Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Jul 1884, p. 2

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a IN o -m: 10 - -ImoS-. shvae n~, 1ma 1 E ~ lko mfUqUagpo .l~ uuug *eu"w a~ mw emdmet *0 de~~r - fiM BITTERS. lMfistlw iol i.T îO umeco dulidrolime 1IL Ow sir 11%0A" $$B0g-i tliaasng. 1'HKIII ~ U..Oweni Sun4 lua teIn mât miby4rpriiiid Mm: i t fbeqtitS 110011000f. OOIIUtor. foomnnl Ik'c rvif lltte;,.id ha. mail'na rn'w "l if nu'me% Plafe tpb"t diolar r ever pn.tetllfo sorreaniTt 1 hsiblr ele it. llr taklnaq4rofnof qStld dm of lop. i:t amipleonild petmgoi cf ~ ~ ~ t flc eroi tnrI>i WmIA .4 .,1410 at- t.Ot And môuldmt. Thon ,féeol aaidit. tih thMn& - A troantlîlnW tfoueh Dire .mine. . ~or kow "heoaitdiv ine 'Phey 111d" thie rowd, O'h»car witIi aomuitt oui. f8111 etspealt. yot Thon 4140 heur 1 mold no t n.q'hino ey.' for tfur, That ;rcmuôîî4i»u. T;eme ldq ibril Monnt nfnhie rowd f .1001 taic wlf.h-Uior Aboli 1 fknew lhy pewer, TI, Witt toheal,- A*ldtoThy trattaL-ot uly eal. *t Mytm ml grnit dawtrnif Lord., S Thy fàiiit-lt-Mwswas sorti. la t otltql1 seurc eloèvu TI'jwotît, 'rby p'reo fidcit ot enh. «rl mmnettthui t Vlr.hdîn,% Tb, 1Ti0. lily 4m1111 ioem- lVhunri1 idélvns ais vime. 1 tthat M oai4 my pm1o*fl-male&l. 'i.grqlaotion Lord. fin, ne jqo. 1 lm :; h f hTng tIfhee; 7r.,>rq,r hfseloie. bt do înot wê N ittlothow ot 1'Ifoii* What hou wIS 4<>fomait Ilk. e Whe dtdt tutS-li tho hem aofle. VIL Do fibyme. nlàuonva lthe m i ylieui amt» mUPX lr l îmF 0n thir ,Iw éw" 6= 2 ; tha pV%7 piou OMM b. u&u wq u ii u « e, 09 taueWgss .4 ~ OV. hW D." fw b«s M"<h pes <oI km *a#. asUr, e llotsq et m us ateelYeu, meso sasues 1!fi masl a ýt4MWv<bpouru%8 usi Oange 1.&wr*. ou or à* «- tbtno ey mm te»M.7 a -* th* o r 09hhMW or. rioemaint Te domotnç.ha Mer~tsPlovealuurd y. Dloêvialel ci MW àlu usaus1 to thomi .ll vten~ads aUflé o s " Awu< m mptm. otm~Y alsusw mha"péw ehow tail he ihollumin. u cM " tawom gheah Vcr ovrgo w.wan "MW.g &h. caletui 1Dlli- aIl ae i Mlb lot. tut' aimecilt. e h mais .. fea»tutt. .dam ter n i- o Men, Mies D& I"d f aiUf 1.'tu 1h. lu-pi s non f uit on..i t014uo tcrtUti',ve bonud.doff ii e tlgit t. w bisvI mse aw&yjml wh«âter ano- ube aU ie ies luplemi au I Loli.amhi<ywldoqeveau5 haî .& Mal *om aideai aesu h 4 léau 11f.!'a Bei eb utIl.ri nidu os, toot f lb. oler4 u ir sDUa m - ati'ta m a fisaietmub. Wdl~o *o'alyo.f thh4 girl te ~ ~ he wvnoutieoutee I rom.("sdm mwulp 14il do M& h *u. Oh was awihi? MIovlV a t,,iti~tt'a. 1b Ri14er' ,wo àe a r.*o Dur 4àIaa he tv' IonM plai ilail dm yonaoowbmr M litcian~&Ilook o a'~~w s aSMho usan ma 8" idymotbayerM4 rio d it opu laisd p ou hd s.%a * -' Mn« ofam MIhtn eq" wemhatmS do d*s0çdt.ue it", &WSuaso. e K mi.,hbl' Iaughsa ber~ u ' romn, âm <opu k 190plan'&P"ah h«Bl*a yen vont t aevrth lttr p O-'. AV m " st 'M b l ogerieotaMulu. $abdgu, as bu. imieiset *0 able a "p eso u ppem pmpuuwtu Sa.,' h. id, 'lb.bop àaol- ideg aboi pourswoeêbcst? sMdlb fani viesue"tl.asym 'ira uat mmiP. sB amui.att1 M. Y"fl*bU1 oe<suujo# bul 9 s -i du inh dau vdw tk-I unies vw Eme me V»n a 1*,mhw tm dmtu sugi ma utrhl~ tkIvuef k IO.tlueiemtbtIA*uur4 'Aflib tomu4, i1 mumit au7n mitus di&t B= Usu- m taie slow oime, rnituluhm &""%Sd ari.m la builape mm- sS» rw it.u eneu hm" ti tub t. v -we' UlmDu*ut&asw ow ar heow m"uh . bmm Vau&in1 lâ. on Mi-m la frn m 'Sauude, sluukdidi Kwu"or vute lIamS làé vmmIgo. bil bmugbttht bolotlusle ttie .bis bas u lusBa~Y a»eidtu<fMr cheettIs t vu W"iii mt ies maiLdi voslthav.B taooie at wnli niiea. tcsm vu mena flou r Mluevj 'tm loe off the avoi t ms gum&m eht Sam tise ialtfil ear mo t a âme =,b a. yereay b murs dShý bt* h" m -q" eami&i la m Sa. vet o lits m@»sh«, nom, iliumm& mmi tasolus S nmi"-« ei 'Wt f hetilteaa? Lildauf aie à t" ht l abe, niI h pieu leaw scin oves. dwlmprmible ms, Di" aor s &lnulu miihstr. i oves lia elu9g mou a c de but baum va folu l. peu».hu '~ vulw~cpackoi tegc mim ,lie.,tL .b en t *9 tatpoucal tffi4 ur viAfd amEs. i.tooa An& L aoemm »es. «Mb.nomsb gwmstely la Iat&urewote emo Diute swis a i ou l~allt aX - OkuLIF OVV1- onhmoti .111. lusfadee*1, DuE u i b ieu.wlmugh belgduu tw" ~mes. la~ M mie. uhme iminci - SUwIB-eo&m .1frgf e ;nom.ué e kc na * a~t. m Mous &am obL k M - u Wd ma Bt tu, tuam. ,iweaak o»o ig l. tb um ytu icio - mmtodhà- mmo wakdm Whcu locku et diabosuliflM obW .1 Bot vm.gmavhy.,4"E throv hmcmi.ta th" hqtw lqut!ramiom D'aimtEsagines* dUtpuyf Dctabe Iug M "ep wvtot- "Ummliitu521. umibt a .y tu . 2.buki! . Dutek.pnzca fflahe - goum h il te arallmu etovew oulo t ittiv îieî B Ch5wby1hou ml. uthne- .omou. uhite anlstw. he ova, osl 'Dm odu th r e decotnoli jUmnm- loveit <lisp o ntl emieI0i e humdaS m. hlmam ie m d'ameoquwe to Thom etibe asoe. dW-et afott e, i love sac, me B Olov eaU-o"t. on e -i to.v.hsedvueaIoen luame fabu s eisr Sath*petlllo. yes. moudaftm an o buppy ve&lia psu. l- o ' okeaoe t~ "Sun," wmldeDînai, E tb Mm 1tuol tl An* hh vde ees. pos b. ge wav éms &dtm »athn at ed hnout o vhat h* amouMis ttocuii vcbanta Fthonkal? nb my Me&habsn, h "OIE a.,ps.." a". Intempeil. "liaI tut lam* @pia 1floU s he vmsthos.Bit- an'# than bwLa U hte itht cufor ta- mly alm a.Iu as ha aaawre r t Bm nuUohrhlo-wop "dlst icea% i.y ton htpy togele 9i mwgo tle W sot ok o ovas useLa.cemgnoor o trilove.: teebet p thar, tSa remorsm l Tuleste p £ hae wqta b troulu wftk p tola un Wtoebmmhuti BIat U ieed eftr ei leettmc - ttIa rln & hI ties e rowfiwo Bi tomacw i mutolummanrbm A. Eu o tokc tlhs.ppoeml TaI olobeIlwupaMU MM" mi& 0b9A. m, a bc ,mit dom q koeh. tr ai m lbeam aw l Ob mei *OO agibUO aiube Mebdmwis l*abM* hmm W id mr asiar v - FIa orl*m mgs ui iI le E uiy Uqaua ~mm ams IN ori htala 't' DSAY~ eLLI WIII fsug IêBB.o,- .tr .U SIIardoomni a. THE mPLACE 11 un.o m b "Mwo.L. 0« 1ok iiiwou br suad ame #àgrem ueslce po tae pz A' aMFN m l vlm sa ow* oa mS of àoddy aman, Whule rmret goodan am AIwBy âLW"~ âaidy. K 3 perywi 50 'g K)c. per lb. ,c. d lAM aller go.!.. q»Ualoir. la. rder te luduce -cutetuiers t. ave their vool and. orders in eat viii sllo-w a diuoount cofthi bove HMa of 5 per cent on ail orders that ýare booked before ta. lst of £ugut 1Ido thiu in order to fnd what ili'afted, sostobe able to have ail oixders filed »oq. Our Teruma reCASH vheu gooda are <kai away; but, as usual, cutomei-à can take part any timn.4, a*îl mtIe fur a&R vhsa.balance tantukea * Outotsrin g Fullingz Dyeing& Customs Weaving and CIeth Dressing du ne as usuai!. I viii p=y rit os.a= lots of -wool 40 ibm. or over when lu be manufactured. Thtis doea net appy vhm to b. cardai only. Thanking my many fiida fox thefr vsry liber.! support in the pust, and soliciting -a contitiua, i, , am, 701111 tly, Je Wu WALLAOER A...f2L ma sma.m ~~*0 - I TE SARAALIFE Aum.IE.w su o mammu- se m Ikwtflbe md etitilatatast oa laventmnté Tii. ~ I aaaLieia ho... company &MaLba boom n <onbudmefutwMlsts DUrm am anmoderao bleNspeloam Clalmaiimedlately onou stea ot. Thirty ds ue m &owed. pamoat e Tee lumrfn. nowviiibe entited te Ivo leesspretiaIM. The. profits viii nul It mo e.eih meotaj rv= u DtVMMIN. G. AL Vth l NEW AMEUVALS .Liq -AT~-- A.slodluamortmotoftCANADiANWALL PAPcE. mme a ver arg stock of]LG- LXPAPHRwîwltwhe ddy copetliO., MM ,8tom aMM wExpress, Waggaim, large sud mmm- l.Ame carte, etc. RuJbOer Md Baie Ballesma am 0. Aime a fuli stoc otgoSu suitabi. for the pIng Romeaber' thi ae apat i.Eg éurob. Km~ taodgmer. Lfulv. Narah iM. L-M FEMOINO. amoll- cx n Elm E souct RU6S"e ma Ga bVIaRISm S orei pism e»Or t<,tu rnv.toe'a Of the L05- foraswtow,"W la- 6g Of un bu. jb -M A~~ AI ýE ÂNIESTO. '- L journ WORK ON WHEELSj-At . STILL 1LOIL TNC OUT! -S rems me aou a m m ioet buinme. andl ezpoo t at tuis yens wusbmM.w arum In va.I re meumaoUv naiZ£bave &« up a few more Waggonm. cqtý,-A a" 1km SU cmitab lswu amanmhtp. *11 tr pct~ guflo e slevas £ a foralte qLuit fer.and ayfuy agu EUS. UYS - -Thi WM. SKITCHti Ltady.Jane . 198.-SI.opp«ete c as 'ms- Th .BU ____'SHARDWITARE ba WWfro"SuI& Doors Bird Cap. ,es PRIO1ES LOW INDEEDB Jure HEXTO &-An K K.ylie wee 5kM - REAI)RÂ IRE A ro CARAGSBUGGIES WAÂGGO -r hi NÇov bth tsason has arrived wiaen farmers are about ta treàtt themsel'-es-oa 1 e; r 1anae.i ould rsetul nouc oUcpbi tgeneral that 1I have a' -So hau su t cor m e=vontrto te tortment of Carriagtes and I3u.:iie, ofe Cv tl-.a, mÉrltiom nhat h»a ever bîen builtin this countr. 1, eannot b. denied that mI t'r ê thelegd duntnthe fAve jrs mthat 1 ba%-ebeun .a I have made ietîrc s4'à w me=nt aii.matter of four wheeled rigs than have been made In tht.a cotinty in 'ho . Imrs I v tho eUtote sopt the systein of Boiliug WVbeula in i . and 1 c by .d~XC Se thtmreotmy frienda atii. buMtneqm have seea taae grar beneIt cf thiS and evl elat. vi beur have commenoed to bat! their wheeis in MIl. 1 have madie everai ut her atrent vii nethlseaums. which 1viii be glad to show any nerson calhi at 111Y 1!. e troube makinramie to the mani that vit5itq all the shop anti eXunintes a": 1net ho cmsaP e t a glane.thatmy wvan i. far in advance eoaf otherat i moitia czirrîi Par ta S iecnerom one et eur neighborinag villages. andi h. maitihe coijitigelt UIWa We~ n.lm. «uL mine woniti be the cheaper in thie enti. Ant iso it turne eut ta býie aCv e an eeivngordersen al part.of the country. W.don't mev mah athincit a >I:* bote.Càm give lusjour entier. Yoia viii maya meey bydolnut 5 Th - soc.RICHARD KYLIEI.,'.. -M l-s.t. Erth of Bs ma* R.pafflffg Iraat;yDone cm Shsort fNotim i Lbwrmr.Apru' t Jokn Andei'son. NEW AID ARTSTIC FURNITURE, JOHEN AND'ERSON'S £ u !5 je~ur Utpi& of a largevarlety c« L&oMMm taime"t 0%= r of * Try -ANDERSON%, Kn-t 7 n 2rt L 151.-f SFBI4~AND SIJMýMB, 1884.' La O'CONNOR, MIKAGESUGGES, PUTOSi0 v~ommhuos.i.~~, i m eummi a. 'à, ltmtà,hafthoI deinrumtescta o &" Ahb.vShel Ubt vsmi lwi bilaea t v et"m mdsuasat~ m olampo"omea lam t en am VI*01 0 akr mIaomme m uaimm ar mim utmom is ;Ec~ L.o'ÇONNO Orey PullIth-- - IL.-froini40c. to50. or Grey - - --- -2o - 27c. oeop ian". - ah -25C ab . -- 2 c Our oet u-Mtd 101han lI uiUite Blankets, $&0(O Grey 3%S,2[ -afron $150 to twoortheeply, twLgted, ' Ù49snge roi, - - - romSA= AmP. 1 1

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