Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1885, p. 1

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WIl mow mso- -1» o -~ I 4. t e' ~ - tbomTEAmawte - 3oem m u*,C-=, -lem .a., WAep imm .11 E-- w-e ]P AGE& TZU - PUE __________________________ w NSTL ou =um ols amr e.oMs Pl**m b i. of *0e.mM pou*.a ul n $Im d m m re- uàu Oflo. DmIu La I L-IL A. Doko kM gM GCREAT GLEARI1NII SAL E 8UM MER 000DB DOBSON &k8SONS. ina oui:â.me -« Mei lmm *e~ i~ mét% TI@& um W.h.olk Md .bm esuuluua SoU . L-& "ILVÉRmPLATEO WAREB» STOBRM SB-Pie8Bg THEXTON & OSO8.* TO FIRIERS 0 F 111/POUI W ise uulqi whch 1I cliexcoa efor W cmSU e tlumi aimal ame. ~ A FU GIR 9 MUM4YUUEM MLR% Ut LUN D14AVPnwr Oia.ICP, Dm .17,2 71 .hss.L»e, iUDS Bw. 1 bave beeti vear»w the gîssq-. DU.p a 4i u.-oTh maou'.g g egffl f romloti. sud have great leasre.-i 1litiqii t. tei nhbthe accume ch ittwhtcluIc jemgm otMl aatithe leisses go ach eye. 1 vas mS- *0diej Ihiait s te redinm ewl:h whcloti io4méoiwI j- eri tedffirene olu my 70OR, themî s.tas on ig.g 1 have not hittherto heren able. t me aa i g.mslm 4'vusa u that 1 eoîîld use wlth auY atstaction. antestgus. lour ob'dt "mate, IL G"DVA.lrO-= Au HICINIOTHAN, DIUCCIST, UDSYs TmdsN.1 lm. 1-r.f f.umCosgm, 24, àthCol.,coden. &bout evo mcie mi9ce, ON 9IUC 11 IR MFR. rWelg MaooY, *ld: Owflei' an have thse amm*useýt of sarne aud paylug expefte, . t Clam withls two M'onthe from date cf ÏaWW.L"arnut -wi1I beuald ta puy eiomiae. JÂZIITHoMP- BON. Dsh7mPla .O.Cardm. Dem.2.s UOL. 8.AYKD OR,4wrOtlg$.-Y,<>, out the prenioe of R. W. Rossi. Lltd. rk tain, abontthlo t of (ic-toier lamt. 70V' IKWM %,NI)ON£ LAMB. AilIt"e mtb ams mW-raked. adhave the a~* ame M~rui on thse ade. ibéral rowsuq for euci information as eUh l"dtath e Covovso'y.« "Wat their weeb' a R. W. ROACL litile Rrtaln. sDe. 1 m,-M QTRAYEI> CATTLE.-Lmi him à*n Pi prausisesof the nderium: 1 dan Mt e0v. 6 yaem S sd im nixe; 1 whit oew. 5 yeas a i dlii vy beMan sd naok aMdsharp' pointai ionset1 ttark rMdi tffl. White %spon cise .smider. onehom l ower th"aflthe O~,u'.3 lesagcm: 1 White. steer cihs uywhuai Mt Spok I da*lIed baller wdUs whleeathebely. 2 jeara o". iti hort~11aMd vide bitai 1 dais lad ler ct i ut pot* ous bar fmn. àU parenaalilg aJInformation ztiat vii go 1 thse M10ofe'»Y ujor Ah U r e foes wil e imilrewaa'tmd.Wu,.M&- VAIM .K.ZWbfkNoir. riTUIU-g-k Tbesmlmamer~1~=~ff~== 27j~LWI~ faiM m ' u u.~k Su«. , Jr« vhom arum m A Uu~ Dlu@ ru un - mm Da W4 ui .e.u - w- h ~ i;~ air, a Mon~ . . ~- A~ -~ e. ane.h p.u~L~V~' mn. I~~via iee~ FI: =. I w - -"MM VAM- -0 grelMU Skfa.uEmp~ *~ L ~ - - - 5~y IwK~ ~ -~ - ~ .m~e e. Um bout.MM ashM eMftM dI e - - - meF e enous vOMM Mih, W-ui e.w0fbue the mte. *Ouguutma boe mmw tà-otv" -«. th!h e lasser able.mb .mm vmau asaut u b ma abl *hg.ui le vbul5imt l ~m............If Ma Dteum adlm ..... .b... .............. . ..... gaulauu se.pc. ..... u.. ts tui . .. ...................... SU eduotww4& Mbmaer rmet " cel. 3. ebuU,~mi r w...M 61a 1 lot.n Cam eW.aLà 8sh.hmattbemm e.m comm bu Baobab" l, mu iu i -Desial asmlàutea. EMlm vues rj eu.,, Dis, a e.u.oh*ma com Md 1 FiIn amin mbu matma b. muecoe symait -ere e e asIJ~ i tgvus IBU IER O=U LDATbaW MOMO omoseWoaR MspMId.Lmg 1 ami * émir. n ie -Ikm- numb ettau Um ~U~L~W55IL -~ - ~ OBe Imm-U -yoeu~ .~ e e. v~m mi~ ~ e.m ~mas~aiIe. - ~ieh i - a.B~e. ~ e. hpu.~ e.~~s ~ b e. ~ - v~ - e. --- - almI 11. u~ ~ leb3masuw.umImaimmaum~ e, w-a- !bW~le.Mha~aie. oe~~e.s~ E1s~hIhw.le.paath.0f mil.,,.. ta. mi.. ~snup e. hmn~ 7mag1 ~uhsivet.e.uus.ams.ihme.' me...LSUt.NUk ta8~mI e.wm~ou. uàShii~sh.l1Im ~ mmd vbÎib Ian aistosi ha bsn imisoul Ve. t. mi. b b. ru.InIuge.e.mIm~ee. ph~ mai e. mu il 1s.ih& 2h. mu.if~isu vouli ma. -. rum the et ~. w - e.--Boum m eni~s TI. à e.I.P tu ,-mduubi 0* m"bufmab.Oa.shm. etau ý IPt düuMe t =h MMv0fSe c.. ~ ible15a . .aum« tu I- UBV me.w.ftmea b.grno..w "e. rnbbto tbe r n-mWole Ita .. j=be- W a sie InKmb huse amlà" le th couvi, Taxrum!h*mbu,> ~g caIuL 1 e.oueIa- f,1w bmce t me . o a M po.Uau! @Mif -~ un Ihrm une@"tb brL f e mý mai!i h th* ft M.b fl31~.m iw . M I i i r I i r - u~ ~ e ~. .~ -- ___ b ~u~mm-~ê - US I ~ r Mr. an - ~. if - e.. ~-~-" 1b ~-- bC~..m.m uha leSbe.K-u~ - ~le - oe~ Fn. E~~hae.b - - -~- ~e. e. ~ ~ b ~ WD-l mm6mdelà Q- -6 -- -- -&b e. aim= I~~~~~u l~uvsmm fa MW ushiaifl a amhH Tata as ta Imb"m 1 ---.h m=ii e. ze.veSmk --a e boum ouf s. e e.ft i.mam lemorms tIMb tt Un m&. an etsina. N e me muge pomm la ma n bwlà" l *e'ea meta -e --lanifmeut NUet l. iaL gil b. vmsmli. e imma meu-a wulb ta ueembiaub e -A 1uismil il- ma - vu~e.e. w m ~ue tb steapoau D» mi. laIt"sasmkab. da"w bm tcry vm em mue mm leon. n il a m 1__a 1b M0W «R"ie.hbha CuIaialab dm valuI w piigeb uppami h w t n mi. t .omuu , ai th"e. . au. *16 MW lsmer f e 1 baw bondmà h flet iM ahum..M. rnes mus ~*%iUhms m ln vue mi ewmh n " e.p- e eue@&- bu e.eiv'mi&a? b W uSa*ai e.ww hW-bdu& a .mobhum 1 Amam Km if àPuM Isaumawi- Pilu LC=l b FnhvM6 @M - e. e.~ e. ~ ps'. ha bm b ~e. e~ ~ T~r b ~ &CALe"mod -_u uAaa ... im l» a»* vii" eu s tl m a . if~ amS he.~. Name tg em mi~v.aia $"&à Imm& -- -né aMe ma" toe. s.m , ', asi hm Ime u~*be Mbsn e~~~~ et~ ~ e as ~ e. ati ih, b R i am; a; Fn Am*. ob lm~Komd, .U c sm yUL -e. Wi"iàm mUSutI" s lhêooa aivh 'iuas~ m . wtan if lb lace Nb i ur o.fh tFÈL TMha PM t la vs âmbat . étu 7t "1l l bhua" us.tua e t b almaTbleil danu a*6 &k a mu.te Mt a bMUKWOU" auni*0mmd Mtbu&alt e.arm. et &bime. iiiaime i. Tiomie ai n e outi pmmute boa le Umm& .e bma M. ent . Sae.' *Uhaiobe a lio eete tbgt p-miL.laus Aiméeg ha mn me. u lig .hI&vMU uweh o M", e.hmum imlb.1Mm lfký-d.. as e!t mal utaimialiai uimp Sa~~~c tu aia ouei lmmdi ne bd kml ppeit ut e. us.i ne., v T m lt a cut a tshort aE.Wm sl~e vfuand don Carisloft e volff l .WI. NoOMMe audige ta mu m mutuu..Mu J. A.Urquhart, asmtaba.tum mm is vie m mazl.m aquuIË1« an te l irftt.mIi Wbmbuhabfmbeva Sm M,0, m» h ckl 1@Ë u. aeh* xis.ieeilabai bus. W.Uala tu i atute abs umayebu lmg Sa écesam b . mu uelaai." Tb* le& aI.Um vp Shsab e m PImArL-ML . IaIcNb ce Bob. ~ hap cimml e.av wbd*ck'homumet a. el= osauas linai.Mmd bauds b mol ue Ma. xm.Nab bla eu asmaeiebuan mmi vil =il Lacm-Tb saeebu i Ms 1oub t uema. be. m@sWb b s sam u a ue oal» c mme. ~N~euut S Im.m me, lb"mmualut usai. A hi.. or a t" Auame <hir flit s"ireonkum t wui h. «Pu"aa ebue êiy... .Mllv b maa @m. the ha Imoetour& e.miLi um"leàbma ah*& émo n M Wae.ý ifbebeMME à mm yawl mon l b e mem . e EUq n vib. im bIb l-dem s. mui.maI&u tDM iB. M e be.itp mal m qe.ta Lua Mtet ou tno Baamoe orqe. hl ne a à* à Aune Md f. ~Wè,alI. rf'rmua* buffl o Mlagi, mmd mil " iZdlu b.b"P.âm al wubgàsbl W. ag t a thbe boemtmalSm~j et 77'? Pm.y hidiagM t a nd enusicMalW mias, ha il Su bdead vi . e mai Stai li Q u . Muer «b oullyamtrmou, lSut.commune- etg 0» u elck. kParents aMd ïbli aft u'dal Suidt. atend en liaitheww a"m WvIat k en =8an de. 04KWOOD. Euumm-O>ur mmlconvnit M. IL Brond, h» é,Imiarsoeora ét.oe% bath o"i sd vWood.cor1atmusy1eeý Wh'* Ia la mutSage& mceit.nta "mm Tm Eaamàcx&-TI, saiaM M&bar- ra"aismvalon o omptettlo. i o- trator la pnwujaou thé, vork ma ar *hUr& U. t"e hmaicfM . EIrmenrovu ë UmtcLt"i. Etais b. tue ltaeb. WialiIosbe rynm tlm.e e. eueCirsêms aI Met C X ma Seslare WU&le Thoeu ailfbpmI m. vui-11 mpe = md i 0né p-crab-$i aaoiywo bave pmot hdai A COUPLIMT.-W. boui t orbeuatM sqraads tsur Vilflg h. miMdamavul. parfms, but lbthe r osa «nerUty th" rau,- op tu SaLlndaaycm thie Uîhult. la eq Uahai bers éhouai hem .Quaneti, qmllay mcIud1ni t oast hW L venld b. hami us best The.muskami aidrmsas ere equaalygiai. Tu» Rzixp»w sQuwuuc.- (Ta lh. .di- bS t u T» Y.-Sr,-Tse vient rmS- pusam ruost rai tlue triesla te thWt withia my rai action; for tony purs béci.Annezatlon, -laIm 14.buýrc»g thé, peumeut buüiidlaget Mont".al etc.. sà" & &Wv pers lamse on, chef the Priams if WaIm vws ia Cama d er lIe guli. mm eof te Newmaue, th@ pua BDO& volmer.The m -.tam n M-- te re. P a Sbthme tes, he Magnatud Me &at UhwSagtlelikaIy baud di.James A. Davdum, a wtyand immmus *riter thâ sai uidte wtwbta msoh Nàmm»fra eamil a i tivece he &ý Dvicsocof 1hi. t.vm h kp, be e.mattrOff veillta 1lm Ma e et *0lie and tey miht le tple te . rmsai mi. 1 y ie e ia swn amicho eusw l" @out foraneai. The. tins ascmaf hsta»l mm]% mm nrd. sudbuIIas, Cookadoodia. kanuaroo. Narvipua.M& Ulu. 4 ICrosadifflOuntilmii.!k r ouar CtCE E11-OPEMIN.-A vu?, mariai lmprovemmet m a.bos made by thealtraiom waii&dito"s téte MIshodstcurh here, by yhch amimi aaoommo-sla -t. aUtded go s'eu twe humdrod more ammm . Au atraciv smr topulag mnisce s mbeaarraag- ed. 0& Tlsur4darDer- 211h, Cbrlmtma ve a pesa bamse ciile buopeumlaSmhe MaU nd r th. auspcem 01a coute mItUe f ladies Du t the eveulns a large ---anIr cfChrlstmas piseas li ,e i 9wbu fon a Chrlum tise, la addition tc otIer chois and uful articles a lsdomea mtomh quil i lib. oflIr- ad h.. mie. The doorwcl be opeued aI =m, nd iU le ra-opemai aI 2 pmea atleroon. (Un Chrisltmas &;àa publie tCwii e sevae lathe Imasmeu cf te chuci.frocs 4 té UD P. m &hW vlch a ule meeoig vii le heil.Thse chairchll be taketg7p>m.. and ai- àouc ili be iliverai by Roi. D.L.L Pommesami othirs. The coir cili rendue acoéielection cf mui. Ons Sudai. De. ffmb4 tus marmous cli b. preached, t 10.30 &30p. m. Coll'c<loum add or 1h. truse taI. Ou New Yes day a grand atmalmmaa U l e giron Stite bus. Fot prie». et saluicu sud other dae*" mupeStera enosaby uhio unaftntly c. loue su. etherOf Our villagle boese Mr. T. Fms ot LindasY casmltin luulockIobMs UW lame, dagterof Mr. E. A. Nvs Thé ooeomenp bok S ietaIth. esi ofthe.e brides b2her Sa the vWl* m wa» wibammisiby as luthu ocsa 111M. vi"ed trte . ab W IOS êe m&s Bowes vasbrhdemsaii, :M<~I. lIes kEcal of Lindmai umie. theroom brou he onUff MMt he ailla Ib Toasts amiocherplamsW48.L T. ta té.te bl"e vre auuersss, hmkifl te e.. ma. a eh .ste àab u. om aa .1 b laih be .8vnsoes" hilèbs Pumaa.-rs.PbamifTemm lb le&.. .laie..NowI tebim MýWMý p a * ure. me -mtw mbui*Snhua CmmmI va.han 41f,18,1u6à DU&m su 4,aa&~fe & ma 6 1 Sun ýý[ -- - - - ýý m aft«»L :rd .IF . 01 IZCZL - 1 1 à qmwmveFý - - ý #m Il et, 19 vit-AIL

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