Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Dec 1879, p. 2

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Viisau a uboe mnM h. iii té 10*11amhlU aaviulmise. f peo h.lfi nes-bbN ,aewaum . " b*&.-.nui" - l" aiiUn ê4 fit 0 111& 17560 I"mbislé garnis.M" b"sfurtes If oumausn1110is05hM u la *i OlMi q mm 1 M .i US F Il' ne amm m a& t fOffu n sfl m u"aia - l 1 u.ia ailf.n#gli., bouaeatem h làmi. bb h ePm iau». *aCm tbé C, ~nbJm~ ~ i.te .i. - t»M » 1 em~eolashwéa mnuanS .~ ___ Unesaboti bIWI a. is.bisMm etOitlBit b li wS sMpnus b "w «hm seh$ ai.mfflffmarsal Ula tosaau& amIb m à"h*fusbell Mme" tbo towub Va l. e " auutmmv leu«g 't'te ttami ma bu* MeMml&M OW",mW* Vogly e bm is aM ff0mb nia&" 1111Maie b, s peIat.mtvm iit»M la , umom teepa"is fuI~ ie ally t -bdei. bmeism *bu bglpI bol%& btt taae.UY %W a dodus te wn. s< ffl 1% woo JA l I nWO ta. l 0ute $ bPnUet ue- 5gmgSb@ l unie g.mfgor Ibbm l: ut b yse onu *Pm, VO m éd le*ipA% 1»«dma AIU5 nuIhM« s hlet lttm, am b de 1 a mi Md *0 6»suenlm*6s be m mti. e uta 01M SU S . Uk 5. . ashiilte sulMdoU là 11 b tolle w usemi. as.. sdi li ii81si b Ué eau & yWb lautte M*m t *6lIm «mu ee. î~ex.1wI5SJL saMtI metheIl Tb.arts. MinS viiPm" ta, - fa la a vie* ampsvit 1*l . s 11 >; hl Nth ipwe fmiSioet tuai ubli nm.ltht Ias .eh uic ia msgs b »A t j eau iteme» tw»lls heur à,v~ mouttSl .Odb e di amy Isithisce 10 ib 1 .-t um l mS btu >M- l e Vatelc »id Ce1-1w - Idim = Io e hSy Utm m Pet1.bmdbut, awtd ebe » de N 00101R1to uhis e ~i'W toi>VIR?1 4DMnh8 fU MM lemiaeltltthé omu. lh4 lm. ole abera t11.le t tsstmg ba me W55k. quteb ave ieu l a ieu dm *thbttti oSbjeet lan fumsi mm tali baii. r r.., bceila asorbes c vil, le a qtotiStiLldeay; tI mw s cam tuvsiybm ~~trle oomieta. ay Sturume nt It» to T«Mososalo; MM t alii o b i*, loîmefo dm ,xtfévrwm . edo cmi ou ucwilletem ai e mabie ".h . <t,.ttI*A-5..bat.matait tbcai total abst ineite: asscugete tTl.eoems u the. V..?.. ~~~ aboui h. s bftmesry qstlalnfori raan.esmftllonM a w4si ould. be- ...u..tOa Oydesê A à c mhoouWl me& .W*do om o téi s li..buastg u4may. ata u '.,Ietis0 SU,,.m &6. xIrme lmperanco ieguoft lii tqeé..Ulmmow r lTato lb.. léasury t eh* a. tf ies. ltam ee theplon lPro. Mliid. h u1et i absihdisM * ... ~ ..,.,~M. . tomett. ispemsasePe e t linisay 1"vornas.mdsiia eland m rmm Wo jt ... t'un# 5. imiane a Pm or they uoiud long Mgo! psae, iffraSm &d tcrease i freglt haire made b"It iueS.. fte tn thé 15a5c woold bu developi. But us Imila.. .u.iw.p ~PS directon ea 9e h mi seumosd. lbey 1 »»Pee uSt aoste orthae busdittu or *...t.ssysuis..Utt~a0m. are la t. mattin tlatiuand lonces. the *'poolag iai mh" snCh tfaclilîlea V... îu~u,<gwais4..Pstata, 4ib eth oedgy clii bave t10 e "shotalib ssmsd *.*tîyuul*St , crsledlaeffect by lice. who étrei, The males asoc *l bfreth xstlt.N sm.i, c proteesedamtlmtm. 'Tbli sbave boi omulye lide.ssiie A. se,(e m m*iwed Io drift ba lheotW ex tarbeett *e st anmd b Iihtul.» or <11 ..LL ~ é.. w i*w cibmc olauem.if uneos ciiecici. tant eaduvous b ofSud s... iiesed A temucllorares-» or * Mayor uns: Impsosedietà or prepase tlit, wmy forà Qg U I ff t liatas 011cmam l*.Wl.cius, or litent. W.rallies tamcy, bus,., lItA0 uav <mn' sledity trot m ar hos;teu.m mnatly basmolsu»t. .1 ' titAV, uar~y, »v. ~ mmd$04 tiC hoher; hi* a. algme w cilj f-tient el.spsMdmicwssbt ntmWyte bàa crta a tonSfroiteltupotacton. the ab 1le ettihmas uitelectei bito;d t mai fcosuth e salica, umaers l'àtCKTO et b4 ab"if . Iilid mayling luihi% reps..coi n p tiu Sagmes. uthe face et * meo$""UV* eapwcty uben lua aulele of Lîisar f tmey ulst. The thMnq ls I,. tIu ota SiOjits aiU~aiip eahliit lwooii merely hema matter <pold5Thearme altofflthes ande. tot.p510115ftor 804@5UahS kag et e feu dllars. %t vulth regard 1I o indent oetus.Tihair à&s" r i.woSdtuîc'm a âod fliaMMf 56pli *,Mobt ronuue the. melitar dllfeseat. t uimr la LIaisy &»y vay. lPet.stol T. rthwlit le ioulsth ueatusi ttsqulasll $r4MWtv r Ocven Wiglliof ce belle, lt" w v o d dthe rse latcleboma010 *i5f ti ailo. opialus n thepart of Members eorsuontrances t a u.tios.te.iommlt. wherou ha" tiS a Pi-~t« tb*O*rd vîNthavem asuaorailetgr @c ac, R POClI&Iy aspoineolteb comter dih t br yestnovci»W ae i'6"ptIbf*tri adue Imeou p"on us edttctional syis. 1cm. &ad sien aIf Our oi enbuiai 4 b..îoesld bWr»Mit visIonS fer-bto,. You u adreces mi.t OM«lraiImW ee u db 'br l U ~ mgor ee$tttagDbPA .0 fad eëX uautft arr»«Mugfele vob 0o014 *ils op J U (~fffYF*F WTIO 0Fpeeorsl4. villa hir teet tw.ocd lautth asmagsss bebImportance of - iii: l'OS?. lb air;mai you vît) telleoplo Iou.maktmg bottesrsa.mmafrII lut otwsutanc viii us rtitOifl-andpleIl.' h tigly es.seaI mlla Sas bfsgl u a ul u t. 1 fis ess 15 Culaguc ambSM 1hiool bori fot« t>shweudlie buavease.eted a tloer fet.ns ge. iL «f *4-g< VousvWi o b. melly l,tei. niai10 ~e i* i.Mateet. If 01bs Dindéas b.slmos hliiop*-le. ili *iv,' thotqaaitnoon es ib, t.àflIo ii ~ lhnctYnndmrtoo it wilyl 90; b. ousd oo 04r"coutainfi. 11. Nid« *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #'tteot.y1 u eu~ ilib ol;i issipjs uesdfcrm and masagul deieocrodit for, <.. <te b hes,*bdahittiibu . mdi. InoAVieh.fbib»itasg elOdllonlia.he lthir ls erablly la cmrylog themails, otî..r,1...lgsW mba etTisa l>csrfymass uok uti vo tfar bmarM la itand t ois lsde b attowsmte f.,' there, el. Neospo..%hm"ald ob Msuy paeuluaru liîve îe h îbi.oun laverything le"r puwes. ma fo r iblis Chrhmmm amibes tforIlle rmyo m" sud a"viasîver Thei. dîfculil m ddrabs ofthIe e w i i.l e Ml4tr * et Ptih#Itl. nMKY Wh i Ouaottoau b hord,. ttumtimormss lly appreclmld, as vei1. c. wiluet amltbfel cîasv c detomisanusla at at Man s. alen. flnucla es. Our.. fisat dit. hay.. mSade pepfufmlbu le os.1'<irt, couosueiany offiéitaely ol bn lltty ta connection villathb Midaid I.'t ite Pas th OCMisas Uillob t -t4 pars t, aite board allilS receve such Mthe Peterboso brancit; and me lime. Tif t' IN" h bm soedlii elouedeiglic the s aie atsy denanis, If talattir uer vilb .oughty satWsfao l.yremserIs i y-lmlsy f4my5eeffl* ny.e eeuli occur. W. aed arily tory &d maibragdsi e*moslecum. hb,,,.1sOmtti.Sg y ie p as v eîy amil liathlb. onduci ut crotee se014- mi bass natil Pelero as on tsealst -1,tt 'tu eormiaite btle.Il.We trot s metIPAIVI&Ia* l - atsvil 1d ar _______ il....vear bml.'esyitntsshlê.rulw-& s lar eulneg flu lu o uosdous <cuism «"lwsumsIebms viii itavu baigoeohve sawln o < **OdoQV0FTISLIVDS o,. Ii ci . mffr5gCril alal. VMUMdlperconamates beyoni .455 TbL uloie, ioatreamo. ~ P5'oui iSuM aajourulasa; tiuash ta lsOur ugemto iaI &Upromapt Meaurai taclosi oller puns.shldimmi ns eOmorsehiei the eleolor&Wa moul bho auben te eureuw ite itltlo OSerutoslatew' aul ee h bli.y pondes isba olesmg îi s o..80 orethae Llmisy Market toile or teesebas 5ttaetî. uNi . tuneS a MSs*0ilarete rq p e ommd4 <rmmy bou sarted upos.suit".petallons b 1Os~~lblà. as i i eval.empcclîy e tdrink ace l. ova conct],for sstaure bi sate- »dchtu M M 101,111 l)Bai ohms. lispPb&@%, o " A aube-payer. oftah. touaaMidbtari sres sud ateuleIOpplrlnslly foc <Pect1 al it elbiupeelit May demauci: but stepayers t 1h. srroudnsatous- f<reerag (Mes ie odY ~mso. Tlbtmq dSgssuuakor do »"s ir a i hpshava eabonb roquel pepessi bl rtes ao re 10w tb ute lbcircula. metiode of. demflng lthcesrtan mot. Mr. Adam undapeth, prlnlsd snd loftIN lion c«d th. -Pm» f tslply. 1Iuload' fl'Ïs vît) umioubttiy bu'aftes&e.a mtnsierai astesera and tI en a a inq adimm ilusut e Soies a&lavesby e"dlgi; amd seaclpublie methoda soumbus oftaesla lbecouu7r. Aatyp 5~it~P wcli~pvopetybcorne sîbjecis of pub. o005 Who tvanta àe opy oft he pelait. iII.W>4500F PfW TON ~» ie slhoie,.for ltie couahe-n eatccoue aI 111e t. # lISP. -~ -or- Mithas aI fie of tMr. Huispei, or 9 QI/RMAtI. ANDflP.l~A OER fe esin-f Cn. ata. fis rel.lml~ aheayes U Lii. fiSNf,~îI'N~ ent1uho lfavour tâte eboilalon of lise eay *1li, Mcee b0pmidopto b l 'Thlie wviger arrangem.sent fielblea mhoud laerea t liesseves uintis coboIed loo. fer * us W4d1bea vri, éli racyo Are justly tegarded maltes. Thowe Who may notehave ma mai li à"eus austy omoie Wa by di.s emmulnuity as emtnemîîy u- pprtsly t telu R 0 ais lmrp ls.ebAppelai b1,1 1 es- "satbory. A phas etia tee un elsci Ibis ses b lbepeliionusI lis i e hoboM. Villaregard b fauchos vms iemomstralsidl&lite mie ntlhoe oiela atoua. ,lbhemore osIgna te eolftfla*lbrmlspayess SbOUIM Ruaon Prilmy morrainx tob-diseuses th, e turbohe botter. A aumeroul sl sigtu , kefPt dte O lsalelamg 9"Islaw. iy d$ecstlse mail tiffllOf thce toula. lellîon trot lte fasmers Uorh elh- whlo it. illm ais place AS la -»rfe-Sla euse01leoi ritolOittits.TimIboushood dli mboireo1»111. uig Mugdithl e unmrt M tae bres înales .mia rraaaemetits.The M re ot Uselalg aay be lef I miOÏe; Mmd mis. o b le OWee-Om e resiv;eh cstl0» cfmcacory, andi ve do nlm c»s ov sau rsege tlb Maltemimnuete !f wo -ef b »m b ih ppltthe lboeualy cý oiçil MPliveient of vaune. eth 0bu sfbelstanumera thlbe veu«t s apublic meet. *A Mi 1e.b e appolalel ty l s vlltilat il ai oflt$ lime. lng ing hou. We do so bt iltot, eonsl.W. i.demg kw bloc vielliorli. 'lthesriy mornttag.ontlgona c l b prou MM Of tte pressaI *uY ise «t lie retg -Menallie.t-. suIl oun1the Milandila eneiodhy mav. yitefl.The" Il lueas " hâtoismle itend tole ào a sOu o la 4e-js» ýM rsilmpasaant. intoess*.mmiV fon.unisance"» tnadmRineilby a511 fm@Ws or teppil.m. s velleauliw . ellei lt il bu veuy tumg4,*t&ew"r. admmàI ht leadvintomauuetupbhe tend «b »aa ».uIb lita ii"M uWIty mnolsaevous to bave lta"mail lhlng avav aisow*stioppmaeem .le heeoeuatsl-e90 onot by the Whitby rallay. Ny goueMW4%11 ditffl IVb, rSpyses- la W.benelieW It «aIneaulaMaime.. avina, au heur mAiet .#s i-s assilt . jln PS sary top00ee"M, mIllllsfotS b.ooa. of 7 m.lbmai via ili bt*bIUi tanoiudod b.- *Ideralo S le r09 m»a emsus. otld go e@Mutoos-lie monulmgrapi vnuw r Uam uua #rali, eiplee vIiei boti gveiaTral express, mmd pasuru tes srbol IiaseuLTise ,b.u t lt le b' 0 ' eocb IntsmorUt11:8% u dvm.We ttad nlS ai l yo'ar* bomiteeu Mmimlaia 19i'eee a ag ltaS vsti fuiy cocaalobslsu..hum u ifuae roag I mam il ttIictn les,àmmand railî o i e ýIh imuforî of gellig op futa*lbmj. ii ui anv Mr- faili rarfrpuisalitstt«. rie, Offib 0 ociuk d.psrtulur We fans, "eu. îst ou Ruafuses,§ mjý W tah.i uta lMPe Rfor lie bler lias Moevs la ns t, f urs cla eibus b: *, , gtbbi foreed upu publie almlo.for pu. op 1 sp urious tcal ley uum'l tdm ebesm ea m e us t shtos ýth»ubftim t WIOeT.h"aluthlselblm isasv lb.s..eto U aprOlOv soheotboardrMe aI liv. osriv.eIbty. Tlbahve pgo, 80 semlltg vor' aismda meifle ebupsecieme Md M1 heuwi pronpwriy e ietios i naeuttlubsliehus mS5os emmaIbo nM lm » buens ittnlmp lie musa le* puars Th. Puai- camse r.heurs wmmia spartes Iodu b b~es bonltMa lbaveu.1 lionUt oltu lusOIMMptais.ty-dve mai sboîvoas Lindn ami sad is el sbtfe .bu ormuOuttien iaIUt ofeusoîllorWhiy mai Lldsegand Port Rjg. m taomp e iw b sî,, latcoaasty btrsys a sose» s. is» bas aasmts àmMoe thsu l Oe b. mmnnise , w (it.tSgai Uof vWita ltelote fIl lus- issrv.ilagalffle. îî. liataus b Iii. liawi c ee om batlaIelilsessut If t e semab »q. h«Meur lv .5Mdcimliv; amib. bism îfsem pose ls 1usd OSedueogliTe eM- Ido»etohanlua lm e litati NUS. is ui ne b neglgsl l lte empel mssrbs 1110 mgteb go bo At iall4astu mw elmmnami tg esl surprias » MOseIf ba; mmas lbtelitra mi, W mev8 théemmcerne . Of'1 et iirenie oMa-Meus4 ai lf.peel Iu1 ailset MUta u 1,i osila Ru leftappimlmnle, ieug it bMl heur abouib.milo»»d15tir aiîi lb~ li ulollaa.M euhte nitlin; Tb$ ehi.asm proras l lb esaMel ek.utmmioaIsim elp1»gmur 09 U NIdu s, b a di b din A -alliev m m ss ferol bAU O bwow O P j ~up w MisNouoe ~ u~~. ~ i ]Iros aluts. li tuw eet s b - b it asi mmo a ::g:muim ma otuin*lua frlis au W* MaIl e O.p. làsm. omes, lia a b a u ddumitéle Tle presbylesy of LRulny miel M bave a smirtsml umud o --unsi Woodiltleos lbelestlsesay of No- duise le oulbwMImés durba eemaber. liseo ere asieve ulisiora lis amsuey et asl MM oeaso- Mdi eveu iders prusel.lite minutes Mryb m ns b boffl iym »'w oUtfermes musting vae eul dramm e.s dmeuSesfa àdrne qdy p emb thle tainei. lie attention of members wue ffl u fflesgsiiarti . - Uft lb caibsd by lhe modesmlor tletliehorie limt tus, lb. ums t s. P.F. Tayo rseprsesnletive eidersab rertlled i 1 fs têts m"amly bu banremulM lhil eeWonesbta icsclesi. Dr. Gille*. viièât otnoS l*bstitue otb.n ie usbhard ft ým C amin sCOURMe. Md pWeuiy.ieha nd amiy rab>. gatiton aid hlr equaset paste la re- peu dmtib*oMMdbllete gard tathesalaeofthleïr ou churh, a gia hieil,--e1 eulmmmlus. Nayorvillage ltInd lietsy ta isbaS smart- Deoa b, vai ii~engmoml cage.à aises vas renrfoeLUbritige bommbus VO MA,--- a l astbcestlnnagoimth de esbmaie *9 lb mp someIl iîhua b a sand the mettes viesmàeb. i3 o n amel mal referisioktuatbebm ten«deanus ta papisngmi~.~ il sascrme ta a soiluon0f tb. dlfiuiî b.ah. bon ~ a"Moutioreoive.Tle clerb ramd roi- an M* iy a nmauW*aOve lion lest. su appuil uhicia ucre eode:r WtUÈU 41«W 40111*0017. » UM bhoheu lu relentie. lhe presbylusp' ettieS li alieR.. ie smahorne mission conmtîse reprtebar- Ut u W De.eR J., . hasas.log -vîlai Soerlsoti. oirano Uteio 84latunmaislwu **iisMayor. andmilmlia la vlev et ae unioUthlb aiiy Mmd uW"ia ss.vil> Uri. . 1, L. isse&"con tou ari n& nowlsata gounulle, wtitogn ratites to bc comasct- WRstmla ab l» esSks et frh e v0- . aih Er-ock congsogaton. Report &W, an Mi vie l sem n«»aient reccived Ca- ciopted. It van agreei seV»V e l.CUiger genrs 081105 for go autl ier. Y. LCarrileacssqhe sere uor AMSimddpow, is peandpol MeIl< sud lais uple assai lta uossmama.sysqus.If vas appotpot e m elon610Y Sa p caudmmcees aiteorle brouit Euhni ater vas sppolstedto arrange ouS lot ros» Mr. ceq ipyl molgo for mlsoaiy mteetngs for bleow nchag slsblbt.Antir vb ti pote.ami ropo neil meeting. lej>eby- a eophohe. mth wèk illproa-tory ainsiahoraie no u s et a Wy the comrnileon the addUanahymune. bly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ui oee~l be.~ tetn f presbyte &PI> IDITS f L 3755 ofnbit b hlelci at W it àon tii tat lucuidav ut Februasy, aI 2 p.m. J. --the Ontasislegiualoas tamet Il.St-o:r.Presbytes>' lerk. os~" Weinesa as, thet -Ue" 'athu QUbore etCorkbas TheLa8t lettes of TintUD&y -lu, tie bom apotulel ie.iutorbl5op ta hiby (bronttl. lis ebrief une. We --&r AheI. eau hm c»inut are te-utitjoine excract:-"Mus-rHgga -SasAIr. Ois . hus apohaciEmtiRu Im it. ,î it>' Idt fret- miigogsema m lat U is o ttn over titu aci-<tte of utatters in -,bhoCreilsVmfaslus bsbestic ouli sud. An.ttul iitis, hal broth epead fr laNt b rdamuhmlle. ik aav àiiy Irotttu Maa, mue nmsaie, Tilu opene fortrafle t Oragevile t ok L.ncry, lte Deputy lieuve, happiuui on te rala laire agoing en stcadt>. ta cum ta î015. oan hethitne abouts licheManitobaieloeimsssha* liOn hlm te sites ant takhn a glass-qulte quis ladlusolrei.lhunonulsaîions taes kabtutdaly-.he ruoca Ies tit mtacà pièce tlb Pli antl. maltlb poltinon le talastani on, let alune iouluitin a the îot. .pin ilai e baud. Sa rez uetnln't hs Ns. l. Dvllez..P.Ut Mntraater expectan nuci a lilt yen papes Ur. rwiin«.MP. f Mntrsicuid front a man whobaha ba tp puti hma ies cotupellediy tlic iîtelsUp wiib notbin betier than sasuintis1 elale of ubissili btego goColoraio for can sodacetes ul4ncç-Tliu iItt. Me a iomg mlay. bcewoan go u-tcl tsecame Tli.. is _B«l tub4ýtuIltlVbs inst ht hsso me Humour-a--are -Eimets laisit~an Illuw.n, lau-- sore cor irnSun volsi a beau. t*IJISbIb losonto'l.uarci-nt sround. ThatwenieHum- ami Oava ruîvm. Itamio 1 nrentunda nue mv ahestory av lie- Labo bhave giveaso uenisiatta. outl iu'la nirelauxi cao mounted on à chir ta pst a neerer nov of 11tsue. -.VesrmsdsfaeitkMu lantoint- clos.,! lie con vos about as et * le Img bgo1#^@»5 ha"e bondjsceoi n«as thc toter. Finin rei, an mte, the losoo cuin ande, tmi eI One'aaianu hian crerytblngelse0 collecer, NMr. 4. I 0L ui, madilebletj11he camte citunctutltttm-itai cesetb Il.c jer, Ur. C.« ILNmcbmy, have been Th5le tos uf thc infernal sthsahu, din- ettapniie UrN. Sud*i bu mtaie go j ni idenglu lu me eur. onîr aggni- #10,0e. Midi1biteo Ma ae..v ate.%me unfotebtnste hedake. lie j uole ack.%hun -or the Goermaluleas -lb h e ougress openci On Muta- thîs NXV. buaiinsas remnds mu mv soli- day. lhe Prsslie moees c=tain- lusan mnch ai the atarvhn dcgalti ai 0 ad ligu1e tapectal laeemlt tCausians an Ici ut bia-,aonlait! A Jalit vie- suceptîng s netorece tb lie Fortune tory tiiy'so bai ot Quaybeck, tuImt Il iGoverunt m tortbruther go la for Bay allais teorvilcl celaIsOut 10M.000Looaalit tnte. MouI tgerin outi bhm bea mmbde à Mml ement ltat an cmmpauuers ile a war lu China betther etirs vl) boMis*bIofulitci e perm&n- thaut anycvharu esu, beicae av tite Lool estsellsuulU l flhos queela. tIPromise". An su trdht lie lecimbun -Tie Ubmto$sbIr John Macdonald,!canipaners ar Quabeck. Tbe Gérer- s~oawimaiumia vsa ucoa. minttbam promises taceot Loot viii Sir ohnsmuk m ethibest speechc-a; Ns. Langivis uw» remeted ulth a: TheuGrand Opera. Iue.. Toueb potrall Ut htaulf;mmlspeeches vere Uuei ani Titres. Lingentes mde b, Mrtsw Samu e y, Sir Charles (ri' lra>' ouu oo, oeasl l lupper, JrA i. Cait mnd ottiors.. The r O>t bue uot.ouo ebairmaa gsoli ltle Prentier the tineut buildings oftlire kîn n th le slouli b. m aei s-Bart et Gela- continuent. wax destroyed nry tire. Rabi.. va, . WrighIt, lte a.ixe cru-enIer, Nmus -liePer Roie imesmek~. iteWriîght, andtiieacir-chil,l Mamie, agMc saliestar-tecisd cmsg~h 0* tic ira.Cl'.ye:îrx. wbua .clpt un a root.stute us.y ofthle abolItion ofeouaty co 1unteli j top ufthIe buiding weu-e iturnel tau la s device foremtm-itagils. Mowat's' denîmi. Scott, the cau-tcker, ouI>'t- pouer bletumt, have ouanaci front.jcapedt) iibis lite b> jumilogfrot E broue. siias is isu all foolie anfutthe'noper wioutowu.lTe tint Toroto.sudla tà om clte fo th l-ust wiasotutel ati lItres uWcltk. by mitutIlS U lielosi iplaatur, coseo-hiehthe, îuu . i vm stwthath inte ur. mouefine.Ilt leetarsatemone. luisu torf lte tlteate %v as one glowlng tfur-S ue *oppseous provincimial mi i l) noce cltb titi dames tisuuna, front il0 bu ruauhl S Ostos NePhesmu, lte Port lni oue i, cat cuîpola abapeci mass. ScouP Hope Timtes adilek £vruss. the ilier>ecmaent swept Ibroug thtit saroîýn7i acnded higi tuta lte ho- SOUUIIIIUUP. veut., llluntnating teecity ta Ils turtit- eut ilmîls ont) roisng naany prcuns ---as --ouI t ld ict IlIts aîdcy gtlane.nt 1:s- MIDLAYDLIZW..ITR.414.VDcame fitoc. apparent tauthelierernen, 5.4IL 815 I MiL cohu bctoy trb timc reatitei the - I sceno. 1ha1 notitina, coutli be dons for 1. bs M e fr W lTa aB wî POur-i thc rear part ofthule building, sud se- Sr(-P-Efoug b tayour remaria lun a6rdhnitilterirectedtI eeir efforts tu secel liue iaeslag o tran ~xavo ltetuont offices. wltlcb coeethe Paret isuses uan n tainandman vaituable portion of the structutre.F mail sesvl«ornlb NidIanri llwauT tts i. vrc ursscece"ful titan persani»mua. m.- mitatbaro bien ntiticipatet). Not- lbeprennt mgmel umot lllthatihitg lhc'tr efforts, itowever,. the lieuttes gradiudly sotzgit a way lor aules gomoeeel l llias othlespeo- thetselvetitutu lite froutatut) specillyE ple an Inhelblns, and lia.ctuvern anhlicrouf oalte buitlding, dit) consier-P laof Un"Llm hm bil sportaI eou- able deaire. ,Howerer, lte iletac ieraton at ouucin o f theisba lu sespouso ta a second alarm,had8 coasruehos e bin ueinfurcicl front a11 tie oullyltga psesat-lmelabe. tations, by tioI united slrenuausete!P ,le ordi ba mel& lhe expressold dsîre farts isitceedet) lutdrtî'ing thc devour-0 of te pol fît scInlt ail Ingcelenato tate Iack part oftlits train going euuli meu asées Lindsay' ofbard isork tit this il-as ccopli- P ln îime tb correcst I litce W. & P. P. ii caundltaIti>' abweu titeback part of train su liat paeagers cas reac la- lte strucîtureoutheite heatre raper itad ronlo et 7.30 pmo., oraitoutliite. louts 1been com pletelv descroyed. rhe ibeatre eartilîs bs auseîr-iascrected at a cosi utf073,000 by a loti lieuetrains sud have pimvc i ut 4l tic dispossl Ut tlb ditrent. aifer- teg b aiee. baititlamal free if 110 ueeffrt refus e puy fur it. laiuiUeowàài vwoul mpýtiheVu-oi. dettthclie kni rslay la ming exlr5mé5y, exertliepe tbOplace lte roai hastate of efllclency.snd gel It 0,11 ofth ât lie mll tIuimi ,suarnosament lie petamasagemeelfouuui leand ubihïe lmt mixiosa beproriâe the lest poosle evice ferhcuvn.u of tis pubiehle bbigne" excretui>' Wve tttm et expescltem Mid reduce lisà raaservIeà té lbelouest point mowtalel ii eeso I~~~ mia li iascl theo l people of Ltuay li"s eh. Ndla Md shcy la mmxlou ataferm poisihis b aseet lteis ulul »ad êouvesiene. 1. J. LmDU»" Liaica>. l*tbl lem79 A FRER MARE?. lMleNtse u isouPa. 81%,-z am plase bme Il. mIA" TRI PMevha.mils"eu am etag a fite masbolinsLlelim', ami 1 Irues tlb milesOUttWireasil laulie uel-desin. idmi bugboisa, amis.If lie puoopcU LRudew Q Ir issubu serlusY tlb WbestesCs t tiel$mausbaliaIWby lie sb.oxiou maute# reglmwmosmcu bas *or mi W meS bemlmie-o mfsu là Imbis n mb oomsm eUs.mmouhui aboitlmfub ma h-lac. .To il. tnu am ita. et lis- quseios1 15=dIi2Ltvu Lmdeey a a l, boi lisesor ftus ibr..ves.aisasi.bpl BamumDe marge@"&mai bisIte v nae l a MaMd s mmblelb mmiblue dan Em aStm lu usais, huari bma ar u - l nla t ut nde mab Oum n Mta l e be lie Frtu mkhsl09te dglMe l vt isl Ut bai es bkgm 1li n I d e e m a ' b f u m b p e f m n t Ibm vIsaI euplyaI bsts et%~ th beet eul rMmm lievia es- 09 unpsis asMM ve. 150, bthl- . ....... . W Or-acse a. a im1 lugi O. .............NS e50l ttrl. .............. NS lte 1 l myo-'W hae b0uaS 5Ilisa. ereebib iiel ua@mla e mIl vil' * o'tuai..s.i0aioqa ptitet- ee oue 1....... i de f» r0lie er vises...........11laB sal,perh ............i m ,7~1~l0 040 *Sute eulà LE oa 7r il o.te 1s Counuipel -' - '2400Oie t.2i00 5r ...... .......... U s, usd shorts"...............ee4 4 Ile. imrld ne 45l5l 00 l PeuOU t. Olt sCepsi ........ ..... OU A s00 Ptelr i *X5 gb Sa [spociiity =-s for bTms Fmu ni"lsmplsd Tateeaav Aslsmoe. SEa ... AVEERON. 12017 Piuui...............S ia Sell>'...............sta et limai ued ............... 4 50to aie Rar ......................... 75080 80 fui at'es................ ..eil 13ote1u .......oi ................u. 01005 ... . . ..................0iout l056 ............................0 38t oie DPeme.......................ouste oe 5h 5 . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . .57 0 8 0 8 O N Dr-ssdflc.............tae a3e rail....u............ ...resuton 1s teie.............. e11t. oou ptim ..... ..... ...........ieto 03 DriojdHp.....................e. a oul nao ........................i. z o ie8 .i ......... ..... .......s. 0 ose00 MI Ws. .............. .....Ol ta talà Sprit........................ ait. es1 93t ......................... li03090 e 0lait. te OSerliy ... ....1...........ai50t.e.. !ia....................su00t. s00 & aou................. e 036s FENZLON P14LLIL MaI Wboi... 1 ............ 0le te el l Sprint .. ...................liste lis ftrLoy... ... .................oui.#e8 Pus" ff ..................... 0'5 0 O Oa .. .....................u8s eutMo lii................S. tee63 FalUuit hu.................. I leteuet iterictîIl....... ............. lta Ils Su'ty............... 10t.ou .Oaa. Ode <t.............. ..........oset ose l.tre.ud I.. ....... *P îw"-*..Sait. 00ie liv............... .. ........ 8est.0S00 qprn .. ....... omet. ou e -21 t-a.. ...... .. ..*.........llTut5Bde ...... .................... 1510eau sur-t. ......................O 0utoie N......... ............sait. so0 Fait .......................m20t.ose t spr :. ................. 121t. Aoie ua eu43t. 0es ....................... 05.ou lItle.............. 32 tsu3 Srtue"....... ...........lai73t. 523 ut.> eue Ne..................n03t. eue Drsuodflcup ..............o te 1 5 Bâfly................ te.07a WOt», alprl.h............. 037te $38 0 58 te 0 or râewt. . " ....::......0110te e1 1>-mo . ...... ......1 s t u1 »roeOhp. .lOÏ...... . .auo0 mi .....j..................... .. 05 es ,00i .......'................... 0 0sr e o Pe...............1. 4 ie . o u 0 Faeit Wbu.. ......... 4110 es l Sprny............... ise eié otes.............. 1-7te0ou Pyeies........... ...........80 0 p y............... .. ......s.s02,0 ou gr .,otiea0f itS. d W ilhu.;eNr. DRi TES. Jaxms-àt ieler, Laga, on uro. ah. . of Mr. lici J .tio tCumbos. Ont.. m&Pd se Osrn-nthe SMtir, Peter Orunes. of 01- go a jus; l 0atIv oeutà> No..- r-ian. lrueod. P KERINU COLLEQE. i. = lmim. âian.I 1t -~~~~~~§ý monsisU.mnoo&u d D. P. NOfn«. Poil OMM bx mUn -. NV. 1 NSS -SUS.? EjuPLyxENTFOR AI&. »Md oh nMulas.muau o fi YTEM 0F WA8UPO hukbe dutd N nui. MM pabanafie Juoe te r. »A MWaorse. WU oil% en sa é o I 51bdme al Ai pt. ud0 esi )i.eyu oed y ralu kt ma m s r-qmwieSIoiai"51 u se o mm "ie obu WRam r 1. e vmms .051Pmsiet aroons e rus Issem- le este -Mtou-msrmst m -m4dii, luan Me ioMWne la ml ie mmbslb bovedais. u aumn Tm M o ano Jnt orueLO~Emm- « lsyNoa CWles-U-led.eb (;UlmGUNSe Saule Lou=m lm ommdâkhIr- ote. Dr-lGua*ULme-.m 1~, lreh. eilo, tleu. I e d ni2 unis, p leed is. zut Stulu Os.au0h55 lis no han 100 aIO ua.alu kt" mitu dtse i . tO lamiIf las . At l oglm DismmeaI"3aOytoe - aaaa Dm& M- K TUE & BADIY, *01 blBotgsompob utgn;w0:m"ànLWdtà s sem.- à e 1bLi OPEN TO-aem» l l « Ltdu. S-1.umiSa Caisu Woakvm a i m b le f Lhiuj. eT. i. L%-NU. ciii ssIillGem5Clmosml 1 A LE . WETHERIIP& LOCA cilii eLL AT Ce" hs Isge ock 1 et lua-. g rirl e.<auas. Alplty a oisat T et e rs og'bet'. a t a so mmd pfotl ici ilmi all tueoul ftor-ilmle las. 4<ut-e.te . t.l7i. i- can d b rm a t mes nprni a ient som es Ilee Nhu orm LO BA,. Stray.ed into pu M de p fét1or moocu"S n i tI-o.hs L'STRA S rEti. Srayetemb i o le .rlmoht loe EsRA st rOn-' theîlr- nderlie d. Will" lte Umvonij, or lis lbg Las MaýU r UM, sso Oi-,175-es th" r'8eof eets eot. , Yror--ol the lculgeo tt>u alis Sur-seI hl. Dm W - Tic osIr iahave telit utine, ieuBas a&Ulvee les lu siÇ A~ YSaLE mms bad kvint ch rme itnrsiim dil. CUHB -iFnp&iudsa, c -09. - ui t o Mu si nd mautmmci *0Ia-~ Puleit lahopes 10uur O opl1 09 GW. BEALL'Bboni Y OZVoa*Uawo FoeLRN N E W b t a S m 1 .h a bU gt e i b e .o o i ti . il' Christmas Carda. e har-s eN4 o a!Ummom um" Ios IIWB SYUS..uigi attL urjusmue. pM'le *lb*%ne m-P.O.midi"@bu T=-âVE.Pne * coma Chncemohpa nsv.Wt ai=uudu m 1111 e m Il cmy tts te e r-B T. B e te uL u m sN1sicsl '. MWs to' tn te ud h" prc -- e e i tstitgha» .---- elSinli iU - auurlumnt ofitute.g, uiii e7 r-u s a u d l apii li- A10A5 a mar- va r- îjêeMa. -avURlas- doms. fvgr-ulaieUs CHIRISTMAS CARDS *heTOVN OtubeauNDIAT,-1 ivrsoffée-silaUndaty. - iou. Evsry etudie la Ilse s vthat e ruirod t. lomme a uitodl-e lV.i iua :î smsans. of S»tai lvsatyettu i. 5 IJ Jj r lc i An towsd mdiu. a nt"-urtIeUeoutersourMe B u " J, Caliît Iones andi flou e choie. Shscm itbwengltuv O lat limaghe bond le e' mkletluso Irmltrosr Ma onivéUm mionusotA11Ui5 u.uniue *0 @O lb umrru "-I V & l.5 1% L l tit G. w. BmanantI s,.the et memM*in tu LIsiser, Dot. . la .460 ivot oq imb»antepsu mni lbac ILLREADS AS»CIRCULAIS. auamn-TIsu btmdgmmis.l 01iSe B DtsairPli, Iesbl*0 usis a" lmite nia cW smh eus ie s lb é lp u tau ne.. .-.l ew IILESSA»IIEWIITStel. a gndi modilmi.tela Ilme eioet 1tma li Im- TEE - sbh li esu dommiey emsmsOn.o.tu n .b.@mý bMmu day .vUdffhUase.. -à% bob ni adu or Os.b tlb MULD -uam ak amcb b. me lb. VIAI 5~ optieL bM aa eauM 4»t MW Prims, isin m iu'Iim__________or__ IIIIIIM lI EtM X M Aql5d ê POM L CeIsaie Nefls. Sula a- - a - Rem i~ CHARLES 1.L AKE 1IAA-IllmYK Ica WU w 'r ts.mi a lb.esoi% R 4 .' ItemCeei Cmn . COPpwm Vase*b4emJaa AGENTS VANTED, 1114W. UNAUlL US-&IL St.Cellulas. NOTIICElgim iDENT GIVEN Iluemsaqpatnm vuitl e a" illabunBt snes et MLb iam te, oOnteelo b«saulule [b a Ekàmsq Vur te o-b-sa it a ey te mon a Eaiwy,: emcsluabor mm sPo"nt b timi eSNiptaiog Semai, S&ra ? sois bbs Min% a" %humsoiytisl" a lb Ps et ilsuami, u ls eCouaty cii lttswMdi. i bo t. tis ffawS»dsus peseru to b«M la toux z.mym les" Selcitor for anhuu.i IIo iIï WMa HENRY, RU, ID IT[LCTR-ai TCI i I E i .5 sms~ - t Thâfs sea"ine isbon te w 11 uthIl.SIEMT wm toWWOl. &'ei de tadmotn uibhofoonstcou- Dieu 00048, MnIDaoy mai Maiie E.aiy-aiai GIothhag, Geai' lunishigts, &musai ls. à cii emtielisat TEE £EGrL&TOIP<Wooyills. lm81THE C13LTIVÂTOR 1881. E 0@uatry Goeatleumam The »w of the .griciîlrtt l IVeeL-iea. Tt le vuîeli fso nqlsbl fconto nihs a r * lam ti d m aini lcoiuel. nblbehlllie ~oiu db.c rane t 5 a" ni P ae., or-uiemni Frni.r-m e iiStseS" &iDh7b-ys-Itst @hto uwisSauiiMin", ruait a- tsftè. G Putm Md . G ei jv h -nim.Domuuauc Biouffl ni aaum et o lmetet *lb ssii tue kete oruts ar- umomuliy simplets, i morsmebdua.Uom cem le«À»fnegeer cd-ru.Utmsum.then hrou » otite,îouS st t e rop i lbprosmeu eet tlb cropis% otg ia00 set *8lbMto" lprtn 1au c qualtos-Ubos te 5=> &W iila"t to agetr dern 9lM aa met s tu cou. itmtpoeutoa ie v. Samtti Niwsper of esvr-MMhinévinlubiloti ut pssisger mmi The Clusmis>' Ontuesle Psl" w sonm mebown totemeiseus hsapitutcUme, bne- v»M we m - jus, L"; four caps..' MMdM on m is'for lbeyur boase t Qu Msdsr et lb club;, i.. copt< ies, eSmm e.htltionaei«W or b lbpaislm e hUnitisetder .4 a oipv et tlb Aiseoi ogeu-et Sur-e .SMU to a utmboried.iit pag1esoiani meut s ummvep.s ma b i ulltMn. ail - ii M iU b fo IMpijtg la advmes U-=,4% Ml Aliany. N..-u. Tim C5.11 A» à« S AsEOMJA"A- zm.m ecâ marbpumosPria Baudueite *t.O Tas FusniOa" p Audte' s mA as Nemldy llrpoz.m f -taut u--mis, 12 = Md'm mi, Iui.'nia. n A uumi. MUNI& -rom- s e' st.Iss umàw mistiose ai n - palm se lb 1s- Mms ee@sensv ima. wis0te Ses h lbmLbi.4a aen~ 9lUse -, un ibmm iw rMitClowder Rau, ~ ~ ou Tcameai.lcbs liander- M.ýrma-j- ttu' C-l "i4 Av5ijIer-gsstoei 0f CMO5CCI'A~TLY 7001K alsa-'-.. ha,-. k - esesmrai, sitf-r-iiein5 Bucisieut ami 51r-anulaîed 'atm-... v - - Us-bib. a ToIt av.or-nmenl 51 versons otite, r-.r..t-. 'r.-- tîmv-r- -.- mieut lits 1er-r-ou nIoci. Ni. liber bes cror oEv-r-c.l t. h- ~ r - asiscioS. Pmreheser-. Ras- lite ital.iay ses...., et.- r-e.1.,- ti a: -- piles hOrs burin5. IEMEXESRWo uv.,. -cli a! t C. L. BÂKEIR New r HARDWA RE 8TOI THEXTOýN BROS.': EEG TU 17'UTZTHAT THEIRISTOCK PIt ..tVM h- HEÂAVY AND IHlF ÂD» Buit Goods, Cut Trimmings of the newest det'~ Owo.s Cut U.wuI Imm tooth, bet quality.- 01W Stock of PlaItod SIELVER GOODS MIM C16 OIPLET. lEST QV îfLIT' AT PItICESUE,'. t '.1 KL R ; I ) I I : _f A- IIIt TEXTON BROSi. Limiaey. Dec. 4. tIr-i ~. *uI~!th. NOVEMBER,1879. NEW GOO-DSI MANTLE8, - SIAWLS, MEN'S ULSTERS AND OVERCO.ATS, FÂSHINABLE DRESSXÂING XLINEY & GENTS' COLOTING. R SMYTH, DOBSONIS CORNER, IDS AY FPURNITURE WÂREROON FHUEBACK Usgsrepctty ttrimf tiithelbabitanl. .,1Lid, n d siC..wncv 'f ' ILuudy's B31«k, Wilhiamaast. LiidWIa, 05010E . A.BOETXIEIFT 0F FURNITUVE Of Il a.kt ne.rlink. FINE SEITS IN WALXT Wbich lb e t K d .M Prie«. oetafo» unknowu i izdY Limier. ow m. tUe-- 1OW Two -ri Musd»etO 558 Qui. oneby ntinust. . V<. a m oo b B l<ii- *tl5, & a!a u the". As>'mai. esqirmi ta -~n--ow. A e r- f -a lu S f i r 5v v I4~ <4 bit. - - e 'l, trr a_ - 1 i'"ý .1 m 1 0 =48: Liadýv, Dèè. t, tb-,).- 1 TH FURSI

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