Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Sep 1890, p. 2

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N-&y âm l ut4 u.h etUu 41 CI 011 t cm laauC m a la. mi o -m bu. UsÏM su , ami"r wM% lm,- b 'YuI-w ioWMNlu M tins.éW~Up l tsuk Vq vVwv *0 M___WNLap pom 09 wam OMMn b tg fuma. ab. cfUTkut S f4ry .~t ' .>u bg~.r'LW~ Wittmgiuawainu &M "lus twl jjgmg1* ~b.un tbay Magd ObePt ot a". ~ 1 I ~ y 4 g ' ba w a w tn M.w. Wtkm nm&h lam 1.wce S<?Ual~ Lmobestw1 w *0 (1h019bP &MW~do geani syu t a.ieg*mont nom MMR$ v lmlmifluMMt tntst"U» i. màgt U» . A"MW a V S U 1 ba.binalMa- eat"aiLat. a"WMb iip i lm 111 ~ villa bts*%0 mir# tloghlisz'eadu n oub LVbDu a i7ttber*a& 04 #0OflVincnt pe e.' ~ j> iaitimgen ie omiaos al . La..'bIMou fs Mdy qvbt.oeta fUl a~, <W'..I v*is 'mp . oM nowat..,, up~ant ii <a4pmai., anwutffayikbqlur W=eiuoi Sht'h1 ia<I, 1ai~e i. lg 1ro suf miyo~yaietiX.W t&Iu, Par ot* mtwba t-i a. hat deai M uie *vu cople 1*M wtduW. hwo hi'vu<~g<~ i~am~tiy Ogq u tfrngl mh.ct a hn a lai gy A tibnte tb't#r ' ii pvuaý9w . a14oeteypallly asf lme be eak.. b«r-a. do tt w.t fit ia 11wii l er»IOb-an ytbn Come, 11Odu Irisma mi. whooe l MSair toi M4 million tw I," miaheSqu5 di i4výfz ttfi itit hi am4â .t if d*n. elap, n b.d pfd4,î aswet MUsto»4inyWSu hatmm -hm hemas, btai plti*tn'111ê,id f'wi'e 1h' ~iddf014 ttl, e-VIV A a n uafo tta. vesu .u a mai aMd f.'~' <i h'd~ tîd .. (»h Muy tlni., "y'day. whaa n tl»l ' win -bull man--boar on > theoy ie'uan Mdthon vu 1 7<' îV'l~ ie'~.îqi vuuue'>'~' f t41h. Canao cComnwa a~A. tan, dbavno-, *c Iailo vas Lues u.~> ~ é, , t(xbp to b thoulm endnti rlr ed, ha saui .11~ ~ ~ ~ ouMight 1ho lave 1y ro.MorW." aililntSe *h.VIo ltsteiu<id MI'w'yoUSI7hrone thiî. Al t~t i a~ii~- tvou. >oil 14 le9ItàtgliSg e h4le4 the #m.,4 mu **t" ir saai.i ia Iner hwbdo ~a nî'th l'.'~ê~ ~ Ch1l~11lr gvo iq vMy «t TW Mmulnsrlyho 1mbtd.k.graqphlc*Us u tiurthliat eT ho bal go» ..'u.' had Joiontme thelb.fekufl¶aphk1 noittkacta"(baIbync ytgmemmener bivuk riianl îîîa,î~~ ith î'nîi * tîte b <'tf ~~u.mliwad" calI.U'I.ami Mi>v. inou a tnnu lit 190a ku.W miti biekt* lim o'alit Ar alLiattom-" m.,NS, Ine,,.EMZCap-a. A"tiMW0W inie ,htti e~ua l.>f1~ ~fr.s~eaas 'l %*htvn vK'I1 o oomont' m utI tKl0w yTed LmneoS K.he .butS Ima-W" uome for a i flOI~ 'WI<iidaim< ~fvknti 1hav ue, w. ol,"wusthe on, l'w» th cckboche ai t4\V0* wàqf1be *Itia n 'îweq h peýVr t. w« îut4. r* xiie&4 b. -Wut "WIput th"5 tiUl f ' I . ' 1 ~ i , k , ' î ' î î t y , j . "t i r fli i l u , t l u y , f4 à -4 0 ttît M , t A s fa I L * l u 1 l* ~ 1 ft ' v i ' V I v r m . ' < u u &eo nd L at eu fi iit1g. xeof «bm 'Aam auta. &0 agl to kuoôw pou--glaIMte ien,i omfr, U ~. ~ ~ ~*11 - Li'v<>wha o1 my. Tho captaîn leaiba .v.avy e.>11< k n l ý.1t yi Syp. 511<' 01 c(nAffl t sttkW t: (Mr hni<. a gme4 andi once Efn.rwdt mui fi . 'i.ttwîî wt 'pifsotr(1àw by i"4SUI ~' »n t<II tV'S~bAune M.qid of our in fMet. Ah! excum e a& p ucra.P Uflgr tl ly.~au4. .. tir.e f tt' 1514 vlu 14 w.14WIl 4w»wM41vh1 iomI<iitflg 4>ider" Mil I 'iuceît i imls plelely destroYeti, aMd .ba't<I it~'< tt"lu ' Vu*a 10w15 wel ilaýlt4'tî. uau viiiM4lm#ti errt.iwll kow% bhuiler by the g= m ou t dtdathock lke T. <'1 î~~ ~ ~'aux tuis ~of t4'nt lui."numu iuri4 ,nIO ea-cr iiquirtea ui ahti t more rsmbloI -~,».v<î»* r'.t'i.' 'Afl VIgllon gOl1145('UV >'<'ith hi-tt.' to . Vu w ich ti a thu inetiwfth tutu, 'àmu tId 1* ~<iL"'WWîh" ouiwel os Wi h ema~ qTuklng oa bLiacheck 1 "aa'wIS .if Shîltuikthava nzai:uanpoia:.o huer. aw sî'k-aer-ry zow.d thea, WUh 1 hh'nvlie ii k% f I lpiw Ktbt(» li.*Mli r n iîiniî'nts (if thi sîe nt acn t. ' bis 4&hie.i Y, thatuteaid 141w1. Mr. L ik ti Ur. ýviti)Qeua. nt:î11izeC t( km l Gortitîti'oI ihib r vn li *11hi lüw ." £ak tl u>t.ik thereglenscear«ugendant "bout pAIL f 114 fl o cn 11ork wbloha h. adIMI e«. aniti fght anti r. l bwkdu aSsud uu.(u'~I4î.whîu v vr.'rau Wlis hmu«actrlS lsut.the ladian ib tA. lui 1#4 ~~ula «1h he-wh'n (i i yLwhom eubIib Ladbiuoiht ta ou. F ITWSwa. ck l1i~i< 4W>~ii'hi' i~1 ililîîVOVd 9"i i bt.AMI by tho. lime Ccviii Au=s a. de-eomyCa ¶'aia Wi i 1110wwk Us, vta 7UCiP .go lay i p 16 0e .club 2,1P .woutu liolIduauh. wuk ianh.v. bSilngnecue iaent lb. M.1~h «I le u n s. >usww mn cmii vhtth- Sf o am$ t4ua ns I 4ti eephmb7tuaid zWt.,t a o nt~ .mi i a avnama" ce- vt Lanawu MMa "M P* mmjr lm *0ni omt.a**. mmv amly hwadimu., 1 et£ay sa"ammo «. ES vu laper. ms attempte a. B& e fetthathe q ft Vlaea oitao$m 9murgeanat andi auffl eN~e. Not a.wr ,a saige word. ain, "andi bot the Ibis mniomng mni- ho no prpoas.Thai ad bu"*S Sut. his i 1Mln avay Lis mlm.lzaunaflma Dg thona vo dmt thing 1hrddnir fS% andti h"5 va aht bol at night y te m ot big ad never reappoar lui thze morming leutenant-the cap. .ingw thequton ,U ntghS. aire» Nb into yom beau" ~t t0mna .1 m n itigacbede@ de Polk% l bu=--* âà AS OR-A m Ciam càuif ma &uh m hm bom OUR- - tii 10nhI . OFDRB 00D "FMFmno uç" mr*n ou a., 1 yIma m .ouu.almo cSt" CUoffmti- "Umm ap ce a m&"~ r eim maa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ upqt ab hX"inie cfwp iUImmt. UI *e ., nwo ola mingiaisU ale . zwUK -'àvsTTO ,-l have bd a, suafp and 11 ' a.Iu, my Paope. "havebe w hFal mu Wtm DontG>o Mr iez St*&la" d.*ht ndi v rb-hm. m'.i ShmatAi afn aU avdocee.d. wb mbookm h lm out bthat tc U e m uii.M Ime D RT Va - iolu-'artiomoei.pd.Suea ifdo Pr.e:vi yenGrem e i ou r tw a oc-14m" mm o Uh bua et "u nwc.kflf bre£dZfk.Jr oIoc A g boola wb. a. ai nu b.d ontY b"ý;and I qhave de tLa Sm& ep a tin ml ako tcf hl wa.teklu bs omo, athe wM betoMA INOLBDNGLVER. point ae t va- Letoe t thae wltLadacutn tupe a.a umNW PT N Mc««*U du emili i m i a. _e tm________t çwIit ne rniu piceff bat h. hadnu7t com, nua emeOde 1 th hadwritlng d tatofthe 11E NCWIIH HUMOIS me suspieions. _____ late Iaatt nighte .s ~ s DoecUTs4ti 1M SRê . lM INIes umlm K bookiý hecareffly Md hganiconi-____ ntmbei of stubsi wý zuab mhr yamas ofthe.wS: ads antimmi t1asia ieiM&di wk Fj rn CViCu. twtv Lv.u orailechte admot" M-Ca vuaar Isle bstemm&nM ro gay Lez, i% m, amd Baeub mes gave hMamy à" Ni - M e- m reat lb moluetbeluH ins uMs tha*hme awmma q ufm in hmW f hu uabewaks e1kw ha su~ ur ctu aumum oeLy iLH idu al i ::iq seba Min W b t.eaMiriber ba vum bIa.~u w». hais F mL BD *MW I aulo ma lem"C fthti ut c nd k- w tulz ue msh, si Wdmm ni. if ayeSUelm I~~~~~~~~~~ baM"tl a eiSi ui a uIIm IÀ.n= aitii mma bsMd*=uUh hud b oowo si rwb- le% vMaI.s makuh; eld bmiu si k--wlmméapew u* on becat ebng IetE ago-owcmutnbmmm is -i oth m aie abs aksMmes.bsi *ba Sb i âe us,- ue__lsutU A. h lb. UW pF ammÉgÉ uaos~co., oaawo- OUTAWAY The Best Tool in the World for 8tartinq WiId Oats, Tares anid ustard to.grow after haruest. ]BETTER THAN à GANG PLOW. A Boy toittwo ho""aoo c uai4'u frowEiAt to Tm ~Acmn p« dfy. CAILL AbNTD SEE IT. Sylvesotras.If n Ctev. &.~'usitL F wMicà tA. IGNES 7 FRIE i«ib6 Pa!&. ~OITAIO NUAL LMY STOCK StokInsured at gay LowRates. Met ruwYaem Imm JAS.. KF1ITH'S, WILLIAM STRBET& xloq Lm.Um - Baaza' Vr m~a fuWikàelm U.. ILDERS Leu WORK. L-i - 4 ýÉ à 1 8 4 1 .VIl."lii,'~O~i415q J~tÇ he1uS. m9aR1* vuy 5Nw, M.wt*iie à" *Dana htlauo, i . Li e ea aum ntg a"PD@"vu w#jIteoe, fto maI opevo »vauabi&mwuL la, *6 alwsFu'uu'b. ip" il be% eu»<(la. .4"N nov ti<upt,' 0vis4Upis.>= < la .aw am alr -gor*el tus. a. - Wgo L. misvPt aft hi., MWd h.'UUIoO "lt dw Uoi"» imu!a tmsow kab eoi M4 b&tdu- ta. *tauiîhl. siU, us ooatoai.vTainsarbal mol b" it.mura i ~~U~~I1SUI~~ v bâh.t, nl mted- 'lu -i nidmaItw *S~a*iBLstlat~lIII obue - vouh!5 tia~ t *Nu*~ CYLINDERP ~i~ Lui vutL'~ Mui lB 'a..nidi. atnurENGINE Uti 1~ MOU vIos - Ami - Iol ut Fü~ ~i*c~wa b

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