Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 May 1884, p. 8

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Î f4 E. W~E0S- lOBS. NO bsea tW e dl à m ", oD PAYS lE D wPis z5 woos .~ p.- li45 -.Imms(liamà Twl aae-I. (!jsmoubmet,4 Wau ùF0,teda.olt Lon. r~,' hvis e hie. **wa ri Iektir a1>-. tunOC. hiceL (C-fard ofThnka IahopJsmaw,' VIE. TRIAL VOS7TP affD I. Woofw. whpI qec - i Sf, »MOSW~U. un, afftlea le tt * s M aolas g i.tbouié a bifltsasfml go filtu Rie WheSme te teocaus. 0 d eun Jq. a o la vmm Md pas li me "0@"st byshie Lomd adMi e hi nva id bt st occet lm ho eo Id ius S aliascor M ut ao t h iaposotyhMd e 84.Lomi VI"" matË tht meJh*mu hmi mo» te Myy apumusmous tIa-* selvms 1%,. IvvMff aï maiouelotbai mo»as. Fwip oui loii.hip Ill IARMPWei, u.,mal, 1 sbould, 05 9 vrbod k1me .a juds . ae num 0: wao 0 th e at i tiecrnabyhiavmîptt eaivs go a hlWla court lij a vit st outtoearL.For th* pur. pns cf ahi se, iftglatea olug on, and If q oeprueed %toadeiskiua on his pela,, alie s se a Imgm e m âfeassu i ù a i se 0v.. ilmmsut Idputoi4suû»l Ufr. fHecasi r nàm -.Weu .wifl ~te h"ar*&vvlt of csrlorsul te o rs aieS"cms Se th. full eoairt for -t1ioîouxh dteeusston. 1a tgas ftally av 0d49ogah cuae diot the eue BIOId b. at 'ornes rmoed by ertliorui to the ivSelouacotan sd tbat the bl M Bfute primrnsaboold bu vsmeved. . The. elffet ot tht. armamia1 M. gaa il SBueg ÀouaobjectIons te uffl- Ceev7 of the tadioment vil! b. decti4Od, atter w mati fllbersclon, by ah. fll courtI That ýcours iili declde wvber the offstaesl nmou làne t i h. dttumen u paSa shl hy law. It the court decietlt uh Indlcamet Isgood la. lawthe àrw lof th. mata.r of taut wlI b. proceeded VUib. Tie ajîr.JM. Th.~aft u7 panel sors th" - dif.. elc Wsa amithe biuins..f et b. es m'anevogh to iclos. Théfaul court et .......... ......... ...........41),11. aC Nalmagles dam. lDaniefcseod(%lb will probably net assemble allra lhtmosoher. Ilack8. nins iso ( .b 'n ien a v li rob bly mo is e m b . cof taI te ganv i e fad thegr. . Snc ae tef LCh eqm Chium pion j459M ; g rand dam Dand îs W» an exAp N suA VimWr« ilustrions e The fii it (ice r. (o 4J.J j la 'hainaUng h~v o raisl ll m t a ~rOrnlg airs anok. i zgraee l heCyem The roë f. lnt tath LU le »du c i ffIoroalo WoekLI.n'nanville for interreientaa"tithe fbinerailoedla nn.a la t. '~riupircp csteta ol<l~ .Tie edelssars ve7 aryuovhm% t MI will tiakt plaee <lisse ta morrow. tEMS.-Te Imaurî. $11:ant olal.oaa te h.léë illte.arinri meofetervice. and $15 the lit da t fFeruaryr. the 1, attract 14farv n iO'cf *a00" :And irmaurlutsflottete 10 lear 1My flp. To thé Elitôor cfThe l'ou.t terTfd Arlb 18-.. laSrsù Itecort hou s croy.tô. Chiot ouWlon-oit> 'WtLlimma.sit-Tor borne ime PaMt1 have brongit ta AND FAST THORA.EON JusiceFfsgatypremk r 110,0, tlsJW. do sot Wfel te remafft a moment henotiée oratov uîbniIatuaiunsSeB PC IEE N. Clait (ÔCÛîî>sllüd A. »At helide him, and th#lite lûer cuiter thé. lmpat&o--Edw&i ostcao he- pprownahot e soth e nf o tabe at arrunet b anImcevu ara Mek Vell"legtanst. bridge. #, nibar apemsnai la-WUTEU a DW8~Vleue ef -eonaflft1,,the. bar befinst .ne~ And 1I-vangto teast hume for ahe pree.spetinviit1tschim o f aieî ni Wlmk b esne 8 1 ta.foilova - toiov: f:silusInî~« c.e. ~î~l~déeai. almpalmi.-Mr. ]iCrkland. idfe.vila proi»ed at rhave the mattuir at- Momday. April 28, yl leave is ow stable, Asti uâge Lu For fut. taestîmate tho poasible cuet, vlth a. Tuesday. viii proceoti ta ths Mansion Houile, <&C.. .MéftIlA~tti )' vlew c (c. W ýý f q loeon uwith tthe work imnmedlately; PortJ>".ry. for nooa. tbenc e Raglan for the Jialer ý > i ncC ralî , 1>.N « To Tm(,l C., W . i dld eu bv e l a pu t eff?-T he but flnde nran t Mbmrne aor the m he m rs ut gal t I agh t. M edee ay. V i roced t a oW Illia me- bie fiJlnln.N.Mrhy #or WiI- public. Conmitteeabject ta proled with ateevon i. b- ui LO'ifor Su. heù om slydnifffor the nigha. *9MI [Yaou. lf clc»il, 4.C*,Aidadr la aa Ou rked coueasl- eFu. cause lie yexpeet mine change in %abs law ru- Tbtrday, willl jpi i1 StBi one 9 rlgb aneac c rde.ecvi heace tW (lark'ahotel, Onmemee. fier the niglit. (?a meon aa W < aav li la' I 'I ki A U.~ P fnu« e aa. o S m . e be mada e xa ear. l'nday, iii proceesi ta- teaboro for no c. fléc t i mrent, .(. DrlI . oMIeSiel, NeNs. 4w, 31 r Irr. ewiat would la benet amrua teace ta Dovneyvillc for the ni.4ht. tra 91.4 or.hi,*Ir.If he loess bis lieè or leam tta have a ýchange ina yul proceaqt te Ca; r's hotel, Lnlsey. for naon. t.'. forj'lek. t t.u- ndeaoed &Wa au applicat ion Wini t h. lav ae:a year. 1 cautiona the publieatheeeta I e ova stblee. wvhere hevlll rermain W« Ti reeîg oie oene hY Mr- b. maie t commrift théeéditer of ah. frSck- thls&rappnoiIn -iuestIon le nohhing but a malss outil ths following Monda'y momrni. The I e rtte tberani uuae for traïsi. aov route wilIl e continued ,nn h>ca Jrv uio c llî g pes th de en ant ~ vile r ecoder lfm conttoupa of leurt la frT ta. -L n . son. laeitltlianfd wvititer perroitinig. A fui At«O10xIO. s 1. port ao ah.e koivag arttcle, vhie lci i.LlmmApiti mub tî '1>E-E,,...,,, iadark boy. Dr Mexic-haeli (keaking êou lihaIt 1êof 1P"-tem tulaah.Bsorder 0emt arday1[nt. Waltere swarning la imely, anti ahouitabutId 'Yau.b, , rt Io n4m Yw Pt HE.IBIAWIN BpSD, "CiveImedite ttntin.Anmotns.ter. let dam by Mlll a aner 4 farmer. 111E JIIAWLJN 1100»,i'uccms immbalahoa wemî n. Anactl1afor 17 Flakawvaji; Indrin. Honnlie laisby lmi- - - ,caleiIhth vsfOtclA IA'rlttIÈ BILL PîOt!W-WILL HAV[ TO dftiteRtagefor tvaorithroe thousanti dollars la rtedlknnico Olak; 3ni1 tain. Kit Claver. apoSto atavr ch lnhtîuengbors.. t WANI>mua TStAL.9"meeveat fau an acident voult slow thit la leIn' pread Eqffie:Sti dani,. ilstena%. by 'viane:Ibe harie pota te>he W. bImm ath" bsthe U~ jury eil f, aims onmy telailaie bridge nemilin anun- ;ois:du a <eeo hao.b8ipre besu ~famtlst. Ti. coait t simci k TarBox er:dase rm Uole 09 haronhl. y impeda rogon lt=taaiga ail d ht ravIS a tr>i s* condtion. l'enderna 3fr. Neetian P>ntloon; 7th titi. Qusen ethiiamasnde* Is nferd si char af. mrid ie n meuo', eaa aaamq aO>egees fteza voila. as at work art the* ac-Mreetlm" aii~re i tilet Xe h rootctmpraey to covrupt by UMeel, Mi KirtimmiW v1to Salte' rdg emcdy.-Ko ingI Hikelzy"l ourtvolume. usIgnguti> isvzsme eibee sfaia'Iolaatar theïs place Sa th. dock aMd maint!thaï Il uiePum. <FrttdethCal.St-Pg i. ltai for Il catasVItbie>h " pilpw eot a they are " . " ci Caenilar-P 101prcue eaie a iela' epardiag age<.la-Obb eet bS salr -f a<leouostaath<le rzoie about-the Narrai WU bred by the ICaweiui raî Ci th* lnme. l bfnda cf limeprovnce. 115cequestion of lIeu gulitbahy may h. con- autlmhlp I9 «be suspended, ln faveur o et Oýâ ta rout i n 11aner f e a rterby.!in W" biot Isueichaëhr» ta. aey lhai oxpect- vitelewtivlI-multaiPU"hsmeai mtIsifoUfllleg ivedti rpes-cari Im hirdat ni eb-tdteessracire Nevnntr u iloanoswerà tt I riiî. Jiiss clit W» . huaIt là,e eîltitie *Coresgpandence froinA W cftJovIl, by% X Mrilletoti; ed dam uiter ta Gr'ay momuat, by ('omim; 3rd dani,by Cer- à àlv o te i i.id0gtstmi ýbfl àl armff zille. FresIe.p and the n .suect 1les good ocamd vautim; iah dam. Emîma. l lDon Casqock. Sch Onae lae cf Lbthe mbiaei ata aaaa anteaerdata. Veste. ery i vas ho, d oult loi a svusgo .The mséittSmelmbèespai'e juaimn m l ieaime ulctktavr;lare eri.Veta yDlpm.b IwhtcIsoti- ai hug aalbu n rr f'.'gttuiols. a69 OogoodeISsait indm u ~o m i vs glve ah., mator Place la oun eolnznma: wta .Fah d am. laut thM. Aalant1 liat tîe DOvaÉmmUmah charge Ma*uie ml iihraos V. McKlmClrrke qtmfabee, C. 1). Jiarrof Llndsytova rotc-.P.COLLINS. mlportinitTintes.To. dl;<lfr,;sea. Ia for-rned. Te7hargera'aolshmg ,10l Iraelu Io nemmby. Wllk. Ovnà@aPaperomtrenown; nso.-For more extended iped4aremacte tf osahatI~le 1sdws taacfeudevoa'agnmomaibndity h erm ea oker comme boria and ti uaun in thetoast..TRMXI.-To asue a mare. $Io. payabl u e ormpt i e.fovert brovui le Oumaae chu". À 5mlshsuu sumnmm a 'z ToLnsyat TaWUîuavPS? b 11e .rar.l&:snçelu.* a e-o olvernvnepr.a.thar te .charge lI thoe iSaM m tll case op for! aim55nti a 14Tt. f lrie.Mre nitb 'tn imec ourL .Ilse moetiot t i mhthîira eQs ffl mueï. heh.master 01fCham. Vnat rsh an e nw,*i a esn n., n h rourus and u!lme Ia, ame aikcta,, on lagmarly m mte te 'îrg e itri <h. rI calm~er ate alh upsia.paCSyi.(srs, ttom4ve. i* clemt'Saveuvile.veyaw;etgdloa à tmI noetnra htlsheorWl The cituuathwI «id44 ber peopfl. ho o t . 9e fa i coren te'. houri,, vl IWhese's, yru go. vertoen yon Le. e.Piosdaoiu/of<enmrslio i tkt e Mdjuyvl M- h luho ll et. The o ~pe l'a.? ,e ure g ei..fushlîtinlte utpav or niurant*e vh'thiern U h. l kaqi b a i prt " t o ipe h I r m S u y 1 1 lsed t Ot se.i llène 80fm iY. Il le to f c. bal 5* net. i s B i ms ar th . isk of O vn . splua4mga lditeuîm.a abem.'ob pic aa i Thé DIs iitc cr ry goods, grocerleasti cheap tee.m' o. ii . ACH. STE W.% T pri o s r s s h a ~ s 4 aa a oIa s o u t nish m b u v h Stb. j eureete < S ao bsb ut erdoid O pi. A p nil ladl 8 81- i-w G ro o m . ~vnuc I,7h ldluntm caret bsaBlsea es.1ud b. neposasomnt : Aurit eslni e., T A B LETO NI AN BREI> vuS> uaîing tlieamsuie., corrupt means g o tM e ma terbîe reteemestéte f ul '.You pan, our tnner anti aakef-iour.uholce.1. .TRTtàniXG TaLLTIN eté ahianl t iàtberlaval., court. Tb* master esprenu is hvite" -D~Acîtalsl Iv oi av O I Vl r imiWilmeut i 1 -Oren» dme tnaapeu, Ihat Kirklaumd vM evuigt.gî,m ba v onaVers risedhoefore hfl Itiinimdnevssmîmen. K NTUCRY J'r... chh1.'uiii ime .tlimber ltva.. liit mmutli1sd-ut S g msSme.-'(lmThat tbmeAndI esysof Iis aandi ewa ortîhat.the puoprtu of L 1). t Ibis ladInisnt le W»mrar a.&a lre j àji th îe 1om question Sm mot 1 News, tlats thlun eil ittfat. h.or Mare r t" o tllot lt. 01CIm. 6 id5t, It sr a yenes ary hewt Mrweeîm ;M (2> t ',lander sec, 45,h i. capis.n qahllt1:,cn.6Ed Xiilanîd and the oierpioMr frtiaSILS.O., theime té gowinîpuflion Thon sent lotir mn îl. end jourairns, it Doue. anti prca eteWBruakees HIloel. Oâk. Wood for ta lgh.Tn a. raed gota31r. of t"garidtib*s i. peaker eofibe houes xtea thils worthy papeïe amie. Gore ore,.Lt . TlAad con. e SmGeorget3i. promeuletpar- 2nd Î'o. Op%,for Dooni TIc <'bef Jaitlc.-T ay are il cha isi eterm> lving T it Ponv! T ISE los !furra <iurat rem ai i utili ene d n o . tned JOlnIy.actilb.<JaeIn* e p l5unitjo<T!ili TesE e of frin ft'. bêicd teCara haconL.idma ùen b,,vii il,.Me Ict~ ~.tctem e alèvred.Pgdu bouseof smmbr by cthe Th£ suthon sieda aLlafor jeu te priait if jeu moos. e lIhpoeeilt lmi ntvil eNoteZ, Tht iteth"to si Se chars* la 1 ue thte mcudy oethia mou desîre. but, trubts Fou viii alltos'hlm ta ronala xon1TlurMua <>om. li e vili prceetita sulsa;arit','wAaa t o ait.pîtea<, ,,. etbjua tgo sorier e09h. ous. T i -taputuai le urs. but eillayNole z nla t ]Fnlda onosl. wYrldayoe meyts (etf pariglmeniité evote in Aacertain tmatmperate law vupthe sgrag point ho[- wox. b iiipl eei1 n.Jh 0ime ,lt. va>. . hta. aa lter cf evidenc e mea e W h.bat du e Pr *Pla Ibis motessnl lu o.PuL »'mlem.for ah. mlght. -010 lr.-XCIIM &'fumla Sl nuc onreft 016 pet ébw.esot tea iemam for narn; tIoe..80 bIgo. if UY Otit, rai lcjr, or' lraoiln a bààW Adas lie mer, "In lie, secnd point. The spniigshsow of-ahe,(, P a1lti5isay. fee o ill T heu te iiinle la m ieP avcîrbam h e b ol y . i s e l e e l l e respect, il . tg lsy as holti on 1ah. grountis of the South uti msl e during the seam. heulil soi govieilimbat. The valucharge vas tiwnemt 118e &ls doposoit or cutoiy la victoria socewy Ous Satuwra f ot vI e. Thé osther perimt teerbribe 1 eubave MoM aBbrel tuas finosud then vWUaslargo atteamur xax=cxv JIL wo9s Pr L hoJlmî'-et testin., 'n Jt secult, Ioema thepi'pertythe UMR911 d*Mmýth m lffY-Bu IM heeO» bve. .- brmen@ anti others lutereste in stock maut<Gmtrosi tmaes, cOmlsi 17ylIi *ari. ýwma0%011r a9116uiuircoan umg tgs »W-It l fttg a ti. sîî h. seept Ibat of allewuvarg. I mpraiîm whcbcblelei wbIhicaamd, nuaiiuao boitrailb.coutt vs ma -os the ~, mi l asa" mabasteaCigMl , dee. br amInIm. Sa merrdance cr111 iii aoamuii. PUvu!QRl>,eia ah. arMoi 0 itoi out n ss.ue Isi fnsudiu, a irib TI (bsfJutceaie I pres er ierupemmms iTi. oa. lt e a tlelr mltms - Saab. w &PMatai fIha. aisecelehr tirdâb b3fbiviy The aigul u cek"la . ding, wfle rUeo mon.4IvoetJamsElPut a , îiu î mJe ta en as doaevisam.min asmcluoti,!uI.k *m îîeuî, tbw-geà wfthommooos a te logercts la the.:mater Oeto. teO= thiscuat. f Th PooaJ ~ Ti mahine e Utsof M. UOfltheN lasralliressmaorefaprtama0 Mn;McCatiy IUMes ofb . oNhsol5 ia ari- b iW h.U 1,web V> lsly rIf dtonieîemia e b frhlon.=ni v uoe t i urd ,li h elditsMn ý - 1C4 ags= . 11-frai e l u t 5prme Y v, o vk ceeaIatnm m ri a a w ie.t he ls b u a m r l t a u e ,a i i e -deru or d cuatmimea nwContgemerai , lv gaSmai mamthe osbc * boitwseabot 0f rcsiasJvs a boiIk m cie Hm 0i l &ota thas Mr Cassursathlo oulos. )ru tokmm r c îvî ldb o nites ui lu oas dvoa to ir o neabu so a ait of eSa epai lim S, aieb a imeanthu, ier h i ob ern oti e. **.îs i . in g cu ter v .faoabe Co pea orh. m cii 'hs is o5c o" eao lel m o leva et 11v. '-' --a, li et prim vtmmen lhe isait Ea àrîy ùàumi cr-tuny'àrS>'s' ,eg qb. mmvi lfflina. rt,Thenvoies d in theovamtaetoJuli- déim A ft er fai t a"a00 tueaSUonf't"'is oa- , muoiobcau Ve."2Wrs n DcmgIas. ont g nmmianti puot. m mnd umbe cout. Cndulugbu al 1 i lb fcla~ m eola am bs omp a j.bSo Obir prfuiaîy. Viefvii l f 2 is second béiata wuolbthedie.achns Cîun mstebi'c. 4r, am.ola d«ee of Jhe gas la s.bieelavoclemmou:auW llIamtBraie., mena sw écaie srill nglue to by du D.a J ill Ylose hII.OM Ioamiirgosr.oJoloups the y «el & Md: tc beinii Il.ii km. .. u all, ~i uoj&-yaioeduamaasemtO wr f Ms et* te Oluf rvilslt NAM, a ou vlaumhlmecme....aILmuus;"UlI Tt haStacof lIs eohar4.Be 1.1 Sparties 13 8.Willam hi . opim"l Sue, . hogl, eul bvete osmo,,# m the Machins st"at, ed ebUm la la"hatIcotes Tonnas, YinagCaasia. ukmmmsaSmt se Mr. IJwo CO-Cww Weboni, bve n ic a thys m t o - or r liea.. m fimsseLimmthe'1;am orasMdt ih rai ma j i dsudEbc uhargmge stocla Mid pr Me. P. 1à George Cut,"vmbo.dey2*heu thela. aeVctrIasprlaw 1eM tv. Me pr oui rio gmni o but OU us e. Spemimutm-eusm~pl u~oraa.bsUm othe , kI usl aor m ae Im Survos, u r 'lIai h m#du igami Ld u k m ,aim t ilaeavI uWuesu: if an1dota nmm he,,.icfywj,.ml e er -Ob obllagg ique ho pl cm ti SU Pabrur St M Mon. la iam Ç?pfilo e- ergotuer- ci u f te ecupis et laya, Me. oli aSs DmSi.J! vue .min tm olic Wuols e s.... aoud mai Lsvla &M W 1iuu .Dougl0, i a mu milamou erbie irUTAL SATISFÂOATIOy muiVmM et m PMe ar te mire frOm the. P.. P. anur&and Mey guaoma te a ba torlaiwby boa ai. C. e. tock. à nehMOl)emld et amisoubame tom thelscontractaIo boullithe alati muee Sa go. Meo Bute No m aefor $MM.01,That laa - fdgr mrsosies. [T ah. UltSor fThe Poi six. la geparite ahs lois how ons acusiaj lait M -Iklt, lboqte Mr 1 avenohà" te Md wMt *bs decisiosot the jadudis. t"aaosi.1 Ouddw Sktestlibututobunuud bels Immsfsely muperlmo, W aof dthon. wbr le i yoau-0$pasittv mals nefs Inla sdom o' O. ta"- PMUasen .mon as ýpractlcable aftewabe cloue Oif abs ouio. Thus teaâmc oMe." 1mmsabiusness ami1Iamn sua~. ao>Siimatch rWt0S. plues m, tmhe% = rm smlat vOb fl h oa Saood -Tbé. Port Pu"i'y tada r* my:The kokn mM atai> eavsKn . N.Nanison of u.&,=mm &. PÔOI.llet POrt PSvj. foi 0M0àa Ideý, cîmeij aa hI ov ail, bs n aTnosday oveamg laut The saieJkmmena e chall va. lîlah whin theb contostaats Ppeand oM the piaUovm. Et vau agregi abas mI *lould bave abreeeischa mI rom rk andi everyaime aivas touehoot by abom ,bah Onaa.the uetrials> ýIt.vas valai a notch. Hlarrison. Who la much heaiter than hle oppon.1 ont. mate h. mt trial. followeti alternatély hy both fe re me . The msrk kqo s = iasl clsla.P.T aIm e vIaI follevo edweedeafemitg.Thi.maseh, vs mtieregnd&vasu'Atraght au couequeUWl Powell vnsibe lh«$!M1 BoMmes habore HarrIson amnd a local snort gaie au e:hlbioa or nmpïnrrý l lolo.d by Ivo other local mies, 0~10 Of the -KingsaoaWJig. Hoe<lied Sutnday la bis o Iah basr. SI S Wc deeigli rerVýt te have teo record the.& ieath on Tueuday mr glait at Winnipig of ai 1fr. ElyrcuVantIon. brother ot f MnW. y rTilley of thL, town. Mi. vanstons voulisti 1bore siome Uie vlah Mr. Tlfls. wvla hioma h. bâd mcdfi severall yea , md aller.complsting ble U edncatlon enterMid aie lav orlee cf Aikens. Cul.,a ver Jr Hamilton, Wlnnl N e vas ambitions andi workeul too bard, hrlaln on a alckness rhac neouad faelI, 1ne recrivea piceeacr.. à cmjr.i. il. Cooperadrft.1 WosfOrnierîycf tus tovu, la asmokov Wh.m du. 2bom dm't mna<us ailing THE B4Z.AAt S.S.RITCHIE.. Lindimar. May let. l~4-M. KENT-BT, LIN»SÂY. M ____________________________________________________________________________ P~'~pnlar as Usarral. i AKN STALLION ilh Court *Ie toma f. vé behld -i Tkc PA-PB à & GEÂBIT!TOWN RARE BARGAINS -MCI ~ ~ ~ ~ . Ii~&UNS MW dRIFLES vnd in W&ndow Sash, >1Ï>ai boll va: tsnd~ r. pnil l4b. vi i ave hie o vaw & t i L e s ' H v c w ' e te ('am en n oe, Vaz er, ornoG;tMn,'I:L : te Van'm o el lday. forjh s algia iis , , a bi. ot , m em ii. r oLIet a &A d a d u «rSin-w a e .a clair'.è Lot î. Cou. 9. FPenclon. forthme nigl t )~mmevearcreadytodo the ight thiztgby Tou. Grand opecinio . e mote ymraa.viipoce9e es No v Stnour inspection. Our flnely sclected anti very ccmpletuiaorn: day maonninar. Tliun mnig. wVîI proeeidT ~ ATN J' I' for nomn. tlence tri James Svitimer's, Bobcay. I AND . A. AH RD LIý-.W A seau,~~~~~~ selrmi br ni rt7nonis. jFr1- toui tkfulutimi eerythlnw lu the Hardware Une, our t oia are all AI a as, uçon. will prscecd taRoertMîl'& NortI Low Pnciesai te terror of our compsworna One trial wmff convince Y, Verulam. fur te nght. trdymornlmg. we eau anti do o rbig rmniucements for rour rade. mihl proceedté TO cArthu <ieus. Feeelon islAm. fer zoon: abence home for tbs night. The abae. route viii becontinueti turing thie eaS.. hernlth antd veatier pernuaaang. W M " A U O T CHALNP,%G.NE lintrejeans set sir montea l&OMOM&W rat tiul Vs W2 KboueATeTa» FRONTe odut tan d s 161 h a nut2 tmgh a d ma i v ,i h s v er -amIt t a s g is a e m e i t e . V u k p s e e p u u 1h.. làainue dâapigrey vithasuperior action . [For peolIgre ce Percheron-Narnîsu etud-oo or Danliama caralois. %o it TIItMS -To insure a boW 815. one dollartoe buï pst r ime of service. anti balane te b. SI , nu-uq pliY lob.,Rt.lefr thAe season,412. to bu pmi: catwe lamarunds. Insureti mares MWsa% 'e er, e r gul:àrly go the bore. or they vi _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bc eharget SMas on mares. libre§tnic.±am net returnei vill ichàirget «smaeaon mr. Maàres iuspi *mosf befono feeling ime e vil buR OT E B I lie" 1llsauna cf inxuranme. vhp.rl boai or mot AUl accidents satathe nl.k of ovuer of Mares. The u»«eated iIulavard finit prizes la' 585 o myshow for caltaslred b bità noise Sa le". ncotta Le avanded more Jmae. oae prise at abs smre clame cf show. TNe oldn Oportnrtyof he Sa& _-Apil 3 NATHAN DAY Proprietor. M KRobson. LIK8AXTEA Hort. W. M.ROB SON RouteBis ItllonRoute ]Bill ?M& TED AT HI~~a MeB PI UmIm.711 - Clkoego~ ~ mai ns Obu. )EY uxDOLLÂL...Taa Pos IID IrTTO TOUE PluNDBm.... TU B PaS, àla habsbisa l Fte mye mo a iM 0W ouds.kgt .rimuvy vuveik vil~~~~~t ciesujOs sIe aaMW iL 'I l s ~ o u % , Im a a-" '- T . .Sm ma lm à-" - à» as lasbuis s 0a 0 b iwiab me.t» or lh e v asue f i uIrsi.& su r x « t W s u" M t e m a s t a o m m L. 01 conior. f ~AN~D SUMMli e«.1 L. CONNOR, GCARRIAESOUCCIES, PHLTONS y 0-Ei MIATS "ci PAI AGOS vItal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & &ànïb mpus oitue usg r~puonsof et eabolre ' thouolabma h Potmaovut. b egojgSau BDd he rnmu.s~~S~ i as, Un.vhotbi..tbwipumhameor amtWf Ilb. I busIu. la C= uUorOv D amuk Mau duosdom wth evSr msm a&tamman d at &lU USI ithd Md W&48» ayffl af lastem- i yÀ h aibwu Vawa mvgMun*l. Bok rthe1 s- J.R. W WALo IWiLmA TMrlnnso Thexon Co pany',COURI f I teho roet e T. P. CARD. Suaderlu&nti, i -av bi-oa tble Mondor. abe Mih of APrIL Mmd prooutigoeDervville for aa tenaons as = issldot 4Canalmgton, for thie zigtc. and real ati1 usida'm. Tuenday mn oonl tee1 wu l n. 1 HC=""ezrlaew andThurmiay noon. 'huraday moos leo wil praceed ru Wiri- fi'Mel l, Val Mdya , m eais a ti Fr1- *syr=o»W- *W É.mo . il) pracood W bhis .vam 1Ve.viiere l u romain natl the foi- bmw Mmdar mormnur The abore route WMleb smtlmi usi ng aI meason. bsalth andi muather oermittim. FDIORIK-.Balmag Ie' 101> y, vhite tnp on- faie andrianewiteslegs, foalei La M9 brii bg Jolie Hustos Hl?,-Camis Dougý lam snd jporcbaeulftm Aadrev Momtgnery. Bmrlamd. Cam" Piougiam. OSd b! Prld of ballovay. <0)1), . hby Oladatone (MI). vinner ef the secoud prime at ah. HighlIandi Socleapa sho gelso laii ISt le by Young rCampole lff: Mmd h. by Campêle <110>: vlnner- of the followlmg prises asd prenime: -Tint andi UmItimodal ai abshI fg WMdoSelety's show et Kelso in ML the aima ltanti Kinros renhm ae eam la auccaismi: ,the. hoats btWtburn premmm four Jeasm in Aucces- toin, andti h. Ayr caty premiun I 103 ho by Johuele Cape f 1104. vînner of the'lirot Irie at the HI#laigd t4olety'iisbow at Glasêcw d; hoi; by JuotIce 110). hib y Pnine. 4000> Brecbln pnmium hor avaLUI,1.Laearksbire ln SM~ h. by Clyde uià5b. vinner of aie firea prnlx at the. HWhbad Hip etshow, at Glmagw la QI:~ ~ ~ ~~b hby lde45>hu i'Brocmileld Im1ampion t O:hleb lne Luti înro teecmm enul prttah. ilsat show ûC the 111gb. lad dociety in loi'.. ho'by (*lance h -4îè Ie . ime cà» «Imm ôt mi, oe -mhdim Tu ApftIi asWmn l a1m bm l ValMjs'Cuswr i: wwwâ-bu Wuims nom ess Wdmuday nom ho islmia m t huuat mSu.'1 4SU'OOBewli t iqahsmblas a dhuuai woesb. timasa11m" ui TU aeiZDGE..85TS,.UE i be byl ~by~~ir i. by Rob Roy <13.8 DE3e InImn hL8!' m o le.. ttaetuvvce ' yu l b. obsu fottmi em otNo uomm wle limeWe WIbOSRîfun== iiiCwhet me ot. OL W dM maris Bt Ol olak.l -1 1 !Ë coer soufi hUma tarot "her lu wmWsl The People S8atisfied with the BARGAINS offe and We MORE TI-AN SATISFIED with__ the patronage given, us. BA Wthe o~ A PW ANLE F PRCE lot. 1.144. Mses'T.Shows 5o - -- cents per poà O hIM k d e s I H os e - - - 2 --5 Paaos -25 " each. 1 MWfir=f MKen' T.weed Coats g $2.00 each. go d.ayas RaeadY-Made suits .quafly Oheap, and in tact the Whole of 'the Q.IM=.lKh StOk ceaed uat the smre REDUOUD RATES. pay aud< Our' immOM.n Umàet STEÂW'GOODB already W. kM ~G~ bcoim&>.eud t. ,iM a wk.tsanid are ~ vpia kSOL!g» 60B oMght Right. AAR -z--_ 09. 1 Týlorisa.v '.%Tay lot. Mi.-8& 4vuw isavercwement& ÂM T-H E WALL

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