Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 May 1885, p. 4

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CtUU bu u Who m 181011 v ow buot w o wL gwug oi Wb wiwe o t wfrpdtsSa bnim or NZKW AND MSAUIVUL U Ifi uo wwWug*at unse hee.q _________00f on l *h m am umtie lm W. ALL PP ThySê)ý "Tv. Moffl»UV . »Maeby OvOy "rdu àe ~~ InS Ik dows stilti* Saoium dff ot a onhna"y uoeu antiMdzp.otetita M* 1 0& ozwew Il cIte det"Ik . lus pue ra this nuit tlsftlkelygosuOfsd. Th moeai t OPthwoumâ paiamm a u SAVINQS BANK "ueo l aqly.Ta ià m& saAw0 op lmIf the bil.a ot 91ud usl t*0 0ud DOMINION BA Ky spopsbir ou £151> ~ y, cleuco mut sodd.ned by X. P. suan Nort-wut]Mdattractiom or otiuer ln idnaIlw«ted» advamgaps. Depoits taken of $.00 and cîoi t charge of obscrutlvemuam pubnn litlie ePrefewma by Sir Jof" upwards Ro noice of ithl ad Eatarday night, Mr. Biais drawl reuird. Iterst aI~w Matethe foflowluw effecuve mi. .- orimnai'vate f une u 7n fte we.vou ad at cwrrent rates from date ofr hr o wi.. h~cnaa rntnowf deposit ta date of withdrawal, Wit he aoit o 11te Ieoswu#.ho Mfiltai uow n meinu, that the duti and compounded annually. o h 'emtws CO ig dow u h n'wasîIro fur discasm 007ine9n eion, q,, 2'llB. Il#Yti dcndlbat Intervalia.wlth twh lAnfigl.J'a. II.AOTDUGAONNZ-the fitil aind froce erprsmstou oopinlos.Thal aethe vlaw cxpvomeby ch. ho. rete, c (IIX (M., rîan hirniopif sonyare uw, Vien h. e dh thfrarichituebihldl tacun i bigotfor«a mn e.eoWhat..are the facto. air? Thim 9AftABISA bill i@n movod into ominittoc foui dsa sfterthc I IUt~R RGKERS swmw (eopiration of the titra niontitu whlih the hom DL.. lcfi<tî ofa crnpeto emmon.Anti wheu publie Iemn~r~ oroIî~oSuif k tlt' t* m »0 uo toclm 'th* aaedoeeal 9 bt'lcsg l l tiiu onitin:that fve.ulxthe 0o Sm eldopeomàst droot VIYS, f l Wbuthat WaYs andinean hav . i atteu<onlade- Krw ,*r aumue taeucheere': that tht' Canadian Pacifle railway hm Yet tln hmatndod to-ichemrs: chat the Chi. aeroelVtd sSsro 3'ApIdIV Iisa 117 aavtme re't rlet inn hIm tu tIbntattendetita-Ijcherlý: thiat the coenslidu4lon off the satutS hm, yetbeosdrdacgoh cutc lau a 0 tu e Wi tfi-nded to: thut the l<rrh.woot a*Ylrt it'i*.' vil!) 1Iim<Ihiiiitfl, .top casih, or ou haveo rot tehoattondedd w: sd theit the fines sfarogi61 8pirltinia deaitln uon the clul affaire of the' conntry have go e eueuuies in-Itwal a tqieh time. sud tu stick a ceudl- 1oawo uwiaî.AM tKW tien of atradri', that the hon. gentlemmano VOU IIGXIXC ous cthatput the honue t nta commirt4mr, asi lo1int jwmetu ait day ln andi day ont until the inomtire, eume law-1p.hepr@)-and the hmn Aim reuenteorore ln (rîinMd Provittions onuiIf'tl-man pmpTitu do that 1 ir'Vtu ofeta thqV-ita»1 oad f râe.Proeeq of mii ngut unoa onnh, .Msuit I th~ lîlogo hurd t 'Iriman .apretaonhtthat methodumtcueloný 1,411y abi. qliîots*ione oetybfudes, lUy an4tintffair fote tm1nority.unreamossabie te thei ro<itflithe whavo tal<en the coum e w ORT RI ý AN Alsadl«fUq ea of th* fém" bll laI ONThRISBAMK".hlolemn of fflaw Md th - foi lgerit yoing nmmnwho miertlepvovu. osDs m mm RoUVwmw cieulettimoneam e uWed to vote. No SAVI BAL BEAITEIT o anfnan Whoe ettied cdowr4 Moqured Smd wcazC.andi intecrat allowod atourrot oroperty aîti dimeharet -9» tseowdlsosy I.1<LJPlYOI pdttea of ctttizhp. But I tri&lvêvotte qiw . Ai ilp*ajblemodmmud. mu ta tribun vho ame ln vaoe wayea ameeed #L, rélsot2Vir by the pgavermemt, who ose *Hwawdgof the. Pouuht ,and m.c iati d ratfit laeti pos (4uteffl UMoe,,,sMd WhIO Woud Is e s &paia IUulted ,tatca andi Cii nda, COL f~iWl1>75 Va! usderths te dom ot tht luo apea ppMalufsed 1w tishe wmu, Pbrornly M84a'lt clnrre'ut rat@*uu il " are w(hito becml& Ma of Grî'ut lirit,ln, tht nUniltedi qtatq, ad enilo mtbhgieJcibbe he m1lo linbt.îuiaa *dosscu conetittieucleea lthse aider pro. Tels vnphh TPafevs vincesthat cu m att m oita Sm susu Kartefor l#re rff M&,, mmoM ci pof<W00155'Vttiverev7 UtIENt h ie ûfU tanada. 1,114 Ilu eapririally siva-ntageona te vote Maite, uq aMd conultgwthwue h Iie geimontç livin uMuth rttrte h-wZent. as It ma e lcfiande ualhea mta ie* n -. _______thse pride ad i fowev oft the ia.4-fr'om wisaiuthetprlvllem of votlmgti to betakes - goveftltm oausWb oz *__AV fy .j Thund r. l uerog ai r Icai 01W8 ig Dsr m PouduiakeSmit1a Q 07TY. pet have voes If thl ill pam eer suupsr' whM fllmittbt o fthe wavt tuea*se04tI 11V1Mlle. a au sewoîsi polttoo. 8fr YUIe lny refiw i8r Jobs, wfttk jobs fuddt f einlorw go0tue 4 rrmin ohonstre nidfppassy, SM "atulkêfl. dut h«41 ffap li#oouent, tleis8e oie.O4haertO' giflai lv sl. jniand fo tismu«eelente» aentIrOn elu appointoie ame&ois Taplus fer tt"ii itw eCmou am ' ssi, ormsnuseadmtiduat Past h bboslaw ib ti-eh*bie la & lUà& nie pswlnmeehmve iueoty e«Sk m'mt i 105 O t 0iS* e*mIs. lm m*ney forthse pvgNmulae 0< lnuftstiSiUOY.. voie.' ist li uoaguUae unIilote MIMMM Uensmrim. mlueudev rsagmosetiau ioquv1e won le ta o oe letiM a-s1k sga gs Mpldatiluepsuevg nmsew avy b-. uwa losuu&f asà ~o gr abm*(Caet *e Dmo C i minise ast OmfbtbgbIeiv asi ie 11fgoma is anl appe uie ii emsa0fvsa*&Ut*ess se ~ u s ffi VI*0to.8emue s tgia os<se &iai ft f suume . tu I ne brftamtgu*9.bu*;, uàdl ho u.-unÈ- TI.mus "0e&otmi. e 1" I q8" Monti f -tssa#Strf Baukmm~n»uq - lOfti=g ke Immoese bse M. - ' Ëwe r ul u n ch . Um aiei hsegoke. 1 twimets a Lludwy t w ruýee om oui a- mMSM atm&a w a&Uela . e m"Oduftab*pUpunas. Ta un tidar esadtma se suc ulpte imhoesi ldu ut onsoll a udo m ou blg et amy attise bonI arbouetoneflaSem wu u "&ka MWtisai *masr deme h -Uas vissma iatti q b. oni-deduble-le mont, w.hope chat oewuguscy m rot &,ose. ru Port Rom ,Bawmaumlla, Pegur, boro', EsII% ~CampbeUlfod moi otbwe placesslsslar achm uebomeu tI e - sddloft" moemhet. fotian ir Tbrunia, s i sm hie bernembetbe tiseTbomomemi. Waa.urequataitomal sp«eatteawte otise felovug aPPeUL.- Thi ase I t tt velutiez-M reif -uolt appui Co thte ladietot Ldauuauourmuffimmu cOMM" yCoe" udftiit sfmcauedeL tie a meats et aul ktimde.jelumes. cou. ohmocol, ie0i vase papov. envoepwSeantid cie a te thse ut ti vountisi t tîise lua contingaet nov la ch.eNothwms. 'lces ln- cendtili outribM eame rqueMii.te sentinl ouctlbtionsmtlaSer utitn week hie attersswhte St. Pan!'. hurei rome,% ositer forpipse d anobacco fr liseCana. dm volutm aX tise ftrt; Tht PetoebuWroEevlew cruahlsgly n.e mUSe tiai "thanere mayr"danesupri loir ta 1ir; Milsla lvery respect, ani/ ar more intelligent." Very »"ot; mow lry Of Otheam ot f IIay thse Soott aet verni lmst operahlon la, Oxford, Blinsot4 Dundos, Stoissont SM Giempassy, Bruce, JEuras, sMd Dufesta, Ont.; Yarmothi, XN., and Atitab»"isaand Stansteati, Quebes 01U To4loero.eiso"itauePouaduldi or SM OSoup1atelte cablmet-mow tisai tissy havvot.s-ln place of Ta Pisslm SM Coeegan. ft would lhave beau a great savimpIt ist het bes dose a jesaoo. Thse early retiremeut t, os. Mr. Coati- pomasti flou. Mr. MoiLalau train. the caýb- luet et Ottawa le conmldered probable. Sir DVîtiMaephenmore healt IN lalndhflbv eut, and S11r Leonard iTlley ronfntnusein von pnr r hu t letunthoàu n iota vii aloo retire noon,. We are autrprfied to nad Vaat the Lon, doit Fret Press cisaraýt.rIz te ilneurroc- tIse as 'a. roUe with.upo Wdev," Mtise aMnety and synspathy fait for tisase viso A*r s reclpîesst oet mie *7000or i o illicit prtug th ie Fret Pre ss ould bu more loyal sud more decrouse. Tim e pofounitilâmsnutdon lau, mik Isiest cci.. eat Ottawaover tise stum siangiterof a aundreti Srjois, MnW voter. 1w Col.Otter and eurv-galaent voiunteeur,-(iumos0f visonshait no voes-assi nom. tisent ts haVis char vote* shahl be tates sway>. 10'014 To.M'orru)w 'moursetit for hierPro- Hamilton. Tlssee: "Pasieut rose at 12eeloekSetuxday auhtt, j-7lieure tram. Cise time tise membere liadtiakoue tisei smataet 3 o'clock on Thtraday. -lu, aIL tisa dtIsetsheboti lie. no break ta tise pro. oeedluge, except tise tisixiYel.clock vn: cOUs. et tva lbousma«Ch, se tis" thea setuat ime expodeti le business w» 5-1 bouv%. Tise opposition, thougli mu aits numbere, refused t te lt tse franchié on thrctwgivthouit thet dewberid Pro tep&i la ,%king lt"a .16thie opposki=n d14 rlatez, Tise cable statu tisatise PYavtnily B*elvha. pubuilsel articl. by Chue. WUilIaM.,tise Souda. correseosent et tise Laudo DsSly Cbronie,, MbmuissuiiY pmvmg the Zmompetsny et air Chartes WilsN, SM the vissai maagist Geins hy lIse.gllgeucs.WIllIa MelivtisaiWlseo ais,. u apu> ce t Onum tram Meteus to irto.., but tisaS hdebdlà@i idepuilun mse oufly foir noi. Wlillumotwle etun- tamanutDoamas aileoof et ca mca Tht menter VIII bu brought ug la purls Imemt Vth lte probbtMilta.#a o a t-1 nuenlal Lord Charies Bernaositnad mmy bineJacket.m- viDingo tuWee' Tise action et tise ndw~u orier0stcatlou fa mtmug apart pFkria, &k oai« misan. sublwemwt te the owmnai t bus. tees, vilI, ve isavaso douli, reive ordi. la approvl, SMvii liata esl affctlautsuawimuw ueploutigmaltise une Savfon. W. trust Our Lbloq! bosnd Vili fanita u vIlstise ussptiou, 1 woslho agoal tium Wf ta*M Wut luPus. opu puple tis e d"mUW t apec tocdnsw ai Iujurisg MMs.mmTpo> 9McIesi «Sooe .mlsIO horausi le -m PMes-le Lludeay, W*eMunmr tu W ý aMe.tsem. la moq towue tise boc" de Moilqlan srlu crus., buti Juiaal go" itisen; bsn tise ve eme mm rs le na oeudt" e te Mboys Su beobu onm ot t. a m.;but Iftie audestmothatisinyboy, visn igimea a tmwtteuksi hovot tisaismor-entta Cavsu~arrogbgp~OBu, tee pula. 0 vu sui.teve o wn-p TIno huedieuas agmu 0>&1 hwtups. Tbspssl i m albe Umu bi iseMlwip IM am h& azur.- -mogau e. am. m edwk M B a AMMIJNITION Fo Prig '5 uskiabet ls.Ooofuse sudOn bail Ityoe lime yourbs imaupe. by Bui±tuawatehes yo¶al>v kp our engagements nt=4 usi b. i »ucw re iable party. W. bave packeti imiatmunition. L for our spring and nommer --àpigs WM' Pgt a fine amortutunt. Wu crauai ordem..A. pr.ptor L orStoe gt out supplies n afihlaL umlsupy antipronspt. W. talk i u»phbramlogy. Wè,have .nooth-bore WATCES.- warmuted reliable time-keepes; liaS atchai& uhot; canuimiir, gMffe and other jewelry munitions. W. proposa te fire the above iàto thse tank& of the public-at extmos.- dinasyloy prioe. * Wheu, & anatomer is smk il aIoncSettie.hiabun wishout controverny. Our campaiga plan ie to ary th. vsz through Victoria. when. we lhW aiege te a cuxtomer's pockets4 the r.- suit in, a foregome conainuen. Our geoda and prions capture hie attention snd laim. hiea prefçreuoa AiU Humeof jeweiry arevery fully asacitet i ani the valin eaneof the. beat. FIRE IBRE! FIREI. a the very apee nnqIckest way te mmv. yonrbuilIng rm lr.To show t.e pu lca t fIls i» & ratsdit hb oom bougit qale, Duadua t Co. Bey. W. IL Emaley, wm. DDo~Rov. J. Greener. P. c.To. J. Neclanda. 21w. FzhrLaurent. John Kennedy. T. I. Rrmdbîîrn. e. Perrin. John Kaunder. J. W. Dlamout, T. Williams. for aeparate chool. Dr, Krempt. John Kaowlmu J. R. Meiio uowsitn. J I maî iel o, t uj*echrh Tbw Cucil' Conint Concil. 2ev. Fr.'. McEvoy. Fenelon l'ails. 2ev. Fr. Kciolty of Ennlamore. The latider Le madie sud toid by D.M. LEkEL, T4sudssir a7. Mi5.- 10. GO0TOTE ]BIG2O0 PIC NE M l IGTRE FRIS LaU&"s NantiSatchela. PuresFostiters saj HensP Dustera Wlsk-Roiders, Table Mata, Lacrano Stick.sait Walklng Ceuse Aelte Choicest Tobscose. Cinare.pipes. Etc. AU the lstoat dosigne of trames kept la stock MdMAieta .t rder'at battom p1rice. 111are Inviti te cMU&"si «.M ine 4od a 7MM BR opposite RHolgea, Kent.t. Liadea. T. H. KE -lismmi. Maa, IS&îf. T have boss apointet sgent fer SK.JWA w «e 30 ELIS0I8BICYCLES. au Zm Ga&ntm n'ail ld~. M UIsl . £commae PTUAý MES FOR SALE 2me sw u t 5d.g Dtmiek* ofe uF*t MW sbae. xowým rom naz m et &TCrpumI]ba mg UN - W A - W~ fPNK» .uom, ~-=~--- D~as~ h ~ L *~aue~-No. s ~ ,~. »PBI!bVPE a oe. The. 01. Etaliha Frm laOf BRADBURN & coY kMe d4oi&d ta serr tA.w ertire Stock of DRY 00008 ANO CLOTHINC ,With a view to as stock wMU ?erlnit. $35, 000.00 WORTH 0F GOOD,9 Bought wit the utmost care for the express purpose of the successful coninLuanre Of Our' trade, but, owiug to the press of outside matters we are compelled to, dispose of our Dry Goods and Clothing Business that ve may give our whoIe attention outside. The stock il$ compose-d as follown.- OsuralDry GOOds, Ca!pet, - Ready-NaaLce Clothing, Gents". Furnishings, Mats and Caps, l Cloths a-nd Tweeds. Simdries, m m m m $160 -0.00. -4.000.00. 14000.00. -39000.000 m m 11000.00, m- m m-m m TataL. 79000,00. -11000.00. $359000.-00. The Terms of. the Sale are as foillows :, The enti re Stock to be sold AT COST to Cash pu'rchasers. To parties aIready having accounts and requiring fÙrther short credit we wMf deduot 10 per cent. from the regular prices. Cash cus- tomers purchaaing $20 worth or over at on-e time wil: be allowed an extra discount of 21 per cent. 17 rDHZ CLOTH170Gvawi w so t MW Ctot&AT COST cinct chaorg6 tha. iegaar price for anufcct'e&ng, eccor"g to grad~e. Pa4tiUu #&febt6.i ta us eltMr by note or book accowrt care requirect to ak~ie wWget;wabta SRTTLZ UP as sooei G S ossbi. Llntir ai. Mai ~. 1555.-SQ. MW. OTRm POST Prt No. 1i Karkot Block. corer ¶DfO George sud Smcco miet.rEusus »rCORRE.SPONÇDHNCESOICITED.7ým ~OBSAL-RI JRVIEW 1ÂRIL Thisbumome lUot etabout 53 acres of excellmduantom tise bank eoftthariverjuil ete sebonudadleof Liadaa, len offerh- @Me forulesr e e A&» A lna abigh i halthy itustou. lu andui convuent Apsly ce W. McDOnNNEL .Lin- dwm. Lssim. May. n.-N -ING 0F TE wm b. heU la ths eu&Ing oumê on !~ni *a, lm12Bar of Uay, G. IL PÂTRTCLJOUX DoBSOIi,. - PreW lo dn&si,- Tiatpgyh.t. ieww mCôawmtatvametwo r. ~-iP. IL suy lIseb.wb le .Img h. - aergukhtIbbw Se~ ~ ~~~é ehu ant M l iU ~oew -. à nt MW et an m tu 4 Ou e-m S-mu b~MWMmM - " or mW gazabn -r BRADBURN &C09- Nom dos e Wtise TeID Neaolli. ment Sot. Lun""a GREAT EXOITEMENT IN FRANKLIN. Wu MAOUIRE'8 OLEARINO OUT SALE& The subscriher having made arrangements te engag-e inthe t1i iIs- ai busines bn the city of Toronto, now offers his 8entire prolbet ty. at Prankinriat a sacrifice, consisting of the tollowing- STAPLE DRY G OODS A..VD MiLLINYER Y. Straw. Feit and Cloth Rats and Caps. SLLPLE GROCERIES. Teas, Sugar, Spices, Glasuware and Crockery andl Fortv (ailons White tVine Vir-egar. HARDWA VRE. Spades, Shovels, l{av anti Barley Forks, 'Steel Ilues, -Nails, Riakes, etc. &LJDEEB MOOTS AND» SHOES. Ilinges> MIS EELL4 .YO f78 .50 Barrels Fine Set, i Single Buggy, i, Cutter, 1 Sett Single liar- nems, à Robes, i Fanning Mill, '2 platform $cales, 1 Connter Sane, Desks, Show Cases andi Carpenter'. Tools. HMOLSEROLD FURYNITURE. 1 Pirat4cai Cook Steve, 3 Box Stoves and Pipes, 6 New I~ltas Chairs, Plain andi Cane Bottont, Kitchen and DLining Tables, One Centre Table, Sofas, Lounges, Carpets, Pictures, 1 Bureau, Book Case, $250.00O Doiio Organ and avariety of China, Glus andi Delfuame .REÂL ESTA TE. That comfortable Frame Dwelling, clan by railvay station, containing elever roomasansummmer kitchen. Bout of water upon the pr.mse; flower, vegetable andi fruit ga.rden; veil fenceti. Titis indisputable. Aise ivo Grain Warehouse, M.RIL B.; capacity betweon. 10,000 snd 15,000 bushela. L21-AII msstcf$10.00 ad under, oasor trade; over' $10.0uridundes $5.00, sx mou±ka creit; over $50, twelve mouith>i meut by fismiahig approvetipqSo. Tho whol umutbe . oItirqardlem sof price. Sale andlsho> dm& Mi ay i9th, Ümut.For roui uhtte, terramatie known ut lime Of rAbur»rét L %Il we &EmAUU AT OOST,9 ffarly a retirement from business as the sale of ihe The stock comprises; IE2mmffýALqwr lýý'mqmr Undray. XS'y li IMIL-19. 1 laff àk«qlr m 48429M

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