Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 May 1884, p. 1

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e f MrP ê s!.at À ~oe~yw - M.~X~..4.K Z~,I5~4 TXEK, *1.00 PEUVUA I PETTYS JEW Am~ 'i h B thon Iii Yo'R!l PNT. ELRY STOI .El ~N.E UN ~, - JAY Rea alo tisarnd lear,, How to Make Mony o tPy. J havetO M411oTHE tI 70welm tewIo Ire " m e w ai. e c OOLI> SETT& 0011mu7ern>jnç g the& .,.<,evet M n eu.f.e , FIIST PRIZE T BE wuSE OI11111 I 5S (flc Hinre4»<iip>,eenefaUgof tMe f.U<>w*ng effeiea: Ou. lat SLvoeT~ est El ieue, *S~tram G #la Lta oia 0» dsa 400 Ou.G.utm.1mues, wu* . . - . -4000 Two .ed's G*wd, luA 11), - . IRIr1001 one Nié i4-lier "-show Ca#m ashown 1 ahi WEdlw mi Soppte tuafoniic>wa: gaIve T"~b1s40& e6" Hat-domsten Lad &ys GcON*" bd15 kIL8, IUSU 80, sot - --1200 - . -2100 - - 212500 - - 29 00ý - - 240 - - -la 00 om 40 One Ithica qaIud. OIoek,80 dgMye.. - - 900 Gaie legulatr, g 1vol, Wam u - - -12 50 ]RaIf-Dosn b» i lus iach«amCoe $50 -----33 00 OiioliOoId5LEZut - 9000 O0e Dom npain Ibu Plat. trecais l zso- - 6000 *1i550 The îway ln which vo pire you a chanice toe la lu ii-lan my vlndov am tire. sins fruit Jrs numbera 1, 2 An*d:3. uariy ilîrd w!th pesa snd basus. Tht, followlmu aentlemeav-blese'. F. C. TAYLOR, --E. MVFAVJSH and .1. l(IlF.N .w nit vii t e to the store oet msueSpMit & Xlllen and pparcîomde ttcJaa', ecoopdup the beusmi îe'toîia pilei sealed up the java., aud pnt Lielaflgumr' on top ai sali jarw, s. ca s esmi J Wîr nffer for sale,250 WATC CRHAINS, ]RINGS Md PINS, ait*$LOOsauh.Wlrh tbeaLlol.eglveYOD aeam In 9-ueP&4 oriligua'. ,ntiaIthe probleare et boymy issum orpeau iherem a Y AR No. iL Tepmany vho caMmes mi 1-d the ii rnh"t aket% the #7MO.00 prie.. Wv nil , <fer VA iCIJAINS. SUR ME BUTTONS snd PINS ftheiiimsuitet 81.00 saci, glvlmg dis partiei. chantce oft gueotbnigthe qusattty ln JAX No. :2, for tli$a 827Oflpitre. W..alo oTe 71RIGS, (HAINS.anci PINS, ati $.110 eaehalving-you s chance ai JAR sud Prix.No.3. Any- one pir lsi nor 8.0t) wOrth of e-code from -me eau have the prvlepeof gumelgonce ata=ypf the th rimela., . On t-PSf 9 ,* fMisll 1tht -jar* wll bte Pèeaiby hie same gentlemen, amibe»ansd pas #»,it'p. hn8m, at s dlite vlohind ta pneUM Catido se, as the 'Jar* m ebsfiol.goutraîli ars, sho o t.hrdsfull. fll FTINs -Pvtyor ùme on 'slip of papr, msrklng anumbereon tic baste aiflu Abook wyul ha keotrscerlg JOH N P.E May 214.. 19q.-£8941 :TTY'S, IlE7a J'NwZLL 07 LINDuLT MA. 77 UT oUSES TO RENT.-Apply ta JAS. SA IL LNNONý, Auction Mri, Lindsay-- Af H: LINNON, Aapnt for the Wax1di~~w. J TVST & LOAN, Co. $500.000ta Jos st ~W1i K,; XO ~ff*T~iKt but get the VALTHRM OR ELCIE &N~ BAV% SOKKING VOguE 'aviNe -J -41 ffin lîir ilat .?phile.o p rir mpwwt,,)It jfl. "Iilt-esi madtir I/hsatWlste-hj.'g ~ke.seausg-nani.Thlii le oaly niîOO in the cflOi'lflOftatput ai tbaoc ~~'îhiyogo. W frthe llee thIiY il<qtîlrea a J8<« ut ha t . it 'lmI*55 it atbvt 4 %9 ýlI *tlam*n.g.,. 1 i " , "&9 f . e t e if., Swthps mit PlU WutdCfie Aaieve us 510 th i p4 * EDUTTAM SUA. M "~~IIVN PBVU. ~i55~Mqr~si~ LOT .9, south ot Bond4Mind.r at th Mcton Mrt.54 Cr fx*AND TOW~i' LOTR POP. IL ALE Io, JASt. H. LENNON, su 1thé Aucnele 8. lda 1-8. A311: MLEN'ONÇ Agent for the, JAflES fi. AVCIONEE aid ICIAL EMATE AG1XNT, fl(Mme oppoite the.Rem o umis lndmy.-XI8.1 Or-t SI A NID OT VOIR &&LEi fLrNIO 01%, ai the Miction.fMiLndsy.- fVp YOtT Afi A.1,'i PAOPI&TT 0 dîe o, jxt-adveiae it in thîs eolumfs lm Tua C AflUx Po". JA& . bPNO. nala Mr IUdsay.- * L. salecesa. pply a . K. . LMIFat "' DE81lAARBl rUtDs A "'-uaoterof on acme IvfhiR PI41 tdld uuv bain 06 Me lo».esttuared Ma a otl fGeçi4 aqur fJue MM C-txprm_ wo j*aiauflestfCA wAIfk MZ>" &*W nuee li, f$TK COTTAGE TO LiET.-Sevan menu coifotbkr nluel situstui. viîh M"4- "MUe, c. NADLimbos. Ma«y.1Mb, (;£. A. 193»*W rlvD.C..M., Trinty.àivMtj! ToomoUni- and L re"i Qnt«' elk ofthe Trluziy Méeieal SoheL'O ut KAnILLL Mar 2, M4,9-1Zw Egtg~ Mbim Mar~ 1873Aana doan ve ........ 1891 do ... .... 111 do 18f................ la.......... ......... lm.. ...... 9310 cimi a oe ? otit var 5101 gnul.bigssihSJOU umse 2bsnrueasgelrsiaelget ai - -IAY 31500.0 OUESE AA %Fma.-Oaa ThiMdy et imat vasithe lma bail vas eod sud qutte smua s oaui re la a heuseacupled -bp i. n iii b.u c Isatdil lvimaawr te i a A fuar elbmts c.m sud 1 0 _ wgaOumiii came villaec ule aoues vn let. tir . am oligiti__w - i u u I t > e n w u e e u . m a rv i t ) * m e é à k fa ai.>t Mseee aaevng slue tas) etMine ac-as hantie. a S.b CMlMoiiipmp ho to a i. ammy istaMiWc nesn dosuves gutaudit... .r.Da"ioe na mUtstt Iresarrav ma IM aSi viA.) fer vorimmbitp maluis)>arabarltu b ourma&uu RBebas mme uv buoggi M. G. Pavas ha»a bai duel. bS»eimil sudm a baril« mue» abisu put nadir aod"Md afte, m"eSS auL rehuut vena uoel mb mRP l viter, COLI SeLD.-IXb fmN. 29 i Loinpsla t e St v .Cs, rý k ws.elY Iwvo vasheal.tu W= = JSufvlam - km* amw e«b m er viU De the vict'or la mauvganes. BOOM .-W. hemr tuJ. Urquiari vill eO aspcla reduciononthe 24th lu boots d abois. Doa't forget ta giva hlm a i.-8lkL PLNTIX.-Poople are Il busy planuin us OnàseuMM bave been clreulatiug ailion m signature askng the rreeve to - &Wi dith iorJune àa scîic h oliday, ta aits lmost tao eary, and msea enierciauth are clciutiug a petumon dmi the nams nette asumt amebeia Iy or Augus-i, hci ve thnk viiwSut L.estiih yen ctis Im et a rrbst, su"h ske I. dliaems tu hlm vsW erthybave ýoId&y 0 o . gBLY CZWsuG.- The Siera am. àtat. celaslugtheoes««ai 6&W0pM.,wiih& the usireeba vi a uuetwos, s@qiaiiy th. m amiba et Ju s, soiJuIy, as he. it in bauily haa0&bitasm Ainuatii. W. aMd h Lbhmim ma doeaun tub @Wurben thattUme.. e pe tb hmcAT!LE-EMs hipasa jum. EL Napil. ibi vesh var -MUiS au ce4l . à uuea. a i b damo &M m slm ii màn rom aui la a b.i la M - M. " *Mu ~na I,yIN M ntà.litilelooklgove'9-i" lm l aiTisPoooeînu libatla s. ukasel Ubsm msi o "dla M m hmibi a cplace iL raid.:4«Aluarg sd biautt motta, 'Wiedm.u,'la r»i Md nn4 um beiven h. _ase.w veg. sheuihsrsi : "»MdA Ie mm d bsue molta,'W lu, .'- Wil yon lmi'y u ticaarasien a our nmou a mr.CatDonaa. ai lma SI s. Cam le t lu flmamton; *Bd a chE] et Mr.,Alas.Poeu.en Baotter mediac Blutreuti tiiesauma al-Mr. W. b.j fi.purenisa e &tfrouhbipd Durham bulltroua Mr. Joseph Waui oft Resu. >M1 Brut a detaiste ha aissitala al a~ir. HI matrprise deserve.a uppart jOoer.sposimac eheost. GmsaÎ RsAArs.-Côm ouicTCi Starurfor Chrep Goada, -NeomasMWs cm e4abuaipi, whieb yos maky epiaitram tisi.out. hp stoek ls veil Mase ui w»s boughtaetai flfigures, ublu) emablm me te mal aitfdne figuras. I - @W1130 Vaeul at ubelesae pies..Ton un iss nie 10e. on avery Idellrth or 00020 bougit t>Me. ClIi Md emina, s. bave evaflthtug frou> a mneieetae a . aber' sud ra i ta"to easloeomoulve. Higis eestpries. psu for' butterardi ss.A. P. [O-arrswssissact The PaILj tif veak bave t. cirpaicle the destha 0 Xms. DougalI MeBaeorzinmoiflar ofour Mo« hthipsemurea .DMBai emu. MiSM eIOII uI s.Conflnait teber bai for thelasi ivo or th'ee mon"ifialA "iaimeicalailsui d O viatriai tu reatore ferte hi, oui aine avait. se ah as aay. Ber ù okpuse on satudap ambdvau larwsaended by Mrinde aMid oua suces ram ftrau m arua. Huee MAl vare, iatrrédm the Indusa s S Audrov'er eburai, ni ve hlghlresect- sut brait Wovile vhW. iShe leaves a huabsariMdaigrava up taallp oeit e d«agters sadritSesoce ta meur t tei loue Tht hmIIy bave the. syapathy oftb auires cmmunlîy la thelu' trylen boni. ILL-D A. Saaih, sou er Magna Smith ofubhispase, le verp 11vaaithisise ot the luage and lîver. 'W. hope uneer tie abkilîf aI trescmset et Dr. Grant et Besver ton ibat h. isy ha spasily resai qdLo bis usual hialfi ACCîiNMT.-Jehu Gooibard, vialateli mvul te Mir. Bestiip's faim neth et bers, ma. viia serto»es ccdmenIuy. White goiug te Wooedllieone dar nigit, being- a strager, ho turnai ai Tvoey's corner a tille ucand vent aveu' the cvulvert su« vie ic nt ou ie bs ugy. The rmoult vueapavins enfie B etalk ahittis noW viii the assisance t a cana RRECIfLY [Coaseai.aOfThe Pose. Tut &cRooL.-Keedtnga aisbsng bh forth puromoefarmsvginghesepanatlon et s aroehlal arOatfleao on tm ur publicechool. Busrwum. -Tic premises ately occupiai thoroughly renovated sud raInaid for Lihe efLtien of a naw occupant, »Mi. Forrea offlelevile, wuheeu'-ln.iwoaJ. J. Ber. nrd, anerchani, ot Baehin. PaiRsouvAL.- Mr. Jar-oh Stewart af To- roateo, nfou iraapsced nalgibor John Stewart, vo sam plss.ed te iearn, la agisin abetoaitenl te business stars piotictefi simd.rmbermysar Ilimasa. W. congratu. late M1r. Stewart on bis rastoredai h..... MIf. .Tauaes Glllojdv, the tibhquitout '*un- kiiova," Pstit usa itying viait lent Sat-r- day .... .J fla.pasac eltably et hie raent aanaBedon. Mr. Rolgacs lm. et Prescant sw& aftouding a dsIstict GND nPicinc.-Thelfetbodstet ftii etentend baviaga grad picle sonme. dome la Jue, aetvblc":aêauigrapli qnlr lea ae sli. r avers ranis. ObEisab me t rosm av 11111kfr labIs. Ilium hl ouiaiOmonseas gwbsho, as hao l .1 is, altona i live.-D aamInbhop M* - da d omdy, Jlà» ahiai tb, 19 - On SBandar a sermentviii bo pmasoi 2 ôoekWyBer. Mv. lozses, sitar vi a8 Sla " ou Oviiob.taise199la LMd ot oukasE. On Womday servicle vin) coi mmnost 1olckiO*4. G.Emaramemm oh-. MW soge *m ictadia sbv ti mclu chllcue mi U dng Wby thea nday écho of choir, bd i y Pret y. BU& . mirs» in, màapuea&;ootsi byBs,. MÉ. Daimu fui oehurs.a vil bit serveai .00LOOcl" Mt A Rnol anvltuilaela esilsadi te a fui non -W . voul li et vUT Mmuci te bmw vbrlb marpim a a,é over aimce.lait UStM>bas ail an xul n.o ldevalis, W Mdugt am mi. Busiuue.,.Ka Mih"eJnu luthb m. pmeuise littes up, ma bas comnce Id businmesla ruaidseuust . K L-ua rsm mi & snobby PoB=la noss. amn u p sine vTyt Id Sum Im Tai utasla at GoaaaONWsMa ai vende. -'Suai a fiue etoassmt tap É. gooed et aellchlew prcus.It la =i i urpisalntic vainc b. gliveie dry medo t. rl@ bais, cape, bouts sud oe..E aei~Lbnha l es at Mr-. muai mstic Pediar si oav3 sud 40 cents, aiderytiinga l sqnlly as 1ev. Cal i dl"iscP ea.m ,y quota priceama iho cona"s n POWLR8& CORNAI*L1-. INLON. id ICatrspadmSe aiThe oiss m K uasuow aay CO NRu' BîUT 10141116- 1:la 18 8 yu ibis appolatment rateluei nar mabata y0 tacner Liai tter CanetonairFéeWa I among ithe people hem. i. ' Uavlu. --Mn. L WaprS vMy loil a-at pressai. Mms Wagar nes hemn alliai; L fou' about Lue yenrs and iurlng chu c l bam bas a di hie mo t Dr. D@Gemas Cir. -Mr'. Robet Elm sovas a mms that pave birnil nosa porot ivin soit%. Boa * i ..... . LWlleck lait eue tivi eot .....u1. 1N. isp lest aintber ivin.. -r M. Willianà S!Zies leut a *hug.a ac..... *AsÙi Mr. John Kuarasinaléneue... Ti lacte abir total of sxcolti .... .Mr. N. Day'a ie Ge bar a baanraised rsosntly. 1 la 0. te lanei le iaýbi sectaion. MUn Day enteirprldang sua pmowssve farmr,... A. Mitathorne admoow huai bysapsslu train recentiy. PERRIN. * [1orrsspOndano 0Tbs Puat] * RUYÀAy.-LESS Frday muais Maf il John Mclanes ettbe4th cmofetMaripose r amempanîed 13v îlh daaàgtus, vaspre. r ceadlaag borne tram Woadvhlle, bionso 1eiug rîqhteued hy a Posiontrain at.h is, plake, bc came ummanageabie s an mavsg i hiowinv ir . McînnoW eut sud dli ---u f hi.. ululer' joint n hae hier a a leut b -caped w!th a 1ev bruiss. Ticesag , van cc'tipletey vie@iid. b Aai BBaoiz. -Master DonContes ville ega Mit la a vrstlig bout at r scieoli *bAugu.>B10lvs. ibiavi dovu adis hievole ivelgit coming on hie atwm IL vasfractuasi near thec show joint. r Unde thccse mm IfiD. McKy ho la dong ks. vei a. could hb expecîssi and viii hua tfev day. 13e abi.sit, ving tbe Bell PERSoerA.-Mr Semuel Camer ana >rentad it& sfaim te his bruihsr4In-law. jM.. Donald Stb M .Duncau. Smith ima nilisitrm n ins simd tak isei aboie in thai quieod« lsiUtile te thc senti-et thlsrpi5ce. 1 VICTORL R.I D rCnmsindm etofThe. Poni $.%IALL POX.-Agead Many0o UirVilbbg. an seeu> ta b. laned about Lie raprti caeet amali-pox sarne tmiles norili. A caietul lavena'iîon nalghu reveal nothing mi-e alag tita a case of messie. or' somie- ther trivial "ia ...esa.Aatber correspondlent vrltes: "Raimaa »yasth"t tiers hMsa. cape ofimorai)l Vox la oui village, but the runior la entirely taise, Tiare ha ne sncbh disease ln theiplace.» OUR SCROOL bh» beau clased iuriug thec last two oi- t1hîe dayo, aving tte iineisa of Miss Ford, teaciear. We am iit learn, hovever, tisa aie i. iecoveriaz and vill b able te resume bsrdutiS bortlv. BI=RAr. -Ouri ifth anuai celebratiozaifLie Quesa .brbda vilib haee cm idaMayisp Every effort laehéla putfrte t. maie the. day se cjayable one, l0"i vi ba»e n doubi oui frtende viii ha ftailli ildu andi dollgbted viti the dyeroceeding. The .sna avdety airacS. 1cisor, aa sm larg uieet moey wviiàha qiven away lapaisse. Tises*fil ieha sgrand menhite ba ei Mt a nad i)ati* Mdln ti ta tà Fi a' EM ry m tt 'nlit le Id lbUn i mozeSt. The weiilug pany OMM$&e lia Pou- si, rrmtim ugte lb bldmeofath. lm. ug0wbvis,.7diaaalrvssainmui Isb aM i dancing -ud JU ksso ne vint la their ruesetve bouses losvug Chau% diomsla bimgoSy. Mgis l.lm m bspply, ami M rs ey s aafl uvr at Mas BEr ~N onl McLai sali te leh Mr. D. GnTorooge, aYoug mremd h br- " 9n »yfo.ur, h. EL mlborbasaagsi business mi la cauphir. uhe a 190 wauougabuv ordie, bi buomi ad la mm blaso ecoaïfuîIaere. dc uaua.-ar Ruge Wilson, mar. &Ul 0baut et Cauning iau oak la " ib è lceon1 Waeiusay. QUATMLY FuuM..'Tss viiiha aquarN fuYaitr on tha 3ndCiJune. Libera hoviib.givmn lw atimaileansid driv-' lee-Ir. ..Soue bus removei te mn thiP Mesais.. lsily e 4 by Xz, W il. LrOn sa tosaine ua usibu e*@ Immue Ss xfcmlk-4ulumaeNixon, dis bigai, vason Monday snisned b;y Lm th Tâon royelcs mmmagittta o» yaari ll thie ceut prison. te iBETHANY.t f nstamsrly aemm ad b tMe lais D. le Boaas. pseute ami iviuI u s yrutudua &0 »m The baii vlirai ,gIvan about ivé, oeck sud la a short l Um. euroui rernan vitÉ diii, tva ma d s @ voetai ork Thor, viii oui ilagr= Cdiroctai tiAieffrts toeconflae heagaiste1 ta the building lavich IL erlglntei. le ithis ths, vers reMarkabiy succisau m M9r. . .Johustma'store sud dvellinge (a Imm etrame buidina> but cett ti vern et Er, esespei vlth bat à goai scorci.h la*, We hsaithe building sud contents f wer vars ured. Incemuutsim w a-àne doubi y ihe caumas.stuabuilding va unoccupisi It Fias BGArnina-Our fre brigade sud Villeamerhiild a meeting on Wedda w lo nuit iîeappaintment aiof icvtr. Lt i le vas r saled ha th brigade abauli m e ont foS praetice once tu svery tva veeka. 4 SMàA»aUni, -Theosved arrny have vis. Lianght vas dis opealng ul i le We belleve they purpoée holding meeigr i tvice, a veek hors. Mms Gobeen sud Miss t.Gobe« ais the ladies vie iaok chargeeof tl uhisamat. Tbay bave a geadi laid for *labeour la ibis locailty. * ClxPs.-Sprlug vark entlrely done la t s hi* district...Our village viii ha quiet < a on thauki. KINas WHEARF-MUILY. lm lOomspoumoe i la. Pouj M FCau PÂ r Wiàarrun-Tbere la &12 »bnoâtlmwauîedhure se mucii s.a choestu factorv, snd 1 do moi dilnk tiers lasa bettar w oCrlL la Cana"a for ene. M. Maeban & sud suurgntemanmmauamvaslsaât anksd the resl;wvs vey, favorable.,th Tney. _î thay ceuld get vithout suy diffi *culty :10ce-s on tufiasH bt, sud I can. ou Doa sa vy a factery vouli net psy, as t thene la a gond imal et paaiurc land ha this eh neighborheod. Mi lsebn hmbasben, st *AJ usfa ahei Downyilla facer aince. lu Artstartei until homeved hr.Wa have ho doubi ha vini de ail h.oeaute qet bu a faciery atsnted he, butioas la raiher in laie la thé s»»on now te take the noces. mary siepsit te matter, vUmtrut aby ià nex seamS asoe metiprlingmciesas man, b ufacturar ill atari aatactory here. We ot cmst tguarautse M00cavse $tanaar vtith A Diazvz OF LoG.-Lasi week Ur-, *drev Leury aid oaPigeon Creik viti a large drive eftoles1 bouai for Liai.v my or Port Perry. Thîas choya lnduaury. s sud énterprlse for r. OLIesry. SAlrLE OF STào]L-m-U. K*i and ~Mr.Pl Conneta of Eainimovne have purciiss e et stagse tram Ur. Samiual Younig vhlch ton. h nicts Paterboro ani Bobcaygeon. As tii.y ama amaît, sud activa youug mon, sud vary ra abligIna, ihey caunot fail te do a al ae business, sud vs visi thoeery sucee. l DaoVIu0F CATL.-MI. Cornelius Flynn slà pasud trugh bers as vaekvîth a]am er, cdia vofa catile trom dis back country. cw NEw Buo.t;Ea.-Several ne ow uges have camne to this vian ibis sprlup, viih Kylie's Dame engravai la siiva. on the back. -They sef-m te ha superlor te, suy vo have seen. I guesaKlle'a W*mai ehaeh place ta pet a bupu.-iiu. ta Ourr.-Once more va M arcced on te slt pertorm, Lbe palutul iask at recoring ete auether death ha eur midat. ub ime ha. hug thai ef EddIe Dorgan, sou et Mr. Mer. i' tin Dorgan, agei tires yesrs soidoltc aoutha, Luis w» sa vely Utle telov s sud v1I ih a greati y umiseai by b soffnt a Who ave the 1sym pêti a tp a rs&, nelghrood lnaiAissberesvemet p 1 R T R M I LE [Conreasîjndece of The PosL.] ee Xwraomn' r E.mxvmTIG &-" PiSic. mm -A tes fa tea h eldîin Sannection. viti dia Methodîitmission ln tha Day achool.bousa, las C.A . A 6ieonuc 24u OtM a- ulaohalo. . hme th b Sda aneagmtethat dal Mra. vsm"us»sud chut usnamt ae om4blzd thé Prims aiaur lnplemmsw4 or an ar bhIMus 1iliug d"ù ta dia rebboey vil we -~<bUla aur ove baladé te Pro. vu eymus ce the gpaMas DMPTIN Tm L&w.-MIaaai Eleta an - Iat lgchapelula e gpk va omiela Oeeuetom th smsa sg whlihtook place, by wblch ha, stog aliir sidi, vould bave tbeUnits sud bus ba.m -adamotia, sauenpt to galla otaul.ty. Shériff HallTuemmavfate. nmrencivci a tekaîloa rom M. IL Mamafeld, neya ai Galway, staitlng diat Rit"bI.badbrakea the poe%, awaiu i a"i iseai arrsta"i askiug wvbst :hey should do. The shériff didne" thiuhtht h. a¶iingla the maLter, sud expreoss i inem te-tubaud tha de. Ma&Êh ovSl. te a aty suooey.-[ns. ItnouadamaoetThe OmTuIar.-Desth bhm removai smotter et Our adest suaign te.persan ot Mr. Dovur. Hé a s anative oif raisdaid carne te Mailpom Whou tg1:was aiMait a wldernelle and by bis lndustry scqutrsd a- campncy. gBe d on TburadaY, l5th luL=md vas Enterreil la tILm B. C«ma- Ss !turday. T he. fnera services w-ue caminie by Bey. A. Cuidle, IL à-, or U=wbvlimprovei the occasion te a larm....ThrmsaieofM ms.P. Pi ,motber ot Mi. Walter Pnb7y, w»o % : wee sWolaitrrni la Lii. a.C. oematery. The furi services vers cou dlce by Rv. W. C. Boer. Ths 6Iaa lmXGRÂwr.»-Th. Little Blitindisualo corpany vii presantth. !baove ps la thé village on Saturday avenlng, Ksy 24tb. A grest amunt et cm hbas au tskei by tbae bo take parn la 1: to, Immurefor it auccesa, and It sauld '- greetaid by a full houas. Beside. ibis a tuffiar progrmme viii ha rende red- ileia u taIL Adminsiontor-adult, Me. Cbuldren, 10c. Drn's furet the. ima-te. ST veLNla.ÂXXqT out for Poues advercismn: ln Ta£ PonfestL waek. Saa elghuii page th!i. Wêtk. FXYBLWÇ FALLS REMARKABLE EýGG.-lt, 18.'iomauelttIe tlne sduce «nY hamla Féelon Fallss or Is 'lcncy distingulsiisi - herbelf, but ibis cash W@ bave iv. aspirante ta faine. Lust Saturday XMinAudrew Gilis, of 'Veaa, broughî us an eg iat weighed iust aquarter of a pouzid;sand a day ai vwo loger a Iem owuai by M. John Moifft, of tié village, laid au egw uthât contalned bise yohks, each &bout the ordlnary size. A CamiL» IrnT.--LsLThuraday ivo nama, that bâti bien turned oui that =orm gta game au the Communs, vers ttciiby the whinnying ot M. Twa. Be)'à beraes o= his lot on Bond-eut., sud walkai up te Lithe mthat enclouidit. iome yeuag chilirea vere playing closa b7, and sanLthe mares vais leavlne orna et th kuackai dowa sud severely Injured alittl. boy, aaiy ivo and a hait years aid, on of MW. Gabiel Marti, who ives on esma ussias M. Twome. Thi chI4e vhlch ase;r&Uwas rem tueb Esai]; hurà la fasirecovering AN£W "MEpîmr»- Memssi. *McDou. mil & Brandon, vba recentiy sold thaïr businell la thus village te, Mr. &. Butler, Itend, as seau ons ihey cau Drocuire a site baât plaies thain, te put Up a large build. lus mil commen~ce tha manufactura of barrais, tubs, mop and broam hanlea--and >ter articles ai wooieuware for wbach sultabie ravw matal eau ha obrainei la Wis Iocaiiy. Tha, tslked of applytng far he feg end of 1l'aer streut leit by dte muai, whih the ceuncl wouid no.doubi wlD«Iiy bave granted, but it proved too, imasi. snd. thoir taetory vili, aherefore, mbslbiy aialuatad tsomewbere on tha éore of Camaron lake. 'At sarment sale 6Mtdlsud they purcbaaad a first-ciasé 7ô Lrne paver englue and bolier neariy as toid as new, and lnform un that they utendi ta commence building aetsmm m passible. Any nav ludustry in he village viili ha wacorned with enthu. iasm, mai the parilar une they cau. emptate là vlaeiy ctîosen and Sima etaia ta bea s uccss. -[Gazdute. [Coresondeice of The Pont 1 BILDU<O. -The (-arpenter& are begiunn o lay the alleand joints lu Mr. Sh as tore. whlch le angolu sead fasit. l: êpeaks, r11 for the macans who arm building the tona aud brick waak. "I SCEEÂIL»-Mi. W. Maybseehan oen dout hie ton creslm parior, whlch wilba maod place te go ta get your inslde cooled. rf a lkttle. ExcURSION. -Ti. Orsgemeu's excur. ton cn the 4th of June tu Peterboraugh' Somses ta be a grad suema. SINGING CL As& -Prof..» te oitia slarg frpndane eat hise algglaçtçtTineaday venln, snd ih la ho e le viibave s inch langer anaehait Tuaseda. Làcaoaq.- Our boys wers ai Beavertoit aLFridâyplsylng Lt vascaned-a frisnd. rw tihe yugmaetCor cdonviiithe maldacrs etNn.I vlii te lhm hlm hatilils ovei la Isp ysar, sud I1venu 11Mm te mev a Wh" the yauuladies aneib-ki-icar tis glve tberdon't pop the. question te hâ anda la boomrsh sd Induatrleus sud a fluentcaIl. vrltar TEsPa-ir la ldsbtei te hlm for n a puai aiusnbsr of usu anbscibms.HIpou sleittars are n ful tirwu Md an i bihiy lnteresmtgThen la neogsttlna api aomi lbtacttlt ébe la tha lit et ii i seCtion. Brbis Cýmiiildaty ho but' k» mde awomilabhi&fIm ibm mm& obuibuiklig-1 ibini Ueman nomnadm mu.)>botatera .ounsy. Se h»s may Juli va *"fiansta. ibis ecil .... T"aail1 Por a b iac:alpuon oui tovnaip. pe W. ail Lb.w aeamcait-- la MW n m dfelunvstny la le te nsilwP lave a d»iPor Ëu 1 diluk lae le la slucitL mamMdm uau. fat Tir la* hum di!teuai -balf e i a mmum et plskugfhA WyS.gsnp dom mg vS e a ~sliss tlâia. vernImm eaislt PRO.GRZU.AiriD ST Aorurff -or Tlm-»m. MMM'IW- mWýKRBÀMLW- -Bwàalmr mm -edsmÀb

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