpale. 1lui.. -bu go bo.sVs, Thé céboo the- diq, RSh My- --a- MM to « hala iea dIntry d, Mey glemm leo th e umrd Ilbis To. . " ,,e forMr.esadr ibao 2 = do à a, ml latte uitI aise, .l.srm isi hhoui.thflo Wsa muet sbsse tui aMddm fa ruoed mi OauMnoem hoolfwIlIbhave lae 18us eAMUON ba0géi in la emalSi uh5Irségh saisa-.. tu'i.aamsa som"ii le b.uuwuale on efy k aBr à i ubI thâta néi Mis. rind asu heu va theore o &Oasifl !on, Ùmubllulangd iscplm apusios byj moudpl aré hoaulitàrobeot lu are, -h lads îQ1vaspo o. effon, *0 eoMil-ero1damiferuthsiaMe ashel 6.. To voli 1usd n e d.sapY h iIme hèe o theVIlI pisa of uiélue mut <imont la the18 on slae*0packager and ~ i~mi i al*a euloi peu aith mv01 éet; in-Maor he areanotlese lois, toubole sdananso.e u 0$"athedgril ti l -a-rthisi.r mainInideltumo a trbmm leu et 1. sauemn dpusaisali for lb. ane f Wpàtea laopico seaua oppealo. at ber. au ion elulra fbénît .o 4 eputami 18 ibm oira l ia1 ail am etaare the ys.lsclou bi 1 stralhi gi hez.maywue oa ami 6hk. a hyle ebu am teivevry oe sas- .lover , th rlbe lsolon fW h.the A pm»u lai 8 mot a ind ua w oninnpg valaiswIilooffais mev ivenlbefoui sali vedIudbed &0 m'ontamf sUihri d hâte rais et mle wIambe l twnIl foui houri Taim a illa. et l" bs lp vIld Bdorctasthl. tsnobbur of hWlmarier lo va mnalies w ouaths odofle maf river, 1 thely Ioodi uow, Smvsîl ef il. setoelS eon saber el ie rherhaplel, Theé 18anorive -builnndng, appealino bo rigesoli ahe enaliit asidebo Timol".era bano li riese thrmac lorg I he b.Assinboinehlhjoes s bhesoRed raiiverBoallaheemgviof te ieY. haie mcmlé ptrunre Dow .pemaed If u lov ha mi ls la miol aohliehIovoui ifa moemtlhel," iAsr is îsvfst- onpe" I vahave ove-bui nI vaul b.be bai, la*ela le a lamie builingsé Ia adora lbm. asima a a fi i. B.die 1evdl avnerond sm vine a baiet mmWou lmg le 10 o ovierlasvdemie ohammol.d Tii.abfo #eibiv la esmb b,.. fine lieu bolwg u ich mulnOITslot aise lula lbut thepria n ods. ae io form Bu«iv.rma- oy b. eteflesi. lap of thébavemmri m a éaturaerb"Y W"l uskâ lainl18aflagemrnau etail - éb S h .atwamso, 3 Go»MMlh 8 Pazbsm hAà u à Dui .. vos QI, Sealdà,« mLuaw it 1W bolb la 1 lb rels,? salais..1iAllenu# R'nisqGs.Wd a à S W WWa~ Ils, bulle,,la 1Ilb. roIs8 8 MW", 1~s W Poaiss, S AlborI Ouhaud,8 G eal; 8ibibullti l b.slM M6 e 1 Mutsi Onbari. 2 Mmia oseWa Items ci ter Oamaaa il salbrals lbe Qu+li' Ti* Camila houe show vawu"l la Tombe, o" luk The iuiail"usehbauls scombale»met la Toronto lut wek. Thep villnaugm- iraie a viorous capapaga amal listh ispa tre m I o fleis. W ettell ahlp hai rdode l.ulp oa oloi 1a oemia illou IAi ibaitrate the "ooai 0o1 ouliag' ViIIdicappeat ain 1997. - Tho saucallation of lienussumie thé mev est vIlMontla*k.plaue oail Kay 1, 19.The lav regaling the salo te mînaime sale bp irugglmlueh., @nues lté oprlioa JUIF 1. 1897. bile the uo mu vnemolb. abollshod ot nin April30, 1899' altiiongi one.half0ef lie. vlll lae n off la 1898. a nov ohbuîn bui been Inventii wbl.b vsdaeau tislaborlf ott le alm g ta minimum,.ilDu providmi viii a adi upon viilsb lhe opeirnor mils ile worb. log 1h. poeh u Mi a COomVenlent hamila the vlgi tof lie bodyIp lnilg oui- aIle- auslmans. 111isheMout oomplale chars pet lnvouIed and aholi beasus Voty popalér. If pou enol abri 60 miors a ev siraw bai ibis Tmoa, 1eM up lut psu i Maks a pools ci poviol usiphur ani "o valet th le bat or bonnet sud »eVe l ihlie pau$$ lI Fou do a"Olee the mia,; rub b aird; bang*0lb. o p te iwpvhm dry hilithé hr f VI wilte. This melhoi la sad«Ulsiaath. sulpiami bleaslang baz amison, le dons Y"r quifflp..1 stopse o emee asxn stop lhe po lIse oftbotilng rollmm md other upnug bis iha are somini la us. Fer evral L mPest athle leaulIturobin. ha,. loua w. la sambas amdir ormevouas hbsy apposa inl e quit@.nmmoas 1hisumon,- MdsMIl la nov mesung it me a concorws ullenabahuli -b. lakem te prsvomt tbil blImg. Lais uap b. uma lsowlug stases or shootintgth calapuls ai Ibema aui othisibis. Il la the Intenionsai the G.T.B. laela: todssa ow tyipe a1 paimeger ocasou ai Shahr divisions. sversl et ibs have alroadp béma somplabdsiudaioaa. tain lie cm e teiot asmuokng tocu buli atler lb. fblon et lia.. la the Pulimmauav. The. GT. R. wlll la ait probablllly muake manp improeomts la the. equipmenl of Ihels iclling dock du>. lg lhe neul feu veuibois«emgonaet lhe polit of Poneay oft he Dow mamag. A-up msprla orne Wbo aee à Auepe 1a le at n vhlc he lb. aepr aise..A siseper la elon wilob lh. mleeper vilch cauries thoe epsi while hoelips iaun. Thovetoe. wvila th.emieper miespa la Ibe se"puer lb.sesper marres îleo pet aver the iesper ainub.e- slespu t i tha slseper vh saulnes itheisopet Iljupsoft the leaper sud vakes the ileepar la the "spet bp mltlklng lb. 1sleper amie l leper, an4 Ihmete18ne longeraMy alspet sleping la lbteepu The rail uap aaiborittou iavoemeperlene ei soua troubl e flaie@from is helhivvlg et o'Menées aipasulag mhs.liimdlv b.ha pilanetofobstruelions fc moesari aoree ,s thébok. Por menheithe(Grand Trumk datestivea bavs been kepi buay, mai uev 1b th .P.R. deleelives are havlag lis', laom.On Frhday blolute mlleimu ou etGorle arn aiempl vu mais.-e ioeilllhe O..R, maiga sPresmbp law lies« auraslbth ek. L ortiumalv le obstraoieauveo nolisaila Mm, to pu 'vomituliat, ne deuIl, vou bave »d la a veWmetine.aslieni. Tii. amr- lis. bava sasseedlla sa u thIro berya I riv on a or n uomaeesim l ençea b anslfîale ta an. ou yoany aVMOurslu4ie ffce 01 ir ulgthe lut hait of the yeur lie dl oi olotone cdt tisr o*unam- SMI théeoffies dorly thle romain"e ci ogar causete au ill-e lu o ethlé memberte U la£1le vaea. . a ' sin l ha e lspeu 0£ e csana" e. r 1 koada i s tamuWtof 4s4ulasl5 ~ la M e"a MOS, mi lavai. lai éb" sv 6 dw¶~ Ow bd em MW w 4s. dugose seMd et Wevtéshle. .bei~ai mI me7loiBl ibiegi b dousi boin.im oi hO& a mi mi v 1lgaete, amm . ethsli am uai hoSurleasanq hýouef la Ouspsae leouig inquire sI iontil mamia et bar resovery, sproiselbat vhlll mues ge Ualitv ofrlsel,aMidou.amm Vay blef vas ollev- S" bai la in tii spdaiol1894, Idam e"es 8 over lb. efele et lbe ailsk, ami lis sumuet ps-v.i basau sek m 1181.1..Amp hdl i vork belaus a a IoleM&.Aller puplàgaualotaer trou the va». I ivouldirbave o ami hlinihbands over myihaut f a momestioai-me, l voolalitan' se olmll. 1IMMi otd e go up slaire autdlffoalip, aMi le. vaie he h v have Io roui on lb etffe, »Ic vh I gel l e tsop lie down usail I réosaver up lreal. I baesanaa more to, Mypcbeks vare 1k. »Iax aui pvpieolls..Iliot .1 obppehisMdami muasoflm ea nIu- ttsed. Mai usmaied h ava ne 0"sel mpmum. wu vaa gallimi v au i Ïbe th".sud eait Ibagout le givv. p hole et teSeep N pareivers ce sauna la graéami I hev bp bafl tise, »0 me *0pibougiiu1wvu *oomsd te am v tai. Then a destr lady falemd i ls i1muaaàai ut ot e efor bur to i meaWle beronsu meama Mienebarlau avay, brlisvmtbal I1jpol oo tolebasé vu& a m 1rn>a ae Bborlly aller Mbi anUmI anloti mm uWun. Ramu= 0 toenel mavwimlaomr plase. NI coeuilhes l.s111bur veap mueamiMIe insislei on lpinDr. Willmau ,SSUI.b. heveen«, Vi-aev i. adfflu a>i surprise s.meI mbo* apltesd more ohcarftl aMi seel *0 ta& Ser. Thon my ap- petie begom e improie andmai lorsaa vairmlaup kamd lige. item ibaibeauI pgélami alw.glh, aMd vausorm wj g My forger o eslla beltb, ouid I sint l expriémlng mp balla ilb la Dr.nWilliam.' Pink Pilla de I ove leovatpj.' . .Enqu am oug asgbboru oortbormlei1 1 »0 aagdn' uaalsm e ber limn a surm Vavry. I n usoi. ai icst lDe. 1 1%k PubPIlahava givea a et.,prus e aIlii euse. vouderfl m S Dr. Wil 1% PIk PMelaure hy golng la ti mreooflete diesel, Ti yenev ami bauid up sblooi, aml eitflfiern tie mrves, l llg diseastrou lie ayiafl. Av ituiations by luslullg éua l vr ou a praolaes la .doied lu -a vW»pp eslmg lieébulltrade malkDr. lam Pink Pille for Pale People.. 4j par emm Wou.made on fat...Maml. elpal daboutersipurubouu. Write viti The foflo'wlng are smre etithe provisions made by the municipal amoudmment nut, Towus and vile may acqufre wator privilages and croate iherefrom welter power, aud mi yleameor oeil Pawer vith consent or the ratopayeis Market tees have beau rmed l In & citles snd to b10 amd 5 ecents. Cilties s ud ovamal establiasi alos- phono e le Evory m olpalty ml xpnd a fixed sel f or ad lertlslng Ifre o thAe advantaeme ths municipal aaa ou mn- utctrls, business, ducal o a ns- ldenuialcouln.Cilla.amitovuse of ver ~OPopu"-hloi, o thowumnlopauis mal se mt asideamberion et GANADIAN PADIFIO 'RAILWAY@ mie~~ amieaL.. *ÉM lm- &m. .U.n 41a MN .nuo....LUp. Ani m O .. ... - 1, p..PAS . inve W a.. - &Uue p.u O 1.tyOO.....1U U Amm YSUnSiiBeea .5u u0mn duam* & 0 o ttu.....L p.5Aa Tao Ushai .. IIp.R IS. OUR TRNIRn.WY UnvM ent. . Wou sp.h ofiLo BomOne sM W tha e yo17 nnB~ain. -amm_ un 5 ieiwt Ma im owbm u qo nidu dof . 0ay st.u T mo, $o p att.# au0 nm ooie ;iw.qi-ýot anbon.maihn00014 n LI P4rday -Nfl.ly RI LSS4 Fer Due.e WDt an me , 0 VICTO RI1A U.j~[ Parada lisifor and ieliverfn,. y t . Wilwudisg a ooav-.. JOHN MÀKJNQ "awu 8M4d hlu1l. milat, * hou Miil, te«M Ecit atud staituPumpe. Maa~"Camiî ai Gêt snerai at, IbOOdsUr1Ptt'>n 01vork,. lduiny,JUly11IM l-ilm. (3. J.-HQOYL iANNINOTômý, Tintec! and Irçf7r. 1'1 AlbmMi ano]at# Post~P¾ ibe ~aha ~ -s jR Lillîmet 51.-pi hhi~' ~ hi ~1smdtbO L'o.- ,aieleu ,jgarothc ~tb ~ih -gogo' ~~4oe Su -n h -m! Oum Mdàmimt a Coon on SolamsBose Wè famit - r-m, 4 odLrm« . 8. oRIE luBai.ON DR. WODLàBOB, ore n iieuma stooi a ie..01% arMr. 1l ,. n. hlepJ. W. WOODai&D. D.PA C.EN.BUBROWB. .DO., enab uSaine i eli OologeMmtilo US ejt e.. àLt~~= Ha, C luni 21i. aL r D&. W.D hROIS abmr ereo.uet .* *,EIrhmiei »l ouiof Ondul9, p Md brut.aamY M ouyorigeo. 800-17 DB. .N. AUIN Graiai.M oTuI tUvi. hlowI llM t iL ýl Ofo HanflOef ooo.k.-1R-. Mm» DRd. W. Bu" I"W, o dmw et iraduais îLr mm it Ute 19l.0 lov La ra, Md 7.1Omi8egaMom iC~o Com a=Mmtm lad.mty t rI Ot.Toronto;. No.r e iI-OS-L e v. MM lidB. 0WRITenu JACKINSON pOn te au ons Anal ,u.i uoui dM.ua mTs ansit. On ours-4 . OMM: an; LI Gwr% PiMi Ualvuto rSmt4Li "y.ar t. vomir mi fLOaN stmI Po«ma»à"mi Uurgusas, oni lais Ciyaat ome ooi Aylant Kiaiorthé »uien . Uiday, . IMuaae~opse »Jrmm nitore. ç,an bmaa 8"rsMu.a si W. W*. 1100mm1M. rAL 00 &A -ON w. V O'oNmtNor, B. on MOUlT TO ANIaiIL Muraioa aent, o . P DUYLIN erron 'u s t lbre lm.h.v.deIP arrio"Sre, f, or hat Sout . 1 w Outeeto m.: = ommo pta oe a loui aa. Oues-NJ. S VU. ebat. luilOm.-D -Mi TO BUILDýe3,I HfavinRg e sta this eipLIx HOT DRY BLASI DRYING Kil ai a cost cf 81,000, vo are prepared to car enatoer e?.tbeejr.efitof gcod dry nmater OBUH md examine our goodp mn6 get jet=m AU lefuda cf Kouldinge, Saah, Doons, New Blutes.HNdrawllu, tc.. ln stock. The Canadian Office &Soho 1Furnituare CJo., Limited. PRBBTOIN, .- .ONTAM Succem oses eW. 8iahcjimi1dtà&Coc., Mu fac turera 0 O 0fce,; = =al Ch * r -là 'li W Wb erO gut thy iaaelut hcugi 11b .i a loiu gmoa b S% se butv buie b ma aDow tg the io hor lal t1., É Tic "Pauruov AurnaxÂTro' 8coci Do - The lateat and bsti. Awarffed I"Gd Modal at the Ja"malàR lIe Ochool Demkm of tbis Oouapany cafli be ag for 8trength, Beauty- Cf Duuiga, Adaptablg Coufortttia Soholan. Uond ioncircu.ar. il L~u ~Ç mie Anacri e nerved- yunt; but1 a eWI at Il Wue freodon el tyrast v muer dasp: à ohaina a On %ltai ir laisthe rem &.à sthe *è ersoleid Mt mot fer !hsp bave wve emoi * Turbleh ii le* On, vlrgtz m àih g1 mlea th. Nu mle au Vioa n Thre enaid!. dovaw teu si hitmo tlmela ionera ' hau ïftioun5 raf DE. PY. A. WALTE, aomer gradise0 ontaiumiostyMd norda 09 geoRDoulai mu. ma. u Reutand las, noa rMéhos la- - .ta Pe.uv tlo thfeaturai teoibasegat. DR. NEELA DS, DENUTISTextract ut" mithout'pain gai, vialiseil air adtumlmit«Mm by hum for ymau wlth grest uuooeu.H. iuied the gas iMad Dr. Coheon of NewvYrk , the. orgin. alior of, aa for mxtratibg. teiL 1i. Dr olton wrl.te Dr. Neemxda that ha han given the. rte M.6417 persans ujuhout au accidenit.' N.Iands aime nus thé .besiocal pain obtundmn. Biautiful artifleal teetAi inserfed ai moderato prices. Plias sn pontai oard before oomlmg. O£oe-mar1 opposite MRv. GRO"sS DUNTTIr.LINDSAY member Royal 0Col- legs Dental Surgeons, but. AUl branche, of DentIltry, lmludlmg the. Gold and Parcelain Crowning -3stueme msu.cadul race&s à&. Grecuia uprmpared ib gi.yvoit tcibmmt et the vey Joauniprimesg, and tboutmaiterame on Artidéial TeOu, fi, ftlnish anA materlal gamtmm& For th. emmuetroimc seho he siluMing Gui aiVitalizoednAir wlih hlm USMuaI M»McmiiiAime lii.boat local applioatlonafor Mflimg pain, gumia mumbsd by Fm»me. emeberGROSS 'the »Al- NMNI TO LOAN. Mamsy li i o*ig.e§6SImigl ti"se& MITE PBCN.om obatlmiry smTty.eM .ai MONKY. TO LOAN. BWalRt i #à ai o .uvwesae«r. tost rtéNs. kta 09lxg mmul rus»"t an t avounv>ni,*y alonturn@ tha mii the borrovr. l ud emi ow G. E. OPEM.,Barriseumdy. DB. EBiOAD, ~fIoq A r t' olime miradOm-e Oflsu.No. lutuk treet beiwm m foram- bt~JOUit eaut uo a iu$ Woo' n 11 oreo = rplieudod te.- cler oferi Lmayjauuu tr USS-IIR .Ogwin A. Morses, ùh'= w6awdge.t MEsIceiN MW Doml on» , litwm nA aee&iMmas mmmi Aivertis.ini The WAM*' 1,. i. ~i4 a. - 'j 4 I j ~1 i~ -1 -t ~ 4 f aradmem ai Toronto u ou »Mta Plajiing sOwý "xmt't= il LINDSAY