Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1885, p. 5

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- Um- ». ma w iSap.. * ý Puepwtoyto om Immg we m ena EEUPNTY W~ iT UN - - w a a - - ~ w O~R GILÂND >LAXXOTH BÂLE 'DRY -ý0008, OARP 'ETS,9 MILLINERYS MAITLES3. Continua tu PéIvoizeawiPuduizeAil o CLOTHI O ANO FURS, WL HÂVE 0V lS TEETEC~or E &TQÂE it t. doblga prMd urug heby ot.igvraIrrami YOU wmllaseotda theCsue a" hMl! . .wvee mtit voi voi me at aglua.wi uuslmbpuyu m ilfi uttmsuIvjomo. ByuakimgSuca1'uist to ho inetimable ad- ?let*I pulverised. WE ARE DETER INe» O INDEISELL ALL CO FB' ai 1 must have Our stock rleiV"e ateaD ythe.lot7*uaylUm"Our a" Irsip mm a i TITION, premies exirem 0'OMPwWTITON 8~Ass~Y~Su. "Th. artum. mea eadch r'i nlsMt e vletoi " Am ont of bmtl, mi ntvi frnysc "Wh.refa Thuder dn Sy i cuy, te ..bJ. Ibm toesw w.upl" & -71 ;NOUT --BOOHEBN5CÂTHRIO & CITY DRAPERS ADCLOTHIERSr Ne. P2, DOBSON'S BLOCK. I IÂBK, Md * a "~v *~.. I i ___________ (n ,rdf'nWANTIM-Por, 0~JJ. 1. .Pi'h .. 1. , 1. ueom nl r. AîioPt- u I l. for- - .M.. bparfBd iMpair.-#. t-MIh ~VAWI'~t>.-~or ~q yo,'N AJm uOommo- - 1, »W auseb oiWb*ltNonl ti3111101. thse fig 90. as j" ui sUd oaLT*e ~T. t.c%»llanî.hnldlngi a thîrd clama OM!efc' g g unl ie ittb fl z juula a Ha't.04 olta-92 fr the YRA IMM. AppIy talifl If atlato soUwu~SuoeusuhrI Marer. tOnt- - fistf. _C_ Iri bYl Ww1lb -M b Eum. -, - ---- -- __________-for plotwua" sudfm eiT~ . L am'v .-»2. wmahsbc m ssda uKmes!gmw MShs iois o~libn~ltnaiOtoY~S rt¶gACanpo WNTRD.- mîtSd fo' ___________on.. linad boroesaleCetPDELL.- ILI toeeh#r. maleft rrfed. my tX. Itgremoy Iae nieife a- *4 OR« «uLy .~dySs. i esvLmLfrsl tA TAî,IlolfeAlTeaehevhol4l FO. ColetlmPtl 5 Ch»n et chis d am pewbbiu. aI@mte ..mais. a chaice eb us ce t fl e mfatar ( F o d i « th t A f O tf *rio i or . ama c i a lc P d o m * C u I L - D Lf . kA 11100101 u c ti n la dos en or hiait- N & peau1 nad. APPMm ta d aW ICt4MIwhite aL Thitcil .,sr 1«a. Albu n1*,T4 n .,PO eelth leUMbbai a1WIg it l.ue ht"tluLdti latlite I &A, rmamWhtOOperpoir.-"4&. Mr rCmryP 0 ir th m-, '10% 01T uiolm vl ot ieOn d 5e nece vitadS tais aeu ebiel uo&ou eMnitn" mà7Wceé31111l:1%0"b i;. IenÊlon, feinsle holi" third lans coi somnnm*»mTes, a"uiv m ueuiwawoiand &à h>w. t1ea u"tar& l MvU. àf' es at mMotib a iUH owW&-7>r L". lw b toJ AN skP0INd P*.%. fa&MW .. ..................le sd e109l 7t-ileanfanWltytto iaI3r J -- q uies' alU Ibis(VDUO) 5,.1mW BS ~wolfeanvtis e dl-kuvamsobeterld i KEifl4iIOf131111.% ._Iet .-m;o-SWin tom the eanlug. ea f mr" '1et ItW ri . &per yard np. Our ali-vool at Tu ut le. lp of lPin"%______________ -omm _e.Robeml.sereturnOdttaLinsay and Ne. laspwatmanza-62- W grCaEWld f t14in.l ".Àq cer Il at Teso. u1t,'cvonè. ___________musicr -.m(..'v.--1. Mue. Kuw6#hep luons sisi.peafnonte îb&Oasswie beau. b at Just reuietii M0biz of ai arta awffepflll e'alytia ~gg4fb lîi4 MrL un. gbm ho hbs rafS mame hinftte ma oai t exalent qualtrv andiet WANTE).~o me 9.lyacNO.u b _ _ "'Th la a ommectias vitis lmh-i la n*m . batopêseolont a vntchmak* Irml.Male prsfermd. holding aOM dM ___ *hvop W«u SS, pied bmgsd psrhW atuutaiEr. .Lzeee': Ii.ohloertano-Ielhnt.on. oth id l s fI lflofte19. Aly. i n* scomme te ndtwe o op arto boU«19Mdoeu-geai-L h imitn.BOl Llnoit a ofI*oitu l aa i l i___ the tiret floinn9r".=MM. A»Iysietlng g DM.aista oeimga sew I1ou sud omou&. sal onloJ *llt: A ) IOPs. seeetrea.. lFAtkhll mofathe riobetad milhaudoeuuearticles gn" I TisuM rérmhvooàug etc.,Tr. s l vimace a silt a"ci"tw yl il P.O.Pc. , IM10M, '10-3. I-cocu eIy nd aay (oi her vmofees iilU m abusls ec. tisio, atSi t7Ot l indet,, ail of vhieli wviiihoasados tisjest e DeiUtY iiOtf OpSUt& TiuebT humý t JudO Tt obthi1.bsebi e Ci îT> --ACII El WNTtT>.-I4o 9.9i. Ne. rmouabe termes. chotte u < mm-OteuI M lm ithse saimbe oflthe - ti- à Gi WhiSt bAi Ir<WOB mIbancs of .1 9. Marac holing1fa msend or thid lw' clast e ehoeUorMU~ ea gu rerilflôme Maleor feale. he ear M. b* 8ueuefs"in tW*evone-awt plaintgf SImilis*. fW Ibein& m& dvalua-bit services stet n * 1). . - Cut pWu UWT cMoueaiaie Mes veu am ht lMs BsaI ol. sla., deïV nD, i oura-eà HOWOL, TRA(HER \WANTZD.-A mqomr mouw M» Lb, «lfi" av~hae =tOS<,fw tq RIOSmsa&Mid M SI.1 T . nim sm ei itis3M bar.JtntveseT Slfemut' wantetl for Me" trt eathUrifrjwiots.l5U5lsnIut -mwal.JgaT a ahE~5i.~1.0 eLsTsnd,'tei r ai.Alrtt. ofs.. fe.l.d1on il<lrkIlml4d)for tht e vl eu s10,huIlt isid la.Rt MbeLsuumit.'V'...PMUa**&dvil ls'0: nt lIhrnsmlcul îslnt.ft'oflOd.Ajilj s nme ~ lenaWols mgsg t 42;p* g g listuena okmeta ta*- A-ih nitib tlnt.lI 1mbU 1e y tsertiawon, airosbj Ia.rhmMr.upetaihitC t. . omedJ lavutubtEt Gan sd eoCid V.99.) o u .bai l 4150% ai ls W a ~ us d m W b M- M = OsU ud im m l . > » aru s± i t . .B as i ht v e a 0<Ikle#. Stv 1 it ' t5.6a-S. aulthrem IIh a uyt as avne n- d b, t..e a u m m.lne ss t o t opom m tise ssial oni us w Iii.&f_ t tbe »* f ]g 1iam tir& s tha, MW 5e, z telt- d i raf tisna Kikod nCen, le o"a m i uEUV&" I 9brwl fel lu 0 g cu1le R a laEuedIbs ui INairirm tb -eh _MWaima e-a- e L S~1EOULUIbV W, pilIM or zpàrnsm gv l qsUdt tt ot ___epet__te__ owo la pIleec ta.,ues. OM! m t- «ass 0ietOtuWlàtMu - litY tnb ave ______________ndo wado Thkba~bli hsa e sit MU&MW .4Ibsir-. Muievmbu e~ li Bss m. -mi bW5i~ knr.Wb m ud=&tuaiamatlala t -'Ibaeb1wpohs.i supa Umm. mens ups Wr. A.UW. ~ sUas ep egW s' Jlu fubouTe eremou tn Plae c l tagaen fWbe hv uE sa*? S»d mituaot a ut Sus EuWa" ba nsu uma tgsIW~.g 19M 4Websis x« k Im~a us. t. lièrË& LI bU~, sud We havea am- lu bu a t WUI______W»_7"w__mait V.uG. gls"m Mm bti e ewIfio k a nd TiE $06 b mm lus W» Mlu - ------- a of OO h ireh 1 salaI bmWuw wu l maftl, MR t wonolb, e la __ enovma* alas etftwqW .eliskg"seCille m a ain!r. W%- have ni -01b FisbanE- -- =ma cmtat»Me»f Ne. A i~isar~etasWmU mma t asimbrbaa _____mmth _W-&rboa________ W,___________ ut '~t A 9. umevc.-U. B" Miadt Snow hove1uchesp et Ii ws s.- TnE Pour viii i e mmta uevw bscriburs ta SFer mmketsA"mi rrehs ioeit o »i.o oUa. go ta the Big 2û. A âno and choice ,wto". .. EH iiLq.--40-2. IzymnIFevlineot 1Uc.Drus GSoda oipees Mete he d etthe eo 1other1&. drets. @»"ever mhovn n kui- THE POST vill be muent,> nov subacribers te the end or nent year for one dollar cash. Send in jour names. Yorst e Inldy or a entiman m iso icet, ade ta arder. from the latet dosigns. by C. La . assefram9th DoeSmber ta Uth larchli. ugan ait Mm K esnw store. ne%-t ta the 0& The number of meamn icets ta be àold bOntaro bauk.-70.- altai& Webave mt tla 2m Païm ..clamp" satms vhich, vs are = Alg t cm, UC3.00per M» a n vet Mea w one. 3fr. H.LBa Dean hma reoeved hie law o flice ta COMMI tthe roama over R. Smyt's dry goods store. Kn- -.Uthouh tiaM olb dii vere BIPolnted ranco ta the aube by doar on York et. ~2 i dit plotgmthoghth. vintà: tho asa., est aMch à hugÉ addition ta tha club mem. ;Our 529M lr.. rulP chat lit le Delr cht torj&cps Mme jlath. weeles lune of Tm,. Pas s coemmenc FM b. appoints& moakng 'rlnb&aL . id a splendid newv sT, y. hthe author of" Fated -.on aturday ulght the rlnk vas, flaoded and Fairrax," naise 1he huit scories ever published je froit belng sharp freze unfd. On Mouday in Tiv, Posr. -The Belle af Mulkapore" vili tuoon the tee vas, amdu looded. nd on bu ound more luteresting thn thrâ one printedl .u » vs l dt rden. but ual quite tlrni ed 1sagsibftlmupeU aet them hack some- tva earsagac. The story opens la Ireland ubas bat -mO tht *làrsia' me. almaec vnthiu in due course it abuta ta India and gives wath meh. hm bensbâti eL great power mornes and incidents that vil> nold the attention of the readon to the lamt. Subscrèbe _______________ nd mt the tS7 &mtra b etiumLg.RU- W* vincaa ha5Uw rIutuII*2S mainder af pear fret ta nev sucécribers. Oni kSCiudane O vth the notice in TUezPoT dollar pais ta end of 18K end in nameýî and W& Week & publie meeting vau bald ik the mon«. ouaci chamber on WedneadaY ateroa for A*12-page Pon-EIehidaY Ad ort.51Dg. he purpose ai torming a farmers intitute. Te large circulation afi TUE '.- - % mr vws a ood attendance. On motion CoL ed apecial Chrismas edition u n c s:r .a Ma anw»appa " ed chairni an d M r.* Jam daun~ -~ .a relthueoretény. The lette: £ram PIYncipal1 everybody reads. beige, borrows or zteals tue dhUa% the substance of vhlch vas ulvea inTEpaper and vo thorefare print four pagee addi. ,or lamt eek va. reai.f. à,Wiu. Er tional ta malte raom for holiday advertUs-uc cave& meonesi W M. Jas. Farrell. that ve eociiite oramula a tanneWs inattute.-Car- and keep up aur reculer quantitl of rcadýnÇ im. ,Tweut.eight getlemenS put dovu their matter. Neat veekTuz POST vift gîre a Si MIL Uim as membeesand, plA the tee, 25r- lar addition of four pages. and menchants viqh- rh. foflovlng oMm er en electmi* 1. W. Raid ing ta advertim aae requested ta make arranlge-' If meset; Donald Jackson aofBIdon, menta. on MmaZdayr or Tuesdar-sooner if con- racf = JaKeitb. UCr t8n7 emamJ~ r. veulent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3haec omu a s. h BeaU. Thos@. Braa, Wm. Rse -,ZJs opkim ~John CamipbelliCikNts diretai. &me<IgOfdreOOrS as eld -"The Parable or the CanadaPaciic iLailway' ~dPSh1UflUY OtUIItiU¶Od Tbee 10 ii b. thémbject of the Rot. M. L. 1Iearéons9 se.ta r. uhor a ~ suWje.t aI the evening service in the Metiodist diuetonchurch nSct Stmdai'. - R e. Mr. ea rsn viii. t the M3ethodiez no mcovmu church. on Sauday eveninac next. have a taik A@eg ofedina the supportersoathe lScott vith, the youug peopie on -Amusem'ents," haw- stan aitmpoano vokersla ~s cunt kgbien"%ee aexpreisshi& opinion amota wri" WC & " Ot t MP U M w O kers i t th co uty clam e o f am us tuients w ere suitable for You nlg w»shsIilthe openabouseonThnuday ait.:- pope s. Desubr Su. Tht priAent Ci the -The xaaday event gbible clame om, ucted Minty Beotu et ssoceiation. -Mr Wm.Eye& br the pastor in the scboclrooni or the 3letho- met ths, chair. flore was a gsai noprebeuta: j ims m.le larcely attendcd sud i ie 1ezci- daiet terrne moprfnant r itsaemadeklniurting. P.I -mm-I-â asaàeispc¶sconvia os;Sbil aiBt am , br sp ecol requ st a ud ieed valuablo rhee mam in a~to » of-icandidatesratteldiOct " mm in *&w i hm&wTe 3fr. w. MD" .ols cammencied on NOUANT'. Deceml Mr.Ja.ksuboLÇde. d treueiB neor. W. bM rh. Thatat Lli J F - à ifouneiOB vlth 1e vork H. K.night, inspecte, and Meesus. O'Cannoe. gta"M ilahisgn. ITht UZ5U were ne- Tanner aad Pomero. headmaa& itihg uid te im auit acmmittes oampoud ofi cals ait Lindsay,, <Jmenipe und Oak-ood ne- le. àA. m@mUZai xL. & &mk-e ta t x- mpetively. That et Bracmhnldge by Meuars. IL m15theeoont.autpM1upmthem. Ta.Resaa n "dMOK@e. ispectons for West Vie- mslet tefuunitEttai pnicni otsB South Slmcae. Writton examnalau m tfeo nlm at m= lu» vasdimuaeedae heu k:Bduiacoe Tbecg* Rincatian. aiSb.4SmB55h1VeÊUB vstisaS the servi- Methodg ;Phyulola',.*and Sehoa1 aW. Tht lu lbmsou- a or- cane datesare aise nequirsi ta catch classes or~ ~itUt~3itthtWlt a iâWv techer- puptis la the prssgncof o the examiziera ta teit M& qmb15 "«a9 muemeita"i Whotholr matie«. goveruieat sund teachasa vwer. _em"àlrme lemmite ta mr, mdvoalm, -_areopusiss nbeom ~¶~éird1iSh1iiir. ~srmaemtet- thoevb.elset ta doseo are alloved class es-,. a = i 7 w t D m a g d b: exaa mlinicqP uPilà, 2 wer~t P siit. vlng bonla. B ailT uncertain mnioa iiy ~~ il U~.P P. BUirMU& Mn D. Ganflswav. ertLuttrwO2tb,mm la.tewFlavelle oui" ~~ 5~ -Mfr. W. Dowuumi the wtbY Owfl8b.P ct c o m e " e t t e a h e e t s ee rv u à&m â zî M i a s v e e k WMbâliàla -Mins g«M D o vflI" uho fotr iesi- eadin Llnsmzisà&vwuminat Mm. IL OLw. .ý1 ýIM ýïj»_â h. la àeil - b Weftmote wltb usmm at M. &9.Kr usumwoe.muIlb . LJ 9 iMWleVt baise ull th b.e om e*UB - ~ ~ laas ~ alw I»L 4TM e -bî&14t The tei*n of Our Partuership aidlLAis Of Preise expresby efluxOnf timne cm In Fefruary, 1886 pI svîm UME - - mcTO AMUAL COBT. then.0 breath!P - - -àCýF a PPRW-9 F ---Iuy «318- inmmmrll.- à

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