Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Aug 1889, p. 7

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CA NADz W JUAY. ~.W*Y.OUST ve' lem_______ I~f VI ~6mo- 006 1W0f tifObw * wWOWM. momwaif3d WyIWI t S. 0u~ *~. 1. K-.~ N< t.- èk'r .,$ o ' Id à-141~if% I 1* 4 f~~~~tel, .I~ tf~l'e tot él a1*,..ê4.Ille4 o S t tg f. '~ t'i#îi f sf#. .î I~i. te Ott 1 t'f 4 . . fi' - lîis*Yj;v Z'.4 qif ** .,(W b~. f,* 'tg; êt îé-jýé%. H I~I * " I.r t ve. li klttabïtn -:ai %,V .*. 11 'n î Vna «iu ,, Ut \. - Il t- ' - r t" fl * st.. ~ ~t-.*a î,:aa ~ tt-lts- trOp i -s -- I t ,-~ a 9~ <~ p. -lu'A *lettIf' - ,., ~ ~ a,.. sot- .*h»- t----------------------- qn- 'il s - i ~ -- i-t- oIVk i s e % ' * î I t' I .t a. t n -~,'A s-------- t ' t i 'l.1t ix t ' * - 0 'i li-A' i-e tit' liii' S~~15 ut ,,, -' - i -' Is- - ti, ' u-"u,'h-a "a-ph l'a s ~t~- t,- - t I. .,i.-. .-.~ -, .:' tra ., h. - t 4I i '-i t t i I I- - '-a ..' i I . .lwçNffl fto .t MI k4, tp taI.-,- -a-lui#W4t'.îu at'- -o ..u' i u--u'lt Iui -o 'aP~lia" t ':"l'u' fhé t h;î-.-~ -ll) e~ etj'êIhN. Us toa , -JY t .'titA.*eu ri»ug uit i tt t" t- aý cmtri- f'it @ ttttetv tl ueu fm ju4 bn mi e tItttf isJ' *5 hw byaiu p4p otdw lfd',î1.'ko. t lIt» epo'hWusud î->V4thé li k ht' suAd»Mu'<f a* <'r i 11' .ft 18 evtusulesîtêtbPM lUtai vkor.' ho eu wwL(lo ihl us doagil" ni 5iolSou ot I AI.' aSftt < ogm . ..a. . u. - tom We ffm *0iMW e- mmnolFl MuWtÎV 'rve- -m -m - 'wOMM #ft4 ro ffl of111 mvihgl I 40" s.o . M uthe fop ofa m ttl brv. «Mi boit esm 1104*kW~, A " em9laOyoEi < h. a" v*#lis -ma t~~~tflt~~ ei',e vi'dia.1et iw t'ho~ u i ide *Xfl * d eso toC iunhiviit u-i* i Pshub 1.11k«0 4<m amm hatetehIut pi. 11441ly4< lit lwif e tonthe IUt"o .1 tsk 149 t1st~I dQIr~see havisirl oS a.besh boviun' **y A.hrnt7~'ko .~idlIg lts nu.V o , o (tas so ropeta.puibol)v Wei' Tiî'y WOê AOIS e0OO~,E% vbls go. te .l4e kws, uCisld $i'i- it h thO w t MPMI'y ui6<w 8 moeld lmiesliq m lIs te tatetf Iifu< ii %lu -S *D. ep gm al lueu e, tue. om NtIvre, tt¶t thi Flit. W<li i #W15on f5' Is o. «blure.mis. 5b . cusmi ýtJvIlm" i tele @Md@ "it t mahkit gi» u o cu SI mes oilmiro u asMt Ait, mttlif fi, MI pl. s 'y b.ra.n. t îAc; oU Sas. T1e t amneebb.matie ,'r' t'.'eutlu tu lis uietîfu. aitS, #Mill' colie s ot, furms N 't,,a'ssit thidltoi baud ihs3y4 iaet liii. sgo 0» b" st*0sllbsusbe4 Ph,'~~Im *0* la doisoS, . < 00 ~'îrî~,q,~ i». j i WPf4 hci u been flbts *0 is nl1~olu - *J41»1y*" îti'sud 'wii ycî~j1our 401 inal <mli te M hi o4 s a,.in fr11ly' elto"lgfwb$li ~wp dem»ifauitfino" ouuslesws.(i ) phutitent Aîlw. vt<uy olg"ls I Ffbut otmnes te eustuebys fu'k me cfr 1 b lit .d I,'î')'r«,.' (16. 1 MlyURcundO14 big utsappiSI alMd o <', 115ento04 f.liait ",. ' l ipau1f1« * Ibis Pl~ -als éoa. louestuil "b. Witdwluo NetImm Oinss ion. 1 lit ttqttglq ic bPqwt#V mlwin.V."hm bq n no ed, tus tus suytireli ~ r,î .hm,#'taote pluemtriwbthe "l'(-t til Iller %,Ilttwrlb lt 10,'TsNoIt6wasTh- deuutuinofusas l..'th'.-1 fia*et livi aIltdmsuflsned "J, (4 te,* sud itiou hieà, l. lOgeid4e -Om ser, UtItlèYitt. it. el*tîl cwhk. 14 klp'air b t ét e, ftitîteh(ahepiialplsyiste h pitl f*tm Se louas, a pairt l-thse pnoom.; *bit$ eh. Setîlsem wif et xvift uA.futt'yteimltt. S P4le. imoa e at. iagt bretresobe by ~,"u tun tet ii' scaeg Iisn st ml fi.- i n addition, the co0.00 lo f il 111e1f *ia.,fitt* fin *Ït& s,. beooun ormIdablerival, b thoft ,,etit litilMoisîuifAt tho tb. mtrtnge'. îtî.'<'ilît n isbe t*ênov O"la ».!an nentii aes Chi- vi>'tî't' whýtt'h. eit i 1ohfr48bSl<li ti t. OMMr 1 0dcagu .tn l-en. New Intwad poerles le*"l ïotl~"' tb hrtllJohti hat if itneuu7,yte iori 4t*misIo at I.J.,'.V..ký,' te -IthiInîi.tosdetila io h et l g. 't Illeï i t tir tlcsA WikwkShim. *wfflthse tr"madmtalOet cfhboaeas'ilIe 1 :.rîYvt'i nNfqêohom, MA ilstes'la iMd etnt oth»V rsv uo ttruMmCanada w.' If èta.1.a<n ftolm îet4 ogwetngrhi e to-t o toe ap tron ta " m - u Wliu t sltI tof le im'i tit 'omt lsft*##t us,,. -ThI eowof th0<l t ei'lu'it «" 4Iy file th t4 18h15. Amert-,êa fit(04And<tuéwISe am"oIl1u-6 Il i""i'. ttu VItêtti wal. tI nter,14 a vu .'stuîîs$bog'...s to ii* fou" u. s~ s.iiul'id w'uuI.'vful î.'u'rti,L lmpere.tlit i etuos 187kt iets bavle douit liet,,41il tttt ý%-Itlel forlllIf ww pLuth@in 'Maires, 50 p6nc*11t. 1udwi meil- hn w i$fIt t<41fils'IM' te l é fl(e t lw. elit' i Mism@t&etu, 6pon t.; et Iç 1n %otl n "CPî~lol ()pncu.; et ê't',t,îl h' lttttil'n,1'hn $0<'Inot h'. 'n Rhcds ,I*Iàuîd, 52per cent. -Or, -r ~l ~ Il' litN* 0uîIO~Ie1,490 1141118 ii. t, Ugoailed millespreduced t lie, 'vI. IIV tt titi~'t (t.ll'u tft ttils<'.ito -(), poit e O~ bu. Ithietiftuaîîînl lue'utîn~ il'<.itîul *1 chUt', tW #beg e0ute ps*ld ipro.Oe Mi» ýth'. Yih. t'uihtit fu eelkv 'tt' u<l tte%* 4. ifu sin an aels IsUîî lit-klffl m 111,. l%4 f,14 < tai sltie> tua vessw 57XI , 'th e f. *fI-if4 ui M otvlu.5 mirit , i'rl'ituh,e ThOtisof irn stland inaptectifels i~i-t ot'vti"e "h' 'rupt~e uninit ake, M, a.,erout.ul JASE 5~.&VW - WWN â» Jmob SWitt veuudrtukS br. 110ef eltb isme b"d Thons wusOb leut A"mm Md bal i u«a. ftle ta. fit1 ieuk 1% hm lsnouif lu hbaau En -PlaisfilId, _N-1 bsue, »fliIi pese tissus have ihem Maout a desen 'bigh- Ilsm"isquoir miooseMd ahso".payeu à, om0IlemMs fme, tbeouisa aiearnes c"51; sueug tlh. lquer mm, wesmsiss h soppoisltioluliss City ozuma la le noess, M»gMsuaidtonrlise cuerat leun. Tise maube .bave boss cois op fon *Fr*"t.Tise Chtius'Rome, or PliSnlIê l &Iti lvslfttb auaaewumi n mur, sMd bisemuussi repert et tise priai- dm, i. unSN . LKimIsalIl. coutai the failowtu'hidanmfslcut pu"sgvpsme aureru 51 lh ise ge sethse. msud sme lisesm ailise chsldn: or *ae hm er avae am t a ins erter fu oiIt e 1ual m efisildmW. sonsas lila» frol nt um esiobi ouaMea*sOur effl mona Ommili retils tolious t»s liituum bff miSoumi taivmb et anl om se rfftv.'ullata urbere bave c=m trou vwl oethe lt uiss e l mr City. Tb* supspou'imect.mlaiJoisusows et tis aieus eElaete oLiab Woikm4 m. Aus 8. -iltsis,.vise, vitis Ste vir.b"a mmmaoqi ope dus'g thse fltO1 la upot s masat ba& sa lame Ibas 3,CIO lieverso kom 84 iessbsm sthmesga* ismeet, Ilquen. "The 111. Um iar, un,-' ly be olarw i >hqucr" h M esy,"appes. 0<11. 8h10 vai. Attwers lever poUlie e Sa. lova 5hm beaslaosedmisWhi 55 Me vy: adis, Md the people bau ssddimesta* bis noui d ose, ltees.sum'bes et maslait thiirboues Ms natesu d plusiamts j tIsos.. @Orwbels'oc)S mon55eit"me"oo *staen adluse #~%es sd vis es floud main tisi ers Mdapi saMdb W l 'beyvan m abis est hemeevem. m=d ositis opociMdsufd umie iaadees. Rssildes, u_9»Wn fsille. vue alosiesMd r vetes lemiett"si M : ve rou tmise iii be nsu bans meba maiet bousuMur fellesm miibuve beu mvo&l. Et«M5. umai sU hieséd d- vwsmS- luconvierts*the ilSlb.lobs Ss ou ew olumm osssem dIDai t» "fe sn.*0ise VM U mi sw tise diSas MOIll vaWOW mmeulbilei ceaS ., ghlhea ATuatm suaSm mo ew WE flm, m - -77, W.t eu"sbIw - ~-e -mo- a ta goa * ab" vpr t "i.m Ou.cisisua. ie - whlie botl» lieinigelmi udbsopaime aVOw& ,uglié ura u ub. tis. i"dmoàpsuhdymmilf mtie uMWgbim luu.dlaW 81 .ueof Or mitins quilélys- m wuLuMd Ma.Ouaby toiteuneopmldeumq lu l"ilà tl.ns mbmbof Oinduo In W"h Pfffa" sd hURm n~ e in tme Publie assolsis i le agil % To oewyou uuame foislu mahotte of tu",--u Niilu *3. To mvils al euieu an rmoonais pesé th"S me bohzu toit bocks su un ithi "..ab". & To undntim 5.Phlier et gamwu toe in, itpenibtis 0oF nsv owdntifaa.t.aul p«»» me bie te quait Nuagliai. Thi@ etl W* ii. th" lenasmai aistemslih pwgeauo it le lis, ont- c0»Ous t lsa peliy-of mra Mand peu- p«ua. s oodile upvau.vei aaog tise ieous Ma»e sud«»MdsOf shicl e secauilen uailuW* ooattedg a"in tu he. M.niy unlty eofvW"u au t*9 cousuo sU1EUUbuîsmay b. IFMMU& arum=LIND"yl IM Fouutder amu ahus kbwe and Kimqe MuM.Mwy Pov NL.M. Stesm mgèan ad Stesu.Puop. Lrrz±ue acal In.07 par mai Mule et abu, eoin agbatdLrdn acie0 k W Bac& col e w~. m .. IM sae. VàJ.Ka,7udmIsa LD hotm W.W LoNa2k OP.ULV AND FIA JO& oUaL "grN, LINDSAT. toam mlgrn omal liese umakl gCUNOIMY,.EQUITY, srABILITY. TeONTARJiO IUTU.PL.LmTEAgavRe ANCIC VU la emmuauly -'The Poe's Co.- Ne objeetlanv'amlsa orgmatlaa or sSte MWe sa ilesmauuem4a he Lb base l oM.0 et is sembra vhseloas campmte. cri= . NmMdml USte dila àhr ai tu Wb,* Knuwsue I r~wsta (oRE s Z aitomnaro TaqE mWtTERLO NUTUAL et Watedoulo tuOunl am v. &TLAS eW 1Lmo EUE, sd TUBEA- 5a01 Iam-Th. UTUAL cf hm.cbuev bas m8os'ay Eahm la tib Ply au l temnrse e~o THOS. d. AMIDOLETON, OS.U m e ma mm eSisa wm « am U«&,e. flLy Lin TO ROCHESTER. Wl» ikê bànrlr triD siis rote. Iman- laCobog z r ==Umlmet ,.amadPort w mei95 cloi.narrIvai ut Grind TramS Ra rsiM ivm~ m etuaSsommi v heabs!=44=en Nortbos a Osat "d gai is Rlvaom - -e vat mlie fh.c bePm *Bd mNING.-Wm lasse ar»e <aut ouet mobmsl u ai.Wdumymi mmi Pharauson oSHpdrus .n Tale a12s ooeeb mas nu0 t s ela rnis te evoga a AlaW-1sv6Tor, fm Sm ýn.ma4p i Teamae, bmm al muimu i t MI.B IE . amm w bmoybtefrS 'b ES TUVI 1ONI LEar. smi$ab PK" I - h5e n et U À I l . M .s aute Bobige. nut, a aIiL v 9,IkRaua «Vet n OUain. Zpu * Ce 8as mmlearmot b eda LUMBER A1.D WOOD. LUMBER, BELL STC7 AND WOOD. FPIREWOOD Ceu hastm qmali iIteuefflte mm na t th wu. Lui~S Bo- uz hr STfi u * oeC: UMM . - $4oioo.& Par Fïpe an d Fmute Lidmis "ORDM.&ItryCONTyr~ uldn v Stock. lnume undeg ie on u. ie Lw* cla dw*Uffl 50 cms. qri4MtO&Midcosftwm delnjntova se cI.. mpar !tor a damu =né z!ý 2cd Po" mi crd te Itd@&PT. Ju 8 ~ & CORYBIL B.Laura IceY sPECTACiLS&EUEGSSEI = eom.dd by the- Prwsde~ ftoNls AUnelue tn0fCanada, the P='siet0f e Ae;he aly euine arti cle* ,,hat ue.u siwms 241cmoufut perfec mt.&na sudo- ftort.1 pair ut 8LIELI'S SPECTICLE8 ,vin outiast fv emupairs and make un for leu of vsinb7 poitive coofort ad the ooolation that te. weares 'teewiflinipmg by thoir ne@. RefelBrff-illiKPebbies ar ept by ail hi@ &a M , M want »eM coiotwith your ej te oeil ou W. IL. ELLI... -.FENELoe< F %l" D »MD...0................WOODVIXLE Nm zou s .... -.."lw gr 1051W ............SUN(DE MLAMM &&ouW&t &Q ...........NS-y;e LARTrHOLO-NEW9 &grauiur Kaeuomet C. f Watert.wa Cemmeretai UMou aurance Co. <uf LOI& rli oeta. naurnuecer.. Wentreal. co.feaetoa LUse moea.tioi. T.wetg Cawla penmamuLe" Msu av2nse 0800 Waturoul i ntu o eskCe., Ersueford. a ff u e at ,eldene onrof Und.?&y aMd Llndssr. March 15, 18% 8 8-tf. TrHE LIV ERPOOL AND LDO>NDON .&ND UULNCE COMPANY. EIRE A YD 11FR. Tte Largm e E.InsuraucoCoo~mny l the Wortd. Cattal........."O.O Rate@suad pre<nlnms a lew as any other re- sfltcable Comipany. The sette:nent of lao L mpt tend literal The rves au ~tand-~sl 9: f thîs Company afor f>ge , insured in à0 efect securuty agaanst loms LIFE&DM EIPARTgENsT. .&seurnc-elfetfed with or a-ithout prt'Iits aé modera,erates. Four-tlltha uof Proutiveste ponley Iokers. For particulrà or raies SPgIF to r. C. TAYLE01, Ageent for Lindosi' and 'V'lt-voI .00 80ow T sO UR ES3 iceae MY FRANVK LAZARE*.' oagr ismm gte This book le thcroughlypratlca. Sinu me. fui nformagiou te ehom seoytag amni il ma ht vlllé w ra itboa ARl Mouts ume Lmmuw lmpwevci masabole Ittff th. e mSpe"M lsla Ue Wàrid. pome ni m m nMel m Feras»W hp J. RIGG8& Jewelry« Mdi Jba Ste. KeEmi-e. LIadWs. Msauul by, TRÂNX LAZAirU a e cetLAMWMu,& Morris Rarefuri. <Ma.> N28arylaul kiAMd. darrow BR& Lane eaio uieau .limyu. AigU 2klm-ille. Ma.p rag. nomaa R ICHRD BRÇOMM GEORGE DO uu w masmama LlGU~ MANILL~ OU?. -M IF MI&RRIG IK LNS&T SUN bTe h. aid""euimnthe NFamg Ge rmerh . . LI&aPB Lu .. lm. U Iu ra bu* am-l ~ M edu me W~ - bou mnte m> iman&-&mf BOLD RELIA BLE BRICK or fliter at the. Canalngtoa station or %N oni- vile station. My brick for color &vd iquai1gt- esmot be bearen. JOHN Qui. algo.Dec. S 1S-U-ITr. FOR R SÂL. The Pubscr! ber bau for "ale a large vsni»tlyr ol eoice b.ed Bri.k s bis yard nerth ot Cma . ,em . or at te. Camainitton rafiwiay station vbieh lie Winl _»Rlat reewonab* -rare, tu iake r~omforhiesumer toc. .pply ta JOHN SÂCKVILLE. 'Catuingtoa.i C'amington. Avril 24. M~-4& GOITACTG-f1i AND BILDERSt Bouoe~m am" rame for mIe. Fe Eu ut MA" ou *reoe sripairsi. lEsm osnr uta repairai. Orderig aMue- se& bhq. MIdmywsL. meuh 9of Dams' DUNN'S B3AKINO POWDER THE CGGKS lEST FRI END CH IC MEATS 0F ALL KI-ND8. Every householder nin dsay iîud be inter- 19. J. Y1LIAIOITHE BuTiHBR bas remoî-ed to larger and more couvenieat prem&e. nidw:l! ni.w be un establised in B. & PORTEBIS OLD $TIND, opp oste the pi rrer ou office. The Prenilse bavab boa hadgomely fîbred up. tand partie lea'n. Ftheir cuirontwith hintiavarfrlyu 1 vg OIT thebes meats. BEEF êx Ljtx ,VKI.- ert inSentez. as Wou Vqteuaabbut ail kiud. W. J. WIILIA3SON0-'. Porters old staul. Lhuisar. Mazeh17,. IL--4ttf. JRIG« CAILPuICE PAl» FOa Tha U s n regisf«w a GIDT CI brE mal§& r il Nmwllake.i hs Il"m upr<wurm-X in n Il m wM EEAYUR1T Mmd WOOOVffJ5 ( N D-mkewb a ufty Ger. Depo#sU Joku .Eakma. F Forg a ai Nom. and alV UsLasued.1 1 ; 1 .-- 1

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