Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1897, p. 4

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't z i Te3as. WATC, Q I o o o o o o Th reou ia haevung suohla,# sale in thia lino is owIU< the tact thet W *trotl Pitt- Olua -Wtohei o»Iy, .d a extreniely Ioî do 1kik of ii, a Gulm% dr~ otd FWaed.ea.w, gîsar <ateed to u«w 5per, i $16*50 WEST cMoo Wood 'arde Dry HMrdvod ogsdSotSu iu thé ni rkt. Pa.Sh Lime, Drain Tii. sud Bover PipJe A full line cf Lambher snd lIkiagles fSr Bverylfimg op C date, &ud priosu ta. guit te.tlaneu Bue n. a eaU. Teispheme 5$. -4~ RYANS&ol. MRONUT TO LOAS. oc imutabis tI bérrOw% et e STb&wWAI. ftU AGRN. Z LaiDuaiem a dwMbami toman*um vsm. u ia a . s S v ,be luti 15,0 la. -814- -ho-. ami;am y.. Ili 1 BiltIli i 4V,*, RI'DAT. 3&NUARY 29. lm$. à,um» ofhaariuanMd.anm et » a" uni. ons4»eau mv.,;ý Suis .1 bea a mimofulm& *Mi due 469.s. awma. umoa. ten TII TRIUAGANOZES. The augents of the Ottawa govmsment aidei by <ificlals of the Ontario gover.- meuti are bird ot ot in.te. he con.' ltunea, Nurth Outano, EBut Blamo, oui Bouth, Brant, t.oar y hose dur;: alîtage on T4uradsy ne:t. No effort vU b. »Araedto arrtheu for te.gaver.. Ment, Irft'he latseleo00o la Cornallin t i b.eshae. uas aorleérsan her820,000 vas speut te qauay th. aldlmg. Th"the paver a t h. as Otava, viiistop short aayomihlog femasubis S. CAMarhose qies. tiono m duabtful, but v. doubbi f wvth uan 6"oir ohamas hey mili b.u eust«u4, m the P-ople are begwgt. - 1a à»"Sth apodelo f offie s. vameh.goal vidéth vbtehi attela vulà ô. ppoleba, M et vioh eher areumln goeh. t ae Te de -hoa o o do pes Je & PObI ldogins Chat la abhorent.e un 0 " oleOI" phame eouy n oh'peij.b am vant amerviii i b. tisu inlu Tui i'xeY *tu ladam., Umlla ocapsttiv* el edap a Itu vas nuhm-o 30 Cu. omineepule i. u poulnbi. dois emiua ep: lai.m -i sou' st, uâe Soue relie: cfladit. Imm 0 »Mly lur opemui l Ili * ~~ilo09 tat mmy b ave hIudt cgi S. Cube 4&m b h a soto o i ttée " I VMt* mm- te* umaodu7 si eUS of Omo" 'authdu ausutlos a dm* Ut t mi lu = . !-- - - --và et à F4MBi& dmua ~a4aaseshiond Îl.b* 011tatoe. ? a àafoe *hstuhst oe. ad bmu IMplu--0 re dUm or porham a" lu àcm&s"sbr amis t. epsw~ Oc àbS-.v -. la be tg5M ,sr a eh.t èM *7 vq eam i Imi pnb. Appom e- lv h. Rais the et -*6s tuf.u vae M m m *eim or.uh mwm t 0"@"ua uéeebo-.a -vu mTe u m m ta MW vt M d As, for o erno le- pomrsuM.Dip u. ahbus. ai du. son aa re, o r mm ?, ae ; Mmi ne . 1W. O bumabm etlem m.uede eduge fa o @4 John Oh aadieothA e s. duy l u i tek cevemm duer asubo m i lembo, musume& H.oad. aivoa eeh.e du. êmeAt, du.y ha uMM ummovel or tadetion>asAmealauflour aS U.e mme. S b airdu le. 'll sied MWsa. oder that". nal soiea 1 1ua beau un o u .Ssiommul RQPPIF eh. maitme p loanoose u-. e.Whouthq viWima futlinu il the clamaorsà t four ..i..1 .1ofmurdo evsmtm« uwhché v osuiéto e. od aui Mumtobu. .I i. Je &W ioma te outrém fie. amaia Us Mr erovi eonthunemor 10", e s oosécl lu "Mali. Ohulo. Whouu es au aui406 Camas ee ludlag monwsuL tarf & mosbi v mbmasuray ve 668Sh M Mt. Ohadalecptograuau. .fuse u b n. vacs eAmeutbm s iupply.Camasb. givet - o *0Brd",aufserp vthh Pomk. bernEowr,- muai, ooM.osél ehe. àlaruga e Mcorgooda vWb" alph sud mufmet5U, ai lu oxohange for b. nmade fg«' e. Gr"use Brlulla aM tell e éré to be givas nothlg vhtever, arrangeaat boiveus Candu* dte as te. avmbtge voli b. 50 Irat of Untedi a sa, luasa" as Eagls.i oeu- vuuderfol forae of nlpoobto os h1*ess .Aieon us.ufaoeue d.rf aite b.everrotiswo ol mou"tléh.CaM""ls uaeO Waon eh.people of CMa mae @0 ont- Tht. lm0 luolmi.la5Ob 84»Wêlvala racugemaepme at.d hePepleO0f Îu, ltrn oè h. Unitedai t", b, seit-mis s aUr i»brusgoode. boots s.d chome, r.finsi John Caale.s, N. P., . vwodi., hspaelUin, abber gooda, soi .Iootuloai leaimg Uitedi Bis. cmopapsos ealh of $Pâc Candsia an oullylng pies. of eerrleoay 6'Soem.of àeh. meh.. te. vWs Mi W"WMau lt-ifeto"ii ite Stai.. U.s.aoomut3ts, uoppuouse.Y tmreb la*0tlaà~ftu" r "4. <>»" Vhb h il mmIT. the CalladIm Ms 0Jpuef Ur. Jobs Ohaad t pp houli saylu 0113k7 te Oio >thoir euwt"lS ii5s *0du. imu&us veas mubor, lue. hiesmu lu Î ____________ c Mpetiiosvh Amu adoN... farmS lb oseilesite se om omrttom, The o ose luabame h.bucaao numto *ami eha asty le fasas ivhloh givos complalu <of the virlu e his OOeh.6mamatuaer«IF s.opportmi60 ouufle k.h trt. Md dosu mm Otgv > GeM l mlug b a p mamethlnbg e. roui puoper peetodto t he fermer, 13,1Ibo about in. eh.- evepapmferf off hMisai.ruemted by 0 glutult f1h.e vayso o g oota,hosvm lay *poor aMdinl _ _ _ _ id*b h W"troste ThMProtos0901MalmerM, PouponM P. ehm. vitu no little. ommlstiliib. 9for Pouts, ha.boom absnod b, te.burlOdonit f ght ai ehe. it 114bfar liberels a»d the pétition, dhmalussihil 1uomO toomndable .14ouh ______-- - suprefosth bo" z o f sfsotrreumieviial=ov of et ommoas lu 1891, 3h" . veto24 sup- portera Of lha. Laurir cusé@&iaimorn The I'ork quaeUoi. ehna quater çet eh.Ilibersi repasses.- tuon-. r 9faum il et iho Vain. TheRom ooreponeaeof heLomos . M4-I have bse vsry mué luntereta Th.eilRoméeoab"POh pthe. vsndon Dall Mliln >stat e bie th. e la teodsuso, --P..O. m hVa. S cf mahool agroaomb hum been submtitai i du. pope, on bdh"ifof te.Dominion Linui ud mi» ai.Rskm of Wood- gevane.ville, béing a porh proimasa of nmene Os.ia'nobs ~..e. u xteft. For Che. lae Ive ysau 1 have1 bnbredine orkéahlao mmi Yorkshire- imdia am* lbu a scos. of pride t e evuy Berhctmo cs, for d e sseth&% 1 took plialotsma &tun. la every comusmie. *psok.' word " 1 wI oli ioolvre s. able.«s 1 phlhsuopio mgoemtCaaia luorsase la h. poèmes. BoersnlfoJa me vili i lwys b. fourni opeinp luefront that Iam paoduulnga No. 1idmo f pe a réa'L for due Zog"mmkof me Enve soya aos »,eiabsogleunS ue du.. The PrPebiôus cf d*oKing$vili. ymeghbm s havrlà,thoir Esukàbemo veo" ilm llaWho ma.s. tammma vbloh mysugb om t mde abot due ugo Np h hesMM labélteles have ducee t a blm-m e ov t he w it.n altr- t e publicw "M t médo mot gir. MO. tasmeme hlu*duo s, B cf ~ êL.5. ..jIviii of aeoet=go béa t he a ohhe là- -" - - oofv odus, bsmi wumieuhN glie br Mr b it, 0 aour Oriai.fio eh.mot, ovi.g eth"fo e.vaico suai Ae leok à S. h.preom*»""ils oaddeonof ,,a va w aot ehse slomm daabsisib . &tue, vhtoh aues te impocsible for " .sao .pous Sa thons to iezide pos saytlng - I" asou" t vder Md$ov-"mm etraie polis, of eh.e, u"er*g0e m 0Isuo v ms o udo" DU.SJ"OUN bu be. - agreed pou. Istheva hum ovdei te.question sU"« DuCMs.Gshmmy .l rsami. bauion, aMd bu f4hlin . Ummeh tndepenmi.m5 jet h.ovas nomlai » et àfrose t , ooaltnqol ht .gt fao. orne 30 evo oRissa Dpun ou forh retos ooveatom.Hle OURpa wu asth* ieslni arillo. Dos. h. ehluk te.à opossi hall, Bototse.farmoas au bli, t& &»eysu ng te M 18th lueS, by "h. on. Win, laclooh, 1âne a lm oi.ithsomve.. umdoa eh. --.a-l@ le..fies off te Cnanieqbu* sonsi. u goverumemi, amd i aola. tg h.esoIre at s. aivunopisi wihle very i support of Ontario govsumost Omfo" st» Rd MsmbaslItougheeo»be, forlatshtfi W" i@hb ly voreau- o *0th pdu« ots làt. .huro0cf eh. 'And oui ]*bauuge e bpwproie. Agalu, t"0. e. sumeof &pâls,.] Thes foerayéu thau are vhem a*s bures.for th.ea]Cgllh maée "di tdlm thatèae valn, ma» ong they par onon dlg eh The leraà i . eni=. ul1muiiIf yon have e.dalus i -U.uà £torsei. vaTeoneugeS he pals. sooortingiy ____________Thor do miseme an h holo ssehla but aro vlllg k> divii.eth. prof t. vlth it The London, Un..Daily Mati lum a Chair outouem.. Nov, 1 am vlttlng 10 eps'1.t orresondeè ni l mais, Ma.r.311he c momagdec.. tp ;Bekle llo, Who le nukMgsea ourof th.egl huwovm.ilud teh ountry, sM d ertng lettes iaip e.aib roe aiaii o di mtléeaI eh.àpêche. doaoC ooue oub lCh a. sub01 Truum sTm"ai T"~N beut lPe gnmoue v glp o àéSR li l lmo te Ch east1eu -s l . himut. mnif..w IS~~uk 01% hese .vohs wgb MWIeécf~ evtw kas ma'* Ë thé tee.bethe WINTE 11W TEÂS. of, GOur Very Oompleto - Anoth«. lin* Of 3'&PMiTés. Of unusutalqualitv just receivei, to be sold cheap. We would ireeoyhueeprt npc thlgs, BEW.think i neletifor quaiity at the price. CROCK*ERY and, GLAS.SWARE, W. offer some pronouuoieed ba.rga4na In the above limes. New gooda constantIy arrivlng c'rowd ai. for space, hence we -offer a .inner Sets andi 5 Cham ber Sets eai coet.. uap quiokly. Tfese will be picked PAMILY OROCER. burlngIboeYear I or*> 1pS falim»dh.ln smsadvadummlaor qRd t LEM ahmO, L1 13 sU mIo, ImmIT Ottawa, Jeu.26-immmrstIos tub (b" dsfor a eh lmr186showus uivai duou *eh.twolr monèeio 548 againet 250571, in 1896. 0f thune'1,83 me. mWD - hslu< mUi tu ehe DomS 4,» bavingç.ttbd lau In béb, t"e aboerl Colua. Dulg 1895the immkim its .àllg lu àeu won umb«Msi5.371, so tha3 thoe.-b a ma"t 1mas... for M06 Zhu~ erBordemijvW 8#4 Jëhnu, IR. B.$ Jas, 28.-A"tur Edg.OObkmw dcka, E%. Johna (mürb), ;Mes Paielqulu, of Bmleolsd, kUWd; Mr., Fved Borda., Niaise.,of mI ils, ljumsi Soistor Wod odajuau; Braieme,a" m .- lotie, .daously ljurei; ewumty odhe bsdly brouni ud ast, sous, lé M fsud, daagacroual7 huft; about $75000worth of rdUmixutook b.loamglug fatomCaaIe Pasâa asllvy, but for i a UtheIe. i éhape ou te.Ssc raI»v, DosaDorcheeri. a uS lwe be. h. eault et a dbasete,wbih hâapas Mib ait-maos i.gomfumtmelw The emeiln vas Vh"oh bavas thablailu eh. e -»« 'mi v- m-r4mh dUunh by wav o e tJW aéSti t- t. du. Piao&b.rue ou RUfexteSt. John it la "I.m by JiwooIo.lul e .Md mmmaiby Jaboolsllemlabut *. me buIota i due CamIt- paiE moni. At Palm.a'a aa»ti. im, mi b~ bt.»Wovfroue. ~i..b~u4b d. n oml eoupte bruulusud miove bi. i postal Ghak UloomIw ho làs ivudug he.,ww~àau u,. "i d~Md th& Wokm die of bmai v kue m $& i-s àami Slute.MaU sur are m.rki vth 0 ébât-sommehidma...s m.- not b. yod. Edgaob.e"li aetvau Injsrm, bue mot da.ftou7i. The gIrl, Mime Patriqulu, vu ts S Puuua Mrou, Md hai ber be buS &m by sa.haum whoh, drove ber body pudtj through te. wWnov. Miséeer Biedu. who Wu, lu ,me d heugou, le bai7r uu hs h iombel.eeMe o te.pauc.. ou .Boue.n, frot hu% MMsmi. uim. vet on e. Oea.v, by ef Quoe..Sousor1 Wood i boalyhue. The» nu &re b.lng cmie for ab Dormbsu»e. 1~ lé bla sdt hit thé ieo.auuioW.k who osav & vite ani tvo ohilir@04 con Ide." mi uuidme lomes. mauutmg 30 OStawa, Jm .2.-De. Borde, adviad the uiltis d.pstM..t "*o.sth in"uur .rea hom u rm ILSOoISIU41 oueh Imeuoootat"4Y vuammeu àhsklug op, sud éthe1»hwable te as- mom hm SOND DA WC'uu rJeu. S7,1097. *-Mnm»»t mt h18 day aS 1 o'bah, t2 WedM40 ata h. chair aui mmerà I oou*51 th.tlowitg omuent.. via.: ttemueir's etemicf t"i. at Ibwl. INu aS6aaluble amt% blaSJ.46, lm, &à Butb uaiaoin measêl.pusse t Cause, h suCeuse da. telas......18517 me du tai se. for val.. jauni Imbaseet 1T14# -w SIS A PRIE ~OUNTRY and we. are frée to, admit that a farmer osiz, bu y any ONd thung, ha lîkes for his oattle, Ioises. aud other animalo, but when you are uit wlhy not, buy the very beat in ýthe market? tIheuprie la the same-the beet je none too good for pur stock-andwe feel confident thst for every- dollar s net in OLD E3NG.LISH CONDITION E>OW- DPJB n ow'yon vil> reap ten dollars in the spfug. Prove it for. youroelf. Thé aumbos siace .1 eh. ouat, eaumv .maieTm&i, 21thlaC., utsra mos vu tbe eaiut tbe ""Mtf is lammle. b§4 Nol lvlmm-F. Susiore Gira laIn 2. 4 Robert t"in. Ja. Grehe 8 et W. o. wtur SamVoz. 4 " Jas. Lihgev, oba Amatis, i ~ ~ i amJb mIy. J. A lui. O Dr. vusd, la. Coeaies The molaobahvlng M" de n absa" Uh. a.oaun daolaratleet ofS»cdiqualhl suds., the édorA. Mr. Masabevta.ek UN ehuir Md laersioh. swou.! Chatho vM à sporàitaleon&miv aseosfor u ré Nevoib Ob eaa u. maoadoIbv E non", th"s Dr. W*oâb. venus. U.vei h ir. S8. no» assisiby Mr Os dute lUMba vatpuDr. VWeodvM esuai, 7lte 5bid hevote. Tho vuldus " w ases oaduuiui t MW = 4wW.'mo laraMd saomer. vhom i ehaMic r a .hi, ober OMoiAMÉe Il.. aiatbg dWu1bbwlavisuhusep us s.dset iduýmoula a emdlag te Ch b in hi wid - béa. duu veald au W they s 'ii $w fotho bei tut et du m oeay.qua dglarby goum s elm heh ma, .is ha md mnul h ursi K0"S.g utu"iA&" heCh.&Wbam wu eh smpaiahot et seumni Niva* by M. Dryem aniai hi N bu msa"e asosa ta for"Oe ibm pte ù twSt Lai lutescndaet by M. Anuita @010doi by Mr. JolueI s.,tIaCEMMe.Uap bina Mti James uâpbge h.espomsi 4Osa »te. bdng Wthbaîeeome vas wucetai àKsvel ly ir. ox smenu"si lvEn. DusMass "D Eaglm mb. sspoluiui audlt la smmetvas ineby 19r.aitant. »MMsdu by Mr. Bal",ytduSJoe Kel" eyb spadit«ml. on a vols baaka Lhe inéuatC vu s ioerod osm. The a v ard ulsaaD Em<lonte 0"l oulteer. Movid by"a.Shaver, moosdo by.U ambam u, CsCmua, EIII16 Dhtlay, SButa, LheNgrasuiduthemovermi amoe, b. a opudal oaaltaa tedraft the ataadhag owx ultmeofs .1leoouauL-Caiei. The camil iadpuaeul for lIts.. u Sste ullov as. qsai oamI e ttrport Os amlaitu oa.ltae reperl.Ct auoh~~b usats.b ompuos@.à eli h. sa bors ot thé cousit Te, osunehl vmilote ooaalCtte sit du W"ol osndu6repar,Nr. LitIge, ta duolaSe, vbes it wu ed ouia sSo %Ù» mime ut aumme Miraportae d o e0ma.!. vhs h* sep050 vas m a 9"Ih9i»lMd iPeM@&. Caou"oiadjourmi for lIes. amit.t ab te u eautet e appolse th*irchia. mon. vW"a nousa folbms:-îasaaami musueuait M a. bvar; ruade me ate àb. Bow; ar Garni..; hiser;spplatlosfor sa. r.. Uw d averal rabat uuapina byMr. Svitm', ia"di l IDaélsg', Chai UWm.s Savfr, JAtteo. Iran%. Fu.tEfImm Ceus audjoumdaueI C l el oehu lui ~THI~ iii e. s. 'i I s M I. r. r. e e e a 1' s i 'r I I 5 Theveg l e tatCoay tum n eesm A sumbor of Wooeuille young mon jo tvm lm iove to tova luat Prlday nlRht, thinklikc R feeh. coth e t POlmIO U5birta her. *»am scaruval houe shas nlghb Fron ehet-sarer f Ce couty cf Ma Arche Forguson an old L C. L boy Hlllburtoc, reblt S.aucunSewlngfor vua monq iii. mumbor. à ao. du MMOebt C.te outis >1 Som, reformera appear to stand greatly Fmm àe e r hift m at ofhaie ofelhe cmenoa. Snceusr- Northunàberlsd sM" Durbean, relative to, tsudf eist e'caemofnt. MSpencesr- betweeaa e. evn"[Ïxpset OPIS a a srecetlY aPPelnted Police magistrat. for Manvemu the. Algonquina park snd dlrtrlct. Tihe Ouau" no - mué gentlean zamoed on Thuruday .night ________onae his appoarance us tii.chiet speaker Av<oaa~&nas es .iieasauMr s.fér Ma. B.H. U.Cook. Chu libers! candidate Flo pjl m's, Foi. UÙ for Eut Simca., at a conservative meot- et huaohsd "imuasuemi fmnnahaogt "log ln the o ownsliip of. Monck. The. e 10 mi0 e. aluIsL5Lam&%z stasar. cortesy of be1ng sllowed Ce mpeak vas - 809extende&Co hlm, sud ho atrslghtwsy kUrsan -99. lilum Md Wr. smMN4ho. lsunched litoa acathinc don unclotion cf b5IIamBtC5dl55PoilUd ah<t ah Soy dpravty, la proof of whlch ho un- lteoest et Ma. MeLod, l tek o uUBEsT esi he ti. tory of Mr. John Shieldsand snoe *bu - 5.Cudrmmhm5e. Wn the .fromen vhlakey, vhich cLu iboea tua*Cha eories ai m umbubce la the annais of the north. ~~ tOIMr. W. H. -Bennett, the cons'vaiv b»14. but Of ual bupsai6 MWe rj* cauildsto., flowod this up asteum lm ....p ~exemple et a aef3rn ofliciai snd vorker, IE. émesant "m Vms apasinLîme, W" ainsd eoverai thelatter with confusion by rssma~ .m spoê'i~ usd& Jprodolng a oopy of a Tgronto papor con. I Sisig te statoment that Ma. John IShields bcd boom appolnted Se a fat office mm«oa Hwx KUM.» imâaFOUa&.I atu eInland Revenue Depsrtmente s -Vlodi*vmg gle Utur" ro aima I ieai for hie a.rvlus te libaral pàity. poliul un»Oieoagtot va hwm alil, &ot, Nover ver.the table. more complesely os~ ~~~~e Moiyvelg M loughes, M P. toCrte" upon a poiltical oppoenn. Mr. mme vidu hat thâ hve bous àsoi u Muoo], th. PosCmaster..Gmneral, should acldoat. -ihbeduowumlg S % 1 5met. t that sueh iupon Ma. Shields on vhsamnm siamoi0 ot a.hORasMOIRIIge. h.grom of hie oonuectlon wlth tory boucle, ?hsl gtlhesdh orruption scoontinued. Ma.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ u tuhsl ueLellbte iaS IiCudo~ ,Wna.-@$ueband. vbc UO4 ià" b coi5ah.Tm mdeuiUiC ii»eON. drneryboum er -He smuiy= ossus ie bon" wusS km. * mm o~ gveuop roUies ..d isba Ce drink.,, hlihud w«p s ou dui uasisa*'t.e bWlLh.uliyen muCti vw0 b- $06 - Nu.mM* buoeusiami tes due a tm c. ~~ M~'~eu f.1eh. on »isme o A m e a.l eim et -gChs ho as~oe t h.siuaeh esre»du Cabeldge et ma* t mu vM s W l Cht eami ol . pesai fa bei.vatu td u e 1 apome. výUrO tIma.* No iambe Ubors vould buovIJlieg lit: "$mra.yS ascilama etCh un u.l ras. Na. Atmu; lot i vS pa.., L.K né&.R1 B iaom. A. re.ê-W ~, , utur irela, E Kta usa. -cW ~us'~ usaNI;mmmo l.e rois; I 11h;&ofs Ii enetâe 1% Ma. M&i,1. Caupboltd&.MNa.T. lao e . . J E e a varios, J. ~ -~sPei sep a"ll cf u26%h Sut. f et tu mi g milim eatirOum- ~Iay jeu. b -polaiaeioiIC. CM&MIMdus, 1 -7-- -, -

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