Wlftb--00H- -BO M PAPIER f-Y ut mm n o m M b- r4 M U RSf o huisoif- -à*gel lewie " m, Mdwo ouÈrt M 1W SIb. *t s t -M" h. b ., US ' ac. c*" amn, *86 g enrih U. Ibm. ~.U..maises au sa h am-& ~t.w'~w~I .. 'i.i *o, uuà. doàop~ S.f.su'v US U~5OWV, ~ UUUt~. ~ ai bt*US.ski.et qui @Wmm. d* IR m 49Md» in me me Qtt dulk" rin " mm*' IR' - muUS 1 -98JO N AN»EE là p..pBum.uli aceu ou.m <e., Ib it A.w. iw~* rn. b~ ~ 05, smuimzr 'TkrientH LLw b h. os e-,PEIl vaO AD moi& s?. '% 4'~*SY'iPu4f* s,' OIh.biIUi. IOVb SSUSpât is.c IM à ia t. m i' u-Imé> esw.mndm s.IklISo ie u4.gdàd. -ut UUI~. -US bsnd7 040 s~~ec * . M .fW* p W -<"Wb Gm aueùs~ h lsii t BO sU.' 5.~&çup4<.qc cu.h. lu ~-g5 U5~~i ~0., ~us motuu k~ oes- ~Instante________&Dam une meu.Euou& Twain& o ut..0~W1 1 ht t u uhmos*>ol dMuwuo.eq às'0 _________ - 1e10.ibyun aui Ak. cIL -L1w Aa, - ?t _.4. hcvt(buIs~BuUssgut woa~ o u.,. "C clijasehia'. 1miu u.4 t. ~#e ~e *.~,*i~?'ff-t-eikru.~ *.s WU --,. - t y~ nk u s.,ami . jsbases 4w4 euo .iuee .Im bt e ~ ~DA5F@ .'Iho~ "&-tMo-*1 ~ sa hec Ib est. mplogUSée, .16 etss ws*».uemm @oatssus1- bw mm DmhT..., laseSA [e'lioLa lata M-7 a olnsu ..., ,'.*.".,.iS>'~..ft e * 4 e<g~4 e ~ ~s~tn4sstt.u*sgUg --- - ktubwtm h p. =1 e@"WUPU 41C5 ..meao a îh.y Ibos ,wwto d. Mire umqsi » v«mme mmoo a - -hin&s'.ab M .-4a!m.pC~ lU UEW UU i ~l (.3I.4tW 'lu . b-,d OS Vsac. MdUSUtIm mal mm leit is om a q« Ilum »v Awy Vwlw,.miuw %o he azu bm.. bu buvmb (If la"ab am* se mu, à USUS uIpoS uls. bu bo si.icI hll. D oot o *am " hm&o hi"damI sste»d'Ta&"' t . ...mm IIF al(b ut ,î-h0*.« wf Uoltttim t the omes-tom> u Ssmie.u--- ----.MWet *0 es ~ .,,.., s~ y~ à~ l..1k ..,oe : 'z: GEANlNS A M PLTns __a *4 tAfPu «A et k» Iut*BBft fM pMg %bur wiihà.fa bons, altbtbll_ te-lm-l , 94, " I.,q, trif M h o~5 E lrcl lote ~ ~ , s AS. 8E8<.Vu.ui 44)mbu i mm1 m oi m asrer " Oapp. bvuob- "o;t~ o hpate.'lt.it t'I~*~. ~I..Io&wYso u ~oMlh .5 ~ ~ Soo I1 oar a .::;î~,:'~' .M" wP4e 8Its Pst jIWI %W#. ber 44* SiPb'ip.1l I<Pit wcgen.scoendcas. îbivusb..,m xm -"*c.*tvu I1 îti n %##etc 7thmIlh ~ m »C hy *Md a àU a ~ t ~s it o l 1 1la II ý..t4 N-.t t t* 't t'tWleur 01M h.P"îseuausol i e b teWNn ' suîty hPUASmotw' inUeo. o. c ---p-M" _____________________________________________________ "Rlu à~ goa hie,~u pu5Llvm.z.ce .-lit ; ~ r,%E~Er~,&nwOInd a,&hcum o"___ rom IWI laffl t.î..t teh%4 @eu"c capli. mc. _________________________ a.-»Mi p ....o. bh4i bt-Cbetui b el u r @tk IbMM, àueisau ,,.à,, uàL.in na I. .....-.. . m vtàh m Lîbou.etiffl .4tt oat"l'lo'lm cmet 4-. éld"t e 1 a u uMA a m3M m eu"su ,au$ oh~,#s< ft wi - tis map"md L » ot ebe :' chanci jugumh the fumet0mmt th" b it "elaamu tu fobos1d u o, r i .,nu wbi aeI0, -.,î ..î-. .. ..... ic.8 <'te m 14ut aIt h *u'mohutdg t4%ooà TM. pasuas t>mc hl. àa àNt1 .imb- #uuumainm A jt *Sjt. >lm in 31c. IJBu lc. lc.5is . i t uasus a a uu îm msà1..as t i .tt 5*,..,. - 1i'A5 1391 Wl-t- mis4im" i 4_ _--. lu.bi P".t h bmMW4 . h, fthc O. l ic te w l>e -14 târmte mpuc. m I ~ L e le" lot I!*" botèst wi#i#bot-24. "rt..14%rr o,-eR e-m in me. PmtuPuLI m mu m M . Laotien;&m& U&rln I'lOI 0 . -Ili ei tu Sîm Isito troiy .1 itos usm a ou- t ted" fl»-lv m m A vIà 1I11111.- ritvt uf d nub ui -uruai s. u ret ýr.u tutt.t -1ti ' - ".th -. -$e vW h144W 1W trF»r- «1ht. sali defoses. msagm 'fatut W"udums.crasd i*nteTrwî1t ma "» cm . Tb« eh. uuwsn c "qVAo O NB a3aébcwithae tieut devnt D* ohiCe.e' cLA RT.DETI VOC t Bi ~ e boms. h. lu e usll,'. l':h lo he. S CItheas m fomiu aR paimMîmn'. tn-",ttoI~ . e',otO SUB m SIh. o*s's'Pte m a.mi.»' l sui* it pe'V e l bu vosil * endnn o Utamucteos. t USSa omjteloA *5051. To.hm. Aur 1m «mi-..W*tuChu St él: l éfl!bý *00mdf ln ~ 411Ibi u S.oi. tea y B» etaS10 I«*.'LTtcllu U umam @ b»'th, m doTUiI& kere, le .iA gmt.Ltt I is, 6" 't t ipiboriewm t. vNb bu*tti ee.bti nn . em ý giio ~ t*6 f 4 #..btlfrete abèelfl M "fdsVr èi h m 1411, MW ts.s USil.aif sh ,cI rtrc aoliétl- ti. m ts141)P3.lis3é la ff lu a orSda Fi m.liu4j 1» Blm't.Ib pcsci4 t.o hveto - c&MI btmclly t'mdtli.ce uSý o »b'1a4l hoi3oSmi. r u Ils oa i h et r-q.. up t. hie uov b t i.e ~M '~ f mlutis *51i.5l1 h.shd ot (4j4~7- oreîf it. 1duo ua. ,! fih c cssMdc oseomi, c1 k -.op sien S»' l -.4»m2ogjeto -Irrjyi 66 661 a 4-1 27 m:M» a "i. chie. *0e t» 'ojma4ch 1. ttwa la "i Ito I i p l iie- 1h. mite W b 1@ui e*' u as.sIt chisi w um m mu"mosA aR SIIiUti*w S. ho Pllud fur s oh.4 ch. dam mot valus' V e,"d asrMr Uf D'csT"mbvr 19.Whothms. i mi'-o r(- ..RI- t 55L, . m1m IL oisqa%»icj Aerà. to mî @Imm% -do% "P... lc f- cti t"c aUU SOl8n,. ~PU~5Wsuluhal - àto ilmas"-................. E LG OF ttt us.c'ê m ~'t.îu 1,g.04 'Sloipt.uot'uth" . ivî.hm. vpo t -v s .u :AUW iSmlous sL t* g E"P m hUSh Tesspl. 0.a3O 1M-c tatu.4le.. w- Iqèp1ý ~""P tue Md 'Mpmm ha& t 'm acier t. 114'suretL RTc F. banal innter. s 1 Mssi u laMIrPO ~ *~eh m'yth*e ,,ci»s. yu t' 1h. l.'It uil.I AZS l3 CAP ~u jete h... im'.t--- .~.~uic .ytits,,.et hUuî,"u sa0 ? 1WLVW O>bh (Q8 aîru IyIS= îJic' O 2 -2.'.lJ O T ,',tometj~~~~~~ML CR S inliu' h .v l.e. h. ma euttti. >otlvo t'î,î4chaatcu.- AshilU t -.ft>fjetI'u> lb.,. the isb au'. bot-tt GuuUataMJrIm m GE1L1 base ffteBiens; Ectasss, ted tthe Mititw. »' m5mb .50,., h,'wo~41, ieSimtitisut *t'uhum(Ifmsithe thu hos.,a-*-M uAaI. i. bus b» "ts'oe.uct - -eu ,u1 iiusstIel.ctsIOp î ci ct.' mi'e 7»tobt t». hhSillbuo stmugtilt.u w W Aa. Gh mu lioahPifpc bftuian t S-r». ~ ist"psaul A.>t4 sj t i<.b'lss . f h hîmu* tit. eccrs. l.tu. l sw, ImeAircs .e.stou .Md lo uo' aes uM"g:. t~»ltt ét.cttt. .,teOb teb 4 e t b y i 10 r»U#e. t iti (W î' t t','l .ti iî S»ioa lvt. .iSeR t m415 i 501v0* au488«& <aMe"u eha a.-tgh h. ,oToqu a" ei4a ui?"G R O c E seoa1Wte7 Iriez7>c h al l i ii1,q '46*0 @,@OMO -d tx Imu' lis L'., s ettuP ut sis tI'kbipuera:vesIuiatuas utIt'e T4 W I'CA W PS CE P IDla4 mmtas tact-Smdwhl ut a;'- a.~ j *ts .,ctmitet.fit..tiuut'gi'tsi ,eiutuews Au hlie 4s e, US 1.dli te o o trt.t'u. smtt ot p-tpsst t flsS*t tbelltviel eci i 4»P. r t- ~ t'it @m AndNY'.lita hoeUt ber.omm aoS ,~,j x ~ i . 'i sO5>' .t.ttt* t-Ohie'j t- , .pi "h vittt. 5 ti»'c sie. "v>' ~ ~ ~ h.p.î. -.'. .".. um',lac smt5scachthnPMoiy W'v.tsi1.L> 11.L hgsw ttp e a, m1.e l@fua« S il, ton, s"i2h'- »P- ___ _____________ nos&- a. -LcflQ 1 --s"lv»» Md 41" of, #"isiegtet s s.uel.etl. w .'y ttt 0h"t,l t fo"twt A.t t 1-' t'ij i ber 1w____ -î 5501. 0S1 ) twlt 5',' '-s ft'oai-to"' in y muCeatis tleucth,*hsia é l, skies40llt' ~tI"tt. ~ s me~gi~ R3O A umas atr xhasipuauWuit.tsu.art 2 E E A U L K -#ht911l" te M flt Io W.lkh. outtht lw «d*jbcim.mEfl 04Mamab OmoVAT -- î~t l'ulIsu.Ssi a- uc ef t o, h'eu.tt.u. ue w'» milu1t5iS tli ..tloî, Mio' t.-1.lhIl> MM » ef àapa.CaS fâ ltfin ca 1m. -iea»'e -litt< 1< L 0o os o ed O t x t* -k ,tabo q' It' m iterlttt tt't.l.v m 11».' gg1.. Fu! to k. ua s,'.>t1.,, 1-» '- ha.isesu ~ ai las 't ' î>4'~ t' it~t5ii" boue LJIl'm* ., . -,. oroehsp. h ougi a.pu- <tte ... ..r #'4- r1ést, "' a ë t lot it e , 't h k am ult l..W& b . ie Wo&M Mu.d eTnUe îî i aai$l ~ 'th* lm hW AedaI. ha - 11M&'t., l bart.>.- SUA? P BU '? * ALUIcs.1.e Is wcOu 0*miastuuW15Vu5 ' innt tht hueisfsrcf mmd. ise on Hoe ct.thj'et" ',qelejs - % tbb p*" a OU' netaa"*_____________m&_Pr_____ l towitI iti tk t-4 W it(tI. eilet.sitous thlb slopé, 4tai utyoves p&Mt rd imb.îm(atr9îsom & m 1:3« le#h iitlQîsd b î, ,t et,îî pnte(IflVhs'm'umImmla budm'k . fi n,.lu phage lîbrem liberI"M4cm' -W - h.Kht. ltt.s -'s~ 'g . tcti'0a mt O .is e . s*f t tt»' s s..m atftvu ittt. A94nt'M » ltli. -lIlse .d m m i tîtiv. u tatssmlsti» si m , . le.ps t..cheAe - sttb5. »SttsW»', A ,pàoi-. Lath.7 Ot-mtib'th mmu tof hic igs t"i l O um Ï.- ui - ht'u'#s'ibr sy st'e'd fil mît 't 't. Li.42 p't- WWI fosla,'IUiJ tOSOnmct.1et Wb" lw>w t»O rý*,v(4*m aw-t% iraet. oulà lirmeMAS lt,.e howmsi t-i~*l Ihutn il&e hà-l.ràwe C.,tutsi-n.' ps,"sem' - - 1 têtiaq, r aum.bt"mmfb» lié&du y4.Tommt.e ).OWoJ:t.~si Iul'.rt *e»-sm -gr à" A"o ' e. iW'.Wb » iUd. . ~ - ~ U h. c oli» p.u&t RAL Y _ tlt.ttie »W' el. iaI t cusS teiteh f.tuqI.acd.e ppsmm oit yiust- Isu' meti '4~ uss#Whst745 asto, ese.>msm 1 u . A itdeel.'. ".,.t.t u,,t't WIeuI bto t biil«te h Au. q.'. -s'Pet' s-1 .t. Wor'.fit .tr* Pp m iha. m hIg , b »'moi amito ut i îlM hiO.Oo ..eps ssai ie stte iat :I;Iti; tsr'mcrsts..PW. E H S N ' tmAu2GNR1.Ji .i tt siil q a " t t RaM iM - Ï 6 ft .1-1 . 'uî tit eaesls mal .dUolal.y:woe.iuthueis hi 'v. tt'm,..,chos slstsmIwO h Itgt tst 4ub etin. s .mt55usMmo-ai i m . S hpp '. ehn'hep..f,'u.'t.vtc, -"îC'hti is lu. W.sitwe, -aSVd10 tvtttySt.t kptsiuf50 '.1d.r" 's'el. iîtGUil5M A TSt.ts.iatu A " -- - Fhqw 'ium hat ctg-fait*t., ds.lcc I04LT hI'. nINGEACHIU. cii hMd"US U ' Ilg apuR mml UUuIAD liltUD& t ci.st ae.5-mat~ st-sgl -1 o httt eT'I' b 'c't. cf1 51. i hofito .i. î» ièhs.a.0"u PrmiUg ahfbgpmUWue-AECUTUELIPE -W*e pe«0hsItScieh4.t*s b. sehc.'efe fbdo.!» t biit. ~ tsisso -. a.và ~I .'&meuile pbi'u d Um h. 1euT tt .bbil#lt*lttifi v Ais cNFM «K N -O -L » Ip: htlglui , m i.ne.i '- 1D UOM- Z ~ ~ - Z.~ '1 E -.- L U ~~~~~~~~~Iest ma ,h b'N. laaa lto ... .... .. '....o - milt, tIss c.îlt ,,s't 0 41q ttew ttihq Iot, . bo 10,1us 'e 'u. » 1 'OV i4'*'9~ 4*11504. tmt* % tm»tau i a d Ié* i 9bm 9vfýt t.t OCi C et 'tlgvfi*t .avt.ais.. 0 o. .0. f4 aCalo MW* a. Éma »' m t ceha- ...... fi,.5 a-t $@y be q~ tosO .WP Ir ma i, b..»tmabu lbm- ll .. j eut't.s Iueid, tl<u I et m Ibo- a. 01440 t,».te'*.1.l..w,.t.ub. o a ufwi-Am ý.iim n o! Alui mmm; v'. ' . Tar7 .' 't 41505 Iscb~g55t5 ~ t..tt t,, bcW'tt uta% iSeS S blettt t-' 4.r»%VM. l b fberM"s hou pb«njtsmor..3R>ml -~ pc.H I tuI po .I l> g . ihi 44'1tzoo . 'itImme' fairoltstt.i's.em. Ie5 r.e s *Ll fe.aos.,».c ..P.qSdS - f '.,'d*isthsus ' W ~.. ~ ca ilb. Ksla-e31. ,mia.sto. u50 o-m' m" St' 'Wt' ICO sIue * gse ý .' W 'il ,tun, ,1b.lsm b.1 "ïa ,M». a t ws. sst.q ',Lum 8s9L0&c cloeuN us Vs t u. s, e . t l'5,tCmi . hrs. L v. . tti. .. ' 't t IuA t'o *4,î'ccleu. %i'lseem siial tuse »il b t.k__ A owWA AIf..iOs'too.ut theIMii. i. m*u.m twt.baaf. Illhu'cmi hmi.cp . t rm01s&?.. .ma'Andtt et. ttas.1 tr.w C tte-s' t O. ae.slmhmcom 4-4 -4 b«46% lmW liuse. da;. Lats. a TyaITit.AU ltjtIN viaIt owt.f»lm-- t-o - ".t.sot iy.is 'o*t" m$a h "0 'o .aume* mu " m uwaum IM M Pilu"esai C cek .-...... ..-I5-~ rhussir wtsuli jsluuo. hai, . id ~ ----- t-.... t, ..ueus~u il au-su - - N.tyJr.US.rrtjl±A ptr.I _ ___ ___................___ ___ uciuu. eu sm'.. O. 5..ou.. Wuutt oel ...m.la...éi......e t0I.'cistA O ot'. Md %be ~ fw. W <o *a-,---WU-W&isaut laumo%.Md- mou W" umn Illels t tl ut r'tsîvei'q b» ta405Aeta'dmtletultwetop6 *i .la l & pasî". S' .Wtuu.e lm luiIllemin U t S5M 5 G O N A E O U W O gm.b @«.m ps S ha tt ibnr. t sm-.A iwe.O.Os.W 'St it.pu Se..te.da .Wemd«Wtoitbae.lqesmi ît mui, l ..k»MIio# e.a m.., m ' eu csa, Is a hiad à . ch.@ee»tea bhm, vu À.da'tiu Ilsc. ml .30o i uu t fbt cwý #im. nS 'itelt COu-rIe Clacu.-MrIa stuI Rt mt8-7S t- .tsgcUls'»ut i'~ itiIipsIOiuth. lmbli eUhou .S ce. tl!mé ls - ~ 100 EU ~i aits~ ~ .mn mn i US ipà. mi h AM%* in. (t.'ttlarcm>-CisttmSdomcP'*l-ha. 'oa".1et b, tk u"uSt . QiuSé . tO U. o.i ulu ow m i» t Ce a5 ~»tb latb Ot<f àI'~~ bO~hh hinu'SSPECICIECIZ un.c?3 C"'hI -at PUl ___________________________ .EI A -~ ba, o-t lo eo es. li asi a uwu~~ c ai m . ..i,~ ~1iu.et SveoeMrm:uU.-PteSlWh* *. -m ci the u-pa uek u u a.S0.fai fi» wOWil'f. _________ S m ii ~ h. Ns M iT Alumt j.0111.v.v * e. tt __________ah-______p s.C >.M "eiu. Wd.iil> .. .,,.-. t-r. . __h____________________________W~_____________________ meiymit a .'.ts.î r'. S.tst U.' ,,96-,. .ss 6 ua 1 h Wtm PmS. iia,' b' 5 I l** 01 > - -. NON-t *e. a.u .a h s hiu.Saa.Sco1a204L<C r *it -- - I ,.sme su4sm, eqUS ,St..onM. uktathtdo ua w. S et1.cO Umm.&U sl. lSta ~. T 4 ArIu, oup.' m» houi'Jst. 'gsc> le- 5.* t>*.- * i rEâ. cewfs. h ~ pb UShCeiet ue t'-. 1,MIqt ,, tfsUdmT E eu b* t-.V-al i i"'loiu.uat*t -- 0~-- -- ~Su..me1oi.tuil.c qmssuîW - E ~ A ~ ~~ eaîe.sSi.~ ABYsluA.T 05Ptqd. N les'IRt 'm ttîtlr.-,g. Us~d 'hs ~fà~4~~ ~u.gl» esds .~e h tisf aiib i.Se.m l -u fftmulPt.a' oie.tas.h ...t. t.'e -.î'~-'a oebkIws itu Jllso 4.0i aYau 5O'ju -*__-.4----. - mPàu.u.Salam . .AOF.-.. '. au.. t e' - -s~ use ~ 1si4~i lt si7 UaSewWI~m m . aite r1-10**1cmToiucca E.P. rt- T butIt' .r .t" -- il" a* lm Il @mie bse e-m s s mt u. s.aes.t.îcOWifSsm6 "'osq.mmoloa-eu ls0r5.Umm0115cAi».h.]m~' , ~ t' uttt~ p4t *s~foit im..~euîe.u..u. ~ C uig U ON A A L tSm iSIlcs.=bhi *jjmQIie.the. .1Vauad. t .v .m5.>lemî - h% 1 bv ci -Me"uu 1ue Isw.4Utttii.h.' u.Seti I s imi, .-b qui,% ie M& IAb.»-;m at ;! et='N .E-.yW.uiyvmaa. s.-a.tir* '-. tite 01e. -P ImU ..p' liU<i o it Ion ,"ul-du Ibut n a cou - num a" am * da sas'1Oesr11 boum te o 111100 he eymiU W"bsu Sun 1b0<s m .~ ma a I w meosfi mm.Betutsi b UU .1054ors..41. dt *~~~~~~~~~~~a Mon akà . . ~ ~ ~ ~ w -~on. ,*t bu g ýw aîm rma ta W. ett' I-- h s, e,. voc u..1ma..s.i.t<.' u=» a cc5tSsktooSp..* lÀas5i5~l5O-oU.mi--~.x mh f.__A0d .ai .v,,aSca du seh.hbw*4. n ~ .. ME___________36 lm- telbtt .m~ uumsa.as's . " ou1 brfoi lmeo,~~: . tTn '5 ~ aoua-m ea, al s-e '2i- OODS S. ýSAN se on wo