Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Jun 1884, p. 2

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'i # -'iv J. - lit b a.li6.. abovu. fua.rCIim mig s g quuW ca at bel bon * o - vondue.The y fo W m *8, u et* ai Lgwan uae mi.,L uniqu bumuty h lu lm huths tl.m u w as Iphmpefabw wmTisW RivaYiWmaisaAUgIale~puvdiai butlb. urma'vusboa aiparuli-et bramlets*0 5 è - cies t fjeurels wroux-Utlaim*upkm et *0oflMemeeflaver sd wm1 t"sasu - - - -- -- -bins md ilas gm - il ianbzt um&bz Mentsi epas uSo tinu,.fa oWâwB, - h*6 eotoy*m Oso s, baa ne m"mW **m. A. MW etuiit oi LomiýIhoew e. Volit, l.mheraoi M411001111 #"' I ,lsbbmfIle toriL ihpoint. iBut O isive'.m ~ g<~ rbewLt mi volumie wIbism l tau m nW-- h l, bami snev Mu. flgoalertaln *uaidm.. JOFClsre'attM Bu, ab deta à%, Platit, di ftbaS " luthaiffmiI f~ITTERS. ltam, Mc# n -vi man= feumd .i momom ult sirtr di. eti" (1, su 'e lofie t ïwte lb 515f ii;- *vt4-mmmd 8o log 4 jeuMehreemj dt e &poZ vamtfh 7 ~nkyou"ci i*-A f7 n mîmm~e."rl -7e .id~. '~'~111.lovel #m.hiL . aa-hj. u. Il Maniî, etRID t by aviqn awsv iisuM.po hit. b.,mav .Snl b'~.if4~#G1J29 IgM W . A mom ea 1<1er b.. vmi.wu TOE apkunCà"Mluve claie h in l diron n5bm oymu o Ve"' &Mo ti * otinoAZ i, t ali yopel Carusitca.Mue in a wi dtee,*amut ber b.ither ha. maie le th#hrow . theber eapamof lut Sylimd -erthougu es nitumiot', Ual l.ieblow siens.. Oisiveb greud, euy >,ae SliW Ntra ou..Thmo'. buc.lir ntnud. 1 Mi ew m andd ividly*"Z jor leaon inlaempo.muCar h' st dudssp brat h aumiusiMt'o,&vobr 2" ue, ydir lipuseladerbm ftw momenimeth er ep. net là" se. mui. abit t teetimWck". though- lb. knn modtu," t meii sd aslb. fpu en. o luuoh oiI e. 41Q& m the oê*loVSiw BSt , lis urr ehu Atimr &Dk her â n I ecu6WmmRave oW it nere su or t**"ag ri.-b Ifldit 8à h0W $" . C"htfhéropémstltS8Iva u' i o look ti le. OSj,,8111, ' l' o o g mritymne w»himpruenc ffinoh. vimonÎh. veSu *1b e;ngr int& ntAU $ehaiot Thet ms a5ttiiflot po ot SI&.L a"* dawgereumly Md. asoul hriassma ia.te gave~ .I~1~f PuhiSrut ufinavons.amfte aim BverOy' Iivtxd amui&. drar7mleglaimir 811t M e onrive t. mairàber--1,c- Dii ih ol u i ,M ee fi - 1 N- , im t a- i, nJ- . 1 v. oli& mt m o gm' llvôu loui ramaOios ber. aske, w1h ulver aies vimle tai pnt njuv i I i t. ~Myrelf0 mm n.U d. "-119"ittul.Clire. Thmuy bsl i e, 4nuiig x -iu" rs m Wh1. '. T y sud v sMbavem a ivo Mi l1 e bar bau ih, ya ua asmgmums'1i Mn..lm u LwuW b am m iTe mre lb. w uy a Jem'vu rma dm*, au M bluy Onk" 'AS 551m.j *5 lili @MW 61 mtvhrâg perunlbasym u5me oa I m ru oura' saurayot imowu lm ail ~~"Ummde 0, mmay dolowibals lo" lun * 'VI wbik h.a *o ln 5u Ou le Ov iWii *cno da &OM Miwhi M ~bL..bem t 6h... e.er5. h Mu~~hb. ,~ àm 0-0- Ar-- Umm~~,~ e m a~ 6hau~ i nom h.w àmrIboîe, UR- - bu _ ý 1 I-dwmuu fa hm "M lol -r 2 - WO."Of auwd&àbuS noUIk t1hfumk 1 av Kw.' - K mLl.q k..vlL emii ifdloimcàdbgs DOt CMlhaeaâlu me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y W#' Mye i uy55~ M7 ldyo ~t homoalatm bà& oum ý OM - . Bdas a; m he Imm br luti Cll'.cdifnit!ia l hihv mee 1 9k i n &Ud « sîtw uassi houimeber. fui puuomolng the vOU& ie v *0 .2S p. ~ lo hm,» 1wMêlé - b uaihah immi '~ w.lLnule miaieaha, **51r frohemm otthought; jaist lb., hfiis su uW okn mli mlçabut ihe bermentumis coheromly. bamluw t la ma lutu uiIs.oepar Wlàbout caasing roms* " guly ma,.Siymh pzo.u broke iM&NuL Dl Wy tCU lui st e la* Y«p mi& M Y my r. Au yos nMt bon- Shodba mveusimip c oaL#@MI A hunded thinmrnghW*eu Yom. , oo.obuflhim rne m-ltcf aiiu ut thnkng. it ini *0 Jas" he laln~ overmsyen usitmg. WIy on «Z& ê Uhon@ 1',t bav oi almê ugbieJulu. ug.' bi u *"e 1ht M Digpby nW e:I have lb.,.aulmhlybsbi mearnUMi.' Ohakbmw ta on n d.s, Whmw VU, i» O4 siens ,hm=uai uwnmoblyv.,np. szjrpnde rry I1 yO of Unn" bai, seaOwc timprmpt ct, lu."p7 o.Sg' lu. uim<, uw.: ni m w traint gilbhdo«ba _Igwwr WIW laT usboii lovermii. .-M&dv.'é 1 mlah&W b" *1het*i upn CWlaev mmo s m-si' .6 h fék1boe.seablb Ki rma vus ber lznia O f au w uoi ciet &. 4- _' vaut. b hm br. uot&As mi0eiu on. mie now muid. à e ubLlilb i ntn "GiUemindonr fhhves ah ai. "Slip 9"fMbuu lb. anw be.jRb*5 sD.Y= vIm @W iemm e InnbuIrn.d go anaL v id hybarf de- '."&.. i. «.. wiir.mianuw1my ta noh 'il h. mmiifi,~aokysma eiqudl pm.. The suVMI of l.mitawi e ~~ A. bu0t - otmet ~o Iv.mnasutenough, but net ilhgible * X~l l.&a....t*.h. Fersetpicehorrifflelo Psèhy Imsepi-ri" ml"Then ehe sed wvihi r hi WZ * ro wssd placidity that dii ho, @&"oi na"6ing"b t dmwsnil mmem. cekicg coamidring 1» hinh" - alOi. abnetome& humai w M1oud o aionce. Ton imhe re', LIa v1#,' ea. ii."Ta 1wd wo. 1w maea eb excus. er wYeu. Ton. ar" eeng The viole afaiba lboss voy BiI uiidh~ eal N n oU mc. No oms pausa ' toasu;he vin vord for IbiS; I1 u atgveam a u t buing obwievuitf. IMI eti fi.We o er ,M"N bai uly l ps pgo,"-.W.&1hacJi=lhâ o n mie*ought.;tiuemuci a comment baufl Theb piper vue m idutbwsi ib hm v 10maeonu Four absence. (0, 1 bhaidi a hmbal lb " hbait, by &alimoo Go 55 fonce. - 1 Mid" MW Ybema* *& abe-we.Witb, "ouset ber coloi ha.corne hidi," Sber ulkm«uil"heboom., h milieua e1h ým*oue fume btzug Mm. ïo hmn , e àem tb Ady ýeikw ibm ouldn't tainS; ianth on. ber odher msiuWh"& __m d~~mue cwobflsie bS at rfhtam h %eben 0Surit viiibeghrn.t.o wo. uvuiafb.W-hïls lt.easvamt. ibea-M h bad.n ibu se fu-i feuSproMeaBut hmy1hÙ= An4 ye ah. bil uleadyâalireil parsB8, fa utohi baid, einSiia ihat Mxs.' LS va s tlldnmg b sevek muosndsmid erurése verS b10wý f'thadnom, tulbmcr" di 'Irçpaeme t the tbreaii oldt exit recs er.if8bilnwdmi mid, ber weûeuulloai efbet ber ipiusbacume and chii, bov, did nnt luave*that ou ifeloscfa pas"ra.Camolmari b morfh i ra » wa m mà Mar mm anittvur5emmmv hifu -a ' -nu 1 ma.glu a 1 fine"in pue",i et duig. mimas bai m mm bu 1h5a&5 Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mm bdaUlg v ls~ mor~m udle hamw .! Nwa Mri - Cm Immmm bWgab u bk li 94ba m ~rm.wm Iw al bar -m.. UUguS iila lMiM lhs la id OU * uvmmt PMUSSquums uia Ju.i maigu*5.e 1habavewua*l -ilim - - ï; .tu.m wud lbai eue, ~hivm* ami~~~bo gumk r w mmaW~ u9Uih m mue. vimonham uiul;bu. -2, hoelb~Kw ~ ~ me- ghe J>bb~hh md. Obé Mai" *ata Ne -~ ~ ~ ~ venum tmDs*Y i I - 9.THE! PLAGOE To mEor tmbs"m yourvolOntour " v voibu ensd sàe» a d" "chuaperm tbm umua Ma m w* ua m &Uisai godVM l sua"net o ore- f uhoddy Bt ihOOketV.anex nii ik hdd. _ __ _ __ _ =5--_- Gry Min oth, --4 5 TwMiUlne, yd. wid Ci, otton warp, Wh"t Ohec Flanel,- - 27c. Untog, - - 20c. Our o~rtd10 lu$.an woal White iakrete0 3.o( (3u~y- fUm1 60to la4 Btocing aza two or three ply, twiusted, 2C W ving Yarn, inle ,- - i per yard Derir. Oc. per lb. Anm aer geediequally loy. r. it onahueis le te ir vool and od sin uerl!, i vii slow a discount off the above But5 of 5 per cent. on a&H orders that are booked beors the Ist of kg.I do tisM-aiord o I hfinin wantut, no m te b. ibie teshave ail orders fOued PromPtlv. Our Terni. ire CASH' whemi goodiuam tua avay; buS, am umenal cuolomers ci akeub at sy timei md motle for &R i hs. balance in tWke. Cui*=n.CarDing uiliug DIyein& CsommWeavikgg and Cloth Dremùmg done as ainsi I vai Pay freight on. adl 1.1dcf vol 40 1bo. or over vhea h lis manufactured. Thmim does not apply vh.he bu cardai only. Thanmny many fiand. foi thet. very liboea support lu the pitansd aoicitiag a continuance, 1 am, you truly, SjeWUWALACEs le U EB»..a MIL NUlmb m.IR S fT inber of ail durUM me sd leUrtbsa"d Bih atuffaukabl &aUlkida ofwoekr, kept alwarain a Bock. [dm Mmd Pism àCOelai hiafu of anui &rM Ws'. poe Sim wwa. .Lme, Lub8huinal spd DOlStuffta whole- Dey Dummd »4 NateolLismbon reWir Dey WOof U kbbi Mm dlvid~alPRMt e«-the mewu. Moue s-d lachmmlrk rhe above dIwmtkW"duof mateula wtl bu u mai HEPothS wholuale orse un.Mmd Wm ah emt emm MB~W VIsdU ebsm W ~W. aowe )LSTOVIES. 2KW VN1TZ~AI 2IL STOVE awr £ ~Vd5 VATUS~ - - - HOWE'S. A hw~ mi PA mmi PAUA * tb NomS hi mi GAZE Bt L@W1 PIG~ w: zoww. Lh&mr Na, U~ 1.-m. J G. Zdwaat& FEIIUk - - 8A1 ~IE~ Sb ba -nnw m -Am.%W&4&. am1 JFoh.n Kakina.I MILL MACHiNEE.i XIINUWÂCTURER 0F Sm". .ma skmi.n U Xia "nerypi~luandtSzigU MM&UsMUaMs utamt ot8aoal Pum Ur the abou himWEli o t voth L. ORCoimor. SPB.LNt* AND siJ U A.. 9t~ L884k La O'CONNOR, CRT MOUS DEMIONS ha. m baud aMdwlfl cutinueto ha"o danse the e on ail desalptom«athe above r&idU Wb" om be uaarpauM ma rtSog% rd m&rmty, Thanbobr babl h potmt e lltu % ulhoem ltu.and ij.eabi" tbOObt. . bs ameon cMomers. Aul b.whbe i a &caflm àg bis vek~ a camurelwithoihug wbosue lsloud. a in ur ewn prae. WbutIA am uatunu ot &Mr ain r la » fuesuperi or M ohtmnfc~C = oue- b 0gth ubr rvloe u vTl ua in a mtMut th, diffeoe shows mhewngtba mymcioel ulmi33os.Sfyu hbasnot beenai tyu» sweurfgatig m y nethehr ho urbm oiil h emu> Ai odla tboroughly wmeabeuel sud every branch orul ePff"air a ti »redome wltb evey ai M&udattentim n aIa aillimeswith eue regLd 1i -po L. O'LiNtle W. l.POUE, LITTLE DRItA T Pr..h Arzv.mitla fl Lam*- BRNCA WHEELBARROW VA.. .u. u..a.. .Dloes wfth of SUWgr Oàr Coff Om .wBei..c&in CeeA wiTbne1 lo.f Goul Smugr. lyam qaum 0» ud vide, for om doflar, net Cabl BOOTS £ SKOXS je rrrémg, st P>*e. whieh Cano b beftu ao..>ulS Iaaac W7dtlSk ISAAC WKITLOCK b ~. vlDsa" vSmum t amammmuaa.uat q.nmua.a~ mgs mu ..,.u "Wbmlh PATETVAU HIma imd ~ ut IaU4au Ush mà,*;=tt qui 0 - bsaiis Faeim&w wut mou ft m Th p - auS utm da.BlowO~ r Dip -T -T dowa ei -Fd Mou -E. ,bctwec uletlol çcurrt -Ant à&mbde I-Th icacît -A Un toi lbu w «. thea urbicsa a kw -Tw. hirftkil iNu ha th thec e5 to. uipedai akipe -Wi duc tom oru -Ai Ibo 't, bM u -TLt Pli alo.i h ans lý ME ]Ki Lme Bdb" mer 2ut4 leu.-IL 1 tl We ]EL

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