Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Oct 1874, p. 3

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ý 1 . . 9 . ý . ýý ý . 1 . . Pl RU - corner Moto, Dobeny lKocir, .1 1 - - - . ,ý- -- - -ý-,- - __ . - 1 ýkt rt#pk*# r&lqdkW g. 1 Cbae(*t.-Lr»pomd *k»@P éree C»wb» OUI. -À lésiew from, Il à 1 SOC'T', Pipi.VG F.I££ sooir. , . ý ý ý . 1 ý 1 1 stelle Ob" «W do** 84 rwm*a pz b.Y**,-,.Mlgbl.e l". om 1 IVA:6-11lààL . il Tbît latiler wvd zPm ùw= k tu m 1 1%e étabieuilied »Vwe à tâté whest 1 . lklw Tiut, Wiadm Soltifs, Dube , _& _= . . . i ok " emai rossaming m a" in the t'aited States, by the New . -,U; tien of ONUY %aftw soli taile 't, -Amoâ« Mr l"d et 1 ihao &a eh" " Pm, is, "My se. 1, wnwàu - ALlt,&" &"Wch. Md - h«rw W* *e rupu» i York JoIermai ai coý - - ý e ; ;. ; 7 ý ; e la, 1 situevrm». tee. bmd on 1 . eefflOn boeffil, "-hume velle rut! apecta eqad te Md »Perim ta ifs pro. satn. M14ibt'auomblumtudi1p'-»4ýc4bw thmeo tai pelleffl ta ab. = Ithùw"m ' àmmor% m *0 W" w»M p m O 1 ' i c O ce. TW NU& 1 the about ose hulatared M-les mb- 1 tbe %Pwmw »tum tg the &Pwt- T la '. -, «MIN 04 *4 Imie qMièv. t* ou *Mkpm le tu ,us = " Mas. Attelant or tend , ---- ý ý*bed telsciteg the chureh out of d@bi - saint et A-.r"j etmr.-oetuffl» bIle f étand inurý »M 1 . The averffl . ,,-6 ; bele Tùo«by. in 1 ý 1 pýrptlt,. 14 am am ! behi»L It je trait, > «Wasive «ý i boRUeivaivtdhe mBi" uu laitit be'm MW-'4tbr ! Md ""U b-swam fifty and àxq déli- eming as ti" ! bla4v'e vint,.-Mr. jas, CIOMImb. 1 M.Orrm-nos isimitomm Utàmw.-; rang«»M W bom " le fS t-elle se. i ai,& tuder " atipw'ti-ondma c motit tIL-dlmt,- tb*. cbunk, thm hW yser, w" vould éteint the .Iead.emamob. lm . lýMý»w" P@întinq and femd«. The of the trop in »voie par cent grea"r ý a 11ouse of AU Iffat4on ' . la, »Muter hm Made: «morme- W" a I & ferclai circuit 3;biluem be- ti4-b^ý. fibk«vt *ýMb» bud»h,$M fesoIt. ý Weil tqmwem»Awo«»0"9»0" mmt-, ammedwm et éminý n'à * Loto= the lestierahile of Kr. Ste-: èmegate lieu tu mair m arerme on l , ot.eiÀwàmy.aomqiaouatv iliert mbw of ý laiti, toà. xr. A. xaàyàm " 1 ,m, 'di, Mnze 6,ma,,àded Md i6'ý liait - ce. anthe,.%'ewzàg-' O .44 (C'M% " ) bbitY busk'ex wks ,» bM - ý ý - i ý U"iWoltý Md omuqnmtly du» werfa' jetées, a i Oiel. . 0» wubm Pett- 1 ý th»Va ont et lm wagm mi bailly m- ! cortaialr , «,&t tu tho sekýhb,,,,rbood. 1 iiià ma IrUdZe 11- ' dm abive- aver, - . 1 ý . f I)WY&U V. (Iviay.-'Wo mml«mèmd! àbve»wm.-Àg"umutbmbw 1 afow4amq pamu; Md » doutai; âb jure& Iffe 1éfi botwe« *a el" Md i là; vu hy . . t me et the! sgp, «Spt Dellatirai& *h" in full 0 ý 1, .Il tee the ouf.alillut. vember kt" 1 boa, réloiliving sev::ývM bai brý ý bom Md ,tout MSfflfll . . gu. AU the Atimtmud Gulf - Iel .,iýt" $le a mw 4relki = . =Z=1 *Il> ý illemelléatit, MI wovAk %mit ed"*WÀO et lm aérien 1 tbaly jmd; tbg«touils ,;%I,ý. Ube ternedsale the bu *». Io ettruises. MA muy 1 ý uvecouus FUIN a _. n " X ffl ytio L ý * , et She, "Ikt 0, 408. ' et lertatise **Mbw §W *0 etemille lm dié. i Itvar am à à* faimaim twtom »à The lum"m bm 3M bQ@ÛY ý flour hold.ilt the towmhip. , . l = . bilicw . tbe averac, escept - 0 Iqlqx!lt to*rtrgo.-& & (\ t4movil ý = & mgM dh*W cti Il tWr " F. mi,»t f ___ . ------, Alabama, Wh" ils IOL The inlmd . ýý.,*Obwçomwmudtbewmmkotma« 6%,« 4ahm mL 16t " , il 11, -M *04-9d ,0» eau bu qui ta ew,,èqý, te . ,-Ontý* ie* " Il &LkvtbS the 1 of *m aoilag fa plaît pister, a few tia î . CASSI-vGrfl.y. ý i southun ,Qwm are an above the aver- l M a ý om. ý .4, -Oll. e.fA.,.bwqtnx, sud - O& te% 1. ý il 1'.8wuamb. show *MU bave bom a a gout deuil Caumagton. , . - . . U" 1 ý bobéal -, md it MU be . -,LCCI»qg". _,Gjlryrzx».oý *,;en*?-.- Reulu, are evéklib ose#^ NW, ; -.#Ox-là".*= ý On Tmuky lam Mr. Mmod« àkat a Iý IMLtrlbffl 1 tice. ý etdel d. sbý VIIII, 'M = Y es.. âme 1 1 ils... 1 mont Of the w il . e, W -lyle. es hein qaii belà»t*"O= JXWW*&* O» bleillek. and rem 'prowd in umW »%»M by some lie. hoffl belon tu Mr. Nobl& It le ý y. ma-ras3ny-Z&«£»--In». i M. sorftth of ', m et I'ST ItF.(,'I*'*'IV EI) 4 1190 » , pom th" tbo rail W jumpa into C"'wDUR--B&_%X. am ,Tdiàt"m chincéi, ;- ý 84% elrAt.t. -bed @mats, je in de. ! et = il ma-qu«bu$ lu ! 1. cieille cinantise IU mabud i the OUR" wa"4 % um,éo *" 1. 00 0 ma &,111l' p S&VAir or CKvàb&- «t" ' Mr. Malanders, " m te ocare ! . Mmetft"&%,d U%&""«4» » the W«& ;* *c, *a-P-mm et Ver poèt . pressait supericir «#Im unu- ý A 41 .%- Ktnlb vuftb&ý.d a Mn.,,» lut et §W *0 hm twu ,$m W.,_ ý 9 .là. a- . 1 Lk" Gov..C'rawf,,rd, Sir Une Al- ! and ladima au aà»w ;à à, 1 ýeàdý ý "'id) ýýý»eý;,.Mtt ze.,!*,.?e"IWOIMUIA ; ýý,lIA» *Adt .4 noil vijuinibu me> J" wu"", $"et, 14. leý4: rs«»««@ý st«.11; hom lie lolèded hm glin. va pue, - .. -ý-- . ý ý 0.n, ý 0 1 , --*. bel " . Whio% iA,ýbeuder,,t a poots #«,,,m, *M.@@; »mi Md Mot %'w éam 3& 1142 . .............. . . .. Il Il. tg orellet iL efflail, of *0 liste ouw piste- l l'il, Md 'a parw ci emuomm. : = a two perl cent . - t TultE]C le ëd dia d" sied exild De tam out ! lard "_ per mat below by ', %el* promette W uoae»WA. mm %bel ,gestion ; *!çvk = : ýY141"aeâ: èittl& y'" finu, 0"L tee& t.nem var prevécès 9*4- 1ffl -...ý.......i...ý ...... ,.,Ir ! " is rodu 41111-si. I»çru*,». iré 4 ............ îei ............. ré 4 mdy Wh" million ,wein m m dupe ,rSuâta, vent iam:r" y m m . Md dùn" wom ut the 1 Suffl 1 Tite 11(kimbillet tlo,*.»-i%*»mm,%. lp.tLb&,c C»,kx Polk eàt&-!*e $am lu àdu%- or in ir. 3 ý ,- ta . _ " by apecial train te Cebourk 'l = dronfac, intense hem, i ý ý 1 . - ý%l,.e*k. ile th» entable et la. 1%0«»,.Mb X wu foland impossible to extract them. Te", 1 ý Omo# ý Ir *îe 'WC, Wahdon bu for mie Ilie, ý Ha du am limitait dolint *e mumà m 1 gramboppm bave roducelà. . Mmipow co». es umsh bw a r»,a a wim àmn " «éluded a kt of M& M Iý , Capél. Sinclair of tâtis place joinoi thO'ý obinchât aw - - .lIt.ý l't *#bW>?m hetok toub.,ýpý @s, au illa et twe.v Acel.ot ni. 1 ý .-I ti«&*Id kebr'galold cm *gel te hW m %bj. Iffl. inj _ .ý___.. 4.,*» w4k»«jý uvlb..$",.,.t,ý,* W. ,,,te& ,,%.,ý. i C, t*,."* parqat the mufim Malcy W«e r" v". au liait â5taisez below suffrage, ealcupt 1 tl'a et the »«É«,Ufk. A à %W elkéé webeued. T 1»34b cm- et cm ený13 k»» '»%» àmià-kvÀmàm s »d tU dmUM in iff4 Mm Pàtifie Bt" me abuve "»W" II t»à Di"wy Prq*ny.' rwcbmm WM Ille'il. sas ffl %élée ww ýbo : liedéelà %kli »M lky le %M*,4 %lie seed ffl et m MM àrPlarant " r»ý m t6- dw - MA3i-rïâ&- et Cuboctink viamt m deubmftm- ýý » Il . ý 1 CI s-4x Seul XKI04. _,.;Cmift tendu ý illes purtlénewk Menkly le le* Pété a% lm *» ce bo- ý ý . . - tittes, Md anow" Io pddb thoir mm I &1«-ý,- e mm. lisés; balance 014M in Ibo W»d squy., per Pl" m M& Md Most et à@ mbmaa- xàWM pallez S. 1 T 1 a. a. à uaitir-*«Imb-*V»"» Umm mm train taturma sqIdy m titi, ra willesa > ne ý -ý - C re, A SI ,,,*, 0 , M-101041% culte buleuleut Iebels 4't'ffll'i', .rhe. fumer 110= 111010 es 1%,,Ocll.r,.y I.I Ltl-M AI, - Il .. lue #cet ý . . e% th. i,.,,.,M,, AX WU«-DMM DM . ud an expron" thawmhm xiii, @taï .. .. el ne îè o u6 1 ý ,- ".f %telle et aitmeffl by, , r,',, tw wu" vu aéot. idwim to E, - . .. ! #,,r,ýb@Nb*Ctýto.cý",i".biý.ý,,hi.,.,ý,l pqbplX4-itwoa&-Agrtmmmyfdmb .Pzw -M the mules able T»dby te.,ýv yma BM thère aboeU bave beau a ewmpwàý a The pou. ,00 te: 0 te -I lt.ýI».#t-,o4xn:ý,.. . tàth«« , oflode , ; - =--!," " mioyý t of the dur. loi""," .. Il ** #0110 $2, W,- 1, Se , ýýt _4 ,- ý ,ho »Vel, *et,% ,-ýft la , bve &Mt M.h illitune se Mr J. cruce $m". berelle incrimlle in every deputý t I .. ; 1 ýttbo- t4 m ý lawly ,,##» C ot »Wulâ &**-%ai. bwrhwm --"ý b-guïeune, ami th» am eh* adý«w.« ' m Tb* W. IL &Laday SchSl (Fdbu) Mr. Félid, the &MgUL84 -f Caruinr : c..rki" .. .. .- .. 9-10 a 209 STA Who loft top ruettunevy. ler.smilbisayowqmm en fruela diWk aboot- ý avait pw lm .. .. .. 9 go a 09 UV ; ý t m mâ" m 09 the ProVais Md PVO& j held ita " vmmy m Smàw a" . .. .. 14 01) a 00 ne . 1 là the »W rheuwe. Tbt.éfub b rouag aucteller et tba . . ! Marier pet b- P%4ýýmtelrlt".--. luth* lut Cana" (w 'abwwvnt*wdmftbwm»exSafflpmtb- ý pority observable on avery " ; and ,el'w V ie*$% the 1.4w ' Xoh&4y ille âWe ud 21m buL On Sizb- 4 a few days Mo, mm with a lieriolus i "Orle le - ('1114,1111 F 0 R., GASH. -the£: - Il B»v« t-, ho [.W,.#. maloty owë it te tbemwvu ta &&4t 1 accidents Whft 8eýtmg mite, tho ver ý P. - . . :: *.* 0 e - ',,f,ý,,«à »&,,ý'f's.leýfflaieqeý'e.(IR"uýtqv,,g\Ft"rýtàewwpmou"mowml"albwbm-lta-omý Md mtermi- b" et 130 p.m.. *a B«. Cùvia ffl et Ue vies. la," le, . - .. pmnieshuiv = .b.qmm out ! a mm lib" . vigotrous "Pins .. m 9 le, 1 l 4ýw-t.v'. eýt lt«igftl.t), tub ob.twil.»ltr"e, th. 1 le Ilorelffl e m imi 0 9-ýî&;o@* .. .. .. WNI.-le a - i %hm kt-W ropw i . ëhAw P»-h" tO la, YWY IWP wugm- in tba waWn4 dà&wpd, «1,ryý oIr 9,ru. b .. » * W ý .Ie 144vt-.,., ýtet,,I lu en "Peter G.Mý,. me. -1, ' WM by " = M: un poWy " wdl produS the deu»d .. .. ýI,_ ,Jî,,.?,*, (k.ý"?u, of , W ý b.tkI,àýhw par ii, a is, 1 CE - - »? philit. lik'diene runk Wans of tu» sud »peu pro- I. 14, V. N Ilri'; le ,If %" tonne) W.* avtx.FAW q. ».,t j tuf* *M bu #bd Ille éleur of k* antenne am 1 futaille, &hW vlalola & 11olloctam vu ta- tâte " of hm book, imil ldamg iloin, Lut .. .. de m @ j* t4 .%l>rtb %Vou*741% àkm"wd Peltier . . boduetl vent m hou touticang Umm thm the km tape m be"V of the futids of the of the contents in lais foot Wbeu wüL ranov .. .. Il New "a m £ami.-At la W* . 1 Xffl par 4« 1, l" ý,> 'tý,.ý ý>,. ý .,A,ýthl-, ochetal. The «erý vmrwumed un mm islam tbe dfflm tilleul, , M, the .. 0 : 12*2 l, -l"I. -t, ",* M" t feMum et ào «bibidon, wit me 1 =prr paý .. dû ; _ , _ . Il ,1111 1. e 1 ý 1, *', ,. , DbtrZK ,,%,ýtu DIOOUIPttat't. - comma the bu.le, i c b :: à 0 CI :*Iý,, ,ý,ý." Il chiot ý aumint .t Ibo suay k.WMWP Monday, when aiter the conalffl y bad cardais alisoi josd3d &,@ý t a sr à: 1 ', - , 'it,-tullée exlwità- tý-,k in eIlWgo .»b 1"*,." l ,*ýý,l ompdw te bold «W *0 P" lut te 1 ,» 'il-, 11- e-1. ýtI,.tpeobt;y ftd-çd .Iý,-gib wo»m» tender the inou"o*"ftiIewpvhb ý ine Ob WM leul-4 volante MU : partaken of the goci things provided c4w cavala of O"Mo" @bu-bd this T»l .. .. .. sa r ý j, - ý - ,,ý-4«!,Wl), l»ll%,ýi, ý - , ilwl:-3&,ved by àr. &"%»@.. medaie autit week. Illendil per qvarm .. .00 0 i " - C'effltb.v il In.g.krr..hS un il, ,th« .&,.e 9.0 t1eully. %bu thiguuu«g. hev *Sn"d kjr nt. A crodit" displar wille made ilit the ý by tbe ladies, the meeting wm addres- i mmainýq witjL tbe Cannùli;tm Compmy T.M.y. Zj" .. :: Te ot 16646l'he wax m the '. P. m. fo" and *Aowd the pugém et the C a c - - Mr. ]EL Re&àn,& fkus tbo. ud by the Ber. C. Sbaw, the ouly . i 1 . 9 @ ý ýI4f "l'Y eý1041«ty wall pu% ne ate thh, et,", i bave lebelollib U»Ztao:!jlk. Sulo &@id& 1 Of Bât&Uitm 3ttà4 tu 90 iBtO camp et = P- . .. . .. se . T -"> lette an% %. %le* tee% .p .ho WIA uttlwwt le ý .. y 1 offleil bar rues vide fer publie tmvqg. unitte bave r«O-brode mm fauch «hured, and cadantatur 'pissant- Tlas PrOm&-P Rolland Lmdine The mon prumted 1 g.ked a.. .. .. .. ait * ou L «Ul FRAN K -M U N RO , ý.-ý4>Z"'ns bis famas apposes mOm irequmtlyiu were enfivéned. by multie rendond by a fi» appenaneae and aru je @plan" , Supreuredeuvmde.. .. 00 lé 00, »W M» et te" (m - JO" suinvme la" boa " prm M& The abuse of grales ý i ProfémS W'mdlow, of Beümy. The modiuois, baielg fur the mom, Port ,, , Dreaimi Rock per. M Ibo. .. 0 00 * 0 el ý saberem Y. MI C. x -T4 &*,%%W fallatintit nt ý wàs preventail imm nom Foe .. .. .. 04 09 ýd 25 00 HOUSI 07 AU sÀkl» $& ' .,)" y - al. Ir- j% ber %ho -Owtim of .r,,.ý -lent l' i My r-& T» hon» ma" a gSd . . R-tib" Yomgbrmm& Itistobehoped; do elettra Pm .. te * lé, (Il) OO i . ,ý appeto-m Mr. Geoffl Megqlhle to dutillein for the crodit: of the compony thu: Bàyptrýt,,ý... :: .. le W (a û uo; lu. Il ý . 't1el. "M'Ot'O' t'ntl- Witt les boit# noit 1l»ý il OM IZ: p.reI.t .. - 09 e 2 ta, r È fïà»Ml I hm"-10"11 tum àwàn " while m camp they wM acquîît tillacs- - C ',-dw-ýuid but 7 colid .. . 2 -.S ,se 3 2à 1 ý ý ý- le, -e44 lie the Adel.-lektion illeekr. 'w Who aft lie. - ,ta .,k Utdy .. . ,,il.ýt.1 ,,, th. k4o'mf*mt ,V"fb .h"wt ne,& lail in " part. On ,%turdal John 19vans, "IV« MM MIR j S" ' » 9, 1 P.S.-I)o ý 1 - 1'. *tg*»-t, Ille the .tte*,.t (Jth*.%ýeLm4j» Witt Ibo intention ut this elouaint go Pm the noms il$ ý *0 tirait Prim &X» TM tics, CoIlà. - . . .. .. ,»; - ý ý dniy puwilkhmý","»w 1, IW.- Ir, ý ItZ » là 1 le) ý ý 1-pe-1 414lert nielib lelleinq the fight Mlla a% the ,,W,. k and LWmutm voie on tbegr,,,& in th* mPbY Of Rublirt PhilP, wu ThoLodgeofOUYUW& bi's W" L.= .. - : i c >"'ý. $-- , LepIIm»t U»tton Witt ?",", eu,,. Ct'XP&Ilwlc'ç'rABY grera&-Tbomm- The drill prueuw a very fiale küW -by being ébroim fruits. a borze. . 1 4.1à,L.kin-, Omo, ple lie. :: le a II x ý , I.b*!,%#I.e, 1 1 hem laît 3L=b is in a Sinuee' aee&itkq .. .. .. 0 et) a 06 T ; hm or the Voitures Vire Co'r. mortaimd céloir i On SabbMh murning . - ý ý ý rit».fflnàL,-- We am zbl«WM to g ý C;bptmuý Nir lare couk, W m oyoler mmwàa lier i ! daq;hter of John- Baird, Oum of Bal- le" b_ b ý ý b . ý It - --W--- = & The7î»Artoukd . taik ýý 1 ý . Tnao-" j MARNIM . . 1 un , aektt lilPid un Mondu Ilvecietir vers Most . Wbut. Ull. per bu»L .............. 4 1 ,» te 0 le ý ".Iw lebd, "ilekg, .4 " w W . 1 .un the 0Ss. ý éble lailittel dmwemmte >Au-»Iid f»ý lt,*ek in ý -1--aut belle habind enturqm sbe HM "tod~«« létbout j procainent lyduff pumd away in grest puce after i whest, «WiLi& de .... ý ... - ..... Owa 1 -xe i ::*t>kvibllýýýýw,.* t''hib.'i.Itvmeý, rr iiii êzîtÏîrý .Numbadeu ,ýlpeçili4l ý&dvttii.uneuls. 1 twtfnty p4Mý» Mt devu. aud, ~ tentes didy 1 ODWort" articles a long and punfol Masse which she E-ýLý : BaÈey do ........ ...... 1 092& OW, -ý «h., hall >ý-ffl h4~11 i ýki4Iét4r.4 'Vry .ne. - ý ""d te by.. ,», bmt.» Mr. J. Wiue, in hm ý front. quille te 0'os ,ýukJIdl t-OW-titý'her; and r. no* k».aw4 34 uk)u.kt ami, "Il -,Uffbtegmý on vàw 1 0at. do , Ott bp;4a.ffl,ý»tho,ý*-6L»%.b-.e.t4pwbb"la bi. wmwtyr.)n obvie. thia tugù~ à __ - - _ in» , and bore with chrimim rueigeation-, and en ý reens do :::::::.,., - *.'.' 0-.4a 6 W r W A (.é)iýl)WlN 1 , i = : relleffld le the @"M wby* boouglia tinette 1 Mg" pl" ogly dUMUgnoAd dg the mme day Mr. Robert Meu un 16 08 a 0 eù 1. ý ý lit. Tl *I,,t ý 1). V ) 154 Il$ (boienéot: @very ».,?%.Iajv the 1 The grain market is gettime qui-*: itTe do ...... .. .... B c . te d'rhuf«by fr-10 2 P, ile, Uth S P, M ý >01 lektep - sud Wnenied 31r. CO" Long lits 4" touct ý et mm ce tjas Daum avay tu ele, pur 100 ibiL .... :: .... 0 to a 0 où ... bffl-Mý ne %)Mb #a%* the beais .. Our ra"s 1 Pondeuse botter ffl of ý OU r-WW@4, hi% ruwui brisk. Tbers bemg bon a douillet buyerà ! 1 il, 000 ý; ý , ýr 'l- k tel"I p.emt#,*Vow %ffl e 'I'U h" ter- 1)4ek"ý M*»" and obhera 6 hutt@r «hWbW»lu»u@MhuýiMiuMlyre "da"% t or . 'fine arte we Ill- - il- i dort. bind qn. Ver th ............... kede it, cm once ta"Me. AMAM the 1 after a long A -1-9-1 ; Thom : ,10 : è.ý ,rwtwuty #,W gou*wtw« jetttt lahs. Sus v" . ý .. : N 4 1 tas ha bruth« aftmm W site b~ dIlleu hem. ý Mi . i pmvidow» Mo admoui in '" ,,ql , compoltitiola in "" ; t= 1'n-.ý': W iý-.-.:: ....... @.,). 9*1 1 g ý . du a pouM dmwmg of au FAV - * ndy* IF,ý" , ,","Uy g' - le ..::.,..,.. étàs 0 ré": . Sew"n michines nýgwouvir«wbft- l" honsby XL» Cetduchm we ha" bid quite ta U «cite.ý ý ý Chick...,p ,PZ .... ...... mmer,ýý . in il '*'Y sul sauna this week owm te, th* profanes 1 , , , ,W prie- ,,,, -, D-À-= .t--:.:--.-.:::::::::::: o4us 'xp. D. 8, leuk"»O A vowet %émules wu wr9t«" C'mm seuxivreau W 1 1 - - 1-Iz_ ý r- .. OÙOB 9 le 1 ý 0" twy wýKýt'- -tl." ï1a bbftk I lebu in boh-h "-,a = w - and coma water colours th" miaud of all the mabgbyiul 1 ', l1ýý;-,ý e- lh, , . il= grefait mm" atlility, oueffl mady and - On !2% uw. . .. . : Turkelà... ........... . ....... ...... 0 *.S a 1 25 ý 1 -- llelull holither weekell% ëoli t-Mýe_-Tàw abbe"vo plauel 1- ut couard, tu . 2 t "Y ý ,e,ý ronpkwAwà in Rut" ternir. Ibo coueffly figures th roua .... .... Il --- ,,,s,-.ý 1 % , h,ýý,. ,yh.ý h:,le ý,ýj th, 'S.-k ibýl)ie the ».%, ellit le, t Výr L«iMl BYUogiMM4 and rhe i ; Butter, 0 se : 0 33 i ,».ý.ý."-I, %Ik.tliixNwe.iIt,ï,g.(bkt».". , %lbl»o id »W ~pt the W.4wielor. Md le. 1 vouvâwd 84 ahffl le 0901eek aber spendieu a Twal ommmtac» vo& Thom verse am m»dattheforam by the ----'*----! Eluiterlafflr.,& .. ........... :::: le là 0 t-, 'rt"ç,> ,,ýrt àW»ý A "el 4elli t*..r.bN %hm ho OR» nesporiv bu dences in the viemity of Bethmy, but of 3r,,,,% the ,,,, of toq 0 ta a O %e ý . en- = = - p«%ýe'olykiud --bu fur dm .«"y ad.ued, mail w. allatititied look rather 1 su .... ...... phb,-,$ Ir, bel&%, emeffly @,%,,m* in ofer 1 twr efulpte.. did Dot mmeed in gedng hold of mach. . , Case &-41. " à -.-.-.-.-.- - ... ...... oins 0 t 1 >-« la bl.»»eý *Ir bàa"ti ýir@21.! _i ,U 1 tu be tâte Umm of the denatmmt. A ceptical Md d«b» th" 'Ithere, a 1 £,,,, P.,,kL ............ ...... .... els &O*i *,"et .Md týnciouýb - FA-.4nifflAnc W»Dilm-we a" éhàt thst was worth auTling mmy. The! Apple-, par «wL.... l se a t ou Il' NG 1,11 . 'i" V.t Weil Welorted; &Mt Worthy thl; pmmwtge ut i empie ci bemdffl first 'mmîm4 the 1 rotten in the atue of Dm- i .*:.*:*.*.::: ....... 9 ;., a 6 n.) i 'il WAIIL PAPERS ý 4= 11L vitem- NUOIMUR la lebe sinserou »kàýe roopwtwu she ta be Morley. 1 ofilly I , Poutollé. par bi" l',ýý.-ý.1,l. . ý.$,,é "kby, #ýt . ý , bm&vSk of tbe àý lady " F ;ý - 1 Oni-,na, par bu:dL.. Xp. 3k.,kl..Ii,ý utetgoe.-k" IWOM& and p&4e»». %luttait of b " WMU Weil 110110110M le " MUkW% : PM- = rfet ... $.)O& te ù» 1 ý ýlll4ttl.. ed muelà puise. A little boy !Mit poison lusiffl "Y Md 1 MuM, G. W. INCMPOM bUO jU@t ý,,ç,, perl b.t,::.,:::.*::::*.: ... û 75 à 1 ?et 1 i:,ý ý t'ý'e.. bites - S. à U alertent) .-Il To- . " wu but a amall aum. It m report- i rm»i," Turni^ par tenait .... ...... ........ 0 tel) a O ùO; (,"Irwý»]Pt"tv,%&.-AtMiMi»Md , (*au'* ber I't ah'm . a larp stock, of MU 1voodu Il. i;ieý ! y«nof àq% contributed a very crelà.- ed thot tbey ::::: *.*.::::,.*...':: 0 ý PR I ,-j elle leufflielit boule A llvifflv çh».h. ý om. i r'nte emd'ýbm p4b" gmbnmtl, audi ruturaisd on Wedauday . carrUU do . 0 no à O tee *"ý RNF*S)wlkt b* > " rend ut the muA ettitibie, ut Kinwo 1 1 tho%4 et Cadminston but a duet tîme, ý a,.,. dl, PRIOTOORAPE PRAXIS, (p*%'- voedrie* ut 8vuàm TfO have vm rec"Y car- " ettelle Skbur mady of »vM attifai- . . oit a 000 _ _ _ -*m a kov'l- ar've- toý,4 4 Thm u ,lit and enteroti the preuxises of W. 1 they M, , ,M L,,p bsimm, 0 ')O & 0 ex) * mille Ont Ckbugh. ý Ocul , ; parmipe do .. . W. file, m lý»g4my 'n"I't ffl. 4 ; wr-. a" aft uniffl te bu eqwmtu4wj. un Wokk l twtmql6 . vu Il _rim liq - ý Z"= ,.*el kwowne Md P= ewum" Witt - 'f Si" , hotel keeper, Bn" et the SL : C"b-- p- dea .. ......... ...... 0 50 & 0 ôg ý-; l-t ,,,,, x et tâte, . 01 Bedà wool, bond lbe :** '*'*«'**'** ý - V'el.,,,,ý, telle l*;$ nt 1lý 4-h" otitaý,10 add*emm el ork, uù»àb". B«h&ny, but i The c - . 1. O., a ?2 uïe i Lawre= p ý ........ . .............. ::: Il? m à ti ou ý bovtbwwrvke ý 1:îe M l?.* -1.= 18ééM11ý With What mmceu 1 tantinet My. ;,r".,., !- î-I44. ."ýI etý.ll.«», = le Il wbilà in timier the 3,,.;,.Vll"ý-.' -0 Ne b'.1-1 ..'l the *,PUvb Ott tenu PV&.'. am ce a= ...................... de ý ?,*Pm Z"%,*,hlfflr*b,«ti )le lerellellit Ifquen - i the halte ut mm ma" càwo. dmnu« 01 1). Il. *a wm"b», w&24 trait sied 0" There hm lissa a gon" sectiring of 111 . manageumt of Jbý Muir, . a ý 1 x* -1 go or lu ]m lu ý-»l0 %«Il ' C'divis, x.b. ».rýr.. Who Witt bu able te eladlow ormmmè& 1 LrVffl ffl )L 19-Pt« M . . t4o wfltl,,,ItlIl,%ý tl-nMlter4»e th* o4ject t., ' hile, da«ht 1 «r With &,*wy' sandewalle fortune. The Mr. Geo. Wri«M WA m «Iûbition docre and Windows since, wh" appeler Umthmm vi» hm panad filles rge« - .M. fý1:;rit are ù. iàvwp.ol qmus-- f- ; k'ý,.l:t b,,-1l,,ý j,4pý ý,p .Mwb#.Iei,%M, by -hillb the prIýms *rle te bu dwuobM %ber* Qmmw ; W«#Wtàp, W» ton%* être W& dune runeur Mylk tu hAvO battu left in a vory coralo's sud cuafidence of ,U who k,», laitan, à il «" da z Pm w«k: - ; i 4 el r,ýnIneI: obtteodme*. ý ý ý the Li" tll. the b" I*dt«à lovuly a bandeu» abov m'go, which WM not ý . W. A. 6000wiff le lý = llmybdom Anambaroi %h-tm"Ido-mg&YâtwhlwgSbwiý thouvui ý ý 1 Dwbýtý4#lTtv-lemie»rmm«mdo. '-W* verT mm' Mr "'Opwu erw'st doubil tiait 'tu way to'ý of Our &7 have bella bdetmi ap " proporM at aru M"PotecL ! ,» , , ý".ý,* #,.Klq".. fi, l- b%,bý19%, W14,Ae te». ý lit* wehb»ýt, et %ka km" tbate ' 'Y the MW of athile wiýýbtng. ber vvery juy M" bm"m, -0008 g" mores, if it bu a" alr«dy dom ý r ,,,ntt,ý, N.»,lký ,,te ; MM twy %?» j1 »@Ný h in perfuellly saluent WM11 te . no thm ehouu the remde think proffl ý , ý v d .1 _,ý f ehq W,*,tk, t;&.*, cllot ,,% orle "ýF." Iq elumer in em Wm4de %O nette ký7mex"., leffliole »AI by the lie" 8& It vait à yery, fimak pucs of work- 1 ý 1 li -i 1 t le IL 1î . ý connalummmomme 1 ý-h*ýt meewil lew. " hm»«O ho W-%M "#N*,d~ Niuleberie, $est%* * net tu lie mptend in hm lime in the ceptiolit, . LIC";. 1 a. 2. a te. el l:. ta 0. a. 9. IL hýre.)* ý-en pwlt ont »O laý . ff tN* MW. '= amahip-. bU thez Mr. Gm Wriilht lu to romm th" mer «Past & Warne r& THE rORIES AYD THE CA THI,,, 1 ', villeuffl en tloUý6 tu Xe* yerkl m a Leud 1 ý 1 1 (IiIIA lfb..ýK tfbb*..ban mon"ýIbb menewy 4ennen ADlb«m Alfr: PRUMM41noic.-Um John Jemnin»4 of the lot 00ML, in in , t FrIew ...... 260 246 246 .-de - ,I, - rut cm ettry. agrwàwayforwMw. 2'Ç..>tfincFlucmy ' - 941 -.-,£ , w*»% «M. th" %m Mothe vu ba-W èende "tom the »Moh» bavine rediffusa bu pylition es toucher ; Wb@".«d.. Io 4 Il 4 94 94 Mrý Iffeupr hâd on " bitiS a on the surface lie deUrmimd "lm* ba- (p-M»e Kbw- whix.) 1 sed vinter.. 10 il %ë 96 94 te, i = . - Z 1 "tt, 'v-,h &-%. èi#m . 1 %hn accueil Dn...M a th. Publie Sa.a. Jilin . ip nt. ý mwrtmmt Of , hille W«k--»W lowl, fer it. Md The Xad wmmb the protestant hor» 1 white 104 loft 10 4 if) 4 lot 41 il a dia a -r- . . 'h .,»% fflwheowvbb" wmfflbyabmoràvtul». à1thUMýk lie bu vale 1 flub..:::**'. log te) a Id) il le-) 109 le 9; , tbwéouwan prolentell ou Wedauttv fer the llekIO& idw" »d qmh" et BerSa wSl; do 13S filet Yst it in m tkad aft ut (le lm &7 Md rides 09 in " vise :- 376 3; & 3'. Cf,-"mit Mitwine.-A meekil« of seuoil -jWbýllemphg% 806OMPM" Inib M Nel, &PMIN4 aces pnffldneM Position ý 111. . .:..:....Mi 9 376 37 4 le, 1 MM »~ gt" Weekka a blwu"w tklv@r luml'mk eowmbbg zew in ehâdmi Il Mr. IpM Peu. 460 46 O 440 460 460, 1.1I\1111.%V> vltil)"ty, oc'r. 2, te. 4. ý - m ~ . go a doter- i ..le 7b 0 7'30) 7ao ý ý ý tbf coeuellw0ý00,0utrobtee Md raèdoo Witt ho »W ~ 41110 aékirelle, du a kkkew r haring *a appu»»» of ailk, but mm- %4=,ýMe t1w: cerner 00 wwoft dent alemit ,,,,, = "Ijgto dig conte qui conte. in tbe Cabinet in higUy. dmqmm te 1:1. aîrwl oi ,-a 0) -.S 1) i P".M ma »M »Oeubm% el in d@F .tro Ce or 0 fa ý 66 6 48 4 " a : billaing dmgmm sied dumbility- mit a . the people'à libation. Fur *a firat ', e k'a wu," allessue wl4v«mm - irz ll TI 'Tl" i 'Il ..,# 1,1»ffl. - ý vwwy et &am wurit. . M" k,,k bassufoi, Md farmellis me uni* m Cana" lire tma C&*DU Priam& ý %WB ...... 57 O 5; ce r. 00 à* il à* * 54 4' . 1-M I, i L IN ILLIOEU F, ý -e. .,",» Ud Tant telle 3DU nuy nerge, Md ___ ---- 9 The cevélous ahowers am making the ! &ni ... *.* ..... 95 2 926 fet ir2 4 ,S 96 - ý - ýIs, , - i 4-1ýl.tliI,-t. awl Weu 0m ~ le, - b,.,rt*mAvrm»*WL@M.- "£ ma Hy'm . issaors of Mortinge leicesses. lNit-iv 41 ý . If . e,ýIrbb ym4ft»ý~q,$*Rn.lm*.OheRef.xx*&A«de- T *Mo .-au %se Pt* or Masses, = »Il en-% crop appomud el, &O 1 41 , 41 et 9 0 41L su .à 1.'týC,\» 'Ili»V. . l'YWIPN»N*thmtwft»Wow.t Aftwaw el. * ' ume hopoffl about the - . cbem:*.::*:4r * a a a la, a 9 da 9 si, . 901 = 1 the wa"y t;ni.0 ruetic Se minded àà of illie wtatur a Tbe romm tb@4 according tu tim ý i ;" "elet4il du how bite t«WWAW* Weil = - - . - ---ý ébig sille prokette yent "* cheu ut thdr= L' fou m, SwEGO Lummm ILUMM. have k-e.>,Ye.1 the M'Alop dur liby F,&V££ipj»f FÀLL& T-kry orpn, i Mr. Fr»Wa &Ipr"miumt Il 'heir lèmema athtè tlke, ouaeuiomom» u»O taley bave b Uirowb lien m ose tingdwer. CA'ÇADAý 1 fýr N.,týtt-etýseo(Allsmio" ,4#). 'tefflebwrh*y. W* kmtwtaln kefinvé of ,wimere le à a m&Vmifiomt welf " robe. la this - position in the Cabinet in highly dut- St Il h ftwwqge ...... :::- 25001011IIIII00 1'l ý; the om»mm W'Z P" " pro. vow wu a oollection et fwm by Mr. lrowjmmp PAIL 'IROW--RWO&M gerousto the peceple's liberdeu,"in that i 'l lat Y' f(er (I -(&«*$«* A"1,1m--A wàdoko wm 1-1 ut tank for au=- ....... . libelle l. tte, i - ý 1ý el, ,Il del, do .heap L Malle IN* 00011 In 1;7b;uý ar*%-M et Gefw .:L-.rLllàr ý_ Àm en, conteming ovS a doseu va- 1,.qc--.qltw autà,-Ç,!A=.>Ut: PAnII1L-ý- lie in a Itýmm catholie, et which sois- ne, auPen, dry .... ...... ::: elle t'» Il a en) «,,, - ý M ý l" at4.týw fle »TI Th« Vole Rot in Our butinât %O inte. ffl--- Fm in. 1 Il 32 0 :Z.,.,"««Ombogtm»tommm.lvtma4 ' i on " O maud wm a show ý - picki."4-, i-pmt". - - ý ...... 2sop à SD DMD - RMSZUZ- CSUBCJE ý plimont tl» Catholi(m of Ontam ought j pickinçt, ywd .... . ...... .. :: 2400-60k) .,ýKethý>X.ýti,ýePÏCNelewttsýbmjtwntbpglb- $bu Nm"*w b»rA' DM Ut rflmbk« e"*rt* *" latin sielle by %ruy -et siv'ng you a $ami tokea ut am frois *0 Ores Of Tas CA'.ÇADIÀ,,q .--. - . . 1 dlý'.. olle car i." et SWO* (;OR4.00 couaty. . . - là"lvzns"y. to ton vatly pIea»& Mr. Sandfi" - - inch .«-u-ng,.ýle«.& ...... .. 3o ue Il 39 -je; loswim fi *t " Alî- , % ý1' -,',ý l-13 ý N. Y_ ,~Iul»w.rý lebot toetowiht ob,À,-* Md P.Pu. grêWfiil ret»Mbreffl. Md voulli VM re-p«Uulty pý8é« mataimmc &Wp iiiimbu of outils 1 ne, iwh,4Iune, mui ruit .... dil,00 *1 libue; -e.*Pww: Vork Ph)P» .ýý Pipon. the mump»yW« seorgS and corrtwonàenS of The Phot 3Lacdnuldti was tbe firet Prenu« ut the ý ... :*.» 2"».. 350, at=k la aL Iltltýý-ý,! ,,ýt'" frç,eh fr»M 1ehet uprïttit 1 1 è. T">ty biý;inq.. ..... ý ,ý t'ýl, .', ý ý,-, ý l'édy lm"-%, Nwk iletroin, r«ww -If effleenft. %41 =.1 ý.Yll.ll.:blà We tuee Tee Witt exutrWe peur ine Md coloroit c ting. - 1 Provitace, but va never, bond from, the I lit il h .ýiffine Mill MAL ....... - "Il " no Ftlw«. wileie, Mlelt«. C*Nwdàm. Lit. gweet Our, toweinfle » Md MeMA Ile 84 gar . diip4 ot il, roots Md ý Tories thst bis prafflu ! ue, pimeeu huant», ............ . U.Je Il U 00 If e ý: , ý t Ili %,î t"t»irý titit»lE* etr"c , o#eg.. offlt M#440. rfflwe. Wu@#. Dskh 11trell- l"'d' "t bmt"u ut 'r» Plt4u"y '*tue but 'a vegmblu valle nouaewbu ml " bitim will bit held litre un Tiim- _ mat position in! - pýeù* bourds. î ........ la ue .. %l tit) rý ý - - ý ý - ", - ,-I, et rýlre-f'- ».,k litbore et.t liwdw 'the.* attit te en" ab from il.». test» pur 1 yWer (et the heurt) kml M"ng tinte promf" il$ . infuior, ow- Xxtenim ý the Cabinet vu hW r dangerwaze tot , P-ýe Wnerdee, anus ............ 1400 1115001 - .ý--C-1 i1"Ii'-l-ý r!w»ý%lî»ht.. ; 4".t. pftuntàtiun. Wilen your Pm twi* m skkk tiale te the mme baviog beau nubvor. day »zt, the *h of C-ctoberl. ý the'penple*s Martiale. It nippu» that i Pinel Piece Pim'L. goU& ...... ...... 21 lx) " 25 I.» 1 . u- - ý - i Pilm. piece piani,, drwâmng ......... : 20 t'O .1 ew) l ý ýmntu wu trum the kimi and gympub9w hW- 1 Z ; but the grain iras spiendid, and : prepuatiý am being macie to routier ý ù il, oujy Grit Ca&,)Iïcg w" we danger. ,,,ne, 14 00 .. là Injý %V el ý r r ý"ýItfI «Oxf"et :lhilw ýp Ton Vit, mat& P.A#LWA'Vý-WOV* 00 - iwp whieh tm%@,-har#Atertud your dealiop wý%Ià 1 . pince plank, cuit% ............. , 1 %Nqwu. sent tb»b JAORUM &mxm. teny M"Uàmd " reputation of this th, ,,hiWùm m ,,S,«&l m pine. euipi. t and 1. inch, guod..... 24 uo le 30 .» ,( , ' 1 I 14, 1Iý 4'ly llèlete étnet -t». et k. A. »h,- , thm P*4 in r)etr« b».bm brwbe *411: an preffle us Witt nelle bu foi pookble. ! ons, ai it in ouly Grit Catholics like 1 la t» Il t ou -,,*ý 1 1 ti.,na and MeMerten in oomeut" with motion. &m» bons of ilour Were of Phw, ttnp.ý 1 =dlà inch drewdng.. *110Itbi, uliétel, she ~ Iét anll actlvë "Perw.ý i «Ill bremied forth. W* deewy go" là@ brie Wé are pwmd ta me ow wor- 1 Mr. O'Doùoh- and Mr. Andm Who Pine. ri &Ma il inch, cuu .... 1..,» .. la m Boom ý l, % rl; r -,ýT"4 - K of '41priust and Iteene ý "~ 1 *I' 't"Kl t'u' ciellet et'g'»»?, &o"'ted me@ of pur sUy wnIle us bue ho" the cinum@4a&. soeh erteillient q»Lity titillât the judffl I am' Fmiam in the "m ci the T'OrY !, Pi»,'*')90="'uliL box .................. 14 00 Il 17 00' ,.,,ýt',,,,,ý,,'itýý,ý,ýtgtýb,ý*,ýýtt,ý%'**Clfth,ý..,e,ý>Y *P. t ctffl.%et, seelle ?&...*rte--L lemne, m whiéh have indutud vour untimelle r«wvg ý WO» P$ndexod @.bout tb* » thy Retire, Mr%. J. D. X;&ylor, bu re. . 24 oé) ! .. shulti in" are bqw..nk.t lbhw.t 1 pnm& Social au attuk on Kr. ; Pl-, ulapb-nb - .............. . tfflt V','ýQ"rýýéY . ý front m May tract tu ylir i---'t -de'- Moncriiý-Y[" * " wed arery bmi- turmd trois. the wrtl4 where lie hm ý Plue, CLPmn,§, pkkinp ...... 1900,* "--)O 1 ,ý14-Ie'.'Z'e#IKF't Th(114 thilW (,Jet dav te, the work. Awng thev» Wffl tvmve ' and happluvm PÀM muredIdm t«wbwwe ahien 1 O,= . a gn» insalt te ý, t ý -1-111 1 !ýý- ,«,ý,11,,ýý,ýb-e-,,ý"Wâ*tl.ýý.'o glýxn.b ýMk»err»N and qq M"f ,qwedm A. Sn 1 belon for Smet tintes eugmod iL tâte »Ugiom,; pi»,a"b.Z.. l,...........*., 1.1001*1300, ,ý ,, L ,% -Ill* éý , th«.Wý£%hd hy - e,« tonelty chevi-la the tellement meim»lm that y . Pl»,,*iLim,!I«r .................. 3soo ' . , ý. 1 ý 1 . I"xfw"ef "t te Wre. v,ýapif.iWd . clute expe"-! bôdy tu idaich ho . P-12 cIline thro;4e%)bt %kilos m durtftit your ideansit but H&Mil the 14>Amm Phietou"md 'Dg gOrmummt utoney on publie etorim P& ý .. here. which lie in,& dimingeaisfied t. ý pine. ceilinx, i"kia%ý .......... t> S 1, 30 e) 1 te ý 1% in -mm-d that a numb-r of o- ' Pine.,:.iliar- contenun .... ...... ýV*I e,ýqkvý W*ý "Y men l-n. thett bride stay ivith no- W* uniteliy pray th" our the Pàw Box BwW on «bibidon.- ' Ha in 0» of the zùièng , pine, Iieý' . cove, voit ............ 2s 00 :: 3 ple, toi»4"wtýwithfamilWq bibdthrAffl- el, *:.,: --- * .. 2à où _ Oo ý 1 ý Reform Party, tbe «&ut bu" of Vnc l' b-,%ý te K à lkit t,% K nelo m'W ('I)Philg "n . Of the -,ýý ,,, ýl-ýý1 ý, ' .ýý,,Lýý A .,.;4t'ý. ,,W& r..,,ý I.Y 1 Lll*ý.avollbý,edb-ethel;e"hoyýwem gtvvn tk-ittitbtul Ftwr in IRlmvtel Witt bleu yuu wtth ý -' leuffing Reformera have bem invited ' ^QoO ý 1. ,.!ý ,lý e 1ý ý ', I'.. f..ý,ll1 ltltý-4e,.lt-t." ý ,woft , r ton Iws, uniaterrupted beam and julien p,» both sploïadid *videuses of the vork attend et Glemrm on Friday next, 1 Lîberàl party, au4 au enthuimtic ad- . ceLling. eove. coninten ........ 24.10 - IL ý 1 ý l, , - ý ,ý ,: " the tu". . pertty. Md .hould W@ never sel Lem ses in ma" p ilà bis omplor. The . lot ýt,ý.,E"oltlt, etl»t'iy ýg.,Iý. i ,,P, ýý%,%,lkt,ý ! lieront of its principles, Md nous th4v , Mne. Süin4, i inch, good.. ... ...... 27 go l* 2@ on ,ý :lz ýk >te, ý b, lý ; 1 thin Worhi We hotte, ffl te, [ive as te, MM in dm O" inio-Inim 13 wobstur the day open. which in belli otir fall - I>ine,,:.,iU=, t inch, conunoix ....... ?2,).), 1 -.1, . Tbix ,Wini,,ittp OAror--We lmlm re- 4&w 'and where portion in mkwwm , olr% ý leu éce becemet lie in a tomber of a 1 amwred, ,eaitut. j inch, roïd ...... 22 ce - le 24 leu ltez % ýqt# ký ý 1 , ,ý NI ik'tte-q ppffl #lwie nIf. ý . - ý .4-le «-ý-- othft ».k« ocueladed etha circuit of show for " ridingtu soumit celer the Church whiéh hm beau and in mili , Ash, entaille goud .... .......... .... 35 -, pareils m el .1i e 0-1; --,lý-lit .,il 4-0ety %W, 'ýýj eoiýý.1 a peliabet .teArnwattem the Peu utotthe 1 L W* t 0 the . chaise of a candidate for the approwh- I pille awrilwegit.r ................. 89 00 Il 40 où , ter T«M, 1 1 - . , sadt à4à; Ourq: 0 t Mg local el«tion. Wé trum that the bRinq tremed with contantely by the j Plat' fleuri, .k . ....... M Où'* 30 rio f,,,,,,, 1 " il, ý el,ý ,,,Iý -, ý-,, A a fbýt e'ýý.".l,ý'e, i ,4i.ýttv»t voupemind the rom ut the elleverkle front the Uwhà» Vite? ,abv" 1- tbe hall. We MU" Mt fougm il - tir. pi, -08, -.j ; 1 1fý ý r»tl*x..,. ,Wq*,, 1 charlen .If ïýiý le# thele ri». *bk.b afflontlpt ý en, Mnay 0-b-%uwwm «4.w te the bom diepby, -hîch. m IM§4 W» . Tu" of lgad-d mi Candidat, and 1 Ples, coor . iii, mmmiL ...... ... :::: 22 oe II 24 oo ý ý "T"O* à - Mr. P. deliberations of this mm"q may lie wh" m und« ImM& obligations t, th« ý Phte. ffiumbint. 1 and li Mult good.. 85 00 le 45 ,)O -ýe i,ý,,"-; et Il, lsterti" 4 remivinq *L, 'rhe -tewel are m f.41-4dý 14'tP@M-é ota& ooupb:-" à tom eft~ im mwmwed.a t» ý itw" Alli'14 cé the - - Il, ,. !'_ e _', f Wý.t"ý Yj,-1,ý-. Pý-.ýýtý,«, P"",. tpri.tct-..k.-,mterlal.#Il.IM.14.stwnnu~ huia.c.cb»nhbm mrt~ làorwm«to sels tàm ohsme fwt-cry,«bibited a au prudent and the ruah nuisewtory. 1 1 Pi». tuguM 1 and 1 là. pickulp au 00 ý . aller. eniâmnt, lundi inelkcommm2soo"*-,.,)» ". l t',%ýýýý',ý.111,ýýý-iiýý'I.",ýýý-iflh. 1 ý*m. 10du.47070; 1-ý,nt-tiveft- "M l'f rvhll'gbtitg 1 tailler la &U probability the " business of 1ýý, 1 et mm Km, welit. "agu« of Mr dm». The oMý&ühM« fâctSim ààould j civil and reeo« fq«âty. To fling ' SPILD9186, pi». L41; quaâty ..... ...... 45O.- 5l» 1- ýý Iý È-4,ý Mll"ell (Imiy and «,ýqI1 le,«.. *jj,-Q#,t»ý aitentoit &bel tetel tert. 8" , tbe mieinge ; " Iteformiers mil yet bave tu bu mm- ý »hingW. vine. Ind quality .... ...... 3% -* 18-O 111 ý ý ý", bars bom repreventeil. l »& a coorze inget m the above et Mr. , 2hir4lu le, inch .......... ........... 409.. t', -1 .ll,,ýýým.l. '7on, tý". e,4.TSý12; total. 07I.Mim. lexot (M lu- rowpecud townwmib. P. WIM, soq., Io 111?. A. - ý 1'.ttNý,,ý NIT84-r"--lrh . 1 ,..",ti, Il.. mp"t..f,..l lý.0leý*, ten *0.%».": enfle. 1 (),[.Mrv, bérefoner, làr4my. , Tb@ cera"i'y wu - ___ _ __ âged. by a non" comm" of dois- m 1 ;"àueýtilm iq, ý!,beàti-,n, #10."t 14; 4lise. $#M.4". ý de ' bes front dl paria of the riding truly , i fermer and his Catholie trSudit,: tendevIl 9umaeN =7x.eý ...... .... ...... soe,, z ýO I, 1 ý ý- ., ý .4i. f çb*lkg* for inrienite by Reg, Il. J. moit. sq't'or of st Xe. LOR.4yzvlLLIL as ,y emoWv ........ .... 4401, 4 -W I. *Tpet rII%ý ý nIei, t'le- wrieli't of tle-pffl.-i.ti-in ritnd 2T.M.00, 1 chaules t»4h@dM. T~ to. %Wmd by B". J. J. 0 on the ïï et Murs lied W-Igi-- ! ,_ t,.?,;- ,, il , . i 1 ý -edu 'h ... - ;, 1'ýý1,',,'î,ýý' ýI.I'lel"I'll"* ,ý.t",.,>""ý"tý.'oa»".,";bt*tça,"».@»Mkmèl@G,014.84. ne p p.. tildes». Md N". T. M. - Md w y »Pru-dog the Porte . ýugh, but tu rab in, tt,é= ,mt by the 1. &Pie"keuulepint. I'çttqwlua'U'ttwv.ltfty't ........ 2. 1 »ýý-- 1 --ýý t. , ', ýý e ', e rllhi. ', te 4. ", 1 éI.4îiýU en'V-k- P.ý.b.. .J= 11-..: =CVMON--«M Brait Aid.Ax-mzwàx. Hia LSddùp tbe IL C. AzeWbiffiop j sus ........ 14 00 I. là io ý: -, ,ý ý, ý - - -I1, l,,.,,ý ý 'ý4rtýtxxs I*PlKovtmiin".-TI» work ,01FIXII. the choir. as a trtbu» et ' . Of Toronto bu bom pl«wd to select , brofid initinatatiou thlm CathoUe puatorIt ' Pickecs, Pise. =d qiiaiity, SU.» .... 10 00 low ji,ý9 tIFN;l " ý)lL'l le yll't WMI)t 1% ý44.j6ttj»fZ a former leader. dang nu . lm IDRIMTT. la Plckct*. piné, in quality. qquarit .... 1 .-= -;.bd.,. m ý oth-uld not atmd eqmUy belé» the w ; Lath. più ......... lioo « 1 , _'ý_ý>% le.- ...... « ý. . op avlerng the seuxolf river b«Wo«q tw4qby Men tb" wu tiloir P ...... ý ........ .10 I: 1450 1 1 ' --- .,l..,.ý '. I. -ýý-,. -..--ý- . C-irempoudange ut Illerom. place and 11mriy 811 ce t" - ýU! timau -11- l, S... ileIll D-. "i.h-t hW W. a%-.P,.-.-..--- Lz!nft __ ,A 'ho --ý..- -$,V;.d.,.;. ;.*- . .- -.,..h il- ý ro t brothrea in the: c*dar-;ýtq.@qUi.ý, ........ : ........ là ÙQ 1 lmpmvým lu h !ýk1- te liq G. '46% lit Sb. Ide JL imfiay pmwtntd. 1 . . ..... ýh"r'.h the ft-ilý,*hllr Me»M ke the porpou, of smog the TÈmm kuatin, 114 ai" of fimâ "M' the Potre; "ILGrqwy, w. J. 1%irkeli, a Nrriu ubd es ý-f 'f r,éId*ý C peellýr. commium rxi'r il à Ilite jeoi w.,rýhIé> ill the offltiliw: Xe. Party m oppor" ty 01 «Rmwng ' the ont 01 the Sff of oue of me levit whicih 1 ovS '" lemb. IL M Bork" a" J. ritvj«- - - - _m - __ WMANISMM ci *0 Company, a wp W&S mmiht in " mg-Wh-, Of ÛM ftm my aut be long maàbine& &kt penelm fwi»; T. matebatt, occernS; W. 0. Au th, In t4 p;wwi,. (Mr. KoblUb4 Md FA££ 8HO W& took plumi, Who" in IgogImd hm VM down 6&, GMMY MA G. à Il. Andreall, cobu-Ilk. Nely ber in Smith & COÏ »W M& Wolféïph that it few heil ehoir). W,ýdW*M (%.litote Doibtrio.» lo- - .17 PIR "ffl" W ehomma- ü» u«L Smith & Cote new ma hm shut the price hm hem M"Wned, Rb, . idle f or i t ELIMRicrry. FA unbe 911111111. oet »Il 9ii Iffugh. On moeh and viU prob&Wy remma woudvice. M M inx j := " lemil demud fer fimr 'f the jw_'. C-hiholm. amtgh,- &M lm Dmm. Os Mob«". 0-M 8 Md ep. t munma j»O" m mon" Mowry's in -the caly MW- "hi t1i tffl ft.1 nebWr ely.' lrarmWa M. *wU »W the vide Lllrbc OiL fýnl theNfe th-4. the "Rat r" »w«. et feb~ ffl. 0 iblod 7. héerf- d4er 1 "(bn j,ýrj»1ç *1P Mr Hui& tonk a qmW *Wm in miU »w m opuation hue. me'f'à *týt hfý% "@liq% i-U li. et beu4no& WA widdu fS Pint 1340. amompomd lUadSthe heading of "A G" D»V ddhemmiaowquotatim for but W" #m timu ib wdoi île GOU. Ii,,e delpteil for Ott kitýlq "f 1 Moi, T"Unbdigl oi 9. by hqbl Mr fflliffléol. m use. oMbM Mid «Pg4W ftxboy MW Ircodu @m* VA VW.Wb me. xr iffugg, ma Mr. jimkim " loft theP=@«e obmrvu Mr. 1111PUI4 of A luge dud« toU tu be hais bougU "Y «b" 't le ML' fkp qkm Wole (4 the q* the gimly br4aýh,84 uemm. »»My mi lunèv, by tbe Mkllmd ffl fbr the x1mko. the 'Dominion Roulait à Mking a veil commm Bore ibroe& Om b"e bu tu" tI1ý lý,,det ."d il'. dint-ti -ne ftf the telb WISI, $bu power of *0 "0 Oet. b Md lm 1»*det qw nue vu hmrtlir on FiMM ube@4, fS-if hm hoffl Of atur at 15e. ; but wouU muh pue- Bmwluge rmy ou" wwth bon coud m Old -Irmpb"%' ÉPO elt-euf- for tbabut uni bighut Mm qwés- maimau comb. ItrCtib't'Y - c"rrh, of 1 mýbolb«%. Aaop"mdby dý l en lumil«, dame Wh" ho obtabling a pImti&L mpply ci 90.M tbý, - wet,-tft, @Mbl the Wb. glvfh cce of Sb* a h __ &--. - _ *m, for lard is M*« hieL ovins to tà»! M SAUSUB"x C017l". muk wmS bé mbiul--d qoutity tb p 0# hmdwg !;" Ira The xe 1-1.4r "f ýlw4V«r Lum B" of elum logis nemdine cht-wol te lb plalle ý.the --Pl@tMm ma to mummus famffim in onnhy ; but it wM be ehmqm m wm -4 ab . - satifflu, . 1 fflowbM an «traeu fr m k feu, of tbe mony lot- te- e*,iteo,,ýt "f the I libeller 8, M!, dieuwMw Md *0 hffli, "drbdcùq vatmumumavm the misima bu admýd Md- ld "Pbýw. "Xbfbo,,e. f è jeà"M »M» ttu tbu ha» bom r«M"d fmm dt»n- et the qjhý<4@w t Si te »W., b. 16- umàù« Mûr Umm article in wé vub4L*. The M uhC,4 - *b*. *o" bu = - the .'t the rmi hi b a m f@W*. Ment t, «,M, , t»* t. ha obWML fttwy the mm wep"L J. COBU& of, Wffl *X.iw COM. W» pout à-ft itîiý-ôvjr Offilis âqmwor vM no douk go mto the t*.% ?4à*Qttt(4 C'IWW( emtwwb ovw " exempb et a tavSu- Mm ma*@& duli» in " P" et Vient nwelm* loge à flhrrom boue in 04 effl mm by la nom fi - - Win. -th the we 0«*,ffl 0elow Md extmdve tra"M Motrie Dow; à% .te lt, tltie ".,il the 1,,Owhinè le en"ffl lit Ute 110" 8". on r Mer weilbW bK MM et *9 ÙMUM in âb kIMMY M kanm @-M"g *0 Imans, ci t-pu, eh" in Inglud the put two = 1 bains, sou un tbe C,,,týtino. in ty WM t@Wnu di»M st se »w écime. thome P"bl% m oft oDtua- or thrge months je poim" ont by *9 it MW m il cbwm--ft vu $loge et rho 1'. ffl. "f t 40 1-imý« fflit. w,ý4te jjýO IIII, skoe""@* W» à 0fkfý MA prao" *0 3»8" à mmommm 'd *0 pmazT la »don- lm but »w.» IL Cote. of ..Z lit a ait -'r the t1et, mi"tm th@ "_ bIrwo telle Rb"@ *4 «Uffl New Torb4 fribim au tac table bitius 1 :Mz. 4 «*. lit tbe Ob.# i boleAlÈO. Mi. (.'bkèffl% 0« bubwm% M» "W 88» vu â1b pwq.-*l - - il Md Ob ho thm - tow»: pignon bM bffl 11111OMPffl pnd m I&Mràpm hm wa brahowl oifieWroportahmU» 1 - == lm Marly liait : wu"t equelle 'IL ffln in Alghind, il phterw #4 IWt.qMffl b4gw rememen" bjr Ume W" bave Md PÀ&JJl Md Pm devi Md *111à. wu Mist" fbr t" itoètaim nhqe> MOP: ir«k #011110IL A wthee-**Smd as .te# ,the *net that N.-tý9 bt« 0" le q» W'Soq, M, huff»d te éé #» I" M- beau WSk enduL.Jurollý It in t t«4 Md 1 1, btm WM if JuW6 ...... .... 5U kL" j. midàw& Tbumva» . ne w#w wu W@# "M"d ffl main to t P.-Ptly afwdm lba»oaw rim Imm --~ Of* le WURt a jwr u ..... ...... MU ait M»w "ftv WO tb*b eoulli bu é> Sa emd*ebm tbe *Md" indu br ...01111116 tbe x* Wall poump juw la ...... 22 ...... 37o, 2L come bom SOIN., *9 IlIR1011. aveu et 'Z'e= me 4101lus *0 et Ir 21S ......... M& bi.IAXVM% 2b ...... Us. fil. une, Ti Id O*P~ = Mvbému ow at èu ....... m el je* le Akewew Init wiwhiffl. vin m4b tu big PWH4"w ru@m eý @M- & vu ýPIMIO& 1 vect ad in oumeu" VU de AUC" li-mmil; oti. "W thst th* ».Ïtud '&wmw »W - p LMbý bave bum gow in Su- rb a pbmommm of twaL ne M. oglb«»m]&C.dwnhbythe The quisaitisies st thme M towns W wrise el in (-*tWM off hert-l"sa imprffl wt* *MW et hm toffl lmupaeu»jm" ; Md *0 frSu 43,Wl q, fS «Se -«Iimo Bd«td@Ouie ee'batK,* tht. vbqt* M&I 1-Itvrete Pt CI Oe,* t-»ty et M-@#% #le**« Il* em4".b". elthitlett.,».. I-th sud «nitlt4w towob 060001"b*, 0" Xio'1191111011 P. P. w» viest ci w" au" Auzimé MI to 64ý,M quu- 09" - effltd"d OA* ble COUDlm« afflà ab te kimp ap - = .» XAMOYM. G» à ce.. It M"M Md puaby à 31111*to the *0 wlithS, *0 commme h-aim &P»M- tens fer *0 -ubd uptmbw 5, be 4 wolt if m Mt" poèfw W«* tabrit fil ibe-solo- et* it o'W 0 Se fe»Wy mé, in mm *mS Imm MBvàý Pr" WM &Md" 4UO» quarésui for the ce«M. lie Sig Sb the M44 «440befté, à et vmtbewt- MW So la bu il Madjdnit dmbm Price Sb am$& tebleb 1 m pu Ob ab"m et the vwLy. Bov *9 K a, tumé a %m w»Wd tiut WMM VI th" WM NSIL of leu Yom la IL IF. TUOILA& Pulnals. m S-Nbg k. te.1 tho, pimi wýMtd am %4Z= e WS ïbi bu *M dlWA--- ma siva i" watabra- vmà evS 210,M quaréus of a LY]UN. Tbuui% ont. Mageois légot ~» bu CrIxer. @My wqM =roi *@W mu *wd-4 ýwbml»ý inf«ç -qm-- guelle W tbe fl~ ÇMA»M wu WB weàmd 'Wou inum 0101b WM bs Ob 1" but ifaiW wqi»mM rupu" tbuc. Afèw Ina a 'Uniba bffl je W. J. Tur- minent »výw ý-UF m ovS IL ImmbR a la ochivecit by WM Imm Ume@& plom 111111» bab tâm rrimm bol4j L »MIS *m bu ÙM mm kola, qmph«q4ib O«tb* qm*w*. «W om sàoir wM bu bM hm m thm , Wbeâw by lowdmtýdwkof MUM " the ha in the -ma Batw la Oý la puadm W by BM M"M fa Mt" to the j- ,gr 0-00, G 00 D 8 AUTUMN V T G 0 0 D S A Are rocabbg sud opeming a lmge nhipmàmt ý of chetoe is iwsS tban- we bave heretoibre had the Plmmm of submitunà%,% Our pab=mý wme the DJECILINE IN THlFà 1PRICES OF ALL WM be fany appr"ted by cuUomers. L 1 N E 0

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