Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Dec 1885, p. 11

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W*,HY. MieSE 28d.-Eoa t e îsthelmpl«- »silg Ion Srd.-Bmoauuwb do Oasnul M Ig~E M65ber doue aet lom cobm ng oUiov Ith.-lt le <IHEAPElieu h fuuIb MMenmachine 5U.-lt hbu t.kom th WhW ilObe ahinesmmretbeu I lehi, It la the buS MachieSgf fU 1 » oeilti.Geuln lIngr, 1. BA, ILDAY, DEC. le, mmI "We Inx the 1*11. Md we raime irstrela, Wé IiAng Up11garlands overwhem, _And Il t te tappru twtnkkt fair, Ani rent nnd frolfr-and thon 7r go Back to the naine old Ilves ageain." sxuàw Coor.,m CI4RISTI4A SONNrT; 1M EN the high Smot (ýI kl ovuki cSme to I., ifToO vercom e i. aats r ironwSu But rose te maniend trnm a pensant bh.- The balle lm laid wlîere cattle bet anti 10v; Pleasr t lthé grneIous 10 L HeVeMa loCharge thc world vlli HeveWs' hey mirth., Whosemar.finit beer, whomac yes fii ital l'ho tokenu et a gar! wlthinounr rece They amreOnet nîar<'hiq, îpoud lin i ail M face, lit ohepherds, lititenlng 10 the hainnncay 0f angel vola... Ho mut hmble lis Whom Oct vill vieilant idhielove embree .HOWARD CBOeaf À FooTJS Cll1fSTIUA9 à mm 'W 1T08t WliwtiOIWAWFMVCIAI- UMM Z"erbcy ndthet lbe Canon Mb's batdciom very well villa tommive inS Iber pàenul.die4 .Invd ,thon, von0licou vie vonfflood t dluite providenllelIbiS thbai l been tlirovn n ltheir oua re»muroi t4nes theïrfr ter Lad licou anythlnffbut a minel offbllasiial uce. ami hhoîr ino~&re li13-)ke wofmavi., lid neyer tbived le the ruide venteraigarden ato uhich mishai- bOSS> treaIplantoti. Bti tied lu lhe-nnuw seltk, andt tio-hlbdou et Oure "st about t be oinem -ut lite vih Vee- god e~lbToybail mla toler lot When everYthing mai asilloti. lysa hisoit bmonswns olti aweýy fr0114 Btea, Bal h decieied b liolitogoiuasr anti gslhslr surs-ut tie wç'rlai',am e Therer wmIvee vs-erf themi-Oeorge, Catherine, JullàýAm iav&e Davy. Nehoty ever metnned :Iy ubo dli noS- opeak bis inome cftly anti wvith an accent- of gneatit y, for h.' *wait idaîpl.' usnde& R«e was a ftol. Though he waas large-nai d- foramai, et .lxl.en iefac. wae. aivaffl a baby'p. But there was ,no hari n la li," the. îwigbborm saiti. He wa jutim a )igle- faut, pleauni with the triles lIaI deliglit le vory leut ofe huldren, antiof as MW111e useftincst< in recloned in thîsl it old verlt, ax the mectIlat grow on Ith blolde or the Nqilel vine. thvaI eobéegie el. 'Yet hio waen' a diMgrmeble ggirrbo boc nt. >Hlm appearMe nover ekettd repulmieu, Onl v pi1'. lHe ms awaye vol] 1ommr d, the yelluw cua'l liaicovl is big bai lilas a fleet wfr" always bnnnbhed suantis-a ing. Tl.otgh hiq vacani lanva- oyès van scmelaa, m ii> Itisael, t9ey knovuo- ing of' Angem liebai e.-a gUi fer svu'y, body and ti m a lnbly happy, Es- COi not naîttfi lu inte umallomt degrée - S troubles -mLleWS n ag ! hiY bcM MS Su ati s c Wblsm~ sMpse - &M, *ache veb.enm - 1 -Mfw amm~ lf r 0W Umm - W0W u fnm I ~ hirm~upoj~ ~ ~ u~ut ~ nm;$ anti ov hi&r oaacs frytaglo not e abrolutsly MW 11W sfim h.pleho" wd-h vfio op~uflot undersai & law, uic beow - ano; pan vàt, 0 de ". (odordemon. ytul. id allIas IL.viau or un me commead ;%l Ano bro10pw up-bl& UI1hW m dàsmir heir i Wlm e l ehmm b prne wet d..t&, utte1oirwu ulmwoni WL.,, unl ie mv Sodnowin he 4sbin oer nwmcht esrk aon la d egain. iba t a n Ibismral, amnti alonla mdpfu mdhppaieS. ete Mt avewunuchlb.thong dang agonhe boye Mm T heageo hen. ad«p n'iy entlgnlsled Oh& aofvuey ln hlm "en, anit heyburmést i wtha path" bwuva lntieaertbabi& !eset roking a- vornu-ut doli la lhieOsI gMnIfM4 dbsni.oy klbg mdý lioldng il up that t7mgt me thon- ho valteti for vi. tkeyvwu . ll tr off. "What are yon doing, Devyr" nid tb. mie. l»tr, -kindly. ,Waitin, for moth.rn feObor,w euvensti the big chili, Mhie .bmlang lut.a- lam* et t'ho mentIon eofthir naine. Mr Wlnthrop bel a bled bat, bt wu ormtimes clumin luhlM inethode of impart- lng ilruellone. revesithe trati, aid Ihonlit he ougt ta brlng t vilLthi t coin- prehenulon ofthti cidhiti'. ble mind: and.on, willa tielient Intentiom n ltle word, hbe- ga» by trying ta ro hlm of hi. aveet IMP.. 1"lTLey viii nover cone, D&vY; nsvor meseriluthiff vorlai sels. "Ehrl" Mdthe boy, mant e mosstnwy look of he. Raver W&y 10 one of bevilder- ment. Ho dîi noé undenaand The rnimînlgwecutInuud 11%WeyWin s corne, Davy. Net to-day, nor to-mono noir ne durnor aunt. %Mri! mer Tlioy cennot romas They amerdoad." ")Di ;doeM" echool Oh. chil, oabug im ctleiim '66"o11W eS.Mdb6lia ematy.r 11.lie àwdog SI bep me» Mi andi vas put fmb liergrounti; Me thli nqlr ie s un" blE~iconlier ou velue tise? No, tbemUcoaddia.My moduer aouldn't dli. my father couulat dit." . He malthIis uils much calm a.uwanoe mcii unruifotihope, th" thle minlbotood abiasheti antirebukoi. HmnWUrneh#b.perfect fait tii h id vanly *Oriel u l 1m greater mindse mm. s of &a i I.teaeebl Tic em he, Lai Irbi » Ulgil m n1& ilghergiun lehm l « U m o douit. Hoe repoaetoverani over th.bosuod4 "iThoy coulda't die" as h. vluo&- avmy meng elearnthon over ubt W u 1 t-iby9 the seiptural mmrion liaS outoft teinonu1 of bobos cmebwiedom. SYuN thec-"Ca=ac cbId"ew-Ibis- aeig-1 bors callai thea, tbouqb they IM 8 algown up-hed don. voll wiOth M evsine t ho parente dl.d. Th, four- uo conelllu"tulli worklng férs developot e gamina for 1h. science-oft "galblug eoug" They vo- s ambitIons, pedbaeu Md W ldlY - m ftterhWbéeon dreansy'anti Imetly. They rouebiotiout ~alle sh.muo f lier viii liungry Leed lu Tht w1ue bêlpaa by wilnllRbnfeme -tIoy alvê formd TMY eid togetber, 1am la &Vyeve tva- bougM hrt h ls-olihome mi baugitout of dilapidation Into mming Oampanohi vith s l oem nelgibors.Tliy lbute ativance eevea lu thet nvMO'-t.s a 10W eIsy n -mas-ure &bar protuedes, mbar aMd WOMOMW brouarm Iboir olwms-ua' cân *Ipi- oowab on van cOmS ItiSàgm ut-rflz Bust ts-ag"woar cmdUme e- w crI&amamSe cam %apUMMcblb 0 UV6SI et~a mS5i _.da w - - .~ - - *at~, usai ~ 'k' ~-'.'m- > vii iheu liey am e oU iD do m .1< vicIa'. gShi celioh mpitSu D UvIui aq .80 much. h" bers-uwumysimuz-about buâting hMm U> BasIdes, sis thougit h. vue gro mm puasaio g t At lunt It wu «eMate moud, hlm 1D Oh Il unnor*tihieS gmlg.Lhim .lESie. Ira" Io MF hm e entli Sq vuIwo hlm ontolthe uy. Neltier di theywvet teon" hMm 10se ebom naýp1 but e a perionet W Inifinmuum deoh- monted emiue te10h. lgot lu&ahompitaifer lie - »ýbut 1»amataf tu1hb Lis libonty 1 Te wv'wu pwrtly emy. The leur un Thoy evon plumai liemsahai upa avlng dom mom lieu liir duty by him. Thor ver. 1to pay hie board an? buy Lis cIoSua The Ideun lithtey veat i hltlooka ~trTis. un lie bng..g. lu- uhihl they cinbet lie vwy moanuet et 11Sdi livuaTa mnnéot nleutvim tion et dolbar.Mdnl oeu ma teek Mef- couatot mn«t preSicustiz«ng Thay mm about to, hurt the holpbas, forg.ttlag Il la usmat vth lb. uenk Ths ovomdq bae wDavy-vee 10 lmmeau ominous silence fellon the.Loueehnlct Atmi burneai lu th@ graS.- uft'1ho plenxant 11111e mi. ting room. the lump ligLI vas bnigitOm over, but th. potilchoeur litt con..rom welMionp v. m ant SOmr*thhmg InvIsble but drmaiful un tiers, md all titw I. r. mma bot Davy The unkind &Motiphi10 ftwm moow lid ireaitakeeIlmea thofr, hearli, Intangible, but rosi.Lne kuovi- etige ofttlbInvisible sapsetrehosnome vas In.u juti, madtieIean t rmngoTY' sIY.a .11 but- Davy; Ko vasucxeetlng- unUiteti aumetfn toy fns-rthe at hn'kestly il; 15vu mmd.At the fombeut som& that-cmbfrm thWmiuhof lbdtilevir Peynurti he vonlé break Imb peau utf laugh. ton~ Curuuly enougi, the more ho langhed le Suver grsw lie liaisothw ta=eM joyoumm reblmi he.HM11eInnocent bey.' plIMMembornmi oi. Hie poqeet ira* put *.-r Et mlii Outaidte Int vm asmklng vil annul Nmtdsuly il hiewopea lrgae wl&chmsvuW abnoqulu vlthsdnturof lIan IlIe &TOIWawtleM INIUOIheI" uhouteti Davy, quingina teuthe domr a" opeulng 15; but- only the raw Deesanhor algit vinai ru*ho lm. At le&haut a ammet e, b. ai!,but 15 brought viti Il; a chil Thle word "mollier," &-. Davy apai t Lad rent Lai, pavean&' brouglit haWtheon-ni atuelproaucemlAU 1.-lt- her cala oye.l acs fnb thair gOY heurta iti morouful surPrIs.mmuMWber- wie ber aral wgw Md Protuegly afm-auai leM ma.tbay bal mm barde lut liteaa lioumentimm UThy dii # m etii. vith thoir naturel eye, but "uralumbantmg canusen eaoumoiby bwe'm» teckthis loaWa dsappamutlMi fme &wfk ail day abs u gli. Cathorbu- "If motbuermmneto-ngt yun h.aM ElY', .esol-ynut ShVb se Mto am Tie Innocetme tu NeMlrprtme touebed thom .Thom wu mat uortb1h mo tbismomont-ub e udim a* gkiad iv axidons evoytW am& deearult Davy uhouli stb ise uw' ubt i r put-twviiilMt. um*. Wl. a&dMUuto af-eps9m tho olut &WttMte evIL hiremi m NeSmm 1", 0 @" th&- 14.»uLs 1h. nomalt ios domaI ittea'nc lsiéheu n m - nu Sur Uolmo.moment- vNelsu1gh bemosght. bai bys a dot t miéb"byil iY, aMd au met 0< d- mft Md un scnai lulte d à ihwoe&Mi- lelS- att" loas Duy eailui«, antile i orfwm t &twa.msuwjohake« bu- Th& Docuaba.uh w -a* lb le' mrn i bruong sa& lwup.roue im th liM&M vhluwhwdbiqg avew nmdi' ct à eut oIe-1-md n& mabout tM ab"&= rid ww h. aglMWh. uni Flnily h. changea hI& hm but hW lm ÀIb1hed~.e bit lS i Imm Mottb0 kflb cou UEctinre a .WbL4u& b n raui~a~bl i lith" over ~ ~ ~ 'hu My Wvad, I eambdl'Okaip ltier otm O'dme m oy ne blmuobappy Md.knov voh.un wmgowa "r dn't ee avre S n monehodrewi CONmbi.hlm aay; 1 egy doa't If La orognr v41 ngl lMay Wey Iconl- denuani 10; but Dïimy-vhyM Davyun mvul.tmpsze&Bd kIni ab W-BV DM' iW nslng haigea; ldt nom Se Labu"rme'hoarttierswva.acW ba dehutbu hm tohu uilr bgite have Sbe uni Mdowug.e. a bmlbrmeh la lb. Me@WbbMd newusplls, h atm hà d tiis, vlS b âump apele cf youtls Md h aduàymi th&qbut newlUeSh. rucogula egee oieg igS-b loobi ent bis uw Mue vOlsgealaelra la Lis big oe.,»àamiid, «mtregy, 11I vaut t. go home."r 6" Arety limite jma t homos,,DavyP "Year4.u4 n vomrsai, herilyrundenstai- "Doc he mvS mmlyonP -"a om n.lev e So, m7t-oveGOorg ON& iray Md e~hi *9. tn-mdt-Uat. Af 0» dc "m "lu LzeAna anthlbfoi r"e hbes il yen, antiyeongit bob. contenteti.CoMns aay boy, me. p juer mli tomgay buti &Wb"&"eaivIeIlUs', " mai bai .lr "17unttgo bouse, [vewt la go homse" umEuLDavm Affetbmp . pl«oomofrthim ver. UMe& bF.Kbutl m e bn. r bnhie home ngwtuhisIEBmdtte -ont cetLis hma IlacI3eoeTâb i q.Imm'n fu. un e ntdJ . m- o t ubon u ub=v-mm.ThbOrmie OUa m - ou- hbam t%&SuE*r pur.-mir l vt intM hua an a. e.-il~w mli antualkabou, anti h.noere a* ai muadit].Mumise! va aonsuehl ar MviOls lbheImme ai lie LoSS ram util e bh.ha.bain.mnermUsy lbdb o ..Gm comneh]& TM - 6r - cm- pbt* ouW ba.uadwi tw q.oeb..tubta&elw buýl n - I<ZIMeRM - bera. e lth.obuuvISefemuAuuj Wzdéýiiue &Um esp me t tâmebd&emtom Mieem.nlu tee "Kdiduu hd! oK nSw.~ lUrmie ehs ciehe wýmmmatMm tunbu&nt true lb - w h.milt lthmhmdWbit l TMr"c4.'libolu-ikes ~b u bolt b.8irmge p~ube bue Fat - Wsh iltfi coâm Wi eotnw biubéaim S hueb- Saur mte uus n anoheLle ISyva omI& Im sbm if AtummTLm atmm-elretelw Cb*&t M bhI ynb ue lue dho Ilegalmlnt*mt-nt 1 -lh.i.m mty eladotbu - -ý mp s. wl>ok itnriM lm l n.hoenrmcm Mu W"Jea fort, un 1k. Duy'.un etd oe-#& at et tii.e '.o e membrol Uiat *Iklmd au1do ho affrd. Re va. toco ld Mantmboolle bave the cauleet il straight la hi. Mina but mwhmi ueoLe 1-Oun an~ ng mw Oh quent lieawords, andi tii. h b uinab& 'Tour D.vyl IPoor Davy!" b. matterei, esuho pettet thmboys Laid. Tbmem bis BYBMeooverwbhred hlm he bont end im polictel choek ute Lu viOls 1h. hiele roh rm hm. ithersi oem A 'kmd eneTo a ' e t n z omm c onosrm creas, oepç 4b ced lami P~ntie~but tiair 1mm pert.abmâb. FM - Mtered bih. Yet al tbet tey '- nneu-by gave. Koc amfe tb is. ouagriot. vlatever 1* vas, ta the. premnofutthe boy'. more u. Davy melid nothing Ina. au lr tMal vrd IF. Oely WLi nEAm. dam Sa hie uait as though the"s un cointort la hW oupon- lon a, nd moobi tho barder. The nee momeng wM hdry oye. and mede a berole orbt e 0bebcohf'Ié l It today Ige humer wuLie trot quaion. aRb esbiib« w 1011 th" W vuuot but h.ied nonean.jcbu eppenrati aerlyo.cmL t ahe m drmmovulucm cethe blels anfront thi e &I wb"chnov ornementai Day%'.pu mbo n i ana YoO the boy dUi fot mont hifnLlevaiw ODly quiet IStuirc f o .morebut hic at paeel un ovinm nids, lin Li r. belliomlmaetatiom Ili* b@im& e aeme of about vif, hic spirit vu um wrsteholat woenait heubernabuoy aLqqgnm e. usinai 10 bave sufferai bqromthebpo"n wtereaayaehopebrflng C'àagt Elhod e.bngod hs ie w@147661 V"1tego,"tg "Pm going home," but h. ueld Lt vithout apint ati epparently vithout hope;aud it val4 If pomuble, mor e utrmnding lieu bis fmtwait Ble spirit vwu broken: enm wu ilphys- icah- t Rli.H e d gravm n W"kbcou Mt ait up long at a ge, MdusawotJd lie hoursof every day oublie coé utaeing e the W&14, liough, ueelng it not HI. eyen V.r lâoking imb mn.réain ouhlietf au ma*a- rm tings, for lbey heti chaugeti skugemy. kitaci of 1h. simple, vacantIo*set hie pliaiet day., 1Ley Led pwn deep and hunlson, ulith that woudeM ui uty ublal le mn lnathe. oye ofthon vue bae muffirs Anti no the day.vent ou nti! a. tii. ham voe Smo brm " rIn. 1u. o% aeut l me day voulti b. Chrittie John KoUler Lad. couatithe 1h»ourf lb. long verni with even reamo'-lMptbam *»b go . H lid grava mb t» lb lhcught e b.ult uatie mt IbhonnIes boy doua ca tie doorutep cf hie cld home ttieo1 cane la for a prlncely inheritance. Bofore ho obi 1 tetowa in bis wagon th"tmorung h. lied maidti 10Davy whea arrenging lie beo= neckIac, "To-morrow yon go, my boy; to-morrow;" anti Davy bail repos"e bis usuel refrain. "P i ng home." KreUw bronght letton home vth lim *iaS evsnlng, ubicliwua nothing nme; but oeong thon:vau me tWt bock aile& met out cfaf . e . ui.h. board 11. Content&. 1k un trois Dar7'.brots, aMidonter. meai the order 10 brlaZ Davy labo tIn ou ChrbftininTii7ed Wdocideti not 10 have Mia com nentif New YT.ars% "Unforemen efremnatancem madtie h.elay necewary." Th atone for thb. delav he qhnuild "lay a day or tua uhea ho titi C.," c oissa.were shed over the cruel nov., ut Mot by Davy. Houri hefore he ltter, m. W ih.e d been lying ln hie col. hie Md eye. uarlng tlirough the ual]. that impris- mai him labo lie land of bis dreain. Wheaz lbyW emt0tell hlmn tht,' fouad him naleep. t&now oemipled but coxntorting dil dIbbd la ome band and elid clm ose 1lbu unbegnnetee. Christmas dawned. white anti ntrr. Mww coverod the carth andi dung te tbm boa.- Ire.. 11k. germent% of white fur.. Ther dr - fu of iwhfirliag rystaletsaendth le uslkwm fUfmuic.It wuth.kindot Cbdubmaiwbicb. nature Intendasbaflho "mey" usoevery .ounàd clubtbrough wbdr he b ioiu.d foot oenheerd pImàn m w.grtty mow bell . a aa ub M bi rh ouit eà anda u Ie ghtrmled far outupos lie-MU&I.; vin Joy inuMUpmoo.and urrow forcote uhem tL. nort iwnd brhMg courage an&. the &W bMZinstp 0emO.ertthand& 0"dWM $ 0 Dvy wu lx fgWS tbmuma t laImoraý lar, The hop. vbfh e d a* bofM.ebon. sbSc Dgnough. te IIghhm N e havbhiet- beamati ovSe wom n terne I umana M "1lla gine u hon" - n. hbetfaut ia ohm in wt something 11h. gleduelmbe Vo"a.At&ught c oua 0ha rh. la mpe& from hie cheir ti W heou4d-tfm rm bemieti hlthe le* alottlhive uhsiad minai, bMauns Mm pm K. gatboeol tlur hW mid ua .nomm --e.w g" e btin.,a le..-top*,fo dtatbei lt brked inaW 1kbwaue- ~a mevt tf he- poorhoumý eaubwaL uni..o xnkey wl1h holloweyo% mà imiwfar lI otthe nynqaurgbatimpo'vemefi, Who urroumdetiln, mi pleusitim e& f r0w Onm th. window àaliL Sih,éde. m.tbsm,. idtt WAm. lahmmuli. aumousioed. t Le ou reîr go;wcouki th.y* t amb im $hum- go;ri tbheialLNe olht v ffbndu thtol& t. s.. o eh,& m4h~ bm qpmt Mbl àemwtlnkisy him At BoWhbcodi hmýI mAbd5 heWMtmÊ s W ai4 l- iblm-m - - -a. odIw bmbitouhmtbv a e Wwcbmnb 10M mdh . . m ,ma ~ l ~ ~ md.idee r ml emm em M lu t ý -. m i ULd a bmba Eà u teabmm mi. av tmiill ,*aI -- Sl 1 nom a b e *im hlm.' lbhaà mnu Mm auey bimem buh.W 10«i vM Stir ma, ýend ne* "b h unot f felw aeuw'Oh "oy un UMM vItl vaUbg reg" WbM-atidti S Stamstvmtu b" ma noulm Of dutwuha it tel âqr upC biti lin ovu r ev'.boiMv wbSU, hbel umdii. oea im fon»N - mdo.o!inS ino u dr ais.m tbymaaneai ua "I M tlhe ll cmu hrmém à liefr OUifamilier cercleplmy A" id an amilui lIe ver*ireputS l1"eMd are e n W G(ooetas or - lsanou. Ouarm Mi E.dymaês d et f m g iw g l t M olv. ts l . u , o th& bmpublie te lieft IW my " 7 iaiabout . t rolm tm"Maem orf ta Englend. tOcconuit th* autborlitlueImPorW ceouthe constitu. - tisMe rkt of P, Samr ,LinLdsay Dry Tu'el,' ou cicaublt> the boy by the eaus Md oleoberOMd mthon th. boy ccltbh ccldgthea the boy$ parentacot thhecoatagiam mtheiePublie ia tàelr rush to, R. SMYTR'S £m thegreet bergane ia Dry Gooda and b=uuthe '»>Y âmae Frost Proof Clothing. C'. 'Lie thi» baPPeaar A B there le, A Libeama letlmg. A Public meeting vilb ho lad eyery law bdI bllamu day from 7 a. m. t1116 p. m.aMd 1dm bi&r"LaelaIL. SMITH's Dry GMdà-%end Clothlng Store. The Mwor hî r.~i Uagle8to mete lliber- all fOuiriv wfho aM glving Lieolien. oftO a rgeîdiucuats tu Order te clear orf A lîh.ckIg Stateaeui. Il '& t0 maSo thec IL SMYTaILea eeting lb. claO ielmeïa by e close rcluctio. If he Cea' naà e n ey freer he ceumamie it mc fartber. Drop in about Christmnas time Mai30 esvr Loy Mach jon cai otretch a toiler or tua. T. chuu'eu-gaueo eple. Popular Opinionsaie e aInzit that a man et churchi aoulé l a fly volt dresse&i It es net au InaPerative Point butonothat la rnilmy idabLn a mormonis mot a nr" tu e&n a"a tu U-cotb4 &as b & mn ablîe a er Over-Coat. In order to meot Oh. means Of al classas. wosupply elîhor of the ibove occs and oceana ot.other thnga boslieâ SeoILR.SM yTE's bargaina la a&l Fovot tie adifrersofl theRcarirr& mre ISace ieshcturc te nive chen they vent the correct Curi on a Pur cap, cost or Gauntlets, oven the Tam O'Sbantsr, aLculd bavOeeciao. n-tUraIthe curi. R. SlNIYTE, the geneWu Dry Gootis anti Gemt'sCIohinig dealer, cen give lie rlgiht goods at the rlght price. COIDPUIeumIS I taSe tlii. pportunity cf exten ding my thakandaticomplimenta te my custonere anti frientis for Iheir gonerous support and ecouraement durinR,îhe pat ycar. W sh. lng yeia eue anid al meny hipyrturne f lbe aon. Belleve me, Falthfuuvy ours. a. SXKYTH. POub11skar'ls Notice. BFÀNFJLS for THE PUS! The &ds Local Papei'. The Fannei Favorites THE POST- for r886 will be maintained at its pres- ent high. standard of excellence as a local and. farmers' paper. Renewals are now in order. Examine the Sunbjoined is a form--cut it out, writing amount, name and post office plainly. Write your first naine iii fuil, and if you have a second naine or initial, givte it:- CfLIS. D. BA RR, PROPRIETOR, THE PosT, Dear Sir,-Etctsed you wiltftnd t/e sitmr Of $ ------- fr subscrlfioii /a Prst Ofce .......................... ----......... 1EV COITIguEDs$TORY - TY ievstry is by the autiior of ,Fated Fai:fax, ýa soy- tÉ mtla appeared ini our columns, and Nviich ,m Ike d a pitd by al of aur subscribers ~Coeduwil pay tthe end of next year for new ~crioes.SaRi ina m now and get the flCw s tory - ~*mM~oeDL BARR >1 - w mow àwmi9ý výî 1 a 9EM" qqar«mlmý.

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