"j' _____________ - - Il... s _______ pivw'~'wrn~ *~ ~ nu~ ~w £ ~ 1370. J&T. ONT., NmAT, JA3UJAKI 31, JS4W - LE UT jrkuxoei at vvw. ~- M I I M __________________________________________ I __________________________________________ ________________ - .=-. - = -- -- I T~,cIV ~Amon oeU~___ 'oek 1 si t, <Vifi<1ot ilwfrf* fkatzelt -tiom »M AWek wili Yj,5lwerltou lo.W r i~l '<Va or~' i'tw v. OÇ* fl 4tE-tt »luk 1 aVew rn f f I'v t,) t-V.' ~dveaitt aittl TII' % nim ro Ifer W yowtoea ne toi 4c Ave, paTw of malIuE* Ot1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iè at Vir.tiogit MI und 'at t jof'lierl si h., ~ ~ i~j ~-:~ aira ififi W t&*i - A = f bi'l 0a>ewtew-lEleudI c j , - 1, -"-t 'iV' wiîiqI a0t r>rvaew iiht.rMd ~~ ritut A M . file r i rwwl 0 nih' t *r i ro ,~'. 1 traP4P > ahSr 1Mut t'elttiffl MI MMUWI ,5M,15ifIoiItlr . 1~~ .t 'Ill-U- P , 1h ikv r haP Wltlna'# yir. »tý f fioIitf'oO'. pfoit, vivfe theUon% t,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. Ol POie tmr' 'i 's-. lt$tI iilf- avF001fIuuio e te o o t' o r W Hôw~. Pfulbiw5'olk#,_ H OWE? I a er4as thert stated, an4 ont Dollar for ti-te -t] lk'il i<t' ce 1bita mt-tek 184witfli. ths , am tu esor <c<cf i ~ oe w thr i pt M. aylr *- rci'itai'.~'t nf i'oôk étov vaîerqfnfor ail subsrip- j r a a'jt ti IifiN rtrt-le nrn.ia dons this& yea t r t l<' i n Pr I ru" '. l'au ~~,ailîaa, ~ .'faa Iaflif't t4<fmf' OWP&O MIS 18 THE SEASONt 'siyvueRcgsealOne i is. ola o n 1t15515WVO M a" - Iti ~f l.4 I M tt TosluM» h.'e' haiistiMS lSt111W udsam f at sII.Al :CGRHLL4D. -BARR,. fi<tca&l.ÏA t,. L A' M 'Af- Lindsayt Ont, Bh itmtnlto rôt5,01foran - herthe lnige ytallry orng *yo-u happiomn andi proep M-ty wîth- We hlî 'i noavvd10uar mir bnodn Iottm ioewth.yoit htneh4l .oY Vaiwoll me1<>o otir- mtvm n-atod vo tiumit b ave Wfetlt ho ani it 00.0 'of tinnitslu¶rtginewl lafindnrsy for iiny ym>rx AM oi toout ii.>con- $i1tn.oltf yottV patrôom e- th in -ai n mcSdlng yesrat, for the m in. fr'i mr hnatiw mf 0M Mw W.> in:~n4 to kmwp pme - Wtt, h. ioand III411 ry am iaforft 9A to kyomlior nu.and 1onir.1 Agaha w« grseblmOtwith th#%' i oo Fa ti.ihawMl _ mi. foo ssN M". 51mb, m le Bise MTU E N 1OIDATS O*f au AMas eysamosS ,rmaeltp F9154 ilPlmo. Phuamw fetv B uv WmmgEIAIU D A -q-US IIw~** 1~ FAIIIL levS UL-S, THt* :POBT' ie r "Vt iltl ame! 1884I,...nnal aotbwi year hai gonc ehatting 1 lf'WOthi'le otf the ilong ago; anli îher>'ye.r, wilhil, iti- iiri'. i.ngipag itl> joys a aIal tirraw- patrons, Igàii a'Inw-'. ti) blefiare '<'i "lite (Xra.rllary." lJ -ku- iti.' din ; 1 Crrier l't' rtc.ver attC' 0rali tta!t'T- r%% lilti Irem! y>ocuta ici 'ciii' it'. l'Il ota' Iraîve'illite.a' haflre(itr annthier twviie.v iiîrcbntli. J-il .11> tligt, i'.'t t. I'.iiii'ii'. i>' îrt;4ece macin- Itu-jitus ' ar iny ini-ms ivnsertar, fl'iy. 1 titltitaingly itiaka't ti. .ut1li.4%si(in. Vlsiersa ln boki ng aor. waril tnçtiîmethiig cof tliëte '.aîrf fa ', .i\ inînth..ri, itî l i a tîtis i awali aIiire.f;a~tct '~y b appeiu ta i n tlie uic mneno îf w w - lepleC. Xy m'itre jg nfi.(%,inectire--iiytny titini vlt'zi,.inlry. 1.11w a'wrt i nusi -,c"'eay iela y.=.et or dry, hot ir col, i bliarcight Tilvt I03#i'te ->'olttalccar ve nin thé gatint. let of yonur hffle cogs. 1've 'pi'.at'i youv fruîit trce',atid kepti n lioaîft osiéîn~iencv. 'vt 4,îtî e-a->r gai nd I tha'.cal youar itaigllitii- Ct>W Iflfa the rle,t cric aimn way frot-i yaur griîwilng elthgt. 've inat 'rosead theiti:parlinl îr lisse tM recatitudec toraîrdii your eat'a. -ail a> lime, toc',wbîeii cai% wure 1-i iff5tg beach li nnî. l'y aIn <itjusat '.tIapiCmofl twit Iliaii een a i 1-- Afitr lac fa:- at, ilit< fîlin Iiw lawn if t' t rîiily VUvt' leen 1lnca Kv<' i <. i, a tla'atabtlc'-'. ntI l'ar'î.thert a w14c t 1, maort. ' q,'h'na alit 4i.iai îýtak1L iiaalée.'->aat t(-%e l'Y t1i- 1lt t ytaîi. nowlge 'or My <Ufu -"ici:'1l'e te iiivasiiru a t'fy. ar li terilif y. aad inttii tingait t. a il i it thit yacrr ighîhit al '-aquarler ali yraur left iattl- amecioher tic if. And tit'ir rriier lacoy, n asi (tuty:la'îa-il . wl Sýt.miîl." .af a 'arec'utd triti, Ana! *Iat wc (10. ,ý*çt1c1aa Ci' f tniti-ri iA:tlit, lianci" rof 'tiit -rnfri t.i: lark-.ýiîaiatgive y' au a l'fief oataaa f titi, 1,tt t t>t'I iiit<antt's hai "ifltn.in . f, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tn. li aa' rerhi.ytc* ).h Afler yaei rend i hent >m'sil niaI ic.'trtitlrd, i'arcan..'Ifliv 'firtmha l'alane t.af tie ai and.îîil a uanî ity <pf tte sciai r t'i a Va iIca'lit I..aaîaiga lirîtIgi '.e ' irip. iiftwt-%wn îks. *'lcarisnii, a'.f rmrinaîr mal> t.r,4 Mlliiieia'lac reînaitn bin lei.ii~~ni 0î t iaa' nt.ia 'r'th i irtaflt ci lie einbliiedt in lii-aItcgary. IXtlaîlat WTîaa ,allacta iiscnai tti: riit ei ri 'ne, Th t a.'Ç raf ilie*i'i.i ai lîllia-" sli jaiie'a. Tlh: t.inialsaazy ( ciî" 'ratei àa'.iîaicly'.în ah I'>i f'fr'a ll'l1ICC it Cti:homne 'haipiecrts af Alit aaI. 11w>1 b atteCrnd i 1t 1w ly.taroll(in <~ ~~~'-a 'ifra1'.t. i.;Wirititi plhattily pîIastt. I iit a>î> ini mr ritr (ril lo- '.i< tirfi tic a tîairl atytit. vti'lt<ti G-i. on(, r.' ni'ni iitt-. Stat i etl al lpeu¶tflinàrr îrie . -tMii l'l erI fateîltillt . 8tfck de- 1 br- 4' j acf 1, N ' if asi airfilttufvoy's 4Kilt'. 'Kali foier f. 4jianihl ews'sswtl <ttLindsay aireet. ~lhu('k' <r 'rhteappninteai.li'c antihu twist îwolur don te CÊiàiitiftirnta! 1 New 115evo iIi9Lnt1 i4fîf mnit andi * tl. Nw$% Dlo i ieteiacii ovet the, rîvv. 'rilph of miderscngnooulng FNut> MliIanrl 4tatkean ibt u nlample Iplat- i iýt eLit4out. Th'Fl atteV îîI i-.lic àlnos'. Qênrry 1 n csa'hrotuel, th#î William mircai ha--teu cngravéW cdAntrdua. g .Ini-y (.n iraiEuhilin a %parkling&mue, <'e-.e A litrair isys hoiicay f-U'Airte tltrting commu iiii>'. *ine MStk, fine. implemeneaa ARc Ri l 11 ineprlnfine ine horat ne fflaey- Ne* (#*A* Engne pliceed-in Tut Po"sprom., mo' <IO lle ii iitiilm or tthe naiM n six-A otl~nce îhIvMlng the pIqyoud.c(' -te fRouih WordNb". l.inet*ne& Vonin Mn 1 ilIb.uý I AmNwun 01rî rans à Poiciul de»tisas-viiibuah.bailer ni. vey lm-ad uumetlu WM îl TM CAREZE DOTS Nf 18 Gr 1 màm~sac=N £et km Cham& a» w» la Imm qm i* tr*bioo a IWadahy aetlm Ut vsèb@9.wwlmmtbe J'wtlsmr Mllb.muaumig Imim M Me:.ocue dIual epas ufliThumr 1 momuti ng d uie. Butma 0 1Omu~ Md$& .Tb* petim wvaMll by -. ThoeTulsuu inst Mk.L . GOUMR, abs sucessftnlrbm m eid uw tori y n dwialt u eti bM. u, go" e. thI.vIma agm oivmibe Asymo of nUm e hi lone maItaeinde ai Oa"Mur -AnIon "Squlwreih~ fiabsudmml-othon ai lit:cavd, tb. oai. va. &"ay u anddMr, Dajan t eehr Q.C., sud Mr.N IF. Patieon, QC., at pert Frry OMM" avth* VpeatalOIIsaII; M s mlma C.,amM WmJomat T tou o tbe epsadaut.Tii. paredinge van tnpolaby lb. ov bkakiaddaytnom aie eam chmspeal noalm th or dw p" th« unow ez. Ptme.et A. Re hm-Guelpistu cOaM vaer. eMeiMWUliaI. Rom l lb vtme V" N ,toew * wS tIlat J. W. POVuI, IIIIber' w, Po rtety va lu my Mfou'me vol. Iiy hWmampluaw, I. E.Pstuan Po9we asblaIob vth mabermmmg ths As &jblg memutilonI treaa tevcuI lmem g ascfb tassama ge' hm m.silvwor; oula "hWa.vdivhakte 0% mRtit, v autPoweill tInup 1w lb. >0 wouilocmm 'bu sycaste iu .7 pmaln, n b.offtbrsW .se liai * ~ ~ a Ubaee s ieuhlaa.Powell m0" Pattruasb. oul requin ,son.m sma por 08-a" w»m laidb. coui hav ti calhl189Ma u ----h p hI da11101 Md &tfev vouwe1 Pét vol fou' GOW&,Md FmlParr. K. loenufai bu dumal mpMy Um or promise of UO7 thuefé Chaap M 8 ude icat ILH. PateOs, Port Frry, pu314.Thu Kyle Mdl hig wtt. 49,0or ffle them Mo& off iaI vlu, for Irylwe vol,i4baom suthet h bMdl 211h of YFebruary, 18AMi Mue.Kaile baposmi ct Polterclé foSIu'Wte Une ba lànuemc go have bu inait lvote for (>oal mdusAh v1o"zil m au livghL lma uspeatlob eamvauoliro la bu ubmi Who ail b. liaufl ro vota fwou' euI!ayvaf. Attllr the ileodeumi. en«t o ?abruo<m oe ami reainde l h, ahi s promI@ s ma tmIt tee, Mdls 4 oih o Mmo"sla lbe grocd.mrtremtga.45 vortba mit aI pie or OM'.strerclvel * bill for MA bueboud objeetai t.go 'ttIe t"ê, amd site vnt andmv s ,onsm" pao' MI d hin chat theI1eM vae "A 11W maT" FOm AOTIER VOTE' ChargeSI W"tvs ht W.- Citare pail John am" ofetPort POryM Money fathbes voltmo gva bisa anw bat. 8.1h sai ta os pllng dar Curtis i btm hi. wa drive ws.o aal ithoav a oug tevole for lie repflaIuha iII ot kuv; Cuario said If Y* aa VAI ole1wtS eul h1vAli @e. yO% *; a»»dafor' ILbut Curule wb v1Va il ites SeuIl vas alca; ho Curmlefor a m"v batsVUt au n th- d0.Mon«Ykaudmlb. bb.aivap votold * a r ldchesud "'tdl a e for M*Il ,bât tld Corrne ba. volU vote foS GouRd. At tieti, stageuiutaztcawledimme vit w»a pkdla thlueb.bez hy th. petamu Was comailasi unS telaiorrov f«o ou ChOMeis(1I t. 7)l toh tissg a as hala, luslmui, bituemsthe 1.1h Md gleh ]FebrunYresy upoud«Seut v-e tko ta,. Jomsph Butasmil ha- bal aWcigar trial by reepondan; ailers vire troaWol Ch", 46 o eseL'- aliegecan or treli lut -ounm etJahe. f abony Bui irel dI ha ac Uuho- y tevote os ~ igdur, M theWuyha treatal Ma- cosÏ&ciguarMIdo mmoetamdink atI"w oahe laBrechtan. lu omm'mL M e o pWg da. BuSh&va.unlet- johusmemaW ieis»as mporemta. M.r. Mii clmte b.sent.- Mr. KCrh PA"l th. da"abad bom pactloalyab- doIROI& Mr. job»utan h.accordlng go jiudmuienla uEgihcae h l couil mna b. abadones& WMCZrN(. A . oomSERamTzVvoTEa DEirhq. .Charge e vasto the..ffset Ith" LM&- Nabb vas usaI.drunkby Ja..cpt Smith mi, Bug Mbu te =lhlm fua. vuefln*"Klrabb Mid ht lvaypbeau a r mava a o pillug "Y Smith me« hlm ln KcXllaWe laveu, vhcra e m n trealed tht crovd te a ýdpr;kSmith drev him toe . malvy station mmd b.d adulnk at the hacl - thon; hdm"e h ormMd gara hlm anthar &&Z .The court thes A4Journed usd1 Frtdmy. On reSumlng ]Ftlly moemlng charges M *"l M wce Irsttaken up; them vemt lu ot tiMM Jama. Sutlfe, alleel romptul. eut'. aget, uhud W.. Kar t aIndue. hlma ta volaeaMd pu hlmltxctd m fm4obly Gemai hlm from g- n a oa Karr, wvho bal-beu smilulfor COL. tampt lmicetzgtt "a«ng apperolnluthe vlcuama be lntocaled, w»s clle uo upm o l tcty. Hle*avidonsewvas t te as.ouuut.Ree dmttad Iba tl cîfdrove him ounttauanadjaent village on poliiug Mry but ha elurnm o aport Perry and saWs tbm w»a .reormscammUteet IPor mou, Brou an»i Troncam A» ta th. Kart charge, ho eUtla that ha got a lîvery rlg amI vaut or'hlm ou polllmdayatblsovn fequeet. Km mylng ho. vantaI o S; t1ay eroult Jtisem, th. vitama bavlug buabmeac Ibare bsa t mil tht Kwr, vbo vas arefomer, vw».golng t. vota for UMmfli;ha knew if saber h. vaulai vota cer Goulsit lb. ilmose ekma aflr I p1a o lnMI day, amI broya tvaor lb,..valet tu e poli; whornai UtIoe, sMd jase belote rtun na, eý'tv Conserva- cves cainMd mI kKart avav vila h. vas An astore.Kur, rocllel, slI ejail U158fou' b. rt&Mr McCatbycet adl a chargethM atuliffa, esu&aet ai tht rusenlul.hired #» rlg to brlmg votere to b.plThe cour declin.' te accola ta I. rquiu.I, n I1Uw taIlb ekmence IDIC au " le charme. George Usil w». cellaI ou charge69, ltaI Srnieandi ILWbm. gel MéNébb lulozicate .keep khm rom vatlu& He tuilaIte a"l to-the valght et ellesce.The chargaecou- noctlon wvidth apymernt or mamay aMI ummi "BUTIS= v@d i., John soorillamlea, wa» cmuh& ne va. l. Imm e e ad"lb MMat mli r. Gouli, momio, 1"aI oruavpho.took au actvepart llb. aloln, mpln ut hi. mmw ork; vent up to.- ey.Fathcr Ehoieeaa ro mmmotownship Boeak, about alectu atora;Il vasetthere- quesl aipeltgocalfrlamda*.ad" l oy be voul met in. éactimof Goul; ~dd uat knov Fathar Rbobeher vwituesle a Pro- ttoUla; Mr. GouMl III ual »k hlm tog eoudi mlrumem*ber he bd; @&w Y M .lber eutbossthm o asunde.Imn »dl talodai amou d thon reurmel hou,;mWvMr. Goul, W. dur-'gtheewc- tamaIet au wsboume, helolmgvSf "lc; ba-É- domsa mooeY lua bolI... moue ys a w». aa emmeta frsaUzbkbP té the whmnomlmmtlmg couvectdalà IWtuc de t h& Charmetabu& la abs parlicu- mms thal Josph/ Gould alvumeel bA7- mm one t pand lubuytagvoWq rogb Thotim. flamali«ig dre. lias eu Inevmarkog, la vole, ind kfp i. s a ts bouma; uselhie ou riM. The oeIytss ha spaclalby remomberelwvasom» atthe X slabuse, UxbrldatMmii c GlvryPateea adàlmastv hieh va. sbortly belons polladay. (Luawm.> BelcrimS 80a"te lb. iutSwviev vll Pte oblatr, l..mi l »Ub.ltmduae. id himbt se arefonrau a" ilho nnis.. atood tht e . father' a sporlg b nform eamda"te Ibm as 1w» abou Patw hu'hloear a"l h.o ndêta do mil ho seuid 1w t lbff.addaael - Tas- MeCeW» -~~ oheul ~~~ in t l a U hI a a eudI a.u&ste mo etumvsml.g av -iPm- badI ahlmby bis tather ma a n; ho. fr-e lammvng hainmocmamaioummvbhis ftu, vho vasmmot xmotal t. lva or lina a .skor tva; re r, ba1 n t m bom - a slabo hmv coul ýmsorlly larivel la eokn ullatar] l agla s"MW m üe attr. ii. si dIr ~,abmtWvib"l oui lot hlm bave re bat Aet t vouil ha vSy coven- lemMW v nt Iachsu.vbl bhthar vbs rspolet v. alkngabout havy- 1a099ec . fvavel om enufl oh9protest tathu'Mia i . IImotknov ath"ha voAid piiclbis &day amarewh ld=hm lik te abs otha eurlos. Crus.mlum-îhd belvon 20 mml 30 moula ampoyumalathet lias9aithe ekua4*uo u mbslmgavmwlav u' -= -.C. ïym- wh. taiba; net m .MoWIa 1h. du Do.bln Umm- W. EILà=mAet Wbi* tu ft Uhnabli11k. cwd Lotur ewm iJeops oa . tla- [t cntaimsi Ivo Rsa.XeHwo l -Four 111M e scfrom m oua t. sx yenre tagâe, thechldicu of G. V. Camav« ert barn"l te death usr Duka Centre, Pa., on Fr1IBJBlutb.I1 bhouse havinq beau -Ou Thumdaby mlhtMi. cLcha su olI voman living aicua in a tumble douai bommataIthet aIyad, Coling- - va. frosorn te destLb. 8h. vs &iâonFriday moening bl»Wbbo AÂt ametIrng af Brooklyn femiaus on ; .KalgbI, receutby arrivaI romi"a= ,deploto"-the dymita md mal »md hu Bull POIeY b.d »- maoe respect t the £a eula caprap. -Warrmabave boom imeusi he b. rut et Rmrsd Wm. EhOY& Ivo veilwt. de famrs ci MBIlupb w4msbp,bfr a.- - abgW.. CarratIL ELH.Bous,Mr. Bulk aMd SamuliDeavitr ceam ena, witb &"ndo& whf p stocaw m b thegfr. tt Ciureina The. Be"g ina4h9M a nu cupe l truM ther lutboMsd ramtg ah. Woelbsl forsu me.U i&fu~ W. tm tâm Borde, bat a 1 - Charge.21% 30 am& 106 vwu*at MGoul prometrsi lesumforGemma. uIpravau 'meNab s t Bm1.a.ls aime cemme mm l Gmemt bmimaB a b aleeua euilmmMdarna ea" miii oUa mm h w»va.some, tak iabout hie voe N pok. roollabeu moXgowbe "'ddM4 ami tchoubt lI, "hi0>e 0 gie Fi lieusei i tmoi Keml'b I invote linrda» The amu' mai. hi vmaemdvt biaue tuvalIr uil. 8mw' Cmii flervutt. Mi lahi. vtitbat pumul vlth Go"lI.Cuad abbkwurabtt l.ata hrucher vaa heame coemamlao.e. &U*Ieumm.sie. 11* E.Nabb, wvbon- umwpewrot t. Fuim@4Itlice..cou. lmaedhi. mi .1bch. umrel, an tme ome von anlm --- chers. MLý abaNm" Iml- A l a tàw Omme, t GollambIdh- how u taom i . "hailer#qLuh'outu ulula bautras --D.W. Carulcaled et hie bouse, ami ar aakimw boy ha vw» ma il,"I thaaisym toUm 'mrhoU ivota» ramsmd bc mm eet H oes.&" T.B m à"ailicous C= 01 NI ort hutrio vem chat tb. ficore camudmm uelait ryooe e loa ar&&CuwsuborCieD. I m.CuW. Rime . ami M T er rueiaipeui. dsomWfrm Gemma IWSNalb. Thagnl woWdem»dlumy t. aia i-oaitv the Chou0statathl Gemm or sie v. go lut hovoau a. la achs'm a m ciab. ass due W. v Wlbem as ml u Charei30 vs ht ai & DavRin A.m Tcomate t' u me tW. M PADat conasi.cla ieu aI .iprnc. ore. dadyo mie tt II, tual2 baU le IBIbwmmîula1 ibumertthe IMM uvemnu bu oma- Mome vmi waE n dduaient th lmiPbumr larimumln a Idi alt"iseMvamho bllom7l amrva- lAva 4oeobmgq r - mi « thea dilut lagb en at vlth Xi'. GSu te me- V==h1 Cue ura k; about a 1m fei a l". sti p~iruum e of the- cgumy ental leeth m ma othon ýmàed maltura;the a eb*besM" O, c llaic ea mmVtaierGanma portMr. Gouid,, b.h. ho bI aivaehi aoumereatlvoen a= othe veu-kafpa WeNabb bom ba.a mormer chat the oetd.bum baï bmabt tau up.amI w.G. oul Umm u'vSe -hermabiack We» km fflcosova. ~A aiosio tha ay lactlcu be roembared& "riM(i uXPiDZMmoma ^N' O nia. Hgh Wilson, PortFery, va.call ouM tteos8g o e Mab by SmithBE l e- -MI h"tSmith ate& lvtal&Wb"hosu:- ffMvsardwn ailm Cmaitte. meeting at ,u 1 Mmdill on pouag *dayha oMv - vwaebelthem, mad aflwaaro.MW tas. dzvag up4autla the dirctian cet- a»à toova: overlok them at lyb» hbW, vhon vth ving aam Nabbh baifr ou MmuenS Sherif pla=ta toget lgoffour. Tuwrorounb, gcalel mil wh»ev. uathug la charge h pomiidosva.ftrucmobb ny mu Wiah eb im. ora mdliithebcoeamvtAve gites unlersilmti"chabis name aUnera va Faites a. caled- heaeatel amretunlng offcrat a:ewation,, <IIMot suld viat. weatmerti eoretrufg~ er- o teuusip of Sett te Thompsoa la i hank: dia ual md these for Uxbrd¶rlla k. hsa Toi >nArchibui -ee"andam 3aMes hffA uvrecalled ou dia charge urersappon ment tha Trner v MMrecmmnel as deputy. Rernlng.omucs; boagTurner wva u active mmmtaLu lr ai Goul. Justice GOdSr-DWt hinhMr.McCmrthyyan Uonsrecounsalok up auotber uge. Igt. joueçh GoaRd, ltab afltae rosoul. a:, vas clbe&d, md A, b. vas pa.ldam et the t uo mm moia to tithe iling bal daubteamot bu eou'a nomination, as ha »meveMWvan money Ma"elaPolU"u cm tb. 12th April, 1ton. a" mm gns rnsutiatvih his alom ur îM*00,the note va. t. h. h y Kiggizs, aulormai by GMon, t. ce hankabla raper at -àper'cenut, ,alla Mlx or sau monthe, the note C"ueCnal-thougovadu; appicstion. bad bec.maIoe ta bavo hlm take Sm ofa stae in lalb.WhAiby Chrauicle Com pasy anmd Gleas Matal n ha lltter tbat;b -rot-a6nota voul b. takan iu payrntn; vium ee ailuelthet fi, and replied thât ou ltae psymmo f SMO thenote voul b. rnewel fr the balmuc an d ashel Glen ta éee the note vaspald,,nae 'dpa adollar fou' eleelli prpaeb= book pro- lueMd, 1;s etoeýl aue. label Fehan. Mry 'i 1988, OEinla aveur aImmuseJ. eUIl, ami ou February 101h, tw8 o Charte.Goul; dia mntchre*0 amt lunes, as ha thoabgt ha vouidgive t to hlm on accoutaif theelectioau mthing pascal betvac hlmmfanImm acreepet- Ing vhal tht maney va. for. Walter Nation, localmanager of tb»e Dominion batik, pralucal lb.e aank lalger, anI mil ir happemal. that on the day Jo. Goul'. chaueWa gva. *100as placel to awa Gu&credit. Albert MWer va. caflal onMthe charge thal h. pail Patrlck O'Neill'e xene fiam Orilhlamd bsck for his vota. Ha de- mielthe story. WaUvaGould,&a sotetb. roeudent vmscallel on the mamnecharge bu: knavnaiin botIL.AtIbis stage o! the proceedinga 0 charge. wveeahamd. oud y b.patlttonrmad tb.court dis mîmelchage46, cf troatiffg XMoY. Evidence vas then tabau for th. epmd eut. John Adams -va. callel o ai=e 10& He mpatieU& dent"l hvlmg thretem BkNbb ithlommot is Ilcanése The court Ilinmeel charge51, chac Cureta p1Stmith for hie vota. The court ad- jora a:Mlx, t bengarranged te ex- aieroapouden ul î marnlng. SATURDAY'SPEOCEEDINGS. The erqulry vas cotmual Saurday, but ovlng to the mov bloekale many -vAluasses versunable to e pisnt TEE EPOndENT'STESTXON nut of the n dv. .VOM Dr MAEA. Pâtdeïr Haloet imua .towsl va. eau" M thelb.cbaine that toodrg Goui, .1Uhlm moeney to ve. lie Mid ivtoeawho d votme; gI & Ortalo. thlawésthmor our days beflor. poili dey; h.o »ve them notice te couéa te thW pol.e ouly saavGattinas; w..: bv r&llva tCo-av M M sd roturuel aroe th. country in McDermott's cutu. the trip cost &bout $10, whlch uwas- po i hl br David Card for axpenns e.: vut u lea lumberlng camp. seven or e.icht unes from Graveahuret; dil not li biMemm and te- terned homte and voted: ho aphtm daie<i the charge of haring rce nmy emGouId-,a&fend"-are~ meeting for lobatee. t tnhaol. Mtainu rat part of Decambwr: another meeting vw» beld at Mi- -Vluh's; Il vws in 1a woek of smne. momch; talked over uaa ta secure Goufl .electicu: a mm ha" a liet of mubscuvptiorns t o roup a mm who bail bot ahonra4 daughtert: Gouid and Card among other. vere promeut. ML MceCarthy applled toa mmcml parctn- lana by lnsertinie a charme that rosponden r paoiEl ehil %à and h. ailarwrdevotoo. The aplication vas ranted. mucharge. 1%, r Mmd 34 W- M-amernbsIbymoabswtuttn::, Carl' ane for th.: of Gould. TUB UCSAB CUAMIL Haurny Kabee a, cmvrsur, Cauriu. tonwsasfaUu on thoSrith-iMcNra amMhag. He al that on pllgday three Incat came ta hi& bouse --àdnba adrink. Wilso Mud Sindcla oservtivena entered the hou,. sMd a vramgie too k Sao, uh. »W urvals cbarglng bmlth wvit vlng take McNXab awar, Smith dentie . harga. a» dil Mc!sbb. who maid, -1 agreed ta go with hlm, and 1 Wii owlth hime about a dozen people bad drinkse as wilucsbotel J016Satith.Canuington, as cailed. lHo repeatel tbe evadence peviotudy gb en o& the charge, contributin nothing freb. He bad a bel t $5 with Wilson that the retorm Majarity lu the vilage vouil r Mach 18. WM. BOUIton, Ather, vas called on charge 78. that hé piailD.McDo"a $Lm for hi. vote; also on charge il, of treatting nt MeVeigh'a hoali.Centre MarslBe saI tlb.:a: a meeting at the hotel au e«eav va. rosI on the question or the ballot &Bd conversation arofe on it. Aftervards. a letter frointMr. Maliffta Mr. BloomIcl. aettlng forth hi& politiaviews amI a&&ing Ir =CYty ;hen aunounced that hu canl otproceecd further asm onta it- no9maes ere dtdayed on acouuc of snow. blachade. Thfà enqrulrv w"~ the* adjouruel pro form to uesday at. i.1ar.. atOsgoade, EToronto. AN M'-wriTYms OizTIE (-OLLI11V. A Young --manmrnIGoodwooctliving lu Parbdae, who vas walking homne fromo the ifuimber at the time e the collision ce- currol, vas at th.espot and sav the trin. meet. H.eOSyS1the mlght as the trains ap- Proachal esch other. tha, uburban rather elowly sud the freight d&ahlnu madg d;t the grade.:t the rate of Wl)mite. in bour vas one vhich ho vii nover forgo. t. am ha thoucht there must be two tracks. and that esch train vas on a different one, but' sas hiegot clamer to Ibm Une ha sav t1h.: there vaa te b. a fearful collison which fotblng but mopermaural pov., er coul prevent. lie rau a short distance ta be mieanesd a.the sub> urban passed.hlm hurrvgitsllve frekqbt, lu so ma.ny casas. ta their death, he oav -a-y af the men in the foremoet car lauomini amd talkiang pleamantly together. 111:1. thlklngthat vithin the omit few second. msuy of thant vauld ha but. lad ino eternlty. He closol bis ajo.. ho ail, vheu the trains .were twenty yards *.,ar, and the next Instant vhen lie o an ad thant they vert mat a&bout to, coltide. The heavy fr-eight englue reared open end like a mad thlng wheu it struck the dojo. my, plotaghing off its cab, and falllug auto tha car of the suburbau train among the. ra mediately aboerds cus beues±h the velght of the boa' lar engins. Thon the Aire broke ont and *burnt a hale lu the nlght." or rather lu the dawu which vas just then broaklug, amid the hlssing o! s ateam amdIthe. romflathe dylng, Orne m" lIay rigbt beneath th. cyllude of lb. englua, and everal more vere -tne the bolier. Dealh lu may cases muet have beau Instantaneous; in others the suiferings ware terrible te coutemplate., Orne mua baggaIaf Michael Lavelle, a conduc-tor, who b.d corne dovai as a pes- songer on the freight train, ta pull him out ofta e obis vbicb lay around him, sud h on hlch ho coul mot extricate hinmaL The paofsiovdid ual appoarbadly hart, but Lvel,!ethlm on hbis back sud car- di