. . _ ý 1, . ý_. ý . ý . ý . 1 1 ý 1it,ýý ý, ýiý I, ý1 1_1 1 . ý . 1 ý , . - z 1 1 1 ý ý ,-.--!-- , - , ý, ý - , , _ ý Il , 'ir, 1ý ý ý ý ý . . ý1 . . 1 . ý 1 ý M ý - - ,.- .1 .1f il Il - - _ --"-.-, . . 1 1 ý . ý 1 . ý ý 1 ý ý ý . ý ý . . ý ý . _,l offi. . , ý 1 ý > A il * . 1 .. 1 ý - ýý 1 1 . 1 ý . ý 1 . . 1 1 ý ý ý ý . MC, of 0 % ÏCI z & Jý- *ý ý ý 1 - ý -1 I . ', *,- - ý . 1 . ý . . ý . ý __ý ý ý ý il, ý J. 4!W ,L,, ý . ý. - - ý . - 1 + ' . il ý,ý , . . , ,ý_ ' ý . 1 1 ý . ý 1 ý 1 1 - 1 ý ' Il 1 ý, V .i(>It#)ý lis , ýffl . 1. ý ý ý . . ý . 1 . ý 1 - 1 _ý A& . ,jL.ý._ ý"_ 1 . 4L -.àdk..à- . : 1 . 1 1 ý 1 ý if., le ..le ('bu-gg'-Ofw». «M e »m-% ý : . 1 1 .. . . Il . 1 1 ý ýý_ 1 . . ý . 1 ý .ý 1 1.0w#* Y ý .31, _ : ý 1 ý ý 1 - - . 1 . ý ý . . 1 . ý . ý ý 1 1 ý . 1) 1 -ý1(4)jilc.,Iigrm*« 4»% - i . 1 . ý ý . 1 ý - ý VI ,,I.tý.,.ý.0.,tfi4, lifN ý_, "Il'* ;;e Ï= ý 1 ý. . - ý ý ý ý ý . .ý l"f',1R milf 0.07l"M . ",(ktrI , ý 1 . 1 1 - . - ý 1 ý ý . IW IM F . ý -, 1 I, %j % 1,'Ill 14. lig" i@*eile. AW -ro ý 1. ý 1 ý ý . . 1 1 ý 1 ý . ý 1 1 ý . _ý I -je ý Il - , 1 ý . . 1 ý ý . ,I,,, ii t-ý,tv, ý .9;,el it(,p to the (ilit@itltt llr,«A*- D RAwlo, lgbff« Am ., '! '1ý . ý ýi,ýki't il "oe"(Ik , ,,Pi.ýite iý.tth ý 1 1 ý . 1 1 1 ý . ý ý 11, ý 4"': ý - 1 ý ý , l ý .,- -t -= . . - I_ l 1 - .- ---,.-- __ - . - - _ _ý lI1llll10 ýý ý ý 1 ' , ý . - ý 1 1 - . ý 1 1 N le lt.%Ilit4b*4.Vmetts(,fKo4otnim , . ý . 1 ý . - ý 1 . 1 ý . ý . ý ý . ý ý j t)i ý -lot; 1 , e . . , I-IVIIV.-)»"rlý sle %"&Abe" 'Vol, x rx. W ho 1 1 1 1 ell"" 'ý.,,ý,. ,.i;ý"",iý ý, ý .. ,r%, Ni,-t4rýV 1-iththl.ete.. - . . - ý ý LINDSAY 1 lix LNUARY & lm . 1 1 .ât. .ý - 1 . . ý . ý 1.ý 1 9, O N T , 1. _- - 1 ý - , i! -,#.ýý,-f% 1 - - ý -_ - , -1 - 1 ,,..ý,ý , ,Il , - - ý 1 1 ý ý - ,ý --- .- .. -1-lýý.ý, .,.-,-.- - - ý_ 1 - . ý - 1- 1: 1), Il 1-VI, 1f,1ý. %Vlt)q)[>W ý,%141?. 1 . 1 ý ý ý Il 1 ý 1 . . ý 1ý . . .1 "....ý:. %.t.,,,,,%-.. .4(,iiýiitt,,4,weo .40 ý ý . : gattoi . ý ý . . . ý _e - ý 1 1 . J»mm mwTxrm abedIriblet - --tw the vlftdmb th" thm ', , , ,111 II lqflli %n, 41.. tiý«1ýavý. %%fi. , _ _ , 1 - . --- - .1 . - . .ý ý . ý Mffl - . ,b,è;z «êr-te thmup 1'l : - . 1 . 1. ý va" Ile. 5wel., avaow lmldhew ul , -luebqttumiao ý,I, r > . ý-Ili.tltyifý' .r . ý -, igb!bmymý telwowwbmm." @tour bieub chat Salait 11 ý: *k.ý,q II. ý -l- 1 . ý 1 pirtitt, 1 . . ' re» bl**kP(IbeÀ*b fléiffl i -_ - 1 - . _ got out : IV a meIu 1 ý m. ýw-«=1z.%Ct Aý "Il - 1 lâ»= Oefflmtbetmllý i MW. 1 -%*M PMT*Ijjmw 1 tu7. a hm- - Pk*lý, zz, M.= "q,,t ý . Illýi;%,fl%,.11.%rfct.,týtr.ý4-'Ii(ýit,611,ý 014, Allait V. Illitemb". ésMI~ ýý , % J'L aloýoioo»i W MC MW, a 4", Il . ý ]LM A" ý ý finir a .os iý. 1, ._"ý,l 1 ,itfttrv.MAN 11011@114, rottowébleofoli Il 1 ý - L'-MMm«ooeàiy. - ý 1, 1 1 famuk"r m& ý ý - i = * mmewerydd= -wIl Il etl'ellev.(-tt,,k ,If the. -ilibturNlçt tt()tlktlc, . - ý 1 - 1 . - - - -_ 1 1- ftt'.ýt,4ýItte-re ( viettrolefla ittbatil W, .1 1 il V:?13ý1-ýýý I& onànrý ,,ý.ý".t ýi.itl"",",, 1 i À 4titti-ifi" jbh"(It.miniett.Pfopfttdef-. I%é P rIEtig A X » 1111M 1 . I" tboý . m à a bodies :. "...".; -. - . I.. ý - -rm iruu lu ' 1l1ou1Iýu lm anâmia- mumi. I W" the , . . -! Il'A t V ý - m Mêler 4*4'w'-%- ORAL [M ffEigiffl , yfflwm%*bmtowowt@mý- IV ýý . 1 . 1 ha? i. ,"Il 9tr od «*#th %bo billes ettouctost and un m ý Pa - a", - Il- - é-f am =t= totteffet am. a - 1 0« . il ý -.ý":l M18LA»IwWR,911"lDP-4y« »m4-vwh-«»ý - _. ý ý,e= giuw% oatt4. --, IP tâtrologit lobeir Pm jbo\4k ý_I1 ý% . li-%tlriiettt, and néimol- 4offl tttý-tlltbndtm«dttlbtMIf:fý . . 0611111PAIvrix Ton WOW». . 111111lew ligem-;eî7T. & â*UWZ-Z poffow ii:m m; m ]am~ m Son, A" Vu bé» ma 1 - Il view a" spirifs, t 1 ý , . .A,,'ý'v.î- In ilhýý,,tvrý . »,*, . uhmd pli mmwâwmhb , t,, u.. (ýjtlr" N wx1sie. (bois vibv7ell), emploie ., . : - et* Ill 1 .zý .( - 40 ou llvr.m im Vin ib.-.r. 74 as 1.08 &.m - bm 1 .- =cou amly m-P h«dier iwa q»cll4 - .1. , .. - - ; .à. Kent I - ý . almbe»-y« le bu idaew t.- -1 ', ý , il -htitv lu - wils unou . luttait it, lantiied ci ilý" ly, soba" ----m ___ i.., ,'%, . tontérouve. et. (»Ifkn - res-pestimblier. TW -- - Mdtw>IL.Wdwbm - Y! »thumà tbey ex- "". . . - . . ý la"Ilie halo 1*01%, "001"41*1. PRI Mt and foroloilloil 8w"ow la omwAb . . . ý -e!ÇF.O» - -_ -roelaw&i&mde:tg lebbàa. P, Îw »Mim» & .Sin, pu"mbu, . - "à . ---- 1 . 1 ; , T«My la~ , ~ . . « m - ""-a 84 - Lbèk*. et 1.00 plas. Md îf ) N' N .tlrlte%# and -atwhfgve #.m'O» Moi - . te ftd. the li-1 , IrLI'. II%?ý la de"tzý-t et-. flentist Il *MM boum SmLBglq4 p-ffl 'il ýý % , . A" ±= « " they ý1 1. -.rl". ý koxttef. . * _-, , =l. 1 queb» , av zonommaw ý. llît'! . ý ý 'y - 1 1*11 day IsNý- foffl . . . . Il &&-"Il Th r»tmooymmmmfý pomm 1 -M rb ý....".....,.,.,,!ýý-illlý."(INý.t - - .1.ý.ý,ý, I" - toires, Md urewla Up m 1 . .1 1 Il e-ll.,,Illlý1.1tiIre.,Krtt xtrmie. . = W ;Cr adt-Y -4 &Soldats le lbëâw» mm Io» . bor à= » 6amunmi% and bom the bailliages mi 'rï . ý 1 - 1 ý bol«)RýNICIIOIýIIIK. (Lowle lrviin'o me CWMPM . = 1 .# 1. Il . chirl»et g. waghimaý 1 4"" - %qý4 %toi»I'i-4gtttI ý CF lf"ttlý e0rn« xëi.$'bnd Verk-*%*.. I.Ind,*Y. Md lm mm~ me wolestoi, IMWW« T» We m* fume V au éom. 11911ririmim - yvez-le 1 . 1 ___ - - -9 wàz" oomd hoklffig na ý ý Il ý Z.Y» Pm boit; latter fat licele __ ,I, , , - . . WAý,1%,*ett;býr Illetir 1% 1 f-SiNq * boom bot M LE z"1w ý '., F -X, W,= blottal, lutouvoloil ta si pur% àigmufm-bmràoàu foi Col, ýp.?"* A"th"ý BMUUW, te ,frileuse, we have jum they we» bah ý ý . ,ýl ý t-ie r I, Iý illili 1 1'tileýl Ible - limol, ý th, rit *fi .v..vtxi. and t.Iminh. p~ »Iwiltelèà» 1ffl.ý ý ý T maatlu»mm" thw. C == ý the - Md ira- Othm de a" go » fer 'lli , 1 -il 11112111411 1,11th t'o - ý taodqmble tuerti. TIM 'Von M tâ*mfmm"lmwo N"Éaod-b7ir" & ý -ý- ----ý ut divaim tWy hu I. ., ,,,,, ,.4t ! ,- .4,illl 'ilr, - i n , ,ni ohl, ,su "Il. W . lipt DICPAI" u" IWO"I9%1me l"= guemr.,M ick M&"tw ýF ý bl th" i auhdtbak ---- tg th ,,ýlý 1 - F.1litoirin, tl%,,k. Kent 1 sure. ý ý W4.1yi- ý R" oeuf te, oldbbw&toog*wmm.lbzr -, -- - 1 il*-M- _W- !ýtop!M", «A I« ",IOL= .-4= . omzmmmmmisyummulum W.,.. _- __ , 0 b"Wy on the ma& 10 , MÉ.?1*2 PROOMP 0. m tâter de - ý . ', ý Il , 'I' 1. ývI,-tý.1 1 )1).WINI(DN ftf)TRI" Williswi M., -pý,lý m-ý F--Mýgwumfflouleu mmom * . m . _..e . à" , ----eq"mNý- -_ _ ripple coller thom by do ý, ý ýý 1 ,ý1 A. , . 84 limite ;" m vb boa 1 me sciik- 'Comuadit ghe &M av ý - . - . ý . '-'*, l 1 ý;t,,Ilxlty.ý,pl*ýltç,ltsý,8,»Uk(,?*.t.tdqt*m. ý effl ; rlmmdt*ÎM - "PIY = . h«o - we ' himd I OOMÉI&NdS om colibid. M «1hý grangm tm PA . S-t.d .y ps.e.f. Il - for .iwý F: % 1 ý Il ,ý- t b, 1, If, % IV y -,11.bpri*tterie, i . ll,-"Rýrtiv>re4,çttýt('f 1C.-jýfyale4lifit-oixioldle C. efflon :Coq""% 1 ý - -_ - 1 1 A =W the lm fwý - '- w,%dx" où Il j 1 ,ýn' , ý jR ! IS, ý moewmmmbt*Qwumob».- "ý cache m ý 1 . 1 . thotnhef"nndtwtr.ttppttfdwtththi, " .!-Amttort ývbàdýOO.Vt~ o M" ..... =1* 1 *mm bien la in. . () !ý', ý ý ,, . , rý ., ý , .1 ', ý 1 >;,'; I ,'A * h-m(.,,,ý 4,11rt, = ~ . emfà augum bleus; gon- i-hltlý,.ýt Onnd ýit.?,tlfg And .1ete-tive hifflIft _. . orla"»841m»bm»tou t%: ý'. , 1P. ý: ý I', 1. "lý", l .11 ý ikum mtmw. atmid as i , . cauan«, TIIIII, »baumb "= hm Wm la ffl ,gauloise lu» soie ý ». j'il Il ' A ("%il.;, réýp@t...thiotv ..lFtýjttwlý 'Il hprom folle Dotub" of the = servant hm emmb" Wfth mmi a =01. w. I 1, ý 1 - »-nbe . 1 Pm 1b» &"thema 'i ý .: ... 1 - I., . _. ý __ - e lm ý . ( .Se _. ý tazmat= m Xelw docriz 1 ý rmibe 11111-, et wta* to hwpbm (m the row.- the V'l'qý, , -Il, .. 1 si %ar . m -4 ldll!$. ý('- »-vrbtwre, ý niblebât. go.. ,IWI., !e% .1 cromm enormom exotit ý t'rit, , . ,,,, ý - et, ., 1. Rý)%VtAN 11011*91l, (Latéo Pt'%" ý tilleuls, , - ý - ý ý 1 ascèse, hie wb#L -chbravw d*-q4" it ' . stýl,ï"ýý Kl»lt -tmoo, tvmeinié. W. Ili. rm aosTo a SIPIM » PIAIM. go the emwxim *9nlàý hmwhr 'Dg b-ma comftnT bd ,nin ileIillifltllr. JL WAY. 1 guise P" Pry. "I .. ' 1 or, ll ý ',I..Ibý 04 % Id), %ttt'eeliýy- . Tho hn"Ss, Illut I*oh uel*d ý 1 Oh! lm* tbm kbmW: kbMv demi 1 Buw.w> Mm Popý briaging horptuk lm 1 x11 ...",.'"',,..""ý.ý,,"ýl%.."Pfll ,I', 1 ii4illlre'l.trl. wnd i4nou, fist-êts*ç liq elffly o ttaim ý . - 1 a_ . . ý . Le . -a rzm whbumuw»mmuw ose bd; ** 1 Il F0 1.1 - 1-1 -11 1 pill"I'l'i .ý - PIMIMAS . ............... ........ Dm lm in faiblesse id ou bawma the 9MA»@UiO§4 MU Itid-,ýI" 't'trt(.ln..ý,"tj'lor,ým.tý,r.ç,t Wime à .. 1111,11, Aubu n wrinzilig her hem ,ý', ..I;,%%f"."ýff,, ,:,% 1 1 1 - pog.,nm,àii ................ ...... «bet 101111& 1 . 1 . 1 &e The Ille% #t tsar P t - __ ___ 1 »*Mr, ý »P. Mal »n. ý 1 « de 1 ý ,I A. . . ",.,j'"'-:.î'ýI (I,.Iý,,,,-,,e. , ,,tot,ý Onnd Illetitelln rý ý 1 .. MU6 . 1101111 with a cep simb. " la but a , ' ý 1 F.4à»,M'Mx ... ý ý1 ...... a ............ DORY 1 or m ot «U _-, _ýI.: % ý'. 1 ". ý , il ý 1 lý"ttýýt, et, th 1 il lttItrilIt 1) I.V. ' - . - ý Au , gogiqu »Owrff- 4 1 uh". om ues Pà»»I'&,r Lowm B&M The' mbud.udwe*Umw"nm ! .-uýý i .ju.iiiz V»mm =. augh .. 118um Cw - --"§.- . - . - 1 , and ý_ ý 11111114. %VINDROR 11Ô il, (IOP»V 1 . ý 1 - Oh! joisse tbm ma S«bMm et sua. hat te the buk of Sy h»d. S"aebie"gll . Beadmidmette )çi"le S"'I V",k .qtreet., Tornftt.. i. s'nos, 1 . ý 7:001h.m. S'»!K . 1. y. #41r ý - - 1 1 1 ý , . .06 ý 1 . we gel oddiag aossi a" Mr ý - ý jw bb»@O mob me "M tnbn»*om4 ,Wbo le _ý M. ,Ille [ 1 , " . ces-elL ilh! jîlL 'à'. ý :.Id",. e. I*r l4v. Vr,,o I"n"ll,"q il. Sol tait-ilq. nlg,41b 6VIF14,11L o" ,4w A , 9-46 ". ob-là >.... ,.M t. lm - gookby. tu nom- l'orbi , - . ý . l - 1 1 Ftl,;Ittt,,lt *1,1-t-ýt,.,fo"t. are Aflolq«ý Travollerls 1 . 0 M-n4 : 7-o 10,411oeilà. 7:11 Il Sm *1 ý 1 ne & ýjffl jjjg1jjIjM si - "Wdtbertehmndoor. -clamsa au the dour4ula. Who ý Jetait and 1 mm wew . ý _. - y Ill 1'l f l'ý, ý ,l, i Avili the Wi,,l4,Ie elle innibel ut fiaient of the C ý 'Alm 1 oftle dup"».«».Mb)«" 10," 6" ob4im". Limiuv. WMacg« midi & châ -rm-be-, and I ý ý l-Mt1it(Il,ý 14(41111v'trimntvReb.rel.t4(4"""tbll.ty prtbtmet'.. . uhnmonno«m il-00 :: ":% :: S"Q' :*. mi- moite him UM«k hie goum stom bute, lofoloble quitte InÉ . ý , 1 (l'eniter', ý . 1 .... ý .............. Ill". jitllw lulrab l,» 1 3.36 ....----.- - - - - 1 ý --- -u!_ý Amberley not todrosors tbf-et ,,t u, f, 1 I.. ý ,,, M.- 1. l l'Il ý".01y-., ý î ' týt-làl'YI ................ ý ...... JAO. liblibleuffles cebwe4mb. il.-* 1. ý . . 1 ý 2" ?Oarin«udwuonwAmom . little foriom now th" » la I" to gM iaw à boa% witl 1 1 1 . .1 - .1 ý . F le, N .4 ll(YrYle, (lorboloir Kion 001» som .1 _mxod. . ML Ill Leoni. 1 . . me de§" et kindmu& centre of a dozeâ a- - 1 ii)llt,ý 'I \V,. \ýtl.ý)")I .911i", ..le Vii, ý ( ),ý.,,,.l K,,,,IIlltq,ý4t- %VI-.Ivlttê ,Aý *ýIIIer, 'boa (!"MP*ny 'n'O** assab"s hm or __ --.Ilw * gm and with a large bals . 1 ï, . Ilv riremdl.w.htnino, notbir« - - ,_ __ . d&Vt& 1 VýI, ý lý-ýt ý> 'L ! ' :ý-I 'ýf. % Jý't11ý'ýI t'.'ý 1-,,às.ri,,tI,, ý Thi. ev't'il el 4- 4velli ellob"bly ,han IN14,1 attiminté avm,..,ntm ne" ,eë= 6-39*-m. 11,41bots.1K ý ý -1 - - ----ý,.ý..- - _._ý'_= Beair .. tboi*lewtmbeqmkul. * 1 ..W",m . AIIM n«tonftupmarocku ,ýIý - 1 ý I-ffl4,ý»4 ,,tIwt%- fornilibed thr,.tgh»Iltý The bar sa. willielle lrniua« Cýzý î» «POR RAL% - A ý Dw*Uing Honu Niols Idiq »dibtë hile titi hé thak». ..W, ,» 1» roua" Md down over 1 il, ý ý 1 i ý,I.1»1.11ml ..Ille th" brIct wlno. lielt"st. ande4gall't 1.1ro tobork. Ille Afin intlume dot~ prh-t» we'eni, .. ý % , - *Fý hué sied htawhomwm '. .à».-dnùjr h- _ .ý Il. ý . ý - 1 - . solest t"wnte. 96 oui" foi A*kaon .ooo .: ,$:"" :: ,"*&M, 1- oppemotb*DRIFM",Kmt..t - te the highm plan- Nilo, . ý ý 1 " .. Ukngi» on the puffliom IL T. kmi &w«= . 1 ý__ - W- ýý fit!lil(O)ý'V', ý')..,. r, 1: %villviiii i'4%,,,I.I,, R'v'l'ils fIr,-,,Il,»,ý,etWt ti.ýv(,%Iw, tlew4 = 1111lest IýV llwhtëtYt la the bible of the 8*14 , ý the ezpm» Intention a wt,%I>fe.. -d Ishedl. ýAttetiýv If,-t.Wl-l 'the j*tý voutaboussule.. j1qi-f;ý. -3.-."., .... 7:111, 1- - 1 luw.fortbem»of ,, "Pour Ci;ý ittotheroeksbelow, II 1),,ýýý,,ýý,ýý.,it-ý.tt,,ýý%1'tý--- I1jý-k liwql , il,,m«4. Vitt-rW$o Il offli. a body i un flanelle. ý . . l., rI";Z .?f 1-hp trnýt'lIt"g y1ihtte mlittiti4l MIL , . trudes lie .1 1 It ",,.,It"ýl.,ii,.I -.5! ;'.1 I",tit,.l ' , we vmold.màttovi fairoinobst tellest "%»" ffl le loo t---",!nt. - . - ý ents Il C* Il 1POR f3à,LZ-.-,% Smf.re" tru» fortablle, -ày ', ,ý , l' % Il ý ý,,,1 Il" 1 . . ý . . ý 1 1 loto, . = l". the tes frous BORD'& ]fajr; nulles Md B&. parcoures Sud speed the . 1 : - 1ý 1.ý . . . ý :ý . b m Iplithmtoboinmm ... Pbmovwm)M$UrAb"ltloop.m.avwmeb -W hem Md a lot on otages, Stouses Coles, adjoin- munis Sein the dait. ioaws AS,4 the nurmmiL it in Weâ e-UgÈL . , 1*91m o eft rai. - ý lie Il essai. lit te titi ouest Ili lit la the Ifolouto 84 @.Cep. (.':,,%tltlýitil A ý 1 ý loisour. awrw. Terw»mmmble. Applya4this AM fond, a$= ouly aîghl, eýloek, Md we hall break. Oh 1 the «a in a rare , p 0, lu. (101 t,)'i:tI. , . 1, (birMI A fat il ."RAt,,nowthel"opo %ii. ' I.. 0111». ouiýtt. 'f t Z 7 noter an illimAn. 11, un - - . rathor, sud to nuli --ny a hanm 'l ý ý ý,,,y!jo %ftil!ç , , ,ýý.j, 1 Onze, lue"*". r6 ý lm as ellevexis, Md lo; in - le 1 'fl-;,ý-_ ý l,.ý,,ý ý,,,! Iý; ,', ,*.;""",ý: i 1 1 ,remette. 19". mb. I'»Ii" . . . e :!, 'LI ýt rAvIt,ýAtt I)i%,Vttq. . . . et n.4 a Il t et, t, vilèmie. pn -P É, 1 POR SALIL-.Ooý $mail housse ý ho setting cmig but whm = y= 7 la welaries Yeu. Each da] 4 . ý ý , 1 i1,ý!ll1, . 1ý - f -l' .I"! jý: -'1'ý.;ý FIL . ilo»r«»Nniamluègum . ý , . ý - ý La tbm voit lasses, tbomb tuy afflide w aspect ý l'. ý ý ý ý . - ý ý ý le. ,%. 'WM&Llrft. lm , X SWIObinlào"y. Willatumied. suy Fow troble, us MW, os= 10 Our " . » anxious te estart, go ready toi go, wkT » _, compels ý 1 ý ý , . ý 1 On iy FMNMFtbx FATILA, 41,14T. ý Q_ _% t~ . ý Ham Md Wfdl ex ch«ummt". )nid there beatry um«eam wenll" ý _- osolaffli à"". 2_ 9 . 1 ry tarrr , &dmir&tiàn 1ý ý ._-Iý%! ýý t-'ýtl»l*,i! M .,ýqý1-1,ttlIft- ý 1 Ill. I:Ag Il OF" la fkýmtftlcm WteMPN (WROO. twedoom . . ý . And lm wlU bleme thels! terrible in loin aagry spi ý . i )_ , I . . 4 14 )Wýlp,9, AtMIO"#411 for thfe ý affélo ne flot 1 ý ý ý - M D-0111111111, -Y. Y Rw»ùW»g ing 1 Ymielm 1 away we go, along the tome& thunder1né bret 11, - ! . ýý,, .; t',.,i,,ti,,-,-t Vktttln Nuit Ilott'ek. Vowsols -(Mouton llanos, Liait". . . 1 . labsept..1sifL ses-tit Lied-7 Po«- dewy, bkwmylams, betwemthetneah, uSbS in ail deepo-gn 1 ý 1 ' - 1 , 1ý. .ý;1 ,-,,,,,it,ý.ýý"I't'ýý,.,,lI - Ic-týit(, ,.%,jIjréýq 4weillli r, Oý t'ntI. . . 1 W. 9. octhia. Tftvélnlpjrýâj«s for, violoisa ý __ ý-..ýý.- -------- ,10-- 'th the early breafh to âmwy-em ;, 1 ý ýý , , . ,ý"1 - C . 1À)TS 'I , e . 1 ara ffl 1 W401 olbmesosd -l 1 THROI THE RYL of the morning blowtng coollyin on cor ,tll.i'... %; 1 , - - - ý 1 -,D,,»,,.',RABL,,£,,TLO;wN COM N top& la étatto tende .'. .,,,,;lýfr,,,(ý, ;pjý-bobl Aumtwmtmfbrtly Il T w, 0, W-it _I, . ;l et ,,, l'il, t:-tý : w *4.*4é% wlAvil, [,Md Ageyttrer , .1y. newtb@Coitrtffom. TMI»r«mmbl& A"w 1 - ý ý 17, * Pa" , a, -- - brocse, ,vicia il ý . ý - -ý . f - ý. ý ..t , 1 ý ý . f lie t'ýttntléi nt virtortes. (Mtmioxfoitiut. - - - ---. - , foisi - ý Sn P. mm CUM4»m& ffl . 8. MT.- ýM -!2"!.ým avril laboirera volige, .il , ),.,I" lýýll,'P.Rrletltý,1-t,ýwa4etthi>tt»Sns~ t 6')()TU ANNIIAIý REPORT. .- 1 $loup la"", , 1 À NOVEL. ý Pm Seuls 1 au qtofinq allant chat mauroisour and tarte, [Il ý 4 - iýIfýw1:llî"N S. Ili , 1111el. ý lý.1,,lIý!,%ý. '001Y - 1 _0 . 1 1 . - .. godwe»"rmitmokindly, just as on say other na am Mt W Sm»dmes ho li;i 1 1 ) 1 ', , ý - -I%, . _Z.- -z;ý___._____ ---- - ý . - Il Sb" in whest the $un ý. - il . 1 faut fir« ,.= 111- hose; thon ho m . 1 I. -ý ý 1 ,,;ý,',",,.","!. j ý . ý POMM NCING on wedueudey, sth ltowd we nover loved t» bRudlyI 1) 1 .î.%Nrý, ,%ttttitnter amd Voin. - 1 oo et .; ". ý 1 . fi. z . - ' Z-ýu", .Zy.1- Ir. MO Il 'I't - ý N-J Ik».. 147, and natif é4rthwm4b»tràm %soif Sortir nosses and never partout, d= M m 1 ýý .ý ý1 ItIN'I'Iit lile4tt'r .11,- mnue wê-týwbs1e.-f . ý the âky, and in sied ca Il 1 , 'ti%,,i ;.. .."<tt 1-tt»ýý - velue* 1066 1 We h" neller boom jbrokon-bouted." pugrima muing out for an subi- ik - ý- 1 't ýI , .. - il îi W!- ý r"t%,trtt. Aur C A N A D A TéE rx ý &My ter L»eM#d; P«Orbm. . - _ Amocher day ha wili ne -'"', 1 1 - : eýý--dý!i ...... Iu-ttlý,pý,I"ýr.,httr,%t"4 ('I".Ity , Fers àlope am inwrmmimoubtwne ait 5.30%.out., - kno la"; liste éolo na traceur whae la . 1 . 1. 1 _-, - ý 1.ý..,I...z. IM"r.0 jItr-1-ýg* 4"11ý-i;e,#. -lolf) 1 lb.»,b.tev.. and.%» p m. Ver Tomate and pointu, ýZ ..-.&ýnrl-.;,ý,A,»-,,Liiiltýa3l",:,.njbýý:7ý.ý."Xloel,,,, before us, solhetber et situent ,or »ar, like a grogs monster -- 9, ý _. . 11ý,1 -11,11. ----- - ---- ý ý - - 1-1 1 ye. àf*wmlorf C-emimay. - T, do, N. Wy. Wbebaumbe»..OOM"By SEED TIME. and we do m love t MW 1 ý ý but filas it sortit be nomuhiag very dit- ý . . . ý ! -a lex) ,%titltI,(.,Ft, 1 .1 - . . . IRW4%mdktf» 8%410n* m 1.00 %,». ' ý - forent fronts anythtng we howye eveoor P= ; devoir fer la lie v: ý , duit. 1 i or Foùpwt"le rramoa, lgenailý visitée, huit Mtinfg 1 lx 'f 1 . . Au»» ho" lAketd. peterhom, P014 Ire" - 'ALE OP- To LEABBI a mm- 1 Cba»M IVI-fc«mumodu &" tl«h and - . . . . . - . ý- ý l ý ýý mttifestit toivillet ý ***m . Cel vl~ gb. or lm . lm, èa»pnwdlaw obuketq as 9.311, a.M.. 1.09 P.W.. am amend. tu limitation, biffoire we me perfecay certaitili »14 his khoigly bleuet i ý,ý1 . ý . .. ý 1 1 Md oie .1114« eaubatwbe». uniates" bUb-- vieu, .Mdi hm [Côn'nxmm PROU Là" WEM I and thât la enclose for us. Jack pSh- liau Upolu iùm1ona 0 . . . . - ý mu. 3. . * l'Wbat foule tre were,» lie says, with xxix, and prettends toi ,1ýý -r) IJ ).% N :%i 1, l'(4 ý't'tit, j Il« ý-jt,érI an l-t»io Il, * P. 'l. litirlrv% ,t,,rp. ý lier, .md.iftwrýnmimeummulb.t m . 1 on thé ý gooýooa our transis - el l,1,eii.tte file, Ilen-pit Il.-il". Pow. ý . 1 . "D'l va 1 ý mond& He gilles no ,.,.".,, -;-, %1.1-l'. tý, 1 femey le Imm ut 0 pop: O«#.. Agnertaffl .lnfbffl ............ 16.408M 80 bu huit 84 ,el 1 ý . ha" Set a scout to wawh the sn«ki- before, whieh la IMM; t of lains, for l' 1 - , - . .1 _-l ý .f ...ým"ilIM.'l'it 1 . 1 on~ ffl A«ow ............ 8111s"111M te Adij P. 1 th "S'a- ojw'ý_"966. . d.k look la hl. blue eyes, 1*not to, obeen everythiffl thât L' ý ý 1 . - . 14wyer". 10(w Chrgod *1sen ~ Ill il. fA1M Albimm twom ........ ý ......... ~ e Throuth timeu m «m tg au Mr - O.T.R. ffl R BALXý-Lot 19, in 4th Cors. of mua of billes; why zûrdn»t lie have ýknow lie am te uh. , watu-" n bodies thas . L ý ý ý_ ý,ý , ý -1% , : lm the uwM owhà 1 of III ý.ý . ý t-r-t-týrt%.. ,%II.ýtý-nt),ýt,ýt,ýrt'.ýnq1ettý%fthoýýt1we 14ëw 1 - , -, , «mr . . w@4ked in litre a mm, i»tead of hm posite dùwdon, and hy mi; wh Il ýlf 4r i-,111 ,,shttffli Ivill te I-rottittiv att-,ttiiml te. IV" ...... . ý. - §tuejKl- W reuellesta. victorts Conseils, constate liag a IhIf. uavehingbymmb la& yery différent over their Ille M11 \ : I ý ý . il ý IN lýý) . , ,_ ý %Ir ýlV 1 ite, vvili Il(, Ili Ill. offtro èv t4fbtqlpqtnv àt»«St et New As"»M".. ouff.ille CTOIP-l'à ItAILl-yAy. soeuloo. lâlestisores ctem»d sondist senti Shov . - 1 dm si'd" gives and filer more k»wleda" thitqi;ý L"2.6 the Seule the . ý - ý .i t.Iill"llptll.lilltil-Il Le . ýý boom block duistiolinq . ithéolid whi ire *titi tingling with Mtëi. liM, 1 là, eutm bydw" ...ý...i ........ , 141liffl lustres tu hie sonilinq Il 7 . - Zli= ,:ý,e-rt one les bbarro: yen f. the eh IL the gov r'a cants, We keep noir eyes very widely open qilboofbetb I,ý"o#4f nt ,14 persoséellit. ý -, . ý 1 1 or ý toi au Impatient a 1 ait theway, and observe voilà, interest whispers, and whom ', '. ... 1.1 .ý ý ! * (oditratton>l. T),O.tw"uhlt (,T*"tktte of thissi Company am W 1 . ý WA1623MOI& tolleilessi in limitait. For inviter down. diamine tu bbea-c" .3. ': 1 1 . e,."If..,.I.l ... ý'l't , 1 1 , ý - . 4m the pollessaillesti te WILLIAM MOYN , III can't thliak w - how the eauxotry changes as we noter l, 1 ý Il . à 1 .Il 1 - Il; ... - h. ý , 1 Il ý,ý . ý . ý - . fachers were in _ tre»ures ;;;; eau but a ?0, , ý ý . 1 1 Il,,,V lit,ýý.1. II., * * ý 1 ' 1 ' ý ; wêll illlv4r%%M tly the ý fifflowinft tàble:7- '#'r]gl& Jklglb&'»*ÎgXlgW'r$. Failli P. O.- Don. -.11, 1877-95à.2111so. . lvented for," 1 say doletully. III am the ouest, and huiler blue the cottage -rainbow-tiimd telle ýp, , ý ý 1 I;.ý. .1 1 r lolo. i - sure lire should bave the ,t if# . - l ý . .te 1111141 ý - 1 Tàkinwlefýeton &-%MlRAB= PROPERTY IN _pt on ranch bel. children'a eyets azèý* a& though a bit of maweed thât me new a . . . ý 1 'titofýIA""Um Ammon " 11111110« Bro IVOV. 1*14- tWOgIr. JJý WOOD'VIUX FOR SALK 1 . . ter without aura. For my parc, If I the ma had golf: inte, thens and staid, Il 1.1 i P) Ilfb ý N . .et Mitild, jw'r - 1 - 1 1 ,.*ew 1 ed nie to un frotte their il III, 1 , 1 1 ' N ' Dilemme. d~ v had lotion anked whether I would or chers. UaWyfolkeanalwavahumaTy, Io ý . ý .- -l1ý-f.:ý 1 J'Aý,V.";"l e-,,,,, lýire laitIrTO 0«>]K'VICIKT 1't'lle A q sel ý a (X)tNt; - Cabloset k1hop m - winuld mot mine Ince, theworldj oshofuld and by ton o'cloek vie are eh* Hâs not tbe-sea lis ci 1 lit 1o - i. 1 - ý ', f - .... ... !ýI t. l-:I',-I'rý ý0# IAS«ý**Y. O*Mïl-*.- _ ,--j;:;fý--=.i 7--..Ui' - - - 1- - . bd Distillait onthe Cerner 1 »d gardents and durcit] 4 le ty f-f ý :- - . L ". 1.I:ý,ý lj týjI ý -11. % %V %Itlq ý 1. adintil 1 -'FIIN os , At' Vrk olt*.4« 04.7m 1 1 ý - ý , 1 si&. a.rA 104 omwawg a ha" laid, 'Yes, and thank yom kindly, ý attack the hamper; as two we am dy- xiotUowen»lovelyas 71 'Il - li',,l); Klýffl qfl..,It: tell t I 219,742 Ine l -Somme, q of an sers. The builduloo la ýr sale lut; of wu= and finiah it up; ut fourvoie ýI: ýI ý , ý (lit ji, N 'INr.e lit vilot A - - ,7(,!,.e la , , ý ý air, If von un arrange fur me tu ha;ve ,.! l'h Il 'Ilâ, 0132 a _Our ln those si Imm ý ý ý - i.ý .- - 1 .1 ý 'I't'n .ýb'lièýp%. afr:%n9ttlrfltý *Pp 4tpttýt-,iltd, :: .: ... , . q 411. I,ým.7. FrATIO,ýÇa. - . lu une rmt" no r , - pounce ulocon the quarantines (voisinât, gumLI4 gr lý,,e,, tt,, lim ýSInr,,vt ý4rl,-,ý-1,it tbt.tewft the V- -- i 1 le toi .'.m r-14,09 Il 9",Ug 1 ý SAISI. yeor:, ' t ,.ieam lm tswio yellessis on run front lm . el M were to lut us Sozy the dry land sifflet 1 I.1"rrvýl t hr,ý et, ts"Ilr i .'. - :*. :Mil. i ý And yet lie aisoitiont forgives our dar- a week, Doriey »M ý. j'l > 1 1 Itr' 1 Vl'fi.1%i 0 r,ýl'it.ý,-t hIIVIII, Il? ý .7(l.. I ,$ni MO.4?Oilft,,kU,»8 1 1 "Il%=, .. 184 Jus.. "wimble. à te Wu. have rare jewels dow, b . Ili) ý N (b N -% Il 1 ý,ql;1.t,ýl Ili :ew ledl-1 ý ti-mllet lt,.ti6ýititil in elle- ý ý_ -- - 1 db"fàm %1? Ing te, exist, sellait ho refleetit on the, and em'tthem ail top, every one. Wa 14M. lit 1 , ,,ý.-';,'% j ', o, Flewri, 1'l'it tr..4T. ý - .. ý ý , 1 ý . d"ýs-i)%l BOA&bW&Ylïýnwim . Folie. I)ee.13.187.-953-tf. nu . lotber of douce lire have airorded hion get millier fagged the latter part of the Sourit as no mortel emp il pli 1Stslh,ý ýiIr qqý,veýêre. 1 :rhq,.ranadit tàh leawadded on 1#0 utemble table 01 ý ý_ -COR BAT*£,-The EAST HAL 1 P of d tired, Md Prmious solommes, centaine oeit . - . 1 - 1,,ytýt-, >te e*;,i Nmv ill ol!IýmlvIdTtttti!-s' ïVenly qbew flq.,tlpwt, Poole. titi' moit, the - _ _ _ - the exquinite " atmion of beatIng way; Our bodies am etiffani the shore; rare and ( 1, .Il J'i . , ,. , 1 1 , t Y M ta i,,ittý.1",Iz Ffourt, , . - 1 0 tLffluy ....... . i.Ume 7.00 I6ým- * botte. M. JV JLWI&BM C*06V«qgimcmWalus us," gays Jack. "Weil, sorhen 1 coins lotte cartenot etretch theià. By degrees ý,tlr,,ý4'. - l'Aliv'.41-1.1palloit; offla» àt SYSIM il# 1 fi hZ km - 7.10 : . 100à««.tL%»Mel«Md;I«M*dobndinagoMUMO - t - d.,a ., Ià-1.ý,, i ,vi--i1ù(lý r ý t 2. , back irons sehool next Christnia@4'it lie one voice cesses, thon absShoir; one et Pilentifla lie l'Il ý . 1 -0 % j-jJý. - >* il te% s'Ill Rit toi y , ý ý t.i."d.ny. sont- ('»n-tdn. ý kou III ,jeolon JR"dvMipý ... :, t4.00 It.ail Ill ('fculttvstl('n- hsibne@ lissoir hbvdwOOd timb«. trio* tu boa& the devillis tattala on my the babille cries- Paul Pry ma Te. of gold sud %tirer, rifl -%ý ý 1. __' ,ý,-ýl,..Uý*ýý"zý,."tn"itt%.,ý,.t%ýIl.. 1 . ý ý ý -poli,ý ............ Il Klol *1 lois ý:: ()a the prerniffleus, a woed t."t.rey bruit heu» - 'agould tant before the liant siolint lad- %ville r ol, L ý ý . ý » ICOLL» 191 18%. ,vhlrh the toi-il ls, fillillort Ala lm me 14-116 «« 410 with kfichestoi. feameet&Ne, dm and buv. su a b»Il: étomin, lie allait find ho *ozet get marks chat bel 1 1 ýý Il I It lýýý\ , * ,- ý 1 Ili 1 j 1 IV 1 s'Il, I!é,ýotti-'Itttr 0NTAR1ôý16AD1 1 - . rfýtttette.n ne tvmoni lin* t'Y the a leabte-i% nt eilt*t'." »,«.' : M.,Iv 0 $).là " 4ý46 Il wbieb au imw la ob flond ethole of re 1% it obil hie own WaY." 1 chiloirer. We look very différent froin 1 01 merchandille brOug ý. ý'. 1 1. ý , Il I ý, -. W >. - 1, iIj.,ý. l'lit &Il. , ý . - - * itttilp t.ftfltmlfte4 q m 1 tar*.M'J'..-é.. - -:- _ t - liAnd lire wlll hangupom lits coat. the notay, buatling, tomiling people Who j cOlLntries. Oh! it fi - I- 1: 1 1 ý V - ".,!"."II,.ý'. --I,ý i 1*.ýoýrNllIt f. V. 1qj7, l.4ý . .,Il @V . ý îîultiosôü*f,. Irffl lb««Selue.l. la »d cou might- bc bo ý i ý ý ý-ý ,ý ý 1,1'l"'m, soi.te",I,(,r!-tt, t.ý'ýyf.IltIfubsr 1.3th. ý wrtttif4 of le ('il Y. ri, Ob t'l'y 1 ý . - oem8morv«vâmm4 Svminlf« 82 attrest. 00 toiles» 1 say, etainforcingly, 11while the etart't'Il--, týtf 1" .Ilý.".""..,I,. l - ýý .N tltlltwrittlqtý,k'ttrttnr%,(ýtlý. !tif-Iritiafion a ply on , ý ý 1 ý ý of whielle am commet, tonSd, lussi "ed« do«ý fry ham» bibla fore and ait in countleu B ffl 1. ýI11 ý ý . . 1 . ".1,1, ý il 1, , 1 ", . .,,,ýt , - le(b'. ý ý ý ý . * . mixue. with frains, hile». Tonne nw4ute. A . swarmit'. ý ý . . dotait did not claint it no 1 1. ,. . 'l Il Il 'l , , .%1ý:. 1 ;;,il 1 1 1.'kltlftinry ztttt týl AI-fil - WrATIO'49. 1%»M , lm fausses"@ tir t'y tester ln C. J. IXIGOIre . 1 . ý apathy üy a ahout without, of "The esseal 's. . ý . ý ý " - - %ý z., ;.:: .to", , q', lits Il Allril tlbtit il, jtqno.?,7ti'. ý ý . P. COFAI94e ý .1 uÀm A III)onltf etthatholombing.away," thé ua!- and we loup üp to the ,kqu gim .i. ol ý t, _, , 1 , .? elle nmlittnItlattfltt et 1 . ý ý -"' 0" l'Ali* P. O.- Delle. ITtb. InT.- 054. 1. 07 We have not been ,* I ýý Ilýý!;,. 1 , ,ý,r , tw Itiltt"lm. 9. , . Autont. 1 ý ut puts ln Mi ly; 111 was turninq chat of a broad, botandleste expanse of il M, 1 . : ilft, ý, tdttý.,,Iqt 1,,,Iý.11; sitto tenter I-,,,ýtr.%t-t. et, on, C= 118 RBALP.- sweeýt thought over tu my luttait the week; we have not 1 , 1, fi, . , 'l' . . Wv .hiffl. tterffl,ý,., -toma Il - V .eltt77.-941. 1 . . 1 ý 1 ALu4BLE IpAit hl yu) est, darisest bluethat thorilla un throlz hie mooda, orouhalf 1 bouts& ý_ se s 1 mi )() 1ý'.1 ,.I \ . % , 'VI , 'q 1 b.mz 'Ill b , :ý , IV t-r 1 fil, ,n,*ý,,ý'I trr'n .- ý %y1ý _" - -ý 1 1 ý dersontyý. V &M'I.ltlb CooloI, mowl«14 Cantansing 100 Whittle dette ho wogob makinff chat row.» and througli, and bolide us speil ýllj1 III, . . ý .,.It", 1-,tt-il. in ,.,,ter ilf,.bl'j'ilemt 1 t(M ýttltiiV . il 1 are ý ý ý ý .. 14rio - 114«4 0 txtwmnnt ..... 1 7 ..j ý%.l[jiim. woblor. » élores, élessemil and omis eultiv"M*, U '*Ile.will look us ail up, I say. stricto with a breathleu giellocht and a laotien somxething -hapl 1. ý ý ý . - . l'III 1 1 . _". 1 7 --l.q ý _1 - ...I .= ,%lie .. losome elmyod ni wond; balance hutwood and cànvtâtoib. "He will ne' chat tend me shud(le . 1 i ý; , ., l' ,,,,,I', .i;",t%. 1,1-i,,I; "lil-4t'tt.911itttltl.rrtttýýý 1 ý 9 t ttie, Red%*.. Il 10.10-11 ver go avenir awe. How our soute seem drawn ta- ý ,..ý'. . ý ý , ý .F:11... e ......b.., .. 10,44) - flotte ord": theste am «and 1;«-bmp% »Uble, Md ,,,,e US frotte . Mon InIand. and tuait . ýý 1 _ 1 1 ý Tilà, ilister.1l', il"Id ltý,dnt ; twi, Mottai. M. fil- . 14 1 . .10 *1 $hm, C.W.«Alle.et& Unhillar VMI of tu do ail the thiqp ho warda Ici though. our bodies remain la »Und Of hie volets and ý . ý ý,týý«1'M Il , %li-lýtiNNI«t l'. 1 ýtN,"il.-I-% t t'l' C. Il ,,%-hl,? 0ellortlot. tim (leriýtima - ý lie tp#»I" rbll*.-... Il. 11.10 Il ' .. : IcIný, (Mo moi]@ front lianky »Il Olmm and hoavd tau Irmqdng to-nigh -ýi.,4-.il".1-11 -e,.,..ý 1 '-y 1ýi-t-,rihq,; -tvtlr.tl ).rlv,. ,If ýtlo vat-h, - . 1. les) -.. sog .: t'a 1 ýt.» the coach l Piéwatty(I do not know broir. il., ýý 1- ý ;:- . , I f- 1ýý, . Il, le .11:II. ,e'. ý 1 ý ý - 2RÀLztltlccn m - . si Ittèbdmyiuvoim Il i ce - ' 17.30 leur inflesse tenait cainbmy; o» ad hl» 'I'Yon littie silly !" says -Jack, cruch- how It happenm loin are standing before l . - 1 î ý, ,11 ,- , 1 Ant . tLindmy.....,..,... se. ý1- -1 - légiste noisoltiole. 10=11,1111 It gazing almost deliriously et the Jack and I ýarIe stand ý , 1 1 ý ý - 1 ý IsAld very fous, au 1 Intiond 10*,etng the emutiý. a 1 du)n)nieg, and no more belleves, glitterine belted-in. treasure. Whený. ý.. . 1 v,,11j.ýdffflT. il, resl, ,il, r-lime '4411(ly. 1 tTel«rh" mfflwuovkR. 1 FIM 0 la.. train* ho logil, "don't you know that ho thifskos one morninir. wat = 1 ýý Il ý . 1 . ý . , 1'.', -1, 1.e,%.i,-.,l 1-xent,,ý. l'l.Itql"L,... exl,èt,ýt, :: . . . . il us erel in. The m en have ý . ý 1 ý 1 - 1 lz.ý l. 0! 1 L, b % N, 1 ý ý 'ýt'.. il lit N; f.,wid tel t ht,;Ivw tinirlttnf. j.qýq 1 ý ., ý solop on siothéi oftly. ý 1 soit. Coite lotion. Coins ami Seo lits sales, bu na cal-belle of arMnX ta do.acything the floloit ehock là over, bout we etretch luý . ý ý ý . 1 - 1 i .:",Li; 'Ild 'O' ,,il 'V'lIt è*.f.lrw,.%F(lett (il% apg,ýIp'tttolt. ý .. 00"FýMONB. . ý étoeust. yeroissa ORP.V.by payir« «Oft. imwtedbta lie han forbidden châle that the ont our arme tu lot, as thongh we would houm 1*1t; la strang - ,,ti.,,, eq. tý,ýilIt 'I'rýtlk ,'t'd %Vtltýbv. P. os. . ttoukv. lis. %, , ý 1 . 1 -lisible, UWIWA Pbik'MYfnlo«l Pofflm on won he frivellé if vissintest. A moitter; --the net wil . .1.11il Ji YWATE -N X08; .,iý,,,,,,i,,,V'.,,.,i,,,,vý ,,,,lýýr, a i,-Otti,è t1eket jet Imm Ift * %Vbtetmtlsh~. Modulait 01ty, Pet#rbm,,, Port JOHN STRWART; lbnley. or . X, niôminmaMotgnenchu»t lattait clasp Ita beauty ýý. .. ý ,. ý '- -.ï. --il . . ý 1 .ý flatte, Ttenott,.,àwl toit loterie oh, Qw Grand Truellit -Y.- lIgée Mailles -sied net %hoct to-morrow; 1 moisis tu do we scoop and dabble our ftngers in " and-by it comes saloi .,, ý .ý , -,-ý:.,ý'l:,,tý;, l-N'i 1lIl1ýl'I I'Z', 1 ý 1 1 . xisoi litldpmt.w nallwnr. - Wtth W.. r'. -S --- scomet1iing irorsr.". strionge, set liquid 1 How we si%" ail Moither r0und tu ý 1 . ý . . 1 'I'. vý..g%.,itý-rill«bN'. ý 7 ý y Il. If. fer Port Perey, Whttly. Tomate and ait AM R VOIR BAL£. ý 1 . . watching the %volves lawing -tuy the edge of the stand, . â'w , %Vltlil),.;Ilýil 1 = (-et dm Ck. T. K. P&,««ours leairinst Ilor- il l'i ý %%'I,ýqb.ýý.e,.#ýlllit,.,Ilý". , My. ý F ý 1 cimwbrvL rippling . gently top in, I- > - I:li,".1 1 _. 1 . i: J ý'. 1 % &ý,,, ': ,- ý-'------ - si --- Â ce R I C u IIT U R A L , 11, . 1 ý . over each other with no fun or huM, 7:00 ré. m..ývia 0. T. fi.. Moit arrive mm . th'..,h. filmes To nid or effort rather as though they were in nothing but & oittuû emidng ab Perollon Points. Kinimont and. ?41vwWn. n e X«ftà Eau Of rAt 90. 2% "RIIPPY 1 * and holoillefer thâles, this. United maisa of finit, W 1, . I. : , 1 1 J.. à ý N 1 ý , ititteril ftabltý'. ý ta mens 1= . play, not earnest, but, as we lisseurnint ln Mortelle (Iwe Wnnffl with W.. lý P. Illit,,he Il Ulcklz il , - . 1 . 1.1 1 ý ., 1 . . - ý 1 oir Zow» lw. , 1 a = 14, R., aprivir« la Ti-rooolo, ai 7.07 p.m. la u* 3rCi 0014 Md the sots, mos doit but dise, eu Imm. final = Iled Xe, on---- __ -2--- mintillate in the mu 1 Ii,ý ý,ý', i O es.,. V r il soillotelléo, tt» ý t:1411(1,ýl I;,,INF,.Ity, ýltlrKg, .- ý Fàtw-.Vlo» roillibiertiont. with otage W«t ffl f of Loit n in the Breakfast la over, and the mannitol that esthe yiah 1 ý ý ' ' ý"1 .'loté. . . ý ý ý , _ ýow wà ...... $111111.111* il, 00beetyllesnos. ý . . 4* cemi, of ickim « . nous burden of cour aille Sung Into our Issu ne face, inexorable as salol, 1 Wo- 8611ny; then 1 maki il elle ýo1% J".g..iv 'Illie2 1 . ( 1 ý ................... - ý 1 RINNOPUI.- clffl'éfflf.Mlfl» me" Seules Ntffl 1 cars, froin the saying of mime - , gabier traits of brown. sea-wetDd,-and, 1 dàrk; 8haPOieu uum .1 ý t : . V,(Ilti(.q«ritryT. lluNtRAY. l - . a ut proxy- . -bute ]»"MWI#lk" M t«661%. M60 #01, Minden and ltalèlïýarton, nn»mlon auto . -- rIr ý ý .* 1 ý 1 -rLý \.ý. ýý li.l1-11 t'il ý : i ' ý 1 ý ý wfth the Prée Orantllerraolly, and Moistiossit Land M Avoloit. Toilette are soboluq; 120 Illestest or exubillemes or& ta the tant drop of cite g«emoes 1 when our bande an full, cast thetn that là - A dai -1 - 1 : ,1ý - ý ý 1 - '. u;y ý-1;,it,.-. ý ýlý""iý,,týý,te,,,,""(,Nlb"t"..ý,ýlittýý.ý,ýttit,1*0{1tItthlft - - , - ý 1 (Itml*prq Prolb:ýïiu p familier land. emidotin« of joint elley solossol pffl coffeb-rup. in over. It han bSn very away for othem We m diatmeted by ribly discollotred. lue __ ý »"il ev"lthlne fil*. 1116111elleil . 1 y .I,*-é. Ahmt 40 essiffille, 01 Whittle, au cieuW hall, but, in listening to hie fulmina the liblondant riches of the feut setout .lf,,,,,z ... ;ýI.1., , qt" llitilýN 4"1414bi'r. t)()I-IY. 111109 elleek .Obsb, (fouilles valtfvol.. :.-do - 1 eyes, loaking out wit] 1 *ý 1 ý . ý ý luitteil tinotim lit ', ordouvery V.tnt«nttt." - - ý - ýý..--- or ltiva4on. rentalooder hwdwond baissés. tions we ha%,e been lot off the active before na; Romothing new, unimagined me"jzil; front amom . ý .1. ', i'l à Iýýb ý ý,î . IVIlli'Y 14,tblr.l(iýtel. : 1 1 . ý . ý y A ooroforble 1;7 lionstisi -es! ersoctest tourments- mlSry .of conversation; and on the and wonderfut meela our eyes ut every ering tiatIL, for irhi 1 1 1 i ý ý i i 1 . 1 1 é 1 . 1 1 : 124t, othér lxlley.(,fttvnNlle on t'hl* top" . ý ,_ $ttbtit A - (4t«tileilý . At-Ut«o.,.ffl il ho land ,rtnM*b ut a bmv« wholé, for lire are very liardomed Milliers steP.« Into my heurt contes a dimýmche cent, and which hall l - ý -ý tvotïxt#^W- a Flot# ý 1 ý - ý , ý .. 1 - ---= 9 of . A w0man pooaheos lx - i . ý ý . II Ir.wow. eléollable of Midou front .14 te do lm ý 1 RV___ý ý, ý ;4, l ,;, ý friend. liait 1 that la flot keen pléazure or satietybut Il ) ,-.l ý% -1 ,., ti-ili î7r,,ipertýV', 1",lI -0-,J;ý,,q,,l I'l-.!ý il. itt-,,tl Il" rin ttty,,.mnltit* tl-k* talion. . ý . bey pur léossation. senti renaissants the 1*9 buver we almost prefer the breakfast tu noir . the crowd and folles or ý ý . ý 1 . ... ý1._ ý 1.11 _ .ý - . t.ý'.. 1."bl il. t 4, -1 fir t,,,ý. jIjý1 e,,.ýý.,, q Ili, It%-lýé,* 1-nýl-ý ý rr 111CKEY, . ý 1 . Mouton%, in Unitelaffly. The remgatug osobuoil omes. He la standing in the hall a pallosionate regret that onv sont ln nOt ý . ý ý ý . 1 1, ý. %- , ý I.. 1! i: ý'ý'--,I.-q"4,., fi", unil, , -ilt-YIMItIp". fi. through our , more of the great dite of mpture th" ...9 q, *%v % I.-Itt ,%-Ili-t,,,-iiilirrt,-ýitterte * ýrt'.11%.Içqtftlq.i? semobé for any nue txr«m the . 1 ý lit the land fil mwamq,, bal, by romains out = n lu, ;,,%,Iit.ttt,.lf%%',,Pkttfiti 1 Ili . . X*nllf«tttmr of that-runis thntigh the Iota. and propre dossl" . Bonds à, thoriff, of dell ul, _11iy - 1 1 1 ý . ý 1 .1.9-11 , . I. ,ý -ý 'nd ,-,ýý,-Itýý,-tfiýIlv ý ý ;.i;.,eI; ýý V.,itt;,Ittftterlf 1 ý -_ ý Isolée the iwMomos, and femme m«dow an e»P&NO bodies; we know the M.11 import of lo; 1 through me in such a m 1 ,; ý ý . ý - ý 1, . .. 1 - - 1, ., -lt, '. , -,.;-,,,--:'; , e 11-l"I.M,ýt af't'e', %,el". lut, . tirota"Ir,141 (.m the truel (Illustrés les1neloile. lisu ffffl M fallomEn . tu Weil, though we local, it no intacte, t', When Amberley coins* for »,s ., . . ý ý .., . , , 1: - Vol, (I, . ,I":,.ý'.., ,,, ,,iý,, - 1jblýr;0fy iýxt,,,ili'.1 il, tilt. ý ' no t«iw am tube exstellent . 1 . lzr lghcýr He went mg &Jolie 1 . 1 : -_- ý 1 ý ý >ý,ý 1-. ý ý ýý.":ï"ý-exn0 .,;..-, 1 si tvq.IiKNIýý',4. rite intorrIst %,haëMýon dite 1,111* titi dise. ý ý ý 1 . .ttedrtý18*ofvsbinltrttwk. Nev rad 9 Q"Ok a" . lunch toc rarely. . l'p the caniagedrive tum away as one in a dreain; frima Il . ý , ý! ,.Ii.I",,Iýl, . ý offersi untl»lml advin go a pazy agni, and did ne retu - f - , ý .. ý ý - 1 rIr Il - ow ' ý « 1 1 1 , . 1 Two tintleg f ln C'n litistion, contents the shaiio trot of a horWa hoofs; j long wai off 1 seein to heur helr ex lie knew lie would cc . ; ý! il c ç i ý- lit îýII1rve1 ... 1 I,ý1,Vs Ill\ Ill ,lo, 4.l, !e,ý ý . Iota 1 ha& battu watching f, ýý ' ý 1 - .,WM ý 1 P litelible .1% .1l'Aitl'ir-8. . - - And duWý in rTn!;ýn-;; R. Il.. and 9 milieu front Wossoiville. Ils le the dog-cart sillet la poing. tu faite 1 ciallnat.1011 ut cour condition; though il,- day. 1 1 ý , 1 ý ý . Kr'it set , ijite itwjr rn.t tIt Vilsti-li'. linte-II - 11194. jg«bux goulgý . - 1 1 ý 1 ý hlm tu the $" on. Sin deed 1 am weR assure chat vite au as _ Coins away Il I et . ' - le i.":!",t 1,,l"tý- lit viny 1 ý ý Aimthe, -bag(the ola vamz.le j forlorn, difty, dripping little tchen p , . . ý - _ 1 ". 1 "., ;.It" -ý'î Il 1, .-Z-,ýI%-i,ý.,,é 1 ltti4tb.%Av. (lb*T. -II * ý FORVIION .,t DOUXSTIC imultre, . ont hie travelling and il ý . 1 . , ., - -.ilýtýý m t,.,trfi.ý,,IlI et'", m.IIt lityli-h ri .. *nd hifft wed te . ý 1 aille pleami ln hie heart m site are, lie toxo 1 as moly tu Ille found in the kingdoml, au 1 we no ail .", l-, 1 stiow on tte 1, willop liatte. . Zn 1, (-ý--", - ,- Iteh"o.Iti ýý,I,,t,(,tiý,li M'Ith M., ,% it is M-F a long £ut îwt ofil" Ut n in tu i »ve Alice, over whom Ulitidineu and the -,::ý. 11ý'l ... _..; ý te;.t;,t ý elth. w ili tp 'ý ,',, l", 1 - Il - 1 îh! alittie, holiday) and *a ail or ,ý ý ý .. ý ..... .. -...ý, i ti,-,,% % ,%-,,,,fiIt,ýlýlt, ý - . ý ý 1 - - - 1 eKiotArqm uovem &%M lý A*w dlàm â%# ImAdvw 4-4,_ h il .»a -.il. w f"tý. -Ir - 1 dort hold tan nnw@r- trolacherouis ma I net « tbe W4'1* ý Md the m the reemmut -Pm, nS COMMIUM mictuy comadt. m Sm b"ing ùe Suu»l - éity, the me"- ec.t to the ma Me POUL rtos ot,3ertion on Fridav, 21,t -ditable itî th, 'lier, onwaaeouilut-- ere. front the N. mevadbom itute. 'rictrente. îevilIe, Md Mrý were &Il otiter visitom NIr. M MCAI- tire chair ami a by the exain- The trume- McFachertà mý lingvear. Thev le tu ki ve -mi i- bad t-emnditi!,Ia pa.*able. Our fui now in trýv- ,gular trains a Ur point,4 of the ' WEKK. tallit ix again iied (il% Thur- Me of r, at -$5 a day, 'Ke-lit (*t)ulity l'SI>.-uicide% in ary lýt -Where ttweva Toretito JUM il. M. Il., lia. Lachine Cariai Il ct w4 art-itrm- Iig ail Inwi. ,tri FngliýýblU.%n roluù vruiý ým ,ria, rt.l"rt- ;,!t the Nurth i*.,'... im1m-giýe 1mýi_ LIm Chillit. -ectived fit ,tlýng thcui- 04. rý*tlètlv -ý lit î tlluumýiid v I_ li Ille ha, ilà. rettirit the (ir- lagerý tif iýw. lir rýjie- lier of %,riiiiig al zigid il for 12 :-- âd in a.lztl!ce. leralil-, 'Lisif. 1w beest liviti-,i itc aceidei:t -ýc- ti'Ditgilig tu 1)a- itheire, whirli L in. liai lielii , C, his wife, arid i Io rite --e-eur, altgut ilito 111-- j, augliter aézvd eed ýix, awi a [rqwned.. ;rr malle a lit-at- er of tire Strat- L. UnvoLwçioù,.ý. hu uther nighi. iment the g,11- -ge ', where 3',L1 V'debert, in t1:,ý te the Sun ný%ýr àtv, of a viot, titere yoki %ý111 lie jmiýiL ý4 Iliv 'iateil, ali'l tour, [lleâcuis. i, tire lut. ileticit-i and Lý tliat lias made it-isely poptilar. once mure illiu pleubarit xraüme AdvVil- titough herv of ýr brro aild livro. luit lire way lo lie iLutÉ,,r',4 1iný- et ut ,Y.Lçi.:.--The Leuii- Cu.. Nev* York, reprint of oi.1 i ast few Toilli. ýveretl t lie eiivrgy ly day.. Thv foi- tk Of the pie_ýiii r re. 1 volleviion. "f Part 1; i-s Thine,- Pari il 1 Ilv fiat. * N The .1 antia ry -rit periodical ha, lie days and i.a, 'r lie t.,iitim 'Sappho;" "Ott 01, %lan-(;raàit;" -Lif, 19.0m.10 >K"c»619. ---- 1 .«U MVO Oui & . retommi lit ýi =1014 &ad -Uâ;ýÔ;71z Zy-sterirm 1 -Wa-ssed aIV,;2,y Tbwe bc fboix &U, Oum & Moir. surem. Sone of us have eveigel. bli In liait au hour we an out M it la nine O'docit 'y bons home la &U our Ilveo4 aave bemb and, amc« the rocka, ma&IM la the miy au* 1 ý* (%Md" mrffl th" my toUet for thé nia n'SI 111:11,. AMMM&s ibg 08nomommt ID& %nom discavertes; for lm"ne% th" my»g at , ridi,,T, "Wh$14 nimamar vre »Ir, after a * " . juag »,w ahout -ts shf. -01 .77 M= bt emeemmS la riraps d crabe do not amw Palliertg t"« a little whue to get but dnah; aleo that the »yIiYCý ",jdek wrth loi- tg pil meà *u hue. Re would lik 'Éhe 0«*We »d t. ïhaïmala th" ýd M A l-ý* i t MMILOW4W ilke a limpet," han a aciand. hwà&F not time to ma away wtthmt requtrtug any further truth of Its üwm that mmy etmied ont the longei e i,;PAtt ohi M" 't 11e1,11O41- ollk iw m the teth AXMS vilipé.- fil, tg aime voumumd" by lm f Mel ou thé aubject. have not; alao that the mawee 'q ont te %nv #Mree. ... ... te@&-" bMes ho L- iwa ci and 4111111.1)(1111, it *Te thé ma 1» T" a»W« Mititeil M rm» ha" & mm«k&WO È k a Imni allai, an ry rit hi- Ahle bm 1%v«A W Mélisime Md Smed SWMW. st d eve Nt .ý rhe grmwtmw- 11, ne durab a il. Save we not, longed silppingawaytrom our filet, eompeil- Peres. 1 :21 wbea ha turna in 0:14 wboaemelftâe ouveillives ek for a sight or tg 1 nàve ing un to tum enmermuilta more raptd lobki towaM it and ide t4"1-hv th" finl the lodtt R.0b Ofeltpeliti, *IPA* tialle nif omwfwm De" Io ra f» aom#m of sil# me Io hi» we net opbebtd owaMves from head to 04. fohmmm*$. tm4 vèowi- fou over a citrty pond latr th» elemt. We haut for and find »iutbwnti4 0 Lord!' hmint glvèm in tient. in fofm. *1-$ iboè.. IWM ...... MfM@. ne, C"ffm. WILOOX & M. _yIngtommke dellestembella4eurtomrooo-huedfnaks ty, no thm la no tee l4t, m b@MP$M* rm""m Io PPWI* *W- ,Wb«14 maimmoi, erAm ï» "00 lis 3 et thels Agm».ý rom wavu with atout atkbiat of Xeptune, and we muse over theva. hie example. _ýtht,,v» qJ VhI014** la the Pm of. ma eek Tom pam hais, mmmellluf; la wb" ma la 1 taire a lm loc et. eh #M y b«M oFa= = will sait ne. ea"er 1' who came up to us auch dow Imemsratory te A 'li- vnvk. the, dainty and -mysteriom ahamim We d the wx, l'f it 1 tg tab» OUT breMb awaY. My attention la arm 1.1.% htely rrmq%.i4l hy lp iý" off polloi" si, drAwl il pur es. infu= M a" emumana hold the ntg"r onfm to our ear% md the w"tn minff tOOr 1 "k varY Histenintentlytothefaînt-crý d1mry appelisranve fm , IMP ho« teillit and erMwmmt pffllén, . un IF fortnigbký muait, we thinIt, no, exactly reviiemait bedme theà Han on th milthllut Rn m'mor 40 P« et. 1 lob ba &ýt ît - » Wedmwa i road. Wh" vm go lit il the s" lnoc notee the, ma makew ait a - me el zp.eu.", fer hp Ww w«k vow 34110, demp idgh, We have lLuemo& te Mt1 ý = au" distance. -19M ý'tioýtit tmth intfffl et twot4ikým PÉ V fewha Ur" W* will ha"!* @&Ys the mm mormr bettm te and fro. 00 veý1. mmc 'tetime4li térth ilftnt%* le d'il «PMIfv I"ttfh."" 7-M *À" deakey ridest" "ana as &WM aight thmw werev v- O;tY-OM« hl -e ýjjtypýlr . in , It en, Ahemeefte bridge,, Md alw&yb tua ne aaythla* erliet", . phrtlopr md "and cottle-UW th, M, thM lire heU& j - k4p1v lit th" d" toockbdwdSl" '.*;owa»ml" '*or= Àfter bm*t" we memmpmy ý%m. aie Mr. S" «*.»;00»tomaim Wu Iblcht ft a dift 01 the plU or uu%àw M wkr **« -send us beeeymdow matiers in a "bar tret tbroue the oue.lom« atreet thalle Owm on the Pb t âbën b"«*Iam M* of SIsfflow lima. go boit r Cellule litvtw tomm4tm 14 av &J ..Com= t Dotjy.- »lýyS Mm the the town of Pwiwtnkl and ait de MAOF ellm 01 » on the d.dngk where, appwmaly, the th" the Ott Il. 0408Iii. 0» _týý . soiemn-. » ria goba te. be9w Immty and tubion (!) of the plie* de whieh may ho ream row 1*0 Io b«* te wm te hamlle humala b n ý $"W-% -8" IÎIZÎIWI-* po"klng "Wuof b1w 1~ IV e»Ir -M 11, forne otherlierpom tbm si" V" bm ý w. fmm @M M ou te the auxim Md t. = thé rows of fat. amid teilla ktne L., OVMOP- b«Aft m to the ..11111,191M o. 1 -e f.p'n the ,ýw 01111111 la tiw wagiý beffl pry mm commeil Who ut ukint their daïly dp la M lg»»Mwm MW, a" çà", Md mvm Md the Om- em. haM b , bobbhw up and de- ly, M& z» an 09 1& t 1 l-ll ý,1" tý,, ilft wish: »». à in the mu i mmin, with makv loebok averlooka the hacé; fi il , ..f ýf- 4 %vt.ttmp, o 0" t" ugiý Duby a ha&-effnzln round tbefr cheekir. tromi- tate Ummé the rabbItil; md.m ideky bathümlp- thm Bd la ni*- hm, bed th* tmy bu* mât t4011;1 bavm Z:Iepiay their charrA% car mu, mgt, am le con» no OR the Imk et . UL mommie 1 quait om W* pop& b" amilsde a Juk »d I bvm a hot dbwute » taw il,,i«l AY14 fer 4*4 à* tbe 1111%, - whether &My léalm, wý or a -vmw Boqhm 1 M% - - - M Imicg tathel et mm ci mn- bmo*m bu&, PM ilmw 10 uwU Ote*it ait the rang= Ad mmwP& the Md upmddow Ub»&. fakx» In~ la OISIF M Sublima MF bm; belléminc, thm Dtbepub&-withmatlemm 1". illis ý mm# M&= w4m ta persoix ti AU et OMM a lig oftffl.offl in thw mm titokm» Mars. Ait élk# Md nu ýta put 'M. et tký"ht mmmm. 04 bui tim bo"Or im_ » If dotbemami. w1li on top of the M& 1 buls 11111111410daim _- ym other. wu nette t'ut t le aveur an or the plithtemq p# ffli ret~ Ther â» &Îwumom 11111%» @mou lumieu enwow oomm but a trift ut matý iém >Pwggkm- et eowiaà Ml Wh* am& ame, te p uw«twlbmbewmt 2ývow» buaimme th& ut "M à 1 lit &M wi«»U "ut Jaik» pom hm and ""*hfmtovt â* in 14WKw PNMMW of Wu uumeb§Wt" film, £W ibe- goum mormý mîîàxzsmýte M et e-1-1 k»w lww. 16 1 OUI; vàdmuy ambiemuft et tbe dom ik in taimwll fleiw est Md" in (46* W im (ffl 11*> tmàmim au de ver, amé lm cm« met eýuw $W - - - - - - - au wu hW dura fflillIffl- ý4%L. 11). Apple: on Thts le"ng ais-t "einx fe.tLIILý 4 >r lanuary, 1. ait [eýcrýptivt; (il ilic &I Nev )'(,ri, aii-i &-bridge. The ;4v aphie isituioter awl. ýe bridge i!à olki- of ring tritiglipit, oi iou of the preiliar ill 4 tqi.liVl %% i ý !L -eadt.-r. The i;itt,- ýroIà- mid. icle.inthe tièteiel.-r per hy %Virt Sikt-, i in %%*ak-ýL" l'lit, Uy Celiat ilre ý.Up among 'in ,ý W.Ld luer; > -An Italiiiii tuarktdue Beiti-I.;" Mw;'* -Sermoný. in rith severai 4bort aeprýmtueut.,t lire. The publih. heirformer elrort4 cd the Chrimttiim Monthlv. It is in praisew;orthy atid er. evidently pro- mad with every lu- àt,.stnpimtl twv ally a-ma&et Meusr.% 6 strike wheu tbey rj»u*st Chrimia", m, whiâ isbeait- dý illumrntt-%L It Sjem»g bem veitk, 'em ", anti will m"D borne ew-le mien. Them are leson'a 'Itazy,» de- oetiaffl luth" wet ith a nimter haud. B o the 8e4sou am Cffl XPOUL Christ. r waminîwî, eivtry etan. Be"« the , awil tbo mu*k " id ýCaDwéA*) I lier* BlAk CIIAU* iuu"m- UIAW tu pmvt)ke la hypoakobdrime. evidsomi of Ca"- pleaborp, aud e0gow dem Fer -4" ut. A