Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Feb 1884, p. 2

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» ol edimelWo AmHu DoUGGIbuST df iibffe lbv m ftevoomt suw4au y, aa4 wur amegllefO 3enw blsmeo bkoéi O01iao 5 015 loff<. edth LUT, HRM I.lp I ltel eeAN TSI. Mis wgh%1nM-9f crei, amUi I loofa fo #,- l-fileA t VUooU mitudy OU PIll, m iihe t iiiml i if ie bodifu ~, ulrls, '800 Cm silatuts uv esh h Atlum forlne ndcnoe~ freiSI. J.veiL, IlCoâM., mei 18,IMoue T$M1J, MI0 1 r fo o "r jan tîirtyr b cqk 1 f'*w-vulu i.ofi M, vo nnit f rel aonr e cnte:î&1! cn uo, * fot14f Oie, .1 jis tsttente fer tMieestommèh 14lr ~fôeré-ua' mftted * lth tfiiopepata. andI r tl (.. 'fhe(e'4I iuroveft by onlî rot'<iiintnd tg Po thus ne 11<tg mnnraitlîyet M3iÎer n i ttu M.%.htrch, Metrd, Ont Thlit lme to rnertif thmhai hv@ noeed the (!row If.Indian DitIreri. andImaà seret.ôm.qtd tau. a fou.elwsw.eIcnhr. the blond. W... very hD »Uh dvnpo. ptsfor ton 7O5VN. &s.%é iti., th.atuv.u it wm 1ree I riat.anyttiineq I *h.tî Set witr-4011f r'4Inw miv 14eomnfowt after. andi 1 fe'e1 i fq!,liifur fhe 'ood hralthf1am enJoln U'miou tn. Yourue. ogo. tith 40o. Mt. Vincent. F.vO. a~secves Dvsmula Ont ly 1%driin r pftekaqe tni t he( ofontlitteeres g4iend bI lEs OM AN MBTIO~3WIFES -A 97un y0FrLIFEty zNEW CHIAa'TF.ft iI.- Wrtîrme eageîr tirade vas endos!. ler 'r on aiti ied. Si. lotSphia pul biiarro about ber. 8h. ehurnti * Scphia.'se liks. Then ah."loanetibbu htwlupon thé.hnolchr cf bera=-, * pnitin, &ntgi g&Ve ay ho ancihen accm et teart. 'îîhep vwesquiet tsar., thitt timie.. TicLbsterloie fpulse Lad vicy ;n.ueel-A lile laer oahe 1014 Sopea wshasMach plackt directu.. ýae locul aaevr mortan4t. -taiui of thc bard, drearp 1f. lifai aim Quc'y two hautaite.: Wîikl #aie thn s eplc, tie etra- - oduî.r chnmcf ler Umnerasnd * t~ I iin.îlavolineen. of ber &B.i Cate y <t notal able baut mriIv tît .-Ilii if liaeteriM m- t 1stru'îug. ruL.tîrmîcl ia full force. Bite bat >eworu l .CI:tire., malLie pliions goco, Iù, e alhr' Rh@ wue asproentioaea i.v 1oi* s~ti1I. Theostory n ir. Twinimg's le liq.loyAl deportment cof il is W' ifîurit.tihvelemuncicotenpl. Be I< livt' tîmu Claire bat - inisiet iber glotrvrcciiuî,the ogilvessse Chîit tgrtlmrSophi'.i large fat haut!, in Slamuiiouabit glove, vus forvitily idii. cflWy rigi-1" ophia at eegh iclaimed.. , attr a -pautse liat cànai, anti vîile lier Visilor Al vwili drooýpet ie-md andi pale. compresassi lips. "Your ponr balLer! To hmrp hlm îLot 1:y, Tt van frightf iii Andi >ou toit, bher yoia'd do10 yhhing on ear - thfor bor il mie Oniy vounî!. tAmi kmov Lhoy yeootiWdtlerfater. Do yon iccoIleal* téIling pli, aaintt humitnoe ucceas, vite -1.gave ycmn hla! mny nnrdine-xamdicb? Tenl maid lievWu a genitlém« n bihi, anil.I tcrne cf a âine furnily n 1ng- land.. Tliat'm vicie you g el peur svell -lok.% féoni, Clai*re.Y0Yetipeuara, à ave!!, eve-îî tiiorîgliyon'vo lelten a frobl limai -ln' e*t -altogeî s moue yard c f inte. ...Wiy, -mut loo IDmeI 1l'tu. avîvardsant i luyf ci- nover-be ariy tifferent. 'Anti-et I1asiend loada anti Idou f roncy on my thînugu. luire pon ait, viti pour avoot, pure face, dmhapeci like ama h anti pour bak lhaI'a p>t Lt eaneu lîtsarkle linotigli it4e uurowuîtat il sselté Ïave, andi hons longeye.iashon over thomo black-blue 0 l-t fe, ant iaIoummiing libtle lu* îi1your ch i nlieuoe long, r, gylkéhacdal - Hero Claire stoppt lier, vith a suit »mlb anemoment "Don'$ alk cf My bauds opia," Mme aid. "They'vo boomdoluà bari SoPbiizeýsddoi aIstie lnroîo Of bu frilom'. bandfor a montasmt Work vxly y'moLad5bh A h, Claire, 1youove o gloves anl the t4ine yetu .wrkcd. Comaé, ova Dp, nov 11, Cl ie àileëd la a furtive vay. But éinstanl. "WeUl,yo Sophia,"a. si 1 hv vong« a s.asî I onk I anti .te smv. myl- anU s. 8cm. cf I.grsah Ma. Arulaw um sat.caun lhmprehi, 1 vateai tsa*m t àma =ma i TstO. ut Sophia boueotbue blm4 tliaiabe liii bal!, andi vorneP" wvs u mai npvard 10 tu. liblgo S" 00 i amm détail», fbout viâta fmg-lqI4 ,caci ot ~ Sibi i@pS ml. the eige, imulde lier.," commenitai S'ophia. "1it' u"n, Claire. Il neye, mv l i *a9mY oSer irl'.bud bsfor. It'. jui t h. rose-color st IL. uge et fiah. a poMr Werdit lea1 I.ou't eare à s wravbu work yMnbave boom toimg;0, ouv'"gPt b"auds le , wu goin mghay 11Me a quee. B ut 1 dS,'î oubta gi my queffshaw,. avbuiha& ,o1 .aiy De aaIMy-. - Thcre, . me m u. . . .. If ea ma. Don'Imimdma. h.!bula e. Ste alvays lsnl" vhm 1 ant buorlobe. A lady bai lm enteai the small, bnliMti.apoub romn in vblc claire ni o hm Laitins tarbelti lhiiratir nmtsvort overse.The laaj va Mis. Bigsmala vimsa u md formi."»k.anmata aimmi lnftsmslflsSophia.A faras feauai. vnt, ah. omderf Urosmblot ber da11#hher. xvery nnil uraof p'U~ n5 ~ySr:~'5coutenanco vau vuma iii a mort orf facial o D ur FIi MeUsi tobave beslgd bu, 11k a<cl.malatiy. Ber gooti-atuet eymos pmwkd boloontvo creaas of it;- berS loue, full cm renvomiaimore han om fld of it»,$o ieabjyo mam at- mrai M, W a vlov cfra»ornI bers., ment Sie voie a bonnet in wblch ther vas s vibemo cfcoloring; t vas w pupiem i 0 broyaD, at hesmm tino Iébis mutI Lave algalletithe .ootblmg lu. Jl j rhan-ber 'riu vas anallegiance i itwu5h ba , o rGermangr w aaao plac e.wuvasb maIte meeVanti ccniiatôy;au ZSoyiia'atempeMant temerity Lad corne f éom har tch, bai comiailarge superfolalgeai. humeor, viii a:nolortous mnolrance cf lie hast fanoleti rong. *Sophia'. lait ivous bai emnbarrasasd ber. Site bai no ides vie Claire vas, but te, evident cordialiîy cf bur daugi- ter 'is depporhinont producei théoeffect of a gnhie mandlate. "IShan'îgotuinmaIn Sophia ex. clintaftr.. L deisclairs anti ber momothr a WulueI. l'i,111taya honmand talk ofoititimes itiClirs Twining. Poor Claire'. lu trouble, ma. 1von't boll pou about it y et. Tou go of in thle ouarqsaah l, I il ever core;, but I'n afaiti v'!!L aye t10 dimoago ýTiomas; be's alv!aya bol lff ime." ",Tie canage in bor, ophia," sali Mit.. Ectgemanu. Bs espoke vihout lima àligitesa Germas accent; thm ba penUd ilong ago. 8h. vas leo Bq t lare th ithe manuei cf one vieobas 'boom tioplp altracte& 64"lie oflen isard yon mention Mise Tvlng," ma ent au. " You vas balklmg cf ber enly lb. otior day, vasenItyo'Sophia?"1 bYeuv, saiSophia, risamg. Si. vent t er on nober, anti apke a fev 1ev wordn. vici Claire quit. faffls 10 eai. The prompt rosuit cf lis intericourse ,«as Mns. Jrgemama's exil from lie ror.Sophia folloveretiu10h.door, vith ont han d laidUpon bler shoulier. ".tAil igit, rna," 5Mbe mld 1aui4 momeul on lis tireabol. "en g at take yonr drive. 1'11 star mca t viii, A lutie. hile afleriri Sop)hia bai reted otLieif a a ie'ls aide. 1"6Ma .1l1e. you," aie as once bogan, lu ber valoble, oddlp f ank vap. 1",Sie toiti me aie iid. .She'à tory funnp about lil.> fanies-or ni es oosma alla aveui. 8h.'. viol bey cmll vulgan. But .ie'a over go.mice. Sic meveir bai much edlucatiorn, but ie Lam a lange, varn lisart. 1 vonldn't have ber oesbit t. forent bra a i"labsM. 1I voltit iana foi ýQucen Victoria. Sic anI -are the damtfrieu in lthe venld. Ilknov pou '111e ber, Claire. s elikeyon,8 a I d. Anticuaire, lock bers, nov ; I vactut »Y mPsme- ,tiing. It iay surprise pou. Ibope, voir for tbiee or four porï past.- mcaiceiy lookoti inlo arbck, SoPhi%, lun aillhaîhlime. 1cae»hmrtO aak yen if YoevouidgelpmevwoeL 1,cms msv veryweli; Ivamalvaysclevrvti ymy Beedie. if yen vil Ivr me bometilga ôf liaI aort 10 do, I in gladlp atm tiankfouly, reman, But olioruise. ti * CIlAPTEIt IM Sophia ýconsntedto10 huisplan, but oui ma tralegical lmanoeuvre. Bs deat minedthlat Claire 'benît ail tholely L.position just prefereti hneaadno olhir. By semimghteyuelt shc at Icugthivon hercamuse. si. vas qulte in sarneaî about bu wislm for mental improvement, Nor vas, Clairs, lu spite of lattser passeti under thie gî1eof 1toi, aM"" mach ah sea amouen le m mn~art- hoannivolum«etc lH l mrysahe ber Aself Lad ex- ctoti. Si aiboom, lu boy daY, a di=et sweisI; mietefonti that i reeburatlilorlitfmous vrfter9,*am she ea»mnsbook aflor bock. Novmam.o&"slbr&tcMame mreitae10 br villa aar a of iy mi o*i vih a iflses ofvasolbcgbsfrs mis ai Is c te"uroVolume. iou-a aItw aliumog belm à hm is TEE «MNA I.L3DAT.ONTMFIDAY* J'EBBLTY15.188, trictan. m~serees vie quite unknowi-t them. Thrinr n. uthisrpet wus a SOMPue bisse. Theyhbelievedabern. Felves vaiuabîy importaut TLey MaW no mw evblita to gan Mri. -Thnuon Lfad long sce millt IIeiur efconfideince. l.evau clever, obgerver, -h. had sBeen the 1< wrnd; 1h. -Bergemmnm wv.extomre- un a deliicu joke 10 hlm when he rlitin au pprciÊ4vO mo<ct At olher, mes 1h. bou clngscolaimeno f gophis, =ath .eduatioml delicienez )f'. Mther, grateti barsbly upon bis serve%. But vieà Clar treti 1 -he boume- 1014 he aI oncex xPerion"asiMmesn. t LIin. s atebeti bu in quiet vn- 1 ter. NO ot"a of bu boauty !mcpedt3 dat yd e. What hos baimIsa es ~ )fhor pustaareer ma&s be %mm ho I mi sma bl*, even phonomeli te i belvesa them. At oiraI____ p Srr ujea-t; Cwalr1 Camute i hm ma kbout lie bodus pforrlaa bi i Omar tis a chat. th e isfam bieuto&c~allu s m"oab Si*i obcm "hsy modaa&- Mdà% -md1.Po-shtu""aâ "a i mi ti S, ~ meti7 ii lbmo Pr To Jv btab w W Sm 1 1mma Nev YOrk, cf course. That la roi By vomi, nov,. I tiink it a 'Very nm orc voeiL At leité, l'y. neyeus a botterli me." the "Ye; Jundraant. Atiyen vont ber a exlore it. You vaut bexa i iwua ma L Yen vautto 0kuov is baicoSk aime,ý wcsantiils g&dbeot, beetV"*ho 1I vautt o k1m e 1gS&dbotter, vili Ms. Thuriton laughei aa& DO .6 mm knov," h. suid, "hu6 ths mors I ver m ocf, pou 1he moesye Amuse, me a oc oé;Iv onhMy ams - l y 4 i. a to erosI' Yen are sncb a tremomiona tive e Yen are wnobrosjlcI iiiYen a porson viti a purpoae, juil ev, anti I piotended tintte kieow vit Tim 5tOu ocrdsy on mipar 1aa-bo. »bondiyo p ru gY. y. Yenove VUb to a =oit '=t* NewY ocsyfeau Seas You'rs maklng a mental iade àoana. -Aiyondumre Ihat 1 'affl Ire pply yen ith dtmlons10lte boitlmv M.bnI f my abilitZ1. IIatlibaI trism vira soonda. Tiersve aua yet B l@ar u berduky-blnse yea, a1mi mm "t Myü ou berip@. "Mylhm tialm sasw, in &J beii 6o6 vouaIUalnk lia Penn apocl me orviabimg t. m.My db. aM" m ary frouamolivea cf b tu. e rs d ie- i Mtféisaje, ilsmcaL. 1 AS sut em ce ai ibe SIM * amore mpoudamIS dom à hebafflt. me faut Wh"t Mnmhd Bwle ctoem»s bad perap".teMourng show" a ncio U». fal. Sophis, dam*"sa iaie- tiomate, wu- ccnatn sy t bar . Nov a m nCafe uafiwith àa m.r vm au lg, - lem af raid 1 bave never hlearm a qhCte beof theIs" ue O you, ophia, m lie WVy you'vspro. BUt SOphia Veaa milsai leer, 014h, i'mmt.f lCa rm. YcU'i .et t su'bckagi , ?rcay ocu. 8h.ue Idygt -Ir, Mdk gan at B greatcaimr besicle. The mom. ing rsadinp be o. Sophia mmon ex pressai bbrs.lfasn naptums; but it As lb. toacher lhsst chua ebr far morse hm theteaching. elawus 1mf.w«oMWnovone of esylm 0ry. '"0 vaikec Or drove with mpi eyery Bftermnm;-asste dalicatsfbcd; ah. ipt in B spacious, bod..cbube the -ëb iy of= hmIost allits - ociigrtue Greupoint baganu b fade frotnber thongh ts;Werw a dira, detestuti me tnr.tcrcely siday passed, bowevS, e lmiit.Iy recalletil snmoin cdtconnecte4 wiffi ber father. Now thattil. icêsmesBidaintMs u r- roun&si ar «wblch no adverse year conuaalienat. from his pereonality bocamne for ber a more dis-, tinct 'conception. 8h. __reàa et ow complete a gentleman h. bai boo. At, the, me. lime, entier -tics. ateroti conditions, ber own tante fr1.spr fn.e micelles 0o onlvauiincestiw maceh apeeti 8h. vas like a Plant that bad been bcrnebaktoi tenalve.oilandcimefrom mmelmdvbsre #tbadhitb.rtdlved but as a ivarfed Mant ztial grovlh;6 the foiae aaePmnd»4k, "h. lie as strengahenKg, b. ov 0es ers taking a varmr tint anti a viciler seent. 8h. moon percelvetilaat the Berge. iam1a ovetia et of aimait uni- formiy.vulgar people. Mauy of them seerndvery wealthy. N.eldy aSUcf lem dreasei bantimely, andi drove abon i aeir prte carriages. Not a few of tisa livetl in atiacent honnsa on Il.1h. Avenue, as il in calleti. Sophia had a number of intimzate friends, ".i- deuns of her Ovu age, vlho constantly visited ber. 8h.1oaMd admirera, too, Of the otier soxe: iho vouki *omelimes cal1 for ber of an evening, and talc. bu ,,aiar;y*umttlendedi [ any chaper- on,. 8hwent, turing ahé. vinter mxontiha, ho numerous parties. 8h. ho- longet 10an organiration vhich she alwa s ke of as 1"1oui sociable, andi whw:ch met at lb. various boum of itm Ou. evenig4 aWscàble" vas given aI 1h. Bergenau maneion. The inn- sic antidancng erkept nu up tli vo OCclock-iii 1he morniunqandtheiLhou.. vas effectiviely adorneti viti flâyers., Claire, bocuse Of her mourning, àbatain. cd freinlhi anud aail her gayety. But m a matter cf courme sehe mlaet many or '%ophiast anai Mr*. Bergo.maun'm briends. 0111Y e sof ail the throng Ladl ,îower îîleamurably ho int-eot ler. Thais -*xceptic>nal portion was Mr. Beverly Thnriton. whioi w. have ai- ready.hoard Sophia mention man havin<' necimil 1h. voluimeçt of her mother's library. lievas a nîn "aout forty yoare oki. vbio bai never marrieti. Mim die re al i andi shaptolv; his face, nenllygrae. as capable of. mmcelà geýniality.- Ho Lad travelleti, me lmouglit, andi obîîervu-d. Me toot sore- ýwhat hîighlu in logaiprotession, anti came, on theinatonal Ride, of a sorne- whiat, mott! family. BHe managea the large embate of Mms Bergernn anti ici laugliter, ant ieokI on Ibis accouzll ýwaie a fre-quentl guest at their honu. He bat one vidoweti sister,, cf very exclusive vieva, Who possemmeti lare Memoa ,andi whoaet! g-1rm&d.vine! nmmar tblim oajumi t. b. dis. voDl blond vers unatamd ungrlous, Mantmo WelOM POMPosy boafulof their veath. 19r. Tbuutm wu t frit asu["ou fa is.amuvera te Cldalr'ratier surh- lnq quston. Eulby degrees . hr a" sraat; lm grew te unisista"t whyewt ilnterrogata ILnebiaaslo, yet sgnficamo de et ta&k liaIvas mad , surs entertain- lmg amy luhensr. iSllnow #eo ai ~lvpu alld hun a cynlc, but mol a fev dotai cOum boaai ogy tiuie t bi charge. Claire began 1 floc pnhlm as o0» vio was foï.vsr 0 1 .ngdoora for hriand sio ving br* g mp g fds ccer hat eier spreor prme Ou b.eeninq of Sophia's 6"sociabls"' Clieremamt a large charnier liaé vas appoacaifroin lic second bal of the bo santiap *poin t h&#i laIai. miable taeseizch clariy indicateti thal thc Bergemanabai confideti de- voubly in hem u phoîsterer, MhU liey îtitin.a theirmiler S va ule akne; sie h el!a book oon lul er lar, but vas *Dot reading it; ber bck oesi became ici charmingly; il emne t o vin a nicher shade from -the. of ber tresses, and to increas. the deligilfulfragilly of bht oval-safl-tintet bac. Th, music below sta" akep t hm togisavay froin ber bock; la pesis Dp to ber viti a provocative melody; It madehberfed that she vouldlove ho o mi djointhe mrr-makers. But tis vas only a kimi ot abstract OM" hre was nobody in -tie whomuMmovould have carodti o mach, viti ths possible e"cetion of Mr. Thuralon, -aithough i val mie thon considereti Lis ativancetiage madee un senimare suitablesea companion of less jubilant honri. c But it chanceth"Lo a hock present- ysounded, aI Uic half-closed, door, andi that Mr. -Thurston woan aftervard prsneihimnSdl. dovn beside er. Ris even ndtrons La a felicity of cut aMdifit that gavehis naiunaly sutle- ly'firre an atddéd distinction, even to hemexperience ys of Claire. Si. thougil hov 1h. vhite tie ah hi. tiroat1 became hlm-hoy different ho vau, iu te lofthe gray at Isa temples, anti hhs cm's feet under Lis hazel cyi from ticeyoungcr men clad in imilar veature a d senpas ;tirougi ah. ?pper hal a lto carier'in abe even- liv ti lime Mr. Thuraton'. se- quaintance viti Claire Lad growu lo be a facue amnd agreeable inbimécy. He Lai learneti frein Sophia liaI .h. vas hure alone, andi he hati sougit lier vit iij the freedom of one vont ho make huin- o sel vihly athom, in tie mansonu cf j1 bis clients. At tbesms ltime, as il happeneti, he came vith a vastly fa- ' tigneti feeling tovard lie gucate be- loy. "I didn'tto Icave, hobe bgan M vwith i nice, social @Mile, "'until 1 hat iB seen you for a tev moments." fo ."4ýAh," mai'! Clairepledati hbis con- y( mg, anti vith a Uhle aveet-tone laugi,' 66 * ari you came up bere only b.- th Cause il vais too early 10 go jut yet." en M . Thurston put bis haion. one ma aide, anti hi, cyca twinkled quizzicaily.- ni "Oh, corne, nov," b. sait; Ilanc youim coing ho tal.k badly about th. parly 2 v Yonubaven'î sAeen il. I'm sure yroud i, 11k. to h. down iLcre, dancing andim rompCg among ailthese youmg people." mno Clarsshook ber bead'; sic -looketi en ratier senions as she (dtns. IINo," ai. inàeea; 116I1shouldn'î 11k. il at I LI ,himk you knov vby. Ticre is nobody et Ihere_- liaI in, arnong tie guesta- nhon I like. Sorne of ticin I've neyer net. But i don'$ doubt hbat hhey are &RI mmci th. saine. Nov. picase don't look as if yoILdidn'l nnderiand me. I ai an surseUt iyen do, psrfciy. Ra- cf membor vs have teaiketi on ý he sub- an cls bofore.." Mr. Thurahon atroketi bis tick gray tih moustache, vie.enta mightly cUrVed 66"1 fgintciceks vbich smnahov looketin sugfar by the barrel wiil'do wel Io sa" what value . we can and do gîve iu thi8 lime for cash.. We have as weil a large flumber of packages of PURE DMIP SYUPS put up in, four gallon 18s0 to hand new arrivals of Fige, Dates, and ail Dried Fruit& Welyou're net vnong. I do vaut 6 rise, thrive, succeeti. It's ianme, s lie saying goes. I can't hep tlil Puise" Mn. Tinrston libteti boti Lande am éligitly vave t hem. -"The impulsej onongi, vili yon," lie saiti. Clare sharled: 6"Whmîdo pou mcm? $Le ashedi Mr. Tiurehou leoke t ahe ie r, fa imoment, lien naiset i s eyes. Tie Iveit on Claire's vcny faiceftuly. "6I rmut"hoesait," tiat yon ane t«n icantital aucand n ot té hogain po Clie laugieti, liglitly anti pet a l1111. Consinsy That la enylim of yon. l a p ung onlati ony Sm "6Tieun utuainkmc no vey olti t E'1rentou replieti, vatcimg ficn bac tiiintentnes. D",Ob. no.,"Claire at Oncemot.rv userions agama. *6 âot timat,.ot course ut ebiUi .-.-. ell, itwould b Ille or ne hodeclare tual I lhink pyou "Pope Ilam, younger han you h i n k , " c ,d v i o , p ru a npiai.on eauh vont. Mi , I omly ay peh&Ps'.- - But do uatlilt us aD or th t. A s i tld pou, I a m ire pou vw in to pr obiject . on iii suicceeti. thlei, pou viilfi aa glier levai than lies. poor Berge. nuis. Tiers lna aresteséan ienluour oultliaI vil! geai pou on. Andti he. atiyou mmustvin." " Tell me by viat oma, please." .69Manage wii h. pur frit shopping- 46!o viol ?i" IlSUMcas." "Success lu wbah trrr9t, Social succSa. I assume liaI pou il ies here. Yen vaut mon anti voren fa certai grade to pay pou courhesy Clair. enedti 1muso, bor a biief [me. 6 "yu, .I do," mie tien sait. Yen are quit. Nhat, But peu speak of «rnng Il"l sby niarriage. Boy liee te -m Whovin tlenme oh important blp 2" Tiere vasa dmriiig cantior -about titis cealion-a simpliciby of vorldliness, in wt-vlch satie iber hearer. But la usual gravity bebrayeti no signa or "enYu il miel im, liesaid, Iran- up O,,pe ou«vii miel hlm.' is c r fate. ne vuldro to pou un 1h sies. But afler opou have cureti througb mmhninony li.desireti à& viii pou bo contente t ii vii M Lave ascuroti? Sa mchdopent., li taI-lie muccemu of pour succsa, as Inlir nseiber brava ln demurs erplcxiy. "I dàn'tnderstant," nie turmured. Tiarsion alovly 'bock is heati.A le vason his lips, ýbut lb heit mati- i, and abint of pitpas veil. 4If 1 Bd pou nightly," h.omaveret, "pyou à uderala nme day.". Claire Mai au impatient gesture. 'leame ton't Wluilun ieldles," tie ex- mcd. "6Do pou mean liaI theie a luru ont vonthlcan afler I Laye gel 1Ih avenDot fonna this true ilump àding. I Lave nual fani amp ingé quem whvia eariet wn muai of tliu cnes liaI lb.y vers ready to nesiga am.", An eagenness nov posmessid r mannen; asic lemmeti slihit1pfor. wd; icr nombrils dilahteia 9"l; ber- [or deepenesýIl "Pover anti plae ara Mt 1 vaut, aqntaser 1ho Lave tlion I bo neyer ho have contentinent. This ands cold to ou. rI'nsure or 1h." tes%" b.miid, softiy; -"il soumis- ry coklBut 1Idon't knov liaI snch >"deuaUs as limaIvii ot prove for yen Queb iývenyprot»e- me o oman-if itlexat&p" 4Mit* viil u, sncb as il is', &I neititaffim non dsny that it WUL Sho brokce intoa lacu n lleaOf tv MY. "T'onnmeauthal 1Imay fanla l r ith smeboiy. But I have liltl a Of th e $#B er. fa ceS Mmd. t!ygrMWeryscier, atiSrvalS Bd My poor ead fatbenieanl,. i metS klos ay o0j» se al"a Ch aglu. No moewsdari seautel I& mp f ý rm tolhpon Ibt ub1JUcé SPRATT&KILLEN, Vditll lbloc* of tl dis'-.! etrtii n Tce'sl L. on.n mor. YOU'LL- FINO ME THERE'I Wkam lb plupaswtme lt»B l. mt*astmeas Il ever b"d Of Carim&sBu e1s; PýhWIOIIS, Delocra -AND- F181 VIOGONS ý £ýj.&e oia iew<abie clama of beor&e«t the old st«vnua c I PYIe. This uý L. O'CONNORui Corner William cf- sll~-.e Liadgpa>- anar-v 21h. i 7L t« ~. a t.-> ~ C o., -----P oreti- I.o. LINDSAY wi on PLATI NO C.yd w itut Màsone anf otlr E#jbkm4ý Soiety ankge4,md.-' Golà or, Silve,., re-plaa'ed equalt t neu'. -_ AU kkindar of Tableware re-plated -in, single, dlo#ble, trPleplate.. close plating Canriage Iropus donc icitNEWs Shu netnss<ul oPatCZ 1 1O O.Sa Ubop mm Ub.w m om eIDw ela Wil n Dry Ge.dablt, Ktet, .Lu.ub." Llmduay, Zen. Iirh, 1884.-72. MILL____ JohnMakina m b- 'il Ir ----They ar, Selkirk,Mal MANUFCTURR 0F e-,%Vitu.1 8swsand sIW iijle 3mal aclait&ePy, 11Plo 'and lMAl bave b Stan Lagines andl Steatm ptrnps.Peso Bave a lamr .e searto f Genermi PsUm1te -.Tae Lladiy.Âgr demsriptiof oSork& Prinwe e-ri i i Lib" . AI. 17tb.*lut-ffnmajorlty. James d by sthooi Ja m es K îth. - eceuty. early tu Ma QLOV.ER EE___pei* 3Ountit,ý. of -A landI i DLis lu tho WÂNTED9,D )arqe A.olii, -esc,i lfruuu iceen wîthou, perbhed. - 1,000 1Bn h.I Of A1 k ui ee in elo rciowno 1"u 1od19lFour Souod AT AS. KEIT'FO sI, lite octurr ýd 1F'ili~,j...t Lin SaJ/ -Mc, t UfIDE TEKfIGIV" ~reandt lietuw :riting fruuie 1 and 0"12 0t ceM#able to rabte dumb. Ber caused by b apostie, of R 8T.v.ld y f 1 FJENIT z' fet t ut eo seo f, sud on i A~~~~~~ym bagàadvlgewtmcfEueui~5~v~G bu& . isd Me ~t.ntup au vhIle ber vo as. ~~ ~ oi Ueh laevions i &hem W 1% WW-&C41lo h as IOE iua.z.Iusclduousii JOH ]ARLK89 The utyi, WILLIAM STREET, LINDSÂY, -the ity , FoudersudXaoinit c-The ur -J - OLOVER S-EED I C-LOVER 8E lW.e » r.ayt bmay u ait orK »o ALSI Mover &0& As.Timoithys Those who vaut té puhke same we wÇiI » Usd té at c@s p a eB NEW FRESH O CROCE RIESm ing bought direct from the refners, and for cash, we can sel at 19av. Parmers who can afford to Purchase Prunes, Raisins Und»Y, Jan. 17.18K-71. BOXE Ai surpri-sini ly low pricea

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