Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1897, p. 6

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I. f 1 "f 1; gv.ber tise Olwinad ii.,8~ 101ber teo -wre sens. gupwqg put t ln the chilt'a ores &ad teop- ai àm t tL Ti ic tib b~ in*iiiîlyToA The w.1 1 igus te ha latter slalom th« 'h. vas---fhe~t a" iwentit 1. te thse oeu» à Ze > oundth ie rontuil et chiltiwas Mseau la-&io"4 ore& Lmelu a cea Worh M»Wim e, "Mboe SWb - 'jt I. a-1 t 1e10s It la bffl t b THAT THE SIGNATURE ad la by a ea5umff »o**m~ Alpin. oflmblaq iw 18505 volutiasilsed by- th. UaPli M lP làngà" dMay net lime -the laboubtot biut kt will appsai ta tht ,W..Iw .The ent;r.ras e 5De o£ tu I«S4 ~iL~c~dua. ~. ~.age. Is. cp or Juntrïau a 40Smf't I te taveL. Fancy riding to stich & betgkt lnaa trolley car., To be. abie ta ou Ou the surface of the mouutain wOul h marvellous enougli, but oeSt oM thé route wili b. thrugti a. tunnel Ou bhSrugb the centrée oe>thtAe mOtinh. It wlli be the mout «ensaive trolley à1de ln the .wàrIt.Ni" dollars wili be te tare for te round triP. The aesthetlc .sie cf thie enterPaýiuO bas been wefl oonsidered by thsecoum- pany which wl» bauid the4 r" andi by thie Swiss Goveranft. wheb lka approveti the acbemie. The o*14 moum- tain clîmber miglit b. 'temptedtot de- dýaim alnt a project whlch wosuld rob Alpine climblng M Its perliandf terrors, but be ie llbe gilenceti when toi that 'te Alpine Club buas aprOved of the Soeot.hing of the vastneso£thse e- terprise wil! be realizeti *whews Itlas pointeti out tihat the differeno. ln j.r.l between the lower and ttipper'tea4inai will be 7000 feet, nd" that this'alti- tude or rite wIll be accompllslied withm In a distance :of .even and1 a halt miles. No such grade has ever been attatned be1 ore, andi mc steep doos Il, finally become that the passengers will be. cSeped aitt lite laat moment. le alIght trom Ate-cars andi accomt>Iish the. remaàing 300 feet ln an elevater. Thie mountaln torrents andth ie wutertalls..ted by the glaciers, willl operate Immense turbines. Tiiese .wil be couspet! to thse great electrie gene- ratoag tramnwhieh thse curont wil be distibuteti ever lthe mountain. 1%e current wll rutram the genera.tors through transformera ln, wiech the volts fwlll be "eteppeti up,"1 as thy $&y ln electrIcal circles. int.ote thoe.- sands an.d sent by.wire.An ail d.urec- lions. Tiien. when it has reached Il$ destination or "point cf use,>' Il wi be 'Stepped-down " «gain to a usable Intenslty. It -la expecte t lat 1400 Iorsepower wil!!be. manufactured Anl this unique and exceedlngly econel--. cal manner. The cars wlll I)eoperate4i, ligistet and heateti by electriclty. It ta es- trntated that lhe temperature of the tuinnel will average'between two and len degrees. belo.w zero, grawing cold- eri, f courmeas lie' umtlahp- pr)Éo9cheti. The tunnel will b. lighteti by electrieity. On. ouh steep grades speclal cars muet be used. with facili- tles for clu ýchng te road bcd and holding oin to it In case of a break. There are forty . mountain roatis ln Switseriand. and tise jack-rail lh useti en aIl. It wifl b. used on the Jung- frau roati. Its construction- .la such thiat thie car cannet slip backw&rd abouldtheticProPelllng power ie eut. The heavicat duwn .grade, 10 per ce nt., wlil be between lte Moubjech and thec JungtruJocit. The cars wiii run at a. peed ce ilve Mlse an heur oiç grades a.bove 15 per cent. on lesser grades it will b.e lightly lucreased. 7%ie cmrswlll'be bulit.on* h lua et tro>lley parler cars, ueli. a are unai for th. accommodation of sbappers between ]Brooklyn and Flushing. 7bey will cont4i êU vryPossiblaeao- venience, and speciai cars for invalida are contemplated by thse Management. 7-1le power will notb. tske l ata lise ear hhrough an ordinàry trolley Poie, but will corne viaa. trôlily aboe; *1hich vili éside along a thlrd rail 'b;lthe aide ofthte ordinary tracli1a. The tunnel an t extendathbrougli t'he iountains w11 have openings at Intervais, for sanita.ry andi other pur- poses, but espeCWaIY te relleve Uic mo'noto>ny 'Of thi. almost Underground Journey by givlng the. touriet a tran- aient vlew ut the -*onderful aceuewy rOunda1but. T he roati begIne at the Scheidegg station. The flurp of ,Brianu BoMu lTe sightaeern ln ]Dublin wvio faUs to visit Trinlty College andi spend ae day among the treaisures preserveti ln the great Mueum. belongln to ltat Institution Imakes e aemike or hi$s lite. says lte St. Laouis Repiablican. la thst museurn there are hundreds of thousands, cf relies., bujthle one ln wàhldi most People laIte tise gieatest le teret la the. harp*whlch once ýbeong-' ed toe Brian B3oro£Uune. or Brian Boru. au hle la mnt ceanmonly calleti. Brian Boru wa3 tise Iriaiosh rci wis. v as lr11A 1-e ya416- 4 - B__ __et it tisaalais, te vitins " y ku@w55 S «A 10op= It,-,M wefd b Mar h .I ntsébs o ol o uati s*h rs a el-oTheatout tu, peufor lain Ues i f at e fl ne ttld syntdM - and eiwrne lu 'tfrgl-bor aold is't d«MO ci byft tise plîîtOutro orthe 'te dtl et h auosbr tint s4aeolet c1l l ht téimntinte eennyIllusiviii b. e.ua4 .#wy oetiv a'abs.*sd.s cf phulat tpattviamté saermet 14e- uti t aler Int the. business withngo her abject in'h. Issu oetios r ohsl ulYeî 5t»tlk7, bu knaw. weli, r4 tisahetImplantationuce tsete laeDm l-s 4bat doctilse. Mmvmqob fotr, bar? th.r that et eloer b he 18àOf n- atoce«a. Net over oee bath lan W- wwyoan 11 is "pr«ang o a teme 51e. Tui5ti<<ou ie m e ~teen takes root an5dfOile ciance e voitor'MiourW & be enau Ü« elmuettie thse .sareisoiers in, plain tr1 smtise Ctiv iltion. Peifl Iceh samroundntlt., vAs W**? wiso bid?" ttno sarieltier la alloed 41ninerrl ftya WNoli ber fetITbe nid ber? towa i erot en er ct. lcapitlIn George Wauhiîngton vre ftaIsetl, h gtpitch of excIemet; vofm No1w yn andi pr ct. ewe t. andti Io nets of tlintare Owned in groW YStrt an sd mmes ere greatly sAli elai treaprie goeten r 'eBalimore as valuable hleroom. wrou t Sose "e e erlise pulpIl appIAed (Neorwoy) e telaobecta 1Thc Talmud allow1ed Jewish womeii ad bk eaI 1Mr., Beeisorsfeet. Cf po go imbrad on the aicaco wpaTyenissu mttbutt<baskets were aiopubi toc tise mbaspailyet11e tir taIse golden or silver teetb." ani o hitanhurmoo sale of liquor. xttse asesmen reccive a! Dental science vas uttei'ly lest tle 1 ~and Iewelry ve. e e M itaIlium. etaîtd salary' Irreu .peetive of thse îorld 1000 or duriug the. Darkl1wmima tboI off theïr bracelets. alauntcflntxlatlg lqurssoliAges, anti only reviveilu 1700. 1 rnce anti rings anti put lioro in hisaugis af Wperceng cf saes l ai- 'r ounger, of Sait FraacfécP, was lte baskets, sud mca uufauten<2 liefr *lton lias quanttye t.saveslaoktilith irsItidentist te succensfully lm- ws.tclicm aud iandedttens te tise usi- lowtion ýte qsplrlteu ofs beverage antiplant a humait toot IntlaIe patlent'O r.M.Behe v8e ntetn fcro., nr..nperiser'. voice, lstise tois cigas,"andfone-a imo .rtat pr- osiner says Ihat Aesculapisus la 2100 1 of ait atctioneer, rang. eut, "inlte qust.Tecompany.1tcîf la subjeet u.ei iams, et Christ. mens anti women, isow te iseoveslgit t ie magslr.Cy VAC., ue a naxeotte wheit pertoruuing muais do you bld?" Tise people voe to the cves..l c ofilath i oenfftarc. Is ues paînful operations 'as, botts irreîd beyond expression, antioeeet' hy-laws are atijcot te thicr approval.dr Out. o 0 elio dlt t te congregatien arose and saldti lia Public -authitlymueI santon li u.M 0 et dlst wîatever iefflcleitcy (in lte prIce de- prlae liste. Iu Nos'vay the apopînt- .jedfleyas g elt aeise a for Saisis) tiser. existeti above- mentet artsidrs ntiotl~r ffier1 ruthlessly extracteti,99 are new savedth le collection woulti be maode up by len o bjeote coufra nll eron b Ucepi- Ly science. several gentlemen, members oflie. * ic tuhrlesconfirtonytnet ib-Ol Women dentiste have ceasrd le St- chureli. 'Then you are. trec. Sarais,- solti to men vise armhabituai drunk- tatatnlnaeauvly hr r'ed Mr. lBecier turning le Uic girl aia. NO ietcring la Nor- jmi' nov over 400 efthlie nom engageti beside hlm. andtihie audience braIte wegian bars. A maztomer atter drink- Inlithti profession. lato lhe vildeat temomstratlon er en- lng m -tlaelepetss uil Thc Taimudical folk lo1e somya: 'If a îhusianîlc a#plauae, and quiet vas a an muietoull he prolicss.m fer tacmani dreame liaI ils faite tecthihave i.est.ared fer several minute.. Thse c contîol of. he lquer IraffievlS ~~e~i l1 foe ia lec tior detlcieicy. Inâteati tamini' session of tise Synoti of te Mdem tielntî dise. reedy <t<>kcd$120, ee suy Bicnt te purita Diocese of Toronto Ase te beeanked o mdr nt a eeYCroe 10 eno ideassu uy Saatsteprchedo recentiejd te citurcimen. Wé hope or prejeclîni' Java, by spealal 4PPII ibei a comfertable home, isat becs tisat olter synodetis v iiJon villi Ta- ances ltaI graduilly train thse Jas ra Lqed.. rente andt lat lie chureis tisiugiteut Iitot(>tieir normal position. lise Province cf Ontario vilii inltedly In Chinia. wile tise dealîst- pulls lie LongAug grtiilho >y. a4ivocate titis systern vIeS, te usc tooti an assistant stands by ai "The Inocent daya etftsi childAsoot lic- word. o! Dr. Gould. "la lie oniy dr*wne lte imme.talloa ot ticvicîli are or.tas sway.'- ri'aliy practical mneas ofet dealing i' v tri thY le noise et a large gong. Alune Anis oeil at nildalgit.t, lise liquor cvii lIn'itise gerieration.-The rTe American andi Europeani bell e solitary mans tbought et tise pieamnt Canadian Cisurcisman. muet have ici teeti as witîe as Past ratier tItan lise dark snd forbiti- pearis. Tise "pearis of tic Orient" isftr. etogt ftelti The Crasse for Tweeds 1asylveti. santhir nolars satdeep blacli vitAi£011ing futue B e t attug .or heil allnhonetailfais'oa.l ticbel nul. J yates0fis ye5itb. of lte girl& tise atn'o.o .atlihoae Te fainous Mastral. ise livet In ha liitt i dt. Then la s nd wi ent Loadoniera la, n<>w drectedte toheiccon- lie tiret century,.B.. sPesks Of a utlkrsieits er ie i apicuous revival. -tfticecrase tori]Roman tientist. CalcelÏlus. as "iu tise obcgals't caced cfte .aawnh tweed&. 'hose cOf ltepresen eason habit of fastening as weil as extract- bgah.e >154 oeut tlmoalevr ame cf Bue text.ure anti cent a' ltandy, lng teetisrieont."geje atm. Cautvas, malerlalse. et ô£ the Thse anclent Greeks useti taise tleti crime on li1s ctle. eeplesuicidea. tisickeet snd coarsest .qualities are of sycanscre voot. fastenedti e th atimko &ha vas taauttIe tme&"ai puttingin hiappearance, mont of tisem adjacent seundtetecîs 1>'ligatures o one k0fplossate atutal a d1saiiaylng at loust toe olora, violet, Iliver or golt Inlalike manner le lte aine pre1 ssle. CM-h u&- dark- btijee and green ,making favorite bridge wvor tto-day. cae I vas afcrtbeinti, ie seaL. "I comblnaÏtia4ns. Tic short. bas.blacki Fîlicti teeth, crown and bridge vork oued 1 fa1 à"toilisaInoosr.ply aures ceaI ia trylng valiasti>'te asake te 8exhumin ltvarlous Parts Ot IIaly- titan hall tuigbpmdgheme1 appearance, but mont ofth1e. halbi (iceece anti gypt wvli sucleul lun- ~ ~ alsilgseim Suite a mliii shere ta these cmetilgisI stiumicts. vere sisow lut targe uum- imore lisa vWum es;pker au& savon- styles,..tiese abte growlng narroer, 'bens at lie Counila Expoition. up drev ni>'aU*ogen rstiser tha" «a- . and lte ocoa4s beini' cul itise style Wamen deterllves or *"spotters iel it rcgasti sklpiuatIo rop&." ot a maa's mueming cah. For streel decayedte et ver. severai years ago He otiduiod&. 1 andi *ut-of-door sport tise Norfolkt Jac- eniployed InluNew York ta make cases "Sklpph5g lie roWe"hoi mutîcruti ket Js behmg.seen <ruquentl>' but tiAs againat tootit-dravtng barberes, vise Mn tas atrylag i' aion. A gow 'iras ro- voeepractisissi' tintistry agast teli eIds eme t 1ol va en- cenuy sccuetaI sScotch coaaýtry law. te.O h orwh a edo éouse, whItch comubinet lise 'rare at- Untier lte Messie regine tlài.w of tirougis a aoaffoMt te psy lie peunalyC traction% ot a tes gCown. Il vas matie an oye for as eye, a toIlih for a erles -of atroclous munirs- of black mnousseline de nole. * tripeti for a boots, vas literai- musticis wvici 155 net neti a &zproe viti narrei Unes et fine Jet, and fait-- cufoceti. andtihle Lord Higis xe- ,aett euenlro> o iept ing rome; quae reié f fne acepetrator. And 150w tus case isardeneti tsi'fron a quar yee cfflu lae uloner numnbeiclth ie forceps amoag Iman-i.rini itoî ycrsl vils tigisI sicevesofethle sanie.sur-lbils officiailInstrumsents. _odndvo Il ycrsl moualtid by dolube trille of kliçlalleti A New Yorkt deutist, %tie pute goitii Police courts, but I hose lu the nu- . mousseline. Tissvas ,alirys vr tfringes le lte molars of the 400. toi- :i)reme Courts cf varlotas eates as1 wIts lie 'hais arrange iAn lite latent Ina-s is vealtity ientele te Nevportli wll-waq thlnkiug about lie gaines1 French tasion, visicis consit t a durlng these aasen. vier. ho opents et hie cisfldused. . vaveti fiage ia front sud vaveti hais pariora anti lu preparedtei1le x- i ,I"Huli>- gee" lie .ald."but I'd give a et lie back ot tie ueck. wvilsas amailitract lecthit he .mpatron. wat.t m f og f*1udorel aer, fe iglit kasob On tise oxtremne top oethtie Eecetriclty lInetor terni bas rob- ae ustmretskrer «lu-d hecat. Anotici 'attractive eveitlng 1ed tethI llling oef <ue ef t is fermer stance»_____ dres accuetthle 'sanie country houa. to-rror. Tic work ta doue, In one-fourth ieWus"ts Wqm.'e11e5,t.t hit a ekirtl,e s isatvh green otftthe lime. The msllet. drIven et a TcEkm hfrtreifeilt andi bue, cempicteti ItS a pale greea higis rate ef speoti. la coiiiparatlvely h s cfochierdretliet lis, lon chtifon bodice lshâgIn tiie neck andi painleas. wien cmpareti te lise olt Inter day aft ta a polar ier, Stop-- taxmed eltlrely cf tucba ounaini' cram- a-bnd or foot Ireadie priones., lnt outaie of lie abotie. he broke wise. This bas s yoke lmnging ian Inient Egypl lise art anti pa- t; hi c reatsatdirwi points le the alet of creans-color lace, lice of medicine anti surger>- more con. arabtsrnoyuehad. "I ii stutideti vilS heati sud jowela match- fincd taelte piesthooti. Esis pient ad- , prosuîtyhve'. ksmeadiug tisaI i v iug ic irocoirs thle ekWL ù pteti a speciait>'. Evitiences et an- beea drluking ied4eye.31'-h. muttereti. cient tien tistry revealeti lu the openeti 'Womea are qu4ck tetadeteol s»Oh Canmadu V<IdXeumedy ymje tombe indîcate ltaI a higis profilcy 1Mai'. on lise brea4h cfroone tiylv. J. W. PiIflipaet a Now Torkit nsur- b.d becit attaineotInluaI icast one. He caîer.d lie le plae loe."l suce compa ,hJui t aek 'frointbranci ot dental art. iCaniil oe pealaace w amn aRl e as jut tise sortcf a Young isaiiionY vils Sie vite. Tisat goot French for an Amertean. ssillilogairc. . Csnot l Isel yaî ou » .edtnerr" Thot suci vastle esimate- put upon sae ae ollclo"1ly. thse Nem. Toiker by tise Parlalans la TESCA'8 NEW INTERRUPTER. O.Piq» esndo talgo ta the lroube sbowa by liWsexperlenScolan scate, ho e ati k!uIidy. *"r1am tac 1h04 10tesmt Iwiere As. vent la breakfast aI 10 a.sAu mactricai Curseil Brokaen e.oa nîeitnom. MIes' 1 have .resti anti Onuray q11'mW r 2'7. ---- oem&talion saitort nap- 1 al4,ers n t *lIt vas An thc Grand Caf. Ne.14 somehing.Bu r- no. ]Boulevard, des Oopuciuom," saitiMi. Nkl ailsrua lcrcàn astT¶f o. PisilIu. emtrtiy, Twentycentsiù; s sut laken ouI patentefaei'vi i h*e-ci osselek, or â6, vala ubbera for the ta*set fa uapkiu asti eiglty toi protiuclng.aimnt liMlsio"ble eioc- cocktail?"o cnts for Isutton Chopa dlida't surprise Iricai vlbr&ioisaý,andtihes.Electical "No%1 Ido net caca for anythinw sub. tRc aua te e s uthoÀiwgiv.aaula so fait huftitil.wUjataeMtf liàt te se_. _sest _fSio ieivelasatilsua.~&vsb b luantdi sud tisest .tiavu "Wére yoqi hurt mien aie*rofus F"Tua, vumy M ucis. Her father feit mu me aitlise ssine lune." A «Ouat msuy tiua oeur on lise shtrt ar isnply besuse it la a pub- nié oeuveancel 1anti tiseplve ibs aMat impmssie ÏbbsAseo- ournai m tle Jofferuou-&veuue lIn: : Mamma,",sasoulci lic goldessissir- adi nfant iknickers "vishai are you, 'wma-tm tlc's sealskn sacque taor?" '."9Huoh, Wille," qulckly urtils inotser, miti a vîvitibluas, vA--le lis. Die Iret te10k uooeelusandtihie vomen sIeti deligliledi'. "Arcn't Yeu gsati ers gains te au egrand- -Top. But n'i bott laI she'Il asIt ho eu. yo cne le have auntlc's soal- ablu 55que Com" "*Do keep quiet, de.m. Gel ni> be ii lobok ot 1h. viniw. JO. se thme saiss andtihe pr.tty hSess. ."Wbem, don' lise>' go it, tS,.ughi. But suppose &mile vanta -te 9go ut w(u ase put o astisiolIdcape you bale se? Anti-r>' gootnes! wvitldo You t1inb? mama D xiiaos-ywure vear'- âwi allas .Jesunteshatn Won'I sic jml sentI asti ear?' lsehSureni'Young Masn, Yeu muet atier, keep quiet or rii puusiish you baveral>'vison e get te gradsxi's 1 namsanm. Nov Otton bave 1I bld Yeu lbaît.t 11e boy iauld. bc 80om sud mot heard 'l "'Dout &smllion imes. But, I sar. 1am cm tos 15mb visa arow t Ibee vil li vis a ne finda ouI tisi p«ý more Ses'haîe sss' X?Tia hbWt butas hurd, la l?" TMis litho ueas blid up Ses Buger aml vissa abs leti llle on, aI tise «Ma oea' bis tut i not toucS 1h* kOb 1wm inlutue mhdle lenglb et tSIt "W'ata «imousu» aid tise IIM ýs-a nau iati" moaci lb mon-Dait N'usme pro" I ~ ~ a ,hu 1vobcè4bu Wb"c sub«»0v- mme *01& in il or. It Io ONTH -'a- e e WRAPPER OF PERY BIIcrl,019 YaçSi-n O . .....1 rvo~rar WAPPEL CASTORI bb mot lupu rbI. Do't show s"Yeu to unI pua.aqthlmg Mi ". L ph. or promis.tat t à ý jla" ood" d ln Pole 7144~«Sf~ km uug -m'susglittlyof ntioofl Iewm o uSo ba eort by aç =1 *tçAtsgb. xeaise is-01"vate i6trw e W n théserobive>n lêber l IMORsti Mot&A"luypstlas 1erJie cZOaU WomA ntt s , bs ttae-i affle basasse4".etis Smis, c"lai i feroh hubera"s foreuletia, yat thos vse tefuy e fuo lier l prusperty ov Bast ipoi t»,e seat et niAMbiehuart.Atter Êaie bad suifes md a. vit ti ie beliauglit ersei of ber mtbesera ous»ensd bthe bal -blitt vhiluhurateruaad te baie. And. ch.lI loi p br oice anti ve» asti resst Soi bloomers lu Ivain, 5usd sali: .l wMI ais, astigo tb my maties." Andiase di uven no. Ana Il came te jasa tioth i evenIng ofM-lie taurlli "Y>, àas mie vas pedallug vcarUy Up tise bicycle pats eadiai' to ber homo hms notie uber t S rous sud »a la greet lher, sanidfeupon .ber Delansd klsed blir. Andtihle mas du« rie lt: "other, 1 sm ne o onge I tuai gr a esth, and yet was -de- tetaihlaIItC&." Butliber motiser aouglil te scohlier anti gave unIe ber a uew bicycle lump anti a.cyclo- snober. Anti mali unto, lhe servants: "Briftug' aeil malent and orties mut. ton vit peaon tise aide, .anti we vQI est, drink anti bo mcerry. fuirtise wanderer Iu rolurneti, anti aie tisaI vASst elahtound." Andi stringOut ia- struments duscoursedtihle aveet s1trasIns of "Site Ma>' Have Seen flot- ter Da.yo," andtihe. ser-vîni main, as lue shifld le anti tic, hummeti iottly l1eo isif, ",Tuet Tell Tisem Titu, 'Tati Sai No." Andti litelouupofl. tie-muttous ad tevoured ti Il a e Imman sd mi exceotiiag guste, anti lisé only disomtentesol liste wvie multitudo vas thou neigibor, vita MOurmd e kmtc 'ofeta tiog. But lie servant msu spoke sasone havîng azau lient>' SaYing, "Our nelghbor's lama la Ourni'gn." And ti l as oversse.- Nev Yorkt Horaiti. Crush"t 'Â dop of ink make." millions think." It ocue8ini the -beut homes.. Is ieadbf the most intelligent readers. It Radrsare BUYERSU ÂDYF1USE luTEEWARDER6 Turns . BadBlo $ oRich Red- Blood. Spmmm l un..tPi»Baie" by .sI.g 88.1.f Noother remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healino g and purifying properties- as Burdock Blood Bitters. It nuit ofiy cleanses, internally, but it heais, when applied exterriaflly, ait sores, ulcers, absces scrofulous sores, blotches, erupion 40etc., lcaviÊg the. skin clean:àand pure as1 a babe's. Taken inter_, *nali i emoves ail morbid effete or waste matter from, the ~ svtemand thoroughly regulates, all the. organs of the body, < r.storing. the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. la this way the sick become1 weil, the weak strong, and thos.e *who have that -ired, ôrn ut feeling receive new vîgor, and (P Sbuoyant health and spirits, -so that tbey feel like work. If vo tr Sappetiie il pobr. your energy gone, your. ambition lost, B. i3 B. SwiII restore you to 'the fuil enjyment of happy vigorous life. 4%1I bobi oi6 ooibqbe, Uà4y~ tkwh 4 B amboerYard. ~ S~. ooesuUdiëds.nmiaaTuncgsetc-$- etc. ~l ma ~ ~pelas.boi»s you buy olsewbero R' IIT,~Oo. e ADYFITISE in theWADB li

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