Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Jun 1885, p. 5

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5'ff~ lIA WAYWAW W - ~ ... w~q a~g w ~ O~ .1 . TZUA~ ~-- A~ ~ - .. I IL IL --- - Noat w1wo IMi,,~S ii ~ 5 ~ t 9 ne h4hest dumph d tuluwe et à u" mân CULMWhawwiul. laves A oitO1on.n IL llub - Wb@ b Ilouever perfect the ost o am msl»edWaifl lemmdwuu- trowmrbave the. fit s an vhuw"cmu cély le glom tt leu y a uulaiN uguat the enobaea. KbOWY l nin mi of fu i ung ilo ft à tendcncy to bsg At thi e .. A wv ilfting puret twomuaa a mluoey deawuSu garme it to coutemplae Mm A la ama WE RPUTGURSTATEMENTSI no -o oousîm ou ~ O" w ouiSmwvg aAovouuiIlbo ug"miau"B51oew Psfma of or "MayW to u A m.~~ -mgsao. u u f UNIFIAIT U YENS. rut" y cblufS #L.0 Apm e. h.,, 1.00, Goo Saiu"g " 1.00, oas! Paint 4 1.0, Qool CaiPsl " 1, Goci!Dhmoods"ce1.00, _ZZuum .mqu sua-à$lm Veasmuet follov the outatnsd gvq a griu b th vesrm a ppçssnm - kU 3uIsa - _soi_______ ZNeat, auapey andEof S UEUS mm.. oboea Àb» AimuhiEM"SéVintu" am t he £MO&nilOni 0h11., Am [~g ~.. -* ~Mou - lfl a il -waclub a»d ti. Uismo.The PiaumoCovs Crumbl Cl" fas ae en ltrd o ti monM téuq"au mm o-rupOfl ý -1-m-weWe &Wteum th" 0 at*$ C gpi sb tuuf than for unome time. =r i U.wuIEa Nov the moral of tii...remarku, for thi e bhovamc t fgmulemua, la a buCias* et gtomaSp4tuuoel dUm thehUS OpiSvbiOU0 m -~~t emu ,mimue .... l u u-obwm Iouiibuug tu"i.*»iath,1 good one and vo vaut to drive t home. PEuad omfurthe ds e tMle g. 'MiA.ý - et. siiomt i tmi . W. offer, clotbing for Father Md Bont. for Old Men sud YouM "y or Bug i.rW la'-me eut. Boys aund SoaIl, for Short Msm MdToU, Cotiagfor ErglD >mhWmdDrteoii umeti uiu t a Mslae .IOpour W for Wfeek-days and Baut, for P1ay and for Bobo.!,for Warm <aysanid Tis uiSWor ahl£»W1 1wklav ISýL a -Thesetdoss ie »W UMoI lia lui. SOOTHE hès clothiag that looka veli beomue t Mvweu, that veau wonfl eamoo, WB Tb. va Wordsdsûm àam1" W4ibu the s on« " m amuOuI'Z n made veIl, that «f3uite* bema&m eaail. th dbuhou W. a. fl a Smo "xL «%e erIlm he I MSO. (CIotiug that in Propor in Style, Proper lin Material, PrperiluFinieh- vaiovtoe lékbgby k ~ci Mdi Prop er in Pibe.. theatu=%- i d w r . à d£ s LtN. Such Ciothiug vili alwaya 18 foundinlaour Clothing Dartmn.l W?Îp et¶sL theomîasprn la _ or its ye.M. Ma ~ UL4 W.'ve the Clotho, the Cuter t. eut the Clotho, thse Baudst.mal. UP i ybua toisua favor"semomu rs C as = ci"*hh aufor szpuas, lut oud the Clotho tii. Cutter este, sMd our sSck suta tunnuats of cuveïdlaing hodun duI e hiuoarnlj. :au &boue-___Thebue- and caretul supervision. -4aoSm mm la t . - Su.lffswg psgi- emubie"Wbioamisukgrni motu _"the_ Have you ordored your NeowSBab t If mot Utus maks YOUu.f ce "~ *±' amraeg neau. A gra maay o m MasfleNteda iiivlb pies bve bo salisbore.gEaist. bin thtielev.P. -ia ilU -ai. .LRoManbo u lst pcum mas ou e. ts uiliM boreho udymoua JAMES GRIl'AI.lforNohe _11«. W.E peritmoth T hiie «Ms UIMIO ad isu»ldl inerisL UaldisrcSeait- wel. %i1Bl doyMQunte Llauyo. alvia mut.NoS vekibm- cafrees f l.Mathb mici, uhich ______________________________________________ ill M e me 'sihleaisbia mee la rtHe ring ibis ::k. -Thee1!p aMismiaumesofM IbmJmu--HW&Urabp EsOp aumet etorbuo ai- V to eborov Unsyop Se Couuu :=riMd One O»WV U5¶rfOtulen aotslF blls n8namaeag lial es mmbreetobamb l. m= 8 9 liems ~t- ~'~ 00m5505 lisUSUBIJUDO55mb.USES osiam socumnlet Mheb auds et the -AI Ev"rgachffast.&M______ ewtwaièglain wite a" isél LIDA. ,FRjpY. JUNR N uVUmug-Pommei ïS. ilaiamis IuM, ar u un Mpim m aso»mmm. TWN AND UIJTY. Siéy m » um& ýt dsodit T eai vIuiSlmg7.31pal= sraom---Das aIal 11,et, ___ ta a ouqet-Lis aIli me de *0 a N.v, lie no oM&i- dn&- à A rtimeeting et"0 euurVyDiiS.abm mmn ~m,, ..~~. S tof«bmuib 0us 8517Cswlags. ~** *~' igra ii leWd 4at Cambsy nWeftudoy. bavejus Ii sIIIlSsi iNiàlmsm. li nNuh fi euu rmestiockofb '- 1 juit r""&ili. ottli. C&sulde4S. Tis monmale- a 5S~5£ ia ehUtS sVS Alto a fine lot or tvunboavaltsOeasVif, . 8Mat .I, MPisisal bMoos M ma o» i t t-s oyhaSihoIOsW<gseaii JLIAJIÉOY bU&qoçahiuasio KeaS-U-41-L oe M le «mesSà, Afui mtais kthepasaet lWea"s =isPhVIkim fj55lsmals wmqutes.____________ osaans Rm.J. amre09tLlniaa. -Tis OaUBUZUSSnm is the 1db Iii R.èrnembu th e iton i. aleesoo l t .N'ts.ii uo tisi rm0fli ovimae symptouset a eeulothe chair.XeorUIs troutheaooassary shoure teto m acetmBtmb » h ttshel5es bbaisse.ov, aaassisy, a orisosi am ePl lolmomsu ifl Mdv sistrmemo"Wos ai aisd'o i.'LM gt.atte udu t rNri. l D M& omuslimnieS oéms, JdP.m.. rgne vctohe geu y loeilv litea i i OaJS on ul DS g s*0ammil.eAaC sa Votosa>Odu Mt et mm«n., William-et. The viole le leha sti vihhout . * p. a. vin s b ME s US -.--er *WCa ha»ie003»8lis wula* serve. bWa a10 &-m., ami te blega fMooi jt-lu vElleoM o »wil th Cone" a ad"suss-eW viehaiad d lims. Jio a.aa. »r,-aboa-Te sé iii bad i mabav Ure_ bave&LàP m ta fmw Whf0àa0màWM0l amhOsU-ULm someMMwa Stngu uoàw 14e Tho 15p5.XEuJoh ama tu rthe muetl noms i mebaelsrgi ai Ssfiig Som ol Mu@s Un ousâ ebll& awOecim e the =is6 - - _.M Ni_-RuCmN.w_- laie ~ b bai cub vhc b~luai llyW. saPMu s "lPsvMUset l&a s atisavadai sos lmefSo1a quorum le hMIR.1J. 9p.-Ele, oalIma nSMiU.Ifaf0X Ibm sof tE vi ae emuFoUesis p!jU saIma,100DmP. Gesiga 1, Mi non Tbo quorUm liol p agsTho tucn. Wocdsevesr.ambois7unomesevote. the .14 ad dJuuet ilA.oso-oSM Shlsis IO tsJéasaRDorts@ -vers, OMuW , Ttmomm ... .u U nnim a..plemute die-l WrIbl talb ~b sisM lDIm.t. . .Tk iew. klisM £0b:lgeis"miSIIO Im - PaStEol Su Jousit ées! a i tmmm mosi oi t a*lishm&ie a e-aln £ club "I ilathIe curgse ou wa illeehtooamoelhm4p@a lius mlu» of Irsam bunum. u eoosay sanqum s os amislec trrd tonoelve e» De rm F immm trieasbuuo um ss mm Mmi i .R lmlolu ni s otealtipui .CA ___ __ __ __ ueslw k0 iel Lmlayas U I aofbaie Sul. I 5iUek o iuliO i t 1Os lisais a usbosgie9.the pas repofeChefin asu6cnk trois epubru mi fa m auconumati i aMie Ws bave a ielO .... la cmaeesnsia'-~~a4 uâmoolao am toou mlisful Wednesa s mil, Juzas1041i, vil l e aa pslae e laior' Ja we e tutmetatamos. vis k»oatbmmefu dai aI Dobcagmo. the c"mab oin, 0e9pe- ImOm 8M for *»0iov m thg e abolalg mmia snuiy.MyUi i Wlvroppe nic uniser lie auspices of lit. Jois moisi$b * --ne_-_m________mujM14 Evaighe u aou P Ms ovvole17vomneszu"ai. m th e ssaonn si.thawu I A Cta l roal0f ota Su boeaa= mm" e .lmwdm si.valleopeies we piol hiâ. Thero *i1l mus0 -ais. 3. IL8Dis. orTiesuai. mmaurelaltaisraktbu dinner, ands a gi eueam -a. -&a- -9-i. J H. Bllet TMv ls ua l lece entrreiuoth ta theulsuiunf iadmk boa ilii voa as.Md.thim t-iay. nesleoui rhmi a"i posa ait- gam ar i 5 out k n mvsohgmaansts "OlIeM kM= ma vor voli s-olon m mu m M!lcrculato ndiseorRoMo.i- lw ro A ile n... us ie l s , tien of ibis towa tg vas minvol y litevr.. br. Res un e, * 151gsS o BEIO u.Oi thsVSnirU L watsoooalnu aldll RicTaviaI. asomismihly tle Nov. IL WSsla. lm or iBsun k psahisisalil, ad is'T r__ mm uosioi mo mis ube m Who~f We. torly i epiovisu a.N.Nat.Aaell eSnd e alvi e Ur. BU. cfuspooixvshe l le t Jones, anis cariel. "That teble miaubie bas vrlanseo ousiat 150 fbuthe o i NosEalimi% lvm t e _ I~OSm pv58uuii loriot aasoction oxpresas ia unqmlmi5ds. m onil StorTasPour, saismmrsVin apgspor mis neuumedWgm..o'm!!u..ti a tphoa MIe fesent acdolof M isueuimin le sPo. emblthm iemo ivosOU mt.Ti aeamao di ance oct <801oct) am to.permitltle sais MDO41 s lvuNaia ilhe vls ew, a lb40aSithesomucab*m li b oatais Laoaoasi ami lgîlvies.oms rge lai mystousem uaga smnol Mthe AreaIAsasse. l is fiSs qe lUwlagbi wui, @ ow va k a iMguise laIsthleesaoiamarn"oi mao e heni othoomy a e tneoaMsoret bmels im eriw- tle alvwuai oMimrvomet lameais sasma Ia lehma asps mc. iini. arcater msrlagomoy Valais WoLumm. NaD.Ut 6 thI, e =le emm imq.A htemmikue yioossa.M5tma kbg valimvaRose kus55X"Ssr t e vé: i"bis1hlamE sueMrboilb isloi-aomgisie - t 11 sasn.wrm tle np IhêB, Mateb L Ule-IL. Tsin Pous v!as wnm eurtricieicoemiaim om i a oameui" il ail.jmsH~ue sll.~~ a vil b h,, èud Streit latin 74r. Joli D. UXrsoiuro i s mimeaae-ai. 1b. J. 1 -7,>PP.b ~ glt.vS ub iai pai uki Lsii.PloIaa __________ nm Woded r mormlng of Ibis veek nt th evai IOau-MiIIb&MUUtiSA4 deM"eutvWhobalsts usi vo. ssiiioslr uliiie.W resldencof M -r. Gallon lte Rimm- Mcsetomis_ Uiýi~.'"h-rett "m .aiarai. rvaotrupblilgao 0 in. r» rme" gabody oft IQueOwn~Iaeoef mony vas porfor:miei o. a. Weo=a % at e Q u vm rompt ou its USliebaSisilif- -- aotsiaMac.- - - - mais ote Mi Mot& Gallon aMis Umim Beua vsloo. sun assiShe, iue, .taWUBO1,... m o.1f Keene. Thograom wua Nw58 l tlOol i emly il -qoaoi- ayrNni oim..ia..4~. roobuCha".Gallon anis j- oabdy eTrmoWsi mrOil6ole.~~ - .4 O U mE daubtret t.amch wle a qu. iecrs mIL L B a eaimlahia8dOlku~.- l~sim.IlKl anis Rt.. MacMatch yul ~~~sorvaqblS t. -i.M.L a,?MLA..QIlh bd sail lfuabeie i ?4agam a lttaanis Tort u th e huner- ua Lmdaybs.vs ehuie a sas.Wsiua Ryorsei l mos. ______________ saullcaani vii omsmemo e suly M kv...PoS'. jStt i e ueli a ia o bs &ipa"55the 555*, If? bOSSU Caeffl luS . ! iii-Wse smoosl niAb iafl One et the attraocsnuet Lidui on JuWlstaa7tea nvie lw e~- sin ug prarap I >uaPokS lii tsbLa U7u ute ae erGUSs'FmIaar-ebeg&ilg 5i" Îles, il Wini ho lemermsmor0flain, me crOM alias wbmisai amis oft he nov Baguai h utaI 4It Pau s>l% ihma- lIs ieviiiattlaa ab Sn &~hT s v m W ~ i M aW moule hooo. ThseIlammMbretrof et i.dis-prof= le v"é hoe urpom I P-ybuuMNi lhooliumMlsne X II IIN I hu or Huram iltonIhO, »d labau Opres: -Tue veiglaS ovamnuu hmo ot ii.*0LlI fia.mesà to ho Po un cet andeooamis s toton uffl Our, waaase., r i ng tnute le nrtesa ai okisuobbleu Shaceemoy ie frlaisn ae arras!A. lorm! ros go_ abI UBoeu .h painthe oce0f hboRMson ftlrom ty t palis= tarae i r Ioulelefau aueS hucoOlvryu»O ocaga.Port HpPr sryamielviglse i Bgotl 1lbIi aui Sion vii lalarg ai laoobl aleill vilJb asvi' l msRm eus. Durbng thee stgaouuS or eavs«.aMot ho~ir »w- esms>hl s~Uq u al.Ann Fione viii probabiyl ms Fts efl . hoesMe ur 'eUII.dvi.AILsisi larowamtuué rojanmur. ltspula fe il ~ l..Ha ùilwie ~ o~oesrnuuuuuw!-mal ttao keSIi ~f.f chup at L40 44 L40 64 140 de .50 69 .50 . im aSas m is Md s uCuilasicuaisPoiso, ma8 KEN nYladoing a â» . â vablaon We hmei ManIu" yaicOut -o1stE,. trimueis tock la grylady Who liine«d of rsry le m isMdhaudmome A New B9duiSuft fa m m bluts ne@m-Ey. A New M" h e V s uvait uTay efosijus A Newv BiaStina a ois compiat aMdspouces s Isusonicsefeot A Niv Collaiimpioves the upper Mdisof the alli. A Nov Ti& pale a flnlahuagtouh on Ibm collar. A Pair of Nev OU&fopuite a fin"shau iii oises. à Pai r iNewov u Go us.m sa gUnteelrouni- WCvor thle eO&a À Pair of NovwBocksproviesfor th. lover e. A Nov Suit or LigIt UndServom ns..coufoit hetou hb. es theIl. mc. A Nov Umbielis protscta you alikeo riisands aus an is aumefu for pouhing doga. A New Waterproof Coat ia a prmusmt'tivo of oolda ami tIfl a am eu ed m auovermat. BoahUMou.MBiM BIn, tyofethle abovse a .We Invits yente chos. on viiilaisour prim s=loer li slssvlsts. ais ef orgoola eupauic. Our Mèrebasl Doparlment in receving soesla allalon 11k sassa. We bave juat reoeiveis io ânas c twev ooalUgt speolal Mb, hieb vwemouce theboam valu vo have oves aisua. W. ak evustylndâual l nvaut a suit, eoa8. rouemae vs ecau as the City T an o har aMd"i Mts, sklfly aie anisexquitcly laiee Fiu muaranteila ai uau or ipndu" ce MOfwdd RAN, OATHRO & MARKS. bmn'ss hock, 2Dom gWut of Il. Pout OMMi. P»ratt h XiUen OTE FARERERS. LAND PLASTER AND SALTe 00O cars Landi Plaster, two cars Salt. AISO vSait in bbl&,. hait bbl.. andi sac&-#. Jst to at Vem J ow prion for Ocah nzy. FRESH FIELO SEEDB hi<c TUnothyf, Boa Clomr and ci .ke, ancia .pff$v of .au kSdu of FveAh sudis n istock SPRA TT & KILLELà John Simona., ICET FOR THE MONTHI r »a8 GOOD. kWOLSI GLOVESI IOSIERYI EmOLI GumiV NOIIFMI e have t. anmne evarrivils of mev g<oods every tvo voek. ,This keepe our We ofer zsv sa t varety of the mevoat ands most foahonablo goodo-ans vo &Mueoednl loy. ha&teve sort d< samuer dieu you have lu your md not dutt blen probably smethlugbetter. *e nat ualung Millimery "st ount" PM a bit d< Lt. It dooen'SpaynmiLlIer the cas- u* our Millluey Gooda doua vian Leu corne mn-put thon' doua le bobbca. s. W. dou't have bo redue. Wt..l eiosMillimery at coul may bh aid MiL m.d r omth st .laffia uttBuy our Millimey, ladies, at its nanaN value, low r -tio Ne arivls f Mflny Gooda e«ery tby ees. mm E UAKINS-We moeil .atsttous etladies t. a MW ev ayrtment ad"e -IamM, >wOuapidly 6uemg cuaom, anis lI. iolas dfOur patoesele Nant. mm in laverycompeteul aMis Viii(LVOe sclouament im &y le - as weBfer ldieto ymmber lIaI v. have lunobock a vury c aie mset- begy gooi valu& laMd UGT-z me st uu, i4llfav@nls goodsanmd et Y" ygooi value% J. SIMONSs au= r. j -

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