Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Oct 1888, p. 4

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EYENING PÂIRTY. FA £A6u&tn a.ikw lot ju oelv.i. A bath POdTW8BOQBt- USISI. EL Ur1900 HEMADQUARTE .u. ....... -mw - LBÂuKTiOO=W, IavSsuUwaI Kasuvaaoe 0~EVateu1 N'Y. humeteUsi laies Imaursues Ca, et ae~ UUW hursaso G&, EostsesL eetaioesuiem Lite Amodsuaa, Tas ~mi. Paemg Lesa mai ~~tus Vateseus lugEas Wewks @ê, lieut Te L~m ail pet sao~ooo W GI!.. as rauldeace, corner et Unisse Glmzelf Iltreets, Uadu. Uhissy, Narob 15. i8*8 -~L BrittojzBr hoa BBION BI)UOTHE ENBRAL INSRAY.jc A £hl 1w 5 b u en .ihwm.essle MS uehsilv. l mesheaniésaMdauat nie,, uilas' wwe.eISuha *li Ta ffn, Jn 'AmSoF. . C7m.m on u 0 NPITLAUfUorYeci -i800 'r tko..theIma tht. .11 sud reaie on o 9 àlfrbCompt gra bee!g sud reno paper asoae rul ad naloe ma RUsho.covunidn. p ya toweshisain I.Naud mièt's aS eandRaht luro ssii, Inpuoe ,,iion ap.lj t bz*e of faUingr stof.zt.i Ti.Oatical osths.y o shea f th fàrm M uytel uni.Jon Ad ne of thsi Mstiogtamnt facors:ucin_.roi vic farinerg rNody . r. A dams sho i mae sdii a rat baconefakt 5 po, *r pht o r land.On h o thegrau'th omntioneu. S oit cf ou, reads oW b *hme wtheri.aemis conclusiontl the rocky t reanessudeteA raiofti brt ov.are esy ciald n au"ra1 adase fo be ep-is for iithasmia mdtbf banim f ar&:mind or 'st6okray wuen largl u é frerab of. 2fa"r .*NothVictori h onttodc aboudon a thousyncmheisl it b caÊusti.mnaictant saMdfathey The marktin fti poutin tha Md naMIEDrurte s so.e fa bun. cmobody ifon i thas popo sto.With satafacorymsAd.tho I~ ~A~A~AW ~ r31VI~A'v ~V.Us a - ~W WW~~3 w~d~ EW4AA~I~ ~MJ1~FA~E5*, 1555* au&- 5u~talisu bareieia MdutTustaW- pot. 2ai, at tRi a lînguop oethUcod ", mi e a Eibai-Wuir. aÔnp îwaups isopll tierefre hu bac ITRoM u-m uuy Ltbr a IN )t biSib . u e t a auo lirl et Cu ThrasoCNuslLmSte NaTi Oer if i1Bu@" t d bt p a a l e i p l g t e h î c m . a St Uo si, b uRo . W '. . i f a N W . . I H e li te fiuln.lais. ,This bus been «W« Mg ou5.k. e1so1 )f for « sud inothtug nov can bricg Roemr-Novàvi ,&t tie ~ue ue. M ,baeh tieaUPplj két iEnn esmeebp ,l'aa, ima Nov. Win. L»Oaleas TeM ay.Sep. rom maay yoGIs and avaupa vblhhave SSIi. Wm. Hou e Surah tb dmiiuaLr Of a - ll.oxgeber 4ssyan. Icis ~ leli u eelNftaulo wovl. 7 jn M.Vus-iveuj.-A telie reuasofet he eo»atefthle isah O et WOt dm bill' faten theSie!OU 11.w, .Tics. e bacidmsite etmiLtdasu d ieep tgst Inoî teaor etra, J. 8ILVuau.oflmervmeu Ob eurAla lirel drlaîgAB, nul uW.iem eubàï et Nr.W.1 m cerainth*! ieaunmmertla IHuii2 oge(»l" Ta jostce o Nsi au«s D.dui: <li IL Ih Wh.eovme3Sî abeulexsor a m OEY-t ees m 1Sp..Ms rIigt. tlisy bave u=der tisAi lesso mai a GoriusOkq eisi em is alpIVi *'Mmjten. e AsMYVie"a vers mI;olr MIsls. Si pais.e uTwcisrIwn Ca acor ili the depmtatm I deelmmtÜb àxu-.d 84le. 51h Islduaceti s legohi a&nmembefir, I, Now air. Ia* ber Mose.Nmre,19 itm.v 1 T.By -*tublag tedo amîtllf IPullIcs IsS.lngn A.hevla ' W Aiai l. ou aorder te bengft tbe pes fi"o bis sund Si. 2a. E a adia, off taie vmt g" tin Smag 'lv bis Smli prt ope théj S esue ~ Aroieam mi h nTms bl ui as e e il aiigw t t e . t t e T Si i, <la. .x ~~ arable-m ault "@d, 9.a kni i p miSli svuwm .s~ as j rum..~ odi s Cs w', m lak m euk o T uayM a £iIU6 vs m u. a oiur"i I s Fi . . 1w a&lm i.ei llih liUlIBvaOmeo lm iUl e tiuadm uréoi mée 1 VeetB ihepea... nr e U bUi « t peSmelmt ltkoaàse-.otu£. sto nbs Su e e ..t w 1 1 "mli ..uou . u 4 . i v s M. la tl «&-a Faite AM g - - - w. ~ od -.pupes sd MIbis mu .vil -- *bbfýtolbàtf support or__ _ _ _ _ _ te is g mi à Iâ.mm de hibe t .NS. The ,oy wcISu maEmpire. hBevue 48umltmt Mor t iolov Mg r m aeorxpia i n e nS ~ woamio~l h n - . telaeEsi wuet.IZl.v m.oe liais. The .W. Tuzumaeomma I" Uhe 5atutbdt.liSla5Ssip ls hti j 6 ÀgosMteê ogn - s' 1h islkvet iate or the WgaUV ItàmTom OutM-1dimiSilUà a 0Jar 1dIl vu ai. boarum BOMl au là 51~t~le guiiMtUsoea ff darlg tes tiaufeihZ muii sais to mevefftube9 eMmur issi veloiaSe doe IWee'.~ ~ ~ ~~~o "ss rulaa iamr 14ti £", 1 ilive t mae" p t'momnato, le*"Itsa i-W5d e Si. asoi se asuel h ti bUemume"tm b ulse notush rs DB. mu ies et.reb" gil M'S h e wout nu l.tlS 4ldohaueret E1a-m-s---- uA sud ry oftb& ivs b li MaUae ainosip - "V aremevrequieuibu rsals Visa l t M te «S e mii uomotheSas bon 50Wlhra bscoamlStlSCla e a"- Md eue, e hatg.l ae- Ï; b.=aus lie eSss e L o odema " etOmilla e sepions Si. rbesbook Ruaisseui b. she, sud ebwuIVUedametN.W.q i & ith-r oumi ia s .81~~~~~ poa s syofau eb ia u o Asiesud has au: osAd ionetilve; arint u bu h t v y"th t outy id er li vPor at on ias m " i wba lere ~~evuw b.tinsm axto,4oti" v c In, UNSera te b.1f sd spDW ll iu lai, ock p li eu»Manon appaud 15ecýtum CL O PDoiol sud=1iad Eti..YaUk e g Pras vo AOR I >* x RUDW i. ~~W .a dd efre i ttydas e io hu P% CstOUS elU d. 2 fe, fae siais itic neU o s Uu ies eotileths eu it e. lu 15h. mes ureti ol itaebbwt -cm Se attA iEs *i5mi5915 .ýn mesS. ~~. couty must b. n e o do, Te und tsasib-fu maisif bsavef autil yawA srp iUlmrj e..Vu!ctoa Rfl uaoel*amom shusele irih co b a tueCsiaa.11abiylant oenbahlarues elW2imuaIM E D Z V O R A L N O A N. b r M o l us a a ia Ria mm a mmp cu n. arenotbult hs wa. hiscontr r e os ab na fein R m po, arasse. Mi Rbt. ÎzAt et ie Nutro inGiEom allit e e t e bodsrà NeuvS" eSnt. a een owctlo Caniver .its o112 la.r Milaa fi réturn s la.aui ie n 8o1l b r aI ced m ta aJtio, oo tgwbu rv èethe aste t illurae ixn o W" Ti ~ S gatly ____ __ s oeraliogMd reli tmelou r bav iroiI& gen m istrha ili, Sghtforit om 1cesl isrw upet fuOrll morumifo Carno conli inlut e s fsflde Iw thatn i eo ndto van lciianvuil i S.m Ti a DiAMmiususi aiz . I@ id Canada, Tansuy, 15 a sin, g bas hrI wm o.iar a. a.Go Mr et ce i alr u he vilne. oreloatt.te lhm aumslhJ aslre lia là,to eabaS lm brgadtm h OcL ýht»Ofsd immaulb, ii a e e lente a& She 5. amiafliM sudiouo te os gve th 00= 17 ogmuaSenfetprm l setra. asiles assai; vlan. -w heu "Ol Iltchasn,"goSa ornr li q>.inosfor lieiAibl rui.5am 5ev il!tebe - br wobt luhi o laiot Tirdazy erotwohai Imm yet ut en. fl »ls-si. ettehm ben eecte fo Carwehlby 12mm u, M o l. var a ray 15reced <e.o; bt 1504vas-00 à oeI BhOiSSliSOO MThe a pCO lare . a n T ae re vs o f c rse ne s d uLG Si l . . . . S v "OldHleii" mas adeohe a mllin b ,jing to ieve n....................67" - m" ii. t Caderrny tandrd canothni Statorduat- m G. ltorIi.............M i -,an Ifeel he1510wallStascossie aSnthi.J.hRoie.............. Tii. Stanm ar ano a h thorsela thé, oo ... .... ba Mm gI...........o.g......Il ta U god des! t vte spoctuy la cre nSho . H lav... . .. .. . . . r Dy- n dned -he te orra a puronseail . S otéul tivi , ess o Te tn. a jo... .................... . ao. ..................... dad rdety ans te pt i IL ...... sa ....................6 7 u TePborids on tan.damdse as Se re.Sa.... :.. MI the sre rses htv ul .5. A~ IU S .r. ..u....... 0 ii. je asy Jt lithe w ate a siet th e easch smt s ams ble amag 50Si aris up tierivr,..d....... s.. ....... 14iverug Ume uai dmEe.tteb aPur." M.4ol!tfg.............. ......... W. HutOI6... ...... .... .......... 0 r odeal of atecal athe . si...... 1.. 4 . -i ere-ai prpe i N. o-........................ itengej§ oNfQtheN L523R N Maouagbii.... .... ............. dam -eidntT-é t ...............M. 151tfju ave Sn t e metasteouai A.1lae..... :................. . 6 thanrng drset&Tass...........................e ibe d nam e T :'ÂNrn» ou. 3. R . l ..... .......e....... vilmevrepi t 15 Itra achs! bu W......... ............... on. Ea e v 15 U eai lie gev ... . . . ....... .. .. . .....1 J. Suis,..... .............. fram si l e C1lt~ tlaem L orJJ..I lier ................................ I icrI b.-.............. u tut "lag Bieu 11, pon5h.ho aV<A- G) op ... . . .. -Wte sM.v04 aîlse iouperScg MJo P. Htugin................ JCrl...... ......... ....... besltl. et lta PeP~e ~ uaiD. Silve ......... . . . . . .. --irierva tn .................. o....... lute @in aaavé arm ie s alle... ... .... _ç ................... ...4 -se Jie uT teSa sls. lésimesomi 15w SpaBou Wlvm.eau rlm e-jue W..s 7A NqTED.-  uuîty o ul Stm'o bedenvered la the vis ChCODY'Lilduy. utp 'KEOBOUGHBRIED 0ÂTTLEF L AUL-Tho fuil ber effets for ft merof myClve OU b ci eiegà, m oldhslfesmaaivCswbri ed t Crtin s .. ebWcis buU «etM. Chas.LaV nea b hd a m v orlfcafor osai en 0 13:9!. NordDok. lou aeUun SwteGinWEL,,massa., afar 'volas P. Q OS JOHa. N KNNyma 'NSIXTH AKNUÂI â:ne Dui des. ýv minm l" imof 'j I.' j, 1111 't' I , ~ ..p ~! ~ -? j f '%100K SALE TRHOROUGE 8ZDX I Tas P]MopUmT!or 0.1.5. -U Oceeiu foresight and what 1is a fad thtat he is selùg SUG44RS ai *vesenst-ckeaberj 4-eY can & &« in à,Toro rmwoeaemen, ow Iog /the adkg< Two carloads Of these Sugars were receive last week, and anothpr i likely arrive Saturday. Such value cannot be had CHOICE TEJAO--It is no longer necessary to pay higheg figures to obtain a brewing of fragrant TE.&. India is 110W COrnpeting wjtJ China and Japan and grows an excellent article, and the increased suppIy has Iovered the price and- raised the quality. A carload received -contajns ý. line of which wve seli 6 Ibs. for $i .co-superior to other's 2,5c. Tea;. also a 25C~ Tea that took the popular fancy from the first. Al other grades as Iwel. SUR UNFRL E RY TOC is full and complete as usual, and is beù- largely added, to -for the Fali and Winter trade. Vs sitors to tme Cewtrai Fair' catmnot do better t/sa, to make tkeir.»#c/kases at thse store OfZ. Boys' Suite, CLAUSUPEE KEY~the great Am Refluer and plunger ig' sweeteners is maUngi warm on the other side of the border for the «combine that undertook to push him to thei is making tbings lively in the. SUGA#ýR and' TEAt of Lindsay, (on a smaller scale, of course, but n, the less effectively.) By a combinaLtion of judici0 is known as business Iuck he sccured four carod &a IlME THEREL I Wishe.te rtum u babitla s~Ma ILUs ous-tom-mom Mftr " lb. lt»»U dzu> , Ps-and Winteàr G"od 4i very- Branch, ati~ a prpare lOf 7thélJpate 900868b. Pqitred to tuffltheA.tuants ýWHY9 MRSe JONE81--== Whore i the world did you get your Bonnet. "I always get my Milinery from M ns. S. Il. METHEEEL, and I would recommond EcvERY PERSoI that needs, any Mfilhinery to go there, as Ialways flnd overything in that lino neat, oheap and durable, and it always gives satisfaction. 1. have replenished my TAILORING DEPÂT.-MENT, Wchih I have neglected for some years. Old mon, young mien and youths wil do weIl ta examine our stock before spending their money elsewhere. I have secured the services of Ma. CHA4mpiom for the making up. and Te, guarantee satisfaction. We keep Boys' Suits, sizes from 20 to 30, ready mnade, and have à Our Hardware. Glass, Putty, Paint and Oil- are ail well assorted. Our China, Glams and Earthenware are well selected i every lino. and will be sold at rock-bottom prices. Teko ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0 -P..c %~rU e .udeal gayp~ontcSy 0 evua wsoe &«FuiLq HIGEITPEIE Pl»POXUAX POY M XaZNVZa3 ~X~&ZN. I .W.5. W. MOGAff..~. LIt!. ritais. oit oh, iSL-1T-.eW. .laina 'I. I rIe stoc, SOt . fiS, ISb u or Mal --.-,regiSiaml avy "Miagtrepistal e s nte M&r Reavi MI mers h u al Ey moz uarega eredi aD. I S rpbrui s. reglalorBullaD . n aIgbu er. I& 1aiykee zousi. lw mo Ss.thiewm Omiu~ - n~ e. Oe, fiSSIS ami Viles ~Ut6~UL ~Ma mai hum Duoki, iiaSi~~ 150k loy.. fUS ANS mu.. SML ~miesSUh.etmi relie ~em.5 eUh luieu.t. g~ ~'~i~i~E I... m.~mmm~av~ ~ MMLI BOWZ~ M « 1 ULSTER CLOTHS For Ladies' Uewmarkets, etc. ,wwut LoMoi% Pars and BoeUwo4 - Md Ioetml Ptaù>da wk,-8kUi., BMMF»Ibwma, AatyacAc%, ooI B~y a u. TEE HEÂPST AD DUTCTO BE OUND,,AT c)tA sub Z. Z. W. XoGÂFPy'~. 1, 1j p i 'Il il DRESS OLOTHSa ImmnseStock Of -aIl Grade2 SPo DEse God.ALE in~ Plats md G tiff frcombire. atm uiteUai 5&a yard; Tan ar poe 5OoD tohicre oovit tdoubt tA. Aae est and but goaeroff.r.g ojI TA lrgut aaaormuU of au ha<s. 4mtt@6#ra .* t"lati abv4c, ýCW«Wea"4 Combî»aUov,& j et 7 1 is Jà :"m t. h 1 coumty. Tinsis a iium abouts iseM. fIthmg Nasale q Dalu Mmu r aS v ld bu muiau l be juallyr ud eL fine Tailoring.. ou lEr. c*AImaIil o0qAs u où aider a md mft alpaamai=e e tuelfu sa rgtra Ie luta. d p r u e i àm a toimi iin i te pmceoml Spov's V. a moBu& l. ~;Pet&. LJe PETTY uTueEa Srisà lLEEo a Exteuso.*i Irvation mi LURGE STOCK 0f Evnythzng la the .Tew*l 1 .7. 1 -, -1 :1 WATCHE S, CLOCKS, 1 F (tufflire . -or- cudc& cid4 . : 1 j& IM ]F» IE3 IR Ir-a xa INEW

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