abc efolptis fandki». C»wb» om-lmtm hm BEA FJMM-V. "doumt thas M M*M-tm and Wdld -la» Y Ouse 1weiffle as" ee»m cote classes illite, cla Miru sci maw«k rumwa, "WIL lit, tru loir. ne tu At PMU« in OL Xâtu«M oumul.-It in mklm qtpjýjbV sud qum«: ! Metita"es, 1 :61 ïFè.Iý,jà» W..% U, t LA te.. -Mr. IL J. MI&MOUý a m hew et m* a plées go oft» tg& 1 p 18 G 1 R 0 N W 0 RKS qps:g j4%ý et 8" bassit là! *W ta wes e«pibs" a few en J. Vw" t 0", Ulm &mm% *»d -loba irfarm& C-eo. luid, ie ill, the nu- t %p m *00ý et ar.,Iý igielb4 i nom, IR.EL Cmum, Win. Buber ààgà lot- Il WOODVnUM, ON'r. a là-ci lm" et Mel. m *0 7* la %14 spnm4 of thie plages fS fflu- mu&& iný"V"m totharubser. W-MITB :BIRO. ru Mtrt"%,qb lbuxv&-lu cmmaet MW tr rm lm lm W«d Suert -4," MW tu i 9 W_- 4)xtý*4 t4hiru F40- of Tay, bave »bMtW Md au rend? le ý: - - - ___ __ »V ýnàr«mbtmt Igale «nomme lais, hm" a by-law gmtins &M)UW M m ilà nid 0" th* EA.ITER to=.L=%OWIO% HILL C. L B"w of tho extallestioct of tho XWI»d %à- bà&*Da- ýbU=. 1 'S PATENT PLOUGHS11t! Ripou hoe= bit-" «M ç'M! zvilýoThe voie, àwem WM in wm Mt ci P«.!O-ba-'4.& 4 nit May. lawal MMO«wy ma"& *si ensit Md Dmmmwm »." Udcbm& 1 Vos" Fracle (;&.W modwSt Mt sa ta bé Moïses, mi& om! wfth ileum Elgoog rmar Tofflanto, C"",.'releguPh'Mmw C=ýr. ltSdîraper. UkekmaiW, qqatdige j3joc % y-,u plate, Clin, sani, Tite Gailixès Cassis. 7111t, l verdoies. ted 1Èrý J. IL Kerr, mu* infilsai idiffil t:ummà.,g.., bellford JteaW ne -W *0 MM gemes, Ne tue bu CRU -ikr -à-arâeàm tue mmunm te assassins. Tb@ mm &Wuked bLtemý ost 7 ka, soistel. 1-ffl pm*j4. au .,wbbýw. _ p dm jwwlin et baga snt d the, 1 but the thé or the y for ; Ormd aititaction, %ý» bom about ttoà" 4mrie sintum t'a ISAW ING 31ACHINES9 wiadwr S'cerfs, I>lk«,! - àbrt tiiiir etdmbm ed bWb& of the qcdý ýlq '.tvIk lie..ot et «Y 'ho" è»d %,le M go " pk»; Md thst à* Il va bils à~ fit le. mais Md POOPW The Veatry rmIred Two and rose Basses poswers fer dnving saimint Xachmet or àgrw-atturil Patent trop FRANK M UN» V A gwýt* will commom latins the tribal, 111% .*Mif*"dom»tt it avu- te 116_ gwS distrait &È. 0111M The Slémi Dentelais a speemlty-che hm final saisit eor2foruMe tg Zerw lui, "qbtlxtA - The lattée thir« on% ou te te bave the me ftemin $0 va bave êt gr@" «m4F euuuld Ù1 %lot -61014" salle IMýo 14m èlaw V.-ass »»-*"m alfLk J-mu ELNXOV".-Mr. lable. j Paftem fer neVIT SU kimda of Agdonhural ULaý. bb,ý99#9,W, «Oucy %hW* mm »V lasser Cemmy coeillée àffl au" gras re-elod" vuxleu, Md Mr. k«P,-àlu4p itIr aqwrà Smu"y un haînai, lits th..,&t bu 1,0 *,.bWh*4 .% - _hlt 0" in, 1 per The Wi»W and ftý almiý ma- Audrew wilwal vu bbàso elected. The Iffl be ttPbew te mauubgtumý'Petle& Plough twtdammt W ûmû-tliý-m- mtotthe«q*a w« reodredmd, in bu 1 the mm Au ot OhL but we , &M @M- Tb»"**@$Meot" thffl lafo »W à* ý4prin Md JW4 #* day as night me ]Er 'W. Brmbw linth. Mr Wh" the Judga bête, wiâmt a Ju adme ubst a large MâMS et *0 jar 1111101 and the Variions verte ap- i RBPAý G OF ALL KINDS N-FATLY M ECUTED, lien %" el veux Ifamnýed. 1 hmoed p" of admim" will revaied bil a Imading Smblaittes. The Md tabassages M& bu"M m *0 bir paino"ng and momadd efforte te = of enawaygiymau impmus etribla orwrý by Voi, OrTelt«me. priDipti-, ùd*L s-ali iý*se 4tliair urtiert -;*ýh*re. The trade sup Wil. 000 lb4ý 14lit Tue, ta ,rhis onter. bave poëdy $W him. As tèbe faieles pa.1 sit libond Mtý p»vW* hWthM and priblitalde, amu»- to chureh matteral. W%"fflflfiý itr WOWOMY os lit, saithont junte am &W, thle et . $hum et T. lit X. Bâilwal, Stati-,u. Wuo&Me. fVý,.000 1'tamt. Totiffl (w. box$, lai o4o tw. *bit. 8% b..%.Mokt the Cfawan is a" wý0*7. in mens; *«« "m gr iozw%,Drwom.-Tbe luter! WHITE k-Mo. pomme. = ettes Amd mm te Suter: vngtry %umalm of. St iews C&UZ& t àNqtx psarsba. ý ýTk0 blâme ab 48aya, gen«"Y. MPMM »"uwieba» "d!ào»ïmwdnaU,.muy. Thoreport, IOPM%.ÀLZCIVI Ifenmopr 304" i ý i 141 currants am* 'g'h' t of "ohur*wudemindiuteda pros- fi" 'the puiple, »d m p»wdmg nSilation, i Pnom elleflâtion, »fidbutmi L Ki.000 e&ndlmtitlt " or, Md »70 Millb" et m instructive Md elontbq chww-! V» revoir of the chu; T O :B -A.C C O - IST , 'lu l' % d'"d 'a bille fair en basket à belli pu& un the Ur, VIF *%un thé, clusine Mt-bdmm-t mý câ et osent. Mr. Je& gavmniii. Cermm alW Mmaililleile Citais, XbtlZa Cherýe-t% and q>w Druit the "m'a bot: agordmr ma igr. je" v aro Prime of Wak,, Lillie ranrite and N.- c-hew.iuc -et A If lit V ait fit peqrduls If tb#bwlwd M4"h of imPmv*u»t dming twill demonstrate, the libellai S"tm okm,11) T,,nd B IdyrUe Savy. Briti-h cch-44. just ellImiltd- Pitu Of bâille, the people et Lindsay to thugs, whe-ma- ti» chu" wudm& tue TI %o 1q»ý* ftrt *tt,», lim,,% ïIend, lumiller Md timber dutoidt the jotý ut Frafrai sel Aineriran ýi7iàr 14". Pr, pr.,.,4 01) -tût the of the "?on" - Br. Pll- L"- MW»vr.-The rothing II 4'ttatt A t.t.:l ti,,- ý.t et trae. Amher Pipe .4tem, toixace. JN>uýn,-, plicket Kuiv-. ý ý Il leillý 1111t, ab- i In ha sesbil la favery du»o" , ta lie Rmdin&» Wef belle» a 1«7 c"M Md %noëters Moiserbaité, 4;emmily. COC---TUY MERCtU.-i" Zor 1 . 114-04 Mètest in the et4mtion the »Vew bond minute * bain Vided sud wM waedgam M ml teil & hoalthy balaum AND llUTF-1 KIEFPERS tri d- lattait til examine nio, -tGýk I;býtWt- K NTIL-ir habt-t. jatte roMived 'fflit, baoût publiemd priv hir almilit, ma Emther plans of operation in: 7, Md pri-ct. atta 1 am Srlia", thm 1 cla .1. &4 %ell by tsea in teb*qq 4:rereterl W»" 84rosirsou to ho balle Wforlk WM recolwed UPOIL woui lu r1ky licaffiait xny neit:Ie La T..rtmk, or 34ýMUY.L. We obserto the 11]3ibwaiem" is m, mmw& Il. Fàatmait and James wdet'Wleoi à NaItDIlt.--.80M tiens, "844 la art mq. kýjè 0,1 thi, i wmm choses wardom for t» prenant 20 a little girl in the South W&M, whon, m ,rb1z,. (!.%%trxvt.t ('4ýr. This om Île modle in hor motath, " Ilb. yur- If".ry m wlastiall M"ý tiolialy tonk a bite, tromélit Pm*e"fbr«4 -L--b-nd "..jMFièý,waw: pr(,fferod b Il ait 'roffl.t., 1 both. ho bu . D EX $. 8. a 1 toi hum in XBRA r. Oma CE Tm càxmàý l'in. trmt Pain; and ai tloubt hm sufforewil Lirutuy, Allant 239d. 187.k. %e-tqtè lebi &.ic4 Tfaw. Varmeu in b1Y hiévitair lier imaemt" sqxcited by vAitil4kl roiL ne market bu be» quiet du ' 9 "i fi . flot a the eilgiblièrit y of the cirettmstmS and the week and little hmb bem doue. tZ D irect from nistal, !the, itnimxuibilaty ofam"nxtelief ma" a Em obuvm, Md note a dighe DO BOT FOIGIT. sa - The on *a morain et Ti»ý *0 abre, 1 out. and petit oi et cambrât, biongint aivmm in PM Md ut& rt) risr. Frasbk Tait blitblLk.,; 0 R' fW« to Mr. Robert Moi vu brok» intela i ]UNDGAT MARKIET PRICIES. Nvmvi %Vhý-kfN ; ai . titi thr '0711NSI &te %hO«minl> of thé, xiawad'ý by thiei Md mon", P~ -hmpe 120,000 Rolls d W all Paper j-Vçh4ý,à fllforo il,* il, the; R ai 1 Way for the currvn. t y«r tfo -. th ý- and g" wu-e- t"m door wu pu" opent 1 «. fit lilial -Mareth, coluparofi inth léril. They 91 »é& Tho 3 00 *9 SU, -Ut. r C-4qbxr urrwxxby. The route ellow the graùtying increllée of with M» dwp instruments m the »W tella 3 ou -Il 0- fi- -tiowal aoM býlýlb 111-41 -# Julv *la- $5, Dmbtleu». whm thst â» je am. marlis on the dette, tn&cateý, and the ou @ 1 ýîqwýk *.,Ukt.ln oeil t'. coasatult ths bill-. wweb theue thara ispi Pr"ffl, 30 iie: ploted te the omrtàla it&Y. th» »t*M deek omteinift the mon" Md mma !,-W. 43 43: lui aï will ho skill more rok« opos, ai la .. "- * 24: Thèr> &.a., 33 V la. lit a té%tpplempot ý Wb 1 Il .- f il, G 1 il 1 lit alra ml. *0 MoIt nt Nd thitais ne hy1wr. OF.,9,,r. .... ... le.o-.&33 amis. sus par dos V% lie lei libpt(iii vtrtistments. .» 8.=74, 8" muet lie wen uq" toi W" the !0 e pý Lindsay. April - tel. hall IlItellé èU le.. 4om. 1#1 WUIO ltrsfà*éa. W'k pluilbas Mar.,.. ..,4ýmm &$W.U Cbkk-per voir bqb" in w ý R*Wddl. b-moml and Naitail a promues, m ««ytbmg Imbe dom w Gavait per th 54 t; ha. -114.. daise .... .... M.201-23 M'du.38 qidedy. No el» hm yet bases touad N'mi 0 *r(bq!x Comptrelzia. 14. 149111W likoly tu bond to this, oiaviefim of the' Lamb par squatter 8, cq rit -r ou vr urfèt*onjR mt.k.4 -f towla Turter. post th »»U yonng mon wwe linad i gtbilq Party or parties, but ev«7 automne 5 la fil, Iai Ili'. Cul'. U%90%1%4 t-I 411 sitoir S. 1 te li 'ERs' ATTE-NT101Ç vo A for atudion (varlut myle) on j ère boing *W Md, it in to bu hopui Umm ù FAR3 W, to r«lei,. 8è*w eýf;V latais, -tali l'the ub"It corsom This JOV vould Vill provo »coudol in briaging thom il 1 heretiv cautilIti the pithiie N 111 INI NN bée « ýS %plmý Il" 1 y t th y ""t tlbg O»tloo getsouý 7te ut liks a chant m* Lit*" and bave to "ueb«e& Dremd Haies par. 100 lits. .. ; t» Is, 2i faute for ýàO timon b% me in fýv;jr lA NÇezil Siuith, ut ne ue w iii, I:G LI-1tlt!.Or confite. a1à on 'hiiiil ha.- 4en,ýid llial, lit tal.. illoIle. aloi it = . elle 41» email pox hm mt"y dimppur- M" petit 00 (IL. ill, 14 («) &QI in, e r,ýýt forai. t-àcL.. ý a tireait douire te ose, A feft do extr irisas, »' PATEIT WROUCHT un nu «ECTt.,:t e-1 fil: (#Iteair àt%»oýqkàN* T>àvilvj théla noie end lai imposition car mu met 0& The famùly affiicteci are able, to ho mar par tým. 17oll, fer,6--ailpil lit. Ir. "il ai tht, of tas -5 AU the bt.,rgaýný: reffl" & féw toý jui» e, t!trr*"t. il.? ý '. 4: -») %nW' bout Our contart, mm et â«Wils, and grest credit in due te, Ur. 1 73 Ps C91:11T 4.)F rýrvi>iu-x. 'SUPERIOR GANG 'PLOWS fi . % tmb tic»met hm tn the udýaqm W the Srdd Witt in Whittle, L-biki- 0", . () . - 1 jëpto. 'roa fi 1 on tint jm C41bkimiompe liai 1-là 'ith id, Il-," noë foumd-le MY catherl. -la - -tic! ho kq* am Stiee iý borebv --iNeu thaît W. A. rVA Du.t ttr t -JO town. Thm ie cothin libe bri tmat aunda s, 0 ý 609 Collée gnd »». je the fogrots «Ma o*m and ital Ctovr,4«d.. .4 5 es JOHNSYON19 COURT or REMION #hey en old they wM nuput anaît tlly' qw .4 1 Patent Fanubg 31HI! (1-mt, t-à .... i. te boy. lui- tL, Ï»q*ý bill W" e>'t*tffl bit Va" uM "'*m TOW-NÇI-ý-IE3[1]P Peeei% et! ILIzht>t retý-..:u -i-Jati4m trucs Airri. 14-J *tIol I.. pal. wit-P. IgymtxtAt. -Quito a aumber or W". th the wee et G. P. Nt . Ný, b4 t-ýn .., i ira »M.nmàxve iý q:otuýti» ut P. Ithièth foi t'm". dingo bave tak« plâce m toire, don". -hi iberinth loi rk. .4 tho ei4ý S" «Ob. -ti e.,Zeýça 00, lu. the page W»k; 4" m MA&Y moifs are un À grand »tutaimamt gras %iven ta «D à ',%rmmr -VcBriLwv- th- - Ir 1FEED LIRILL,ý, (ITTEFL4. ROOBR là. J&P Abou thfa tapie that it is @vident the rodwtim the Tempêtemes liall, Duadord, on ZZotl. «Mt. lajy the lictiiv. Y. W. J.hra Sabr&y, the lîth dey of May rext, 1 in the prios, of-& jk»M to take,ýWod'mdajwfmùwr, ie, ils to XW Erloins, Fm, 7" ;la twl)fthèlatu lm m t le 6"kwL- in the fore&xa, of whieh an F*rso" am au rit" 01 fàrnung impienitrat.. Ortil, m te- 911,14, 1 ta, faiblit Valitoffl. tutmd plu-ea atter July 114, h» ille, edges y jalhas xceura"; Mq., ut= t intrt-,ei -lft heretar "uirc-1 %,: uke notice. ýpcctiUrY âullu!tcd and primptijl tiýle.]. 4%,4 il. fF4 -ifth mmil ýetr> a t4 t-tabllh»wnt as Whieh Wi hitatever on the matrimonial market. *0 ViOtOlia Î%i& T0112010, m the Init ot th. .elft a" thi. (.MteiDmot. by Warmn*.Y-,.qe etait, ave, *_40 i Lots, by -be Rey. E. W. Pantois. îr Seil IL-Lutd. tali 01totalc.1a, o'è ov'li This is m it sholbld ho ; for the féllow 0» of am m-t intellection -ange orer mu amb nowbaný au le runim lé. fil. 'dith il.t, F,.» è4çv. siro.J. %lliwrvIil Whn con't adord sa dom ant dogme the Ul- W r ý»èi$)w%1i h Dït»tlo Air Illata witzamwed in" villas& -Notvithetmd- immx-.aow-la Ulm the lm ivisL. C.týIPUELL. CRUS., 44 thç,.*Imt bolèr: hapapirsole et wedded lité, and abould inq the k*m@my ai *0 we&tbm, the, Î:àuùglèz. et, inekook se mm l2NSULTE-N A OF I-IC4;Q. W,,M, Llie. Ont. > Tnal: %ýru&t-tt, Aba will bt, mon by Our 1 ho condt-moed forever to the miseriefs of McLnàx- - nwmrr - lsà a pastis LÏM& ir-mé ç.,,tttal. bis, ramtiv i»bteimi 1 bu-holorhoM. la eflablebeation, tritit this pâtterSux oompm the, chair MA a& or. ààle th% bar un 'ICE BICE. «;à l't. 9'lf 4 ýqt'oeb If litage nimbait 1a%ýt1w 1-oli tbpiea stispidofle cimmatum conown. = MW. Umm Dm u-. deý d the »dièm» ne mm The:tlxýýe Im-0,ýêT:t 'La, Iti.,siteti with if i lait a biithly respecied refflident of ths, le uweimL la mu au-, air= me a D'el mâd Dtuabarge. AST WA" eýitocyuy. i At'Éïl Tht. oèd wali taillable $,-tbp*hm bmety Ommem"g etroqMr on the = ha by a aujt»«V m ltt,.uibtr ffwfýV hý tue taliditioté ut $vomi towil, se auted. Wheia et thift but Po- voucable, aspect of 6«,pm Il reilipertive cîAhcý antoun t to At. x.. jaait. ftt-tk illiti t»,?.*Ornw". A" et.14rox »W 1-rim4fami.- riflait the L*Pnlu station master of the ma exprommu *0 hop, th" t credi . (Oppoite the Quý'% uuw.) il# wlawd 31id = ho timas $tq» iâtati il ýý ... . *hi; repre-ent ait teat th! ,e - tend RMtway catitaine a ehort localle fourth. of le,, ut flic iLm3tireut, euiicut Thsciaui fi him u=v tri@" salait eu,&,iüera !,ýr -A iltirry qat ai whon the base of: -tiLh ;à g-i ua=tr sud bc! the diulsuritair W et Absolue; it la Plain %hât wm»thin tu lie Smp afils toall"illil ihe'l tItittefn%, the 1 S i intoximting liquoirs wovàd ho ont down nul ra.> ut w,,ull embraue tLîiý aptýrtuiLty et advertbàu--, hW otlo-f d.N st,., flot bilibit ilb. 1 1811018ettal is about te tai p" by the, lu" of the law. Tât Ta£ Gm T ]Fzx-tLE m [F-Dy And "ulem be di y kiven la b;%ý a Credftor or CreàitIr- nets ami Smpiete listaci 44 pi ti.te. The t-irm heiu haut 1 Tho& fWe V»- tkm« thsm cunauded Me re witl thffl a da. It, Ro,, X Ket-etto. Ob tttokb.4h the Ipribbit i0kwkýýtîIj 1 licatieu ut this 1 -hiail prrevell tu a"ut upon ibbk-tta% tu théis seller, the Itutapri«, eam down hm VM bompriate mmu«. ý The faow- job àw NM m th* anti dLCh.&Mt C R O C E R IE Bq ilw. talle Nlofawa t'Il I Vole lý.ny Wdewy.. S" mm with ion drama waz, the» proouded with th, U=rdwg te It It Nt Ad NU4.peth. ha" il"" lu lit* ,alI-kildtimw Il? batatholla 1% 1 Thm talant ai Modici» Io te S. C. WOOD, a gotid deal et ïce and h" to Mt her 1 *1 Tm New ils a Par«om,» D. ]ffav, "M et au thm pmau am L.- compottel in put ut way "btlgb in mmy plamal. The Va». .,.,mon in mobiles. a molw K 1:ýý!N_.* t -8*0141401t %,tit 1: S-. iN'bblo Conirai C "Wmpb ewbh@L-o m;. -_ làn"yl ý je. j Vieri ruam ma fül eWreedon». a" a GRRN, 13LACK & JAPAN TEAS ýw, Fil oVl»%hý fi, Fi'. ýt.tIo.b Ilo,% 14olsi m.r.tiobit. Visé wa- ci-bilt weibt doigts tu Stergem Lake, Itéomdue, s'A. l'hil 1 1 el %;xwe mur lie CRL balai R." ýtèý4 book re4m laleut Wedib" y aff»r»m Md tombli the i " , -Simon âWe "; M. To Marrred Ladies 1 ta tI,1,1 té. IfttOI4 it la p"iarty wàta& lit wul. in a short lm* down blý' 11 &lm' o%"' #b» bedP' b th river op» but the ios on the Làhé, W» OU Jofg Morpa, as; une Mardock The au" nte§.* ý,oqqro1 A the tebm th# potia ti :1. Je brisa - *9 -mabb peobd -" rwpdarfty- Bâti Niatice le he-,-fýy eteil t4àt tte »Ili 1 el l, ýho t. .1,14M elle? thel un).R,.bkmont Vl)ryârra andthi*. ànmhmw«kot; Raliver Grosse «L bc" the (k. «notent Umloý tu fine wmth« Witt, it is «ee give a 66 IPII" - Mid, p. Ti papffl.,Mrý IN foi, la, M-, en the cilla a% the fras, OhMMI front port lailla dould m, ho faisais by Fenssi -PERTOR .101BER AND GOLDEN 'Tit V- 'a I. ai..... hib, IIIl Plol; im«.# fit., r My » Bob- 4' Mm Made as -. 'Wm LoWe Iretomý ne %" rivet Thm attentat, of precuwwy. m ther wiu si ità neirt mý-tiiI; to iý belli in the Coivieil st r ,,r ».D Fil; NV@ obum a Igeor wharf hm 1 i 1 PLUSINS. CURRA-vrý4 A- S. I»B. ira.. xSffl as Mien Lit" jk sfa sure te bring un a saxiscuristaie, but ab my other Cii=l»--r in thc %ýtrk.z R.)uý. ait the T-,%ýu I'r NED lat 1.1, . Lind-ay,,ift c.kx. rVý0.» -f Niew rjo. bout% built et the j~ PIAO&, et the 1 46 Il FFUIT. k.... tac. G, 1 o. W. W, V 'W mari infini. - Amie W= : Îatt'.1a î sereffais, slam spinsi Atretions, All a frexii arrIVNI and 01 exeeloin% q-mthy. To, etavyni«» bavillit bu 10911% t-xerheffl bétail fit the «naL. Thie Witt ho lquital 14 Miàit" Cartwright 4 The sombe latin te the book ansi Limkx4 IP&tigw ou slight ex- ý tum i, Tu lard UY 4 Ille. t mati nimi-r fi. a t(invoitioi» for the Van*rbèU Md vent grabfymg te ag and *vmb wal car «Uce, PmPttadm ci the Ele - uvmmtý Md ni witholai Imita an Mll,*,40&Pm. P-MblBlrlà;;-OUCI jbqf.ýtd tery CBEP FUX CASH Oit PROUCR. Wc White.% %hue pilla, Win effetitually Lm". when 211 -amom. 1 Clcme lap thss M. tew more C17mýi of th" fitvurite Japon Ton Iz 'oll wibl,, tiý-iteýl l4k hr"ý tather @et The sWamm et the ried ont by *9 pwrmom xý . otage, mum lm--l faim& um althomb a Vary un. thlt i du Boit eontùm ire% eekw»l, WAI- i- - Whitby "Iway Co, en relady for bailli , Walwý and àadmnua, d OUM«, Lots N.- 1. 12. l' . Il. anli illi --f de nos delay.' U ý sim aà by fait dt,; il, 49,- .,oé a iir@M to ý,,drrit.-C hq&bi,,ttèiby: assaillit, or ai hui tfal te t lie %,utitud, -o. Io in the ýth bi flan - t the mad fet4civility. lazi w- lis" net beau, dLýapp,2â à r'et.w. a nom » ek»00 68 " riffer sport% &M @MW M» "el ODUM h«eh Vers 1 Poil direàtom in the pazW41*t arutaini efth ,mm,,Wy lLn,, it a- tha, Ri,.r alad. - ui Pemn, thisté mil. e- St-'Phvi- a. Tynst. with the new barffl building by Mr. er"y applanded by the ouâmot,6 The vacelatal, 0 t aboula lie owwàuv int"qeýten are roi tu taille, iiotié-e and go% am ýQ. T. A. XIDDLETON. ýll-. 1 '1*ýýi.*"ýýým-i-,-*dt&113,*tlt.b.t.t.. am by IL au W ir lwrkel Wiblten will ho ici a peettion thifiassavivais uu,3rdiniCly. p- 'A foi eý,- eN>.rm-ak,» et tfflit of thé, to i Coud Tomplm of " pàm am la imary and le. the eldoisuy of thie fine of travel., The j »«rgode C. BÉttou. Luidiirý; end J. ntzztr- A. IYLF-XRY. EW N4*XL4Ný-x 4 talwi. twt dont 9. 1 rp body, 8OMbOriUS aillent SiXty ski. Femion facilà; T. Xatathetc, Onternee. W. H. 90"03 PrOckim te ho m «tive 01041t. mmbw& and m dOMU a poil W«k ils t Om"Y Md S- IL àmimws- C'>buemk- Y Ths Athor d 19 wul. BAS, the bossât of, the c"es, t4 énée, abe"ubm--c CROCERY PROYMON STORE. est lit th- tiotalialite ilqmrêph certain tathers" wfg repriet the Uow- FýiuwTnlcTy- TI, 'Io. mi lowal &,%4rr, w "-*Po. Ait ille front a vouterit ex#-àmge.-'* in- salais Immil it segame hm au» bâtit iwlw MM DiL. Jr STORE .4, twi-t .1 fitukh th- ghïwré. Vol wrIulmi Il, Iol ttc,ýl«M. M.Uý.im i. ft.ý>%»etw watka. A Min montley ë7l 71" Worth ieàè tiffls ils Weight ;là Guld. JIRA'ý%D JUNCTION RAILWAY. ..4,; loft hf- obbe nt thom à ellort til» 890, Md a marmag-A QÙBMOq POR 1 *1 eannes sur whore id> assetti It ià the %A ýtIof N Itýt*t the flauv aloi .%,Ubaw lIf bat,« te ras llwà»xe eh»Pmt mom» lever mag one dose tu LOCAL 1-N 141411, ENCE. 4"e lé .,.» flatte, of ha âmb& à bill amoi m ]gOgnoz TO CONOM CTOU. 410- . rfflb.ý. il. h- 1 piste 0-r-fflob" eý» Mm « Ibr«& Cm laistict, bon .,.a à fil V 'Ofiolv fttif thw »»tter, té. thé, 1-11-h e.fftttt-O 1. #2111) mlle une te the, em"i, W. amnebm&- filer atteuis Worth -hW col m OU kjý proved tvm »bovA be" * The hôm , Um d«M« in fou et me dw9mww& m alwb)s get a ta tw,,» ' à* R40mmbw h» bom adopted Shoël ý d» 3m'm's. jouctio1r; the ochom 1 Mr. KaWé lm rouia at tk-)ud.lfuW FIrmt,,re, N,"iLbt. fixel up d6ilb l & >% i. P"Vëwlbt èqý Abberty. F~ 0mllts--Jý*h -Ad Il. at LOIRIN lm two emu QTE 1 ........... ubac w»àmu m $0 the Pm, of une, of wbkh Mr. i Je t 11,F; 1 IL V E IR iv,4_ Abttut thilpty b«uhu bal» uw»pwaom uma igt finate t, the!rfrigmdsavd the p«Wft _1, Th lut, to Wuimb ommamaüm rhat thty hav t att-J up the àAmmi b, t* tb* byýbà* #0 0»% à Ismiès et MM been ob4ain" by *bbaý of du Sb" simmeme te ICULTURAL ws« 1 Y & Il e 1 '4 9 miro stow funy fk. tbe wkibud IWIW" &%m# WM 04 *Ntkow Ivi le. MiN". a WILLI.%M ST., LI-NDSAY. ". Il ýq 1ý ý b", , WM combadb. ý 1 LiNffly tiT.. OPPOSM TIM PST dývklçE hev Ne, 0 4 V#f)« ttblo. .49w vmt w..,u hW Of the Warb», m touvib, The PubgenUpk2.etke P aute et 011 lil'l"mp. tiW lamb, md b ai the rup"i,« «",. sud govem theuldvu ac"rdiagit Xtý wk«Vm tbbt M. I»fk @wwd fft tbe a" au! t La"!= vofflvm givi-M a bom»» au. àïm. et rmmneàwwlqg htmi-w». 0" thow Pnom: Ai »U,:fwz D.,». t4h Te »MM IméM md Itwbimaumu PAMý @m u 1 am gmug into the -tncti-in buoine-" 1 wal be or, Waguns. lémvhq M e44 Ik" md mgq me Md cw Amau. i jw:!ý Bu 1 k >1 Aps»d ' %-- à- - _U& ý W-1 ý .0f th* em«"Keb» ni mfb à» 0OW4 ». UMM mme cum m litàa&v D»ww» m »M j"ýL_ tille IP le au" sS.1102 onlw &.i Wti" di" thui tà.0 »Wwb lm OM 't 48 Oum 04 emm nam *9 cou" ».M -1 Il»* *, 0, 1 à tum"w bad a mw»w Tue AND '.4LEIGàS. t*, 410 1,4A 1; wfth pffl Uffl i.1 a »Ms eh@" tonnbompbt ;tà i%;,; «"a le C-W &1 )14-71* Omm% *9»1m"int _7ý L lm am AIMG. B" w3w prufami vm6um A" ukm mu" the lew wià me tenu, b> cru"" Ir-m MM Pm in 1110 -rt. IM «uck4 à" à%M wxâ be wàm 00. W%@M» 1 àr on. a" un ûJew 01M mpm"iwo% tlmy ffl ma in sq, em Fw Wb" 1 P" 0»;Uk lu *" *0 vSk umy wm «t Win tIbb Ai- i» pft WV Md ;L; homme wM am- 09 doewm*, Itew 1*0 vol hm seemdlo mu in the Domimm ime mom Md mowwtm nuè 1 leu* UNI M& o«. MM et MWAI--Aib @bd*- v» imdpéWM bewm bommb la bfth in materhi style md workmm"* Tbeir Mu ofullm b" -*j1 ml by "Wom et& moi booomimuatmededilb tbe- ef àw4m st*" ta td » umy. Tbedrl%.ber ib 84 * ;c VI lq ima-ebu Md wtwk mmubcwnd ftm et 1b qm_ gmw *0 pignon a *0 mbmhý Zvàmbw qMd OLL the premiw*. Ne betov vork oqr whed& 4p en mmeb~ Ilorim vu am sur Md m u (88%m) in èm, bat& HORSE-SHOEINGA SPECIALTY i e-, m Ik î» M*mm et *0 tmmw I"bRwbm awm" d »muw iàu jnbàWlýl»àm bout @Mm tb, ',41«tibtitdatly reffl awm& vu -ek . . - %*Flkýulnev ok4 Ný" «Wwadmg wu à hier bd il, *W1, ý%jfj* '#4ý ex eteà;w U=é P= à" m the %bwwd muum A ma Ir s«W dm" lie; A" Md £hm *« M& effaule le, um «» nom An he tobe"to ow in thm Wb& now hase a ç ) a 9 G a-& %T am qI",è,ffl Md 1. 2g2 !à Md boâ MWé 411 Mz m a Pion 11103116 v MoNb te let iu&bmw lit j" fb M 00 LOM fwmqpwý eue OMP abomm d~011. te vq. OMb DMUNMOM et. Il - pe. è* * OWRX* but 0011J. êd 1 1 lit bal a à àrml% 1ý Am new reetiving thlor i Enq deputmmt ffl be fomd VERY Choice and Attractive, CD FE Fm A FR ýr I\A- E N ýr wmrqk Maci . -IL -Em R «Y SPIRING PVIRCIEIABES Il î Veims atwmwm te m ci 0 FR CD E FR SI CD Kent and 'w l' OORMR MRE DOIMNIt BLOCIK% .]Li . - 1 .. Qntario.