Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1897, p. 7

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CORNCRIB O>' TIJJ4uiL8S QrHiSttGo WIT*WO% f îk. orthe luth.uMetat. N MganwI . ehrea. ais tsou r ast8L -,laveS ad* his t tour * t tbEen t the uy b6-nMd ta.eott %Ii. 3 "eat a n w s e ýW t'Og cet y our tr cera boer corItil' e tempe. oBtewhpte Ulalao t LOU own country, on the other aide 4et the Atlan tic- therè are mnsfla fînt- Ëtricken eand the nicetdiatmal ry tbut l ver heard *wlMi,*'ltsar, be uttrei- tery -fer bread.t 1 pay God thgt the contrntg betweii eoue prooper;.ty -and, their waflt flfly ot be as sharp as ln the lands refun'e< to by mry, texct. There wés nothiu. to, cet. Pienty of oco.n lEgypt, but gha.atly famine in Ca.noan. -I'The ettle, 2noaning in the etall. Mêa, womenl andl childre'n awfully white wbth hun- ger. Not the faling, of one crop for one summser. but -the faltng o al the ercps for seven yeara. A nationl dylng f,,r ia.ek et that vwIhleI s 9 çomnntin your talle and so, little apprecl.ated; Uihec.rcdu.t of harv-,t. fild ard 7rist mlii and oven 4eprc of .m-Cat and auxiet>'ad 10ugl- brad acclb thetatherbas the at report f rc.m thý- flour hin. mand be finds 1-1m' . vcrytbing isq.out, anid he says to lits sans, "Ecys. hcok up the wagons and start for Egypt and get us is me-_ thig to ekt." The faet xa.s thei-e was a. great corn- crblb n. Egypt. Th-e people of Exypt have been iargeiy, taxed lanaIl age.s, at q be present firne payi-ng between 70 andt1i per cent. etf cher p'roducts in the ~veirnnnt. >No ,,render ln that Unie tliey.had a large eorncrLb. and IL ,%as full. Te tbat.crlb tlieycame frorn i the regionq round &,bout-those who wcLrcf id-oe paylng for corn' la mney: ehen thie ioney waa ex- hausted, raying for the cern ln sheep and cattle and herseà and emele, and When they were exhausted, &iien oelidng tlielr own bodies a.nd thclr faw.nliies Into sikvery. Trhe rnorn'lng for starttng out on the 5rusale forlireati bas earved.. Jacob gets bila family up 'very early. But before UiceIder sons etait tue>' %ay ioretidng that makes hlmn tremble wilth emotion from bond te foot and burat into tears. The fact -%as that theic, eider sons had once before beein. *in Egypt to get co-rn, and t.hey bhai been t rcàtcd, somrewhat rôughly, the- lord* of the rorncr!* auppiylnZ tbt'rn '%ith cort, -but àaylng at the ciýcae-c« the lntcirview w, you reed nol. * rome béack hc're for -any.rrore corn un- ;esý; you bring -rmetlîlng better tban rmonç y--cven your yeunge%-r brother Ah!llnjnni-t.atvery-nane was pn~>'tveof ail tenGdcVneaa. T he inotlhcr bfflcdidcd et th-, blrth onf that onarpirltcoln and arotber p4rli gonir-and the very thought of partIng wit.b Benjanlu nmust bave bena L&,art bireak. The k'eper of f is co"rib. w'vcrhelesayq o thee cJder nmes 'Te, is no need ot your ecnîng berý, -a wre for crn unless you brlng irnwob and lits fanilly- véry mauch neeti- e'd ba.but what a truoegle it-%7çouid ho eto.give un tti!% Pm. The orentals are vrry ln their grlef, ouid 1 hçlw-r tie c>t.walnllng of the father as t les'e elde c n keep rý!t',terangln, biq rars the - a-nouncemnt ofM Uic E,,ri--tian lord. "Ye shali not Feý my fnen unirs your brother be wlth you.". -Wh3- hid ycu tell th.'em you b-ailm: i-rtl r? sU~theolnd man, cnmplÊJn- In ngand clhinz îbeni. *Why, father7,"* t.bcy said. "lie aF-ked us ail about our famlly. andl we bai no lidea hoý would mlai anv l h lnî.d upc-n us as hie haniadle." "Nt> ub.e cf a.kig e," n> lnj 0, air.' '1nt l'i(-L~w:îsPibatt i(c Ëni iii ad- lz)>t ebjldren; and whien thorfe hawi buen !iv(avrniŽr.t ln a houFehrild, and a- <rhild taken It makos.the rther childl- rcn lnu -ic hoitschold nîoýe pea'clOus. So tiýe day fr deoaturé. was adjourned aandjor iand adjourned. Stili thp horrors cf the famine ànereased, and !audt r moene th te cattie and- Mw1àim* eptu crac-ked the esith and mure palld becaine tUiec heeks, until Jacob, ln despa.1r, cbe'd out, to bis Vons.. "Takie Ilenjamln end be oZ,." The eider sons tried to ébeer up their Site is mrpare the rest Tie ets a»ieted ln MBfl groupý two or tlu"eat atable *c Saon a tray; ail liii luxulis. freg gardons and oràbka ndW u and aviarice ate'brouti* ad me fillUng ebtilce and plater NOw 1 Uýe ic Une ar i tdsprime -lailter If ehow It. Will -he kili huaRDMW t lii h» -hlm l in js bands? Olh. o4W! WI lord at theomberb e JI wOwn table. sud . e16;I *w table of bis gubMta.sud b* sipli 9 portion tuo scab'Or thora. U flasi laMgerportion té Bejmin. 'ý 40 1h. Bible quintl>' pt tM et tbielns.,,n. qmlk* " beek wth the, Wen coassa te old IJma*ubs te, us on lth&v. qii>'face unleeg' Voer We1n.mvftIfed, h *boa ctrucke a ~*.. est umhbwiriaot cay..'aSr «M th- l M thitteon *osttii «=er- tt ed ftr ntwmt 7jtbmnd pouadeY sudt for iffl O it e.4 ya erou*ded c *&t if 1wete t p » a beita m ~vryeu l U e D; 1 QW*IIM té j en ta.smg lr Ï7,. Ib v-as te £ bMext et thc wmq&ds comedkoan sd b jok. U Unaip. IlTie-WOrid d»..b gfer 1 lyon la.I t & l '=Id de.a- ud etinabis 1aI tmoment n be <La a tftnte comte Md ait clown a liy hlm san ude, a »I approPrlatm ' t- big case. the stor>'ofeThé'tieBlesd- 1 ius Heoat," rWWmiýo*lte sculptai,Bc cnbued, mter moulu.sinet e"sud CI avng. ".4an Ud the CI the cI royal faniny cMe tulsud edatred ltI.I Xverybo4d' biat looeest bIl vas la motany. Bn! ose day, af ber ail toU andi ailtbbc.t adatioUn, beemuser lie d1ub t- tget mas uncooMPensaUen feýr hlm vork as lho bad exPocîcil . took a malle a"ud tauiedthel-sexqulalte ti scomptre lnbq -atonie!. Xiewo .l poor ceoa&ilott, poor satisfactio,4 poor selace. »%ndne. famine In cil te Il erti; nt i or 5eVi '501'Uw 1*1 ttfor Mx theusaud. But, .bwed e o d. tlirti in a> grealcecrnorlb.- Tii. Lord bulli a lb. IL 49laIn etber land. Itlslua large t place., An angel once m:- asurecI R, anai as far as I oau ooaculate lb la our phraoe thatcoerl-b la fittem bhindred a talla.long andi fifeen buidreetibroM ti and I ftteen 'bundraed hi-, s.nd IL 1* "* 1l. F'oe for ai nations . «Oh l" sa.yx h Uic peuple. "«we vil atart right vawat b sud gel thia supt>ly fer oui" sou-i.' But 0 stop a ùmomenît, -for frem Uic keeper o1 tia.t ccrn>orlb hhere cornes Liis word a sa>bg,. "you ehali net mee au> face t: excepb your broUi-ar be wlti ye>u." hIrIl other vords, -there a mnsuai thing as gettlng frein beuven par'dc»n andi cam*t: fort sud cbernei lite unions we bring e wîtia ns our" Divine Brother, the Lord l .Tcsn hrist. Combat wïlhout HM vne t shail talitbetere we- reach thbe on- a crib. anti unr bodies stial ho a psOr- 1 tien fer tp mokals of Lie wiIderne055, il but eeming wlth thIe Divine Jeas, .al thé- graa.iea of he«%ie-n w-111 wing i Ope» bcfoeur Soul anti abundanco t shahli e, given fé. We- mhall hoin-- i vjledýtghOltainl thie placecd t-ho king ,aid at the.batbl- - anti hi-ic the Lard t ot heaven la aPP.-4rt1-ing front H19 cwai table teootier table-s. H-e vîli rot forget uq. anti thon sre th-c'e IL vill be tounti that oui" Denjaniin'a. mess 19 latter than aU te others, foe 101it -oigblte obe. "Worthv le 1te Lalb that as alointa rpcelve blesslng and iai-es anti bonor anti gior>' anti power." i, want te, malte tiiroc points. Ever>' .*ank anti orrmon rease nan vîli ackaevlulge laluaself 10 hoa smnîer. WhaLt are -yen golng to do wlth - your inHave thein parXd-t, Y-eu Say-. 1 Hov? Tiroagi Uith e cy. etGoti. Wb5t] do yeu nacan ,byrte mercy of Goti?j là "MesttIng âriiwili..afrthe1 admiso etail, - w1thout reect ta -tibractei"? Be net deeived. I ueo a.- seul -eorn.lng Up to the gale of merc>' and knock1ntg at t-he orerib of hboa- - ven-iy auppî>'. sud EL. volce trar m ithin ,aysa,..Are y-ou alone?" . The alune-r1 replies, --A11l alne." - Thte volce frrni wlihIu msays. "Tou, shallnet mec my re>dong Éface unions your DIvInc Brother, 'the Lord Jb-uta, howlth you." I -Oh, tii-t la_ the'*point at -mici seo n-an>' I are tiusco'mforted. - 'Dhere ls no moere>' tro-n Got exepfl treugit JeaszChrist.1 iCo>m,!g w1tii Mim we are acep4ed. ComIng vijthiut HlM. we are reicetoti. Peter put .1-t rigiat Ln bS sel-4 m-on bef'orelb-e hua-h priesta wlicfl he1 thiiniderc4- forth: "*14either - lathere1 saavatdon la an>' ether. Tte-re la na0 oter btimiven under b-savon em-ong1 nsw itwereb>'vo aria>' -hosa.ved." 0O anx1ou1 y.lneT!" O dylng saluner! 0 loc#t mina-or!.aIl you have got ta dO la t-6 haveilsais ,.Iine Benjamin aiong wIth y-ou. aide b>' aide,. combng ta tie gle, ail the sloreitotisOet hea-, ;e voa iii swing:opea before your an- zjaun soul. Ama I r1gmt la calling ssus Benjakkin? Oh. yea!t Rachel liv- ,d oni>longt«enaugi te gI-ve a aiane te -that chilti, anti wlth a ting kisa sh calli hlm Benoni. Aftervard laob i hongcetibsnaine, sud ho cailed hlm Bonlani-In. Tic miea-nng of te nain-e togave vas. "Son ef myPain." Tii. eant -utofUicenaine the fatiier gave va S -on 'of M7y RIght I-ant." And> was net Christ Uic Son et Pain? AIl the serrOmm et p11mainlathat hour. vhen site gave ber chilti over labo the bandâ aofetr Iantem . vas nôtblg coin- poret viltictheetrugglc 0f (;cd w-hon Uc .gave rap Bis on!Y Son. The omni- poet 0dlna a brtb t.hme! Andi was net Chrisbt opprbpriatol>' called "Son of te Rigit Hanti?" Diti net Sterphen look intho heaven sad ec Hlm standingI stthelic nIgtI iaa"ietof Go? Andi doe t > net pa.ui pemk et. Hlm as standing &t thc rîgiat banti -t God -nakling Inter-I eFaion for us? OEnaunIss éoaneofpam«i Son et viotai">! The deep-- est elot'cia ofe 1 r seuls ougit te ho -stirreti Atit. e SOUnti1 t tit neme- - dalure. , i..yeur praYers pleati Hin - bous; Hls itettnga. Bis sorroew, andi ilsd~ab. ft youaretse tetde lb ai-I tic oraerlsand btceisalce of luea- i'em the dis.' it 0MW WY'*"a~ Sklad « paroe tatbis s t tl t l or th.roumn tae y.l our MW lpoems.a ecrêt rouble. Tou ma>' naeyer bave aief- joned, ktte a kglebuama sr, or ou Uuu' b>v.e etioncd littg BoD0-' me ,w*o, awnoW gene a.way, sanaUth ret e#ow Ilattin la your ç .011 ha sqisitos trbLngvm ý 1 buad, a utIle;bo.: thatk raid oft hansd a miniature a*d Lac m*e t la orsand a rmemogandum o« ber îdeetb a W , s nstk, somethlng 11ke tbiis: "*The worid ftee that w»as sblank ,to me. 1 wefit tut* thc country, but touati ]Pe pec in solitude. 1 trled te go bite 10 lety J t wi" . ud serace ln go- liey herc bas been a a b ang Iag ever, meby nighb, and by day, »ud 1smafrald to e alone." Hew mami> muttered troubles! NO humati soi las ever 'heard the mer- 0ow. Oh, troubled se 9ul, 1 want to tell yen b"t Itbsre tg oee alve that can. cure the weunds ai the henrt, ad bhat la thi e alve madceout af the. cears e a sympathetlo Issus. Anld yet nome et yen will not bake tIS BD- lae, and jeu try chloral, and ybu ti morphine, and yen try 1 troug drInk,ý and yen t">' ebaug4 Of acne, and yOu try nov busines assoclainh', and anything snd everythlng rather than take the, Divine -companlonship and sympathy suggcsted by the worda of a>' text whea Lt gays, «"Yen tlall net sec my face again uniesa your bru- tber b. wlth, yeu." Oh, that YOU* nlght understaad aoinethlng of the kelght sud idepth snd length and breaâth and lmmnensflty and ln'flnlty of God'à oternal consolations. I go turthér. and i fndlan my subjeot a. blat as te the way heaven opens te the depo.rtlng spirit We are tbld that icaven han twelve gates, aaid home people -Inter frein tha.t tact that ai tho people will gO ln withoutk reter- once te thoir pa-ut lite; but wha.t la the use ot havlag a ga.te that la not sme- tlmes te- be ahut? The ewlnglng Of a 1 gate hnplles that our entranae ln4e heaven n acondItIonal. It la flot a mo- mentary condition. If we corne ta the door of an ciquisite concert we are not eurprlned that we must pa>' a ee. fer we know Ibat fine earthly music la expenèiVe; but ail the ordtorlon of heaven cosL nothing. Heaven pays fno.- thing for iLs mugic. It la ail f roc. rbere la nothlng te bo pald ai tbaît 10cr for entrane; but the condition ci geîting labo beaven la our brlnghflg our divine Benjamnin aleng, wlth us. Do you notice bew otten dying pzo- pIe eall upen easa? It le the usual prayer eftered-the prayer off6red more tItan ail the ether praycrté put together-"cuTd Jeaus receive my> spirit." One et Our congrégation, when ask- ed lhe ti. cosng momentsof hfis bIte, "Do you know us?" aaid: "Oh. yen. I know you. God bless you. Good-D)Ye. Lord Jesus recelve my npiril"; and Jie was.gene., Oh. yen. In tlî-ý clostng momnts of aur lite we must h4ave a ýChrist te cailb upori. If .3ths NS 1ItIJd gcne towaa'd *]igypt, aini hati genie with lte ver>' fire.qteq.p, a.nd had nct taken Benjamin along Nvith Ihem, sud to lte queution they she-fld have been oblged ti anwcr:. "Sir, we dldn't bring hlmn, as father ceuld not-lot hlm go; we dldn't waP.nt te be beothertd wlth hlm," a vo4Ice £romn witbin would have saId:*.G,. away freinsus. Yoù shii.l not have an>' et thls suppiy. YOu shallflot "ceiy face because yeur brother la nfot w4th And If we cerne up toward blit, dcci" of licaven at bas-t. tho>ugh w' . cwei tram ail buEurlane and br llla'ýcy et surreupdhng.4, andi kno-ci fr kh'Ilt- tance and it Il ourdti hat Cliri>t la not iîj us, the police of hûaven wvll beat 'us baek Trom tic b.xad-.ouse. saylng: "Depa-rt I never knew you"L If Jaeeb'n sons, comlng toward Eyt bati lest evorythlig on the wkay: If tiiey bail expendedth ielr at Bai iec; If tie>' had corne Up utterl>' exlaust- ed te the corncrlbs et Egypt, andi It bad been found that Benjamin wag with Ihem, ail the atoreho uses v. oulti have swung peni before thom. And se, b>'ftal casualty ive may ho ushered lbo, tiié eternal worid; theugh we ina>' h weak andi ex- hausted by protracted l cknesm-lt. In that laat moment, wo c= nly >'JuStý stagger sud taaIntand, taii into the gat,éor t eav'en-4t oceaus that. al' the corncribe of hea.vcn wli open l'or aur need sud ail the palaces %vlbl open for gur receiptlon; andi the Lord ofthlaI place, sea.tedl ait hi& table, and ail the. a.ngels, et Geti seated at Iteir table, andtheii martLyrs sesteti at their table, sud ail aur, glenificti kindreti sealeti aI our table, the kiag shaUl pasa a POer- tien froinie table te -ours, andi then, wblle, we Ibink of the tact that lb * a n e us w he iotarted u s un h e road, and Jesus wvi tbarteti us on .thc wl>. andi Jeaus who àt isat gain- et i dmltance for Our" seul, tve nijall ho glati If he ha& sceeorthtictravail 1 -Hlmi sOul &ntlbeen eatlsfled, and ual lm. Woi - bm-e knoDwu uriug te Mi td4 s of r alite te usr'titi ~~~~~M YWfIWlsiOa et se resu>' But of mr5axt ligne Is»7,.&aI o»Ms emsigbed, ber kliese udber vllam vas tormeil trai tie lWh it -ëaO5 thcee" liBe bail De dctibtse Oeil'O& ue r etiteracif. ner of te worM. Science ci nett rouble ber; p S o l goa ci nt -pq' bier; Oe ite a1011 Ot 1111111Mle- besated e0Wetu** t aveet itno- eus, ardent, iopef ii. h i ax, la a Texaas vilderneos, and .1 voiM u:, v«er> ailjome mornIng sud knew lbva nei'4va. or tie hoSes, a*silng ils api'embabad. oesctiecdi andi vere lijuat sd there vu a muruuriug curre4t na'oving the. upper ôaa t.thtteM. anti graduali>' de- soendlug teolias>bronches bciow. Andi ne I bat agent un thedr", varmt grass 1 ieoWd te noieseof some ons dravlng water, and aboutansetaundreti yards a.wayI toeznd lanlChe leaf y Nwlidrnaees a. voîl, andi there vas a voman stand- ing b>' lb. Nov, wben &a cmnan La evoet-temf- pereti at & o'cieckInathiezn.rning. that ln a grat teàt af gootnes. andi Mar-, garet met nie cti a. aIlle that I cati recail even as I write;,1h vas so brigit. se v-Ithout galle or mtsgivlng. SI-e bailon sa narrev, llnap, calolo g>wn, but ber outibonnat thati tallen tlier foot, sud se izeveaisti ber tace, a ver>' bunian face, wan anti fadti, but Ohow- la-g endiesa dtiffie'ulties. surnounteti b>' catie love anti patience. Little b>' libtie I learneti her bluter>'. Ibe batia husiati vbom site adoroti anti whom neon eh aît the beart to dilaparage to ber He vas an hIle, -bugiat bad lobt. brsggatioclc viti a anUitai'>' SUwggr andi a itare'n b-sort. Th'ie least reverse. the least atixiet>'. the nacot itrul labor, ebrivelleil hlm up; ho wais neithler Meat ne.' stufit- inan>' lime of trial. -But -bheb.d aseeenougi 1e jean on la itave for everytbing aud te inoke a mnert of Uiheclreumetance. e"Marawet 1ks terua 'lias place," b. safl, i,'li a fine tolerance. "*anti, b>' love, aie deen lb vel enough! Sa I bel ber bave bier va>', andti&aie glves mie mo va>'." Andi bis wa>' was ta, ride te lias naes«t oWa anti bat a n ,the -bot veranda. or - pla>' pokcer train meraiag te n-igt, vie Margaret hati ber va>' la tie-carn iafeldi and the.gar- -tien. lineaakinganti vashîng. la oIson- Ing. 4anewtng for ber eblidrea. and amîi'ber ituadreti other obligaions. i-n becilin thIem te rond anti write and ta use bbc!" five soneSÉ. Bbc bail five chiltinen. The tiaree ebti- est mwers boys., andt hey vertet i vth theïr another anad toi"ber. It vas curi- ous to n-ehowevlittln accouaIthe>'0 mrade oftbtei"'fthrs lItei. He vas mene e ta h ieldeil and caneil for, becais moiber boveti hlm anti wished iL se. But for direct-Ion or advie IL -mas alvays mothien" the>' bookedt -. Wbhy n't? Year atLer year adue bat - turoodeti over thoeftchild-ren. Sie had- ted ttbern vill ler xilk sud aursti theinlaber arimaandi malce ever: tiay'e growth vwitlu Incalculable JOY and lave anti Pride. Pruniat a-way their fantits and aweetlv lsslaIg titeir virlues te perfection. Lke ea bird, teveris-hly. pasalonatel>', IeariuU>' -iverlng over Theetbye girls liad tram ber a spclal tenderss. «"Tie -tiret CalaiL>'la ta bp borna a vman; ail otiiors ana foi- low I.,, oh-e sald, Eadi>'. Anti wh>'n lte>' boh diet of ye.ilow ievee she ,con-tiorteti tiorse it vL te titOu;zUt tinat being noir taugit-cra o-t G04 bbc> enultinever love sud be io-veditv te sane of mna. «"Tlae taet rrw l tblag IluIle lalov "h~ ae sati. 'it (la anxiel>' vîti*uit eeacIng. sud yeb ,wems-ani-ast love o0 11 e. Anti vite-n i recalil 'sr rwv'-ds I al- cugys remia hl en i t-b tue lIns-S vrit- ton b>' ar-nUisr rrr-wful, lovlng vo- man, -ta bbhes",me toxt: Tiche et of m-enn isfufllof -ine? ToIlang on. anti en, and on, Wltha breakIn: itoart. nti b'-anul ees. Anti si-lent Vps: andi ln the seul Vic secret, loagings tint anise, Wicb Ibis world ni':er esatlzfles."u JusI -wienici" y,.unFest 5son ap- proachieti anih-oo-dtie vai'carne.hI -Iras on ever>' Texan heartistone hotore It roache tthe batt>c--aelti. But aI Vls cris- a phase e Mmrg:ga"et's nature, nert suspecteil, a ri-t l the front. -In- side lbe boune 4d ;r," t,-ie salti, apreat- Ingeut ber arma, as If toe enbra-e hier homae, "h11vilhave' ne quairelling. Ea-e jota obeys shali chose lils ovu aide; netiier fatvernSno I viii tink 'ton Yeta; ant Ifit otaquand am*ont I >oursetveO. tiînt aw sean -yards co oeoeet; alti knacw, -tee, lbsl If a halllancihesa. sy'--feu jota Ilgee ibr*ugli my bemeb1aise."9 1%ei tuoe -ciIksIliaent vîihlie Confedd4LcY. Tbi>'r""se a,.OoDW5iY anti ge h r wsgntel, bomtaal Stýr - èlecteb cmtli. - lisyvt 74 i*e#t - »ua wis loyal tg tic iWj«anoasd *pht lt bidlng. &Î& .for . Wbsnoba'a Bak> htarI; bu tw ept heb rom. thut. 1%r Iii...who loveG fa toïs lfté ad n» cuty la ging té Mn *bien. lite -10 ove.. WiUt doy befoo yest«dz>' 1 was t the. *184iI«i-roora et Qae of the W94: dTr gooda aboa, vi 16atlred4ooh' luv you vmncame ne* iit SOb ljla hber emus. 1Ev«er> h&&I M ocouplcdasd lte mther laidtbb sleeping Infant on lte table. InstatU a. well-dres ovman aprang ap ad ti>' jerked lte baby off the table. "DoÈt you ever do- ths.t tbing agatti," thecmedottethe astonlebet m-o tber,- M'oult yen know thatfs a sure foe- shadô*lng oft hoe hild's deabt? Neyer la>' il on a table il yen vaut te roue One of my young girl trienda vas graduated, frem the glrlae achool necmi1 bore la lune. All the graduates, wrotel essaya la competltion for lthe annual Sahocl -prime. My t rienil won. Sho -bld mue al about Il au soon aushme camne hume. "I came raîgil> near net getting lb,"e aie ssld. -"Wben I copled my casa> te sendi It la. I found It bail thIrteeli pages. Of course, I kaew then tial I coaadn't vin; aobody couid 'wti thir- teen for a hoodea, againat ber. goe11, v-eli. I juat, copicd. the last page over again and nuaubereti il tweive ad a balf."-WashinigtOiiPont. Sequence In DIc-imu. iDreame are curlous things. About a week mgo a west Phuladelphla girl- dreaxned that sie lbat ber watch, snd 'la the morniag she looketi la the place wibore stuc aiwa.ys kept ber tlmepiece. to disoover . that Il vas gone. This, cf courise, led ber te beilevo bha.t soineI anc bad, actuail>' stolca It, and that sic w«s net dreamnun. but wras mercI>' ln a halt-eloep., Witii Ibis tilahearten- Iag suspieion the crestfalleii youag> waman tld her brother o! the affair.> badtir isit various pava- siopa and station bouses, give a caro- fui description of the cost>' article, sud vas --kept iust-ling areund about tiares or tour days, valni>' endeavrng te gel a cie-w. But he finally abandon- ed ail hopes of recovering tie bost tes- sure. -la the evenlng of the ver>' day that ber brother dlsconlunued * the search the fair laser ofthIe tirnelece bail anoîber dreain. This l ime -sho. dreamneti that betore retlrlng she had bliden hep-watch la a aboe la tbe bet- tom'ai a closet. Atfter rlnhng noxb morning, merel>' eut of curlosit>', abs went tote bplace designat.edinlaber droga, andti t ber amazeme nt there behelti the Innocent tlmeplece.-Phla- deiphla Record. The Ltest Extrnvoafeeem Uven the womian wha cannaI afford tiemt'la laterented inlaknowing wha.t lte Jewelers sud china manufactuirer$5 bave cejabinedti t make fer tie tables efth bcrici. Hero are soins af Uic latest extravagances: Silver trays. w>alb nugar bowl, creaxa pltcheratter- dinn<-r coffee p9its and a tiay Drostien china bell, wlth sIlver handli Silver butter-spreadei'5. viti handle of C'oalport. )Dolit trays. panels, boxes andi bevls. ]Botibonniors la golti. wlth jewels In- laid. Cordial sets-Itra>'. decanter sud gla.ave5-Ot glass, with framework et golti encirelîng thexa.- liquer Ilska cif leatior, vitia eup et ail ver.- B>' a canefrul analyste Il bas been fcund thLat appIls contasin a larger arnount of pitespiorua or trai-nftond then an>'other trait or veget-able; and on Ibis aeccuabthe>' are ver>' import- anit la sedentar>' men, vito work ti-eir braina raîher thn lb-cii" muscles. Tiie>' ea contain the acitis vicit are neei- - eti especiali>' forractentar>' mca, the action et vice liver la sluggL-hb, te eliminste the effete maltera. wicb, If relaluei lnlutUic ystexa, produce In- action et te brain, and,. Indeeti of t-be wbols aiyatemt, co.using JaundIce, sleep- lacs.. pcurvy sud trenbleuenie diseans of thé ekln.-AgaaWlz. Fill f he .Day. Sau'e ofthlbe grana> ny uit are matie evea larger b>' trillae ofatin et -tbe.e epennt. Thte olti-fasiiotieti«'rat" le nov uscil ho produce lte aev-tasiioned 'pompa- dour coiffure.- -A govu, vici foi" extravagance oa .met lie eeelleti, la a silk-lîneti velvel. trlmîmedti îi reai lace, sable andi genuine diarna lbuttons. Long eleevea toi" eveaing eai'came with -ballons,.b>' viaci bite>'are st- tained tee taoalier. ofethle gowu, tisse situal>' friasa leeve of klid Thc daùWmaWhio bas hefIt up a etea<ty dunatail£or bie butter must mèrk JUM about as bard toe sp taI deniluinla abealti>' eeudlioa us i. a tili 1secur t thle IrstaI K, te Infeor te Ibat - usuail> -m i t OhoUlil nsver be sent te r«gujar. eus- toMeellSdiIl On tic wkct uthétut 1 «itg attentionto* be an»et thle poison vii. mde St, Let Il brng vhmt -t 14 Worth. - pamnry Pst. fiowract )wtvîiy. **Itç beré, les 4cr! t.," he mSa, *'tbzt br oite cf out 'sî 1.)t 3 rillc l iil et ,?ou utêb trouble. 0-t" peffle are Pol.e'fqmIly'do*a on I sy"D~ A Frisa i.sti~, I ara a Pl~. litant" e . âARO-NS 1 CIIEAPER TRAN EVER. am OMu BELOW COSI@ W. smo box . h.adkm tg* uof p<rem Mamu sutie Goods; alto T«MImlnes *i same. --FÂNOT ' G3OODS - W. almo do Drem Md uIantie Nklni Wthe very Latest Styles. Âdvertiso iii The- Warder. The 1 argest Ciroulat4on of anv Parer in tbe MidI.and District* OUT PRI CES FOR. CULD ITBATHER COUDS@ 13-n' loose Sok. Long Boots. Men's tbree buokie FeIt Boots. Wcmenîs lice aùd gaiter Fûit Boots. Mens Feit bock and Ru bbers, a very large as6soriment, Cern- - renolng at $1.26 a pair. Gversboes and WooI Liued Rbbeus, Qi varieties in Men's, Womweand wl hildren's sizea. bfe'. Pur aps. Robes.. Rleavy Frieze Uluiers. flavy Wool Uinderwear. As the measen is vel) advaiieed *o have large stocke on band. We are CLERFILIGOur rTmEcABOJVRLUNES IIICH BIELOW REEGULIR FINIS. in stricty~ high class goods for wInter wear- during the nexl month. OÂKLWOODO JOB WORK of il daoe-tiona 3Ieatly and ,romptIy do»m st "Tb.e Waidees offtio. z?, FdEs à... >5 Ff VA' AS Ohildren. vs Ju~ R I e e I i = 1

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