~igÉfflSIISPttm I a ~t?'a'~~~t56 fet ..d .-.tiu...5os C~tf- 54' '.ka'.e. Aie.eittr. I -' lto.-. os ssi SIlo. 't T~u E~8It baseS 1 PSS~,OSej. e seat it5 ~ u..~ 't ~ WJNDS ,'ONT., P.D NOVEM MR IR M. ?an& $.1» il nim Bm t ah àvwmUmm - 'Allui V. A" la &"Pwob» et WM laMy eaniii 'n UDSD 1'ý:.*' "; - dklL Tue nen hoisti= the the ý" * ýýi . I. ý )11 - 1 1, 1'.-1 LASM tmulbut - Il-@% ai!> . RPýil omet" Bleu tu the Dest te port "Stud by, mir Wllbl.' 1 Ibis W» emlo »d 'tý un , - W Was folle (1%4 t4* *04 du« 1 *a% Md WAM âe bmbmS - -W le r from ýr ýwenk Tbwv Pb* the ddu- Oversbecu»awah4mdthe Duchlint te mm the -brw'M « M it CUTTrbiL Mmbowd belp»"*»Qrder"d -P'= ml-« the -"4edL; The SUD boue te. was 0,1 her oulrw; by'F à» bbb*otmo» be a ik e»& Wh& gr the chancoi. lbmW* ne love Ibr The 1-U - hWh the f-CbM- but whenabe illied. %he bny«ht the ï»,tb. 1W. OMM ou* Il. »qm OMM IN4 1 esa "a Yeu, ai 4be _V« rkdW bbre"t et the port-hole in 4. %*go . ... .... ý: mm% knees. Md lu»»C IfflIt ebwem xauvt& 1wus suo»Wa m AIL 3M.w »a b.--[ *Umm ha biudtr 'WSk dm 1 *y esbin. 1 «Mi watchina Mr q0me 0016.1a ii *0 -Umpu g &I@M aftIt littait the giri "-12" by minutes wfth peeuliar emmkm% fer ffl M4 C&M~ &U »m-@lbuR bon Wb ixl-UM the mm te the Acom = f. îwi, w1bw. à"~ l*wwàdp la nul Mm Vik-.igwjL in wMow me% Fown- am' la th. the rmoUfflim et the dped body in the wwd and the mm 1- rn- If %-,çi4wm 0# tlhiulo. or ;&hm a là« gaberwaald "di dSk-homw lent a most impressive, Sig, om e m alyb = 9 w= et ton hm eamUbm a" et the MM! xifieswe te the mourofti objeet whieb, m boue - t d- -k the b0@4 -d the relled from --de te Mde. Tt rouforted V * %.&ý tý Il &wu m Cam hm .,>r, 4tud, Ïw OW Wbn" ho' f» Pm av-*&) cam"* me, bowever, te ft&« that st was im. bon th s"R tboir tum Pbe»tvà >Y 'tougwoý% 1 ---= cc. W], -et pa"bie 1 eauld bave left anychien *»ý a m *0 abb6 "IlhMM14 My le&" 1 Utes OUL "r living on the bun, Mâce auhloï tould Mkibe MM m @bu vo& koubd a bove lemme 8" au" un an ochlffl bave «hmd beiew the dmir, a" ».w Mç!ý lisS the ý »d m thut a me ýtMw P ? M -Ces te, me above Smit have bees mm by m& re Mae, thore in, _Bbg wfth Mariérince The obip, sow over, saut the ib "ý9 M" tbi Md te, cbe, dek-a *W'y tio» > et et waur, oe do* br ewob býe ou 0M tbou W. oq1ý and 1 uted My eh"«. m wètbo»t b*tvb %,e fi, i 1-th ýv m %m wsý m 1 emI& beim »3do» te là» ffl la bd BUbý Md bkik - -1 Ib. @m et lm mmaý, ers = J. n ---bkda C-BÈ&ia Conne "eau »V :ý1*0»030*4 bour q- 1$ýwçw elle te m& 1 uijàiô eurbue te oee the et y«M m lu utom qui ho lw»gbd»ftd thac su» old mm anti swiI, acla "M Whàt triolet- imée- - M M -ý w= Md tbe bud me au et bèq bock Mm« the emb" Waà wbowing them. rom W --- - me ne the dom ýý 1Nw#br, bwàwe boiZi bol- le, how «Il ---- -- - M& 1 mmentber it Mrolck me. just as taie wu%& ommum«a. M- aria Ir. (> op»M Ma, M ndu M, ob.r. be Ume, ÏM the ow was la a Tm &mît- y BIBI WA le Mau" faboît volon pmtUom4 fw bere she witi m a -- -lit- Mobuirm'midumb" -- "»« 1011-thât mm@bmwdW v»M wiCheut mi kmab te cave hm iL laudo«. -ZZ#fflzwbâ lune Wn Ina& ...... .. -W WMÉ ow a icompsalon Md bond ber elotheN bdiam MUMUM6 aie, -br wbe 0" ceand memmil la OMM dhý ilàM Me p M" cc m ténue Me bled m wM Wb* 'ROCI mach mené, âàaw- mut AnA, even OV414«.» e«W. (#lit et Uniment ce bb thic, Mm boq& ào mwmmdw dm With tý fM fý, w4w fil. -Q-Ow 1 VM et bu tluilý obie mm wu ivent a cé bMald boa. abai me di ý . ' - . 1 .-«I -"_ ý,---- -ýý----- ----- - . -_ - - - ýý ý.ý. . ,ý- !.. el. %9-4ý - ., 1 , . ý . ý ý ý - > . 1-1 1 1 . - ý i- , . 1 ý :... ý 1 ",.,;,, ;;,lý, O ý11,ýlý..li Il 1 EEEEýý . __ ý - --- - . 1 _ __ ý - . q ý ý ý ý . 1 ý . - 1 1 1 . . 7 1 1 1 1 . ý . .. J.,.ýA- -, ". , ý', .4. . l ý .ý . 1 j!m!!!!!!!È . ý , plitiel, 1 ý ý amapicamm mmlc;9»»Mmataz Pauuft- del Umm Mr ommeemm le IIIIF hou _ý- 1 i-î.ý1Ni 1.ý > .-l. ,ý'. ý#,_% ý ý.. 1 . ý . senom aillowom . , *Il a. . - - .- 1 . 1 - . »ý, lm Geab et the maman mi "* hift awar _ý . ý 1 ý - -1 .9,1,-.,14-.Ii,.«,ýt ý ,sa" ' -- __ - 17ý - ý ý *"MI Mihtbwbý Ir. au bmu Pa Umm va mmwmd lie tempir tbé ý . . . ,_ ., "ý ,.,.l.... l .L"U> . = M . ..) i- lc,4,ý%ýàli IN»te & T. lut 1 a A6 ý jÏ11P , W acuwem . . ý ý ý - - - lèà% - m mànttmbt« 1 = »Il pull 2L atiomm _::ýý1:, . . M . ___ . . . utl>ý Md tbe - ceteaite ,ý",.."... é= INW siciia ami ww ou - ý 1 . 1 -1 ý ,;,.t..ýý.-!»*,., FI »b;.iýàà4,b.F(-Mtobot.%.Iy - 9-M W * vio$stmt ,lm ýlm e , ý 1 ý di bimuavul boit-Ilv. 1 âwaft Ibnoudno6lmq, wu vaire ý sème cd blait Our tbe on , il Md whin .Il ýwt-ý." à W. ý ýý . venat. lie _4iýý --1 . ..... ý ..ý 1.1 ý . ý 1 .. .... ý ý_ _1r »OW OUM,&. .0éO»ý lam A"tj, -- - te tbe, - abLez 1 ber - ý l . . -:- , , ', ý , ... 0. 64 .... e 1 ý *Mm and" 1 ý , 1 - _. ý _. 1 1 1 ; _'. ý l -N il-t.,4.,41*44l Ittblrmi.. m-'o. ý 1 ý., - lwl- --- Oum !*-.Ltýý ý -auLi=am»&*.Mbimý- a *& low^- --- fair buakmý It ený nt. JE MA - -ci- 1 ,W4%ý%ýAw41lt&yI" mug4«l6? bim .'.. 1- .- .. l lit %bt l'x. y,, le. lisit, jamu l -ý_ffl 4 qM -t----.- _- Mmiris à m e 1W@lý1wÈft ne _= __ b Mâll, wu 10 mil nm"bw 1 - W--.., - Mr loup tawwd him à" 1 1 ý 1. : I.. 1.1 , .,t". wý-..ý4bm4m, 4@11111l'il 4w auffliblil, s" çaino lm" -2 - - ýýý .,.-ý it ..... t-i. ýj the. soiýM*u 0" lf»,Ilffl Ily Cýýý M V* yl, a. 4 VWW04%1ýl. âmom. »W- m -I«Mcrbû.%.ýws... wm @dm e e m =1 ý b@W lm @ma ý c .,ý .. 1 , -IC =011-112re b&~ erfemirola . ýý 1 . là.. &O*# 1 t .0 ý= ,_ý. -, .-i,»t ýz"I t-ýï,l!ý -:C;â;;P, mor - ý - M.Ètw àm;.a.& » tille boa& Mu»a lm ,ý-, ,,*,,, - , - __ , ý 'XW . - ý Witb ee"rgd 10" 1 . , ý_ 1 - ý ý .. -- , .-,ý-,, ý.-. ý --'t II 19. Lm - . cà 12»*ý«2 ý 1 ý 1 1 . == w» lm seuil m om .....,.. I - ý. ,...,.,., 4 K %tàbt,%VK 101rt1el W. om- owle. ý - ý ý . . . . . . . . tmrm% --Uý wu dgmdftl Yel ý 1. . N »W«»OOIM, -- - - ý aiw&. ,. - __ - 1 -_ -_ - Il -0 . ,.. . 1. ý!-1 -1ý-W bs %... j4 ,.".Ptwwl, gléolilléom - - - -, - mm wm -1 -q-omw table abd My etime ý. .- , . -;... b4,-_ Ii«..ý i»144WKb,«Ibb th* b1loël = . HMO& RAM ,Àomý 1 a . cm .111ftýM =_ M*omr*bmà& ge %MON*' *mu hm the ý ý . ý.. ý ýý1 _ýý »ý.,.. ý:,_. "-l.-iýt.ýN't f --- ,1,oI.,.4ý polItti. elpphod *141 .*qg- .t!ý9Lýý àlýý*--YOM GvM ovim ý . . . 1 ý un, . MOROIF ': ' ý ý. . ý . à, .- - - cm , sendl, b. .. . ýz . . 1.1. I.I.I.. .1l..eI.- ».], t..b.% %*h-#qiý. èwýWIP%40l- 1 . »~ . m.* Ar 1 ý - EM F. elarmr 4" ý = -Il malt be 111114»M aawe»& ,ý ý ý - .. l - 1 1-1 114; t' 1 1 1 1 - 4e-.4«l"I. 91111111116 ý Bout ým " ý lm&,. *0 ý au - lithine . est" ,ý Md ý . - rosi M" IL..,db-. , 4 *'&" et - 1 - ý ý fý . -- ..,ý";, l,., - lemou zvvém». "m M lm tawalý a 1-au I', àmlbemwbanln»dbmt 1 .- 1-b 1 'q es -» #W le «X'---um7oê. enfte " ý Il um amuseur .Nl.%%.141t)N tt(>V"4,9ý W& 8*4y. L4, pu" bil èuà%»e bu»* »W- - ý 11AT - lie un MW m pubi" litlontc làe lits- WLLMIK -aimmiýitl'ýilWIMIP" ý - .. tlpç.,tto the, t:..Iý-a ~",%4 Pb«%*» .. 9 ffti vIl ONWO &%Wb. il euw âmw ilabîme. aut wwv- . mokt" ahmb" le b$Wa% Md ne a with I..,.,...., . ",,,I.i... Z> . Ili &*@dm lé im Il 1 ý . . ý 31111111, - a = the! 1 ý . . - 1 1 ý Il." N. - -, ; l.!"I .%"v bp,.,b b»fov, 6" Il" b". ýAffl- ~ - *»#% bm* » . Do" -*Il" . M murs Milà. W . i r-.1 et»Ill .n'a. md illir à 1, éIà4;jéý C. Il. ý 1 ý ý . wu . ý L -_ - -1" ý.%WWbX»F »» ftemb ma, "@Io 11»m. ý - obw ý ptr tiens *m m %tu il 2e nom Apied il, tz.,I.ý,.l '- il'iý1411l'09V: @"4*'Oof' et - KqMbVIM l'. &An*. c. iIL!pIý1611. $W»blý &«M toet»%W.mb aube . = tbe d"mr ltd= -a atmp» ratuite 1 1 . ý,, , !: "i i / -".-, J., f,4;ty-ý (....ýt - ..,.ý.4t .- 1 , p ýý *§M baril lmâw w enal" lobmamain, la taý , - - %Wh la aver bor tue glarles a m' trois the Inter. 1 . ý l 1 1 _ ' l -.. I .l., -- il!, ,I . ý - Il ýý .. . la ý au ý A" *âeeeà== Imm IIIIIIIIL , - --M !"ý-lit!e-"-ié "- Ab1ý 1èt«. ourý a" i WÊm-e2:î 10 a bWW@ÉML tele esaE e. , ,»..%. 'llllllllit - ,. ,. .. .. ý ,..;ý..,. I l- -.,.ý . ' 1 ------ýbmiuew"bm - ý . ___ - t»w,! bwe*mlooý.ýýee_ Il i!!"- - voibL M" 1 . ý ý 1 --i --ý.t .O. ( )ST %tilk) I-l(yrbcI.ý litia"mm. A. ý #MWM-W. , - . ý .- ý I.. .. ý -NI Ký.",. -. 11-1.110-4, b',t.b.,.kim ý0-90- - 1. - -1 __:-ý-----ý-, m ý- -- IIIIIIIII &bas% *a m tilla sud IMM hm Un m jms tablette out .,ý.,, ý a. 1 me lt boat, , -_ --ý OW"ý ý ta. il :muwweeummm*st& Agi ,ý.ý.eýt".i..,,t,,.,ýý..»,. ý..t'..e.ewitbojMhIsellé A» &Oltffl Wobv^ Md au Ive, . - tftýM - hou ý -. ý ý Tic __-__ý .. ý , A """ h-,ý.,h. ."*, limu" 1 ý Il 1 .-O.Y..E%-Z"À«CF= .ààm -é. ý. mm - mmazbktbebm -rw*m pî* bins 1-«ebdme& ni w»%*, %Ili Talbiv . = »= . ý iLbreý 1 muleu" ?; m -Ntttlvititoi. ý , - .. , lx, -Ill 814. . 114i'l à4d. .1w". . Alest . Ob4fflm . . . .. 1 .ý mre Voire talcm, fa "-Qtop a 1 1 ma entered th 1 à ýý t Il- ,,, . t 1, !* " . . m î :I::-ý-, ., .Il . . . 1 . À. riltF jw home Md stoupelà ~ the fliture --11, %:,t,ý,."ý,,ý I.".$I"r i(»Lý, Y ' -, 1 iffew w imam ifflmon A",**Bne*a&WMWBM = ýa.temaýý ,et' ý ab . 1 ý ,o A 141D ILIJM. àkm*»Iuom»lbeb*M . Ilmumsboý Mdue"@" W :l, .ý ý ,:., I * .qà f %,.\... ' Ittg: -W. 94. Otte e - ý .ln ab. bh- fleve, Md *» ý X01111illy. lwavedmrb*»*Dpurdd the ý m del 1 vuls Mt tenailler i pil ffl \,ýlý:qbttl)ý. 1-1v P 1,11)*% ý ý r -ý ý ý . ý 1, I;-ý-'Iý: -1 - 1 ý el*tbil«. 1 -ne 1 - - bu sui -------womwl Rbademe wfth daill and yes 1 teste il was bas. j et ý . - . 1 ý M ý .... ... l.".& Irý-ý-1. 4ri ý *',*, bl@W-ob)o lIý t» " Rol»ym tluw*u cz 1 . . . inoubmiAketm-% ýwemm"d-mr& bw , - @ *8 bons riOt 1 mm« dreil th, @km- in hi- f--; 1 . .1 ý ý . , . 1.- Ie %.%I. j-ý.!,,,j.,tý.,- %oeil blk'àt bliléolà. ýý . l . ý Mar V - 11, ý 1 1 . offlàwwl«Wob». ,ý 4v , - - - - *0 tbet 1 mtbt obmm but sub es. tbey wm t»y toid me the; .1 1 _.. ..- ýý'll,, ..>.,.ý, b',,ý$,el.::,ý.,li.I-Mt» ý M e du Irs 1 Iki W ,'»Î 1 ý . 1 . - '.. ."', ý ý. 1 . joý copw . Il . . . 0^0».» - - - ý ý - W effl m Ellebouve «Jugtboucubanwmmmm& , ý . , '! , _ . - %ýll.,t-,,.,Y.. i.ý,.ý....ýýý-"., ... :,.ý.,ll ... I.. eut - h,5 I.., - W I - - - ]KOW ý . ý 1. t1ille mm pmetb*b leftt ow bmrIb«ý tradil I»otiSd&rM*Xffl hiadamr' i- tg.#.-k -MI t *&% A*iU«Aýgmw 040,14 * Il . «-ÎZW ý «Mmall»Mbwcbab&wq»l W.- . Md .ý - . , 1. ý , ý ý .. Il - lée mlll. Il .1 t'Il ,ý".g fý.,....Il g ,"#",Wýj la ceawa . . a Lu -À 0004 ý . ' th" bis el«b» ivaie &»Il. aiII! Pr 1ý ýý 1 ý . ý!...; 1, 1 ý 1-1 Il . , - . ___. ý ,-"., VýPMIy #,seules. eville &01&» »ýtit. willwal -é lgeww mum m eue% . iblo»»MM me - - -- te bu a Imm et abm hair w»)"Ck 4" bis imum weil.I . * : : . %&» M& ýIllwamaDalmb .- ý ý .,-ý,1, ý*.ý, twýy hwoffl ll . m - -_ __ itmbs::e muâthib no . ý..; -".. %...t-. ( ý()%I.%tKt,(:I%ý.ýttt)q:14K>-Vtýbrw ibbaâ,dr 1 »ý bnndmdtm& Tbellibineber IIIIIIIII. tbomilh lis face had a liait. an .twgy ROM »*Pmiemlmt»wl@Iamyeau». bu" ý ý Medswr - M«Ubmd wu§"& ber PM taiwaa» cm,"" -----»- as If soulethingý' 1 ' *'-ý ý ý ýl -ill 1%à.t%,K IN11à. Vu-O",$- A"*Omlmbàawmgu" - __ - 0. 1 'I' - 1 . .ý; . 1 __ýlh-I,,,ýIl0."Ii1w** ..qwo.ogdw ,*»W f= . Ibo IVAembffl 40 b» VA» iro xffl . lirew zà» d M d m mm hum W" 11110 dw)cý a" -_ ,. --- ce bim. and bel et 1. .1 . ý .. t Ili M= = *m " lot 1% uh - -1 111 « WM I.." *1 1 1t, ".I.I.i.,.l ..th b . belle b#*Wt- "épube M - Il twol » mu; . ý . «Mm'uýlbelbermumbem ka lm . =m t of IL i Tel . . ý ý ý . ý ý "i 1ý1:..1,1 ,ý..I...ý_:..ý. III.n "x. .tbýr-00; lilâlitté ïM »O %biR . ý - uneý lh-1: ,»O *." ý - --l thêki te Il6um Bw 'a Il wm 4,"& "This wreck mue ho t.is SMu," 1 w, .. -Ik - b4il ..b*bk-; élibuil ,ýOé», == b@M ab& 'ln - _e"e -ý-. - ,\ ý 1 %-K ý staituée a %;Mao*@. "Ike tg le, torpilla. We eau ille, xl ... ý,, !ffl*m . 10 Il lie M" umtb% 0".. -'««%.& lur 1 &Rbmvz"»Unabmeum-- Id& u- 1 1-1.-. . '! ý ý, I. I.,wý ,.,.ý...ý'."' lulil b$7 -.,__,.,- vis savaýi>IPÀWXU T Ilý%«% ýý tuum§6 imj.ý _ - . ý ý h ý E . Md ewem &Mar - 1 1 MOU&» - ý . (le .1ct). ý ý Ith. beu»t.»O*A»dtbq.obmm. Md PUUMU, lx. ut ýS the ý . A" *0 mamb au wm disait. ý 1 batchway, gratingle. --*Tu' - j We serriaubted fer the leu. tinte along ta ý ý . . 'A S, . 1 ,,,WM»nMltbop" wbbwbm»bohbebbobffl = 4. & 1.%m- lit 1 . ý ý ý ý WM la @bu& huit *e Iltek- ja Y î the UteUue " 1 1 ý 1 . - ý 1 - ý 1 1 1 - »lt*,It'>. ,Kt)tý(, . -Tm Illmi bucun oma %W " Vite Pm boum and d g,)t lut* the fore.! ýý ,ýýl, ý - ý e.0 P&Iuowwbmdt* ir$6-W.- In, "AItx e)it "m ."t"iffl 1 . a . tàeïémmm iÉ e"zm&!yý. 1 partie«-, ewdn%-t>ttr ta out tori-tprnatitin -."w 1 iti - . . ý 1, 7,;, i'. 1'.. - ý LA B OTZL . - L --Ue= bzwim. - &O _- 1 ý ý -. àvT r IF rà,ob»te& a. - li.twxttv. &W** rtbitmvýAdm-lie-16 MI4ý borutir %b@Vtvm t'in a 1»* = colit, NOW '18 THE 11M E lbm boly»@Uud a imomg irmà bours davit 1 the boat raving away frnm the wrt4-k. 1, . . _. ý ,ý. , , ,%_..,",ý . uhW^> 1 ý 1 ýtio- ý- ý-ý -1- W, W"i>t,#N,."m lbimb-»-"k £bMb@"Mmk- . . ta, of rage sud terrer an ý .. - 1 1, - ý . 1 ý . ý . a, il. Ibo lié. . oc Misély la . ý A" tbe armilit au Weil dl«L »Me or elorkeerew. She w»!, Elow«er. the fil price R"Uood t4 $1.80 a :DU. 1 ,%:,ioxalr.To 14*& bits, 4" wu, *9 I»bu b« . , » - 1 ta et temill a" ter m deep m lier th" poswamed rite lamed but a m(> ,r WAPW ýb,,,.dtvaffl@tWawrm»av*Mbe X.ewpkkyig.thetouhoteed - mabt-cý but ber beurs alcool hl=, ment or two: for 1 novà mw, thev were, NI ;I . Il jý_ > , , ,ý 'l-' 1-, , .. . rwmf(.ý a.. vus, vite 1 O si, bortow *»»-. as @"Il* " TU, el *~ PWUCUWW ý ý , - »dhérfmeÏbM» me«tottbesea. xiviag chaste trit the triadman..who, rý 'ý' i 1"' ý I'ý" t %,..ý,,,.i ... . .. .. d 0, 1-vý'-) h- Il 'tr*,Qt- ý .k.vm quill- ý# 4mmeý, loylithIlà: yvwt.*f of à * t., MM'417 %k% .*M%00%or la ikum» beartit. m, thlt: - M' - K lail ,ý .Ud tram iller var lie evw tel It wu@ mhoeub» » me lier âdOat 1 wââ, swimminz steadily away. Twu _. .1 ', . ". , .. '. ,.,,.ý .*".,."ýi. 4y stý.-,i-l,7-.ib.lth>. l h.19 yq»F4 *Mt prir.ý40" "M-hl* VA 1411l'eli .il. W*ýUD"V r.tk--lom-bp&t î Be newèepmtlrý 1 r lit 1 W a or S ,il: e: e rue L t h -. 1. ý -lý.ý , - * z, Su ili'»Nti . ý - as the lont swea ý et the loue rowed.and third bduiz river ': - .1 . Il i -'l -th.VrO««ý. ýlbmolo tu%~ , . fonnumwacce""Ot.wave& bourts. ready te gm-,b the polar h. .j Il,'.,.,., , , 1't.,.I.."ýt rýe.,ý ud , ý..,,ý ... 1 ý ý,-:, ý 11, Il & Kpoh.v. r»d.ý.w, t4i0il mort%4.4(" La ' AN D tOT To 9E.IT in, àmdmamwàbr&wemdàlem& etc Il ,tý 1: - ý ý; ". Il > ... . il, ...., .. ,ý.k:. il t , hillaw vI'U." 1 N I Q u i fff m . M ! The "Ileëperu,ý4 litxxi 4tmdv. 'ut, _-, ý ý - ; 1. .$ hI.»ttjýt, be th'urt.hibu ý10*xe 4VI il" beCe2Z* ýr wilb lm 1 Rosir exchaugm Positions tel g about a; a, .1 , : . . ý L 1 . . 1 1 _- ý - ,, .i, I , ýl,,Pý r,ýtý ,.,.,e, - i.,,4. W" inquoi ý6»uM lait au Mr* ut "à ý ý - , et the mua la dw bour of the botttmd» 1 mile air. witn lier niain-var;is I>àeked- , . ý . 1 1 ý . : , _ ., - , .. :ý,.-.iýIl,.1II -0 ffl-é,v t-,v,&,..,.It t- th. ý C"Voy»"" IIIIIIIR Con"»U. vrédit ».ou * tkwied by Ponter- Y"*& i , 1 - , 1 . ht %ý-'jI..1.'I ý ý ý 1 il«.[% U.Ybumbw.l 1."Wpý. ,%,-.. ~ F.ýd vu ý 1 1 vit. I u- i ý lant; __ un this duer. Me. tire approed" 1 @tond up vith one lm 1 and jou » the tellow over th" Wut ,4, Ili ki'mb-4 tratmill le 1 ,.rt 1 . t. vitz; - - . cu ven albuve., ý the =Mwak mady tosprinz 1 billes catiglit hold ut the !ýwimriter'ýý b. - ý 1 ý 1 ý ý ý ý 1 ý . - ý ý f..i:"., W4. C-hyvrýu. ý*,4*wuoolw & v.ry oued or A" VU".bl.ted. - ft \- i. % > - -1-1 ,. ý ý "'.., ý 1 , eliveu . V AMI« *e«ueb*U. .Umt ', were , :lie t bair, the en-190 wa-l rua up ou bcurd tý Iý k 1. ý ý - là -'. . - , 1 subulg&nen. 1 -à-@ Ur. _ , S. . O R A» ., ý - ..,..ta.1,C7't *x6%»ý ý IIIIII, vaient O.- ý and ilonapide, go due U ý the ellict and dipped till tinie». 1.11 ý .. .. týý.,-?ýýý,ý.-I..,I V I ___ ý oov"uw%.%%ý,1-.Fll b kbybw,*"Qob. à lie ý 1 ý . 1 . 1 -WewâlîplSkmdmvetbebit ý jamp A" léa iw» r%&ý '*Bri« litre .-blotlg!" 1 liétouteri. il. . - - ., . ý -1 _ _ __ . , . - Ii. =ý,Ub OuP âwi vk9» ý 1 ý littéli, 1 1 j . the watierelli Il, ý , ; -ýteý.xoit.bîlmd - _- ý ý . Ir te WM bear. . . a ;, 1 Il ;-.1. . . ".;q rIllw. ý»èdý »b -8»,Ii*t low rillive, un 1 m 1%er wis, woffl ami Beed me ai pilitatir 09 «uffto catch belli et 1 "irbey a bc aff toithout w§ if we don't 1:14%91%ýt.s.6 0-lardýs. ý A.!ý.-4-it p'l'". lç.îdQ#.lý liait Illym h.,Ikbiuu.. im SALIR tita TO RKX.T -mot ý ý à3d au a" desr.- 1 -'CÀutly-*vutrowim-rmdytebwit; beair a haz,,L' là ý 1 ; I ý .t. % 1 ý4 eý, \ II P: 1.1. il -, . ý . ý . 1 ý ».«ý..1>!. lold ýliIf4otwIIiLÉ'L.kI b.U a t..ýt!b iieub, (:,,à. lit ),Woà..ýMatu- ý he angeb j &*Cm *vh.vgv!" 1 cried » we aýiý - Ther ne-lirly &.tpiz.-I t!,,. N-,,;tp a,.4 thev 1 P; .1 1 ý., ý. 1 ".".,.., "0-4 '.0 1-1--lý, (!big+ -4lâ e.*»wtww týlmi»,Iit..ý îI eqwt"w rilligni. --- 1 f i à ,,.z .,.Il lit K:ý1I, .Il t1ilfit-twer (01F thé ý -* of 'ho. ».l4 ,eliIWu ïMa ,= = Il« tuâuffl.ýt>bw)L lbe»dW,%cbbykwit.aud . . e& 1 waibwa moumau the bal! rellet , tir.-jed the"i=ýtti,- ,4rr1t&ia;riý litcl, à ", i*.F.'-ý,, «,.ýwe-1m 'umw*"ffl » $«»Qltan" T W E E D S ! tow*rib ami, and the enceteding *well drQvued rat, ont lit lit-- vrner; aud ., .ý I1.ý à 1.-- %1.l,;ý'i. V là IIIII. k0el ; . O**. pffliew 0.66.60O.. bhu et"fta p,,-tit'U 1- in »»»Mleu Mme 01,111- ý A ROMISCE Il .. _ I . ý 9) ý - 0 F M I D_ 1 thmw op our bc@4- the dock. theugh ait ý one of the îailorî tiyti*-,!ýd hini over ', I.. à 11- 1- . ý ý ý 1 1, ellui.m. Terunt. tiberat, r.týet.etrier 1 1 ý,, .;".t.it.1 m.t..".,."..W,ý.d tuée. twure»ehte& .. »&.,rumv»*ý%. se4v.irem-aug. 1 . . OUEýi-N. ý lýa*ka4-amoa&Um with My test. 1 on lit,§ hacIr. and lfiýit Ill hial. ý. 1 ', ). 1 1 : ý % - K l 1 1, ... i..,tl ý. --r \ Ntli,(ý't&41.1.,ý ý '4lý,,ý,t.w ,Iffl,.tte -sh >,@.Iuk,» ti»vwh. ý 1114ec Il 1 ý 1 1 - ý &OP. " . ---a..--- qwu« with au , white lie look --wite viril wira the "' 1% bueý'..ý,ý,-ý __ . : My àm=tï, Md ffl ,ý'..b ftl? ..Ie*el.rity "teýO.Wim, pwiév 1Il-kwiý- ý . ý , via the deck, but tell beai i» boil peloter pund bis body. arru-i, 1 ) ý- - . _". _ . &1.,ý>»" ^Ibt'bio»*«. oou*tv Vwtortqb. FMR. 114ALIR Vit TO m the: . - O& A àft"TZ.Vý)týl; CREIF, OUT-ýlrmw"fflmh. Row««,IwmupagMn,=d teor-4. TIll tIttn caute al'inx- ri 1 ý < ý . . . 1- .... i.ý ý ý - --.t. Imm*» bu ou* »au partial 1 - L" ' ---- 1. . . % ."".,ý,ý . ý ý 1--.%iý-t'.ý%% ý,%ý 8, ý ý . 1 ý WITTE». t lait mmum Md un forward, out of ý *[de. and vvatiýilitl;4 -,,;Ir opportanit'l' -'I ý ý I., 1, - . 1, . 1futoli, à wamau. %. ý'. 1 . l'. z.ý.- ., i m I à 1 it-à-3, : % 1 loto rîéî1V.ý hm helé, ýkl* 4ý-4 MO" P"ttâbl* « M ý 1 ý - . .ý,i»*ýltIm&eýem»ý4%:tml» el 1-11 - ý 1 ý ---, iýr 11? t du w»h et âj tester. j tel folie heé n riýt.,§hoved oit ý. ý hý ý:I&l,*IPIMI làM .. .:;ýý-.r= > * te, a Wou mai mm m«, -.àtaý je 1 »w leilnire te Il the' Il \t ibt"ý %j.I)ý %-,--ý. 1 ) j,14)ý,,S., ' b.V , &mi*. ttid ý .. .= [ ý 1 - 1 Ebmwmabmpctm« = . lamine 1. ý ý ""'t - . 0«0" &IF * . . ý bâilliards mi oc popes, soin* of the perwon» whom tue hiLet.,ave,!. . fi ' - 1 , ý . ý , In 4 ; 1'b ýn l % ý--f n"'f * 1" ,elbâr.,Cuuit Ihi Witt bc .,;-l c p or ,,,,, , *biobo"r = I*W»,*. oeir4g& A« . I..ý",rw,.I, P"-I.iIb. d&oe".ti. bii;k.t . .à. i ý» A "W ASD t'NICIOWX &V"WILI 1 ,mI =UtiU& elerboàr& 1 herded la They-Uther ali'l ,Iaql.;hter, as 1, Il ý, ý Il . .- _ .%,.» tPà.uý m.l.raw rate. ynr turther ý&" *W .ý ý -ý "M of. OM*vbo. ý ý!,-ý..ý..&ýbi,,ýt..,',ýfhb*,tbu4Ir tr"»i- bleu the titue 'a. m y 1 » l" , 034 MM & trembawdlm- écw -k-1 1 eue of those @iM but foulai 1 contrit pot jatimd rhum bv the girl*,l 1 . 1 ,p 1 ,4e tu »t'ý. .etlroeh. tike. ât a r»dtl,. ,IL 1- ý ,ý . ý. .. . _ kyst, iuktX GL£Xý%Y. 1 ý . 1 "atil-in Ill'a-ty ,;.,.I, II,ý , --I coulit ;O Militant, ')àaýv --,ti. tillu -10>-tt ý ý Cbauftr W .4tmm-*heet». il . Il ý 1 , ý--"."ý.,4 ý 1 ý e elleair the rWâr, ber, toril round. 1 en the wrIerk --ý%-ir ir- rhe t:xe ý . . . ý 1 . - , *ý ' - - e'; ;- - .". . I . 40.u .r "I.e Y,ý. ý i * . lllttbat thst vnb" wm Uwdhqt & ma; pered-d a -tWe et eoils et Hol their hail lotke.t. The old -ý 1. , - 1 .f -.11., %..1.1.,,4.. Ill'..-ýJL.Pe, (à. . . ý M & 'WA&IX& ,ýq.3,, P. M , r II) ai LN T. * W' 1 Ir ý , ain 1ý ý 1. . ý . . l tIgt,4 .lit gt#ýý Il in b,-ut XM.M . ..,op Jet crob. ý - , 10 . 1 Linu" - ý tecks or haffiards, 1 tuait ý werneli nearly iii*ersihl--, leilà . man . ý . . . , $mm wm»mu g bici,.' il .. 'A > ý l' ý .. ', II .,,ýi'..Y. - ý %jýjjt(.,ttt._ btýý%tl.trlt 04hi.,.ý,.ýýt.,.,eysbý»ývm*um,ý&WdlLý-giftelt P ub*u.t#.#Lot.lqý%&ibt» 1 1 tkq m beaut Md lie belleved waallea 1 theus ab be-Irim close agemet the tnot ward wittL his -111a on hi,, iýrej-e'and t , ,:: .. ', - .. - - . Il ýý;." - 1 I,ý4) ' ut NbO lbwnmbbpott»14,$4 a berle sied ýýý i ý . ,"M 1 o& 20.h. We.-leill. ý lm mmder him 4" Duekh»M" ý of lits Il. 1 imax4utetv -ci -hi*ev" pirt!allv tl.,.,ýýl. 7 fe-jred lie . - . ý ý. . .,ý,ý . I.. (* i,ýý-e,ýiýý%%ý-ýttý'r.t'tb.ýh"ttýXtA, . , . 1 . -1 11- 1. lu*tv. fhlé»ýbq%,d,-tN»V..1ziMý The m a a" . . . ', 1 1 0 « . ý.ý ý ý . 1 M,«e.. m,",wbow'.a>ý,utl»*,M..et ý lit tà», the emd*fe» of theille, Sü.-,and liting IL %vas -IYI iz. bat cnWii di: rie ,:,»l ,intli - 1 1 . . 1 1 ati omS amwere& -Nétaing - ý ý 1 . i.&,xqi*" Aq%44i*ob4>0#.ýýo»%%*'V't','ýý - fýý-#J. wilha b.tbo, barri, Ilieu ,âm1ý ptmp us ý . 1 ý ! We a" lieux, telling themil dn-ip etear ý we reached the -He.,Iprwý,,, as rite il-ad ý 1 ý 1 ý ý, , ý - r tz . th. PPV#tum, IArý particultirt ruquire ut »Il i 1 . î klu&t Tbue la a mm Ichembly 9er' ý of the wreek amern, aluil when they no spirit.,ý in the iý),,t-. 'rct 1.0ax . 111% ý . 1 , : ý . ý 1 .. 1 M ots kily ý to Lou , ILIM .mb boraxille. qmiý,r, ýr Xe cj>w,%Ru 18171t. Il, N. k, y dit a Pet Out. CA]94" 1 - --- - - -- - j iebbg en bil the& %bdclan w-4r- bad bligked ââ ter m tint ten*h et line The girt appel red re lie about twenry , t . . .11 11.1 ý ý 1 ý , k9t'Î, t.jMIýýv. V4W ý1.II P&rCWUtàM â*b«ý 1 - ' Mr. DuctUng aad ho ti. ý . . , ý ý ý --. M-Waims cil , qf. e!f" ý ý . omu tu ho sav- ' permitted 1 tient ai& the end ut the ' vI-Iii of aLm.* very f:t;r, hr hM r .f a 1 ý ., .ý: , . l ý ,!-1 . I . ý ', , :.. ý-- 'ýI W Il 1, bt",t,. attéit XeAbtx. voul ------ - _ . -otlan-t paid that out autit the jWden etrrtur cý?Iiýr. ,vhie',a h-à wet 1 ý , 1 ý ,;,ý 1' ý -- ,- ,ý....."ý _- _ - 1 ' ý M« en the imin4eeL -M thue & b- w- fur eue- 1 theu made ruY and ýtreaizv doAu Litr baiz aittl il il.- l:..,..,, j1ý;,.,,t, -11 , A" IrR AN R cols ùýý-!,âI4-- te,-'- ýý . ý i e& My imbr' 1 cried, addr«dng thie other t az _ - - ý - - - ý -1 ... 1. ý .ý 1 1.'l.1, Fnît,ý'r-CLA$B>IP.%R)Î,e)R IýALF. ; N D ORMORT . . Md test Md sanq out ta one of the, ber -hoddém, thv-IýjI a pert:ua of it i ,ý . . 1 1 ý ý . 1 1 1 ý 8,,iý»Z w 1 9-elà *&lý Id in Idiot .-I'U. ML.%Kl- . E"1[ý: ý ý 1 sallier amom yen. au wha wout4 have tun te tirer en hourd .v tJie 2>tar')oaru, was field Il a c..iiiiIi. ýe IIýý 'Icatil, I han PW M» Kxm, ,ý.litai;4 lob aureil. ",tu .r IvIii; W t . - theend Ot'pale and ber Ilp, 1)Iuý-, mid la lier due ý ý ý .u! Aý titl'.. ý '4ýiýeýj1 .,ý t j b 1 el$. - 4 . t"ig the b" . ý ý ,t-r«t. ,,Ult,:%Uttwated âad,éoscbkhiàkwhýr eti iý ý BJuýjIrll ltiwluv» à tbe bearti te bave th« ý voudair mimwa-chý and in &in& . . - ý la uno»Cins mid ii%,d%.,.,Àt; trulId fratine , holoir. bam Toi, ý 1 vrithout m embn to reseue biner rite Une with him. _Lfter walliuý.- te YtlýS Wsâ %Uý*à a 'clot-, of niin,4iýi à 1 ý ý., !_ '. '. , "I Il > IýI ý à ý i 1 1 Il 1 i Nit, lii.,-,ý1.1villIkvi; WrAtt%,Ks ý . 1 - ý 1 . ý ý few miikute,.ý, the huait beinic hidile r 1; 7rfor . .. - .ýl- --, 1. , 1 CIO$" ."I t-ý,.gu-d *,#tlý; une Mêle celhIt Onit. No, sirte sbSted ý of them da', me fellow ermite - scraSbiiug D4 1 hl and rupture a, Ihe ca.,t tirent, , ,ý l ;... ýi 1 , *1 - ý . a#« $W *0 yffl jut , wý»d;ju.tý«-otbàt**&mnbuuomm& lhe! "well mie the m= and If the skipper th, " with & red film biý over arotinA hýr, tlm-.zl,..,reiii ., 4t Ile. then ai -Il. ý ý Il. ý ý , . 1 - a TOM " -He - . .;.z:lýr, I.I«Xtl*tV. ', . In amie himr, OUW i. tamtr km«pbiunxwob. ]MA. lýPoi» ý elothe*acd the wrtck, theu .Ir the & -âpertt,% , .Y"I4N*4t" . 'r hathri le,.tiuubffl appiv tu 4;2t>ýlut i ý 1 »tme% we et the hair euw that the tue ,,,.«mu *m of "Y bm« yur wWrý "Laff!» 1 cW" 'so the mm »un& ho h&vInîçý Wleu tirer- mory ilf it wili ta.mit me Io 1 i ý ý - ý b* - . ýý_ ... ý..;,.,ý,ýlr-"ý,ý"»Itif» %.-lakwý»wrtb.ffl.-t.le,.Ik UM*àp& ', ý,ý 1 % i là. Ili t: . 'I . bý:iarqL Be sàÎiok himself like a dog. my desth. Her"dre**, of ýatue daîrk 1 I ýý ý ;, , 1 ý.' ý ý 1 .ý ,\, i %il. , uti. ý, w bàk ....f. ' .41., .1.1 ý . 1 ý 'tr - Wb«& &" emebd with the line on bis hand- material, wat «uked w ith Mlt water i 1 1 ) :1ý ' 1' 1 ", l ý ,ý 1 _.. . _! ý UNI mer" ty fw ,lm mu . . ý -Loir et Pour piirffr mum" the . and k=S a short distance fortrard. ap ta lier h!D," and ,he *hIvered aud I i . - 1 1 ý ýK it y lumemek& I aki»-. .W ,,.iz !,, lit \ N "! té 1 V . . - theu. han" tbe âme taut âxId made it moatLed int%-ý--ant!v, thoitu£h the suit i ý * ý , ý Yeu is lm Umm m P«iou 1 -Aft attre., mm bmddk.» leil "Md : bât . bleui: -A) wantilv tipon u» that the .; Il - ý il tiel f.., . . milim 1. , ý ý . -7ard àbVAL 1-et ipt the -reM » toi bel= the bout round thwart* were hâ ta the han )', , ý .1 ...., . ý ý 1 "il.., . I'..Iýý. vin yffl 1 lhalbab - . lav *0 mua Il 1 . 1 1 . ý ,,,, 1ý1-!, ý m. wtsigt&34.%io a »ON. "6»ut$4«& ý "". W . . . _ý . parti man-bmmor ; The maft àlailor I.y ai the uottom of 1 ! 1 & ib 1 V,ý Il 1, t \. t., lýýi » .ind. larffl PMOU ,.:ý,ý. '. ?.ý-l- I '11-1.1 1,iý,ý- ,, 1 1 1.ý 1 .1 . ý , 1 .ý um wu astick Il . ý mu motalit usine rumim umum Il 1ý the boat, looking --.trzu4t, !rite the 4.y. 1 1 mm 1 1 ý He wri.4 a horrili lenkir-4 obitLL with l' Il , Il . , 1 . 1 1 -ý ..f ., I. ý'i,ýi, , ,-'Jf-lîhý-ý.ý b9m.. 1 . .]Br Li .25 Z ýý .: , il * ' . *0 tZ ffl r» 1 -.bda & 2%yùxs .àîch 1 àdvm«d -alouit the - hi-- -trearuine liait'. pli,' .,., ftlatiirt-4 suit i , ý 1 ý . ý ý ý ý, ,*.,...,.. ."» 1 1 . . ý ( Pa" 1 - y'. *.ý 1 -.0 1 bu » ý . 1 * ý ý ý. . i' 1 . ý ý 1. - ý 1 z ý ý A 9. 9. t A 1ý in ibr AI rialwg 1 uný W.M11111, &11111111110111116 - fur, ---il- bel y ; deekil effacLog thghtly with both hartriti. [ red!)eard. hi- naký-1 *baakýî and tel; 1. Il 1%7 . - - ý. . ý - 1 . 'Irib. -lm tjtltr.,%Otun. .. 1 11421 _Yw ié ý ý ý "W. Il. >1 lie , , -l- y- e. ý 1 . . 1 , yliÎ eoine WftbhL a te« à It viry pmwUeutfab happeil that pr)tridln-- throuzh lit, ioa1.îný,, ciinc- ý . 1 1- t: 1: ý, l.; - 1, kt ,f Th., .1." .!,l...ýi "ë..ý i.,."rý.I..I 11.1111-1 1 . ý 1 . ý, ,l-:".ý;ý,l_ W.Z :11 . _.7,*" C«00, In à" y- - the doar ut the = 111011lié- fat'td the! tBxtrou-erý, whi -ii ,ýi.;,irid ili.ý %hift- , ý. . ! ýý , . , Il,. li'.. . 1 .h., ý,ý. -- ý'L',I,.it.,r * .,Iý » W te . . _ _ _ - it»«IM zamowu% bral» . - 1 1 ý for«aetle within a &W tee et whtre honeý ai thil-14h t1icy ,ý-ýthýkI £ 410-e. 1 j - ý - 1.ý.ýýýl, ýi. - ý'1. ,-11 1ý !. M"Il , join " ý tratudel Mr emamd larle and There ton. Nclv atlit again ue would zive ý ý ý . -,; .,..»,.. -Il. 1 " . My 1. ý 1- ý .1 1 '. ,::;ý,','-W.., Ill;. ,.--,,Ijý Il , , a ý m the destr' ý the mmi» or the galley âtog& ý.j -.lý. . ._., %.ýiý,t ý r ý ý . ý 1 . - .» .dm JO .. . ,ýý ', . .,...",""",.i' 'l"'. - ý . , , «Me ta fw lm Y«r% 1»ý*& - ý . ý O- m ed Il se _-k la open- hilil a tvrirr 1,:,.ý .1 ý'ta- -'n; ý ý .p,),, 8à"& ý ý - . Billamait dm& twoed 1 WMM be, therefore, lesé. ri ait-I V-It out dur,,..'ý, .. ý ý . . 1 ý C=Zjbe^ _ý _ - : jug it tbm hâd. lit tâped beauxlvise. for ,ý ý 1 , , . , ,.,:t . - Il tIlý'- ... t ts.ý,-,, ýIdl ý ,,ý-,.. . . à IV&I»bb 100 oeatabdat a uh~ . . ý a t 1 but lie %viàs, %%-.-Il iii.,fi ýpënt wL-,h hi,' -7Îià7ÎR pullâd sit the water;I as rt brute agÙnst the qdes sý.IM and. ou the -,vii.,'- -x;t, .jIli,ýz ý ý 1 ý t , î l- :; -:- .-ýý:ý"..ý, N% ý, i: K m %N Ar ,lit 1%, . & et. "MAVI . - ý ý ý- . 1 - I ge - 1 1 ' 1 . . -- ý :.,I1ý. 1 -, ý . 1 1 IIIIII dispartelit elear of the emmjzh, . .. . )ý 1 .. , 1 ý -----owon«n-omuo" ý Ub»»«, lbmmm. . AM & au fa" rembd. mages% . "Irbiet de yeut amis tir thW éfte.),*. part-, liait Is. the grillât 1 'l'illi rj rit- zie, ..Ff.ýv l.nýj, lll eobdwt yole; Wtr-) mudnous $coma- allie a I ycu been be.-Il rit this .1ceadful ;ý).,i- r. CI lràlr&om. -ruqww4d ý ý ý- ý . - bulk of It ma dear. thocah et ce ý Il wàb » 8. -il 'Md$ fur fflise que> 1 dreulroalcodDuckum *"avouer Of tmesdep&ctltat"«wargedaêpUnst rieur, .1 ý . ý 1 ý . 1 1 ýe', . ý1qï,,41im%;11, 1 . ý t . &»&Jffl P.,% ,,il sinus i* med" "«Ik la païlui, »»tb ý embeautimint &W bu4mage. ý . i ý . . ý . . . ý . . ý ý . . . - Mr ILImeeff If ho mys , the docil "SiLàce vtýýreelay ruornirl -1Lý- ý ý ý 1 ý . . 1 . . - . . ý ý . 1 lit. I. , ý l 1 i l.I!.jMtXý -l' %..ýJI, lw.,), ý 1 P.% t.là Il la 2l c'ML batite. Ibis wu a ý . 1 1 «Glve hilà one 1 tiffl out te the giri le OW12 the aaltwered. Ï1.1 a (.-holing voiee paillât, -te - ý .ý , .. ý . Idirmer lot un the victurist aëd »Mk 10111111là-4 toc, m«à4 Mr. Ibylerp surnit out mm - ,noir quickly, a* It sud la £Mues Ilke - .- - t Il hear. anit zulpinx after earh w-Irl. .1 ý ý Il l 1. . 1 , ý . - . bourse Talon on Chat mida4ort -Weil 1 id, "ri iras larit to, lie moi &am "We h-tre .1 - .1! 4 0191VICIOT, . %'ç,htll.týuanty ,,t>'ietcriob.dkmwuq#mýý. - OW. itut 4 igimm . net hall a rir-lit of %%:%ter te i.ol.*.,l.lrlro CI b&Clt ;e And cheut estait éries, of plu theomswel The puer ereature appear' drinir sirice the nfitut b-avý. *aMrs *. sigouI."*. 1-Chlill, bbwk.jWth .hé*, Md M" àm;.- 1 ý -Th" a eu piûr or mure««,* - . iýtt. He ý . - 01 &lll&(j"yý nitbvlo. ý - -- in *14 uu4w-mkm la a dessablés, 1 1 us» Ave _ _ 1 mad, and 1 repeated my reqtte4t - il, mari .ith ihill ter h,-.fr:ýnk the ý ý 1 . . ý 1 1 ý . ý . ý 1 -q" 1 FqItr J& LIVU M URANVIL 4l'ire MI . lm UIW. i -inio rm dm souci doimr - Who el v.duwra fur MY Yeuet Ma ou - ý ý 1 -terrien &ownt- --.no surm hou- ý 112, Il Itheut indueing lier to, % wateron the -leelz." and ,là,- poititesi te, ý ý ý , ý ý , f..44.ý". , ,.,%Ubi,4 ili't 9(-1.441*2V-34«16. 1 rüt ywutLuý &WY tg ' ý ý Ir, ' I«ve&Wwiudow. Thennotbellevinz. th-,;itiriiý-trhébuttoinofth.ý?iydr. 1, . 1 .,iàw* w.t»*. souL ml mm - est meule This bot tzchumatim wm .. I.. 1-. , - - .. tý.", 1 1.1,111, -'I *XL ý %WC"". Li~ . 1 î fellesril by a . . that sible &" rerood rue. 1 tnied out. -31v (;Oit* I'cried ta rhe.ne, . de 1 ý . ý ý. .. .1 W ý - - _-_ ý rasu ":;ý';",;, IrItIt ý "%%ire ym Inehhf, . Tati heur lier? Thev ha-ý rigr -trutik, 1 , ý , , 1pirSxix op z4v» 19. Iloit. -". 181,ý--loll* la »adt. ; TbewholadItWere me mm m - 1 Il 1 . 1 . , ..." ý,. . . '. .1 . ý ý ".. ý.' 4.ý'-"O . jIl. ,:- -: _ -ýl . ..... We -DIt tu t*» ad« 1 ESIRAffl sciLDIIÇ(> LM ,__ _ P M - I-iri%- ébe replied. "For Goe* mite 'Water for Von dayÎ' For rite love of . . , 1 1 1 ý ý. - - - ý,- 1 . É-:ý;ýI 1 in 1-ýitit lkl V%,-t%ýKely h, rift to-WUb» 1) . . , vck-e& Som of thons sus locklait Olt inverser L God. Rive way ý. , ý .... .. Il. f.11 -Ibo Kýà,?,!I.hIf il, ?liýk.l,1 In M . ý 1 1 dock. having - beau Md by Our 1 1ý .. ý...L.1. . ý ý . ý, . ý, ' . -*tt, I.X.»tbob""I' ' - ý lý ýý ý L-Apm Ton SAIX m a bupim z 1 with a Ipiis, otherswith m expremilla ,,Imam &et yon tbroce that win- Thý.y bent their bill. te the ou.-ý. .11. -î. ; 1-1 l . . . ý The Wés»M ?.λ Md MOÈMI. ý. - - . 1 X CIL"e.I»UbCoeb.Vwubm.emb dow , 1 exeàdined. *,Pause l offlself i and t."-e boat foamed unâmr the toux ý, ý 1 ý .1 ý . ", - :1ý 111. '«1ý : .. »tto. ! IIIIII, â1t«Ob b« et &M _ 1 me leil «1«; ab ehue& Fer *ruer lardrel i of Ivres eursufty. lit Weil et Oum an- aord'opeu chat dorir and 1 wlü satre ,ivetl. The wtnd w2s Ill and help. . . ý ý 1 . .1 ý: , P 1ý Il 1) ,I,ý__ýý ... ý i.,;ý% ýt'lll,'.Iltl>1Ià. A&SUM" Go.. of To Visrthetilla"%ý -L .m . ire. applI, » nom" éIùjMýOM= . da"siond th« 1 wu making a «Md ý Il. .,» élit Sil. dit, ont "P,!..tic ,il ta the _.- . 1 1 . ý - .ý . . ': - .- ý ý L., ý- kýý.I ý,ý.I.,.l-. %, ýl.J""Ebý,-, eI.%It,9ýi.... t'xp.t.,i 4-1 %*, toa,,,SMSU«IFqballtu*ellýIBI» . tt t &%"" the Md the effl mup, , $lie »W ftemed hend end Mkr ýil tor Ir wast crue[ ri) aiake lier ý . ý .44yl. 1 1 ý et them assurer! me tu -...ý-,-,-...Oàsw.ý .- m oq0ouvoý . .'t. ý..;Iq tottÏý,*)bb b. -ýi8Iil.. ýi i t = drew fa lier heil BrItT ticie the "lieu tûe w'S'd-k lavemtý-1 lier L 1 - . . ý 1 . ý ý1, ý Il t . ý ý - ý i,» W x Oir , zmum &,T-.ý!, r jR 81,1&-l.Çor*. part Let 17, i gh" O»wc"w«U@" the ethnie or., .. .1 . 1 . . - 1 ! ýn cm et the bosil bad, inectelleti in -, tireur as though they were piecest et - 1 ý 1 ý 't'erri-iiiýýr.il ýttr4eoils. T» Qum issuuet Co,. et 1 ý Thi. ileurfflv W 1 cols-,% madpelliemt&WucLlâ Meni6mi tbemmdmtodomy UMM evm to, Illidi alongtheropetowberelstoo&'bu iiagiron. Il- . - . l , . ý . : empid and Weil wutud; sqi[Oùùnt oakwoe& :,y 1 . . ý , 1 akeddmg blSdl. rl 1- . ý UM&V» 1 ohm t. W. P. P. uni L lbi" ýthz &.b. e.i. .,d.«U-: --Ift,-rttventy roinutell. which seertied . . ý X (ý, . .. ý> 1 ý - it - il j : Wadir.g roint tu Linibey. Thi. Îs 9»,d tâte, boit ý. ý . 1 ý-. - . , \ 1! 1 Livor>ol &IIIId London. , i V=V cmrr*"&v . SCW»oià. m *». la the, mmatime tie -mm' et the ed OU the rond,, fer when %bout huit' alt manu boum wu reaelle.-I Lie %;e%ýIieL . 1 - 1 . . - 1 1 ý A.-t' -..,t,ý!i.h!, "t"b(,..R.enny. 1 ".d .lit lie toffld &W 1ý titres of ymn- wherlbâd Jan" until the weadter .ý ý ý . ..z ý . . ý , 1 1 - ý wu the huIl tOOk in & lump O( *%vell The crièvr pr-.t»ing rnltt-.ti r h-c eanil av ý 1 ý ý . - lit c's, 3 leviIi qk $eV ý Il ,»mble , lié t l. ý, ý ý Isq 1,1410.1111. tortmý, P-,r wrma. ile:. m ' jýýýý herbes . tht and 0. .Np b«*' i wj 1 *wept bim right off bi,4'lez% and cheemi when they .aw vre ztIl iiný1,4tit. ý, - 1 ý- .1 ... 1 1 1 1 .., ,, Il : I Il Ill a".1 1 M» &"W-Ud làdfe im axe, ý C.T. W 1 LOT JURS.-41r. et movbq> Anit et this mommt, that the « lutemaý u oral AND - people frorit tht WkiDw- ý lie w» swang hard, a-marSnl. hold - v;ýk& ibt,-k:.ne arid .1 ý . ý ý 1 1 i - .i , ,.," - 1: O\f, vý ', _-(ý_ Ce. of xdiaburgh seoill"d, 1 or WLKAKY & D'L"XV. JLJI CIL%» HILL F.O. -%,k)%.= utb*t litanie their me»Irl a for V& aie. » However. lie muov. the ýkipper waltched Il gritilly fn-jin Il 1 . . l ý 1 ý e ý il...ý,1, oýer 1 1 ý 1 1 1IwirW«r%ý Lin"y. ! e a latil. Tb@ h-,u.W L- o. m ý touple -f ha" jumped ait and let go 1 lac (M .,I.!;.i,ý:,ý4 1-j1ýt-.. %.""tlIt l, ý ý Act ,-ri himidt maitil whva the viater thi, Deuil. . W il. . w2ett. !iawl 1%w weuw beau estIelleut signa" fira; . ý ý ý . 1 K - ý î, , - 1 1 ,ýeý,-.'.ýri,,,,-ý,ý't.,!,.tý.*ý,.l-i4ýý..,. AI;;ýý A-I i.i.!d.o.v. May luth. tb*.It the w«dwr maûFbMem I teck cm ý' ;,t.r -tli.."...t ' sep ver ivres on Collant and the rame e" 90S, &" mi &kmZ' band over "-X,,,i%,. theu, my lad.," 1 crieil, "tip ýIl.t,%,iiu6vv il'V«Oolb. . 1 ---"" - . lamýukher.satbrormyotWrrradesmm- Oultit:tOit d*r.'saord« »à cursing in wenderf tu ,ý .- , 1 ýý %J, !:.>.»t., ý;,ý 1 el ', "M' »Paltý Isà,oS. *ý &&m ll ftfflý Callivoed st-il on 111,111and, fallepreptred foral attmk that Ime . ý 1 ut ith tti*- lad%, rirlit. sortie of viiu on, ý ý ý ý . . -, 1 ý 1 tI ' IIý- ý rhil«, ý!-' liblo. irel4&p..Y h., iI.9 WVtý I!U.«..ý- 1 Il elu à ENT 1 1 1 1 mathuy. W! - - . 1I,-ekgllý %%arerrýady.a,à the-ie'peepte: ý . , , ; S ý', . À ý 1 ýý - . ý . ý . . ,.l V't ý» t*aow.ý»,th. tý -"i' il. ý . ý . IR lis fflid ellesti, Fortutber , or boit = M= me. Dttetiinit stvie. ,ý ý - ý . ý . . l t ". X 01111 elI:«IIýtobý -Il., Il .t.>Pt«i . t.Ilk. tlf . 'C'r X. G.W.. = eyed me II tu »Denée. e% 1- . MesawbOetbouzb 1 tient droit, hold amçlvin,ýnt chirlir "' ý ..--ýý_ . , ,» : ,. . . , 4 1- ', . . . . . . ý _ "'. , 1. , ', . , "Oýý fle CI)MIII hl, 1 .u, . ý- __ _ _ dendy balffl bv my mallette air and . Of trie Iffé MUP, 1 tant carte te stalid lu tha .Itt ,eImtnl'e el ý r im e.1b IMUR Xil ý ý ý ' î'w iiiintitýs bath the icirl zrâd; .ý 1 ! ý 1 , - X l't Ir 4 -, etbel, I.1,4ýt-l@ ,,,mgeý.V. Ilère. apà : Ir A lit m jroe SA61LIC, ot the meil Theu kt «Id wheu the levemb of warer vrere net the cid niait %ere.bait(iýl over tbel .. 1 - 1 . V.G. 1 , . - . 1 t . . A:I. ý . - ;ý i.',ý ý>ý,_, I «""" ,,- iýýýbý.IW.ik,-,ý.týgýý»lýýtt't.rýdk.ýýd*k..ý.i . . 1 IWÀÎLm. Foit SM£ CELlup. -Be- the posture k ý hell walting hnpatienzlv for the doter gîanzway. 1 eut the boat'ý paintItr: ý. 1 ý ,ý - . 1 ý ý 1 ý ý - . -A Il ý 1 , -,lýg."ýeý* 4- '111t'... Ud iu -y Ili -" Il au Te saalir. 1 E lm pill of Les 2& VýM. & t-,..bip ut ww»thiu6.- te the motain. who lont ed - 1 ( ý . ý ý l'., ý.ý ý_ ý ý1,ý:;ý:',-,.-, ;,,,,ý tir ,,, - 1". ât. U ý ta oper. It shook ln rite wooveý.*. tried adrift frInu the rin;z.?elt ,lo, that Ive . ý ý : ý 1 . 1 - -'t, "'l :.Pi.tl,ý.tulà Il, 'lie 'm ýý Th«..d«ý Il p %iý Il ., ,* ý tO - 1 lit j,,ý.--4ý ý, Ip*,ý,.,.ý 1,ll,-ý "Uer - . Ftnelou. ceauly llf vIctoria. ,ýtataint 12& exb»Med and white and %-Mord with 1 bva fieeble hand; then a de-peràce et- - coutil -hip the madman without 100 a. - . . 1 1 ý . 'Il -..ý,ý t:;." . v.tdabt* Mm in liée, ý ý a troud m» ut ýnùUv"&. Vie mg ilà, a bieul j so, the Ire-side ot tbe polle. and alter t' - ý ýý'; ,,,ý'. ,ý"' ,,,,.,.,,,, . .il, ý ýj-!7IIi'I -)tý . ý Itignet .,Ik" Int ý" « In Mt, tbut sermOmMerW,-;-b-t.*ý>urý,i«mdmdtuibbumkmoueioct. nwywaamdover, f&-t Weil madit. and it »M a couple of , Ing lib+ bonas, and lie w&ý hnii,,Lýl tip ý . . ý ý .4."i".i l.lý-e9I, ý ý 1 .Z> 1 tell ýeýtt,* 1 ý ý jeL.VlemiL la isàtmud en titille Illiture et saluà i *ut e«&»US tue capitale. ta mygS- : incites, i like a hale 01 mou-% Tnen tour et il* .11 -,.-.,ee.%" 'r ý ý- ýýl, àgo»'V » »Ax ... ,wli Lake. ma abut illit cul fi,ùm Veaution, Fâ1II%ý - ta . ý . . ý . . 1 1 - - ý!Ii1 lý1 « eIl":_ .:.ý« 7tii .,f If.!,.""% 1 lrow NIbuRr e1p 191181ILT9 . Thure au ýi4 kg buthtmp ut evar hi" m 1 prisirl weu belloi D-kltgg ' 'Urhat WM date 1 shouted. --.Xow i aot Out 01 the haut. leavinx onê ta drop 1 -_ . ý ý 1 1 ý - 1 ý 1 ; trien, mr U& Patch hoLt of me .. ýý 1't "Il, 1 , 1 6wwarL ItÏ : ber under the d&qritis and ho>k- on .the *1ý 1 > . Il ý J*xý IR. Ký%tbwLao.,qq , th. tamb. lirait, Mot, - rvi turtber pu«i.ndm ai tira -rro. ,£",,,..M: .1Iý é » ob.teeti, .., .. . ý tit., 0 ,ès i f h r >ý #1Ifflit . . . . . td'ti4ay. ý ,Ontattiuu li'») M (sultre ür le-). bonix -Pm- j My la AWM&" 39CAM rite ý _,.' he »Id, -lte ! me band and the line with the othel W% .- - ý ,. ý . 1 ý .1. I.. - ý 1 ý ý: ý ý ! P.,Md.-t ï.txv. 13 »ýd,*,ttfb,ý.est Qw~ 10, , est-m-ti. ý rit ý The fellew took a dnn L-rip et my .lit this moment a horrible k2ne . . ýý ý ý ý 1 . I . 1 1 ,:- ý. 1 - 1 ' 1 ý J.L, Illi, 11.,'.9 ti>.J;% *» tub tl--»Ut,..i.11 id ffld 1%,W"P« - - your saviatir the man's lifé. If voit trai - monkev'-Jatket and 1 made for the dour. look place. . IK t.il.ý%.%Y .'I'lý'Kb.r-t)vrt(71C. ý - 'Tiýýrearezba-r«-Imridi-eump.)Wmii», ý ta. Lester asmy the starïïdýra qumer. 1 1 1 ý ý ý ý 1 ý ý li, ý ; ,,-!I.,.t idalo. Olt eubiv:.tt.n. Thobabuaýýi.:; VARX ]FOR SALIR CHRAP-Con- 1 boat awyloit. OP alon -hegd-i"rûe"ter-xaduduptemyzaembutj The nid niait. totterinx ce the ailli4 ýý 1 ýý , ý . . , 1 ý %ftbel le '101,11A. I UN , bd i. ,orit buhMI. X ýistimettlem»lth Lot Il. tu the > tLla lier, 1 soleil. tour" my damertil la the cre- ý of two Ileanten. wa* hein z ted inta ', . ý . . ý . - : .,:titimbend.md %bêt .b,ýk , ded to gue. attering t bug worde in . ýhe . i ý ý 'a ý ý. . - . -- 'Pre, bricit i I" OJOOO"" 01 &&'bDE4 = . " ý et I sucti a thick Toiles th" 1 thought lie ý Ti- Of the duel sud thrmt il wide ,ý. ý . 1 ý __ ýý iR 1 ; ,rbUý m z.re .. th- pri,= . »pt,.,W euddyý Klowed by the 2irl, who ýw.àlk. . . ýý . . ý 1 1ý ý 1 'q . ý1 1 1 ý Il tyx». wftb, bwile titube, *le. ,Mes ý Lot U in .be lad cSl«Mi la. et Illusion. il» 1 . open- . . ýý , t ý puW* *»"n Us aurqim,; 35 acriu, et 1% am - trais ébokine ý ý M imaideçL T'le madnian. in the;zr.,ýp il 1111! Il. Il:%' r. ý ' ýý . 1 'Met cbwW.w»dhutm"dmb«mtwmmdn-! Zeom»&10,4r e wa* a ë1ngle compartaterit, ý of- the big ,uutor named Johnton, -rond ý - . . 1 ý .r.., Il ,. _ c M"I .Ubmamw UnlbIý Md ý 8 L d- = eu 1.1 1 ý W, . l ý ý - ý ý . 1 .- 1 ,., - rý- ý ,ý ", - ' X » NIRY, NON buildillwý, ai'. a IIII. d VMO 1 , %om or ym!» 1 erkd ý The ho«Il - . ý ý . k , ý .ýý 1 . £Y. 1 ýiter. g" tram balle, 59MOIlle enderigroUM! oqù, hastily politingots My engt; sud in: tboq;h 1 liai exgected todndltcdvided nearthe.ýmnic - -wr-ten'eý'led ý. i ýk,, N 1, N ; lu. ', .1 *-,.-. 1ý .1 e ý ý -PM X. 1%il, prougil 1. VUTV pbe.euttjv .ýtuat«d. _ ,ývix; alait art 1 ý ý 1 . 1 ý , Wý 1 -il - Ir "Y. ,. , dbbbW " dm ut bus; w4d bu M& imm ; leus thsn & minute 1 Turts la the hffl , turc- two. tu trie centre was a table on deck Ott» , 1 ', fý .1 ,, ý_ M r Md t'a M.3t.%4"t ýý, liby. .:«ý AI . ýftIM ab"tit threo nien Weil, holding _ý ý . 1 . 1 1 . . . 1 Mil Mt a he» bwu th& Ikiut"iuu , ilbu, a# : bas»Mý mil wamnd W" - q.Lhrt:ÈIziýý i tbat tra etiecIL'Pânaiktu fuit of warepti>hl% faëe. The' ý . &ý_ li ' - " bqMqWi'l- Irtn ý with the nimma% - velled frais the roof tu th ,ý il\ Il *IL: Ili 1. ý . ý ', ý - -- ý- .- -_ i, 1 , ý ý , 1 -b-" j bu *@W liblait mè timir «Iras, M *8 - _ î _ ___ . CI. .i Èl-ý .lif. __ . - .1. .p h» ýI L r - --.ý.lý __ -'---,-,--- ------ ---- le S k voit xx. Wibleýbýiom 1953.