t'il OUI Y Vi el: prv TOI 1.04 P"r %V 1 L>,4Jý %,,ýI %I Il, Ir, 1. 1 il r. 0 rit Ni e 4'ý Ume* m ý dm-..W 1 . 1 1, . 1. - . 1 ý . 1 - ý . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . - ý . 1 . ý ý 1 - 1 ý 1 . . - - . . . . . . 1 ý . ý ý . 1 . . ý 1 1 - ý . . . 1 ý - 1 , ý l ie 1 ý 1. ý ý Il . 1 ý . ý , ý . ý 1 - .. . - . ý ý _ ý 1 ý 1. ýýý 1 . 1. ý . e 1 1 * ý - .. . . ý 1 . . Il;* Wfeth .QOltý ' - ý . - ý ý ý ý ý 1 1 . 1 . ý . . ý 1 .. ý 99" jzelý. ' ,.ý ý ý 1 . ý - 1 1 ý ý A& _ALI AL ah.dâk.&- niez " Id ; ý ý . ý ý ý 1 . ý ý ý1 - . 1 0%te.% * Ow Ziwlb 1 1 . . . ý ý 1 . . . , 1 ý . . 1 ý ý . ý . ý n«O , 1 .,hý ,-..ýoi. .. . . 1 . ý , 1 1 ý&OOP. ;III. 1.1 ý . .1 Il . 11, ý . . - ý . . ;.. e t, .,*k ý-OO , ý ý 1 1 ý ý. : - 1 ý ý ý ,>,Iill.ýler. Illi'. ý - 1 . 1 ý .. ý ,.h'heliI:thý ý e,,m . , 1 ý ý ý M r . ý . . ý ý ý 1, ý ý 1 . . ýý 1 ý 1 1 ý ý1 . 1 1 ý 1 1 -e# - - ý . 1, .".-,ý,îe ,-41 tltAtt.".Iý. fiAbik, 191>n» à» runM O& 1 ý 1 . . 1 - . 1 l 1 . ý 1 . ý . . "i', ,-ý--_ ý ý . ý . ý - ý . 1 . ý . - [pSulez Pm Aur M T" pu eI1l.41I1ý lia"I'. ý '. - ý ,- ý ý 1 . ý - - ý . 1 . . 1 - ý ý l-, ý . - - - _e .Pt..ýý e 4elh, . . 1 ý ý 1 ý . 'I'.., ý--, 1", i Vol. XX. *bol@ N-ombe 1023. 1 ý - 1 1 LINDSAY, ONT., FRIDAY, APR ý r«M& si-" la Ad, 1..1ý:-.I;t- : -, . . - - ý 1 1- - . . - - ý . 'e 1 1 , O!,I,,. 0 ý 1 1 . . ý ,.-.,ý-I..ý---ý- -- - ,. 1 ý __ . 1 - - ý - .1 . ýt - 0 ý ,I : 1 1 . ý ý . i - - -- lvm - ý gwmbrpwg. . mir ,"SAM or LIAM "Pabnmlb-*meààk&WW.'bmýoà,vdde4ýbmemïmýw«mdbml ,UlgVrAýýVDSVADÀL 1 NEW'S (err ru 1 WB, ,ý.iI.-- ý . . ý - ý ,- : 1 ' c"-'ý'ýý- -ýý:ý,_:___. - -,--- -..-- . ý - ' Il 0111 à laeu»tmpum au humb 111111 Ir me" rm"m nomm; - . 1 , , :ý . 71 .. 1 le'. le. b XN %ýf b N' bit 1,CxlK. t.èli4ilmy.. a. à» f»»» » Ibo inertole illotte hm MW 1 . ---- . --- -_ - - ý, e. te &%Du $AL£-,& tnmàaiý, am tum m libre au&- VOMU" lm lm mew-wbm m a. VuýAvomwftmim Om«»«ttilepà«wbm l - ý .... e ....... . -Ié il,,Iv *,,i,.,-tý.ý -kt* »*&M l y. .W l'A»ý IM»m mm S à*% M lmaweta!mmi,. 1 1. . ,ýýqý cochS 1 III bar be* in St Pettersburil ý 1' .'l' ....'l- ý , . ý - leit-51 r., - ombml)otiotit kil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cm 09= lu""Vumug.wm"à"aqa Millier. 1 tý%z C«nMblp- W il 1112 . h-el - -The» were triabit deathlt fi . ý "Il 1 1 llf . , . cil ý __ la ma lethm emfmtawy en- 1 -e"" :_ . .1 te., R I', . * Tult,%w"apuo'L RMcý tomt».Uwwmwbammam ... 4 1 . . 1 N..4,11ilit, rcr, i'wtý.Pf* 11111#téà Frair. A ND I'M E . . stillot'y ainte tritionté. o»o mm bâtis 7»i rien lail aloir lit& 1 Il 1 1 - --- bmpmowe.bu fossette l vewummueomrzà.l.lb-- p« lasis; tintais as Montreul. ; .ý: : 1 " 1 - - .Wbbw wwýb~ . me 3"4*1r~ WWL ille 1 Pm mow Imm «ýt ail hW te - - -lucides, 1 . . . 4, ( J ýI -- ý 1- ý ....... I- I--l,,ý--,O, TP4 j MW. la b- atille *m be tiol ûh. wliali il lis a lui ý - - - 1 1 * IP.»» G"nà* Lm iteoua &or &W 3 àâm ;m _PM in reported 1 ý;> .,.ý ".. .1 ,- , ý : 1 ..,.,!ýýl ,..,. et ... ... ,. ,.,.Ie,.ý »I " its.ARO»Ttlkltl»VU NU ' '. W mm# lie Ilherrilla ilie, ev«bàekm ,mos, vieulleil 0» » wmm ym ý folve lm *0 - ,%Uluing ilifillerming propurtioct ý . .ý'f.ý tet'.1ý,.,.ý,,,,.»,,t,ý.,ýt.ýtý'-"-!",ý fool OOWPAICTIW'f»W»»». . 2= 11 'III ,,le,*& A"fatbudwma*,».«R*Mbâbaboý .Wuqc ý .. ri..N= boit. %a ýýr -I ý ý ý ý ' polit tu&£ - UOLMOWtLbbmwow ý "!qa a bu et foie 1 ehomid du - 1 ' - m , 1 belloitit., . . 0» bedkt - Ir la heiieved the Klogg of '2116181m"M F*11» 1 1 : .III., "..', ý . %N,ý1t)N Iliq ";x 1100elllî, = ý.,ýopýý - : : 1 , . 1 . ý ý ,e, __ - -. - - il q= = mq= :.Ifm. ber «k . -1 . 0 fil 0 Légliali bmý*m a dM ro lbm l ri , *m «uI . - - -di in Juiv te the .%,ce '. .Ii'. ý "... , 1 ý il, ýii,,;1.,, .'t. tlbv~ lerte ettaël le Il le 1". ,; ý: ,- '... .- ' Il ý amr IL lwm ]IL wu . ho marritit .I. , _ý i 1 Il el... . ý ý q-11,1ý!....".ý..It fI.Iw Vq*ptv 1,."Om, fulft le Il le ý 1 .. Il 111111111111111 4% cm- -vi«, - vemeswým*&.Wm! . -V veau hm blin a îý .W,,rodemair Imm Cbegaffl twouvant ý - 131Lâtria of --XuàtrL%." Il "nomwomm :-;, 1ýýe1II-1 e ,.,..f e... ý ý e , vi, kýtIFIý. l'ýý,1.,i.tý,,ý.ý le a 0 . . Jliliý au» . - 1 . maý dm swaao*emý» "I-lodý ýaXa%. d=i' la onion 1* a ut" ibk-%. The Prinetinuit Louille ilt p 1, u ý> bellist 1 - ýý.;-.) ý ý i nobliyel.,4"»r4mbm .;]*;ý"111111, Pe- scit ils iller, corittel UOLUMetubbmw., "MiD Illestra oa un m 7« bowe *nom hW 1 t Iravendortdetwoqr. portrait of Mr.% ,1I;emt-.,zideier .; l". - l'. .Il 1,'.iý..- !.". .ý..Iý ,-l la ý a - i ..".: "... " ý . - ý . ,,' t'. .00,11élire C-9,fflv. 'NO trri 'ilee"vpt. Anspamrmumuomovwpftm>bm . r'e ý muýMdta UN-dm &--y 1 he4mu vus" tormièce us, i , r ..... t- - 1.1 . ý. Imps ý»,I li4pe. 1 -_ Il Il ol!,Wltbw ý .le bains, or tu a tbvbmç. site iiteu!ýPret:ntimto hat ,ý,_ , .%%-.41#bN Ilinsie t-.Iv,,,--r. ("I.1- 00 wu - .. . Ta" tritté le ftuw ne Almow Làl "Voucý arum Am buluise a tewtm-d#w*u ft «"U te 4 1 1 -_ te ette purehaft - ..., .., 1.1 ý Be Who etics ft Is ners ffttoute. .ý -- m 1. ý . iWe#.#bi*o«bP»Yl~ 6w»,»ýàm* ton Abo»k*-Wow« In à triabla l"y dési oued%. 1 b@àW» S" a -,,Il,,,,% . . ý montrers) mariret tant ý.. Z le. '. . -- ., . II .. ...... ... b"ei.. ,«Fta, »Y lfflt*OIA« 1 ý . rapt* ( »»M"U& ta- A"bwwu»»Uuhgmw ý c r m : ! = -Asbimc hm " lntttbwqniraorba- .ýýic,%.,,, ý - li%"I.i-. "..I...ý ý.- ý h'.10. et, ý ý M14 - Tbý il ,,Alzm 401illier Md grestisitil >.!ý ,_ bumb»d somwwbm jouit -mal w*wm -kba." 1 te the 1-nited: gratterai. The aver . ý . ý ý rlrlîl.i FR DUPAI" £" 0~ ýWn. v 1«ýv. . 1 iu »M bâil mm "*,&hm . womd tratiol -Ok thu mm ý soeuglea et tb.M AU! ..: . ý ., ý . ........ w-ý- - .ý..ý",!-> , 1 tu 1 . ý IL D. 4)»It tail on 1 suydd« ce the lonir ýi»bý With * ! tras #m ý . ý ý 1,1 >- ,,- ý-iý, ,,à,-ý _i tpeeleetttille paumàn» ýýý ý . 1 . obomme wilittraméla yeà*y. ewtw» , . mur rol 4ç%eflý @lîý - ý -.1 terrible sporadie feiller . 011y - . -31 .....".k.ý, ,.et f,ý'P.dI Ilies - --,*ni l - ý _ ý ý rawmam-w«tw& D~ mm»$M "Th" In a " thlm If the i" "r.68@6 - irammUM& as Ca*abl-ne, 311lorocco. mait, . - , __', ,.Il I.ýè." t - . 9111101114t. grille- ~ . - erhuibbb. It le . al: vot.pfflw» liait se. t "POY - ý . ý - _ - '. ___ as, as Wak 1 . kWA16 Bu wm ym bd airkwam la I«rt W» notbiaIL 1 un [M' An 31»DocrscogkLug lecture the orber: tiatives and European, Bti.ýii I .. ,. - ý ý 1 . . to - lui. , ý *04 alors mulbu him twe ivectue,» . caum ïïi-&iry !ý=. _.., _ -10 Cle , * & hem umtwow 8" ak'daw . - a 'iil"4ui,,,X: -ow, ý a scanda& 'I'. ý - 1. F: II; 1 Il à., ý .13 ý . soelly. Ateabomop "»*»# .Vbmoa ai *M . Ilibr= 1 0 119o la là o111ý "IR Noi, bu 1 " lt _% ill. "ti_-e: .,. VI, Il - . ý ... - - ý- ý .- . - " . . 1 ý ý . ; 6" 1 ..]Et," troud et dy ý j -White eamemély tifiait ma Lu --à Good comifictirtable , affl » im» N mou- ÉQFI j tiloit swa Mt lit cooked, 1 W" ehe*d i 01 là gua the -)cher day. a IOV ý y ' v4-)% ry To 'A),% y. ý . Xo dubum »W wu chimils,. ý ýý Pt -- - ,ta monnammom ohètentc lactobtiotter. Iil ý i 1 lbemlhm»t.iie.w;tmeý»Mmawki %--t«»mmWnodemborduAh-bedgbum, càoqwv. ,,ver Dm veurs ho bas the dun YOIL bave dirostris, litre hm or 1 UR nu homr te uns up Md muttoo.» I hoylhot and kt lied al 7 t r le gi ri 1 ý ý $,.,i"I.,, 'Il -, 'i t', t.rew mýevý " Wob et the W»ket am-% 1 go". M.turàbeý 1 The rt-M lighe hm righil UP our *Y, lorver bem toi eu ortoireber 1 rival Weil lail AaîàTe&obJect«Lrý --.,l .1 , ý ý,»eII.-ýb..,ý.t.ý , - 1 ,rqM rigit, . k Tlm willinis, MM ette tumt>. 9 fictir biiià,' hambhuj- "Tes, -6 -m tertil rude lialle, tbe X-e= ladve overhes» and remarits. Inreide the houft. odi, etre, - 1 et i»%ffl1rý pâlirenfit, ysarh, ce . -.ý-Aoleet . --- - - 'Çfgbt» ubi4h" ut th" 4.»w W 01--ar piaba ý bave mm 1-élallibbe r«fpe*." iý1rss -la the township 01 Dunwil I, . 1 Prilirec ae,4iiteed to $130 a 1»31. Iý,Ip ",i.,I,ý .,.il pilhie "Pakubte là - "And les, Xemi, 1 de " nerMU14 1 1 woultwtwwebouendital, IWY.àkm wfth penctiand rme-book-- ý cv 09 Elgin- the lIririts.-igil Oh ý q , .1 pw",.. , "ý ýonn.t. in . team te ý 1 - 1 Üzý_ . - el', 1 le ,,, IIýw' ý 1 ý . ý ý ý ý e . 0"1"6 lec, rontabla. R00M TO LIT. I *ObMkWtb»,b«..ty"d*&&y'. - - -u, LwfIààý,,l dynervoueasthebam' ý;;Z,ýd'Iie% for lemi., , . t ,qw, agld ý.. : 1:.,ý,, - , "", , - i "-?.1ýl,ù >",t.ý,.U..Wwto,.6*. tuAdmeerNg«m . __ cm@" et - @"Qtcbmd . 1, -Wùl von vitesse façoir met" Il . ý - 1 I... I., el, . - 1 - ý on m:t il e.L :à«, Il . IIC iiumz; mm eeming faire te ~Weil, yS k»Ow have *tir). ý . ;..;: , - e, <, . l«.. .. , 1. ý. , ,:,.. '. . I.."iht. . 111ilaffl cir inter, geint romom ir, a --Çhgfoýl Put et 0 1 moim i 1"7.-"Sx boyrs!' ., , i 'ci"",S"mu ,,a O'n'emml, tille, au aftyhow wfth dartartice Pm 1 -The mr.v trait l'ilt pari, te, ,; N --t .. I> , -. t .r, ý,:,',ý,* »Vib bwb"4;bou* APPIY ---» ,_ - . I ý i - . i ý .. I.- ý. et >,.-Il e,...l - fe,.,e""..l ý 1 , "Il ý 1 ýubehandumer 1 ! féw 0à,poý» - 1 tuba laits meek reprt-ýntei %- et, . ,,,ý,-, . ý apex CK = - - E ilio-e sne, ...... , . 1 Imm lm Boue. ý . . ý ý ý 1 ý - ,el 1 th-i-.1ýý 14i."t,ý,eý-. tý».., M- 1 propâtred QS, - en&& "Teeo4 pretly weiL Laisky sort ot -014C«i4bewcomaymmyew lm a W" mm ,sal in gr.mý D;aiil . Th, pýOOsaà;l I,. ý.. % '. i ý ýh-,rtu,-t-I@ il ý -8 .Ct=eyp-,.i.l -.%et.e, , - ' Il ". ý - . ý.... ; I.. Il - -11 1-1.1-Ill -'e (,hýový ,tý r*bW. - , 1 i .1.ýý . Fýu ,,,,, , - ýîtD4 TO REST. - .X. .ý,_cI - _ý a, acide et Ume, yeu 1 ta tom air b«k crias bâtis, wbea, be C.w«,-_-,îîý . . M. plave-t!h, ci ,. ý 1 e "., 1 ,ýl ,.>..,., 1.1 4"1.ýe, ..,ýlý,.ý in. F IL . Whisher. #)o e ý 09. ý - e ý . .1:ý z 81#00»àl#o lu Icle (ý.;n" VI gocelle 1-10 aurires - ýenmS ta avenir te ma And avril ritup. entrame tu her licart ubum ý . il - - Ili, ,,,,, -".. - ,,,ýi,ý l.",r beld. . M,,g.,»d"%. »1.1tlt dil-1-Illantell; g.ýt týuik4ù%.; t... ralicilie M OLLY BAW N. lmgwuwv,,Ày. in pe.me. PMU. $)'Il 1'. Or -- - ý . 1 ý , ý 1 ý »W 1 t il il 1 dm't t poloing 1 bil Mrud eggregbmùv wttn ý l --The -urrIv rýniiiiiii.I,: I 1Iiý,I, ý, . W.1 1 lié IN 'Pit %ý - M 1 ...... qI!ý-On-,...I light 4mo bruir shp» ut Wwtwl-.Ii»;Ihu tmm' im, Ay m the hinnhair, - --a- ý ho . le . listes tîrbkb te au tw eatil la that a; à bL»b titi ttuL4 refflbudiý ý '. A.. ;il .1 1 1 1 * ý tenant Waik-er. 1. ý.f il l. ý ý'--. 1 ... ý 1.è.- P. 1 - e.ýlw«t at .t 1 jnlv. mail M n'ta Puntemiten xivert iuuswdi*44.-i ItU, bir- i TIJE rf)" fJyký,9, #Pr tjýg.ýiVý .1 ý. ý = Ilkle ,erticli .%rmtb lier heon ri. pi.e,. .', , ý - -L 1 X, -J, ý N 1 t. L ,e: ýe; 1 ý - , 1 . I.- lIo'd t.,.ý..-ý,..".f,6....ý,ýl taptin, boitoiriti I ther .le&.Umbi.,Iý, XPWY te, X. IrtkiXk)GUtýt.' X ressort h le te lie seeded a" ý 1,)f -ilicherit.ý)n 1*,it.ý.i.v. 1.1. -1 . - 1 ý ; 1 1 ".,.Pt* a., citerait. ýuü.tthýiIr.l. p -ý Friela,.. rhe iiii, 1 1 , ; ý - - - .- - NI ......" le -1 ,,I»",.P, .V.1.1;ýl;tuglK.VjE 'Xe, whb*er. ne W» ebunýs"vq.-a. abuftdzn.â ba"ve &Il mm of 09 frmpmý%- > ielil. her ý InIý *i prise. Lit ,iv( 'f ... ...... t. ....rien et, ,a.& frelle Mw#.r. 1 klnl--Lt _Q.1l1!f_1ý 1 àR but t" m~ ube. 1 Auppm yen dreadffl chiale mid te enter 41 lesve; ; father are lAth %-.-r; ei, Il -.,,.Ir ý 1 . Ittitý,,Intg.,.% il,ýlr(15.ý ý - -", !ý.".-I-, i ý ",t,.el..ýý.%,..I.i*uf>l* nom. àmoww et -va~ 1 lcxiow ý lie *» in Téd'à reïiùient for i»y maillets te deploil the gkring czar ; u trrnewr wzid m'a *hat thbu ii.rrt. Thev e-rie.l!i,,/./z, ,, ,Il,. ý Ir .t.n.. 1 - ý - ý l ift m- - - > 1 , Sionne direct, 1 . miracles or this »peeeiL> -Be fooked. ! Weil - , kxc tilleçu repý ttw, il.ret.- tire Che.tre lieu'al, "f l)-i.,iiI #40.111111IIII.Iltèle.- i . ' ' i II-so, lie tom me.- . tee. as if lie coald haître etticen .Une hâtât turtu= - Il ý -014, lib'illy il - l 1 liIli!.Irý,l arIei ,i, -iI., -.1 1 tel t,1ý -ý;- i'l' l:,4 '. '. iq,.!. k,ý f.-r plif. r., l'Il "..l ,,-.-ý,,I,,,!ýI.ýýt ý ý ý?ty tý ve me pirchrir. . - m e chien ý Ljke ý iL.1.l.Idý,i- "ý'ilt: - ni -il ý,f ,,hý ý .4 f ý . 1 .. ý - "...-Ille, .,..,ý,ýý."..i f-'O..Iý r,#WvI*ht*d 1 . ý%n«i 1.)ne;y Wb& * 6-1 Wonder .what bc hissait t4ld vous? 1 and there. f know thisý 1 ehaut't for- . "'L.au6hm " li,:ý. 21th ,terc frifi. -- el- . . , ý . , % ý '- -ý 1 ;....:,.. .,th 111elluillitila ti-,ýefft: 1 2 111111 COM P Ob 011111111 44 stlmill 1 ' ý Sa4thurvivrJOuý",umbufflý ý . rittbuli. tize 1-'t. ..tl!ýti t.ýierý,ji,[ Il 1 - . World. . , te, ,, el ý ... ý - 1; ý- et,- le 1 Il - ; ., ', I"..I" f.."ý1-1-ý..L'.lié, e.fJ'ýI IIfi.,. Polk-v-h4,kw. ý . ý ý Shall 1 couteau, M.oby, chat 1 knowiour t Rive him in a bunvl' ý ,%.nd qweriay taptive malle 1 1 * r»nwuftho(-.ib.tweburçb ,.topttq) - Cba~ mw. ! serrrit. suit char Ir Want 1 chose rhaidizt. "Poor Ted! 1 expeet ton doeWt have 1 - . - ý 1 ' 11-- c-)rpIe ell'a ,t,:,I, Il, 'ý 14lebestiol, for »» oit, au potm . j %%«heu titrer have', remb" Cecil,*; round elmupon yeurltujtw There. du I mlich et a rivale Witt voise., Save Cern, -A garliL 1 . - ;ý i , il 01111fitil, -, ', 1'. le: %ý 1. 1 Il te: ý J 1; i à N le; k * t. I- ILI. 4 t'y I"-.1eý ,ýfý,,, ..el "...t rýMthle 1 I;Kqb- KF.11PT. . . . rý,eitl:% n.,tr 1,ý.ýýt,; 4',, ý- I 'l' . 1 . . e.i4,b.y.lthjp.l.,-Ibj 101t..-Il . ; pretty -ittittîr-rnoni off whieh lier. bed. not grocilice me your cSrtilience: 1 have j -bolduc lier heil - 1 Pe-,týrllialee. ,:,,- -.1 1:. 1 . . , . . 1. . . . : . ý 1 1;..t., , ....., ilý..ý." Mt..;",.,hit, I....,. IO-ýffllO O 1 - ý -1, tescher lu one of the Wtlitteld ý.ýinrmltc, Il ,,,, l...,I..!" O., . ",.r.,..,, 1 ý - . . . - , i rotruell, lipeuret the titi thin - Civec Yen mise a" anvthincr 1 have I -.%te von langhtag et me. erre» -I;t,.t 'rý ,i ý .à, .:. et e_ .,tisiir à M ,Y-rieýtý*e(ý LiCenAtl ý ', - -ý;' -t WPIý rlIilmý . ý il . q lier "y Ob' .art %I . _ ... ý1 ,, .. , II ,;,..- ),.It,.",e , te'. ' hearrt ta -&fé luisit me. ý public -AbSlt wab ,t tell. the attirer iýtý- i,,.,ejui.oýI!, --, 1 1, ze - - ý il, .t -lie relle. ý. tlý' 1 able cm la te telubtiede, loto a allest a" . whet : 3,1011v. uýratbftity. -rhil moite ready 1 . ,w ;ý . . ý . ý ý . . 1. - Il le , le: , , , ý', ý".-*rrOO kýtý --uel fur 1 . est *air. .; tattLrb. ý - - Jud, taking the ýsuWler. doit ac the anrrwer étillie, m front orre ý,V:.ý-t ,.>.I,!,ýl!,. . - Il 1 1 ý . . 1 ý ý ý , , ý ý 1 ý ý ý 1 1 lovil blutièý.&M whas a nirerreme te waat ! for Iteath. ;..,,-IZ.i 1! e,-ýli ý ;- Il ý ý ý :.Iý,I; . ý . Ie;..,!;, ,-, ý-.,-,i,., th,, fi,-1,«Jý fý..b the 1 - , . . . **Ir in like a play.*, nbensyse Ilicherdolot i Oulleh a charming bit oficolourupen me! Cecfiln ber arms-gm ruent àuktndt]" briglit little fellow. Ontheblackl.-,art "lit !') ý 1 ý . ) i . ý . 1 . ...... 'O', - l"'I' U..;,ii ý -%I» 'R kiols r, thm n_,( ý '.%Iottt-iztý he. lýwi!,--I.1Iý, 1 r-. Ir ti,.kt, ab a red". p Y%È wi II Il ; of -and the dav lie ,va, r!;,ý.1. 1-1. ý- d f- >ý-_" . hi. rontinix down hem te dud motroil KeeP it for ýloýý " lifts ber fruta annum ait h« cosy cul 1 ' oittrirh, . ý % . .;Iý 1; le ,%,,,,#,,Iqe..:. le'.Il, sl.td."l. ,I IýeIrrlhnIOO. elad le. ille. Wà&&M .3 roft xle.,e (Iuý,d t.yliIg i..ý-tmont. T- I foire hint. Ir will bel a sterprt»e- for 9 1 '-How will Sir Penthouv itke 2'14r. lm» and ci ý ý le . ý 1 ieidiard tat-K« la velainnittente .itl the hon -apm*te ber lawla the titiller. t Watl tire cricture I)f an ., h, .,tt,.- 1 , _. 1 ol Mun j ld)wrvs CICM *pr«lmitvf' M1,11v lui "Meil %-MW Witt rail retient . . -rirlard =eut ,treuil %% U-1 M 'I lý !; i i - _- i .: 1 i ;. . -; ý 1 ý 1 N.- "i.I§---ý 14 O*t",I". ; .. , II ,..ý., -f %I..>-t4ý*, WIt VIel' v4l' St-,FP. 1 Teru,-, mýY Apply te, CAPT. C(>TI'IS(.Ftln., wnIlId mwenS trait char horrible ý 't 1 conte. Cell f ,, But: solitelbee dertir _ itIs '!!,%,:trý'-,-Ii t,:,L; ý . ý 1 .ý I, , I ý': . I .hý "', ýa".' . Ir u- (; ê: .. nevertnld hint ofiný-beitigin thehoune, prettentl;, trières aise han eýfe;»ede , t ape. and prepare fer I . . ý t ý ,,, -- éý l ý 1 11-11-1 1:.., 1'. ., le I,;.lIýý.- t(Otil 1 t)t.wneel cLt ý%Ttj.%, Ki..»,tànt. ami r of ,,nIIuriu,ýe. ,:If-,,.ýinz, Ilv 'le" Ilo,! -l Il II, I, , . . . 1 ý ý i I f ir'. '. I I., Il, '. -w - litite Wil- rite cnir birel tipon which le __ ;"--ýý- , tir ho wIuld notc have come., ýltm 1 'lý"')N. .,»ýceý.,.,th »»I,:h, ,ir.à. lon- L. . - intereutag tacts te ber 1 votit bashm 'o,ý reSpti». 1 wili bc ! noyittr e 1,-ýnlrf:.t)."::,ý* !.et le ý 1 1 - . . . ..-,-----,-. - , l.ètkillixý(;r..Pk in von, Maître, rrL"hi. . ;-mir maî-ik to-niSht. if yots wffl lei me.: mark t-I)tL[d H,12. **r linow arrother ' "'; . !,; . .. 1 . . , ý 1 ý . ýM0Rrp to esan. FOtrX.%l.è1.ý 4% peW of nietçht'tt 1 -es have. bene .,,M t haine hep worelà Ilire iL If 1 rhoqi-ht What wili von tvearý . ký.l1p a litt!,...hap. "ýV Il . i ,iFir--,, !.-ýýi" - .. 1 ý ( 1 1 b %!. 'Al 1!II, 1. %fi-11, te. .1, ý Schiug of your; - ý . e 1 "vont lý 'l -, el III 1. , - Z - ., . lent latin, h.;r.j., .,C.I.it1w 'rit l'av,;. 1 ihrvý'itnt. much- front Mr. lettraiL. I to.ouidinakehimjealotib r weniri rtipt ,*%e bille. Ir ;ùitit tue belle. That A hl : that. h> lýII,ýI.1V -, - 1 4 : ý,, ý . ý . . li...I.Xný.ýý'I,.I,1-.f:izI..i ý4rejtr,-O«i -tl .1 ý i with PSr'ralbot %tailler hm nosp-" -av* i i* mv'dr"-,-.** Incitation te a Ilicht blue relâcher a2!k-ý-I; "H-,W ,êtrir voir pro%. 1, ý Nie !-ee*Iý - , .: imi, . 1 e ïtF rk.- L*ný,ispe.etin-iv. thL %"ý-ý-; z-l 1 ,.% ý. -- ý e ,ý I ,ý,i,."« -I anOke. taPit tr..tttý; .they .fil e 313, .. lZi. t . .Ntôtlv. Cecil ilh eloitirrent valMetv. --i flik 1 .4ilk. trimmed with, white lace; chat lie-& ý choir - ,rnr-ý(tto. . Lt 1 ---l-,ý-,Il A!t-",.,-etr ocitit-Ilv Vietorità, ý , 01410y, 'Ntt)%IP.Yl MOINZ.Y. fientite ý. -..C.e(mè eu. t~ ý %Cwjtýirt.-.,f lit, Il 111, - 1 '*Tt, le a cuiriotm one., in. it nott a" Jôhiinvý" -All Ikti')W;t;xtltitl T'vec ....... !--, ', Ili, ire Il -f 1. . 1 . ý . 1 LAII (*IfL$N.,tlakwý.t. ille . ' ý onenot essilv matched. Tt ait Cam£ et! .ýpiteit"ltv tmvards blini -otitekiow, al- . tipon the ired. "Witt yen reaity heïr edd*tbF ilev. *,il§ rh:ttnothýýr ýverv tit- SV,.,r,. Ili f'; ý ý- ý à f i ý - ý - - - ...-- - ý.- ; thathorrtblewill. Coutil tbm heaay- - ChOnlzh- ýeptsrationwasinvowneon-1 trie te dnâ»e But you canner do ut) ,,;t"%-.!, e,,.- 1ý- i - ý Me'lley f(r, i.,,>ýtit: iltt 8 POT cent , 1 . r ! ilaw... Y tic white -4" tricheries -iff nit -i tarit, ind - ' - til'f ttll.'*ý ',[:-,ýL - OR Il ,4ýtliýX. - -ThatIdéesirable dwiliI- ' thinlz more ýtupid thais for au old man i trivauee.» ý _ ý wheu hp,_-om-_ý honte bc lo-ok, as il bc d"I' ý ýil.l...PI-.1 tl:e -')41-,..i "-tz. _. ý - . >. M . 1!'l , . . - ý t 1 1 F lux h-Il-w ,uatt fier vIntai,,i,,.- el- am le# .tri delmirit t Il lite and leavée, hehind Trio. , *'Have virreu a hesdaehe. dellie a»Iltel ý 'lirer intre hâd rude awfitllfuýt. , , renwi, . ., 1 1l-ý 1- 1 , 1 ,. ý: Il 1ýI Il'.. !, ,- int riI-'.. - ý1 . . ' - 1 I0,14. 'M", jI",,,ý,0,-,-,? III, O"fw",ý.. .-Itýýrh= ýft4g iiituaw un William ýtr«t ý atoeuttl'nt hindi, -imsie people xiptit lit hile put ber harla tu ii.-ri - she* dom tm Mt revus se b4rbly . rit. ir il - r -t:lýr,,;. .!:. ý; , , l '... 1 ý .!, ,.#M-Xe fier other kýýItnrty rinuit am -.. 1. - III tz, - . 'g two jI = ;ý ' ý "t;ýttictorr chat il s tempted te oi- - pftem WtL it i. ri . I,!I.;qt r 4v ý% il 1 - - r. 1 . 1. ,ý 4. P. -- - ,e ý ý ,,P,-,ep,.#,;Ol,4ý h,$,,,ý#,,, Orfulv?ý»,#.w ,ýltmt: TýTuà ,,#%le ýy. Fier Iluitioilléé. Op- in ýtteh a ,vav makt-4 it 'de or die" e 'herm-aiýeg if Site wta consent tocome : ; rrým , hi,. ile ci -iIIIIOIOPOOPP.ýl.eP,- 1 with tirerai f barf attever sèen. my icouleilit A IIIil une--i euppoxe from the ý fer pir. 1 . -1 -:.,iIi iliedal il, - i.. ., 7'l - 471CPbMNtt.,.n thie IIrumi--. levi, ' . M r. J. Il. !».cttý..;Lei. -î 1«..iý,.t.II lj,,-,I1I,-,-Oi-ý --MI OI!Jý r(yp.,#".it o,.,.,,t pky le, & T.., ý 1 itil iife..tiid lie htui never»ffli nerves. 1 think 1 ftill lie doeivz, tor iin , and Ilve wtth lier. __ e ý- 1 1 1 ý-l;lçtdiIl 1 "f;l,.,$,.ý,#t,-itho je"- o-,-#IP inoer. ý ý.ý.ý.1ý-tosâ-,l ý -_ . _- ý -, ý - Twoh«kwen run intuacliotherat, ' 4--dýUti'p:ii-. 1,,t,., I! Il 1 ýI * . L 1 ý . % ý . 1 ý ý 'N '41)k - ý me; ver vive lierre compeillied at ahourortwobefore rmmueue thel TbehetirisantarvdotartLtkboft-' pe.,p - ,-,*Y;irtý 1) -I-L ý -et . 1 -p, ,,-,'Pb IlAp jeo-,',-it,,m IO s-lewy. O FAI.. lxx, Lt*.Nlill&RMEX. nomenvill notiver te mam ettait, otheror 1 ImPOM'it tallit of arminu for ronquellit. r netis. Fvery frcéh jetant 1,suf, a gr&Lý.. ý trikil and one, whone horv* iý Il ti,)III hi et i ; lit): . - ýF T ei>149AL, . r. -rý*rt.w.,rth'. lialaieurer tu. forelpir a dazzlins fortune." 1 And- am von --otugr out. 'Moliv* Witi , and whett at lenath Cieèfi kt attired in ciées the inciter before the: tribunal. -ýirYerer, lut, ,.hi- p-lite, f..%ýr I . 1 - ý . . ,',,,)""!Iýl,,-,,.IlieO,, ,,tfhti#.fmripm titu, souiublwwe 2984111too, In -0,114à.erder; . it'- 1 Yeu gath" crier. new , wfl u unèb.ri" Ç,X"h.,.go .,r.,*.h ,eu . * ý ý - ftt-ttr% I*. .t,-,ý"t'. . 16, Iý-i "But vieillir Coutil von net divide A j au me ne few fre-h tfoýwerS - - lier bine güwn »ne ta un dm My one "When von laid run inta the ,-Ont* #V]ClgT l ,,,,,,O!i /;"", the iIdil»,«,,It (*efd,*. ""ait te. -idt the, Iu»Oý-IhnO,+. Il ,%,Mi..ttlaý Ir Mol hiri---f"r mv al and the couic! desbe. ake 1 - ý Y'hi", ,v . ý plainautei-.4 iorlleand knot-ice(t il elowit --Vit ,1,,',,ii,. IýI, C,)r Ax 1.01terro _C01 . 1 aý%j."'u- ' . - iIlý,e-, lit- .e the 1 itwve","Id tire could - boitom, of my drenir . -\ew hmmlY, bOlrdu 1 11111101il *lie and pou over it.ý's-,tvthec.ýurt!ýtertilý, ,,,, 1, ý , (lit t.t.t.qq" .i. 41halleille ý : ;"Y""Oh,.ý""&.) of;,?. 1 Il LLAX. tir- étill 1'. fle.. .Ir ', . " ' ning round éo, fitert MoUv. --wh *zI ,ý ý - p .ili2l"ý-liilýý1.111'ýýl'.11,ý,,ý4.111%lfflrl!le. lIý"S.4, i net. Lawyertit .are always auzressive. ý -I Witt, ýave Mollet, ý and. havinit i »kN car v ditil yoit limier te sec if ary da ' II-tf ; IJýIIir, kr:ý, 1 -II --,.tIg'!, 1*,I..qq.,.4 V4,..!..ttd I.,i,%I,."41*v - S4-Pf.'Jwd . *I'Ifiý,1,ý,-ý».ýth,,hiip.o."ff.rot.t.eo-v . . 1 . . -a, aore hait been donc.'*' m, &,,-.i ý,- , [:,t,:t"l.. tir *F.)n.rtr,,- , 'ý ý .. . le ý.. at-illil hall parti!-utartv declar. triade heeenmfÔ",able livil 11,1110,vs and , ".Lnytbim lffre a houmm@Wr' with ý . .. ý e , , ý ý 1 .... .... . ,.,ý,." ý .1 1 ... et ýd- - . OR 8ALK- Tbr (ù.]LXKRAL PU R_ ' A ii, nhoixià uns ber divided. . Tt was, te , prerfumeq. leaveler lier te ber sietie faint tanche char han semetbbg.tremu- 'Ob." replies tire calffiv -I didit't . . 4ý- . , . . - 'il,' è-. Ille Owo ,Offy Sk Ait êtrel ý.,ýràl.iý9-1ý% -ýIveigi" he notre.e and whiehever of un te- _! *'.%nythiiig white." MoUytravI-iiithe cý 1iý,h,)t- I4 Toroico. ý.., . 1 1 -- - ,1-1 ches? Or F ý ait or ý tout§ about it k' _lthought , I h -t - t: ; .. . -!'-ý- le;. iland. hwh. Ill 4 d"k hay eI,1,,r. : f1lut now it vras a horIe l'Oi hit ,,ý . à .e - . - ; ý -I ý. .- ,.."ý... . ,,,.,,-Oi#,!re. "0"!I,.,",, h,ý»f" la&» ý , !ti te rivirerv the other gins nothinx. t Redraýup and down lit se:treh of etil j -1 never saw von hait go charminst!" lit Ir" Gril a mari.,, 1 , 1 1 1 1 . , .1 Illetc, 1-vi'did --tint, .il ý%,ýlle % -W. riIin '* LitIl rode- Mollir mets. deltberol -Ob, Cecil! ;- '. - el Il , il, 1 . . III u - u'unir l' And there wa- -o tiinch!» ,laid ber lady- : therte lis nt the lovielliest. ý ttl, lie ,,ý.!!I1"Ir,- :z:I.,:,.i-, L ý Il . .. - . 1. ',hif, l'O ýje"!.. 'let 's"q IO;,Orý #$,.fi i. fwtber partiut.litý,.P#IN , 'IIý . ý 1 . . f.,Itý,,.ýýe.1.#, bleu, - te. ý A younir wornart whose apartmenlle Oe'fil lir -, :, _,-'I'Iýý i, b J* ', te . 1; - - ' 1 - - ýr 'l' Ill. Il- ,;il.,ý,.I-,i.,.ý.. . 1 Kl(*Itàup 19ARMY. une.ilib ë».. Y»r'" , .Ir ýhIr,. with a -friche. . . burin, fre-h thoircrit lace. and Iiaintv whai will lie sisy vwheà lie duils out - - ý - - ý - ". j'I. - l. ýJ ,,J, J'l". ;"O,.",.ýp "If W, ,,O,,(.A, 0'. Ill LIANIEL RUXLILK. ?rrvr1ý;ýIr ý diqe0vm botte yon bave de. . are very nicely tarit i, 1 1 1 ý "le want a hard caft," Molly says.with ' M4. with -§weet-.gSàted gererteciumit I -hpen Île ýhe4 uudertake: tu 'N 14 it:i- ',I;!:ý i L, -il à:ý . f % ýlj ý . Il . "Y c ver, O. 1 .1 til ',[,,,ilý ,ý,!e.-rt ,:ý-:..i ef*--..i ý 1 - 1".,f,", ', i,,,,«, h- et##."e "f ,,##q ,..> , - t'a If.gkmb. Von. Mil lm. ' J tierpigympath%-. ý ý and dronitinir helaths-Ille pare an lune. 1 telved bloc". damil a -pritlentan wbnse aeltiallit- -, - - ý-' ý . :, 1 1 ý ý ý ý$ ,,I'-ý VI .;I.I)Z; toi?-,". 'l 1 ý1 1 ý "Tt *%va-. Yet, am 1 managed -peu . ,r , 1 ., . ý I,.,. , -..Iý. . _.. _- ý _- . - . it it , n'bouquet. . e '*.XnvUûna ha likes. mv deail ex- i_:t: , -.;ý-, ru;!ý,Z 'Ir. A. C ..... I 1 L- ., l"'fe, ".;Oi"e,,P lir"'?) ,)#Wi!»Vf le ý ' ag- a lit- e elzàiùi,4 Cemi. zivinx the Ùm conscrit te lai] III ,iieý,,.-ý ,i:z. ý 1 i watt lier hait an hm. Xcul 1 tiare ,Osv I Yet 4urriv Ir lack.4 ýqMethI acce -lie has just ruade and riniciair the moeRwý-------.-- 7 ý - III As'at-ýV i C % N .Ill PT A X ý manv worl would have goue tire : rio fleek et w'reen., te thmw out lits vie- i the quit fair lort» ailler the templee., bell savi te .the ý.ervant. 'il think 1 'il ., . ý ý ý ,lo'y Ithe, ('#II,,jOof,,ý? ýý ý ý ý , l'il,!!t - la r,-,e,:etli.)[I:ýi '1 1 1 . ýý 'rivtrp etâbits. ý 'IV. . 1 hvtttërteN %voutci have drivent theïr rets- idu fltirne-4.% Abourte. hi2h cever lier 1 "Re outil te he plessed. Ir w Id Il raliceladriveout ru the Bâiln. Susan. tet leitv, ---lit rý-rý 1 ,zýý( 1:1, 1 . ý ý ý 1 ýý l,,ý"". 1't,,-,Oogioq ohr;,. i,#Oooo - . on be "I ý 1 ý ý . .. ý . 1 . 1 12UIT TM $ ý» R SA= 1 tionn, to'i'he verge, of despair, and the ý holtifit. a crilleinfire i""buiýh amw.% be-,: a -ii&mntýthinit alteilorther. and a priait tell John te harnenn, up the borne to the Iligniltl ýtt 'ý.-. 11,-Iý-r,!)rrrlj, ý ( ýt'Nil.1,ýi;',,ý lavifléty 1ý4117111eltiKX, .1i",,.$W"ý.,.ý éyey liteille 'Oerr Ihifib 1 -, . - ; ahivertir hrIdeýwMom te the brinis or I deviceci with pateetjut-iest Insves. 1 rellevosace. lf, belux 10te the houmamid, phaeton." h-it thevliti tt,ý*> ýl!rI,,ie1 te at, ý .1 ,rl.ç.ýilý.-ril,@,I..ýb jl'y, ý ' .;- Ir law ile.tillit h,,Itb,.j,-,»« 1 I The faittil dornestic returus in a Cz t. . . ý,.I.[;,! t,." e. Ir z ý Oh,ýý (Of prir'Ois. loffaIeil ý 1 In d«IiroZý and then givre in- Mal . Reaehlitir 3P ber hand ta graher one f bal sent bins, a ploctoi Or VeRLU& Eril , ,ýll[ ,:It:l ,ýé !ýl. ; ý : - A pple Tv%ý-. k:nmtk t'y him acil armui true pied the tuan. lived with him, and been i of the rat ý fou, moments and luiI Ili, rý-!-Iýý,!Ir-;;,L, 1:r1iIý ,he, ý %'. 1 Il K 0'ýz V V'T, 1 IlI 1 -'Il le Y, ý . te, rI..w 'Or. irreetil 'l-he 4tuctir ,ýIltil,14«ý ;ý ter brambe-, a more a le of' micht 1 uneil complâcla thon-, but now li. 1 mi»Prable cliver Ilitter. Ont lm I." 1 bark-sence hase-fui thine-hdm In Moi- e Itlere, cm do no Mme.» Saillis ber ,,3ll.aul4. 1 carl lind any John. ý or ot-II-.1 til- - ,ý' 1!4.".«, .'l- I&MI. (,()RIVxii. 1.%,*,It= r;f thv,,Drtq Davý.'*,arirty. lughty Datant d.ffl wed hait borne. or phaeton sr al ' -:; il "1ýý* I Ie1't..ýe .. - -- 1.1- ý .-I ýI.IlIe I,,,Vý(.ý,I'. hi", ý 1 1 . ý re...el»» tiieuttsariý>1,'riltt(*.riý*ýWA-, Pm s Pa ý . Charmied at ber own . S TeýZpFe_ ir. in the re. yship, a plu . 1, ai ail - skiait 1 - 1 A li'l. - .1 i-,,ý.,ýf ýr.'t- rtI .. : 1 . . Stream front the offendéd L "If 1 et el - 17 ,,;, - - .l 1 . - iil-iNli11-4filiF. !-ty t.e,.$.N. (k-t 1114h, lelk MI. el.0-ni. be4ki",,tbèr ýah..hcr ýàrie.%îrO. Ille T. "Ipe r Il le I«nialg barils lu. 1 suit. 1 y go and Ret a Sb, . I.1i:i>iý hý1l.V;fiI«-,iý '. >-ilIrý, .1 Tren.14tl, i. taun ýýut-itit« oritent, fier the mant. ber chair, put, lits et her dantirs 1 impik thê otber: eye joins in the gen. 'î nervous I 111. 1. -, and .iý'z"zl- "'ý 'h'ý,'ývýrt"' Il"' ý,1. 1 1 ý .. _ -1 Bl)hemtan. Who ýe ov IL 1, )l 9 i l"'il %f et N, ,ý 1. 1 V ý K 1, y . ý 1 . . er head . to'* .'l j- I:, , ;- .. .... 1 . ý ý prenne "IOrý.e yt.tti.,nle" unth h. 'alli.. UT lesv(ý t , litre "in 1 ý "IL dol bellever vou am haff so " . ilý,;I?.iIJ-t-- -" -11-14. o ,- .', l - 1 . 1 b?-elb «ath n'O ab Uè> Infini. tbm utlw@ ýutlt--em , titirciain . . PMI tribulation; and 3folly.,àgandiùigin j Tou am han so u: cm in debi. ', ., ý -É 1 . . ý ý ý 1 1 . 1111111111111111111 ý . .Ir t.étidfflv. 1 ý 1 TIS(Xt. J. BAY. - "Weil, and your' mye Molly. foollaR i the rentre ut thé grau plot, with ber i ened sr thla moment as 1 am .. . Ileeq .no waY Out of lit but C!-.ark,;ir,,,e;i,-ýý ýi'aVý rt-e-ý':".i -11tennelly intertellitérit. ý ý handiterrhiet pressied fmatitmily te ber; If I -M in yourte seýhMcS 1 te, te marry, and acenvitultlv fretaires him- front N", ,Yùrk -i-,:ý.!,l Il . _ ,ý Il , .. ,..,ý, ý. 1'...,' - 1- ý11h@t#VàFkV- ,'t', x4rvh lit. 11419.- toi-1414. I.fl Tjim revtevfa -the catte, Cailleter. ý tare. and ber tithe bod -; It !liq te rue au awtoi ord«L" ý _. 1 .ý . - ý ý . 1 . ý . - . 1 1 ý _- ... - 1 lit . y swaying Shahs soir ta a rnatrimorii&l agency arcel anl ,,aii!ý,,rhýrxiurlýrer-ýtUetier.î .. '. e. %V('*14«Nl n m a IiLON. prepritélètrir. ý ltaw tras aémlaf deal of r terrir, 1 Iv ta and ira throingh force ni pain, ý 111 am oo white, tee.» savoi Cecil., fat, ki!iý 1 il a,-r;,ý-i rhere,. FbKN«9)%'A'rt4l) ANI) RKNIOI)JýKI.- . ý boat- - ton nonZ aise I lècl the verv peris 1 "Iron bavM"t:ý POU, il they have any Wivelt in Stock with - fen W . -e. obm eed. ,nleh te hesitattea __ onificattent et w6.- - - !te ;O- of prorti ion: , 1-týý-t, 'l' Iý. ý 1, - . - , 1 - -. I -, ý ý ý . . inttentrq9ý -1 Sap . e - ýý ' ... ;l";,ý, Xe , .'l' . . 1 .. - - -%keltilktlv;tngien%-.-otilddrem ot -Sot *nksPhilip$hadvellàâ.càmingl mon --boit et courser vaut bavmt igot friom 2l" te iw.m fratren. -.-tare, hall ,if the 1 I.. 1 I';'1ýý1 ' . 1 . .. --* te m . hi the t'nired .11 1..;.,...,. I,ý.'II- - 'IlI- 'l", - - . ý . . . ý . ý ,av re*tgnten it fer' the sake ut a wema . roondthp rorner.he tmp iv ap.: auv- » 1 Ill have ju*t yeur article.- -avit the ' et' ,,-,.Il..", .. 1 ý 1 . 1 A. 1% IRWOOD. 1 eéee ed . . foreibri. tralle.,ix and a haïf o 1. Il ý 1 ý . - 1 . 1 seoitit & A u dru e W . - .1-1 .1 1 more or ter^ So 1 .,vrc4e te my trouain , prescrites lier. 1 ,%witàt douter 1 ý Pretter. iintaible.** 1 Ili 1-ý,. oiliv otienlida liait. . . 1 ý explafinirix thatamwe had never known "What let Ir!- lie anks. treving ta i l't-+, il.,>v. In le7ý.», of rite ý ý Ir!$ Ille Il r4,w r.1 04 r. 11114 q. - . ý 1 10111,01181rillArre un 41111111L. 4ft. ! ri B - - Uter aile, Thorm was ý "-Tk.tÏl do- never nifictil t'h'e'age." : c-Ia.e,-i--t trade l had iil t ., . ý . . 1 . . 1 Il"e. 1-1 t l'Pl, Ir»,;.tý ýt.Intwl %luil tb.wlmb- . rail other. there col ho v liule herfacp.hi.qtoneabýoluteivtrembting lýlel%. leavim town *ne asked "Ail riaht!" %ays the -icent: ,elle se a 1.1 I I Il 0.- . 1. ý. ý- - . 1 . . .. ; .- . -- i...,.",l .. . 111-om- tire tir iýb" vibý. ' entente 'Otl"wd* love lent between un. and chat w ne frcon a ziiation on hep beba]L "Molly, ý me %hmId halfpovéruent.; in lýý-ý-. eniiv et ý II. 1'. ,..,,.,, ,.,Id Il 0h-ý dxèwv". .ï%.# ifàf4ovvd cils ne.ail er. she grit ill su& wh--r Mod as te banal me over,30 frant-4-the . 1 I.... . . 1 , 1, - r ý . ,- .-1 . ........ ý, , ý ý ý 1 ui.I. th,% ,,.,,v ,1»ý.t the ý - " . ontilliel. ý . amouitv why we ever t4boutd kuew i you an la trouble. Cati 1 do anything 1 rejected the" wfth secris. al there , reil le pav;ti te in per vttir. %l 1 ý 1, ý 1 1; - - , - ý: .. ýý' . I.- - - I.ý!.. -' , ,- ...... P, . . ý ,"I*tbhb over Ji%.. Wâtffln% -tes, tantier or mebothpr-and cil 1 tvmqtitte wUlinu ! tory"r . let advatice and thrn --Tllrotiu'ti -Iiiiie ýtforitiaIi .1 1 l 1 - .1 .... ...,,,:,.,. % .,e.f,ý,1.i:t ,,W . ý : was no knotring wboze 0» MiM "El ire will ritimerre for a firelit interview.- «sittie" K. $,*mi %Vil[4m.,ýt.., i.il.4y. ýnntmm on to. marrer him. sait taise a third of the 1 '*Yen ean." repties 3" .1ýýý. ý quitte Tt, Pim - )II iLte-4 tran-i-.-t,--i ýýi.,t ,%ýýIýLI ý. .. .., .. -, . -ý- ý ;-ft el ,fr., ... ... ut Phot« mp##W William..b un't. ý * &ft- Mm did, -Fitty fmntý!ý excelainis th .1 BOI. Çoýurt -,f A-îz-_- fort he, I-uittàt% . . y 1 1;- ; ,. e I. . ý.,. I 1 ....... -Il ..,...",; Io whSeyý if Ille vreuid allow me te bc ais, i in a luaubriotre voire; tbmsçh in spittrI' petittiL Letuarhmmcmkher." hem". -ith a hichtfili -lacer: "fltrv 1 . . ý ý 1 ri- ErebtL-. Blister veluir .«tu,)id hemi, ,- -,' - ,- ý .. ... . IV la cocu". - . 1 -- -1 1 ý littte - te him in the future m 1 wàà in 1 01 lier pain. site eau with dtffienltv reIl: ".%-evermindit. Ymme - ha. -1, 1 .1..ý - ý,.It!Kl 'e3% ý ý . - ý . I Mr - ,e, I-d new court ,%ili ;,e, kiýl.I. I;,)ttt, 1 Vettrtioaq fýtr4t**. thepreinent. hy drawine iiiii, a format ý pressas inclination tolitaitti. sodl»nW :-»nprertier without; Ir- = Ef .P. do von chintz rhat»if T hall 50 frank. "" ý, . .. .11 .ý- ý - PM« r«»« te »io illiel lowill IdNnm - ý __ , . 1- .. ,, -- -errar sin. te 11-* put in torrents la hi% montrer. 110h! vou toan." ý wheh it COTR« te --lie IM moment ' .rets ; lie illes enouah to go and .tlav:")th. and the, !,tlill,-,., eo ý, ý 1 - ý 1-__-ý ý ý dred of ati iret marriedr, ' .. 1 ý (1îOi!iý.Arp. - . ý te % t-%I.[. ý49)tl(,Irtlib..,m W , 919NNY. - the chiarch dont, or the duos, et any "Tell vw titillas. .Tfiere in nothil ý will have nerve.' 1 - - . Court gente rhr-,ýt_,it ,ith tiic ý . . , -rom whille the marriaire remaonv speait, xollv." 1 1 "Be happy " mye CieiL *11 am al- Matim br the waur Ber. if the previeii. (.*.),iiL liait e,,et le, uleixhbo pruiliertelly V"»Moweýmom-B... ý . , 'd at lut Moments. chat .t g - . _The puiiticilil :,ti.i'.x-i ti 1 ,ý'1.1. ý1.1,1ý. Il 1 O " iý1ýJ1 1 1,19 . mi , 9 . métould lie prKormed.- , - ,*weiL rus net emietijtte weepinjil -.ýtavq : ways -m;;ie ,od . . , . Il tèrmitmw lit mmbaMI4 . - ý Molly. %lowly withdrawins , ý .,,ory le told of a verdant one tell, Il ý 1) Il ,-ý , L .1) x . G -ý qIItt- ' ,,,, 1 il,- .. W.,t P Cortul. .Out lmila ý'e.tritý.1vt,.IiInt'-i-hil. 1 *,%Tell!» ý ew Eti;eriand 1,Il Ný,v 1-',Iir!:,!;il, 1 . te one baid , in one of my principal.ý', :- 1- ý , a, , Il- -d i.-I!,ý:%,. l'lei tel.. ý 1 1 , -Weil, 1 dictait kiliow hotte Ir woold ( frSu, lier local no ».to)et litre best eye ci - h- 1 crover who was a pt%-,n.izer in a raiiroad. ex. ne, ri,-it. The l il, :!I,:.."Iî ý . -' t: ý ý'.. - i . Il ac@Iylàî»ý' éîrlvhî;îîîrtýwid 1 ý reste ?.ituattous chilienne vulgaire es- .f 1. - III 1.71. . . -toi -et. h- men, % ;- i i ý\l)* ý , .- 1 .1 . . ý il éý , - - el, - ;"": ý ý 1 . 1, ý . .Irait, WeltinL 1 SI... bave been but chat. te aid my requestie ; rets iýr hInl -it la hartillie mental an- citement. 1 %hall probably astonish. Prelise train. and ix-came thil - in d'l .ýI1I 1". . . . ý ý - . là,»IV*V, e!e.%t.1-r raes I ,,,I,."d in ' ý il . ýý ', ý- t. - Il - 1 1-1. ,,, G.- I, IK,-,.t Ir . a pbotëmapb of our carlorrir. guish 'intýndtirinz. Batilfroucanzet. yen é and myseilf " Il by my extre - 1: à*bratl4 edgtrti$#W btýt- 1 . ut tir 1>-Iýrýi*., Cali. 1 *"Where*ý that'ere bov %vith the water '...- . ý, a...qrffli tit ail 111POUVII, nald forte of the., nortivrît Ivoirien sr bas Ill nitrifiât thing i bat i. in iiiv e4 out coolnerts. la the memtime. Iý0wft that . ý h->liý-. il-j -:,«,Ji, . l ý 1 , eV" cari - 110 inquiMI of DIS ilext neizhbor. t')'I'P' ilu I." ýwý à 1. ý 090831, ( l'il, Ni 1 Il w , 1 ý 1 .mi ,ýtýrxt- týuxiqratue , got up ý Of it. 1 Ilibail be intenâetT giaÎefUl.'* .., or no Iawvýr, nu conItil n . .1_ty illin (Il 14TORK. oeil ritiv nèit-fo«nime te n ý I shohid litre a g" of sherry. What 1114.-. .Ir .tri doinfec. in ber nent rilack 4k. intna-eet)h*é cap, **lit tiras alIr asired , Eâhilip, much re- 1 eýinek ta Ir!- . He ha* trotte inrward te the baggage meil. rio trait liet4tl'eý and 011 titntril ýttitiý*It tiraient. sud with a t1ellesoing &rold Chain round * Ileved. ý ý 1 .-Tuat Sèleveil car, 1 -tipp,-e,*' was, the reply paupvrý. t'-eltt%«t, : in. 1. ILITTILIE O-,,tdQW , > ý W*l 'iett liellany even ber treck yeti know the noter of tbing ! ",%ad pienty tee. 1 chiait. Flere. try ; "-kh! ho nitrita ber hm sca"Il Hsl 1 -Wal. -i've ye &*pose 1 Mitiger him eee - Ait the .'blaribrro.,Zh C!ttb. Il 1 . . . 1 ý ý ý . . I It.mz&.. fint-lyr, -arrid 1 trever m4d Who it w%&" : if Yeu cari -re anything.- wtah it wm overu' osers Lady Stifford, .iuri, et the Pritice -4 Wale, il ý ý ý: - le. 1.:e". ! , . ý 1 .. . . - . _- 1 ý "Ohl Cerit. tiroir could v tir : Il ..Pbar r"!» path«tcally-,Ihow fil- with a lissier nerieuât si-],f, oUthe bock here &=in 1" coulit ýscII»l1VaIoir, thu ltu.,.,i ý 1 :,..e %I, :,ýý,.t.,.""t ,,,l1% m, VI îOuq., Oeil -re ,Ir -1 0 a! .1 1, .. - 1. - Ii.,e'. 1 _34obu Wt#aiggarto Ulthfitid **Tlow roffidirit 1. yoi mean. And, ftmed Ir Let me see-there-ften't heart. . 11117ertainly, ,,aid the Irltber. Ivou I)aýlý--dor. !Ot at ,-ard, in a fev 4, - e ze »P ;', , . l - , ... l - . atter ait My crime wilvit, of the nwtmive blinis- 1 vitrines be able te gels it out if eý-%.nd 1.arn uns yet drestied.. 1 muet bave orl te rinz fer hirn.*' artihe -utii --Ii-t:L! to hi, ,%-!t.,Ie .tial . bit@. ose. a @.ANIP «~ §m i - I .e 1 - ý 1 ý ý 'cuir turcs yeur eye te the rn,4' excWn» Mailly. *,Goed-h" * ... - 'el cuientre. climonteili olis -tlt.,rz%(-.(Icn.r. kiexriri.1b. , outil 1 mýrp1y -n, th., pletturi w0h, ' v.. do. N blettian %%wý fint-ý.,uIi Olu I'f r. Fice, % N t)lýA Ill. \'11. il N 1).I: ý ý . out mayfug itnFthing. floue vould 1 he.Ip !ri bc. N . , nodded týwaH the WI-line chat ta. no el 'cure ta the lett. Veille, . Ceeille K" up yeur Spirit and te te the atnatteilwelt.4 the, lit il. .1 \ 1 !... -ý , , , / le, . ý pwroffl l'cotir III . tere Xiii, N - - above thi,,ir hendI§. ý ,ho .:,:,I. '«'t»"U ý ý 1 - , tofaroil [ 1 ----------- ils Ir tir mist(wk me for Marri jarite 1 Ir la.*' exéttedly. II.N'o, lit 1-il ' meint ber ablive àli thirucs how Weil vour . lii-4 igt.ý',her, , . . ., - ý ý ý 1 ý . ý, - . Iý "M fftthting for ditière lite.;%nà .111 in fair 1 ,;nv. let me look belote; it mu" ho ý dvecs beeonm von." No -ýotwr -Aid tirait dointi. llfor, ý-""i!l9 " FOI"-Iv llý.ýt 11,4, ull: -_ - ý » C 1 ý 1 1 ý t:; . Ii ... e &tquom ..I, "...ýl"..I..ý,,I,,I, ý ý tl»IM m 1 ý ý 1 . 1 in Inve and ternir. 1 rouid net put no thierp.** . 1 e Twoor threv'minuteselaum and ,itill anvouet-OlLid preverrit it. Ril.-tic Ill ,,:trh-.ý 1 1 . 1 1 M. 1 1 ý withthe"prtn.,*Ofanm te whorl Julttat thindelicate, moilit.-ntwhoiC«Oeantmbreaghenwifto destend. e ., , ý ý . ý W. rit cht 4 1 Ma bi zm t inevit- ruse. t * ý. ý 1 ý . III ý *ho in more nernm &bon thbt ý eized the litre and gave a trenientitute in-, 1. f, lir-l -t. l*i:i;,.** III, latte, 1 . 1 1901919ir TO 9001.&IF - Indifferent. -hIitild rusent the cerner but lýtittreil! -s wi ý 1 ý ý '*I)ld von know lie hall whinule and Oh. cliente tinlurkv-comerq tirait wili ne. - able meettuit tissu -be'eam te cuire. Thezr tlbfnt%- waqat ntt--t-ot)viott8. ý.IIiIt Im thv L'Ide (,)r th,, ('ýiii. 1 .. 'IZl'%4;è" 1 IO è'%"ý)"' ý ý 1 Ir Il ,va- laid 1-% -.ýIrktri,-it froui Fý I % u ý) eýý .O. .. ý _,qý, 1-1 L 1 ý'l :'il le! > %& % il ; %% ý h'w mgr IfIAPýPele%. I'n ,:.,.»I: évra, 'oritroy. capretreilir, , 1 t'tir in lige. fninkizüt-people ripera, the WHI ho ho openly ccl or anxiotil moite three W intie,,4 wel he-trd. hait a i ý Il ., i ý - ý . ý( 1 J.MoIl Il "e bvst Lady siefrnel. alowly. ý -reine, %vil t "lit a Word 01 worminx. ,kL . tontillate. or anumedi The latter ýite dozpn lIr.ike-nipn and the ýniIr- ,,;trýý1.11I-,r of t ,tee- - ý 1 1%,l I;ANq!F..%q.éý'%týY , ,6.d;"Itý^.)* tt'Il» lit rqlr,%%tffllt*ý lifliý-?,,nthe' a .1 Derleark, , : Ob --- ' rite verve rinip when they are the licast greatly fesm What If bu ,,*imiti ýii%- and the train 1-.7tme te& etanfi-.til %vit, ext!;.,tlIi ;,, -j-elO.ýAI-C ,ý1r ;ý ý 1 , 1 ý F4, e. -1 1 1 1 - . ieulk I.ý.Z ý fite,'l Iev.4tal. Il, l'et .te.zi.t. 11-elu.. à l %viliÏ a L etiovire of pis), **yoll .lire ditOý with . ý ý ý1. ý 1 ý. ý rer,11% t..ý*&.bti.t e4#1*-.iowi" P.v Mll li.rtx*", 0,Pý stl%. yourist: cure vottriterf. niv ">Antm,! petit lier of !Iavinic adad Mr. Arlthereet; a .,I.I.Ientt-- rhat -t.trtled hait the ruts. What ,v:,.!i their wcoo-t f-)r' ý i , ý . ,,t,-.,.O(ie'-i't'ýýi,ýd.-I-li'tefflt Il and sa à Luttrell, coming, halétitv ontrards in . te invite him? This !dm tormenis, ber sengers with a-ttor.i,4hnient,,*n .wd &,.. lr;i,'-ti ,,irku-.it %%iii-P e l>, J'q et ;, h ý, "I' ".I"" litý,,t-ýl Itt.evtf.é4.r. 1 , 1 1 1 i dear,: alit faut ne ever vois Cils ci en,, l. ýi ý . ý. , ý ý, ý e t, 1 - - - pe. . - , ,1 ... 1 . ý . . 1 ý le"ovt taille rhix in luilort: if ýv-r them : -paeh nt lit- lairiv-love. ,leilles. merkn. and morte tirant ail the achats, and choisi everIr mau *rIerrir a window te boi!ý.î ., to e,,-e;ittt ,he. ;,I.ýitiIa i kt;.% ,- ë;%v Ni,% itl>t.K t4Flol1ý l ýIT« 211 5 IM W-AX«M . wn- a morralluiétu, borne utiles chût, esprit commtoadead!ttolb. -XIL(Ithisi.what. herto ber retors.. 1 and 1-xik- ont te ,lit if t'leV -1,lli't ;.3-1, le, fir.-tri ,. ý7 1 ý ý. ,,, - . .1111 . ý ý -ce vrisait was, le 'lirlie gin lit ltýtifr.? _ I,,,ý . 1 1 ,; . ý ý -: I - .. % 1 1 el 1 IN . 1 - - 1 %vithmit rapriellest it must bave been in ý lie me ý . . ';bel takerr lip moeb« bracelet and matter. A ,V 1 . ý .: ý - . ý . ', Ilfrili en thý r.,Ii.I.1",r n-1,48.1ýi vIýe"t.týiP.: P., .1, - . L - , 1 ; thpyp'%ron hpmàsentbonethMlh&ve ý Nioliv in Flhtlip'« - %vieille, if net exaetly trellea lit OtL UtelIL-1mt the effPet *lie In ýa fpw minutes the tonçitiPtnr, red -i,,,,, rit--* her .1. ýo It : il .1 Ill'i't . ý - . ýý .. 1 - ý ý ; - r : .,. ', . ý ,le , ' PATTM W W- -rus Là%ý%xnO.R, (".pit.1 . . il nier kn-,Vl. ,trtvthfngg about. hirl ýIo.ffl.ùf1O ; .;lie manuelle rht -Chooll, .,.:,. in his enthrire. ýot»ethfiur verv ný-tr ri-- take% it otr -«Mn- Se *lie tridffl. In and oxeitt4i- ,ýnun lenanaïvene, i»r. th. -. ý; t -1 dame, te. his -a-"Johnav, the tunnâ undê - th flanadi» ta" 90. .""D. 1 nm-r heard of aevythine va thi bé alotbe, -ith Y..iipmt.»k . Èý ý.Y optie, go r e trot fi Mise Mamer. Té«.ýP= mài. atait. levi vou log eortun thar the 0» th" woulda7t like ta 1)e a doctorr, Proved 01 b, the er» in MOIS dimausit 1 deeb- pkkm $~ .nom -Tou mm pu . used ta be mine tom Np mou », - that the tuinel will be thon Our.» fathe, Ml* wenid bave, bmkm Ott ;1 him SUIL eau lm fer = ,IW» r" 'y net' My »On' lenath extendiniîr front ,:tone3 ..Tée, -cearlaw ,ýmd with MUR 111 biais: un. falber I coutil not even, kiff , te ý% - lýrdon on the Uanu-ha W. and therp. had il hm» am" t n Ji lfvxmàre It 4- the intention rd ihe Xce if y« lived wfth My Comma do nu. rench eming nom Ton gmddon- 1 Sir Piîý stagae& yeur remme le yen Antella, bellintit vollvmwýit a dependemetou i Phuipsb"well.$; .1110111 the» thm a good Ilke- Qouthern Pailway Covnnuny. lu ber btmntv. , abe W» a %tulum la- dwmO." temeil aufflim yo om the corridor. MM Of Tuer saYs the pr«ty wffe to doing the work, te Lay a doiiii xt*v» of fiente a womm eue a" and fi,>Uljle arefits. U Lklat, ifit W "Tbmk rem.» 'Têt mobag ne basée i ber hmbm& --v good". be amwërq ---- -- tnrinent The very t=mto"j ber, lew if not exutly in hie MMNVWF! toremeh tfié diseoivermed t k",,ny lumen sepp 1. my bady and t lýý ta "Il. m . i "mm* kimiMM& ý Tlhaey.wnrrhkei4titi®rin4et Try 1 la strut car. Lady. la tom r*iS are Ci"e"cnn tant týer _y uhe lit " mom» due My yen wdl bu fiar"imd fin Weil. yen litôt nidirrtmr O= mwe C te maiýimi tadoes &»Odet, *Saud. -The UIRSAY WOOLFI MIUL &MJ«Ioua of Pfflo, My mee, bu :w@prfwm*býmW by. «IL de. Ametta,*.dmwhi*mom 1 flbkimu yowsdf bv wànq "eh Cow» ber:-"Wlll trou; plongé down trie Ilave trade has In h= *1111111111 fhk "«mia& Thm wm a bill of hwk la bed a litue pold bond te lm," IMM& yen am ?lm the huit. sir r 'l Pawdon. ma. great An eufflReffitt enta méolte., front My mv ezmi sommemeyen tbixk it Weald ude» dmm4 rime acet the eondue.t&.-ah.- place hetWeen Suleintan, one le o' ab , hetser ferme ta endure lm- @Wnm haveur »ý" th" timblait dwhw un M4.1 parbeele one Ir bave Y, wftw i "Iadmd! What are yen f- He zivm chief Araù ý1éàve trader», witý pawl tam le. Oro" to moms. I» i»~ " omom-'oan.= tu. .,* mvfttf menu dm allow Pheilb-whe Svàs ve i te »M me one It IM6 mets, and 308 Egyptiau tr,ýýj Our$ mm alomuWîtb a Sigle 0" pleme kind- -totakettoutt JfY« __ry i -te àémokw. have taimie que merviee 1 mon 7M.Re. lfycm k»w me f wt entreSSehed. Th4 ýlav--r ho hm hm %W f At~ t> et MMWY. Md-th"% ML" 'Vm. au j -A HUM, girl waa vi»iting the mate. bella 1 ý i W welt pertemes Yeu am & If MY try, a" béaten oir with tretiaetidout lu- r;;i"be Iffltai w» bte trbmn mmer "T m mot quahim alâme et tue m-, -MWMIC hem fur the am timlla wita«md, :CLO Faptiam, beinic kilied. T A"d V*i en t'ho Pm wk* t leform, %4 polète .,Tàhm Lowry. Ho. tive*bboul limier tumoý la wldeh Y« mm la millenag. Wuchlnë! -dinx day ---.ijgftj Armbý, 1,-. elift Pro 'D"btlli-'Ib 8 0 aie, -,.ML TU& LWMIR-là hem 2. t the pmmmpaglntently fur a whüe, mle i the Exyptian aticp ari-1 the Kt lâtieme train hpre., Md' -wilh ses aby, fàvý-iur Sbedw@R,» myp thiouz* ne cour minutely, and then formée pumeed: the ret. killini lanab--,*Iit rather ton et lm mooffl, hie effl Bled agence the «Semd KziMME i . en and leu chiel-_ The cap jSw Iad»& 1 == = -",Wbueubthey In a «miqw sit M MM ben" feint. ,ipmw Clay tg UMIM pomr, ail the skove depots wa» uow And wM bol*fflnd le du bMer w** ýUî«- mwr -M peibabl& xott mi] nogatel "TMUUMS- Youk»wthemr puislar te m»o»Y» Silde Tour noustumu MW.- 1 "A Bute, wommue- Douy--oimm la certain. It 4.4tated that ther VrO IIIWýd #0 tÎkn*mm» WAWAWS»Vhw iwxà> MYM nommer- IWMWAMUY,-YM Wfub MMUNW»d demm. -'KerSM wiâ! over 10,000 femalp qlaves in the il%* 1011111%ffl %4 the ma Sb» W* W* buv*a taro W* 0# 0" 1",»% look te Santa qmk %0 » 0» bat Yen. T'ou 1 "A mou accanm Il h A" wj@» tubàaftlm shi» se briaM m awaitinit trnmperbation into La 0" Me*@ vouft fuP the ý~1 we&ým. ».9 a v»foFo$wgbm4.Z bu»@%»Im domet taitu lem aecomt boa, glow tbb. "'TO'4- remarits motber fempS 1. #ýwt "f IMWO§"W«m and »». arbre d~ et sec 1 a.. -sift! Mw ma-tu -Bou haltur iii. ermk ta be yo-- dmm.m Ir te Lady; -kmm» lm do trondwis, IL Ov ýa« boc= o "te' sus&"" VOW OMMU&M by tbb. te&cuubS= b« 1 mate a obole bmm ehtue sa bu it la our iétyle of ellmate. with i Àî It le ue mimplé, trilà. 1 dm% lm filer "y COM rami[.- CM bbiý Mr enlise, but tg la drffl.1d» chetuges of temper«ure aurodonk And yer mille. *'Jmtua tamtbe~ mmsdmu. WIOL Imm &Wt mm touv demmemie ce puiUL" -eiewm& APM.tio d*àIp-uýT M à bava bem wind and mnabine often intem grobe"1*0* Omo == *W .1 bave mm@ hem. bffl te tbe -7 bobtion rOffl er WhO WrM. f la a sinide dav-it is no wCadj W~ bbw O"Fodum tb" Old 1 va Md tillet Yeu de amillemers for me. a Sosie why A ta gà belle. -MS bot ourehikl»n. riends and patati, dommet soelleme tffl ta tain - ab-tub latte tom treuwe et mung a P-C y W" ig om* il~ a" Mr pas. i .... lommellair uomm inu. wýememd la shom tbaAmu*t bu; ne trequemilly talion front un by a e Vki 14» 4 yeme, wbw .3me .4ý5ý 311àft ad iàm«ký -1 an mm 1111111, MM taffldw tmàw boosm." tW hie wardrobe l en Colds. bat the ae"ba rmatt j:, e tofmbo.. Orto @Umm et :*z Imm m-tly front this cousu. .1 bo OMM" rbelamd bu abu et thtffl. Il . M"ý0" tbu ne 1111110& l- IhMim>-I*Meahtmdet tmdkbmdbmmbw Md left ftr Part»; 1!lyrup kept W9 Mdly te lem 'lm 0 - laum wbD dom wàm tg Boockee's Gertam r0l, 11,VRW 14 11111111117 un "a , ~ * memm OMM bd la mm a Ma fillieu la te age, «-un a lem- arbom thý », Mmmênm--eleur lmm= memd in 1 YOur hQà» fer imumb",b U» MI W» $bel" dedý bw dmmum MABU bu linteau fer lom. veut -0» imekmes, a lum d am IL ffl. lhobu*M me* O"ru me OMM Mi mur lm* àltbmmdbcw bill. and perbq» dmzb. by the 01» PAPM lm fflg Ameýb-m-J111%V* 1 1 &Imm --A à la comen, Imemim leurdommi. For curimel CwRwý7»àr Plasma W» bu- et»»IORM a-ankpùom4 nemortàeaee. FMM ý't -pe, %j»ýA(*4*m*%"ý Mue LU ýxwwtý_ of the wind la momme wm Comète, Crelq4 or »Y d 14, ik Ot et * *%ýe" @@Tm k»w ym am lwmw- Sub"emme «a ommului, remarlted:-"Ia tmvanne =the Throsé or Lumm lie am vole, p - ig *i Zl IV&W owogam tba- M-My wendutelè»yoiardreuW ilwe "M 1111111» WU Yeu. GUM» SýYrmp je »W 1 Ir -w,4bu*w4*q*& Belle la PIS èm moy lormwef MW PM* Meulons dma. M" admour = r - vom tomme, Md vii.am an 6, 777 Ulm" MUL aucow- U*" lm vqwÀiw màmiý 78 cuMw-UMIýL 1 fiý 41