ro .AKAW o A-. -,a!UI 14 lem &qUIMO iy h m. m ft4boef«W -o n-~ -, ,,~adefi. 4t.iriu& *log M& or t F&AM' zius Eus.7h tot gJG»Ve"l g.m èf --;î orff u$oIr 0WOItf r OmtE1#1 ieii,0Wh~U ri!uguk op o mbsaI oswmn oa..U .mii îfut1, bl êlu Cof t domumma~S gai the A* n « OÎLte fl10 i a u b* tuS 1 b m * vu mim ntLtet m~~oiSUe' oe.luMgM voi SAuIiU eUiVM«Ioto O&SS mu u __gI -__ m lek*%IAF r *Pottb. lfl4inio ofmu~ W@ le f bfhOB~Om atm omwu sI Ml lot I> ftthlt fb1IldlaU oitt - umi* nM i IOUW < swuOwIt.s ta'hf lA V ob lit no mm et ci«ttu, wwm omf o id Wim*k ~ h~ 11 b . h .b~t tf th eviÉr 1 bm=,&b r mitgjtgr.Mry 0, smmcd *hh09 * *vie" 0". . milr _ fox rem!l M 6.'.-lo a~ liîhyammy a<p.Vou u IMM I o bem @i4 la auhre . ta ol Ai' lIi. 8ulethî- h flg lr i.til ethe stém ., fois oivua, once h m I ~~ ~t,~~rh 7. Itigli7eg foo. * uv â AtgLit flilfl @uSI- výméîîw ~ t fêà .Zissvl&u OP1but lo oalmutmsU hm.Pf \flIAV. ~l11A.~Y - - a ti forThey lb i »6OSI thmt0UOi. APftII. i. i4 l . rI à#oft 0" omainUt -aok p~lt eb~ 0 1 FA t f A »f I1X*LE. arn . g¶ldIfq 1w111 et ou bu. t.U drPd N b - mîru~glùetin t (ar i i on. as*0 o e yugtooI-M-1W U VVI I'S~ 'IV u I.A.RftaiYti Mit Ilif;Vthe-0WlUoIAus~tU*'uv~U ca in t te o~Iutiltuo il esi ai foed. h.olw pip, lt uoil aî'414r r r. is " Mr à m li. utao ~ik.r#idiK ~III 4fiI4<"(liI mchbttr ee ilisii alesieu N tafw ei hl o< , vèliî'Ii .di. ii 'tw.istîlati~ leh. t boél e ht i. catotie is cfcomuesIoIf mow ti. st w o1 l etqtln au«i agLUe Oiot tOndjUibetl alWc il u p.îit .T1.ti-'îfl~ t a nooci,,»; d w o the4facil umgl itdges l Wo. 4»Il0hWfconmntbs igmUUkbh3tmi* on liraw lavrme~oft. T do th e om - dne M4 i d o t'or 'aeê hrne fd heuc 'êtsîuthi omun ap ier t hon ti.IeeratSla Ja';~. yiius1Ia~,o l i l ck . (ioi ligiiio édnoes-d rd o Il t the u . t 4>1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pu ho" . ii'piialnoin .1 l il lhod e ht M*nty tleîo eumMW, .'ab ssti. armt ta 'As ,nr.1 W. .rsrhé éf on é e wntue andtSiitesn a MM" .t'.cal ouu~ ~hwo i t of kiug a .!, I lais f liei rf'îna'o', eI durltl P.tE>cutte fnthvw.e P ~st e, f nurc t o th sepiuO SO mtuDtY tl lutiaita'.e W oflW ïony8411 i Lhai,î ssiidowu <tt urti rain p t o er ua >, * .,. ~ ~*., r ' 's >l' w e a <>fAilalit mai a tt e Eetnly" on arymw ti- iiiot1 i ii '. 1'lH':t i. (a'5tri , h !4 O s.Vlthr 4iy. Cila 1 i m a>?..That ateim.v ioa cois .1y ta . îaê:.r.auvi*u:my ~, iho ianl sll . oinr te, ithe i m- n<snth wat oa" **lti.l« i-il 'al 11 îMV 3L s'<Essilr<>«~~' p l thfo Mr1(» mm'i oUI on - -,oal-. -- a g .~unI4ii" lil'n 4 it rii uh af XTbii Me hi% if h od Obn»it » p" atvil.' î'.'aa aVi,, *' thia no at astia.I îiii irac for îhm*ey b.Mn pen t cé isk;ta «y mm mso md r,'. r. lo ' w mv îs iètank îr ,, e4ttl . aî:auîs ftth e dbo tsia o eset wa t feedb 0 mi » b pedy liiasise: î ho<a tos lbe oirth aîn I sinf ta ïvh.y coa det I o ii thontn her oudy wey,.. t tet SUkmedop- Lia' ns tii da g:lt' sfl O 51 srnT#n. to anaic ra'1ao nti.r îs.ine qîîai it* id t e atii u theu bt il. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wy * " siatss.'w'. .i. m Io i it>l ayaonoy ma*ed gsaicl-vrvîcciiîtho donitt uthe iught h.>tv ~lia ny .>jhuit der, tc.The c*tte bi pet *p We e wcith *M., s"d nffltW. &ug tte esmery1 #1 l i i111O1 t o t ief il to luimt hi@ IiAnd .1,eaoh andE hey hale eaton 400 bistju*1 Ian4imilkiti a t he b.kitches aMi Pm- of -..rno.qpesqoal t..>$11 7 1000 be. ohosp 17 iî tb sa gnouMM. tlm uthing t.' '.h . li f.rad irnstfnohnrA îqIT iO1, i n e nggton of ha« 910, ati- jiluin il, vilèn tii..bstmEliit ub *Wa.ha.'~ înî <1 1. miticîjî. i 2,aing protit of #13, af ev rar'ol0ated T.un"- cltlhai laiwî.'î te as1î.efomerray sa ~itinmak0 lue for, Ail her ua nt0"e. ewt tit sn ,btzing into S .-~f(jtéàl l 1! fat'~fl anal itaîs Ot' coignittmw vilou iar T cuwlm :wo1 n tb. pe& There o ,d b. Iu~'~c. iisnisattiximlitii a~qi. sa.nmnt rit onthe NIMin nn vb-it lm , o«'b a i'ERkii atand th«Y sa il f wiug otn. , lfow'i f.attug tii. o«,mzwr o b o Wk 0~t.f~ .t14eY . bu iue m dean ou, atit. ibu <sutdoms .e *bout tis. -1 . vbaýtIe rum n1 1 k l 5~fiilvltutevtu*havtsi fito-,--,sesuOws wa, auvaisE i &a tight emm.lwy il nee tub. 1-(.%!1 ill th 11 te ay7t1, e nE oop th.7' ou St un i euofts, fw o um tr i umé , hi i'a.~. nbrn u - 'tEthe 0ae0n foi; , iwes- tko ix u, t bra 0At. ume b M in le r'rasvstCawin" fuawv oftb sE v Ais at y rqooltehnd , IM se.I . M w~"~ : a s~ rtr'lta uooit oi o Ue i t m i wq oram r 1tm y wl oi m o u d o. pu& Im m t i & b on ~~<s t. hawotfl 0968M 10 il; ,W" tW jar. , uuuuw .lbs-eft loq mo* elng(tin1ly Etthui in d son» 19".Md Uew dm lm ta 1f*1,înm méomu srint.od utoeruau 1h.IVu»if 1ueInw bb*Oustiutu*Asi st - b.bbI0< n'-" s sîaithe do 11t hdeutlo. éo; 7 Lupra. eo epEtisl hjui wbO II.vInlafoi *fpais vs *uE 11» fa"- - - etUSlU# m b.eros- u yWtahm m i *hi t lo,.Wh 4mpybuiafbycoUs Mgy4 »« 0mo by gW1 M iinbs t uS fitm god hom, i oorus, nd* ugfYmi ~pr mow dm wMa .ikObu 0 n 0 eymm o cave f.îbb r-àilt o tdu m *8» pin bis 10. ~s Pi bu- erbr usyuoeff.f, t7~ aMai$..S~ 0~.~k SO im xpu. o h aiig iohpI uitrr h~ * iw o M aubma ont * 0. mm» 0 eà ML t N & --- ca tiooli am.. eut w~~tur~rat m. ~Luht.pdu B. tu.M0<WM dot. Thur lm moom&- beau abwhk, ema bi, Thé we« dm bgouw.muibb SMn w»et wotum**.sLhgoum, st - uoe tIhnoum hl* d. m en. - Uale ujnE 0& luêkat bom- W -ur1te t*bosu iuWNtin Wh" higi ImW. ha. iLibue mhe meboT, .Yb twILb. udtobe in W.uunm i -IodIughr k. Ib Jhmb"obawubs bave th& u- Mly et PORT PEUTY 3^1m on Pour Puar-Mu'. Frouiisil the Inspecteor cfNorth Ontalaestatetiu th,- meefting cf iii.Domint«lomnoe.dd as sundcnlaand, on tht 141hmuta b a pmk- Itmg et tht scot set, U »s povted 6f th. (Guardiast thha b. hué b.d54 c»ana iblluc LSouvctbu.-hatPort Perry w»t use pmeubîml, for Ils Iyinoç'bis aay oth<stpimce, or the pnrootou of ceuvtctloui votî d baiviste IrghemStumf Na FATAI. Degasg.-The 5tammd Mle Ujaa'.n Ch.'Whithy Chgoutci I. M uit 11 repoVL thai a fatali dibeeia t pvW» ls las lhe netbborhooa et Port Pury. Taxa PL&mTIN.-The smoen fur trot plaatiîagl.sneir st ban anmud ve y oemr or proper. y cmii de mieb am, auly Io boss' tiy hise ows lande> but te add groMlte Ilki besoy of the country, by aveadim a 11wo à. tsa u rt plaMElug dorlug the eprinzwaaim. TIRerait maaysatteephbi i dsio-tripneti cf Ite native tonal hythei waodiuuau tma. the. ovuer vouido E.vli ageRIS .e i1 ee Uitvmuahl.thnbor Then tai*alwibs aoeineveynuda whertl1 4aI. troc'> May be conveulemaiy plantai Tr"c.s e piaatas furnia'h an exileu mue". ter tb caffie dunrlu th* hast. of aurnne", mat pl tmed ~eloup edary frr-c'moeur 1ta prolseatt hest fl I.dluinthe wtnbar. Br a&U Ume»leS Pomme attenion eS tven ta tise plan tuu.-Mansdad. TaIM xKiEIEAm A .&z.-Zs or Or reasm viiireuhaar ttbo but mm yaim am Wilimm MaCIo île of Efat Wbicbr smoud t akoatainath hlm ht umre k»wsm uLs uai, sand &bat smm. Umur lu Ibtipu. iofSSS, (lu Grand Fort&,) lm wmtouaS émoinuthe 0"0 bler deLb Doue. A»th'0 oi.w.kowm tu hoavi- dose buth*M m amilthe sifglm Msu. VIcIOD.M r yfoui pwlastbadns hi.dpntb. dom t tusvo thu»jeai. aq& miter meKes- £ts'dhatbfot't w»t apot la Circulation la Met lcoulit3' hatont, Tacs. Nay vh veut to Daomabomt thi eins lime> vam umastl tr-mwi ouni s*lY ama - Immet m* lsmsidousi upIOhlme Isilbet m heencollashe iftmath"t 1 eal.Thi. op m 4 up bom S avas llgaeE, -at touai te b. utimutY labfrIm bonluutag 10 ai.rTe paillavtnzbml oretoumsimbg t. uIléab . <& bar- lb maiuo la pme~i4 ou ttho matter UVpad maui fmmrla 0. formO. i veppirita, - CttThoa. x«y o h. Wemp.i Camaistu hmlau talai Nmerigo uMd --ou lu t$01S» bu"o. trpm bla .utok0<~Wk bu* in Mtma. hmll ut0.t d0.mrvu 0«bm ar0< Ik rpl Zà-iy iu o m d% so » n" la~ - - - niat l . i, - soi . l -am lmm z> D~ Tkez~. NUUEES R.D. THEXO mli 1a'amàofwoelmp bo m ut, li -w Io £ ýmon tet hisd maça <uda w Emd. ewhie LeaaEs ad loxUd Pafta peewstji. SIGN Or TE NVILi. t- s~es me 7r C(2 it L ýs2f e A.&.umKS .HAENNswag O imbuppas. -im i b MME~9LB~ ~iImoe vi~m~IJob BRITTONe 191W WOOe YÀ. a1atuci w 10bumew. ett b eu aeex opimi mauli TArt-l 0.RL-Wa 7etteaucil pt~o etre mjacure ' mam b. rnaiL Snd byl drmi b. ndy as A. laa KXLN &Jy ch Osmaada. 7 years i. Oas ai ral4ais 3 YeOU a 4Tm-ru V7 reaaon- au&le A syto JOM VOSTEU. DBovrnvilie. Feb6 z. .-Il $PÔ. VORSAL~ ud it eultv&uomt. vi bs a i bia. éThe ramatuduu-of the land is haMvilr ucodeil witb oadec upu.., mUa1e, biaoci. oplar Mamuizle NI" tu, bocatism ra astock or dairy <u cma hofou aiL i.utt ix mile ofCabaae.k. on ýý=awar.-M& Im a lson %ble W".uIahi batfmIr~ M BRIMM Lab». la l.the agof e UPM wblabthere ig a soerysd all leil- Inahome-i, catalala anine rtomu=ar. alhn nUiar l asileeàt revoir.alééea gabom IbisfailaveU fonced; and ulokel vith ple van sued fruit trees, s»d la every vMy suto Ow a umret garden or somr v p r1mp , Ver Termaupply by letter tnsMm .HOOET, Rouhe P. 0.. cnnni'7 of Ietorla. Ont.. or te mmom us.RDepwa 89.ACKSO%1. Seitnra Lldm.Roeds!.. Ciel.2â.T SsL 104A W131 appiy to the Pai".iament of Canada et île m.taitting fora acitat extanil. thse lte fur the counpletion m oral of th.eInmof ai ail- ay antharzeil by tise aatutes reitin the Sverai Campanis o wformini the Midianil Rallvay of Canada, sand for otho'Puryoses Be-emfa arh i.1s7.-'-D 54 O S UREE 141K A-BS tir -ELC34ko (Li.teBeSte Lam in Mte or Luermoi' t ro tbe tor* a"ulm ym bMu. T. kg osleeyi.niG ee!-Adart su Kpahng t-ia t. HarordKi.. o. L28 aan. 3au'& uro b Rosi. la. Emaild. ffmv..Ju» 2f15h. IqR-U- AUCTIUN SALE FARM PPIIS ramte To.wuwfpOutOiwW, FOUM 3MàW. la 0w oss0ut aPlfr. »borom a ni ubm. âm Thersleiii b.fmi ce- Lt Oas olom la lt» Suusm. etlb ais Reutla ttIs sw ct Lidmar. bu irt etfwet " c e utal.ued luneain Mo 'gi.whlh ili ho poâiosi ai the mls, rlàaCEL L -tudemrre freinamGonms iRobet Heuderuoo, the sou -wus quarter et ..Tth hcomcescm or af Tewmuhpof P.Smt b.Coouu t le i idos.-coaimi 580m numeS rlise. The tailewtag imwrev- mm amt malte be ontlb. promises:About 10 i auto laa mo oe~glU aaan ut u OF W MRIAE UGNSE -PROPERTY FORSLE-Stte ce othe î:urn.'rotfkent»sd $.t)' 4eus A Mod bonse. vesumbie sud ftowaer garden omtalalNg fruit àtiad oruaiental tree'u a «U 8pm.hou. suft iand havai ester suitable fS sa retirmng irier. A pply ta WM. L EtLB. Lin damv. 3t m rei .iSS-.3t OF WORTHL.ESS IMITATIONS A-trturo ar- nianu' inferior eqrtlt%. i wt disl jute. bv u-leu- s.îsa'b îîj .jiullbytraw- -î ' in ss :ir -tttltion tu thse ?IvCîca.ty cZseilqt".tths in stms)ped m tuner silo îd-il corasiiîsegods W.thcut wbàhch muoue egema lier lu-ais' WHIThr41 »-B:LA# W.'.aaar>! '1 COIS.. /t -. f I Boit tbsttazi tt "5. Uaa tLdi 'il 'pu o L umber. LUMBER ANOWOOL 'FISHER & KILLÂB, Wblta-asli and rvtiii .iealon inaail LU.NBI'l, HMLL STUEZ iunamlc. a..'v- 41s p a. h r. -I >rts*ed andt.1sa'. *' - 0: .-. La4 tl i!ofun i kind. ii.. sol, la ait- ui r1iatber xA u 'iàtu cf aua Bpi cMeand Tile. - BRICK.-Mu~: AI IMPJàlAliT FAUT TU ALI IYTENIMO.I BUILDUS carried x, - . ý a ' .- if tSe oa i e» ttreniisiî~->. .-- î.îî !furor -akiw Wr. 1 rtni- fh'. aî.. ri -'t. - ' r. ni a±.,eaunflStuo ct zà, I ý;-îîîrs'e ua"i p The yard ithe ~ooast t o wvî li aa. IHURTHf )INS tl UK Tr 'sBuL" trous one ta t' a3-a'iale'S <51>M. colo? n!ark red anmd roati: lare -ai d w4mottelt,-d; Pisdgree .. .A1,4oCa).l-, II1lFhIt' anad JOHN CULLI. Yeise1aon F P-lu'0.. Camwer m T BPE [LIVERPOOJL AND LONDOR 7IBE AND LDZ. eau. . ....... A uVj"à" iwub....... IN - alauea& .......... M fammmi - iumlo m - LIM L Tt- t ~ bm , à 4 t' ~ a < Jan t e ( * 14 1; f, i x . 1-l! 1