g- -y, M.W. WAY89t o0u01T AWATCI. -lbk "ut UrqevI 4 htstiue- b. o MO dh*ntlêt t» i. sbreiuw-1 M. prii tt* ohap te. wwe. P*Ad 0wamd *wbiobh.mP"da Ibe m . ggooe.Sw1ee $ I( P antb. -&gc&Aýi 4 'id imaju Pmujo*ea "bow <de y.u del mak mlb. R reea a uhw imlafa look ele b*wateb Mdam4 tla pbay ilie i**0. m im o iEumf b P& 1 varAua onr4 dtw tomm OWNtlytl doletp'0 blwirpet * "Ab.d bault WkIi h M Ibt u»s à h«imti J'ioabh Ilh. JËeb emb-.rohel téis pubd huIW t Abd il'a'igt obuf i. gdoabl, &W kt he. tuait'ht fatrierou&. t. Atl>-MRS.IOMM, jabt aM u and fflU0 twat e ýbt golaîg docu locartl te o uptoi., sulai n bil, cuauaah #ba on* tt iillebteos. Son ea.ba *~ ~~* liimah &P s o lb Ira* te bel oihtî4 oiftW l'edr hgr ye, sitIl i r » hé, *Illr* o ri . i. h l f. f1ou. r n .l -e e ln u.itaea. igIti h hse "gPtyou a <4itug b obPar«. sS tliowi I" Il . Poc ett iw~pu awob 104 i'S f i ciili ar eB.1tr16. 3mw.l ' Abd ii*gsfoi*111hast .wlm aomg bu l mot o.upx I to et aela "Oh.I eoVt tPueore ee.oilé ik,îwry i bills', onpiiete bav - e lii et' ainqpop sharUmtéavouam be.tua'tiiîî dan te. dobch i ftcon abig of P* Wtee w - ë Mt ettiaut h. Ntq dli uniy io tllis 1- aaiti heu l'is. ait uekW 1%m her cii bpait nhie .ar MIcf Ithor Binait It V I ShO <ite1 tt ir. ,II e tlns b9tkiil u'iî '.i'arn. tVsm b i*NMMo mi 1 t atia ittid lI fPt II.01 -*"m tel wo eî, ol t u a glti èbave < M biilh n,, *i t i lï Iu kuoc cai si tÇe 1? m'Id b'r" aMIfmhm - ' n er ntt' lutet'oa* à er h otago e. fl~ ut losvueus umehmi, lb. bue cd -uta.- - B.. Ksl~eP h. _____ mi I W * "1k umer Ihv.u b iuu b@d cI lh bd u-fawu- "f Y« t ameast melmebal iqetia* hlh.uei h.v heouE gmt ot vu mii da"t Mroc .mre dou ta#0M Ibnlsj W oqmtj o bg e wmgu, 'Wbaî i.aebaba.oa "Wh, aleroeouaagg-eueoMmd w hsFacpe D S oow bioot ai ntb » orht om ca I cUlb.*» 4«M -loue ».rmg h.oatng w au taellet sle.sbt fa latmf e.ohige.u A mmdaOo.1114 ok bamu'tae ummi cet mn othtla mea bSEcU »yefl op tho,"si lum bppisob Mdsa"i aDtrala lasssuwtb y b«.moll sip ft Wemil a Oh. 0» lb&t fe avte lsaeai Invl hienalalo be.,on sa aw mm oturmea ml mil oil a h aa he t," Lheup «Girl pr-M@b ouI lit odty-néo. a Ila&mdu b bw"M l'aoinst. awy Tit.li.t 1b.third tino we v sgiyn peaohinns t thnl rehai I cuis a nlselwn lu' r. ewe-llas (Wrsho ai.ý kpe*.i ms WcWto-bu-lvery dlslwmag th llalk f iai ill eae ujo p thlue em luaiet se m*Ayor popmain can iag& tou alus. s .atr Mu. lerercit he ause as p»,hm i. pb@0-'Qute se. Bt e onerse , pou buse p. fl ui o Mer>' eeusIhgbue l, béàtIsyls Iux0narlnhtl o or ou91 ne"Pouth f .tim tyhs fm t omlnpqg*Dn t lie lamao) lflei*onWhy dou t nIhlm te bm aI1111[ltetkm frem utue bllof ol obitei9 ir et-fiylm -ftOn ta fiaili #en* rlaiu Fr. Pre d, u. mmtb or' en math" thla themueIg boWUQ expeeflaiteas Inl n Our nele. I hat: bS .coula.tnef sm t be oeltuliofen prcl lm"the ou Courla "Theynw*heo r meiw mss av.ý ehet. buet, thiabe c eeai," ala os peqaltin ral for s slnalin optattoti "va. nul lu sidln a u oui ytb. tcbm-aiob.f ra&,do "Se cel hve oue B Ifbe r"Wosb. bfl Bota w1>oot. orY. ila m ='Z.ý JOUN ENI WYT SUIV.- The ,.CI.i.i eler »dmDam a.. uese lthelirflyn Players' Leffgue TMen. John F.mnct SMyilsathe e clilovn left liehugler of lbe Drooklpu club oft ii playex ' icugu. le wax bora about Ivon. Iy.etghltits aNp> ut rincevlle, Ill.., A" learnealto ,pIbarbal iii Waldmau. UMa, cwlore lie mris couec etl ctlb a mou-pro. fesmonal tean. Il'.ts.Irg-t.regular prof.. sali egtiret.h'iree, cas cih ibe Paltlnir cluDi> et ie Vulon s.eecaalo lu 1*14 wcho u.,oled thai team n tu h.eona- dm1 battIng average, andi ale playel bruI. lantly ai loft di,ebl welapoition h. bus p minefle&L ifer cmmenco la lm wut lhe KaMasCiY club- eofli"sWester leaguaet'uh chlale"mn d uluntil lis isbandnwui, sud thm n finshl themase vimleSe 9Lottwewhuh - - 9148e yconanl" el citb us Nomdl cli pwafuomltmm li lb »dWabaudnt ai, lhe clous efhe aBodmaof*e lHme ut dub cub ii ber xIrnalnoi hm u mena, nauI Si aRa. ssvem lb s.eOo club tlwe atsn IopS& 1nrlnq 1S' %OSand "'%,. clii vIa be alaafa. taSua S%"7 «suna"me-lm ondel repui' tIen, mei oulaseu OpSW f f elierbut sas r osaulbaumasudt a imiidariln aMi leW lame riamuez --Tht. asmabe lu Onsrof it4 seng tmm ta iiJOha M. Wor bas eh"wdly seleege-ge o pmuoibrok lyn l-lPlayor.'Roupi, MeI.bai utla mii ita huWuula laému lou-toie mout - a4.npA.. Z-7iauw ila eu eeb Umm mmP lut le. thm h BM the. OhI à0 *e emdià eui ho O. uaalg eiae cdabe. 1kmp ~nau- e.~meUt IMl'au ffl d mauq1f blbhi la. mdala uemi thme ohrbot.paiO.,mUgm tamp -etlm ý1 la th" en noouhoigaua ohe amlnS ath, duon mu te sMimn ml .10neeem" - à&Ohmthe. nlng heu aml ~l.dllsl tala aa landpntefîo reha ad abos a sa, amguslsopeitel aies nnlntwismi upheil cse. xnyshpl h.ae a wbo-b e ta, bniesteom a hi.h latoe lasjmp pisnla thât amitbuble- o l Il b cl-sau etht arrdsne- Seap te t he hopnamlg"hp, sopma Obaneerse - ase gdvlflbt totwiebbdeiga10 oUABl tbei rtinvngbo ums" he nAmrc betr dvcampatVer Llhlfetl won the copeaism u 1f-1 e niA P. op amI wu mpodwt: et efty et tebimge ma -tesw doue I>ftwt'bu.lfrhi omb affl fiures ai l"aors etan i îe. eft, thhe t oinul lm do.. net chamaeaet ldigiiae thepfin aoe su1des it em opl litnm, vaifu 1twin i ia n eose oSd fthsi T ts eaeWi à the r foot leatiixo.tevroshm thruy bnotnge a a h tae aheouwt a st igunsV ieràün w ltio ndaa jumpe 4%aus.n.b J oel.m e a 'iai enit my emn tice hat. ri oi twokaiîa teu roasforth ecaunse h elopieath rnntnm,o4 d L3.'UcLu IW..n lu mro "fN jeu vuMa'. WmwtrmLhaam PI 11m l"If jeu wereu't amaRer than 1amrld The Iheruareter la e oMan, buit taise eme vy heMO- à domca mol"e ponte choaper thma inLtor Me evonol up prMty eil la tuis worM. The ftho lmm the a80 Mdl li m am e li- s hh. Euglmul's dansaboai la board aronnl the worlI, bot -Kentuckys hee«bei gela bath à"d Amulmca s ld bei tiaree abut ReGnChnMetvutly)-Wha i IIJohn, mm . ougclh (erfly-o e.=. ]EL&G.C. (mpbgklcily-Whr. hec di nefflmis=)Whthe euld e is malma-I(=»c»MM totm hlm rdIlove h Just ma-Jua as eil (sobg> if b. lla'i Mtz»t h ins. A %«W Abutas Cille.. Davnlug ma-HlpiI 1amn drowatng Otranger (on boul basllly dlras:lag hlm. MMi et hât clotbe)-Uorrlbàe.: Caa'i am But do't jeu-use ta nouleon the bride 'Swimlng strlctl>' terbialden ber."'- Tranglatoul Duaseldeat Zamg la TUM i"ii" salid tIi youx mmnte bis em- Ployer, 1"1 thonuti migiai tale iberty of remindlng yen th"i yen premiiel t. ratiomy mlawy t"i. cooL O"Cer'taly. Irve got tee cuefl 0"es u nec, Md garn mt <Doing over tto ebault t. lt suad get mY noe .discountod. Juss keep csi, andl Mu mise h aomebow It I have anY Mt Of luck. "-Wa.hing" os et. Etminoni Author-You bought aMS hm me corne tn ears ago 0for M25 Pubhsâher-Yé@, &W. but ce.-hareuat prlnteal i pet. Eminent Authorý-WVehlt e bave h baek and MI'i ve pou a hundreal. r,%e g a repul.atiounov an=ldon't vanto sapoil Farmer Dachiot (te ainicultural ciler.i taking l!* Tafttion)-WUml do pou tibm' la thIM4 gui siling crop, i.1v? lB nemstaonme that potatncu are about as1 dlry th:wseia) an-&ulin.gteu Net wb"M iTot. Lanna-Whatî a quLiet young mn Timkina h& Flora-.finae en Invliwai binaI.dîna«? 64,n ot yet."9 "Before pou 'al hlm quiet vait until ju beuhma.-ea~ tna DttaO ai Vry W 1eIL De Mitt Qeadto. Sr.-l miusttll ou em. PhAtilcal>'that 3ynur extravag&aaimode et lite, muâi ceuse! %What bave yen beendog durtng yens'Ritain aietellege? Ditto, Jr.-Took a conne <>1 Iodureau Smtîhea-I'v boco e chtsman. Darniey-Batbcvna acrobatie move, jla Io $Peak-New Ko.k Prua "Wha* i II jur mothe msy vlan jyu tei er e ere -gagat 3Maualai"t uwaud suaukel na>' Itle brother ISU ho ~-u. L~IP.~WhI~ epss~ Ne w~va "mn~. ~ Iba - mMei £lmmo - imv q i. owl, I"db S 4OM8k àb iduW tact a Xu MM 'Iiswmis UAL - E& -1S1~ ____ i __________________________________________________ T~ A. DZoew'a D.tz CYLIND ERp 2 LARD DOM BOILER ptRE - - - - W~U. 6 E _____ jielm »Mon m M.-O*I t I mN IM -pt N u oeg lul,~ l1 h. M ahatm . la.moU Il bbesg_-sao ~-1 am MeUaty aude,et aceM UWhi de cWtty notdo n . aust u "ei%". hur noatbheu$ , aMi h. b MS bu" eza olalen auant ape nMd triest ak e kw b e umu lng obo WLohaver mjw habv» be I.nowla. loà* Ohe lath Lumuo o m y b. put alsersadifarmi spra ii "Tries . al.~u q btlutdm lng bS ma mam- n. te f it»-UJO mm mt, "liai. r. Brown.lump et gaw havm tle pu t ym et ."Molt ap b. huown. à &Ul toliabm& 1 do Bt cmv we éclo rM. My P16'a uli thftwou. iar Vul dsllghthd te bMw it fhum yaw oea R1p mm mpuv. I neWur cu h a"ve drsi yoc, vers Myo.ng.-Daau Comice D*hicr aMd croule: "IWaMtto now u yenrew8owa't. p .hyé lu y lb. ubymk.oc Ibm., ylen m scacae wSatoum Xaim-Whmrebae yocbom, Si - 1n Dauka,-ont on tamlb.ave, uslnen d - la amenda t Oarlatrnm. Maia iitb a pained i W*..± inum, chil&, mculanuage -MyTm do l Wltmoinsyensa. Ipi-Grand Volley id- ImmCuUcura nom S liN D18WM1an - ~ oem~ 1hiu I Imm ~m mm eIEIR eu- et~~~b imdbmmn sonN ,maVt snurale UMMnmminraaM theaMr madheusu tb. vemrbal u1d" tolontmei r mdieav oile IUumulul ans.Ib m~eh. CIatub we teDun wSth. vMW bdmi lud»»w tleiloevmy Mm.Cdmcva 8* iil b. effl <jlIm.t" @mm ceIa lme a Crulm" - LVhi O. t" . IaMW Mie Slest Tool in the iWorld for -Starting WiId *Oats, Tares an7d Kustard to grow after haruest. TEAN AGANG PLOW, Bo WM bmt w Amm ncm ncuaim asfro,,f Rhgk te fTm Aon Pm &Wa. CALL KiA mftm m sw A.NDSEE IT. I OINT* Nemaà& ~For w4«*".EINI2 - -Azr m MM GITAI OAL LIII STOCK koewigbrdad Fàw ira& KE WILLIAM StuREET LARDINUR OIL.b OUR ;5 umts u OlMDRY. 0D eui 0m Md am.. jarW~s " t MOTS -AM agSà» NR! WEI£ U!qP TE.V 'ORmSTOCKMA0F DRY 00008 AU gmds M vé sU« Tmimiagsld h ooa v forugswm »V Pooewva Usa UsasmIRtap, Jars io o~l.J, BOTSan» old, KIF? WZMleABOt,» LHÂBDWABES .L [ManD$0 L I 0 Cer IEoIL INDNU EDS. i i~rwK -PtA. J RY QURN O UTA WAY 1 .