g - Y AU'&T!W ES. BITTERSI91 i.w l a U t the-oslm se t e fitu nhiU e s, IuW til ~ l , md i, s mdlelidne Purne I Lm I I men k- l' i rer owt Aitmu, an ln Mid. s, einc ltait wVd i îuU o filn i o ffr D c.sIirlba d[<114 wfln orse apam wI rusld nn uirnto nte. nt.ei WGurNIm, raîmonî. oft. U!5W,1-* th 1 * pwt te Uw A aip91nlaaurlnZ. n (1~ iA ' PkPI4t A. ey afl toic ? sultahlnl'air 1. n¶and 6bituh ICi ftqut. Ad i.vôeeIi n Î,0u. ar h W. «it)shkd".-m.) ti * h ail i(ht1 griin -ma en «f, Who tl(, Rlti h'Liî~ Iytrya omet llhgtfo l i oltf thn "1 rwaot .Iand" e h; wyonmn Ind 1 W$ad joyAi hs ttopa mn *ev beng' o thnt' wt lu l r My- 1 hie F1144v o m rilban havte a Wr manl"%esutintt i) a.dip4al Sii, wh. l îtnkt l 'ai t nrM,îln MMhb Vun:or' b;a~k,:ît thLnouh thie Yor nîoenL ue th t bsplsn beaO. tiblwu. o-«l«bylgt aýnti hope xWiiui ti, i)e t 04uwd ilthia w lk. htu-an,' boyw, aid ei',.inq ti* ere Y ul! mai In en iymrieon. l.triena parýw ousoe c love and jt>y-.- tu' sti ho omo hoamo a hatr Là wealiWn e Mt ofaFrai -*aï melo m. enbc tls. ai aan'4 waht olin <udcrehoeoa pleusue (no(Lit trat fI a sept ~zsh1 new-tounad C Do sur:h.n-îktc?'lie1at e rder mu flot)a arLfe pinfiythroug, b.. * miîiee4.t tf got haanv'bihýek sm h.yuail At loow. alii rn""îh t ghtîgâE cr stm»ply. J114 taq t ln1oiiha b erdh "sud ityoulll hetp me;I" and - rbaps she g dit heur lier boy. and did h0 p lm- UterWard .. wliciknows? l111epva# la- si »Osiqýqble tolmi; bore, u'"fr bs Owu il if4eh* réaltzoiTwhbithsfiture ru 1fe mîînitt aqouilie, as bie fathe's jl àa" been before hlm. AU tiha h Iok- .dm uail that h.totîitmpkto Ihîm 1 ed tiy, isud-th. noble vsrawu o m a U~neu vid, st and mb*t to thé as aigu vint ssii ultllast six Uinuugh he oms. b*Ww, hit. "mti avoaitvihiz hM, sMd hi won matm ho ouitb.a failiful tvut t. Ui honchetsc leepng 50518 lntnutette vot ~cr.Tii. uoeulu mu vI o-O*u 4-à etutas. mrud aflvmsm..,io ~ me oit - m t suao marbt te tbe oelo91aMng te bh. hu (Mtlitu w*mt oneof Sh tsg" mIts tW - et ~ ~ ** MMlaryws. m not m vqbrn hesm omadswebh Vau gaver esaeg haugba Mt b hety of bit face. "So t vamSuta bit c oflae s <105 abroaa h1 e,"c eibut aIgtng aboetg vias Sk cekies or fk ne'a Mdl h ea ffa1 l p utie It's the' ad m a '* donej lot the tUrnes lIV. -madle a fool. of himb mdo thlnk cf vb fea iePt the blues Md YOU'I bave vorteuolugh toto abo veestate.vithoult thinkingof msylov> moitlaê"vev a. ong?'n . *lOIl leavetht oi& e qire," l Fran~icatgi.~ aesaisvr Job, piittiuigon. a deeltfui air oF lno. opnvuaslie poîîred bls mater o"t'a e off C0te"'" ']ties eang ropi seus ei miui uW, no doubt; iinilu ru'in much mini oot< tf Nancy of tet f (11o1*ou dowîi l toem attng witu hlm." "hule onidstluirim lias leftLoel"R>oee ralk. p19hinir bwik bispltte. '""uîli sue."ual 4.10b. witi; an elab. crIPIup ear o f incoîncemn "h m114 hé nigli on ilve year nnul a halt ag> lItui. tie coluîn:y folk.4 mule ap thf.ir min(14blthatthey couhuît. tanmd Misn N mney, "tan0- so r mthe RI ftll'n emnptyt" et- claimt!t lÀird. Lnvel, iêtarting nip frm Iiis mvît; "ant Il[vs hemn tlinkin;g of thait ohl 1rPprobate au houlding-' hie court Sucreb. anti .etting a baud exampleto the uîeu~Ihrboo~opinfiiience tintvol dwaurf mine no hopelessly. Job, tha1, coliti make no> wav awrainmt t1. nc w(hire a rare bit of bnm:anunrc he sture; andi human, natar. es y kM inhletrmEin', Mts rmak, while the TinComnaidments la. tb. mata in, -iliît th f& dnt hringiagrc i ý.lhîir tr.aint,"4 saitFrank, Ïwalking tothe windt)w anid.lookintrotnt. 'Who vas 1 youi esti&tdas living at theé ffd hal now?"1 "ilsao,"sirlJob. lu atone of s. picinnçi mildnt-.44, as but bimiitlhimmself lî t eLait .10; "usb"'.(n.herefor ye-trg. anit anew nrd&'r oftlihinqsit is 11P ytnt'r---tHiureh anit Clailîtren, anti wirèe, Ua'*y ride by beru- otten. anti 1 wiond 'r. 1mowlotnqi t will bat,".adited Jobl. -with Ila mîle. 11'U1'aua.îdatdv in.r; Ithen wbat became *M.Nil -prrington was killed in aduell, naaèi Joli, iuuwardly rnarvelîng at hi* inttr'-i hmmoraintm; lt .«,tyon ng Mr. Ey-e.Iî~'sliving lip at the Rii nnw." ' Youîw Mr. iya! cried Frank. Startime 1bock as tthouurh abuflet hait St.ruck 1hi nl-.olit %Er. Eryoume 1an, -anti ho u cr-i.'i uptsbl! -IWell, lué ain't a pIivaick. . obe sure," %&lId job imi»îrtially, thVswty [Ive t oSmre hopm. of hlm yeL ;when, folk* rf hilq ao takes & moral tirui, îtgts flra'4 into a sort -of habit wth'_ "Mienbulie hmturnîtl ovpranevleafl" .exclaîmed Frank invnlnnrrllv. »Lor Master Pranik, f woiïder if ho knows lis own face in the glass, hie's that alter%& hels5alntice Anti a umgu- trate, Mçt pim Mnes fol ksfor being wlck- cd lusteail of imaking'em su, as ie amti ai the L'Yres did at'orethlm. Rat it's retlY d'il] f i ev'illa-le iow," adteit, Job reoretfiilIy, Ilor sti the wnmpn say; ait the pr&tty cbtncks luerebotits go un- rinked, nand if tht-re'a4 a bit cf bpaiity gr.inlu ti theplace, Uiere a=!ta sou i lifeto iiscver IL" " WnlId pou have hlm as bail as hle father?ý" burit out. poor Frank in araye. .au 8tihi pâle with, lihoshoek'ôt indîng Saa living-At hiq very gales er1.11 aid Job, in atone thâtb- fýitted bis nanw, "111hnpe 15!mjy!atç but lbresni eeoin'onte V-yrs onum In biirning lie, rdulys i lpon suid 9s)t>hed hlm; andt the prIdt t ili own mui, that evèr-y tSmman knovi, ewoke ont prorapted tboisrhts of an ex-1 atence a art irtun love. Withs aîendeu1 )wkWàrti uuîuvoment of Ste ahoulders, k thotugri lie shook some vreight frora ;hm,. lie aLunitforsa uuÉmt to vatcb be wo*Veri aizzlo of bght and shadov iovmaat of ounlight feiU full on u m ung, beautiful face retlned Mi- te stemmucs by 1W m >mo t honght; but, like mqage, 5h. oktaoE à alumt at hi.saide there. broie orti- pes! of chiboiish la'îq'hter, sud, vth sa 'clout start, b. perceived boy b.Va Mt Mchetsaportion of.bis esta>e ha1t Metd Mr. Epre'., a tali bedge omg be bondary betvepn thera. Hée vas timing to retrace bis tff rbmn *6 w oma voice, followln n h bhers, drove the blooit from bis cheek, 1 ooehimo where os LA lrnet sd hé vas parti the you i iVflte look to the meaov beyond, rmu hich b. sav bis tot M.dcau mlng, holding up ber gova wth o»a )udeul arasbasket ln ber ban& d. u ubjlit on fther ite, tripplut omer ths mlles lest, wlth a foot 1IllgMis adov, qtdlksas sube rf tma ou n ' moi rm# Of t4 louir daye or clii, un u youug lo b ilforgoum bdi un Useof. lie ~ su If buthtmoou cfbeasbu, 01"Ovuatpas Mdtgss p DdjimWlpva atolbt uche.mlP's huai ithe eA WObla ant avisa SIwfi i'a so4l 'throq Dli of averont UUUU t Douly Wo a oé¶tm etualsyroyal ne3t,, "a onntespot. m oket u14 FI frveus interrupion t sdvbc üatuve orls mod Tpý shows la otreprel "HI, faterbsou,"to leoke beta hie vthem _m oboesiOne thon ai eua idoty, uo lua tea cr mae 00. m.atn. Lji" thotk pnk adcaplow dfo thept lSe ,Py morng etlowe m un Deyip bai vasfr aselin.at but, s. fatit ve oei gottelierchiken; er s hut, ail rellhe on. he vd had la vlto gevuan a adh s her os loy, an(e mas lei ertilitlet b lnthengasr. tue ae- ir 5bouÇritt P r atd follou Nldapfnafmore fovead i liedy ,it p akuig er Ski ir swtveM at lpainezth huritmead h.mvnSedone!rs, rotn aytu hilthir - ; asrki aeldoa n b on aseunt:fan( bilisen bela s er, atst child teil tit onatai metarday. ità co et Yuke wandekîdoht me'U trop 5o" bing auc vieso ve rebu an Modcspcame l $Veusifc Eyîet hit, t'ie bai a itsui on Te iMwlytnuy uati orin. an h# was ie letjear-tihaJ leown lipErle gld enri ..Madcaps f. angeu, *sudgvtc joi'v.4y, his 14ontbp l. c lnupthuonste, uIt s -tulrtce wia I mutr afe r Ihe wyv pnianmmpoe otanenuon maaay v, .11it tor tsun iere hosntau eter, thsi tsia beltls moe lnt oru OIL imcleliovii eigut W adlai:O voered uPhat con Id b.Lon hy re's heartbit W r 1 tbis lrett boye1 gae tlime h. oo n.adit vtot hlm? Itef ornk Éer pitwIat morinti, prahü avani e nt Mrhksi su Ibs evas bCôme tI& Peel letter mmL Lre bat ever& "Màsofdte aoue aald, "i t whuîrit bu dàna.ThI,,lattuir fa lu uneb.uWI *8 Pau u~" Umm tàmi 1 ove, n 5mirbt. ve arsni e ut bityo r lbo.inmaIa erpoint et vie,j whosecolor o biu to utern >thsY IusVat jou; le b.re Ofth 'lIe m an-mntbroum aizouso '".tb v-secret d ot s and Ixckaildngs, of seaai been "Whatl'F iit Frauk, vith go much yourfkiouds is le ove theru.. vhile to lm Au? hUines, that Colonel Busbp took osia penpetually uf tuieur vunlues and mskau lavolUntary skxp to the door mand sueces it tavoidthteir very mention. - m 1 we~ ith a, burrieditgoo[momnmng, osd tNov, lu the country peu vii aivayi ho - l@Pat.,: hlhm. aGreek qoaintâ ooyunter- ank' i ý"Anti1Icout have Evoru,". le mut- Stands, a standing reminder Lo toiks Otf tered, venomously, as ha seizet bis bat, Unir Ignorance, anti dete»ted accord.I ri hmvabe- &"~tth fatherv'wu tao t ount, at ti tuglp but li towu tbers's a grêat fildî ]RdEùllsm ope t ou; l in liament von vii l ave v autj ut tuOagr gnîe ou enfool Ikie disgnace ot our Dame noE lng, land wg ors yKonlp, pyonmigbr oeven haire lbeoppor- auk, tors -5 ys.<,'. bemIstein mey-. "I have thought Of It betore," sMit "aP MMep boe, ie?" sit Colonel BLtus on M. Eyre, elesalv; "but I won'S quit tOat 50 leae h. houeruntry ýn jean Ig, ee b4inSo @My aps. migh havethougU fit buti L5he 811ft- ar ai Jb Md <>o- nov"_ ____I I u0t15. m gL bave bes u anabebhlm. gs dcadmgs.SIybut -firaty dmmid o m ..b........ a a "BkÏ yRmasp for mM mcibWM..be..VTL1b.Pde 2 sali Job - ',tmly trou thé oSIer nWd&iaTheuPauova" »toi* vlZ a tl5 oui wu boimm o amsism..... .i. Tehvae Pmi. OiAsmg y eg-- mek.........a le ~~ J 1ste utoughjlem ne . "M ThPm TheIkri ....1. Md S ou m efit lst>miaTb*Pma__ t lb-i W ....... va ho wu Thme pouhe 0" ~ ouo m W butoqâm- Th a ........im hi ; __.W -P b.m d 4110on Ioism M @o.-ms - M R: , meiSIby liS u.P e' - lwes a~p t te fU mealtm 5 z nplté îrmg a - - -e PI vu- tat.~ ate l- th upler sentir la a.e M mûemma me mLeto*W .tIh.uhdowau l l1m BMe Sir im mu ya m l___-__ f khma1~ uri blemou-a 1 iSu1k eris netteà*mmiê3 mJ' «Wt e Sel bW tle.lfk t. n b [éseI Où eou:Èa Wlb Usum, en.- Krla. hamoin ioesiut dlwmonhoRodlykp mdcmi h "(~e, tî mou i bermWrle. cf ~ ~ an berba, BS-lncs oma-mamse ouzfboy kptb The dooaucloet itabgon a ue- wâMtaM4Uba UMt P Iihul thi aout touhtsOtat1 Ou ii vyurW5 ba uticn- hrSet morevertuo si. laes i r tt aiTcfhit>llmmdbut awha reDow a"A v -lesuire Y5imm R.Eu change not ov&Îbs Ace. "'A j»araf- "bplayfyu spiri bs ept me te b* 'Womistemed.Pý. aS azr--ftvre an heesn subbr aii. oei"thh. t tllIokMd-Thed itroatiM nabo her&pbt,- jéaadWattbepaer "mt cmat oetr, a ler-dnr. wty muum, and~' the put dilh . sck 9 th fo ofW t lis, ind bi Mle rlu onbat Vt htuber thagetlemairitbat movutm aveu ta tb.rîtg, ha d& cin"at h , u a v hs Iokn ot IlveyamTer- o et .sa t mace siglle-ad she cameNb&ov. sai aot deribut on oestj'an, ifr~ttac,cob. ry a, "I thnink 15 vas jOl," mi mU~5I7 Ovug al asdeth.( mîo. e ervma±, eter, h effl- 'the colo B_ zflot verspbit a cl toxetbswf L~WfhMi<t sel,'batE Wueda utgo niittesad1 nquiryt'sote £htVraakas ahume ed in whatI u be leve h. i. but tet lec, y ay Ih y ranye Oumlatbe ect Indlvo "$b.isand Wuld >int oEtrof bre fy anztwM aaentur itùolwhstliiud th~Lmrrme. "iu ua b . vndrulcr sdba ut boes c soutbeos1a urrndth it mn a anferlfting lu. bi ever ne riaiftlu.tat e hi.*m bar muth; ient s Ihrtt Woi raak ~ ~ ~ in voByrmrhot-fo ooet uia£ilca.l sean-letcewo eak of~~~~~~~Vl tmtoy. lml gnz covliedf.rolo.dsrito f aepMaep0 m aeye mir Ibm,,as thtnecemui± for Ê&ýwth v hm t h Sr Tnewaady woveruld il dr laliy s bl"hràtam. orth ant0 nou eu wthoeer, knowledg.."â% thr hearko " ith murdter wsouittreet But ze mn were hzohner ote sin b thez.81( whliai, cenay b"th.mlt,"bo othoMi' yrean tertbougwhIcolau- n~~~~~~~~~~~~~qa kuin~i-cre 5ta b ohri ny»~drtan , yo9. rsm a r u>ln lu mbraùi ofwhous 1cmnyvictelèv" oin e ewil o eestlg 1t aveay = th " l nos emoter, ait lnel ie- madpa hasta, n CO --anw. Umner i'smu efmYSu e ti ofu-this a-. r ut and da ytatb me vas &outtet Jmm» mire i!thedInoe nce! O! mrliftingva in hie tote nrenOfthe."«. he r uh;*I sotth h Vmr mj "lhem% Fanksu ad! sanyhalred vomauth DIdepOu sm-pmo me hor n uolel tht vb prdent tepugmmeînttae y.she 1pasng soment i uk e;t Te vthebuM"T b. surI e,"msait Coon u, lr yehl moudi cru:ofrech tnv no asmc=m thé moeepsset byr, bisfconl m, sit SiroThmas vilh auna ms hatnor -_lngcerdth ur-s" cadis; anit, as t ediy as i t s- vadu rltyblank o hi e F #, u imrevht'on de thoit her on reda aor a eloved , -iaturai volce, bs m liee of ~iha t ethere eois l;st eraByon Ine YuS lr iitt, Jse ud a 'bletsar. AnI e M s ope it Mr.aEne; oint lsLgh 1 cail bino- rnepirit eohetrs t aabte.uhere mbel n or, erstal, vha± re ai ting go buta cryrng ot- shnvctd? own? Buittou'hil styouher, et eal aae mwtce"IaitthColoe Bushy, slarnd 1 hur o lheeweks1th et?'don sotnty thBb etyoungma n; i e revs ge, bu Ne,"s P ait.aMan;in ca romain b he;7I axait tho by - rank' bli uap-onbo butre. otds." tismaf iha a àr, s'a ersan coming waber sen,". busiBessurefl'I neteai you m o- rtY? "lhenc sdi Ishaaaspizons." meut @1 -Dd oger thon m arn oble" ai , tesst gi ni od raukOn Mideraa? s. ]Fan; ing ber?" he psads hrpl; thrs W&caio- th ng, scpn hy. Whalt a i sn knowing wamot lin beancwlst h m-,it u b- T e Mm E nrivatev dooe ua uov. mayu't spepn for lyou rasence, wL 'Mi u h.oreandetmore hlm sdcty at hie o- m a m-heoe n . eqies a demi o nsilethroutril vW"OIas vrsd es clm-oueleci atchln;ovrder. oalarsfr" ia a ot e lo tuÏem e . t ashowo O-afn fa odid," s tla n.Epe, béloved-pàe Tshe Gdleed ont a or h"Y. eas Thfortnts;' muds . on viv etr. vo -limta al seho& mn elitrofa mao"Iner Ireit; and.rikeyn, ~oI in*>imip t è. A n eateriobue tr ouAnd aberumi& epein net eveytngasud every- L aCISo ip;btcluughmefb batte! od,-nd B iu t you constay e, en. yen ý the~~un»" chtrna euit, "1frlre sbeun f«ro hosertlx ret ieet oterenede i Madap bohe?"aa er a"bt d'-or" eil ur.n tye; p u lov-e ithra ksset, kSowxi.Yo now iinbfoeie iesh',,Bte suroen111 lonc etai feelInag', d Fhrnuan d hit **sn ooi " eld o, e as nuIa mto y ac- ae P fat and in 6.TeW.h&" ete d,»coiinmep.t e itr o mte mata dr y1v.-Nte iil 9 dfr'auusa "XotI, thenr 1fra(ldahrly'*hre ~~~~~~ ad noonl usp oded m in'. eyes felloe hlm, ast h ni a omm mv~~ vathPl, e ouSI<1, oi. mstehe a1edpnton ou abence r IL erte-g u nocne eure dlo g~~~~~vr whuae m p.'utpmzis hangg tchi jeu ookers ougr ho be Ly tre ne; mue t! .,'out the v wuhg5k.Ia o atcenyrsetblt abrut of Whou "Oh. Ig, t ouse" asit gasu t ri, ent kn Eyte, tien; bosides, poupsisificennmerenguoiy- peu nfthea upeehmanint fr sud thonsarepou how mense. Afte o Lui mmodugeîtpofonhitereusastuin îîîug crt MnI leveap>s i ofu"H adtewk m e.bvn.Nlyieao h, îeappie bfree- Word Fuir- "[etrClaaine!" e alom shoutsd. dm.tredshtpof-il's cundou hv 11111 Pale ; el Pa f"W;but asign thnmemalt lIaaS mii these are taitt by vba pewé oi lue. d4aP, uit " es ut> HEyestoClane tre,"Mt see t namretlu manof or veané;' sai in yonw te ornîv pn hlêyu oe me, but mroea Coloel Bnb, elking vr hs uoul Mr live adetiIas tol udhoha ieseet-d , t bat besi .atre e Clrkste t itMdc nue tîxe nun. but her, hi ei n a e le in. la for ine n- marplpeit wndthittuer die sping - thi a ns i. tiasor lve? , netth avs uterii moan hr lushattatIspbcruty s. ohkvurpeetleb- anhantonk>vsnt o rEr re i-u a joudmn a rtte ut onitYes tdn' M th'onk, pae ne ps ii nSrepîy tou voinsousitenthink bi.tetlian F "Era&" -roughai! ths om et absenal efeeetter.Adteb urw to ive ni Mr. ca u h hu c E yr,"h e nt n, reve, n.the lno it she r. bColordlts urotehmwt aculsns evc, u o ra sramu h efea. V' meafnai s . okee ueuen5fohotll uoun brimsl h mavb la Tou e W- l vell," s wahitCn el Bns, "morte e e ousand ilo' .« b!a .A ss auýîj "ten'tae wil 5. bas t; 15 ma biov 66ate net casmne., To bý.ral WSENBS awagekap a om--% McCo0-UBros. & CO._ FArNEES!ahieri deM C '-te MACRINE OIL, The Beat oi th e Wort5 fop Reapers t, Ip# «El Dealers,. Toroto~lui1 .IUL-OL James Keith. om()on~e Cn t, ha AN GT 01EF Kuugwar3 Grass aud Ho y'S of Iraplements on&Az Reversble PlougksharÊ Ait cinds Llndas>'. Mur 2~îh l884.-9( JAMES K M1E CANADA LIFE. AM eul eprtfo 18 Dateo te dvsest * 3335,801 Thev làDI a uthome -im* 2,and78 Pml vîtbaemifor 17 3yeamW Its rates ame moalerte while its proats are amlaathoe of other companiàes Ctisisp l Bieter two yes CW âdimm*diaelr on proef of desth, Thrrdas space siUowed for pswment cf Thoos' novwvil b. enttled to two res proleaIe =.10The prolirs vii equalifi Mt ezceed those of auj previous DION. For every latormatica apply 10 . C. ITAILOMU, LadmyJ. 23 t?4aaaU. CIARI)0F TILA-XK. -T.H.- Nw Picturt T.H. t -i r fu tully S rr m ' abut-i out in M ln Liday, ouppu4iîe M-1 PICTU"e s, " Orletaifor fna-'ws James -jý ]vu i S, CORIRL- P1486 COfly to the Directmr of the LON- DOM MUTUAL, mg kind consider&tio% fora v'idoqu, rî&tpoi- *9V Aa't*iigl""ps4on accOu.mnt of -th. biuW- kWg hacvng beufor s0IIeti,e têfOG&- MARY EL.LIOTT. DMUND GREGORY Mmor em~S b w uls Who orWi AlfCIIG oavmWhouimor. aoul. HA... Wb" NAUU wb.& OflhNU W"*.or imam wkgc. Mum a' .4 Smus? .w.. .w.u.2k 011ÂM1F,-- Tthe Parn.c Pu bii c re hae. ~2Ù,O KUaJn Uder way and a litn_~-- We inté t cndâaA,ný au-. have the .> wîicait, to b>' a mîachin ' for r-., ibuip th ie wi. , lase. our New iii mraccurate[y 7titi> I Lury part ju alike- 1 adhcaperthan -te. & bout nîachim>c, TICLE sud ve Invite si-er>' on, tboana lves '%nd -u e he WheelsiioWin mn ua. TEBOIÀ;' W" h ets bomoi trucr Usebauie oam do i& 1)3 W h a r e a î u g t n m l VO@Wein Lthe, i usitv-4 Omputlu ,for ood U. WO l» uuoi'i. Wc- tO 8 hbelareu dé4mi tai'. M- t" arm aaok N Ule.s t teshow Fou through Iidbny, AprIML s si ket PMI Ibre forc bou - Unde latit frein andi train diggi -A .~tenip" -A WOUI11 ha her £»),c. -Ti Ta -TI Yorkt -Th -i, MW tt *, fato Win. La OCONNORs AIIAoE, thlSPeINDM bb MW ba omp i m rsw .sa l ssloud la thefr own p~ belL ijjcm tua= artle la my Une sup eror ta 11 tb~ a 1 peaml ver md lover ~ila11auSI' oeiitiua yt m 1 m is u b w l gt atm r c oe i . pe l ce o" t e ist 35 yew r% b a nut , Q. r«.mwm . m... reie n w lima, wb.ther they purchaeo t> ,, ua l i r of nateria i and any portiou o ok Uid U to e i m ao ria eu , h A w oml a uthoro ugly w eill eam neO d ild v r -7W. ML. O'2OONNM.-70 Ê à AND GET SOME OF UMUT. Mav -27th IM4.-OP ZOZ. -NV o me ýJAMES K