Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1885, p. 12

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v. 4 TEIllA 17, CAXA~NAN To,,, II~d~y. gui,.. PU~E Il. lUS. 1~~~~~~ -~ 4 Miw Araâýuw- wv-iw O'NHEBITÂTIL DEC LÂRE that w voli.5e.nuDo y eo. gouge in Townva 11offer 1jeu auch vuusin 'I Il, t 9 I mS w* are ha.diugnw u otr.W rpo.'OCEEOTTEETE STOCK usotodr Suwwa..awlàt tii...mfmIuiye a pa aue ma». posout a àte thi.Who ha b aidmura. yig - a.&L duwiioe. E.M.mhe ii CLE -WGSALE i w fap vi.. t ____ ____ ____ __ma-mwn m3 tecies@eov& mi ael uyewif rosdily mni letuth e taonetwiuhyseou to.dW ae pemu eotm t odu te nte t wprs a ts of the. peopl.Oi tc ure uz.hseiat prssthat cMuinMm le beatea, mai metb.elOreai f s UN.PREOEDENTED BARQAINS 1H DRE88 000089 HO8IERýYANOLVS Hosekeepers xmn e our Soko Blanke ts anidFanes FURS, CLOTHINO AND GENTS y FURNISHINOS. THE GOODS ÂREMO HEiD'lRE AND MUST BE SOLD. W.keep abr.ast offletimel lm 'te the. Valas.Ir Yeuwish te purohl-aan& mdwe aeti ti o veiure, Y0" u Jobueuis1Mh s.lm*k in f ethe s are YoILwifl ave on BOOTLES' BABY. lat .'.Ia~<iî'r Iî' it' i>ye biprfiIig ,oo t ' liii. î-ilup tyjt' lit jnist q 4 lîs 1e aN loie .-MMwttlsly letwtim~ e hv iilia igota h'tM> peu' cf tn4 i' ts'aimil tdng. ".1Nfw 4t mi4 h nn mmr in re, wbus mil.4 r(ftfl own hlo i a4 4>411 ii mrak otf doi lIna upnrPle min iw jsk!t-'Ow, fnj-tahiiiF'rwialie! 0w. h)nrîîhy. My elqog. u.I'itPerw-ilhld îiéq baud- owinta'--Mid4 h<'w bte-aîlyh. wrjdeu! 0W. l'lit -hftw hê,II Win, anud whnt a l li m wus, - f~ Ù'ê i~cauiagwreal w.i1iq'r% t' u.kuIwId h.'r .îý ttv-antl ehe tdi. ii .... i'- su'- iwry 'veàt.(bu s pm.tlaIg gl ~~'r è%t hs'nît ,?N3fit &u, u on ~i...I.g vîraîîytbf'îli..Andhk p.s- linni»s ' l AYfleu.' 404 .kfi rwmol it.ifitt l 'î:'nhs . i- , iti' y g~ i lttiflos <'jj Pe'iîi i o wnfleiclatta iii l hlm giwry, suM glw'h, iladtie- ileh d r -rhe çs'l purty veilli erwr turaud1 hî' , re% I a, t it gi "ai Itt 'r nla ip q Pl-fe thé wmr k 'v hè>. A t hr ltr n on» M ti ii. 1 in "t ldrst keî.tg. ra tv lvI'm mi h t r.all t't i V. jmy-wht wa t tMai. ut . làtn1v nnd gw t aro i 'I .sl"gn!ess' f ofsn longi.e cx.' y d'l VU. Wia é ir But, . wen' or ttî re'r."l h"ti"t t»fr* MM& l u'.'l.t s er tif iîîhIctr. tMa ift uf'ilunwnf safi 1itu %W te, %i . î'tal hlm h.. etn4'v. tx.. M& vit for, th. mtlon4f AU he smo. mb, 'waen!ulir,"ii d b. 'aî.d lof mta tg. n wbe at aim huuwin sho ie., for t i rahan' ailiii bl Md 'Ad 's M i9»f Bine dt&aiu-Mdotw malmdark m le *w--àilmw 0 a mm wu rmF -4rer. na rotfnu& aibut te.e- à" mb fw ag-JE gtqvs! ill Maing, ulM fawhbndfUclbut "gaiue-Mhlr o flUte.11» vus dma-uiwwm cu - ut lM. 1~ m vus enftoug a mm eatg race Shan*W.a 1& Jk BXigacS'a Ebsr'NantIffs -m 1a tremsh triili o! lawoon thopr.ty velvet wbiehey bd joai uss vtaam.d yul> ah.-.t* ea. AM ltihaho brois rom Lawcy's!frek. ihili rahlinr, ? uc% ' ansdgoe>d, :: pphkm@o $Id *@sy "w ekmg viii Md &4 t thd alw that day. Md laaso. us m itwus Let. 1'" poallr WyOeIui.1 LaIi alt Xguou waaut to go te Bnotles.' ba-for eliebra.S. at nsE h *tia l;hIlWii mw ibdoo r tavr1 . he. taici reprtiaclifaly. "M le waing hfit w vi awj eaving BSelti Booties hau, bossabotimro4 , onbh moud gum'ilonMuam rto th îe cilit." answî'r'i. "Mm iebrutt"" barIM oui Preatmc4 ludiW- Pi) oto .>cbê"troku; bis cheelk wth J. , romnblg Sicbnls'o ria, mui er eoft bami. "Bneutku.'s 'asveme 1:La! -mb Hiumé, f Tbe man b yhn& and mlt La-' lest> &km o vorythaug," crid. "Ntev'.r wfth MiWton," ansyttei EBntlt.. "1. -»w ""Aid S ellsbpt i. tampesY l n tih - rtiing h:ï e i-ch .'k èiait tthosee«d goitti tue caris, andi feeling mn ilfeho ait done, tua ,*Mt ir m. od-afmarael faltiluibaby heari a moral Injtistice by bis 1,11M honubort' heurs of aer andi doubi. "MN.BS vouAi mot, tinugi> .ecil. TWiewa'* a moment cf euit-.iS, brokon "luiuh"hlm." by the mure. "Have ynuu hourd, su'. how "Ma, cvi cbtiii-ond smIe Eh.Nigmou*" lMr. 1tk1lii ir e' d4wasie t. 'Ail the b~tte. »Ubcausai endumre iis'tL'4 rriuueihimuerif. "Hoe Ldemi, hi.." nurmae. Dfrd bla f an hosir ag.-. 1 -Dy love! Euh whst a blftw for Bnnlar "'be. .if' roua pleut. mr." s.he askî'ti-theçu- "Bov wlDh1take lil WiI lu moka mi! atuliy. -m ght1makif it Le trime about difea.. Alia. innu' ta" 1AnIf 9009«.." BaiDUiare "Becanup. ir, Nfaw Mignon hou.d bava ud for bomaac rka4va ?b.7wy wm aima mysem mi mU be . Oh, but il u sa bIcs'for EootleM Té Tbree daysê Inler the fumeral teck place; Wb b mw aia mve b tempe tdbebl asWbn vrrckl.Maea I aif.the e," ofe d1an"S bin. b pe ullvl, &Wgwveu t Slcackt er va*U&nhOew t 0fbIM htngh rm i w Shahm ' emid. ay u ba 'buge, as a tm o bmrid taMnmnqurie» o leW isere p4 roetdiyeent vtgam w OffetrWciseUgitmotcian «tit XSXy Gwm a luqugtnt e tuAmip b. un tnm tbe mm ie wena perfflenrcrer taid cammPuly van m no that tii. snor alOleibi ode ctbe dehat a. OUS * deni~bruotguniféreaid teoe li i srpon ah u 4aidame. <o mMdiing. unul ahoaunodl«vermgo o!illor&ant» mwueredle aiG~ m, id, Jook limga un cmebu emiltii of thar uargr' pold. I iohd &My ulfran. B Mecse!...» w,* dnd:Wéjiusu madt& diug ber glnian'- set id repopt a e MWhomet lm amb ter as 0volc an ib"blmwh " tcurm mite et n. rr.%ta melig tha Capi. Frrea "'Rnw&out ô dic ta. tp m. o l mI0isrtb md 0 hm1 ha Av oed -b r olb. chi te rustee, tb womrgostaa -d f u(;lilitth bcn Sfe fi Ms v uewg ni mporadanel thel. vf 2 orlen il- For hm a Br IOlise tueantI om out.h arin a cprffi e4am1%ent vas t b mm-Pd tbe mai Deuian& oerelo mutoa ,vay tbert tarhihh7. amihouIdan ontble cendi- "eeoh. y.m;I ub*mAa u otCdSi mi mymehf," smd. tlo'bvitot.leisep'shyc -Wt ineyetr <ii ed ,e vl. Lamuse eu. * un cont M dirtionmiea thully tu 4eoulad Fr -Hé ilti nis à«fm diawmBol .. , ho u& Ib&i.. e. rw bw e gIe psh e fthe pcwer t et apiyli aa 41,1ur to wsant o ;liomevPeu o stn. atppu l bpwlhvlbh a i i voil e ilt a dm li te W" Pr uaI f f @moarlIc*t ialmeqn tlooib fe ___ tmrbu Mmi eunolteUSsier.I beto*I loIo'vi ldfeeblhl. vrymm ai Ee duey lI a s 'es cop&.. UWwha Bcut imi'i ue WM flot o Gen.y abutil; fa -Wa ' Ilrca*s heaiton a iimgiag i f iw '-as c odit ils v a aly 'very Cln'ely heg but, &Us te sas cf pm eulso mi forb. mmnuiputa b".sb up agsr mm wg u gmAs OU,,Il- dbv'e Amg ainofmmdchIL sart. Md ua lyn&mà magg bova oq & orall e, iA tak3 cavetrDma te eiango Mu= eha pr 04 y'ajthva*!"ir & âWe d h olirmMbUR; iLa y' en eu foeuselian udtane ofnidbe sait. bai BMut E ey IMdlin. t simmlain, Ilm. w oduSISby cfi. y»w -am debs>"baeM on taix ltag fI ecryoiis aunai tad.tI. doina' a Imi Bri o.lar hu thlei der cm .wvbrate liuitaiw4 la bis eua bitter c, an ISbaW4«mma nom ahitelaue 1 ow i. MIm twhi bwOas*lih>G b ligBet oursbaeifors Waçone emhlipcs wiafd oma in bbblm. lin, B 1.4 mev eâ. a *aofytewwmob us htebad evm' I bouga o r rue fr "Jto laSWh a êsr dm oe-yilMau bluis mIMai btne otaceIl vum b u h ol ienccuya l- i ew ruo Ils !s Tfon a oloOia, p vi1tal dmeu etbeMg l.1mI" sboroit. ' ai nis titi averek ain Gcrl t'mg sttu gohmWt* cm etna' tema-i mg dow dp mleth. th" a thjut g pin for Beuhis r'tcer nd "Ioebyboni gev ~ ~ ~ ~ e 1»ispnapvsu $g u-i ot hri'bv an iialk mije tcis â lui-No; mui nya wol. LIl o o Amuset ,olai limitE, ual voe wa afruma>"" hofront, mm go>'ami ump o MyMdi ni! Pv ge oher ha oNu o wt *Dmpw he et. goi "'is> Itro"ue u oudheiter eI e me c wmanomeet b heuen W«« "le!, vh*w fa aummb..Thun, riii of ma ui, mtbe v, uaiLn4pc I fm hi b wtfora hi. 19f.' ag, "tiaiatis swa b ee o hâB<><>da <mdici M0ofuor po bor 01"0 My B , o iIs haa . Ls>, Mdu s mamaam ble" t',"N teum soi W h i çdtl' l"hawy. trgadlbi - y1 moin, Nlgnamo Tn,1 mm b u tal. rerv hdwingt t Bew hom lItai nc le =ait aiml .ili itm Md 1 àmthl e à«X om M tm-b bolag em Oai bilier d m I.toostf'ltat BmIs ui vrcba no - 1ba t a. po h h Mdt&bt-b " odyhl àe, w e *pd 14 lo' aindht el 1 hir.dllh i ai us',vihi1dBli t m o idmOiDOUrbed I. andhoe up tu ai vIsa aene UaI b ml la lismi0%US i . n .£go c IU~ ~v t, "Tuevier.u imt b "a 1trubeyou to 'send be édt amud e tkiluw l»M , rm hm me *W hou WE lus A. ert * ilm.hlnbi knur uios ki ate- ut& mihm1" v m ___àMes W vim> ,usvu eis W1~Ub~JmWI bf anw qàNiaiwn inti) a ruom, and tho. GZArIGS An Amurican wonanlis securud a thuv founl-.ýiiaurtece.' Thereare thirty.nine Eng11sil tailorge patent. for an ssh-sifter, and now al tu ars.thst la wa.nted la a patent contrivanoe New York City's total debt la $9, to make a servant riri use it. I7~71.-&'~.Tenuysoni's lateât American. vuxtot 1> -,Thecty udertker oundthe poet witth a pi pe in bàa Thiiy nlrtke f Palatka, FI., moiith, as unaa, and ajonpide of hlm i. -il à womSn. on the 1oor a. jar, two feet hlih. fil14 -Hre" Murray laflow traveling' with Virgrinia. tobacco, the. gift 09 'I correspondent for a tanny paper. James Ru.ssell LowelL. -.hFred Reitbrock, of bMwaukee, bas a,.bsnc ut mmd lis dangerous some- 1, u Gerasny womtn."pleaded fyuilty at HaiItoa 1j~ Diiingtii prsen cetur l5O<~,.Pettyv Sessions ycst erday to a char;.e of pickiug roses aild carnations out ut the 0)00 copies of the Bible have beea print. royal gardensat Hampton Cuurt, but mi ila 226 différent lnuages. 1"ai t te time sue did neot thnk what Asa Bullard hbu been secretary Of s&bu wastiin<.' 'Île saine' kind ut 1)f) itheXMassachusetts Sanday Sebool Pub. absence et mid liaâ been noted before. lshung Company for tlfty yezrs. your iaud sin m pkeî i~ Th management of the old Soldiers' angrily exela.amed au indix:îalnt rntIe. nome at >féwark, N. J., tg sncob that mal to a. pickpocket. *iWai ih.' sir?" 1he coat for each veteran la only 301 dreamily retorted Lie other. ILeU ents per day. 1 h la so cold nowad:i'.s une fee&s riad to Roetess îcatehpd theta-the twro le lored bét William B. Kirchner neceives the.('et Oue's liand:uuvwhlero. 'He â On.erh medal for bra.very In 1883 from the: tined, and so-bv 0rmryLX oni The. truth fla4bd lnto> his miii instantly. New York Fire Commissioners. IL&s dnce-was tu~seti~-r.s~ 9h. rome hnrriedly. and Ille.»w that 'ihe 'WuStswas tW taie a woman frmua.buri-u-Ul woman of H1l.untu Cuurt.-» clindilnblack, but wa not in widowa sdrey u bidn vrtero f uai aei .om Bhe fell apon lier kneea aid almait smothoeet ulig irti ro fa al - Mignon with 1isse*. fornng house, and j.ump acrosi au la a certain cemeteny in a town fi ~Mfignon! Kignour die !riei. ulley wlth her in hie arms.i Connecticut can be found a lot cou- -Mignon hms been very kind to Bol." Lierpool la, the greatest shipping ltaininif five graves-one iu the center. mlgnk'n -p6ianed. flot Ikowing whetber te port of the wolis liiton"te ethers near by at the four points laugh or (-T-y. . i ~~~ ~~~bein 2,646,372 tons. London la ïe ftecmas h tsrpia n ',My LlignSt M y baby!" the motherti nexI port, with 2,330,61,8 tons. G lie latter read, respectively. after the sobbeiL Il ow ranis third. witha. tonnage Of name of the deces 1d: YMvL Iife.' Botios watelhed them-the two thunsh onsfuî M I.Wf, I I Vf. love' the n arh lifit of shipping ports of the wonld, MZWlfe," while« the center stocel -Have you nottinz te say 1te mer, ho e t atonae t ars66 the brief but eluquent exprosôiULl. -What shallI1 inyr" 9h. had rien trona -The United States Trasury lias the'OTanhurshCnuldn."vstt 13 ber knew. and now moved shyly away. Ibiggest spittoon on ýrecord. It la a Tt.,rr.honuJl Glu-wllis 'YTou might &&y," mUi Bootiui, snerely, grat Oblong woon oasb sa a word of waraing for ne r.uwL "MMaiyou are very £orry that you, a mer. Ld ildwt a.wdust. hles in t ihe ndnet mort rr :zdt rWa woman, deceived me andi utole imy heart baisement, at the foot of tu cfour >.lià Texas. uesaVS7 6youanacumen awa.y. Tou mght aBy tuat, for one thing." o f utairs wiih lead te the var,~u a desk In an ilice, unacqxuuinted wità *BUt1 amrn ot aorry." coed Mignonâ ins mother, udaclonmy. . and accominodatea the. govern- country lite and unaccustorned tO Mor n yo mlh . als utc l-ment employee and ti ters. manueil abon, badl better stay at home. UOUS umgh IJOk uj.aynas maya henighae ea I find many such are induced te comae bodch,'ignon lèves B3oo*est'" * Te"ajr k" Edlsoe here, andth te restait la that thev be- a beadacbeEngland, feU betors the recent gale corne. 'bafers,' and desend -ir "I weill dothîný" .zý hre. Its trunk had agirth cf 29 fe4theii social scale." "h i..lIydo hin," abdLaeY tnanad the. cirenmference cf the top was the fellows, wheouthe . ntouudig nws baiiî 240 feet. The iiollow stem waâ useti At the. battie cf El Teb Baker l'asha ben told and freely duaed, "that Uow weby picmc parties, andi seven people wui ucknthe he y bil hche uit mKut let that pool!, nllefoca, cwiooked a ltone Urne partaken cf &almu, in e mh Peb al helbr rnnded chap wretinlbisagwrav. tu pel. t. It was krluw[ to &tcod70 tefnhuuprjw Toms Boos e e,"h m>thmed, with bis mStat which was of iron, wus afterw:ird re- re&edtve afr, "tI -e-&mon -M 1 moveil, and wau foundti t weigh! thre@ wrigbi, and aàvewry wIm thilng. wiien Twenty-slix years ago Roseoe Conk-: ounces; but, despite thc severiiv out tue h. ani, Love laugb. at Ioebmiths.' ing wu s lectd mayor of Utica, N. Y.- 1 wound wich it made, tuje t;eueral "tiolemor.!"' rWa a voie,amuid àa about th. ex-Senator being then 28 years, 4 -e l etutlbsc lu UI cf Iaugt.r. morithsanad .9 days old.. ae peflil him W retire. A reccnt opLrs "Oh. wamut 1* Bolornoul" quumm BSherman, the. present mayon, was 28 tien in Englanti brought to 4-iht 1110 Lacy, mildy. '1'. Of BOe csquOnce; yens, 4 months and 10 days clii when erbentr f i nu! u h morne ~ ~ ~ ~ t& oihiet u nl hn fla assumed office on the 4th inât. 3Mnr. patient la recovarb2ng. poor devil speuding hlà lait mmts wraifr OU&JJDg, therefone, Stijli rma js iu >D.Kcie ooe In abaWno t kepmho MI ~ the fi1à4asl te youngest mayor î ieto o orsalJr lspartaililUBoetlufaufflasaltheieml- Uttea by elght days. c a. ted ofu m-1 r t1he spiit r-aurandbwrmka toain heBac Whi antond- r ia eusahoun here sud there on the t1oe afrt h -matrwrlage TetBlacte isatc es tloned uakim surface cf the. moon sud usually âass- Xgm Trst li bl' H&I. IUtJBmn iavaig borne ihe bruni of General clatedwti ulîla ter cones, anid III Mm r."yuelairs:' a W ,~Graham'.Ilut engagement la the nainehhought tii:y were truce volcaule velut% tS%" My ut blebbdo:Wbm a air arty-theCo d*alent, robab * cie ei"tee AÏmir sucdi r0 iheacrgtunm br o lbJadrsdnt tlWj.T.'w& Eiger, cf the Liverpool Aà- in a 1 Gla ein e a ulmt m m kugaifIOlder& nt177,tis ni ent wreuioUIca1 Society, has observed twOI uzlt* nd"y it tilepum rli 1enrue la177, hecompsnîies, drecs- other SIMilUn emples on wiat la âtdtok f aolt oerum mas AR u- d*in black, or darktatans, h had n as thering-plain Atlas. Te Uic tumtnoM hylS p@mj faein,, watched the. Highlands turing tiie war~oecli ehad i aldtepf ~mcapokampioam sd ~rticreshratin c liebinrte.hhmlanotice cf lie Lunar section cf oe n bmml-and upo s mmtue t& Tne. ewelyn fmmly, cf Pothwife, iun ocety a short lime ince, and ne- lm t oeil@& w . cf Ib her il Ouy a-, i fm ili an uh i w oodea legs. arked: Fourteen yea rs a go Wo. min Wm110% aviore g t DUmbilnMm.Anm LleweflM ,WhLO WiOM ou, madie omniful dra - 7 fs c liis ObJeCI frmm ~~- a rre bruaehubnsUaehoad on cmarnem witi recect ta iuDtuIbbm ias ul "dy ààawoodea leg, sud theironly am 1s alon Ifound changes lulits ~mUgih UI11 ~i jL1XiWL~ 01 Bttilqu bard ho accouat fer excspt on thies"P- mima~uf11 og mdlb.1ms.r aga s lu itina culoig a ae uwsiIUo«et à» M aw -- h- woânm.s bn tbqXý »0& ile 4; UW!T MAL "air om

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