Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 May 1879, p. 1

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-f . 1 1 ý . . ý 1 _ _ ý . ý _ - - -ý eau, Il --' - 1 -P - ýý ý9 dhp.dà.641W.1u.: Jk.%Pv dkO 9 W. ý 46u&juaiwt vilLbuv &M £auwumquv - . 1 ý ý . 1 . . - 1 1 "f 1 . 1 1 . . ý 1, 1 ý ý 1. ý .. - ý. ___ . - - .,et . - ý ý ý . , - ___ __. __ . ý . ý ý ý Ill et, ý ý 0040i. 41mittio a enqMi, ý ý riffir miu»&" mgrit 1 1 lu le, _- - * onge, &lu la batie, alible, beodns ý DMMW MMZM m LnTR-ar NO ...t. ý ý . ý ý 1 01I- ýý g» w ý ý- 0 ý . - mwwe " 1 __ - - 1 .1 -_ n - . mhemeew. 1 - ý POLMCALQUEMONS. 'III ý RI Ut4 fi 14cif,0410, - I.fhd*by. Il. f*t4» IbWg*)NP.Iý,.NwwoyM AUX FOR sA 1.1 muormi%. illégit a Nft fait PeUr olm bdove&--Aa yft 1 bave me Agi ,1 - - ý ,,ý - - .es-- il.ý , eu «Oý101«mloý*0- fb»$Vfb«b44*-"-t"o s'y il-ý ý t . y - 0» 10111bed"rg leotuan wbmabFwlb;idw;r MOAMAM scuomçrpjz -4c.lwoBurNI)ERrRE.Y.P.TBAýv ýlI.» " _ý .. . 1. . ý tf»wsV,ý ab$ %=SI,.,.* = X lir .4 W"b$@%*« 0 - iffl-uell. . le Oîs mme» ma Md hmm milicivec te amd 7004 4" liffille th&% 1 ý lý:,U-".e -ee ,%-tz" ,cala . 1 ý ý 1 , ý a. cm ta ce . ý I490* , il, 1 gour or 8 m . ý Blatimu nobtumal, p m - Il O 5 Jor i . BEFORE. 1:, . 1. ll«ffltAb ficznKy ) A =Io ,âoà%l&Xýý»wtr7o. And tl»umbewu "*la plu. «xr.W,= , - . 'gels Ik« .4 19*m.-@e- ---ci mmiffl. Pare ce, Atun 1. t'a. -. il; W m 1 glJ4 #$(lit ý Kg, Vio .;,ýý 1tPZý ruellect. ý .-ýIU4.t ý lux 1 dmest, TOUCatil6is-we bave us j , - __ __ 1111111111VIIIII16 nom" em» muâlow 4 (À 4ccehrçtý ýigcIP. a ...... $,,#,W.", 14 %, Illiala IV. ý I!e ý" 1 M» alibla %mg*mta lwmtvb& . "àMdàw. ym tbbki» acomptes Bava* 1 , - t.ell itte ett'el ....$,,t ecriew , - e - ý, _ * - 1 Ille OAMO ce A" un th" mmmàu« . - teille ivvenne papers Il ýzhmf. fef".l ýe4gt..ýý...ý 1 * §=;ým . 'ftwxk & KAINIt FOR ttALt- à- 1 riffl-CILAU ww fi$ bra> tembre ý ý tob-muII4 yu 1 - ,:v%-A Tm ,-:Gz. TI, 1 i P4 , ý ý . -4 - 1 . f , Ammwejm . au 840 »m foinats op Son, %Plait si* Ille, gmmm »ddtou dmtà6 se la «w@ll4 ais it ý te, MIR, = bym- à ," ý burtur rommm" Tb* mmemaurm 01 the City et ý . r-%d&»4*14, écalleil Plw.ý,ý _gcau illable W= ..C #fat igubla (* bailliage iý4 fige la Mo agilla f... ut r*gwmp %fle-i-,.MIN#ýk, 194t'rKi. 9 (J *1- 8 ,.ý,,,.ý.e>,4*>.*.,Illgl*.." Hw.. .*M.= . 1cý acettelle owwm. (800#1 image bbm ïïi l'a the phyllui . RUMM Md mme filla et lille th» "m g"yma»»mltj@ànl6 en amis fer the TOUM7 la a - ý G"m me Mt forcé, efteed with th. 4'., 1 -1 .1 . - -bois lm. 1 wilocete, 7013, nalleille tbree or .w 'tiý'Ç,.,,,,.t.,.. r".Iýftf,4-,$.Jtfbl#1419v)#,bM..(b4t. ,; _01 ..d clégli.41. (If $bat t4%.er4t.04 il vm* . ,ou hem*, "d nov«.Wlt W«. ibvilk% loi a ý 86 mm* i a" Yale. dur- dmummdo»l imwication, mat" 1 maieur tar= Il the letters, "nt to'Xr. ý ci, ýqi..eý.ýeýl'ill.fth«.Ielhýql"eý'.4 et moité, ý."6.144.0*#*#.t calleil g»lbobr4lv motic ubir et lible, the.hiktm- - - _ pirel .ýlýeiý,,, 10.41. .1 la. 141. ý U fl;, y Swoàn «dW* the collier the a", .I;,.....«. lie& __ rire hW ab leu« fume mmumgý for» - '- - ý, sc.".,%: ruýt ý èm.p.ém* P."..»Mfvlim ficibruclagibla se, tr= deqmahm Md uuxlù If 1 irýý- ;;à as If Goghde, xP., At Ottawa lie amepwd ', lllA -.11 il'. I.11, et -t 414 f.Ii.i", &"ffl.1 ; *hl# mf«ob cellactifige, ýr P. 0. 1 voulu &bd égar am clactrec . mo%«mfttto»rtbw& 1 *«3%bbiuh SehoM ') ý . l . . e,ý , ikt.iffý...b .III ow-lýe jectiellainfill, 1 .. i)ýý Zn* rtslwdo. tf1wow. th* da lis au» tzdâeateoi. la bifter ad&Obdfiir j fla prie a" the» la no rentibula ta doubt - ff'l' "1#,4,. (DVO#»f taiýill. 4.1*, hm licie, ý 9" ho " -'t ,ýt,%*,4%teo,4 Il# al ýlbt1KIluIA 14 IAA Y. , (ý.1.1m e.v *JI, Ketý'htem .F.414»18 . M R JIIAL& 1 )VI legardicable-quela socla. . collaisil bre wretunntwbwd-ewýhm lobseu we taire lmerowo luk"mdqmcm *ermlw prubyterba achemine. Buh V.ý . ý ý Il - RI»@.~ . happy way-tu». 1 1 t'O coligéelcarle yoga ta My mago" borÀ@84 m un fflw bu% ed cm ena, Md me b-a l IL A cupu mmutacturing tirlui in tne _I/i. f.,.6.01". .,,,.;ýe.,.t.,I 1.-u .,4e,.i.", ý.f il 1 1lf'.u.aý le 1 'f. it4j« ..Il let. - P 11 1 1q»,l *»-v-b ~ý tâcà viti; garberec la q*w et y Win ADJ&Smmgiàeuuàm~ mumrataLpm à mmewbu i Royal City writu flée W ows ---ý .H , -iItree Ur, 1% kIA »»-. te gageme ý Themirm.t= al', ý 1: l4 ý,-,,l I4141k..k. b..mIt billui lâce.d. __ __ __ - __ IRIVIRIM = au O& tu illa cm = fam 1 lie baniy.baý 4 w b.;Utg aile Mt the u*m 6& M - i in the mmulu-ture ut tale. Il ï-alib", 1 f! 4 11T 1 1 V. 11,,»týt,..4"0 ý ' 1 ý . 0 W lire ý ý in the bright - 'amillie e»mimdcm une us em bataed te say "W* me ..',4 .,ý.m..iýçl.$.,... ri.itltýt,ý.ý .1.e14,w..c.#,%ý , ' q ý - H«e, bwwm otthetremb. " am bletter adapg v hqp" = ut two ktmio. vix.. aU-wool .. 1 . om raiwil. ý rv-b--h-)-l-k-onom.mylm ? th" tbebe perinfil - pk Ill- . ý et, :1 . sa 0% » am omom Ilii« ce hm a laffl spigt ce illick Wid tue lue i, a Max. àow bute, ý . ý . 1 illeil baffl afautembabscla ilibreral, 2e:fyýýiw thtffl.Ad ,clefs, ed te- 2lieula or eV= th" W and = 411, . an-w"l %,.4mlia-N . O" sliàeffl,.4&»mow"m. habituel tu clown. MU$ bmvily fftla hm - naub"M"; gmAisl.we"bavewdung ta c--Mpbun WWXK (WI!fe4-P Viel O, ttlcl#lýVIC14POOI#Augbtë()tf» u TA$. mm ý= Oum ille y«dw the AM= i, f --, '.0 r- ý .-ýA-- r",..,I.,.I rebat. ; r ýgib(st,(bbt imvAwqr"ou@FA Above k4bé flarla von etellessifint. wtmb nonq di. lide =M, l'dalla vu un , )Mat-wrluoi dm»vtng Joue lire" yeur menulum pépe. dm et simmarebuaew. Nor the i abat arombait, a" ,.,(,.O.%= \, &et, ci al,.à,e.1,..,., '4- ;.r;,. _ _ bit ligeaisterla roi% wm f*,b*Y»Wtw. lia. . dl in a 4W.9 c::ý N ý , ý UV. #MW* ý I atige, e.0 m tlow% Il., ý _N.P. tuereu" the the pure, ý centaine, in as le par == an ; ,%."", ', .. ,,,ý"1.I.» . , rit ook»eb etteil. eignant, ýf" O%". . .rzà cet :1 . et "Ob. Juge! dm honl& bonu wu&, acarticallâce. %, ba* et .. ...... . -ri.--C_1...,ý z: 4 f fit (il, A N n -1 a f P7O. , with sa exeiamul« expreetdire ci. . ý L..I.h. On biva- j menton i loi ce lâ.ýýl itwmhà , i "g.)ý ý ý ý . . le. ta. orablIt, 8, Ha.] ..... le ', ;,P ... ".."ýl.b,."I,.."Ic. . w r , (ben ex zy , laffiquigagiella liffilicetIf, pwà» Ibo tIhm ta y" , ,hmpuiion go" ut -bas ella am ifflmipwb ý ;,.,;"ý,,, I,*;, ý , 1,444111211111U . mai. - ilactit - faiscett ï ,L (sibýý"ýr a joýuIa, à W" tale au for* = demi- ensilais ta am P""..howý " " ..., ýell.,.4.,I,.Iot ..".b" 1 bu 1--bOo -"., ,-.1 ,- t., I-4 W Ir il le fel-4 ilits le" rl it le tifuti lî . ý " 6» " Md hmlly t4»mprm affiliât Youlteenum""tm.. l ::e la mmutwwrinq at pre,,uns, ý am t.i'. . MURMUMOme ýk* :te* tom m play. ý "Sr. NtcaOL"»---48«ibaw â: CÜ., ý v t cliy kind filera ilb boy défend fur in . .1 ýy. ý 1 . ý 414911111,1111i fit 1"114wýbýbl.tb. -, - OP= -oth«. This finale *bgois mo» vthe. ý ý .. -1 »IffilV,9 lelgl>l'(*Klb 1 . 1 . . tu *m , ý - 1 1 . - N. Ir- 1--deý--Yq& ý-S»Wut Md lieu remâchai -&Imm the -Awboos T--.ýpt sew TorL)-Thb q)e" qelna or. the marine. 1% le in th- -muuâ,,ture -1 theft 1. 1 t)%êil*t , - - . - #10 ellala égés . .. - . "S Word la her finai tagender naccommils, x goode th&& the twi« i.;.. .ce" la. AU the W&rP 90*90 - iïiw.m 1 - . ý LIGHT ASD aUD9. . &Y ý ber la a gela la lia way. and! %circuit ici culgam ami the weft fabula âmeulten tend f, , gRffl44 le, Ploccéléfic, . - .. II ý -5- - chiait «natute ý n The wýlmýýam n'ad iaubýàpq..ilt) W * Il it a embellies O 1-RT,,à (Ilhed C4,n.,tonable it n oir 1 ý 31 OLLÎ 8 AW N. Wb- a fontictella Appleton vdh Interne a boum of grefut delight for j volage - ., ibesteu. le. it. yý(ckfiv #m.'ow. c'rage . ec . M , 14, 104. «Ithin .Il* minute% 1: *fuite,# the' ,41 -----4@b- - heve, oath--hw Op hft pïpu-% ,ha ý - hm mmdy tarir i which %09" ce C«99 l'Ur pu ai the fleuve .If 1 wi#tdoe. .ý jau0y 1'.eý,160 - ý M [Ott". §fera. ifflte-mio - quit% the libelliger by ils smemud doter, mu vins§& the littie peuple. it mm«uture. and the duty ua'd',tliw. licencie uý Z., - ý , IPU.Vi,.,.s fer AMNALvfja -de fliablain Maille Illeil rietiolleura %elâwàetob ficoeigestatit, Ille, Ilî" , filles rile. VIE POI. pictum and acq numbarol @torie@,ia , cent. par th.. and -0 Pur .une. ad ,Qiý,,.. ý. -,101-*,,v 'the «Miemoiit (.0 frango - _ - - . ý _g hie, aura rousse ftmbu IFZOmtb*GwmaoeGoetbe.1 el - : ete* *muoid to $1 00 ille luy. '.I.olb.hl. Il - .V.IMqplkjmjK:vp. . »? " O the pa.eb*L . ý . : %mmtâ tc lu perveait. - the Co.&, .baie contact J.. . 1 . ,.mmpt .acte littoral 'Pli,- relleugloccet-ell, INIRA .t»d. 1q)()Nàt To 1.£T . ý . - , Lormy Md sim« a violut gratte addition ta the two lutmsdllk «rW& ; cerveau are a4ýùttc-j ac 5 viciai pur %carte thuý, - ý . ý . ý Net umatu chien, dm "O petteilive thât Tbal mudow ,content amour. «% for laman«. a " étory, ' : "Wk "ýLt u2 or e n, a" "- Inci .*Im. la 0.. I;....ýle.",t"e ....... I0,ýp1- tu -40 'r'.ý,ýt- i,,U,..ft.114 ýMIsoI.»%- 4t%.Yl thle.ce i,.tèrm in Ji ýli « 1 . .. t . Tb£M ' ý . .Vàfi.t lciýb ý ý 1 op O" AM«b« odr "ParalwI .le et te ý . , ffllm. la.% - au I.rn .. .ý- ý. -;,-.i. .. le P. Ili ... IV lue the, iIW -cil, Titres.. futur ami ý lie blotud aloffl te no leum la ber eue mont a relatif thmpbwd mai& . . à tatory. a! - . Mule l, a ekigum clacut the X and bre, ei.,."t .ta dè,.."Iýil . $,le l'flairait pffl .et POm-1--Um by mm untmousfd se. ý , Wah ambiance hem mm idge , in the vésetry, .el , . I (-f -I a*,.- ýl.-t.,.',-&....sèib. 'fil K 1.1 log J)JP.PA "tugl4t tt.tq;I*hl ;id.Nlby.t-%Ot*,. Al.gtyt,, W' Oh! vecely 19%», why fleuve fra, ,largeur. U-11. gonglogglicarder story. a heure story, an i Cent, ta :nt -iký,.Miti- I,...t tale ,rtcI-1. te, , . - - -__-_,____.IthereiýaýmZvit >i.'ý,;,, filleIll ... ý,.#..N«l illutai oi. I.,erce -gly. 10M . tim *ha m'bal bave forgatten il behind ý oý hirl mtrénoulleai 8 1 .le 11.1"*."" eq', ý ý 914. I.«t.».,.$*.flwml»te.($M.90 'icinglintablaibliblible, Amll""O'ýmtt&plthepebýryou!' twsmd- ber la bleui nieilit . . . #,-um hy, -1 ' c ocarriant Puy .acte jeuttua., up illacculitinirte ter uwý . !,.,:, ý--uj-llI,è ý "$.,Ithe.t,.é4"k# 1 « 1 - The Illusion, la" mm&, story, a bbotmical làý1; a, -:U&Lctumatl.rc.ýnt. Wehac-truumltdfe-ix . , 'bb.,,tit>"I«tl't,"Iý41 t.thl.twk,.ý comtematim selamest cale 1. I., - . ,,, e c, ,.-ý".,., ,,-jý,c"... ý . 1 ý lwr. whique le..ce ,,,%Ftk.,Iý'. bonj tý.'l cba»M IM - tory, a stwy of a girl Who coulda't, .1, .41.1 111 . ta"Ic 1 - OP - . 1 w(Ire the to«Mem thist limite la imitent yýr.. adainet file %allure, Ici ýiý.e. ý-l.. ajId .0 > -1ý 1 1-1 el""ý, ý'.. 1 1'le, ý es *aIr et 76 zct. P. ý1l. .-Il ý toix IV telli Ille, 1, IL ufflum. 1 1 .1 . - . - Il If 1 hcadh't 1 sintald bave alipped off lier quietndef Why had telle fief stand Ab, , ,aube the violet, "Wenu 1 ý and more than one of eris Who could, are ---mitit-,iLýýpt-.inttit ai ,)tir i,éýiii.tR, 1:e";x ý, . wïiý,tg,.4 qi-sibilferc. At! al 4,,,Iý.% ..,et (Il. Viesoleik gu» -tatoly incident flegme! bulde an auoundinjw tale of a boy Who ; made wurft bv t!ýc,,iew tartif. itt>ttýd , ,f la .a. 1. .ý. 1, ý ý ý ý e-,ý.t. 1 q 1 1 Auttes MH()P ýIgND D'WaLt, the vardractai; anci bablest tild bit% am uig- ber frionnicit With a briefing heurinhe j Th" 1 nùght t-sý ben" PMU" made a man icamad tunnel lainta very ditli. - butter. 1, -c ýIca-t..1.» .. 1 ý - .ýý." 14 ý i : ... fý.ý1-:1/<_ ,%e,..ý ,ýf()Nryro iÂ)AN. luté fl. -acteur riblacet in tt*thrtvitg Vlibbup .Mrixonwitlbthatt Thinkof etIle ,,ý.;-,'- , W lairY in eoba, ru» clown stairs, enfers the libra"; One litue fi.ur te bu.ýWM bf«*, cuit Derson flic manage. *1 hi» hé the, prft« 1*, tbe connumu 2" ý. - il - -- _- - - 1 - ý __ ý i cll,,,,". _P't tu tý,eo4,w . . . = ulab"Il. Apply to soi - once ,%tom with entations etèm coller ta i Ab, me! r . lm,= W&M Ier tue mech&*W. 1 _ ý____ ---- '. = ý.;*«j, - 1 Ah, me! . 1 b1'-c«îéý. .,."»$V, cela JA 1 hl a ut &U tige horrible coursquenrécit. liait if e.mpty. But, ~ eh,%& ,bc- - y. 1 Only O" lutte huurý 11.4).,tlwt> VIIIIIIIIIII, ( ma foi and le al Instructive tire 1 , A foundrvinau in tiiecaiiie city. Village ligtilime (pards. l Ilý..e.%Me" Oee. j .,If.....t, .#Y»t.w %tiéely ,Ir ý ý ý. ý 1 .hotiki bave lacaten tuent borne la dix- the riticitain mot ý 1 a* amu ' or eatPortefs. $ee'emi)loytjhalfi% hundred ligands . . ,ý I t'teinte te Foig wàlic,-.A plait, of mintelled grâce, lx-rhaptt Who knowi4j put in What if if haalallen lutte, lier iniond. .. I-If %I,.,Iy Ind gri.,e-tt.ýe ce I.N"hjo .a , X papier il, ta he foliiîd. i .. Vruté -ce he-u,ýt,.t. 14I»,,,,tc, iueeff-0 « ,.,Msný. (%Fokwb hi club rate» Vitrifia TuE PiDeTiti our ad. ý1 NI et t Ir.m. mtkient.,N; feraient .acolyte. father's! 1 on April zeh la»t thus: 141c., lt(bWle."4. ,%tttt.jefèrtltff.rt.,,e, ý,,fý... VtmtI,ýtý ......ttII-.1ý,,, (lui.1 ..Wflwav#ý4 brimnuatbfl Yole might 'abever, never onee'l"" t 1,>ý= ,.f- veffluing colonnes. ý'1 w ri.ttsf nvee,"V* gels; mfadI,ýtqt.1,e" orne vifili a . A cold barrer apizm ý 1; ' . 1.11.1l'é 0 lapon '*The rigole nuterial 1 Itý in cite I,,ýitttý -,ci. ."(I ý A N.-i.i.,..i., ... el 11- . .,t ilI.."ý'Il.i 1 1 utectice = *ill umlt* ý iý.i tru'%w;ý .. iler Weil larlinq unir entame Il . ý lier. Alter tell theme yean of huit- - Tim ATL.?-" r 3foninLy.- tHough- 'ý.'1, ;Igýl., %iý,,c". a. el -ël, 1-,uý 1, ,.,Mk«: If'. trAM, IC t W. à au. *eýlle.ý>,l,.,,.,l4ht4. ed àgervitude ta, lie andante! Itit% im. 1 lknè " . bar truite, lance, , -.1Il.ýr. 1, ci 1 ý , 1,. ', >cIi,- 1.1.1 . .., , ý ý ý 6ýoý y**Mao and cIoll»tIP4. ý 8-AtUt I11I,èxý gbhkwwqe, 1 ý Il . ,,Wtlat a vtýrv.lenlotilA fellow yotit are, rni-xible even Rekle fortunelshotild play t .. ta - ton, Osgoode & Co_ Boston>.-We hav alibi ir-cu' -- ,ý-,'- .1-- . .1I1- e juut tu im:ý d tinte". wcul 1 .tict c'-isilmIl, 1 fllqbilbli, lifilicla . . obit.9 à%' le - I-rellec %1.",Iý,.II.ýý. 4't'-. ,1PIý. I'Mt*fm .eh ý ý .1. " I.-ýý-11- Teffl, , . ý ,fer ,bueh a trick; 1 ', ý- ithertellacliançutit,,j:riý-î cu> u,.-ý,fatt-.i . Il, .1t » , 't'..14"Iiw* (îhf.Oc!ýîtiPIP ... ht'Ip - on Our ' ' -M li x ,ro lxr.- Fier (brio lacer, yet For Z., balai the -May matember caborne tinte l f-1. ut reduS my ,c".,. ý .1cu--,. .ýý:".e thui i.'.'ý" v ' - F 1 ';ý%ign I? 1 don't, thitik 1 urgent ta 4. the barrer enatinues Outil she i For table. A ita notable ', mong papem are ýýliee 1.lý.1f, .Ii,!, 1 .ici c-t J..".",.l t,> .1,.. #'."' 1 1 e lef fil 0 filitit au 0 a jef, o"o& 0#0=«,J"I$MWlAK galbe ovale*-r t*tug Jealons W findA h9r*eLt amin face ta tare clarifia lier t .Th die sa her de" feet." Thé lirie.. .il il.. , . ccIalt,:cI iý- tel, III, -1 tf4ft»r Or 94rrié4kfb. Mitl"Ilielacli, 1>.ý.I,ýý.'tt,ý-il,ýtch"..." 1,,stl.aI"W.ý.ft(.,#,. lem 94*, attend Id) for(., .. - - ý IlLaborand the Natural Forme" by C. ,ý-.. . 1'-I;"ýdI..e Uý4i, l . ., .ý,ý,,ý,tii. . xalgantitather. lie in more thon liamally j -1 frectu lu tu l.; leur ,uut. 1 ,lv. * tcý,ýi.,,. ,, eu. ý .1,t,,I,.ýý .. $-,m 1,e'ti", frib"Il. hier t'ac '*%Itf C. CoMÉ; "Euxlish Civil Service lit, i pelled, tu.hamý the ittý,v-. t, th, ý,,,.>.,c,ý,, ý 1 - , IuItý i.le.I".e Il, ."a Ille o.... ..a ,),)" I".",.tiý,l l'v.à. al. - 1 am iziad ta tiroir lt." gmetoit*- indeed, aiment marked in lais 1 »PRUI« Md -nomiml- . . ý If . 4),'N. . ý 1 '...ê &.,.Il. lu, .-ý....,l 0 ýeq'ý-,ýl lu. ...,f"w. ffl 'he.,#*%»41ffl. 'AI4,lï tre . ý jltt,,-ýt,,ýllý.i"n$".týý.lý..ý---ý..".a l".... 1,,,It..,.,$t.. ý 1 -W-'. t te. - ) .. 1.4mé attentionte ta h«---d - aucors Mar. ). Z ibyr, 1 _j caididme for a t«eher's position 1 forma," by t;. W.J13rown. and "The Abo. ý and if tenu fait. 1 -hall !ýe ,. -njýl:,,j te, ici, u ce$. 1 -2_ _,__ýzI!-_( ,atýx -v Iu.-itc-t-. al, I,ýLali m.ý re.1,c.-... 1- -ýgI. t.,."ýr %§.""...tI., -'f ... éc""F'...11.'ul,ý.1.1t. J.Jý..,..l , Wr&%ii"" Witte au adorable glancle villa brillathielle, fregely. No. prnhablv file i ý , lition of Pavertv,*' tatar «L IL. Mabon-ail ý tlc!lcý i. ý" cla .-thtIrý ,crt. ý!,::I4. .%il-ý. Ine te, , A*441 l ., eau' ..ý,ý'. ".ýtiýftI, .",a "i..rt,.t W.,,gli."' fltbil-49 àr4f,> iàyr ON IANI*ý%Y- and a fatiii préýxtire of Ili- arni ,lit Palier vivait, dextroyed-, terme *lie lairoccelir ' lu Sau Fmueimo sent in the other day ý of which are valorth incerta than a Pu*-. tny tatu IDtft'ti,,U L-alvrt -,et lit, ".a 4!."4fei.#, V.,clutibéi celuiý,gé.1pieltèOI. h a Par. 1.8111MAY. ebu IllAier oicm rl,"*.r.ý. 0" ; -, .. ...... , .tel 'en r".,n., rrnvo11týýO 010 tibat yen have liever lovect et% a fit Of abstraction rabay have fora, if ý & renmr" e examim ion pagier, aile 1 ing & t.e. foi W i M.'ultaetitred 1 1 Voufit ý $46 1111111,11la 1111111ella, cbt.rm-ý qbm.lltnrti'r.q.r".,É,u ý hile the Atlantic de- -e>.ds ta w-l-, ac, t .ý-ut rý-iIIirIu.» ,, * .".. "ý."",,.;,bt. lù-ý-ý -tirlc-ktýýttatu *tnrI'. lia bit-fore lé-calving the libregary. . 1 votes"considemble space ta belle& let. C ý.,ý,:*., ,,,,,,c':,:.:,c,ý ý'l-l""t. bh-ý""e"",I. il .ud wood'hefe cipu w0l. c'tue ci it-Il c«tèlti%-atrtl , - 1 wu& malked te %peU the Èollowing garlords . . ru2hà« engthe salau ag&numb«urlme. vjifýl .,;.a - ...... :,I.eà.1 , hu'.4 ,-,-,tr,-ýýe.eiýl, ý"f*gg, Ait ThIlx fonder habilleuse son biais ont rail ' Tint ,evening, beina Suaday. provolla and give- tiroir ficelait . tri-&. it alivays containé several solfiai ý Front the abuve lettur if will lie ,een - tc-111,11 1,fe jlbftN cel, '«. icelleupichetter, guebderlabelé. (acte. lm . r. Ion&.-Vaei1wI...! 1, ý fI11.011, lt,,,ý,ýIIl..l .1.11 I."..i"i.ý u. W, 1, ltltm*IC9.1,. 1.1,0.1-.V, ... 1 remainitair varral, lenving flic. unjjics. even(iiii.-rihan-t nul. M Ansitercet, 1 and . ý te ,, 1 j .'u'à fur ý"qeý(I.,.,Iév cet i'ý,,ý.;iý,, a4.11..% hf.lqlel. 10441, 41.L . ý ý I plat-ro!I eleur an trêve or ricaudit tfer't lie with agi afaincent of comiciderat igent not ta LIÔIIý bieroWYphicjs. - edilUviaII4 aplatir- articles' tLu fil of nauch filai 1 ( 1 let a ý1. Il lit i il.,.. IIA 1 Ill lell let t . 1 -11 -I ý..-.,;ý, -- valiry reiidable. Leadville, the nets, El. ý the tonteuicier lm tu puy the inertaccied . ý 4 ,.Ivl,.Iq,ý, u.'l cia.. , viý4,1*tItzl.% i 14~ 0 flage 8*16 go ait sib"Ile, - - * - 1 rt'nt Of ihefr wplk wliti-h laxtâ lill ho expeetéd, retires ta vent earty. The ý tain, bitrouate, enfile!], haUueizzaien, in. i dorsale., and the ditheulties of reachina' pritemi, =il, further. tliat a gellerai ý . - 4 lie luw ,Kt.,.. lw IIId. ,ý,f..ýt, ,.".a '#...a '04II-10 1 1 1 10 119T. ý . - - alanguit oveninq. Yucet hefore titey (>filera fall innerli haut Ille ,ýIleut. veiglp Ille p . i If, am meily described by H. H.. and D. ý lll't'ý. a ý ý 'h thki haleine L'Utrell rayai, wilh deuil céattate. Mr. Dsr ey xivecg, way tu la, ! $lie »PeUed a" de. i the turnlnjc.ul eý tew..pfflee latrinx the ; ingavemillent fora reduvtion ut ,oraigte,, iIg 1.44-ott"o Attot4»ey.. ($Wvibv.vtffleb. . 1"" ,.,.,a 4t,.ý.ý'. ý"q....",e,ý, ,:1.'t , telté a - e h«Y I'.,,:-ý,IIqc 1.,,icl-.% t..1,Ivipu-Il.,'ndý i A M"uM"b .citation: dued fixent as fallowe:--Vamihgkn, ; tender ta 31m ýýtOwe 8 -Fjorida plan.; being made. -1, tùachini-,t writeo. - 1 .. ý . t :ýý Iraffl mwq4 1W, ý£efttle iillore. If liq the gentlgeregt thing te 414,ýl, ce, tih,%e iteýi." 'd ý»". 1ýè,,- ce. a,, 4- tale %'Sll»» 1.9 wei Atelier te. 1 lbavt!.,tnlething to My ta you; but . the act of being a, vangý ..Of cuuý the ii-uit-ýýd i-rice - i -,ur rave ma- iw(a0«91 if> t.otliol ilet il p« M - I.-Ic-,,-cI-t e""t.,I.l ,e,.It.ý,-,, te.-k.g., ,.,cýit for ý le yd'uthie, but ettertual. TedcaciLle byerq*plues tation, and the pectellar features of - .1.1iý.re.t., thel 109;t.61-wt 1 - VLAU W-, %vite 1 librualfrialici if 1 . (Io may if yerla ,grill lie %tàrtitýto laix falot and, aïves file tire a , (correct dedaitiont; "lodourtant, the farmiùg !la the tropim Richard Grant turLLIt-imkýi- Ilý tu mure,- i-ur pri- tu the '.. ý . 1, 1- I el il -é.i 1. Il, . 'r %4 a- a Il. .1-1..ic!"tly" ll.,q..I"".,"" f;"kI't.ý,# 4 .1citeý. - --- --l- - .. 1 fie facilite. lie talon trips verv quetuss- art et lom ning clown beftw4>, m is White continuelé hie instructive papiers ..t.,ým.r.. and if .. -,t.i., ti- we mi.'t 'i..t - LI(J'It ktAl.a. went, helle ut lot NO. 1 1b1Iýý1R1;ie1lP (fouet May it." rec Matit 1VamP%ý- Ciniv Gier the tentýtool fleur goten Nr ta "",. :, ý i , ý ,c: - :., Il ... ,,ý, -cý..:;.,,111 ý '. ..., ,:I..,l f..".".ý,I-ýIi tirelire; ah"«Islt4& rigiug beiMduacl., on --Ajaeric&nhoMsIý .ýCý - Little d"Il-ýýý ,ýtaLýl;.ituiutlt. Ille t-d -l: fie--r i tarait, ý.vitaiiýt* l'y ,,rtIhi,1ý . la th'-u A ith .maa il. A. WAI.&M. & ,lick. 00.ý!. etéà sraes "W I« *a. 6. ý vrerme, effi't, nly. "rhat lx at3ot.t file trialick. parle Darla-y's sitimiters t'l..ý't, hivOtm e was nuisible te dedmik codis- 1 Ghi- la one of the Most t aborc . W vu,édic, a,& the'r"wn. mon, r"ltýýh j\ milit mý-it&Lanti.ýý,vrtateautijt1uihei%*. The ý.,ri-Igt .1fle-v ",.t.., ý,t %1...,ilt"" Il.> ,.",a rur At.-I.ý, .'l'afint ,,,,,» , lieu on To nalffl trisIuit that gent.lernan lutin a -ait- sel, rellâting ta cod . ettanle fi -,ýtçýi - ligaturer- Uv tht . 1 i 1 1%.ýl.O.à=O l p van lie. ,ýla-,-ruinhaâu-'stoË« we bave read for 1 Me- eiý am the liret ami, i 1-,t,,ý>,v »I.,.ýk. le'..t liI,,,ýl,.I..".4,ý.v 61111 tel. , alué %,Iwelli,., tiunectel. uaf, 14. rko ýi; -- ('kffle" ý tisake il Itt-",tt tel gry tèniftt-ntio" ly Il t 1 î.t ,,,= are. , , - -tititi' 'if; . X. *Ntvtttoott. . 1 9. , Cil f9.ý hiern, 'ta kolow Yeu are acting e,ý.11 suy som= i The other departrallents are niella totdes, ! tare as allergie lite be.ti a ý.,cncra1 re ut. ,.f .1 . ý ý . ý ý ". - es. x ile et. ý"'Otil,.It%.Oml Intact tellanci., Illet IIII %'.ý. tind t-lètilýgts, ferai . . ili envier ilb," Lut ý tien. un it oreille; laveigte, nt ' usualetandard., ý ý ,brutal, -:mx the uhwIxe --f U,,ur,,m.I.t zItc-i uýiý. -%y sui leu 1 1 -e.thu intrudticti.,11.,t the tarlili 1;,coiIltllf I, Fe 1. a lott il Mlit 1.1% te (10 il. kkegti tel se, , hâts sontt-thiscg ben lit- la 1 flood prciftiaely ta "frange, linnatmel." $everai othe ý ý çiatly ,tu .. CANADA LICTE '* W, , (. BARPEUS MA(;-%zLN-m for 3kv le a ýý tic >MKitabli,001) . 1 ý ý fi.. .ami câblent %la nie e âe, i aboi - hial, avakt-;rd7roleong *'We m ileil , who, were examined spelled and Sth, rat ý . 1 . IV Imr ce. t if rush, filet ta W&Y impertinent. ci. ý ed FA, ý 1 ý ý ý , 1:1. 1. cet (eh exý.oms feuilleter, un bIbei tw"éte. al tire fortillégite ooligil ,ta kikow xrnwllbu ýlt-epy. Platta, exert your en. OMe 01 the words as follotrez- c"SuPer- ; caffitalziumber. and là particularly rich HJý1'11EN l'RI('£-ý;i'i)li,é'.41"111-yll W -. , ,ý . T "ý;" ,$W.k 'aloutry m'p fil y 'O tg lýptbale,»4#ltft M cible, A»Kvi&w(iît oo» *wv. ce Il ,."ýtbrI.R."fl ... the 1 - liée, 1 lui ilic tilt- ronverfabation tient in erou and tell un a étory.» anuated, the cattaite et being over'e-%« in illiastrated article*. The forenatabat ' 1311'LE.Il.f'-VI'S. - 1 - ý 1 ; ý ý ý - . aille bliciblacarniètret étabi el, Ttst)UA# »Dlb,%MI.Kl., i mire to routine Ott- ta wrathwhy mot es ..Ycý, glue jjailtagx>llt.t,,, as,., 1.,t, erted; biviour. excatemmaient, rJety; -_ , p. le, 141, - i.t,;.,.. ,q-h ý(1"1.... ,4.0ed 1 . N'.I'I.".l el. 0, - ý ý APICIPLe rai. ,. 1 .- ý S m . 1 - ! tolite sillet roulait itr ý fatthrié, ronibling her.qcHf, and 1*hjjtttrý * coïdicile tcouldn't deth»); pe fféry Palier la orobably fiai on Strutord- TWO Enterenum GIMUI&M .14.1l'.., ý,.ý.'lý",I". . : . . , 11reaubt'. 1 folle ici chance if 1 legave, it tale lier race. ý net of uvou -von. Shak s IC-,Ilif.%:.,ýd 1. taroculda't detine), hallucination, -J -e--peai-e's lairthialace, 'ct[ietcc.1 . ý%1t l'Il.,..,.. Je ý%Vet..,..ýý .t"",. c ....... Iý"..t I TW O lylc&ltr 61c" 19 0118M I4111al, ý ý e ' taucclaid: illiciel %-oit titiller ,Ibo widely train ,,ý-I will,"Rayti putts, withmult heita., mjoWbiw or bleming." One voun lady ý the principal beauctiest of whieh are ' Wu have beicre us Iwo (:ire-ilar* Iý- ,et ýý, 1 %V.,11.I'.. ." .. 1 I,,,I,ý,v K»#,cP.qcý lu ce il, enfuit girr4 ii filet)- not provokeyou." 1. ý wno recelibred «M per ceiit. ttin" 1 let,11.1el. 1 111. _ 1 - - _ . m . mm . . c-ý.119 . Ille ý 1 1 i ,*X(ww-ý you ('01111cel me Io If, - s«yRý "l'otte in alwa%.m offrira) ta file car - hallucination un -Iüà condition 01 lie. t portmyed I)y very due enàcravings, "A' whicli throw additionai lizlit on file 1 . ý ý ý - ý 1 ý . ý 1 et ion". (la Molly, litqijzttlyt«. ,livrant! doyon even - Sir l'entlinny balayq, adnitrtntlv. irait made clear." ; P.enimuiarcan"u** pretients amuéing workinx of tiiat 1)ttuiiar institution. 1 - [ il anÎ 1 t-otkt tuatter myýt,1t ta he. clon. ; 'Ax fi lx-titt%».-litiwtiian ho ,voull Jluý, I&IVerýt î4tabliii. , j I.Ales Pitorm I 11,019ETTO coin viginx i ttý(1(ert-dibillitàgat)artf 'Impassible. Nw c'exi invicilitable and dieil ,vorth any ý xsý ý ý ý pi,ýtum of tife on the eaabtern coaet ut ý the X. P. The-e cirt-niarn are bath .. . - . . 1 . ý . ý - 1 1 - ý Virginta and '.%ýIarviand. "Berg and; front weil-known maitutacturtrie ut au- ( V j .N MAI 1 b»M le i. v il: it Y ler .ý il 1 1 P, ý I bcx 1.1vl'.0q, , 1 08 im«ow. Om ri* , ý l Oslo lik't-cet lai lie ilinisghtotid orebreentrie î iditt'Y. ,141ieh euemy.such ulittag ing .K9lý; . ý , ý &9 -1 IlImIt eur'o*lty-4%. Piste 01 buatter ý Thabl" in a cýntinudtion of the interest. . ritultund i . 1 ý ý i mxeePt "tell laid "telle, nuit lklhvmialm, 1 zoul l'A rare. 1'l'at PriIttv gui!t)i)%Vder frein the urgeant, of a pire. . implententige, and are of spe- .- ý . O»Àw« »emma eaitemmy. sevil. OU& 1 aud - ' Plot lie ýhnwed bis frielictit the. tailler . 1 ci Ing articles on Switzerland and file, vi.ler, ýeè«rg.q Itf4t.ý44Y lftXlf TU R, IWO, ,ýt,..-, "'I.I.ti.,.. t4, .a. furanger a 1 ,nul = t farrefore 1 inctrint on toilettai 1 niÙht %voulait tindoxibtedly fetch a laige î -ElYdiah scho« body.-",Xow My ý Tyrol. eommented in the March num-' chat, interest ta the fartiàinix comnaunity' . -cet ut mette a, etticigny ;.q..I,.Zrk', il% ait)*. -igterm'f(bM&ttt-pbt. and 1 1 ýtIer. -The E4ano and lis Anteeedentq" > -The first le frein-%. liarris, Sone,&.Co., ý4.,..e..$%bl,"-.--,V*"(,ý-.ý,,ýl'fý,--Iý.,ýf.f"ý.stdofl 1 .gt. il,( e V. '%,""tie-1. wth the' - hall eu, in a ritrinilot ix"ion 1 gtisdieneýt-.» B , ' Weil t . (! ..... .... ý il ewittèbifkkl týf.-i'.h illeil remplit $:I.vé, in. ý Warta son, tenter la the earth dividedr . Ili y, tr&ces the developuient of thili natta, rautf -:ý ... ýI.l- -I! : lait§ %ý ter,410#19 MIN fi- ., ,glufý,-,a tu . u't-I, ic...,i.lg aile t'..."Iottl, ,@,I"bb.l" bc, é%lkbit.hV refleurt, fur el.* 1 ,,a. .O.1111.1.14syou gim-itk. %vicg-ticier, tir tant 1 '*I)cbn't alcali: me ta lie the audience a Disraeli, air." . ý faniiâar instrument, and loyers of ae 13 ,rd:-- . * ' .»Il -,r)".F.eIý 1 a'lý-10*b et M Y, AM . etreinne lodeo.', ý-11r. .1111-tzac. 1 1 ein.really ittin(iyt-d. N -S ', ý - Dzir, sait. Ili - e z;ýt-itcnee of the iticrýýýd 1ý W ab 1, ý . 'Ow 90un It Yeu i tentait t ime," na'3'it Lady Stafford, un. : - lie w a stubbom largagnatuite and ý will duel celui tu inte-11: ci en cil la Ne . ', il 1. Ille 14 Il, gle 1 1 Ikct4lw.4#Tklýtl(,siý obuv Oit* ISVabubibob"u (tarte! . . 1 kii&411y. -Tat leu lblown 'ta pieres onre 1 1 1 111 -lutiu- wu have rai.-ttl the vrieus -,f -ýtiuti> il, 1--, .;., % ci 1 t*11 4yukr, tq(,ktiýovvvenoý,, .ý "The f Art in Bot§ten,** whierli ,uictý ti.,nittri% 1z'..,. mici iIIirý tý, ý4 ýýis ýi,-r. ý. ed ber emballe, pimud, la ; Study a "W(.Il. long: bere," lx,;ttita Lattreil, In ý Ù& a litetinte lit, 1 confaider, élatite aluni. 1 wheu &lie di Il el ' gives a cÔmi idea of the p 4 of uturly e.,..',ýà). fel.-I, lut ce, kn- ic> mtecra, ý . ý ý 1 Af$41rt a concelliciatillet folie-. i cient.', ý i %te- ý 1 ý 1 l t"!I'l»I'. ci. I..ti."ýc$,, .-f lace t.'.-jqP»V,ý africaine -, ý ý t.kibyal,,eýr.kitiit, 1 willow gaver hier lgftve,!90 thalet eveu tu , culture lu the clamlle city. rote short tirait hu- mabay A ýs-le vm .moula ,.".i,." . ý . ý 17--'l' ý:-'. ..a. I-0 ce. ý ,,, il,,, ilu, ....... It...g .ý1.0.aý."I, et'.4011. Alc,11 100wly . làlw:u. tant.. Cienficlice. ,*Tllerf, lm abat illextightest liblarcirayour i "'%%*4-11, if over 1 (Io a kv-ind action death she might bave a avili a, ber ation. : morien gare talcaravait a --trong teature of The second cirtular in froin the #.-tub- 1 . ý ý ý 1411. 1g.I-),ý wi,ý llIý., --be, -0 ,,ý.c»,ý. a ... ... les& cé.4 - ý . -tittq idercut the batelle. 'I't-ddv," callyn 'au-'tin,* "--'tYàt -Nie. Pottel, wfigai Ibriniful' -The w 0 t.s, c.",.. 'f' 1 ' . 1 mimez 1, gabalk, the,,," lia lishinent of the Xoxon Brun. .Nlaaubt,- , ' acinvercevue, rainily. ;el ain aniau 1 of failli qualiations, eftiteffy dacrived train ' tuiles in à thoasand bours» rper's, while the hSk reviews are «. Wtbu««At# a »(4. pel"ptlb»V*. . Ji ram i voinable. The Easy Chair and Editer's 1 . . 1 'e arblic .W orko. t«'i'1lf,ýe '«';t'ngr%*, .Ibn tif, iiot wante turc h% 1 1->w t-Olitt-tiie.ý maniez lifter Toole. --If i Drawer maintaiu theïr uharacteri»tie turing Co., Ingersoil : - . 1 .1 1. te c, 1 1,41c.1 .... 1, 1.-- ti,..i,,,-:ýI eu I-0-ý A tolb~ fi op sm.bie. _. 1 ý . ý . . 1 tf1ploncaci . in the mobet Tuistaken thing in the genenÙly admired than lie whe wWkm ' -peri-ty. : - ý We-ý-ild,*.ý...ýýitt'-r--,i-wi.rt-ýt i!ý.,fur leu. , , ý , juý 1".""".:, .1.,FitIig.-. ý.I.11-tl.i;":,., llýit. 1 Il - ý ý '- - Il K ,ta aver ý ularightly throuagit flagelle semme leus 1 ý W, 9.",V.titet-ýcc$9 W!tp"..t. t4re .tti,ýIleti.Ii, ý > Il - la , .%ab, If ,%Frkllmtl 1 wýcbdj 10 lie Ilke ; wort(ito (in tiiiyt fi i flair forativ body. Yeu 'ill nutitieati t '. fi.ce, ,Iiui.tly in. . h4é fi." ;..."tllý tel !'Iý 'leild.-d metc-fial ibelati ý Illécever kraccw whel-fe If will end. 1 Onee -IPPLrioq*4 1% . ,,, ,c.lý, e',7-ý -a, N KW M'%ltlt"r-'4F'()"; -%"'11%ýI)'(aw lkrn%"'k'n yt ' and lm 1 -uý1he priue,-f u r utaulciiieO. Th. Imr.aýý- 1 . , 1 . 1 . ý' * ý ., . i . . - .Îot*R.,Ç-41--ýD. Appleton v.d.:, w0luuf tell ,e,!.Vt"f te.@ l:t*17%1 È 1 .1 caticter %vftlbell. . kiwix a toilette Ivhoaved another fui. 1 --Theeditorot thechmhmadamtmmý 1 là Co., New York).-This popularizi-tig.; in prite lia, havre nattellein atteçiiatiun ut a clut% w4la vt 00 « ;Vqé ý aue(». 1 ,,,ý;",:, 1,;I,.",.""Ie, ', ce ,no ý , IPA619mm " w "A lèopt-itIm %vitale, aied a votai - tinte, ille - Inter (mm tlmt%-iiin.t, alti h a 1 if the i Sm of eelec tinte. te, twi ,P il." 4d tigioditif4ge». î ý.Ieo' ý -1 .- t, .".il,., . h4h 1,'tt u.d I-t-t-b, ,.,el*ý . . t 8 AÙ et day.N ght disecovered thu hie xW wmu j aene Ili uOw a - tic and pub. "in th t ut, ,il haïr trun alid ýt«I. %, ,bute one. . Iitller ft-Ik7bw (fidn't eling on ta hisait for 1 . i vanvein tu. I - ý ...I. 1 ,::,,I,,,ý,-,,.:ý, - ký , 1 & - .Pl lopt-it-g.1 ..%ceci wlicy. ibragIr t%'ittillitt-atidinakohint*tt tore Illete of imld.momted fales fusil, 1 liciables, the cregant of toreiga literature a- - ifflut, ami ,ýtl,. and - -thtr usibturtel et-eti liq c--ý : " ", ,,,ý "'*Pý:: 'l., ",."., """,., a ...... ;.ýfi"...,eý$hq,;:t, ':ucc.I;ý"ue,.I,.ý..f"(- ... lho 1;ý'i..;b.i . 1 1. ý .le. -,W - 11,11,11 le . ...... a... i, ".icý lehfillue. nature we.c,4,1i$,, .. .. I...".Iý 1',4itýiçI1 "f'l 1-l".è.'t 1«,r ,.tlpeb ibn M1.181aute tè.4..,:"ý,. . 'A an edifying. tale- Il and wrOte a Poem entitled "Bieh and 'la addition ta original articles. in the . Il 11, , et > ý a 1111le illblittitè&t (et lier .1ailiàht leroblars ; 'i'l'in attire that plagart him." '1 r tuýtificttire-. 1-%- ,chn-ii the t--,.ýýt A in-ýÀuctiax .ý-,ýI- Ii,. ...... fL.ý$.Výýýýýý"lý.1,.ýý!.ý.ýýýýýýt 1 , the u,-»I» .lit Ille ilrý:rgbacbvd, and thIý ic.ft,- l .. ', - 1 -1001.1 ie."i.,ý;I%,,,el,ý.".It A '. ý., c.-I'. 'u 1-tý"1' I.. te"".q", -offli. é- ,& ipiclaliLlit i aligil ta filet(- g1tuctin (toit% ublider the 1 tý'Yt4 *tir Peilthony, with a fiesta show rare were the Rumb ahe wom- ! May nuanlier iqconinienced a new novel, el ..... . .. et. 1 Il. , 1 ; le- . 1 d ,., .lu il. tl.,rlvl.4)14. 1:,414ý-tF,,Ilýv ,,It"rn, th ferait litIth--M. t Blit- Ictiolla one moment, 7-Au old attiser, having de ý iriýc.'* . 1 ý* , , ; .ý--11 JI.".i, '01 ".. ý el et. lIýNlI4%V. or= ferclici. ange alle, ý test. ce ýI . i ,-..:: . ce :ý;, 1 ý . . litthafe eên«ýtlv t rir helvè '*Ik-rltli-e yclait are no luilnitt-ly Occuper- ' 11(itt*- 1 'm-'i te a ý 'Ulu Seanty Side." ber Walter Besant p, . . ýýIt conféclent 1 rannot, . get anv fier- ., powerfui discourue ýon char", sailà. ' lu the fugue of tlieýe cirrularm; %vu sup. ,,,.:". ...,...;.,.. ý %a ,,-ý,-i,,,,, 941... 1.'r. ,gi Lance . ter ta tici illat lit" vrold.1 have tri iý- i ther for a mintite or two. licticer moi and Jamete Rice. If agaces with.protWse ý ýý l, ýlý %VqtýKUAN ,1ý PION - - __. __ 11" 111 - Ovu « a - ble RhO» - talent ail lever accueil lx-fore vcPý- vntild l ft-lln%%-,,% tiverce therteà There was '*That agernion .sa aronoy V« the of being a sdrrina %tory. ,*A .Seat lu pose out Tory frieuds Will continue ta 1 ý . _1 ý ý ý - I Our 1 necembity of aini».givingth" ve 1 ý 1 le ut de 1 1". informa un finit thert will bc aie increatol . . 1 . W oltji, Ils emise 1 olroffl brldwb ". "PI..ate Mr,, %krap. 1 tbvlstiiN auretrif tg, full init, thé-ir %%-itvt4." 1 ft-ilow and the attirer fellow, au the ý . aimm : ý . 00141vil. ý . - ý . 1 . ý - e*4-k ailla b.-te.(., .?col# ttb« c"WaWl te. ,.art%- ,,, : . ind ta lame, the Chair nt. Destivy" Ille au article quite : ý ý 1 f (IV ry Woll'au ilk tige kl;own Other 'têltnw»» fellow. was tient three alla ý la any manufactures under the N. P. ý ý e ý . W . ý ý - 1 . . . - 1 1mIIJ)cý. le. &fi it.,týtmlt.he, Mrý l'ýéttrne.t ivicg; ý ft . 1 out et the wav of. the run of 1 . 1 ý cariftr' ý -flacon, or forte 1 cunlt m. kal if ont "O maidim âweet, wýah domme eue tiýe . e prIge-1 1 ,,e."Tk"m.ll ,j ,,,-c-r t--ê,tty ywiret ,,%. é. . ýo lpaý Weil, tué familiers will slogan know liet.' 1. il lila il il ý4 . 1'. lie",m , ilvýt(icý- - - . ý . . Every ono of filera, 1 am eteilnally ý Il mund for iny Petit l Tri rieZ the flair scidje obliger, " : papers. '-Thi Position Gf ýjý Oulen a L 1 1.1 ýiý1e.,, 1.).It.,.I,,It.ecie ut-d t'-Iatqý-. ' . - ý ille . l afin, ïIed r. . Vin M lmyinrèd . ' 1 . I a"Mleze yagabu ý ay it oeil falloir Wigatr el yeu tenait hie, the gamefic - i Ancient. Tinte,* in.Ithens" is, with ilts ter by imid. experience. ,4 Ky ,, mon Ky, m N ICY 1 1.1111enct"P4 a : Itou dg, boëliguelle i-41%kl ai, clay ce, etiit-te aunit, IhPýV ý but Id pýillitàv.l Ancet amanci the de" eâov«?- ; - - ....a.... ', A c let. 1,ý,.ý,,t V.-II, il- .? 1 cludil su, , . . 11 bileut #P , ,'Tt-dd8- - aays ý%loll%-, ruhwrig lier ý l'office. and very emplution papem concerning Spart .*> - V.U.Iiltt.eetv .tlt(.t *Uý4btl.," ,OAly ibis finie, Ifyou If ,: ..WhY, mi-ter." -ho W'S LITTLE J1Lýi- .1111.1, LIIe'Illcý.'. IIý, ý , tceII.« te, tts.11ce.ý ab 'et, rogneu, h k lii' hier* - bâiligil, -y« don% FARMER S1117 ;-sg I..ud l ý'Irý . "' ', "' est-elle Ntèhc. te., 0 et, tac clarellancing fusillera i ple.ixe,!" 1 . linotte : Md nome. very intereletint and, .hie' ,,,, ,.I"It. a ýhsbcoe I4 let,, 1 mtwIimgt,. ý a ý brillant ' t 1 1 t ce ý,I, * i.,i ,ý-l i- .,..ý,%, li .1 -, 1'1,,-!k. Krut 1 ý arrivant hin sierve, iaiifi..ILppitig lè(ýr fin. j , ,*t.i%«e you my hortour, Xr. Pattgq. 1 i-ingatiLýrin-3-ený - , and appeaired, or&LnWly in t e Contenta. . T_1 KE. _. 1 ,,,,, ,,,,Pr ý,ri-ý)OO.P"t et. "",.Ot. . . ý rit lcmb',q es 1-l'Rati-4. 1 Morte laite, latin, *'yoli Mater &rra (%ri. Say , tlinittcht if orage a conundrum,'ý' Pasys, -The followl 1 i Pomrir Revtew. Frederie Harri-oii*e waut bc tom ym m JM» ab@« 18. l'rI,1,ý. 1 aitylitiný%Z)ýtbis fille rail aie arcy nanie. Ur. Darle.y. 1 ý m le ted et a YOUux articiè -Gn the Choigt-e et Books .. front 1 W. a. ditou , î luier ýo,.";,Ihp lf,,,,,â,,,, fi#.W?ýi'oi,-#i& 1-i'ttt-%ýv. >14. lutte. . 1 . - . 1 .. 1 . muý . .. oit (-ho(*" and pargagulclo ,mI ,. haeufle plonga.ffl ut I.Uh..heartily.ýýq,,., gentltmau whO w» Puabgau exanti- ; the Fortnightly, leil " ente;ýaînîDg 1 Secid. Mu%- tel lut lut .S«e-lýleulb,.,-, 1 ý . . ý 1 ý ,,,-el,,-,-It ý,.(.",.,*O,/ /*ce,- ($cet) i,-,,#» 1 . . 1 itit faititry Mierlt l" ý oné. .and evidently tjhinke it a camaitil flou in physiest. Re w»mke&--,,Wlm ý and inumeUve. There an soute capi. at, 1 hiicit.,l Ille, tact t.i,1 -erre' marc. die h m ý 9»*$tbtl . "t"l".,i"ý "1,.;,Itt eller velfil iogbre. 1 Il 119. 10.ý-Xob."W. - ý Whou Li'ttreil *)bu% allogared hJamuccelit - jakë. Planets were known ta the amidentar MI short *tories and creditable patients. "'.Çow you*re .,if tu the 1,uil, uutt rtiticititýr, 1 . . 1 ý . _ý , time, ta let filet own »troitix bmwn fin. ý "Von rendait ,ne of no one 'a match "Weil, sir," herespozadeaf, --tbgie ,tiers garfaile the IlEclitor's Tilbie7' .%m 1 'Bocalisi Y-,u'li ut likt a fr:A white ,uI4*ýc, chute; t"ý I ter %Ifý jua"., -01 ,rith elle- jý,-,',ý;e,-#Ir ,ter e.,.$Jfoý#. 1 IN 08A Y ,MA HOU 141t. goret elcable levant hem and lagalle etolaeed ý lut Sotherant- unes on Sir Penthonv Venus, and Jupftm, unir fatter a 09 the Day' are full and vaittablec., For ' " -W.","::.Iýe1tý" t'I'te, Kbý»1, . i lélingett silit fitreber Iby prêtellectinx hie, : warminq ta hie flagorne. -If yen pansela 1*1 think the euth; lait l'la mm 1 sale al. Pértefs. . e%- au« the unit faune the ,,ity 1 _ý MIcr,,tiiý,-I:,ty u?ýIz ý ""ýge".Je"ý,.ýtie""It'lhý',,,,,,,,,ý.Il à . . . . . . ý -te them, lie takp* courage Virent ý quitte eertaîn." ý ý ý Tur C.%-x.LDL%-Ç' 'Xo.%ýTBx-y.- Rose. , . . , ý lipa and go"; on the ntage'yoit would Malte Iyour for- Sauce vieillir tý,-jii.ýh -Ad nodule - full Il ... . on. With 4% bdightlv arreleratral colonial: lied 1 ut thvir trýt., the it'ý rvallya I;àty- leKýc,%N lb%4,1t. 1*1ýN,:1,1..% NIb'ij).,ft. ý ý c'fistule, 0;"?" jh.. i,,Oe,.,..f (ýf-ff* . ý ý lune. But donc't dressent of acting, yen -Two old Tex» rencomme whe ý Belford Put). Co.. Toronto.) - The May N .11". y 1ý-'.cjl.le..,, ,.f i-,-iOiit,.ý:",. : icelle ('et lefer ý,,,#e.,ý. ,feuIfir limpoffigt BDUCIMI il ruis aullwoll. vifil soir, Niolb, yelui have ý know. Un in for laccet-ing Youta"'elle- Pure j Mt heliaed hufîý a neighb«; walgre Ulk- , entuber has com,- Imil yumr witý .,Ut Aticte -lut - - te ... ý, . Ce'!, ... ... ý . . 1 ý - .P . , 1 ý ý 1 ý ade tht-4tàbjt-t-t gblorttitl;len oneand'! and %luttait- -plain, iiiivarnlàthetl, Plan. Inz about religion, an«L one màmà the halles halégued with the foi- - Yt-. mutter =il mtàmble."* :ceid More, .. il,,- ,,(".,.f.,#" . , - ý il am about One tng.%tzi-titent 1 %vaut to taccSttet l'Oeta- andi ventere ta ,av von 1 lowing list of content*:-"In the Car. , Ile,*4 ce;, e rf%-rv 1 ! nu'et othý balle , pions ha thoomt ù wm ,W _ý 9 ý -_ ý. 1 1 et t-I,,O:",... ffi- e-,,,, poici l'tg hi» ý - ý. ý- . - le. Now, rtiiielail»Ir voler tbronti-e, 1 %vill faire lendon hy sfonn. The Èhit. non rye **.Iul ý«"r a-cic untier , cuir f ý 1 Il . . 1 . Il 1 MilitijeI and doti't ho .%tiirv lotit me if ý ixii parlopie woliki go clown hé!cre yeti possible for a Man ta get in this garcrici by Cecil Btickland, What 4 *W--icIeti are ,dway. ,-,&.týiry!I _1 . 1 - .ý le- - ý 1 . 1 te.k yliti in béhnrten il, ý%1aiiy peuple; like (-gare hercarail the" ý if lie w» in real earne»L "'Wa'ai ' with aumerOus excellent illustrations: 1. . . 'ci ,,,,,, l". ,,#$,*!j cite 1 W u X . . 1 I sea- Olt. 1 Lnuw teint Ptu w"tlt:z My lsmth; 44 - 1 ý z ' ,,, ce . . Marry aild are (flatte roblifortablet on . IlWeil, faut ïýoiir story your «.on-, »id the cather reltetitivelv, 'el flairait, à "Spring;' a poern. by R. Mar-ela 'te. zý.ý . .1. ") a"q lii,,,- foieil ý , ovi, liiandmt fallunellet ayvar'. %%. ely stionfil Illzbiltauéliet," 4tdyStafr6rà cries irà. a man gets solt lie cm s;ýop iteers or' ton- '&UnderOlLe noot," a 'fairit'd let, ne tell Y.., . ý ý M- . î 1 1 ýPe,,, the- ".t,.,.ý,ý# ,,ý,,,ýs. ,effrA,.ý 1 , ,ar- 144 ln.sýrt-,v(,Ivt,.#ý. 1 ; tint %gre?* 1 know a lot of feilowle, while pat1e.1jtiv.ý 1 ý . 1 froide horses withont Ivin'..'at lie* better 1 1 ý zWriale Fur no envie ridicutuu-- gelait 1 1 1 1 .. "Did von ever h hile J-- PaYn.- "The Canada Pacille i à& thalle Tor: are 1-reýi.itcv--theà'ti ýttle yvet - . ý' . -11 " hi , , ,lm i, tain Weil on leaccal pull ont for the better la" afore lie has 'r i: 1 - 1 ý à-, - I 'III -.-l,ý,f*- t- jiffro, Élite fi ', ý 1 ente the tctory about relapse. .1 Railway and Imperial. ContederaLion," ; Ili ýàcmt i'tý" 1-alz - 1,4"." , 1 il,#,,- "-;ý/-uî l'filette. (elici ef» i n om oir viltw Tl" r le - l'anP fPiInwst!"1: ý . ý laY4 16111,11Y, full of ý my marbrer and- " a 1 . 'ebe PtiOuiwt 140t*l imttnu4op. , , 1 .1 1 - 1 . - . ,tiiixtthy. ý ý ý "l'otts." iliternipt4 Stafford, milfily ' . - ý , a reply, by HSureil Fisher, Ilontm i; El, abat unie I-ý.t in tli.,ýý-ý,. ý. ý 1 ,."tt 1l". (,À""el""!j Io holecq 1 ! 'If ktiow 1 ana ,tmkinu von I% Âmt but ttrvnlii. "ifyouare 4-oin« ta tell fiant 1111111111117 1.111111116. "The sonbr id the Pre.-g,'* a nonsensical .%net rittled a.:",I.,wc, th. Laicu-. . %!.ý;ýl, e.",..,.I.,ý,,,.,,#ý...",."ýlý,ý-.*ýý,,,ý.1(.,l ý 11119ciftlle %« 0ýIcRIggRRaIP . . j deai" rother tiervoutýly- .,Ilbtit won't, etory ahaut ýtet.;f"q fil.. t#$&ýi,èiý elcule woorie. . ý i . enati motheT and the What a trniy beautiful wSW are Uve Patient, by IVIIIi-am Cheethant; -Grec Put ,tic ceirct ai,.,.".,r h- ricticgin* I.t -, - ý.t...",."I"lzi",....ý-.ý,:,,Iý..ýl.,,,t4 , 1 1 1 ý : yot, thisik or iir ý . ý , alletiolik'er [ici 1 entre the rectifiera. If in. .., - - .,.!j litti,- 'ffferi. etterpe --le 'il #boa talfrablil 1 %volaille illect, vet,>' rie- ý grill lie the t.wenty-fifth tinte 1 hav \-cataire givmus grandeurqe Maman. - by Mm Frances Rye; 'ly -1 1 1: -ii-.utiztc,-luite 1-iain- 't l,,.iI .o. le ".c,,,, I., 1 -4ud.ý Il a. ' ill'es', -- ci, ý le, .ýýlýýrý.tl.ý,%.ýftI.",Illle.zb.lxýfetjrrçoli.bý - ()hlamieittLI An. .cela -ru lier ýriII ... - -I ,--,IIýý;: î-I 1 ý Iýl.t:., tý-- 1,ý lent. > i hall bac(*» I.WIqbv%41. (1#11 at,-tieo ý Patient," fer N. W Racev. -'re zuinz, Julin .ïnütb, tu 41-irrace a, seublible. ; flattant it:tlreailv. ."ci human ce av -ýtifiý-",Mw . luýlit.11 e teinte. gienal and atonale. and thoÙmnde :. ý1LiV. et" a patient. The Wornain . li- ý, ý , le Ici 01-e I cý,ý ý""..e :..ý-.,ý.- el., 1c"'.'. ici é,>-ltmf-ý 1,,I*"g. ý . ý ,..,.,i!",'r-,,I".M,.t.. 1 a y: rencienittactrail ceve mid ta John, hamalinlit. 'fine muticit dravr file Une ofme-vu for eni-iynIelu. 'We caudal- Qnestion," A thi iuýý, -m - cala %'el "'. "Il" IV ».. ....:. $1 (bel per lie. , ,ww. ý V,!,dit t 1111 leuly cit cubleal.,e. hiýKud uut l', ýi,ý,-I,-.Iý,,ýz..I",.".ý".ýl .... .. f Phtv*lnfbox. ý The -U--utnént CrOM'-ýcan- .taillable davand the huur -IIIii rue:' 1. - N>Ie",.f, 1 . -- .,-.». - -i « how foric %ve shoteld look ' nomevher .» ill licalga"".te"Ilý ., ,let, le.i,, ý ý 1 .le. fl(ilý,.v4Kll.. 1 1 ,a.ý,ý"iffl-abýi ll.y,*#..... . ý ý à .é - ;jjý and tilitik ,iie 1 ý *ire no better whén in perfect hani dav, by X. e. Daxiw. "-Ift Educotion.", . ý - 1; . ý; I'*.ý-1ý.ý -u "le ', Il- ý.. I, 1 te te , u c III, ,.,k, I .tntnçr lettek of if ait. Onculit tl%'ffllb.. ý ............. » WI' - - & %%«hv -lintil(l net t "M'éti tP-iletioneëW" dernand* Petttq. but how calten de the majority of peu. a for the -artisan. by L RI O'Brien; 'lier v-iitý -litti aligny in the mttiý. . t. , - ,C 1- tý, ,ý ý_,u _ tiiI-1.ý , Pu., .', 41,1 -ýa11.. l,ý'ý t'tl11. 1 1 , ý ý ý elleffi ý wolj& tliingm,-g,41 ,,Ii.ýzýttt-ly and q,,,,r(,tlv.- ace ;If i indignant. 'Il am. goinx ta tell'tht-m pie fuel like alving If up (uabeaftmea, I.&,ae's.Choiée,:* a W i. frotte the Cat ý "-.I.m 4 1.1-1 .11 l".1 .... .. Il ..c.e,...ý.,, I."ýe t4eev . 1 ý,jlrllll MFO«= ,&ýe". se jjIebn.?Irý ittli, let Ijý liait litarPtlc'-e. ('lit «; Mentit faite mobilier and the aurtion: 1 diabSuraged and wonjed out With di, I&n"-e. bY FI R.. rriez --rhe Fallean* ,,Aý rftitartiedint-ýti,ýr--d; Iýq1. ,ud 1.,ýl . ý ,,,.,r4 1.,.e.II'.." ý,f t'ý,1.,il.ý,fot 1 1 " N ý ter ,tuked rtLllld. -lie Vitale -tilt filléant lýttiC mmmom I = grume 3 miýe . "b" jbv,ýniirýet-ýltl.lltltll-'l'iltýt)till&zlett-ilý411pf E;ne-ver@aidawordztbniltanalictionper, mable. Whittle therts la no Auci w-nu .ý r'-,,,ýl 1 \,%,.,.eýt.ý ...... le, e ý,ý." lit 'tenat, cet' ,"* ï «114 PW M itro Ilke Mr. .%Iàeart)t-r, 1 have an mighto't have beeb amie, for tell j : le ,la a every a oeeusion for this Leave-.** hv Wilkie Collins. --queen ý- fier aricui -u 1 ýec.,.uel . ,,, - .,.,.q,ý, &ee ,,Iý ,,e,, --a Iît- t; - -& tact, ý-r- 1 --- 7 -- - - - . . 1 - Wo"b $ai& . M m a utrerer eau e"il'r Ob. Victoria ià'ltaly," bv C, ýý the Con. Ver)' "ýr"' -tint -tilt ýh. .- J'recueilles- . ý,...,. ý .-t -licz le bai il% t1w ilingbrur . 1 .,ut.i"-.Marý'. k..P.-I:n, ý -::,ý. 1 I., . J., t- , ,,,.,,e"Iý, ,,,,,#h, whu! 1 - 1 . 1 allie(, ri dou i kngbi 1 ýt.fIw. ýià "... ,'!ý.eI», 1'l.,ýl, ".."ýi",l ,.% .1 ,4tý,.I.e,.ýý. 1 Vihùtoiýjràphj1. - ý fleingm have tif turatinfie ý 1 tain *atidactory procof that Galà,-ýq,ý, trîhuýorgb Clul). Thý rnagzcine 1% now Ailhu =ý>werl g.,L w,ý, lier .çrýlklixc. 1 - . . N"tr4 (,pub%* flottent tinte -411ger grade. as r', 1 ,p There Aener&IIY 19 ait âme allctiOn," ý ArGrâcer FLOWIMWHIth"e themastregs under the editortal courrait of Mr. t7. "f:,Me lýk. au. yucca J-ky .Ad fuui - 'c'.. 1- 1, ý-i ', - ý.- il ,III, 1.,ý. c!, ,l,.".$,,ý.etl(l(bý"tI, 1 ý11tenipriel'eb". Afflae-4biWe6t.tiwk ý ý ; Il 1 havell't.- ma).t4 1.11tit,ý-i'l', .ithb t" f'ntillýe* 1-littrpdl, mildly. "Go fin, old 1 front digea» as when bom , Dyspepsie, Mercier Adana, the first publinher and ý . 1 .. 1-1 1 -...>.ý,. - ý> > ,,ce ". 'l i ý 0'l- j f il 91, I, la et, A'r 9 1) A'tivi lIKN()»1KIý i u . : mélancillanler. 1 - 1 llke Y and Liver Complinint iît the diriet eau" eiiitor. If ho ,vere te restore the origi. I lac4zlied. ,vent, and ruuuried %ý ixle 1 . 1 ý 'tr.el'I'Ow, -Our stortes lmnien»ly b,.:.ýI..1ll -le, ý ...... :.,l 'f ,,,,c,ýacl,,- hël 1 11,8n.t-ntièh the worqe for veau And Ï111eY an no full of boit and spirit. 1 ' of Milieu five per cent. et agul* ansia. , mal title pag 'Vats.,ml J... 1 . .Il. ý%f"., , ,'ý_, ,,%,ýý.;,.IeetIýI4 t--@ - . . M EM 020= 2M , hencid.. T.-ddv, initt'iiet tellbal me you 1 an.,mi.tea blettit, Ibis one, abolit vain _ e and type if %voulu be au Titubait, 1 full ai, the aime tingt, a mjrdlci. ', .""-,.*,., """ ý'-, :1; 1 "",e I ý . . Our 1 dites as ilicaugmetaël, Indiaestù»4 Sick ý h»Pmvý-nuent. For salle ut Porterý-. liteau -attrait webât ,burkiut, lit m.; .....c.,ý."i" ,c..,el, _ 1alII',.,ý*ý'ý«-1'ý , ""I..,.,*.Ii,ýý...,,.B oot.t & A lid i-issi ý are Ilttwh ttick-rastaltlvk'rthelliý-011 %vili 111110ther'A bonnet; if blan, o)dfavoiirite- ý Headache, Costiveness. Nerveuse ..rEM, ý L Rz%-mv.-f-ýý S. xv vulteuiencle revultelit at auticq 'i',.ý .. , ctu,-ý.,O-.,- ý ý . 1 , * A t'alti. -Iliakmq ami 1-baa-leeflun icitimutmi - Ille, a. a hil-hte fort. OnPe YOII affaire, te ý fluite au hellefollan-the utory, 1 meurt, bmtionpizzinemot theýEbe@4 pwpi . ATIONA ; . ý.' ', I 1 ý: , - .r,.v»eýe.('l.l.ngtteml th.11gqpàl.- i Mulacet thom4im- - . farictit Ion, 1 ginillet 1 Illuccil lie ahle ta tint the tionnet. 1 rernem1,eý distinetly tation et the a C(b- New Tork-).-The nulle- The rr--uty -intc u;,aiti tu thuir Incline. .. ,,;:.. ",.-,, .'l î'ý ý:, '... , ', ý ý 1 . ..... Cc M', I-t. 1 bi'I' ý . W, 011etc tient II Heurt, &" ethm Barnes Wh-, hall iý,.,t it 1-v - trauiiig .. -- . lý . ,.,,,. ', 'Il ,,!. , .ý , III , Il 1, ,,, cet.. ý ", ý .,,,-,.a %t ý ý order vou about am 1 fin ut prtwýnt. , the tirait finie -vue told if ta lis ai mette: log *vin Il .-creauct iu,>I? . Iv ete, *Itb."ý« iletv4.. ,qud ituq,14I%>t4l i - et Petet ". - i -touý-ly. 11c; Il . t.iu ý 1 m- ber for Thuir tru>tý, tu-tac ýugitrý% s Ifi.ýgrâwe. 111.1 1 .- ..ý liel ,>"",. , ,:".. II Il ",.,t lu ,4. . ..gala. t Vt,,ý ,.,.,ý "e.i.%* elle - . tares* Titres donna et _At»ýg 31ay opecs with a perfect finie 1I1Iý1 1 botter vire did latigh, ta lie Plaire! le c;!."e ý,c, ý .1 "" 1.1:",t . ý 1 . - - Plait. - ,*,rrv m e le . p ; ý - - ___ - . I)rîn't Il plu iver will prove if& wonnerfid eMet. ; posent etititi i, ý,,Ilt,'ffl"." - _ ,.Niitrttrkl,-while. 'thr",doti'týImk: forgetanyôf the detailca. Thelagitime .ed "J'igartha," front the But, ii 1 ý . ý ý On filament. Ted: are wu mot ne.rt".tlv ý hiit fleur u- -.A. *K. "- 13amplebottle%.Ioemrn. Tryit»-Iti_-,. nou, bu, , . .». vi,,:.,th,.% jnnci..d,..Ii. jricaý . - ý _. .- . . 1 .- . . ý . ... I"at IDII&mtmummmlààm O"Umpv 1 . fîm adian -railla ira. . w r.--#.11.- -k.-h-.:,. r- h.,h.e -Ii ý._-,;.ý ý...c.ý..- mother w»JuDe de to Uke lell 1 our;.Min qP" ý item . iffi- tc th" eh* >.etn for the. moth., «= du the 'Thm Dawkm bàà takm fer ÎWÎ. beam MY mother My dm emm m as- mu whieh bed ided t Lod"fem the younum of the three *ho han elomoted ail the remlv tend th* SucticUl ra"n UP ber laind tu tuP-epunem mmence ce danghUm ci Eu»taelüe de Lotbiciere, a ICW fAi golf PÀX)rm. and ir» love ot ip hevSff Md r«Deum tbi ew«ed mù- hi- Thrm dava after, Me secret P= French C-di- -kP---t- i-berit- 1 x-, tt lit nos, thev«ewr. tow ber rw Ow bee---" 'ma euabudmmta wu* dbmmqrid cd but: never Amumed the titie of xme A» -hi wm au tbu aites thm; ~ dfmhpr. *hm* evil tomm ban Il 'And "0 diftlt k»W iL mum wm quisI The ekle«married Mr.Etarwoéd, mY u bn M , over hm» hee *wu lindrAbv. Me ehffl us motbw Sbe lhum» vellea l -À Zý«r PÏrC4 C. agas ;,ý,7 Imm dom irm e hW en the »W sulp t M *-. . but wl. bu end a nondmr of the oid L«uW&Uve Coua- whem the trme*t bitte ibis m3m mu amumi hummut Abd ««P lw 11* IW*4,t &Ç". obftw R» but tèw brmk» la ow pouthoa7%-. wu amwtm wbY hs boit bam mùwlmd rematud a ïg of Comédie. The **Me hrnwlt, ropether Srwq ommtemeuf,ý. 11= 1 lm the Sem,& i Sw*bmu pu]> de LOtbÉmlevq1yý m"Tw la lm -Xr»WM. zv«y mgama 1 thoucht this wm Oum"*- lk*ulnu m-orn ou, thveme dmn»r - me the; Bbwmmlk $mot Smatur Binabain. ce in etg hy excited tue, fer M'y *à et Iffemb the Usitée, b~ 9» Me M» IOV« lightly U»MIOU- mwie%--t» eonir, 1 moný m mâcet wm«ýted la t aubeauda, Phikamuhin- whone dauchter murled since tbm M'.. M. m the mirmr wuu M& up heffl bkjý. ; ;i À£bxrtoiý in lm Jude de Lot- flew prmu rizm Ilp P- Ukil tir=, mobeew. Rmantullë a binte" married t;esm%-eJoly, a French. &Q jý thw,.w taig awày Ow it lom & Meameuîdm 1 ý ' te tw muée the GiU«va Jedy, re «ch outd ujj, di.. go bw JI trmebwy go the me ci *iDdc:tiq 2eBtiemam4 mm lieuri. premmi e am la a plats boom. bIM9 Ome@mý we bave Qmberý f* tbeir eldme emm. se th« àemr ý«ftm wm» ov«v uwaqon Me b»We tahm% na boom hl &, Sue, Md tau* a bilà. Thé Md Fhe a ber hwawn homme, liv« -Umàuu emeh Other. A" au e0lemc 1 WMU«lmblw mm id SLOW h« bOIN MM lu hiâ tO wult àWme Word thosebâil sywSulg au IMOMM bu hm-- hm peaucul te v bonnet mid te mme. Loiw Québec bave m vm à-akoupins ebut. My 111011hS 'M belm éble to am t" Mr vabwà Ibe ed agmàmt him le' M. Am A khi* et amtwy tu fmmmkm «Mbr. an qum m hommd la br *, Pe«*We tbà@A&I =m homm oncý, Md 90 P~ em ne ana pommmb.ft ven h'oeb'd Rh" bm belà.a we le bu. togI; bel& leu pouv!» 10VOI her. bu m wu agnýw Woàbffl M*Wbàvetmmm %.ýmy j"'w _40-- lm igliirefoiý deva tO My M«bw-wtm la -a am of dffl= ot &dm& m ; 0 Ibo d"m au ým à - b» A Cn _-w M!_hàwý m- pem, == I> wl- wagd m*wdb thm gi» MW BC wm t b 4- ;01 hmpmmmmlke bu IMM. btý peu se Wh« te *owgU bu Mme -Md wmw 1 arma 19 »&Ad fur A" vu teck il mmè%6 nabot" unk w» car M» "Mm P---,,, add bu. "lna ffl elddomioee âû Atm plemm du emp ennemielýr fa *0 wt_ tue mm* buum àwwla 8» bain et mr Omo@"" ký gemythim m tb@Wa âme hd MW del@% $lm* lm Mu ipeumlà,& àre.. b. . Mm-de momw lm embosser ce, mour . a-tu-MI" b. del a et sonuwa, MW lbw ow amimule m lem, Pnom eu»» App »Vihm» poujol, »wwdmmqý 1 auvaum et am lm 44M ym lnevu mmet - tue le -muW-* mmoa*ta M «iew t lad -"ftwmN6 ïï -si Wb am hi «AO&om __ =I=bu Y« wom 10* Zm la le WU*- JM&bMe bamilékées lâme b" lit W. K W4'4 y tel telý *et , tti %li pin!- ui P- 0 1-9,,\ ýj.9j. %0 ... .... ý4Z 14 vol, IL whél# xiintiw 1027., ... .... ... (lit e ti rz ... .... ... 1 fl. LOCAL MISCELLANT. Wzxzow BarAKLqjý--Mr. L 1= of Whitby, w«W »"»in la sbe clemim mo»»ae&U, » permits dite nwbg lut week broke bi» Windows. miil Mr. Fem oabm a rew&M for the arrom of the calprit No Sài- -Tb@ Gmue smeu th&& the Bowmmffle coeup»Y bave backed M et thoir bormS te parcham the WbiW hwbmr. à Dis PRNU-The Plolormoir ýâyt it is port" th" a vnektom enèj4oýt.(l RhomfflfouMndý,lé(fu Sst hi Iàà AMd.-CWu Sac«W ln the bmk of the LINDSAIr. ONT., FRMA:Y. MAY 16.1879. ruim $lie il Adynce 1

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