WBMB PivstM w w m nu~w' ~Erd3~NTW eoe ~ IL1 . --.,-----.-~-. - Wc O thbrCaakt!otr swe t G L&.MW'RE sud (Ilt Or' NKRY b;~~ m a aetul u im hSti w.'ll ~ a rgvctela'I î*t ioclcitn o 111 oiVerd.-t 1kei LAit.1m eflluerté the iiliticommbt:- The'are Direct frm ie wwac turer& The .wre &wgt at CshPrcesaffd We 8e/I at Cash Values. 'fhe t<tck atata a er ýtling, for Tea, Dinrier oc r eh us To aayrèa~>t'~t:îuite w iii, make a dmsonnt. .it,<ti4Iiy.A~,iti.~. t I l"[- ~~'*1-:.~. - Thé Nytei lIm NEW wr~rry i~ 'rn~ rowr. nwa eo'àèi>èîe»fpçf J» lEZ PONT .1 ~Iiqy. 8, o~»» ièag riîaptern o)' a »ew #<.wij, e»tJUeeI, THE MYSTEEY :SF vibb n4 p>pr4n rfow, rn*vt wrfa Prre a yre«Iafrai- M.td~ D i1ntpabouafoièeà»ah Ife r â brîberen» m.hame21 FOR .25 CENS PI a snt t& addimreau e te f" ~ ~ ~ ~ »am» anamf!.iP>4J ~0 the »~y a-g w'~ibe'% mfr'v(d/itg». the aet ton. da"., F . 1 lot X in Il m *. AL mtusic= or MMr.1 S' ll3keep tire~iu let ki'.', it corrortly. M ta.A . _______________ i i.nntri;n 4mnOôtlyIlrlIf iIto 11.. TJ E ta he »avtfPr of A. I'Ir, i VILLE & ON r,. ~ pfIffj~fy M ily '.0i %WG&MINa rre o,ta c., I"nd. and ~cv~o Iè a M.'4tifntofy joh, 0VM01 . l~ y"ie ~OIogtiOaahome or h si>olday. Mec yow y>r gripucmk sudt bitysW ticke. loir ,r.um'Ua rninu catch Mayiiilv%,lt s~' rm.t.pnll atemisuboat conntioft sud t)'~~~~~~y Ur~*atIjqomO Oi exoIfl "y . 011oaclala I.toalritra. il ll#'if. ifi ne o 5ypti. e fra I là' m e . ,,, c . ~ < ~ a o î i t' f .c n Tlhe al«asm«d have mbmaiagmmen or thair c«alats saitIuc a me. la aumtfSt the reuemib.eflcf oir cre as.Whoam reqtuis t o fMe chirli is buta.me m liii IL iL PIOKENI. Trules a« loi. P. Cm., ontruL. Mwoatreal. AOi&&11LII j K~' AA Avolumea rM y" lii mlehfed vues rucegnim t fm*h pem.mlogew. xcu pa' lc ma u unau& Bky -bat th mahnutt. cTenheuécutiuet me go « 40 ui - Ibo canquset Canaa wu v Tue B iuo. oupasm um t tbe h Mw l chwA oulube ta#ombthfra hhc as smal& ane. fro£ma lb.aS. Lacues Ou ans t tlhutauln oet sa a mmassfet q uva"e viu MlieJulien. k9lb ntu m bus lbv uluoniU ipeavués i le di tsi" elwn&s.'Z trio* fm. nerive. lamm t amuai m u.usuta ms= -W eupé.kunm l saw TH-IU»ý Âz maL L Uam U OMy wtOnu ýý« i agvy oeuàwzz. cor h SS m frt o r dm TUE U, amm akt t auc'ox unt» ,ma mnuoi came x Iffua. flsi lemus LUts Aumi b" Ir-u et yULNg th pompia et Ou&ebut licuuoiaai Cunaa umi, c ii bmplam a laamoa ho c d P.tt ouitel. as um tilmsiet byCh*olva aum" mviié kitCmvidte tbmp eauil uy lb.àd' m und "he- tiemuta cou l. quti a.r I Is. 1815. ý ~he fmi égsi'. a uU I tiat mie lSduol o Irsbu.t doimm. et a. Ibelt"umu ilim chilahu busme.wchu fisae.u theemtuhe nlstuEs. auncm va. vy t hWlou, ca.a uumi lapar th rtamm. Cm asi. isoémai Pibi. dyge Te ms 14. mot 0"bo Usas. osplyta ae c bom upelé va.e optaischt ticWuinkui o! sie abggs.h.auI.i.itc.os otlOa.Tlo r ýi d sout 4h. obgr i. vlta M i ta lie, tuclabot S chialal. pivy eua laulno amibe ,echsoin. lmiCk rtand nu thel b.g me. th" me t 1efot ie série chIédtu tec*ast fe.countryuila k uaW» riove cts buft er UJOla ô on he naferment o ue E 7 va.cm cupiai lthe e poMdof thlosm Wl the o. s.boiaet Ia* ls. ut ic bminOT* th cpmeuil or » tice polil te oureslia aapp ms,ta It w»g a postUms." a o e so Ebup ahaelve endsasof mcoi ubjeath," se lam mmofthic tter s s dpsbt. xiitvd lomit heue ' a. ti.aeiBr o. PWuPomaoa heC*EAcEa tha poetus. remoa theice omi'n o fe < cot9mfr laS me..Mi f 2r C Oin. 0 acuei èy thi radas. ar eopany-the chat tig. chaftr che ooupan.yW» diocet Site entet iM 5h tautry chiakla 1lalausi, a i. ha am mowihopus t. Ont. ria de ose atue pvabausllhus. apcialy 1as he ica geveramut oh.iai kngtou ha»tlas b»eWif oS . cros.i!t o pay cau m lilsC.alMe cll Cnaa va* loti.ntpomo ýomes f ch li. W». Bt p ch.madrmo r e uat'&los a.tfflacuei t ii.ii. apparmem asIt chat it va. ah ahsi sSdtal vaie rlanuhm e me sh. m. siony ofrae b obus.ltMdch.u epot- aue gu. Ut ao it lasth. m Site. l tion a .o! cu. Br14Iabuieo Oir!tuSý Ip ch.aycaertioer Mch.Rai Dy cu. excepta bousUsegrteaic P.fieh and iica asch. tas ul ch.e citisu " prince oàee -te:a xupti c overeguy SaI che o m we'y»vaardy » 1.1~~~~~~910 PawI.Mg a...' V.MJ YEE Y A E aIlewokJa=thrwtu rn" 1w»kv lb. etwdwudk leS tue 1 màmb de v *5ahM8q@oga. -lad*,SéNt aol- ca déat buw e pmudm y p*8 am e o ch *at a utdumm * unc mm&téaiird.m ehst ch.dw uit sa uble acta t eord- tey.Bwypum ttnu e-t bue eiwitl. ch. u.tlurte tha **mwàuet rveeto **a MW lovaa uuusuushst e h KuubuMmbud" the Né*, ra* La.frteigSMM1 bock < t ailberMbu -. ote dmclé bave su M 1ice aà»»&Li lb. oad 1» 111111 cez. t Z ïwchiî *.Omw hem .~smlàCa 1 veyMoment me a. cthat tic.wV et umghoe, w x9ch tth"ncua.l buimg ti» dub tWU &bf Soi"&, 4h. MMvy - vu b ll.y ietaimats.s u..I im Nouctlme w» fa bais. te Lt ~ ~ k c .â i ar et-r ne, mehome bu place*mm uh"M le -Mch.d anemaaich wîihiaoalt matin n am cyiuem .wttkt ebufroumsot the crIocs ain vidtiC.* teba.ulsticttus.. TMW b ii couzeilthumu Sspai m_& butat chas lb. compamyiahicha t". French Ia dli, unie manith"at r boy la t. b deumiut the uztm or teoeltuey chiith ecului tretu th" ttM oru orateil vuacepour tethe ltb Udech.we« Wmnsry, but bse d« qumades0 l U t"tb.v.-- 'h.mw geve hoa a théne.M *--1 tIl thè mvrum "bac»M on teupar- a imoma construction. Our resi e are c tha t b. rvic of Qee cexcundua m»=Zmito ch. 1ble, aud cuatwaid to tc ske et 1.m KMlsiaL p.The gavUrarnut c Ibmit" suadi ca t 1ch. Doutais. cou. maué Itâthte cuerlEY ,Haut ut th f provimeot Quehe w» a lime draadue I Dor* amonat m. Juncas 0fthe OmtoM th.Mewc Nlusi The gevernun t Os. arIa mointalmoit h"tche cusc«fàyliait Mlouai th.e'IsuI.sppl tgoLt.sourc e.e& P lvy ocunsil 1 ENIUiCONCUEEEDc tachewoomciomgtves te u»th s t h he ravinSe et Octavio. The. abject cft *hea. migameut otchepwovh.. b lice t 77&vaaog.daclr" eotr the Purpse cf l t" mln c.Fa*ch colla aMi sattle- cemta4 wmia. very large s--ber aI thome, wocui baexeluded by a itue uortb. Un%, the. mainnttue refusei te put acii a comatrue- ýMus.teactaa vomitde e &S 14 d. taraitpurp»au.Tue people lach. IULhnai S autr ei wtoit by Lord Dartmoutl chat l :be.wotobe neldedla the province . )t qebechaoe th bilsw»lacraitucut, Po cuit cha it sa t"e latention of che im-.w mrwe set tu Introdursc Me uasure forc :4 urp atand a. ait ch. puple or ch. na tlao..oury livuiwt cat hu due nort b cl ne, it cl em i t" * Wb-&alime va- n yer»a 50templacti by ch. gavurnu .Thes m àoe ommwdsio t sirGuy Carietas de- OU 'armi ch"atch.esturs bonrdr olciN wtd ot uicard ta the ULMslmefch LudoVon Bay Comansy. AFtur tic. c-auy gj ot li of thela"es waa cedei t tothe *Uait- iec d state. thu nez& commls*alo..-ted ma ce mouha bouaduriy cf4ueabec along P&i cInternational boundary ta h.north.@e "st angle ot h. La"e cf h. Woàd*, andi aci. Ofortcard . othe gludsM. a CNm- am wmy'.epaoaslome. Wheathe prôvineva. vlde, th* meparatlug ulne w» e xten 1 d =orhverd t. ch. boecsdery Une c the me fitions Bay, which. many or chu commIb. cm 10» luterrteti h Tuiln chu virda bu uhorue a! hà=on Dy,' so thac Onario a» a auber mouh.ceeteraangle ch. north- ha Fur angle cf the Lwke of ch. e odi a a we northecrsangle telb.ie trt [udeon Bay. Betlcu chus, pointacth.eh -la ha. bues. ilma suM.eam [e.u a atjtctfaocit . t ROLIDÂT&.-3fr. IL.]EL CiI&, Our nolet- cMM Z; omaemla ayfottc o m.M- ai village c Cumbay t. msupoete. mi ro m POMTc.-Bavi jas bo teiacr ste la a ommaS *m.boreMa. buom 0"s M» Imavlg hreevery day kv a ba imrotar Mtay. a»; LIWOm>R o T»a WÂanaa-Picraum Ma m the. W~ardsreUkvoemd pa trki ee: "brlcol,, "Mmutbb lrc c ruff urcl aScua. me fkv d",llm th tcan" the homo. et a an . Usy -val la ch. lurary couieutuas aka.u mm IMM vii 3-X or La.XsAiic Bm m taip lkr. W aha t m eé ee ru uv i ci ~ m s o New m lta busflalicy m bus ~ ~ W cfl shitsa mmi dla alt c. a tuecicoat mI uat lai uni olihmar .e shd cani y tauglUtmbet oui& to- NIL-i. ci te the.- maehcsLb mu M NUR= am uth r y tce ulgct leut oebybb êk PaUMLl ha Itct Um imi te ch. abesa *ia. aum withathui ane »bm» $ hq conji ot ksiMBMu apst insus nt1.at hL thelb. e ethWI. sigrnal Utut the DOImMWge.1 seanwuat-dia ota*t-ua cs.umcum humday or&a M'nau buuday.Whatlber v w» e uht oiaixethat tis*5 viimo.ai1ht et auoat . M& h.a "id ". uayetca al onu eluariy aseartla h ot.utr.béuni- Mr uni the mmommute bsudu"yý, Iwt du. ineamudiatg*du i M. Robiumit la Umotu, es'ato Mrg Loré (Chncslo-Ys. Lutmcaohmct dUs chs toUgu mn.57To t u. nom tint-wc e rs cnlytao te trois bon4- ney. Am e eUotto exeah e ¶P.crai- turnes raythinu uek. hat r wlber mabuet rpl IMig ei ucom y to ggiveth 'Imo 4h.ooaaill Ti kwimmcla Okahppomit ah. oa Mlb.acm- c.c va. mettumé by Lt. Mr. Roblnsou-1 do mot thia arshie t hu t, 010I lu I didamoquex___a. Iup sno ahâ- y,~~ sthe &wh& la an, ba,us Tii.privy coumeilhave corne= clu.los.tha to kte v m effc la m oiui& Thsy h. ouolstaich e a, atbot Iteimora.mer Matheic ouc af theWaM»a-rir' ta chiala Onaro alr e tOIbu atumlnebyT wba a.don. osa tic. gouni uimaMt b $bar buah sa"il lghuic ddor=.i ear. WhunWr. cC-l-y t lua tra h. psumamaotttrnaOum Itii. owdmliauByltev o tethaiajn e the ighthof th. emp ID tail lb.tardIr, ray o!Eniam.,anikbe cau bortoi. e, he =i c.%uM' v~c lmti aïT ya.i va. ca@Mtugeý orOidm& iti.ê- w tîi. ted h =wu ROht ameri thetcure Mrie Mct hve Umm I, thoui. h &»IMMÙ Rout .he - hun . edbauaà cuw hoad udcue havepu vecas Ibawte là auhileh ma ve pai m asi thIN ctr ch.beut.. mM titutan IndusDay. nh ae sei to e sy ofiatc charter maa ic opnlha Mr. IScCafthy-Pyecal. fv Lord &bordare-You aa e car t ag al. c , tridencetueoFench for bsavce, chataotincm Wiéét hepotim tthe aihitaor iti au ov5Ij ch Hdaut«DaycOa cen ecupci b ch Frna tp et U affinaclthechHdDarteemul te coir car-?b M. 3kCarthy-- YP my or, ha l m pc- TiLord hnoiyOr-uethial aïaicjc M ;heI ate chimgar~d. l-the umcBr ad.s mmy eauplîeginbl.the Frenhe ccst r-c Sot areuce. arThi.euait tho ro. du Mitnion wae'r Aenlgtayu r t, Then cite ChmghSorgmje ch...uudla pmn l dhc.ite mut i lata a hebhit trir iuduifme, su cuTench amdbust hecnthryes icla dainersntedornein oitMt wu ler emterine rer te sMeD7& of ha a-lâ au-t chicli uth the er cf ILas yen ap. cuWC ctaution w cer ninci tes, ou andit m ad aià«s and corltary chihéheFMMURiboum Csls hae L aîrgt t lon hnddord Fu. Lord . Chanodlr-Ic lampofuhiey abta. t 104RMe cli su efruoais biu bilI stauan enamc on certeain wbufl, orecu re" MI uncilte terdto the oncluis cbch hua qu untahebtt at to camoUrsyee a of Te Leord lace m- s pSlactrly dlspme D@- * Wiiethur tses Dfomnionbverntsstkm leot M ceeraiftudstncbt opinion. vic PU e rhue lt isce. ci tnd la ch.farJ. bitperas leea acn.Iunit" , bt 14 ch » emnt t at iis4aufl bjuo the d Lui dm1 ch h.eoiie ou mdryamtct Mth lmmlyand h chat pio lahch t mmitba nla tte& sted. a th NJO WV - cby thhfmlly. Lator ala the.ilghta r pie of doathacboa bSua cth eS s » bom etu a bLdttemmi state,aMidaN- $hi. dumalon» van at omceenturcaissith"t and > oumblay bai bues let la the Pkgom 0 Ikacmpmib.d.boms taseidbyE »a wutco l amimala Mid bdpu- apllmavioi cumthuaie, though hr.thu m asy d uninau ala c100a1p 'c zt day thu msldgbhars vue aamiasi ' >hi dan. limW paruowl*ma mmLd, ci fa assuach. oudas »d scmp& e t emf ct he Muneunam dicoulith tO m&. The m nta. m tutpr- JMd mi a mdy ngthur e t tu cetMe hs unmi teama lu th. W Mdt aiIt uusaui»sift he .tocs- VII ba turneitotfouthemoabi. ai s e, howevai, Lt boumt. b. uspcta , =al b~amdomm Ztb t. -oMW m CL nei "bed Ma,4a joum w c umtyntt~a mi roune a ba h oudaite @mm&tbe ha. W md - mâmit - -à the MW* ru mibu h mduea Md thes -»I "B~aan l.hea * ~U.krI~gwbarsal r. Tt gapPnG.-Nes e.Mailla & Miler 0,2d alarge umbur of hege, Iambe pW% thia cueir. They mum ta buy ny ai ofibeit huem 'EE5ONLqj.-Ui. W. Mceyà, Our cli end, la wmm~ ith M. Gileuplu for la lu. taaplundttrina,sait do hal and haarty... M . Gillamly d ha* lady bclondis Scull cure Le chu tocs od a "rdU. PlUmSONAL. -MIsaSa OInak et De. Lti, Mnch., formerly ai chia pisse, la pay- ci Tint t. findshure ...Misa Ens- ot Jacraqu, Mca., la &Wao a ia a'lit frie" shue... . Sahil>pslad a Momday shippd é aoo ome, cacclc' shumTh.a m eimgbar pries. > r meulporas ac hn o, Mbei ul th. 0.4 tende. Tb& buii ate bu 4W&1 N'olugrla lu t he Wib" ex- M ce tismd= the. scieol -ha. proparl un afatr iim. IPSYEut-Ms ForuaSt teadomlIag outaide ofbis mrwich a out ofipint L e"u m h mua i*M LdLlosam eon itb. si du pagua -Agam the Akr %KW"Jgop Ju»»JWÀ&ZD j«J hm b eat 1 * Iiv~M D.u o m e, Wàela oCaa 17PTMWBOYZ. bami huaimndbaw rbhmlahm lifC.pa.nof GIThe ?ML VKCTOUIOU-TII. Junior, 2z .1oraC- .Ëmutm playmiwith cth. e meuaof Sbto.Evlâ IMatSoarda at, U-bdeg, andi -.ont viceoiuýe, vitia é o ~amingMd ami e t Smo.lwrTZR ~a ~ ~ y W ~ t a uumadurmd hué tweiirk-brid.ami mm e ate* m maet EraMaM PIa Ptn Ilumm&-'W.hui ihut he two stotua la the LaMdlaw block ane te b. oucuplid by . aus froum Tiomto la dry god i miuah. .. M.Smith la b=d. 'Imm to hWa paosuy store, vhch wla m" ftthe rmomt tre la the place PzMo.-Tbupma beaplamlctromhure te îaboea raeuv% « on, mm Fridayr. ~h~oi t ch.tempubo i tiecou- c.tat e b a houp emt.ém mo t.NOelymmWirkp, )a wg t the cou- vices, et M. Joi Miliburn, cf Lladsy, to t" h cbaof the quarrying a",i cuttlag Ot the «"*e sandbuilding vogk, andtho banov agang of mmset vekbue.put- Ing un the ddeh» k and gtting ready for puuadîÎ UrMilburaiaabombaud at Cba kin f m fWOeZ14 sMdalwa amouai wak vaIL SA&VEDAMY.-Au adranes amat or th. mwMmd y anyfroua Peterboroum am huem wMdlg nlghtly inetinga la th& town hall. rbu am dmavinala a 1ev coaverta. suxxzm Visrom.&- fl arg umbuta of mmur -vista, mehue a t h. su dm** Flakiga theordStof th.a, amid ,w=Sux Fou. aîmbarges. "W wtch stoué, ch. ev ewcanai atj (Oonumaenimo.of ThePoi, BUILDINGS- M. Alexander NelnUMSI s»eoeeted bla mev barn, 89x49. The two Édu wuue %paîned, by Mr. Archi.Me- 1 hnmd i. Ramsa, the lattr comlng 1 mc vlstSoo.. . .Mr. Murdoch IMeDOUMail1 Mt up hia hmbarsaely! It la 52z81. The idu cure 'naptaimud by Portua Coaquer- Mod and SommeI Treumut. Thu former uàsthê views. Enjayments and rehzuh- mens cure bam la the. uezgt Scame--ist of the. frmueaers mte mrua C hair rng vhsas and cotechie uuvl h ai vconsdur viii b. above M ho avurags yiL ...Berry-plckag aul a hego ..Turo arê -every pua fMi the 1 aMi of rata ..... otatoam " a a peurt K Negw STuàxz--mmmuss John snd t reie cluu have purchaaud a mew usua, chremherani ltemi doing a gemeral t tains.. tflughouc tua su@ction. W. r rih thas isaccemla thair euteprise. a '1AMERLY.a [Correpondacef.tThe Pou.] TEa inouMoq- arue umbur of our eopA. vent ta chu lake Iuady t. sue Ilve aormas couvert& dlpped. Tbey report ae lorerty guarlng. The. nomes of the vo Morrms i iseonari es, ameLa" andir' fctah, sand tbey ane "bard liolng h daà." Br a system of thley.ved ag. mut. they proceui t ta cuodh. thé posi-f tan of aIL chnrcbmell but thmasivus, and aviug etatuit A propomtios chat la Dot t] rorh a strsv thepr boldly *set ont Co prove 01 a'Md @Lw&" succeud in dotag mo-zo chair ea Chfu gn Our rm ular 'uminsra ta Il M ervuchThoric , of curse, use cl *bi bi.,out hveon hadtche book of T tnnea, thefr bible, which, chey offer for di de Maid vhich * thmy tp opularise hy JI diculng the Bak ot Boola chmevur M mmilutLaea»Tig 6't la luim au old hi Mle bucauseyoià uaWPkv y tblug pou ka as lt" Thmy cai themmevéa "Latter &y Sainas" kmowlnetchat Maur do Dot »w chat chus. terma maom e nditche me thngo, and clatie they, whea openiy uestionuti, deay thàtý they are Mmon., il th.y ry ce uoprud Mbormon doctrine s r mytnglictle or nothlng la favor of Its 01 liorioaly bail tres., ad vlgorously g. waudn hatever uay b. tolerabie In hi TUZ ounthat they ane foilowsrs af Xmth Sfih, but do -Dot tell chu puople au bave M lme ummiSf.S b" avehéJthtmila al e crpou "ayl aitt boma um *a"au b. tieàm i t c.meorsa. Thora uay bai sou. iti.roma" nelacoMMUMacian th 5h. Wr. bot isnyvay ce have hai a big MWa, ot Tymudinaga cucit la lb. tuuhlingroi ofastbruShmg 'aucune bt TUmaday aMi haithi b nider broken. CnlIAus rMu SvBAàzr.-ilug Mc Ccueau ha. beu brgh hre froua Fe»m F alle, chaigawi uhsealin #$4 trou Laula McDOMaL. AD5AULT.-Raatall Safond cas takeu to 4amue1.00On Weduemday, onms charge of Meautin a randimuk comiuctor. [Caroedece ciThe Pîxtl IMPUoVZXMrTe.-MNr. J. Uladon bas buica fiuanec bain, 40x1, clch usblifng undurmotii.3f -- r. Robc. Mcàevla bhm bullt a mac barn, di atone foundation iorstce sabls. . J. Chriediana» ~a, tahlnmder ch., choi, of hm ar1 lidvingmn ample roors for catcle. "Ho inua t. nfamé o »cactie for chu market. aMi. expocta t. giVe Fou Lladsay folica Sme .aie boul. E.Asy WVAT0F MNOWÎN;.-Wo have huard of boutmuai Maplu HIi, Fae. Ion, cho ha.e an original suit eÀ asy -of movli sy. H. stands lu che silaldie cf the field sud choIs th. -acythue, white hie cite, tsughter amidmun do thu moclug.4 sand brlng the %cytbea. up co hitu te bu siarpenua. This plan ought ta mi. patent. uad. LIM'TE BRITiIYY [Couu.poodmof GITbelPoe-] HvXMuuÂL.-Oli WududstIh .u Mr. W. J. LH all aunîcit a ch. holy bonda c aIutmouy t. Mise Letitié. Var- cee ALte h.curmeny ctey took chu -train for Use mathi. W. cish them a vu«y happy cime ...On chu msme day Mr.W amphul a. Unitedtla m Migete Mms àiSulg àJ. huy hae icoe.to Manitoa, Mi. Caupbell bbea ua fsrmimg for soea ime. W"clbhoch those happy couples mch joy -la choir Jcurney throughlife. Rev. IL Alla offi. alcit on basic happy occasions. LucrUua. -As amnouricet la Luat cuekh Posra lecture vas doivered la thu Moche- diat church of chie place by Rev. J. cat. ranI, fie subject of ch. lecture cas -Nec ZuaIsd.' The abcject vas tisatei wel andtheii lecture liâtem tatco by an apprecia. tive audience. BumILnru.-3fr. Gîtesn Mark and Mr. F. wbtait ane buiding residences for ahenaelves. eM 0O RsEZ-The Particulars. cli ho foundin Mr. IlaseFinley's postur. Tii. »wc hcltmg'prose. at hie miigives ch. fiman babsé floir, andi necares satisai.- tion Rueaitthe Posters. RUSÂWA.-Ui. Allen', herse ian acray froua theustation os che2h li me.frigi- muet by a paseing train, wlch chat rasuit h avelm t ulhad. Icorroapomndeae oft rad Pobt.] HÂItVMSING OPRxTcÂrONS are ln- fait blaét: ant he prospecta. of ahouatiial bar. veut vere neyer butter. GuwePÂRTy.-A cardan party la con- nectîca dii St Mij'echurch was huit et thu reoideacu of M. Roert Hannah on Tuedy evealng laec. ThoBilydair ra»- bandI, vhich hm. laty beun otgaüized, Llacourseci somu excellenit selectionis under tha lftdershlp cf M. Si&wrood. TUMPERmncnE<EsTmxgT. - The temperance division of thie>Iace heid theïr ugaular outertamment on P;riday evening and cas ccl attenite. Tii. program cou. laet of readnga ruditatiome, dialogues ut vocl sait Instrumentai miulec, andi w»s renitered la s vury satiaefacory man- aer. Mise Amatrongof Toronto, ant M»s MaBride of St Catharinea, contributet somn excellent recltâtkans wich were very cctdially applauded. ...The Dcxt Ngular meetigof ch. division wiIl bu oit on Fri<iay evenla, )o mt. ce àure cl be a tebate, 6"Resolved, chat nin bas more laailuence than aaaoney.' Kr. IL G. Dean. leadte chief wraungler on au affirmative andi M. la Preecon, jr., m the. nugacive. C. M T. $.-A braucch of lthe Church 0i nuisait teuperance soelucy bas been or- maizut la connectien clth St Mari-e >urc, itlh aSot tcéacyflve mes beréà. rhe officera an Rev. M. Burgee*, pre4i. en4 I-aac Preston, jr., viee-presidenî: rmes Dean, secretary, and Robert Han- th, truasurer. Our next meeting w i l bu lid on Tueady evenlug, lOcth Septemher. tConupmndSmof a The POU. 1 BC'Lrnçe MA&TmSER.Bâton of Ouil- Lahas securei t chutender for che qepamate choai, chich te ta De flulaheit on the l4th 1Novumbur. «M. Filey MeRae le ittlug aleng nicely iti istier l>evis îus. Tim Noxos BîNlxmc-Msarm. 'larray ad Campbell bought a, Nozon -'-..iaudet St houaday bescisese esouimuscmii vM wthm r. Ish.a came lb elgct lami, we gea riw en bOue.nsulouai.,Sco st h.he hlgbet inuila M "aiait . "- spcbleiheMdaci, chm Lt9m"-' giMM, .brSmé tablaean M 101> isa l bo aMý rv. MeUMM PM thca.oab.achaPUi le ortbatsmetaluIidhit la c e or bucokmsi"*hleboumday muca A ýby nomstwkvafartim he urtl r eon e roIm ue boe. M mer, sdea hub Ib tmueilu» Cas.ow. ut1 b*e b hulght ai h.qauulyrn. itýwi oi alaerai .u.tet bmuuy s C h.eit wr aIs ubmm dm~ca" fatha lmI dm botcuMWlb am=n ycoemp.mr E a Mmet g»bsamd c. t"uher& etet 1 y dmca rvr. e $.sui the pouet f w suahur ipm t, hi&ala lité nt *&Me OMnY butweuslb the u p Mr dile laikchadurtba.etm - a. cus hait boue W labet UN&et i @»-Wb b" accu u s e9 à >0 o or qa ý«- ý ceoi. i MWa uB nad"1 an JUMJDM&-Ir-, «MW- ]FlzmjL«W Algrdmimwv lit il b