Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Mar 1885, p. 8

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mWgmA l- mAolr I*1* 141 * - -- E.. Pt(uvPtkn, , awtesyaid AgiAdam work apW dm* oit bu ' i -of i e.à*whwz- for th. coaw ofprnblipawage. R«#W*m woeM&tal fef h "M amut utiWfa Novel/fùse:a# ttY apra, dr m mwff/esaar vl! ammer attvawtieu and w cm amm vow aoemm eJortt wili6e sand ta, maie or deijrîfcut botA attaw* aud àenmdsùgW. Large tab ffdiof Ladies' aidGirls' utrimmed HaU e t 25f TAaagofg" awe sdd et fr.5,O, ij NtIOO 7c.aid50. . vWo ae thariq nj-t/ma untfM#oYmp7i1of. WAL.oodwm._ ~ AgoopDWIN u.w1w ist. UAU I F# leailW. lfowe. Local-P4iter Tully. Local -- M. Wlckham. Local-MA. OlaIv iew Good".JPIefly. $10 1 , lswwrd- 1). Mtp7 fhop for 860 -sIl- Mti'. apring Bso-J ioa :Benin Paper-it. M. Porter. I4Wliakery.-W. Maager éouse for Sale-G. A. Wmee. A '4prlng Pointer- Britto Bre.. POt Tee lo-M.. JIL Mokwe flwell~i,.g 0,I.-J' . Box 4. J)oiuin Oj~ao- iv.W. LoAtan. lac.kgmth S-hop toeflet- M. O'Neill New 1I1om Palier--W. A. GoodwIn. Tenilro Wnted-Wm. Bromnfield. .Lkenése Commtuslnerê- John Maille. Creil il. Sale-Notate MsICOmM eachren, Wote**R. cTal ette-H. 0. Renuafl UIND' ;AT,'IMTDAT, MARCOR 2e, IOU LOCAL mATTEBla. The prIl assixes for the oonty of Vieroia nppned a? the c.ourt lius. Lindsay, on ItwMui. before tion. Mr'. Roue. Therra wen nins cvil Md i îrre erimInal cases awaltlng trial. An impilý'itnî and inter(*ting action wae that bi'oiLtt by M' uny reglotrar of Hlilbiir- ton. tint lrown & SnrnlofthoMlndenlco fo 11 t was a rinînal aetion, andIf anc. cfsful woold conslga thte ditor of thtecheo te th ic lnst-fvmî inCastie .Jackson. The croom holc*waR eonuetcd by Mr'. lltgh.MeMfahon. mJC niMNr. A. P'. Ievlin, votinty attorney, là- addilliiin to the members of the local bar theit vwer pic snt Weesria. fD . ROsiere , Q.C-. analT. Gl. Dak tc. oate gh MeMahon, qC., Lmo W. Il. Jlhmgr of BIelleville. aMd J. W. Curry of Mlllbmtïk. Mr. X. Y, BarBon- ai To> ileo 'vas the officiai sttegapMhar. TRira RANTb JVYv. ,nie foUowtng jgentlemen wei'tswom fs m a <i'n<I.;uora-g.1). ortie, Icremasi, I.L ait. ]Gia@ iloweî, J. D. CanPbMl. J. B. Crut.. T. W. Doedtl4, T. liaitman.J. 011».& liapaslI& ff.nvterpion. W. Jmrdanfil. lndaay. Lebu àNtex)re. G. A. Moncrief. G. 1Mooro . A.01é; Tii)fin. Fis,'uiiIgaCfve anlinutroctlvo aMIttLr eoing itt<tiress te the, jurera auto their doell, wIti m je reference te the law ln the casas te cêmi' t., tire t hem. and ri'fered te the l1w er PmPlival lîhel and il r*visionsq. fasIu- ad hi nnttaek made upofl Chiet JuticêCaiu on bly 1 hi Port Hope <Initie, andi spoke of tB mt&' repel..îstle hit.Hospok ver, waimlW a Caineron. aniliheecateeni aMd reqtard wlthwhs ho wa@ 4eld, andi of tho.feelingg of afflese Wtth wlîlch ho W»s regSriei by his brellai jadges. Civil, CAMM.. the plaint lifs, fose MeNeely aMi Heïwry wsl. toile, who wers buliding' & brildgeaiMOmasu maie fi thîrifain Wlth with the, dfendasa.Jui XcW illinîîmi.411 Jacobe a"i Alred Pacidus. 'O i' th e to n e fr i no m R oea y gfe n to O m eum e oatr nut uIgnea¶by Parkinie ani d lcag T>. :itliS contendfd that thiu witinq con- Widi,çIf,- whole barg'atl., The d4ondants de iled tIli if.,fnitas, that i bey vere only te brfwq 111th limiein thet vent t ttewmter remua- ir4>1 si; ilient foi' them te lue hottlnn Rs8 eroéý l; 1îfnwnx tbto tonen, aMdth"ithe vile li-cl dIti-,it hst ther eslirdnet. do tBit Wfuk. j i.I if. tWaltere. aver thth twIUsgu continit t ewhoiliao, n, ninothaith 3 tietloi i f tht'e ti of vater bai fnot basa jdiiu'il u et &Il by hlném it.h MceWlhau, i fmndant lrkinfr, andibssnentmlti i terié ns te) what toOk ?lsm.when vuttinsw»a a$c d: ni McWllhisâme ai" uwearuL tm1 sl"dd a q to the depth of wstoris ttis com Thr'was ciitdi'hl cntradictimof "et 'el'. he platff red $M dà a@waThe juy . werp, nakedfi touror fOvrsquesiosta viRa Lklv ni-îwed.and met tho« quaitione a u wienfSti for thetYdeferàMsR DLsoft- k m i h). VDMf t S.Oa... JO, nti (yLMa V -The emuof thtoOttuty 5av~Btht 00" '!1sk iv er Mllit tau atova; vis- hI B t.ery(L* n ihe ael mii.vo vst Q;wbaesM. m Sti tis mv.r u* 551 WMsm, É#ui bdfmt hmnlog . DREIili lSÀDEPITEI7 Forme fr oNmef - Cisuffi w *cm A M& i~tu With MISS JIcINNIvS, who issu JWU Z»mm0 e à& fNu t ap flmi r prnua. Low prioes. dquw at* tu &W mtiù <b,, gni au M mUé f ipf#&& flue go kmem htwok éUSby Mis lidui, Who =il aiw in le a mssbdo i. BOMUASàIFLAVELLE IRS qww Iii la brsmoho'ehomme-b fer tht purpuoldis- oumstuw tl uit, lTfrcha u tab W.~ Job& Caopmau& ab*0mi laiwU sau B§W. wmn Me 09 MtO - sapati, ot t« Imm ba roswllttuU&hwwwhu.msr Pm lsteai ibas' oesaty -whl-lum ios.mi dte vak t ivivtam.anrviizLilpa liin ýl*lbroqwtua Ir the l Minden a Emb y a.y.I 'gius U8ses van uWodby coumi, 1rera lupornae duiemiantaw;k r. -mea"o T. pua. m= Apalsymaip ait Am» JvIIY PtESKKTiT. Wagt& MBaL usset pu rargM at.B qniubgersiUiyesu e =i s a meottirly omuas a aw i - e t suaUt am m umiar as *by ymor'1oMI M 1 -nài" ma « 1vWnaies' Iuivshr pauoi.tht Md nioaiui the Md 7~uLBathe muselam',- Bleu. &MusuielWhi" as 4get " c rslbyo s tht am lsuuf aami Thnan sIX prbm acnfiaow eraii, fut mms madtva voms1ý n et -v m p.a oumforeut m aUtNa&sun.svmhl piSaswui aftait.Ws numuui t at thtang 09 9 bdom uat Pr luonanasit a tMe un corrkiorsbe.UUI.U 1As otitar grand lut, hrtae fflflrtout la the pmff. thoogtapaeiyvtotaut m cwu sag on thte lon roui. oas et Ftht emUngtheogugbfam uoftht eun Wsate 00 rmuia rulonluhip on ru eleatia,.expe or au- pracaiion or the appointment of oUutpsaaait ms puat talents te the hlgb position thas yen ae. ou. antitender you àalicir y elcome t. oui a; Cuum ont iytiaces. YO o We hqte pin.. onmrordou' rif Stt aletb etOui latsr la ea. heriff. Geo. Kentpt. mdn4oui mprclUlotilsorvaia, bat Z6*am" p 'vmew 19 affeus phisu te t record that durtsg hi@ long IloIs adtmuisioti usait thervarlous mBts-of the office have beau, ms tmlthfitfly perfomed hy ltacoffletesdni efficient deputy. Peter.3Mitchell. Emq. We dqorto exmressoui' centampt andi dates. tatonor n rtilethrairaemsly appeareal la a utaupaper lan. mjotig couati. reffctiaoaa &boor mtiategrlofthe worthy mantel-a sutl chiotjuutice oft ti province. a, man w»o la every valk la Ide "voie thet flaeur ofg- blamelama life." nu who, vou fiel amrei. la aie oapOmnW speimm nt bIgi naid diled pouktio 1aul pollUes ut faras bts aiaslgvith te =?~mai. lâtesls et aults w»a aneda. &Meup sCnada'. outrnDo unenme stands bigliar fer ionor, for mstrItm paIllty. fer abilit . than (oteLtai aifthe Hon. !CIhiai AUi of vhlch, la rerpaoii¶ u ubmittui.. m.D.ORz>n, tarenan Milodum =la=rf igt te prapnphla thoajinus h he M r o'theiremouc abasi ChiaiJuaos gCauseik Ne uMi Bas e«Off houmitmmnathe Coeur vouhi. ache or esulocus thosremahs. If thejtds an ropen. te stmteks ofthe nature reforr tin l the fumant they snght mai v al tlgnMaticu c&brourt rotins. ifs voulti soaihat a of tht aitirsaaboulaib. fmrntluit. Cbà Justice caro. M ant b-ai. no douht bust Bit tharoitietjuutlce-Mduhie fauiiy voui. auva- claN-lt rv hWbIr. PRedligthe usoese 0 ai. 1600 te barthe gaatijury upesk cf thtr latshodu Kemp las uait dusimlngt omp CuItiviith lotesacffh.o et h qaîBuvoli rpoaBosEButai.tba"vt aisitecmsmrciii.f as om Mbe vultilouve- belilti hm eaiocellent & reputnilcam as. jrdc.rhaît dons. Nfia"smurs th&&t the radwMfbai luis helkhinalhi la Ma'. Patr Mitchell aefficoient depury aticourteouanti obllgofficia. Wlth regard te the ralw&my cr bon teli'anelen ranihe wanti B vsnt t aieter vas irogt teraftolof ettht bytho counythe counci or by the et al rthaimnicialty, thm mach Co. lteolt ce h r ycou- pB7 to mai.. thet oasng u frtravel.aMd WM14 i nioe ore ; Us 0~. u i It- soit splameed t. bina' that te c ondlt- laga nu gast vers kepi la ascIi ,ro nt'mm condition. Reffrrmm t. thaompllentri>r, mach, te himi eli wu asplenuasi te umg i tais eeyvste meut oomfoutnble Oeeil whtoh aiudrai muimaoumtlti olbs org. the court rmssImagon l afl mi a u ailot t "ii mm SCO?! ACV £v VICZORI* lm&thtooMymsrebougsaoniaei.. lntuhota .-opu.,wam bslwreoed m ate tht m ort th slié OUS. Imieauousan thai"th Kt e . lwta vwo m &ci wte rt . àwn lneuamal la b of C ht*loeS mgt un bMd la, T~bai Nathdichu tlai 19vas aUne%&. W Mr'. Thta.o& id, chairmnoai ihotooup osailte, aal"Brev. J. Caieit Mai e.Alla,tht pastefl of th ohm*. it. WsbOur&y ttwovepulsthoenns mualleoslvein avroi tht I&M àait tcoofnutmCie Tht PMIL Itm&sr. J. Dir a94 J.P Who, vtebom bosg ctmuIaUuwtire paotg lavearis' e Sitm molae ppattat . L 'i Br"ai Bbc rula ceint e vln i I fari. hWvil e ff Whot mat« wt.~d h.lI~*;I4 <*ui~ ta BbWbub.b~ ~~vst a 7air16uB.ut~ ~ eL~eioei titis muisut k talI husrr papis-ait lphmt., sa-tausut pos~0f itu~ ZkwIMbass~ un~ WL ~ uit - 111 - aima t.or bcO Vt a M a ut gmcd ami. aidai Bas Bt *am1 mnet-e-b au CigMOM counit Nt o mik esplfan -~ inisprimai.dT t muosonvm 04 fur b*utmarilutpmsid eTht laig'alo ai.lg'mhtvusrai'yoialther i wbeseu VM ti e kaoiau tm u t aunat= oavite iai t i averfta bmnke aflumnft" a u t r oletht u n»uoNE t àtBuiwrs y wlg lt e mmw tp. dslBsi.ft il la taror boct te s at L ~ be- l1ie 1t bdla moleu eaupabt. AtBe lose t lft vouu Mc"W Ebot»ateBlmoot aOMIt etoala.opls amastt& u t.aupaini aaieoi Mi mr touir iis iU ubM mm n ecacu mai.naLmau W Toa t-ou u 9ff4ý' I Wenud4. aarif an& P. L.vem or lut, juter bSf vil>amr i&w" satUiaetlo hpreperations matie for Haue Mies bu' P. Wlokbam. He bam in. socktva choee Om tota nu titre. yt.s0]&, foi.l mw'.L Ejoti Macla; cee mier fiL b>' Mr.I IL Methercl m. Ia and atione nas& ~11hi. by i. M. Gulry.(Ope- »aiafins throe moutha' omit fias Mr. D. a. !ilcabb. Bmluyer. lime veryr Ina rmutton.andicornai.beef for tbom wba a'lésh chues meutaë Gîre WicUbm adli- on Tuesias Mib. P. Tulai- wuiibae bis the lot ant two fine mter.ici. b[ Jas. cuty. Ops titrees mer, ted by Mr. H. Mm . 0ps; sud a fine cati front tht herd of Mr.R.agimn Opa Theo aboe.are ail dtltcaaanais e t gosi. weight and prime conditin.Tit er b viia tvenr amount ut muttos and pork.-auh amn nt. Sa. ltaedisplay neit teck ai tht This tisa. O'Halloran bas eclipsdo ndsif. Mes paspaatlons haro been matie cm agiganti amue, nmbrng la ail 10 lt..6oet magolftmemi cattle. ail trous the beratoet Mi. Jams s.RaiY, ladt coun, Brook, vel.kîaown senetfthe bau feMtre la Ontario. Aunong thtenuater bief provîdeti t»'O'Hailoraît art live tocri. tva voageold; fouîrhpifcrs tva jeare old and oee &.yeas..oltienw. The animais am n i primeordar. mmay voîgligover .M00Ib.Tht bardt vii btegbtont for oxhabitina onumi~ os Dent-at OVNalorast viihave a capta&Lmuat.- niante gn u muton. lmhanl rni8aalau for ube-loft at A.. A. J. Box' storS,. If ySrWwntoborrow moiley go te CoJtxCxL A quanaty or checue at 10o pert lb. at A. CÂNItRÉnLT.'.-n32. bUm maAouS4aei .What doea this ail mean One ting Pmi sre et, geni. are ail new. trias, pied andi vel ouuht.-32-2. fa oair f l0 acres. abont 10 acras clerei; balance, bard vooti. hemlnci< anal morne .. Boil mnuy Ioa. House elingled. &bout 18%MJ viti tmtcea. Itramo barn înot luishoal>about ISsIL Cose te Village. poeumofsud aal mhoul. Seren miles from Hfracebrtdgsrailwvnu' sationi. Awipy t.O. RTnLW. Linday.- SI-i The Mail gires the foilowlaq.-reo aimi- portéantlegal case dild at Toronto an Uni- ufl a:- t &at& aLanad tdEm<grallo»C.. w, Dgaar.-Juigmeni on appeal fte ome,1 J.. Mtht trial d ammng t le action. Thieitu vus bmeu*ibythte alntîlfto cutsBedo- fendàantethet teashp of 1hiysut, ram wiangq as aa889MUas on o t wMugeni flis& S tauduleailymette. The defe.ndants demnra ou t«maithe trial, on the gieuntitt Bt plaMlfahoulti haveaappealed to îhe- stipia diuy magIstrMa t iHallurton, the dosurre g va» ahoved, antite action dlsmiuMaL vOt ccittApptai itam anisdjutigmm%&Rfrmad viltht ovariation that case nly soulti o-ai- laaisf the acrion hbad beon tbab'do. uuremo te record. wth coets of arnt e . -Y. CQ. ai.A. Hudspetti. Q.C.,cei. Themaouse t the Canada lite se ompaor le ms teai j-tht graieut bu' wMes lB etaaiilTcllmhi troenbeimht te boigt of pin. prtitlu- se reglai' ad nti untriuptei-tbBs C tBhsr lt M Mlch to b. suid about lu, The sw.aucmeea etad during the PmiS rn vous-ta the ameunaior 44, 14&0»L. mahlng thtr tooamasuiatanding rallier mare thme tbtaty4ve md a quarter millions ai dallas. The veussr cvt-itrig thtyini0 î*4iLIIe, asitithe total receipitevit W 1US?3I 'dTt'.yaont et au G= uaoM>. gati. i?.7T.Uleaviug an addition ta Bew musztT S7.The mia-tii et thtea, e &4 ttai cof the yenv amountai ro a, uai IMMreBaum et Msai aquarter nilIliona.Th ouamW has-prospeaibeyondaU i eaetr aluspiT ba38a8a. t h»n dsuusi'Vedti a rape' aimuaauraiioui5am n.F. C.Tiyorliho 0f~Thui5 ~ h1* *i7~Tm...uon~- Nasvusc~ ~ I - I MRS. GRACE LEE, RAS- mckpf»are in iuforming kerfri nd , d & pulgenerally that S& tdll cenou ftr iuspection, &» MONDA Y, March 3?oth, a new and very chmie assrent of ~w ~B. Ua" e a"m « amis"Ubupos'Wutim.geahw M§RS. LEE vpsfivites inspection of the above goods and can recommcnd tlie;èiai~ t& "latst styfu aa4of mpenordesjp and valnes. Pans, London anad New York fashions in Bonueti and Hats. From kr long expn'ie in the Millinery trade MRs. LER cau with confidence undertake to gwe ladies favoaarms-r witk orders zvety excellent service and. solicitç a share of t/te Pu& atrouage, FOR THE SPRINO SEASON 0F 1885. et A. a ThY'a.-Ue4L pèlla aim" ma aa" UntL BalhPuunVsîle ~uUhM auaale oudBBdIE - 1~ap' lblm pllm. ni bmn. adoadb -' Xnm&mtnp Jimêd thtuuasee fyhrwiT dn oww ap.oea nLhm s. wmO Thluitre nugmt4w11 lut a al llent g utwlwtb. m thaoebSywt al ohiw bihLnu cade Mo iniu utimili. 7vevn=to.mntloai 17. C.i Twaa's Our. e.,Lfw.-U4. wl mm ued tImm bWthyathe w t. is, éSW WU lm ovlhl"me oas1hou mimas t wh thâr itoqi tuu taheahe hJ.t andrlutir ioulir P ohsve lm ua i lU ah fo amamaiL ait waek mom. jons u"lIo.u Ch elwbiow thair w.yoomln oet& -t <aUtYam& ude m - t. qamut, i t hut nuLSot aiâdlotht mlal mpSkand wtfoeeba maayhatin tht IulUaUui,,t tot'W.,ai g to.Th la DO mutaukat hae§adla the aktry nominaLùlmyamoutheTht mteyta th ockt roada haort a ., a edolmt, ht Rac ai eainl matmdll hbt auitn aithals maPUhtI. en icasav atucne.H wa btaebsa waery avoml now q8teLat hum PI tam& pi amounl Llnamy. ut th oh moi*a a t ao gwloo ...acc..lawpt nuL lt theautr u o 1="nçhat omilad tarinu. t Fpr." a tbwh hvaha.ipa wlh i tht psai [cntanTE» en&L ft"bt ..........*75 te 0Ue jfavh6g .... ....... 078 ce es$ it - gp ..............078 te Gun ànu & IIZM......... 5rtea Ob ......... tn l #e Om ........... 0 M tse & TIote mmL............ 95t.le u Bimi, ov tpwsm, . .............. 0SMte M unpr................. boa le 0Od U1oetw..............O450te b25 i9mode& ................S1 at. 0z1n t..5D te 1u rl .......... .510oute 000 *0a ................... , (»te m llio -ls ou .... ..... $aste.F 1Ir ipu, iib,.............ois toair ~rUl............S&O10teOIS Basf .......... .lf~~fA . toS te.1>0 -W .......... 9...... Obte M Ttwb«.laiper 09 4 c Wot...............*409tla o Oaialoê pa lanch e ...... ......... oute. le hoUer, ......... ou te 17' Obp.s ~xqn nw ~ unSate & 7 ........0 u te r zoo te 359 l~1ts ~ ~ Z75 te 3 Ma a ~ t1. - mi.ta *um DRES8, 00008 EXP.OSITION -Ar JOH-N Kent-st SIM ON S -Lindsay, 17 REVERTY DESCP770YIO Ff NOELTIES - As W LAs ICI RE TAPLES% ~ke aekWfuibe ftuws wmderPiv-perhapt. unpreceilentediy-cornplete, cn(l <w* atanmd to-day. uwlbe ef thse highest intereot to, ev.ty observer. who et -, W"4"dm topurcata ormet. Ait are invit. t o eamine. prom this date. there- fore we »JU ooi&.Wr tt wU.g SMaaoiift Drem Goods a&,tairl y inaugasrated. We beflere the .Ihimements we hawve teoji'fer. Maot onry in the vast range of ch>oem, M~ 0" tibemsfut fabr4e bua" Mi n Ithe w&»uerou-s èoderation iii prSem whieh ehavoeefnoee&A.-oinUg of thse present »eamol, muait commanad thse attentioof thI..emaire cou.mtu orIy if les. W'é but re peut tise Jutieem est f termtd experts in atatlng that no htorr.hAb4 moau onbu ft>wd in Victoria Cou.nty. J.b SIMiONS. Linânt. ManhUth~ WL-fl. IANTYHD.-Amail coimffortî.dIe 77rm d3~II May let. No children. Ad- dre»P10,1% P475. or thiâ office Lindsay. Vilage Ot KirkfltlL. Apply peonaly o by loBai-ýtoML.2O?4EILL. Pbâimater. KrkieW. fflum an& rrooeuce (PAM AND WOOL. Thunua"wl Perthe, KUE&ZT CAE PuCE cees wFEA- mAD AT 4sKvuhL n t tul ra m son butheau aibw mu Ct miaabnt Hu t ilNIV N.A. o& t5r -m-Em elÈmim rif t- Mua, » - Riýww@zL Mau Bim ttce thu «- ,ru mal là" XOTIC.-Thepublic of Thtrai are NLu"O WIOThN". 0remoe mu "U" oe emk et Thtmh. by the &M dartOWf j'R ALI IN DUNMFRD.-Houà% léi»ze Ibo FAt àcL (bB anmd Shat Bouzas. ]ENIU AND BOILER FOR SALE. Haalihalam »" rean. This la a rare Oaa pautable hoiatlng Boltine and Boiler. ahi bttoa iminurw th aammn c &ial bout 19-houaspower. with iruaand iittmflp mihamoe am îhas to 9D wuat and Mt v0«iso!opae;l aiworking order. WUI bu 5011 éua-ON. Neoppocigbtio hinmm l"dan8"nmL at & hagalu Oa hoconvarted te any uïe e auasAnlto EDWÂRD WOL whe teau power le required. Ca be -enf LAD.owmar Duafral P. O. Dunguord. BSvoka hare. A&pir te RlICHARD SyX> Matc Ilt. iI&-3...vzTErzlL indma. Ont. Match ii. lsa. - IfWARD-frsi o henn: n- ; EPaBUSINESS COLLÈ(iE, im ot the l Mu-ehONa.P muoi n W. J. PooeSk c« Ity-î,va «rs rounman andl women the bebt facili- M;»duemtbe thApril. The me antien for aoqtilring & CompLiwrm TP.Aut 1Yt; Ru &relth "P1inota BmwIS Punsurra.Bcok-keepiing. CoDi- POW arowaMetitmdollar, OUfetal ArtbMOCIC. BBukinu. Actual BU$ifla t. ~ ramurl t. DAN MURPHY. INcticiBu@ilteu Correupeidence, Penialu UMuISh21886ULm-3t& iP. CoMmeroW lLaw. Telvgrahy.Short hu*fd. GOOD - FOROalh«r&Pnb-or Type Wrlting. Feoch. PhYbi- A M.AN.-.PNR A.Mu IL ,LV ,gr % gene are taugt bhithe fncm~ £-X MAN.-M A. tomesting" methods. The os8f CaadNW hop inKiuk"& hisl eibSPu ix eSX OPeiefcd te"chers and lectur- oh»tram méoi s a tm ors. Tb» vnrlousdapartmente an elgm- @u ina, alg~ a& e MM bsala aL &-BeLuP wlth the latent sud 'nmtaprv fme Imho&u bbk .ii oiàta pp&tefr hUilai.collage work. teuWf m »lw uriM U *%&oa the o» lot.j Olter ntat lime. For a cop rtef u Sa~Mod ue omoneTm = Coi1 le Crula. aa is. m l A"CC A. xuuo. ~ ~7Mic . -----------4g nii t trum ~mmaUie%" ait hm -~ a~ V bb -" L~eaeDùat$iot of 801m1 beU-patb*Trsm a»alStop Liceutsfor lmi Or il> memuta tlL M.- ', At . the msto t 5111* ThetnambareTarou LiSeuis patid lu unI&ds"F ~pLisamm & Amlbskala mmmulam t rIaym et ', ia.mdi.fM Ut~ ~ âiua nI.ui i. ce Lthomia tla e uraIlafsOi Ji- MUI. L .a V ~' 'i '4 a-A GRAND- àoe-- --.àr 1

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