Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Jun 1884, p. 1

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ýau , Yait U 1 0Sf. *1.0O ! - m boea - -__________ ~ - w MDIGTIR TE VIN TIE E lEVAIN1Efil Eeme~ber JOHN PETTY, ýRK mWVAmok- a a 0&aa - JOHI Nw MarrmYm~ e ~ mw -w.imm ours-ur *unw l* »- QzoaeK r~LA~, WAWILLA. oWl!. - ftuu0f~fttturUwoS, kw.lIu~ - v m~u ~ g-w- I Ûk~KT~~I5rIoVKar <iAW criU.mUmiW -k U~wm IRAL 1& UA q M O el- B 7VIuTw ' tt.r - N Ir e~ h~'Wv-lt M#i.v~ i'IrSt mO ROOKFO-DV g Woo<a. CIAL RL o VI 0 Trkoe f h O z- te(q, t.f i ,î,t le rî(.Uoi *lits l fn i", d-Oft ia ifl p0fW us !m.iH 'e ,l.r t ut f»19oSMt V~ &V liluEot t m mmh d i lie dm . t u ,. . w a r ib.~ Vt'l'EIII. Votu im4 j t'e I.M I mvw1 l oilh" t miq muusb ui "'- bewfifttta,ý44w o « mf I~ ~~e oi.II~teWI . of mi. ~ ~ iiI#? ~ ~ ~ 4 v lff slISsiSIOuSl OWt* ¶Ji n4 ~ SWO« i ~"". I,.i ¾tag*'be SIf u om~'f*ftaf. iooJ oi'blu.watd teo Aà* AT . a 99so i»E -- lb. r. 'w.w.<ias OmOum@&u -mg Ai ~ ~ am Ob m» le fo ~W MÎWVA* s»Pgofjm7ff1 * A I acouSuoslb. h01vlIhh'E MM u'I Ho eus~ UIou ~~~~~w, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - > 0----ffll'eWW Iluli u 090 ore_ ------ h whe rW -À- - - M'lOO--MîKFORD.1 Ir un - Su vouai GI - Sq wld hoor l~ Stt GI OGI, w hosis.. HtwéGI auu.k lm~ w thu~uapmmu(shtumpapS3orUvthoW uIdrni dus w du. u~ ~iy Sbhbi.~GI Mu ht~m Uv uu~ Nuu5mi~ a - ou. ~ Tohk wudLhtwbslBhbmimor k but. Udt petis St u.usm~ Es ~. 1kM MM ie S c loi àiu lsina, Eshuouvflti m film .VI i 4 en*L amok Lm u v* w At mýhutla- - MW- w -b& b nom1;11*P 1tr li, mi"-m ~ wy GLlr . u Isth ~ NW~ Diop« hktmt WWdM humno "n-I. - m&-.,k ~p.bpwyuorW or LWIi 9htwm ti e - - * - ' v__us . th . - eL .t be ,but tu aku tht ywsy - aub tt ultey à Bu. s lublbl th3&. Wrve. bm w" m tht.mou.jhmah oe~tnet . moraGI tmmLnw u.1«êtM uais. oeu ttim bew8w %bu us ougg1ww s pin tmm. uou1 sSw am mim m u " necha"hm twu"ll. o lspwubuG tht Thm UIb.IVUWp fimh w.b - Shwsphuik wjà bth.wm ot ~ my, ev"ot s,., MId thswr rUupl. if. obboya. G&lb t" blm "th cght oumrpwi . 6s1t omukimà chmmi.kulmomulbu obuot mabbios t GIsuWbams SW 9 UmK& -1 lu. 8b i w bds mmhoSilkost humm m bu us, as -MÉ , 2Uk ai mn.A ml GI WIhns Ummi& ahm lmiaai DesuTopau Bbe. yuaby mit- -m hm o em isaht.m t o u-- m gy but tw psu hone thto b~~e = **blut G" mp,~mule bthbuho m Mt " as tt .Mr. wgiag ci t t mvh* i, W. TtI pTaWIE. malairue. M .T.G.Mmm. un wwMdkhm mILv Stumur abvtt f4rum .11,hi«Mft eiftt mm lhi Wtt w.uteaioluI qa t u. 3Mr. Jea. Duettw»ya bao o bcth bm »tbs. ftb.i flgto. t eb.lulj, PzMouazM B..Mr. Bahu t um mtra ha. ot the J ai m hlcfh w. bupea G. X.t uLura. summer, mmd touhat h vidaru th ho t ~t.t'. Wu - lttn, Mr ro Ew ventli ht « -l tht 'Ntiî--4»M mo»ora l4m..... mgàom o'ms T.8" SamWBEP«trEIU.-M. W..Achlsum mue 5hT. m stics h» 1iceisuautl a dekmnad oberw.. lahi. udSc sJunt am ci Câltc Gbut t. etiah M mas, emed hWa tW=Safri ther lmi w tht aid 3fr. RIcht tuai. hIOhe-thhm» the<lw 3fr. osü tt he Jum*pubG.J. e85.Baole. vIll .... 3fr Wl WC ==pmgsa tetimi g dtya Stuiy, 4tame., m¶UR aiBovt s u foi w as em;-Flua c"naw mmpet. pu>Il Bxiov,Peooanf. os Sau v etM14hlm bts u miUs. HI. avSm, haMM:h.mmtl of tholetelaaîkaoi la tPo& buavmuLM it -ff Il. ht~, r. h ut kt~C~ .1 I E ý 1 EaWIur Addoum ~ in 18 -S W rSotw 1 m Gi Sbu G S o- ami bam imilvaeIouu hansmý balancermis ~mtiu.i~Es mus us clu ummuIbulasila ~~or Our inomt eImm a aS Mua aml', u*wu baieale jOur don. h lub vii lum émm as weudsitvst" emmu go thhCa 0 *eittu M uIhoMmr.imp stai 7eW-ULL-Afhpum a time, oeï - mlii am MUma eu ýuuen.UVRFO&Amd Eosât I d Wammlýr M miusas vimdrie la heoe» lem dmma a» clwa am somment e on atvbudAND Wubl.-Igr. mW. Udeb «The brd la MM " lam .md wok, aeinboomp flan i th ca car" b*Qat . lemg m" Ela tht làm ut eauhlbu "kms mgocoil -l=o.--t.0&m oM talduabaut beOD immodtbrukam 1317htmmlqym - ciam .le,.mTht balUffà» d= adem X.a Se dW blo et bro obor maan&qu a et.andonDr imaW it ecmro Mond.m watoud, buwma.d seapert aing m set n-smmig, mfi@ltuica.Ttwcule miianetde a camette I ob ebsean to la dou cauda, ThStaceuan 17 t vuby est lui. larp ton aieMar but St an, e a timmn loy,1e. ta16. ptu. aauwe o I. UvBAto ala, UFOns veul l ag mmaisut% goc. etsur tba A.kBtb vomaM abtothe toplati daire earm te audi o pytht fmuma.. bads t.. M ta rtt.asiasgt epk tePlu *"am ,mach usai wnSmuah. chairb. meui, aI lmeam t V ory ba grmmtiy la bm0lfthm>, aboIse md.s muaJois buarwne t o obouarfmiuraude Ut. ai. Doevr Wllma" itsiir dm lowU."Y'ABMd Wmon Dtotes su upbl gteo t b lokao te bft Sp faut, E- FERMsI m .mmemfhmwsvldla aI bnalt mbeawet ah. pue lu.brlf*pthls- Uam Coehhum 1. - jmas t tM tics, Tbm 1 mbu di mavm l~csei hmihmtU" totlamhi& I~tsuamtl5aStsum Set bMu ehlhdu.mhaliI.abL i Elsf am " imitwm e eta phal IMli u~ln ~ quedwn m taâ»laSt& hma m aImmme m c m - -~GI S Mtew Rm'Âm.-aartovu alli. roceivig a couI orbâ»M kasmMr. a mous le do. = gtb wank la a 'mr uymaae. LqAi.-Mrs. J&amo uhome bh» tme vimtalagtepeut weuii m uftthwa Buo..m* ..Li" adMV.. 3& E. Miheetofomý u mia doli hl& brotbS hmon 1as daycm hk way tw To lm S.nmv-Tblgs hauli ha ed ,Mré dsy GI t havmga Evu-Icy cim $ho"alirejoa" mdbu glailte Sbmk S" ivSa club te a h.poi Gon Gooms à» Loy pun.-we nem .. SelG. IL Geo à I. mdl %&e-i0 liia ibuUvbutasMd uu m idoauho us.hofmly m e ý = . Ir --,. _,[ 2,- 1% 1 du W mg"» àeWà Mm. w" WasÉ ltu, WIk.= th le. the Scuoug . DuOn.- Tht lbI.»l4 IL De 1* m â ai oult Fou n i oa: &. J.. Cdllmmu C. DnMi ai. D ireUme H. Du Th" I am, moL A b FahIoc«*S M 0 à oMm a. d MGiii. Fao Thlri ci Campbel. Eibeosa Jeueu Seufet m. tai2mapbell, D. PaullamoatFranklin-Teillait. junior Mut soma: Suay ToltoI, Sarmah Tster, Tom& MEemày.U .Cowl. Piai cim. ArthurMscli.J. E.L i, Chaue ftc, James arime.Paremi mm uasb la mImdt" rumalar attends"c &u"tsthe owmanlg o e tPUpU&o Wu. Coou.r, yltesehet. oren Rav ioTaouam he to Cal- eorysmgladmm they ahauld couverme on a F Sd SlaUbject tham amioe. Dàuc--8.vuaI pauma ladies sdgm pald.tlm vais Wose TaI lisiters. vo*Ue Ii u thelrwmlaiithé, kind. mm. It uhv. t. byourpaulmrhaute.., Um Ncbwa. A vmrol.-abt Jéu. GWlogly, the. nopa. lau'assof i uaPOsT, psld un a visit lmat wobk. JlM viibave go tay away frSu bes,faorté,youngladice on ound to, hsvsefthet hlm er a friscopy of TaPosT the puer. Raiuu.-ii. r.(antai te2ad cou. et Tbh miai a rbahm. 0 x4Ofeet. maut Frlday. Mr.. Gillogly, your popular mgetjc1nmm p ood on the vis. Tutus. wa Womm. Lixa To Know. Who la S ssudacuepuqraI Wbos doma AI«e. homme ma=nagrof the hoîl... Wha i diECuit ednpay for' te te aBzga& - GamoWu .posee two Mmbusteand a cub--mi prtenieat h. Promet of Ulm Mochs. »MDIG. - Xiss Stewart and Mr. ~moooailetMat, vrsmarried lait *ea. W viiaSt~ mmchhappineu and Lconueqàaa'oo t The. POaLI RC. cî.- F&he Rbulder's pieaic took-place bh-e n 'b. lth sud won very surceoufti. Tii. iay was fine* a% could bu vlaho for. Thé dinuer waa a fair erbiti.- tics ci modem contu. snd rudct t%-aret uditon the lad"esof Breek. A gold. wmtch ad locket wéas. cuvaeed for by thZ«=yum adiee frois Bmok, Georma a"d Ulra.miaCamipbell 01 Thor"h WCs the hucbes amber ot votes and goS the watch. Mus Casey Ward of Braek belng sert got the loieket. About SIWO vere ralasi lu this way. The retemhniemt beach waa mansged hr the Misftes hori. dan aidMcMàuIlea, mmd:thaae youna ladies succeeded in maklng nearly $7XL This le t Inrgs.amount chat has erer boem riai md nshows that thon las nothina liii. attetlvs vouas ladies to ni uge these mattera. béîS dsFather Ehoieder, dis oh .there vas preent Father ~sbIof Orilîlla Father Davis of Bne- chiFather Aila of Uxblge aLd Father SmOf Toranto. The 34th buat. bud frets Caningto, e e the amgrud »«i rend- ored smre veup fine scleetioos durng thie day. The, differeut games were takos parn lduinthe aftemuos snd .verybodly cot dThe foilovin le a liâtof thé silecemeful o ela.s:Mes's rae-i Jas. Oliver, :1 Sain- Trench. Bois race-i T. ",".adJump-. T. Mae - Phihip t. Jeha. Trowing atoue-i .y aiei. 2 D., MeRsaRusulnagump-l.P. St. John. 2 P. :Spuasi. Quit-l P., StJohn. P ICoiTun» IMdeS ûtThe. Po.t.j ICca"Cx ?AWLa-Mr. G. H. Bari- Ing a eing a very col traie laute ereat aud la larsely patuosine th".warm 'rea. thor. Sru.z. E inrt'<CThe constant rush at, Gounox'. difflag th.sprlmg has csused him to auder amother sppyofnew coede ef a&U deamerptlasu which'are weil worthy dis inmpcnet lsteof mgpurchasers. Gie. bizsa aCslL-914f. NEW TREMMEM-ur. A. MeGitai, bas parcbamed a nov model thruuher and bar- loggumst expeuleuce vill do viii. CUEAP JàPàMx TEa.- A. Calisbaa la ouhlig a Japon tes at 35e.- fer uperlce 50 arthlugcht podiaus ame offilas iat 0e- SImGn.-Mta G=uds mipied a car. loa of boumes, the butave, uhippe toam tht.vIis ... Mra BSombpped a ar- boai of catae fraishem" i.week aima READY Fpou Rimm.-Our Sunduemai

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