Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Apr 1874, p. 2

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- ROMPAPER belul opu". 19. 0. Imam'V se A u-tlel Seefi$ (IUI-M on COOEIG ?éVE00 (d«) l I3WbTf on STAIBARO*MIE OCUL IL iu omcipylag ocenbrhba atau hi othar place. Do.wo Tovniehl m>u. cl tluimuetithaoir Inopeev ««* ha riifIaiît arltist* it'IPpckMW A perntWi hoe qatthe lleenatMo~. Th$' Ptarero'Inspeter blias o. 1*tlad ma stil lopttaepgrutate.Met vh& u tI m t a <hoesaiomiim lni~ii wititleittetht' lceme te maltfrma ont' quart te' #vlgallords. -tunb batug thm lu«at Pm t N"* mof tte tmrurcIon alleiforniat a Ilring." and havit forswd the wroi. naltin of t (Ihbid contat'*.vWho wisu is" Insetor, snd <ho ln di#- oliarglng is dttinifitueti rayeraI ointiflmtite. Tht' latter afa'ir ha sa «vidtent tuaS tht'lm&saSwy oIsi iug 0 ith thia mtter la hy appeilnîlngù ovamnt inspectea vlo wvotdItt pmt'tctt'lly intiapeniafl iiunh là- fluanees. 1111rIWIkb tlh AVe A " su- ,m iun esit var, "dtî y tht' Conn- cil dtetdtng on a ,ptition ot 4tO of t1t rItidaît* ts o elieuse rsanli. W.q Otpaotthara *ilt hoa s trtîplie in this lovu; sArwi<W«triust thon Coirneltor Who have' darterninati to ratrl.t tht' )Iie1mtr tra&ffieà* ritietias'possl iblli liol ta that polloy hacanse h in iu tht' dut lreetic.n, andtmantistht' aîttf,ît of aIt moral sud Ia,-*bidiug e _____________ ___________________________ i i -- -'- - I . I - -- - . - .*t I ~ d~ I'L.t... m -0" 'Y ne- l- -- nC.- --- -.a CL91SK f -'u'Ij, fl,ua n t-tai ~*" Wa fara gladt teohuuvw Ma. (lavil ~'(CilI-lUI~>l<'ItChiiillos, m. P. for ltothwett, lhas i, ATAIt-tu.eph i' tU' rio VIlf*&%* foCt th!,,notlm nthearneoospapal'11 ~ ~' vr.,.utt .61.n 1 M4-Ibtt'Y itt eu priset modtee oonatitit.iti - m-en l~tluu lu-u,,"uue Itu.tu.mitta îtuuv i4,u1ut at' au iN ieioîlmet'ti it vit the' 'adra ,gu-iu-tiun Iletu. ,tni"aviie'l ina uour uvaffl Uof tovarn- - -~- A teAl'NltH!~r> mnt-, maIestht' OMate mlita ide- 'rei) L tN, ten eotht' pmtpicand thaeCrovu, j nid lo ther m m otieroa emptthtW 3O O F PRIVATI ýFUNK08 aeîtivfwanel til-or'nttlatoioig c~~~iriffl 4u ::,fl>~.î utiîîn tisiîte hnasmneideti seas. teeunftir tîpon 11, , ascIiPlovintt'tI-. pbeato? alppent- * <us tton'î.'ei', a ý iug isuSia n nutor m tito datinthe fi (l 14NI 1MO, MKMl<AIF, ole torthalr appe'înt.mmtotè' Mr. M.Nitt. a.llsfor seuli veru ativnuatod rïilfdllgtuaf importnt and neeaury riforni, Whcccr < ~ c and <mid is casle in îttiýotîbtodi * vtrmgtli- At' I OI t ~NO Iwhth eý;II i d ' l ie -10-1m 'ns'd Iby I-it' poa ihility anti prohalbilit.y stusous& otouu IAIUI un or.Ikf l'att.lo erring buttomn thu t055 bll irstqhm ao? Parlasmnt. Tito ) >11 AIl) l'"4îII, R4q -lttoi asalarge' Tory mujertt; th@ ifu. ('<'<limons a largeir Rofotm jolriti,; Cabinet Ifaliil iiuphoisWrelad ti l-wooild tot laq it îirlulotng 1?thtsy E , ~ t a .~ <~ .~t M - lititli if'î' on A114%ililtrtbnt quît'u- I I,~u .1-k .t .N< .:-ttiu tuitu<uru'un ,sa I in <u is.intimi.m1ir ,foln's ,Toôry 1 u<ltlôw-<heif"uwthai AL -' à Irê ietstm n iit tamitwi.: vlld unii fonti 0igityastht' mmnýf.lit t a Vent n aîéiî GO NOS ITIN AS, Roche ei<oi Idi hom no rérdy etopt ten vait tiatta hast reinovet tht' ate«tV altotitr ast ttitutmiy sant icaln mtuastra<etinttho aatitdlet 81111D 801101 LISAII. jwittm laix, i.litStiîtg. À TCI0EN J 98841! am' alts m u am-pa W b. homab iuwffd d W0flmp1 ~ .ha le qia 11 1- - ViTora Rsiay. o Pidp4 of tht' roug n A rusir uaye the Ptiarbro Rsî vu w old tia tht'ivyfartala <moefoicc evil ttolgthat vithont rock %btht'nt aide bseîîty vrtîid bo but a£mm of densa girffl nsightlm"-Th8t is flot a hll kW&ma. Oir Pros friend triait .i4r Hitîh'u Ilrocks." aiàfounc a Umm of 1 d<hme»ttueghtiimma cltIt th" pnoinl e 4n"a: aMWinow ho vsnee te Pt'roiih aSid <'t irinpueiptas vjth 'stobe! A dla< oIl'parritelh Anti grl.tttoam'" miq<t bu.Um oo.1 tive if popilar report le triw. -Anote fregopuhesbertcn- pmlittoeotm it le wm EOfw aiahit'tte ilIta dlrtuf tht'e ecelcus.The M i e'1.11 Advo<wit.attaew theti.chauu of f r. Jaums etfowt, the. RmorF casndidate for Xqort11 Penth, in a man- ner nomawhM aimlov to the.M'sila pauions on Mr'. Wilhew. lTh.ecuit wsu a crd in a tewt number of, th"t *beita n whlch taie ProPr*miwde M'are thtmyAre .."aitwiitt1igiy oMM" fer' hutviq pblimhe.d the' article ; smd titat the Rstteimfnts in regard te par- mal obarsotpr wm Il " imme t'inievery respet~" W. comnmmuiith'reois M thm .Tory remmtie tm or Town otsmipmrSy, wlhan beeu vory vi- clona nt late. .Wer have reMeveti the rt nuis- imaltif n ~ aItn~dt reliseStht' vimm (of th ',"Canada fPirut'ýpairy, dthougit diulaiiu beig an organ. The' Naliot'si - a handomt' appiirne e Mtllett' the' .iw 'r?»Va otutttwhfa it in prlited. If 't maitt he Ii *ad- ard met tp inity4 sprospectu it viii de mtoli; and itlauisaima te bhoutiiy fret anti ahoe <t'ary, te b. in fact not su oiaer papaffiAIS, Ill iihavet le .riiut t' vey but taiman the' (tolnty. t ane it vil) ha .4- ted 1,i. byfr.Olwi ith, Who la te arrva la thie (oentry ubotly and me main pparmanently. .-Wtt pnt thiu mien lcs iapeIthat. vo entire'Iy dlugree itit the' -ant- Molto%pr, noondeonini the' Pro. posed taippintmant of Mr. Rttfittu Tii. bîîry«tnuon M4. ]P. for Kaunt, ne tàlghthoiite keryier fo4etndemi. fit' vas proniae<trtha offi09hy ic tohti, sud abul iet lt heoma halatam marhabiy Weoll Iiti for tht' Position. Nfatutre amn art hava nMd@ hlm ont' of the' grs'st lgîts o' tIc vent, andi tua imtson lia would allis vitit more bri'ltino tIn ha titi a«mnin Partie nent.Ws a ihotîlti question ther Ap- peintmant on onot grounti oniy. If the' larbotturee1îires a revolvini light Rilfîits lu th, one': if net ha uhoulti ha put vliarathat bki lainvantail. Tt i% trtîa the ooaloit intereet miglit loti Oga in thin pititiciîtar cama; but thon the' minttry abuîl maki' tha mt o f ies ntitîratadvantsgca anti Rlii in one' of thaut. A.qqqxfgQ7?,q A NI') fi UR PINÉ GOLO jtwgty, A bftiM laufortomt of0<goode bu1%abiO for LINDSAY. Il N lIA Y. wIf l>A, Mi. , patin- lb! lle#otu l% mwu. mtfg or d h~id' ît, <'f tl4îîY Ingrent. àI).ntttiîy t iiIII, iV<r )n*lforit 1iiteil itl lmI tt shah leili netthisn i -,'î'k titlttrgt' (in tiis varlimiphs.s or ïtI.iu tile . Iit. inîtus*'han *u t'îîtis ion iî ny Iléet town ini tIl,'îrîtitiilut %a'utm, offldIait. a tegrti in% tit fewin thi ma" orftt' itfIN i<tttit' tf tftfg ther ééIv bo 'nusrbmfitetiîy haèvt'malle a ttht. i'ttiit itiqjlifer, adlt triiaow Itint-t <'n iftht i f ui rtV i<m 1,blf1" 4 t titi' liri t utnl.ngt ' for tHw 1) lmtnw ti ltnt4lyhe tmitt4t lb' it il9'g ýo r tlitt in i tiid. tiiî ItII do tehi t ryq.h'iVt ht; andi tiwo lt.<i 'it, i'fotrIht'dimffi'lty in Illepiîs, titif t .vsrw (e tsfrsm It ie iddi 'we 4tf'è 't.he' Te'wl ooti. nit-tiîitt. Mt.? titi'eul mord bitt 1873.13 R7.000(. n'fo >til titi. tid to tl atvA *tll.0otflftilliiaily te' ît in. u I'1et t1ti".1 et$ 1Ariy aiuortîttîg fitht'! lelt p s'e'? tfile éffilty. A lant 47.1 $b (M)OtIrt'? iiet' IImeltuut i utoie pu's'.1 ît4mmlt lt( tht' lins',tlit. tht' itatffiqiai 1%étIsilts onlat ts mio lié l i. aviflt*1'Rt and<ltht' iht«tt'rettîsit10 net ont e'? tht' prs'umbnt ,'veq(ife'?tht g'4, f1 fil tirmr fifiti$0ehrtno ?irvilth' empiallpo,(e4?ht'foutW. ilqit (m>'t hifluae'îiY. xl' îe. t imuti't t ii tmihItt't$Aetht 091., jl(fb, tht' Veimoty baoil uîo*d<. Ibreuglhl#ta e la rprme'erlkmia fo %*Aflv P4*Wlna 1go" # iP" sw' Wl rd witihb metrvhm p»gItu te . Ilgtt ' .0 wmowle, i(0s$ho the' w4ofil ht' nu1ha h o « doa lit<n mt ittilbnu, *70,00. K m l b mm<vw2e 1 e.Mmnm "V lua Mtdhu4. : t 1uquw.ý.e Nn no(tuan<'ronitd! tvitat tie isIs- tuOt fiay Il x-prtllnt ',riteas cui- withtit a tm'iiiiii ofhoirr ' stht'atro- î'intiR sitraga ; ant ne' ot'imau dfand tit mal uinnituInt o? uttiot' tM. <tt<tuonaelbly tifwti-îkling anet i tiing 14 tht'atm Oove'nmu«t'nr ith tuax gmavt mattor, It iim 1mututal ltâ r-llotiiuandI at.henaîl iruitdime 'almtidii tt n otiseel'totht' paliietion miel offintt'ethat tas indtiubteeiiy s cil-haiodset min'ia;. sud i15 lu tumîcitmort' linant*hit'- it lu a eIls- gî'as't- - -t-liaS the"t omit hava bxema geverannt $in wm<euh e'ituertuptilin antionse tttriy tongt to the' pripie o? j,îutlc*im st toltond thé'avî,tsuo? sottises-Y bo aspposah*tIc helr de. tîtanel totîi tahm granteel, 1t <su at thii t ein utt-ht.histeory of tiiuaffitr that aî gravit hhisndpr wvas ommitted. Primltt. satdlrcse'ite Péation ini thé' saura oft uI.lftt it <auoiigIts. ré- Ogtirtles of thf. vie'sm or pasins of tontntdng paîtie aud tnde'uîhtvly hîavat ormintndeltht' stt)pbrt of th@ great. ntjonlt.y' of? b-bepo ia antithair rrmm.stt.a-vemî <ho in trespet of Ils t'mlilniniut-,'ttle'no? jusUste aai*noS opff to t-hi, rmneaol ? jetmtting thati NtalVet' l e' aervedby party atlltig. lit iIr ,John A. Nlfmieouald lpîti tnt. ye4.obt* litisSe <itten proplse of tumnast.y <su givëitu:; bt. thartlai ltta tiilit that Pather Rtlo Iishop 'r.itehem andi ot-ht'sm t lad te tinuIlarmtard thés enan nuty «muid ho ortleming rit thlao pl"tinta. Oth- oqr i ernor A rohhatd mm Sasi .1imretitv lwe'nld nvoi hakmin fil tir tha bmeansd tvrhtbautha stntuge lattra 'ami in the lottraby fDr. Mats- nonenla bl w le itémsttrimr vus et" diessaiu a spa<trfit anti loyal ieatiir ef a grasS pett-y. (kwemor A cii balît <su iîidoithtptmllV s jlgilein. l uitrilmmt eof tiiéPramler;, 't tha vas fltsfo;ant ne' perun ini (Mleuvr Asueilhtet' peitmtore oi d love treitbatl 1, u ho cuti itleasha <as cemufilnt. ute'h cntutitoutt lot le reIuite ytikt i ntrthege'm Xvavunnt.ý meiterov ir tnalut4 have, juiim dia. t'evmaremd tt ix fi sity of jîromptibtid« in thttlu ast-ior, "trâ tai'5 ttrm~i o? Ie'bt. lias beni-n lg oMt for ilits bise, tînt tthey -iavtt beau indlgarent-. New, lebitoitva. th" aalatmeros mi Are votet y t-la dptw ontht tit" Mcn makr capital ont o? thie if itti matti. lotmayt-hie .lui s tos a*ndtii togiuppla vltI anti de';<bat ia elgît. Antithe' di#%. culty frei <l th@titiTories utinh <ttceb,Îitll.fter, eauh.Wset tiid vithout it.mol tretibta, ('-teti RIeikx trv him .littig hlm if-foutu 011l1ty ; anti t-hhem rdy for the tiret mi *lie'ftiuu* teo jttou ge onitu tmuaenat Ca-t'Ca d c kanti t-h rasigntietuhlsbau a1«4wptei tha Ihbe'rnieu bParliâmsuintfor Weat lihîrbm liv A tiijoItrdo?2(13. Thea îtfl aei: flutuli.1,l9 XCClqàng, *-Peîjsici artham tiefrftykmr. wouitti h taIt' se represantht' #ve ilions l MOItrmsiingfrm Tor -W. t' Plomo#0I.e abla te mm@t Ibtmm Kr.orem. munithe ii ear* d? Dri. fimo, the flsaly phvimi clan, li m de utyr#»oveditfronthia lat' htIs»k aduhise tion go pro- - -Veor gasuitua 'tupiaw allpdll" clt < it th&Il litsI mprova. tlt'tI, . l *0 slrtfni sst.,iem. m vuste dt'Illa l*4 ane. <ho.* flpsu'm mleey ave nas a dolai. ,--A lm Am aur m npwu I wëe b am<à.lle d" . *2 P I Ftlua,- WiSI referenote . onuti- utotion <hidi lâtely ippeerlD lu R Pourt repetnltg the' ao*uaiuhmu' cf toan«oat.0 tc, sda nti utienst lmt- tes' in-th. Word.o n îleésente oUjiot, 1 have romlon tellevs tiettbough 5h.h tm«NWS:g gnt y laitn, t'e pre- sanS »$m mo nmaklng t*0mouS ne- gtScto t moe il proprty haut. titgto.antibce enterinuAtafa fir 4Uettett' starictdiui UWit <iti not do fori teOort n etf ntebt to rsa.y atenve idet helen te & p- nta o? te in luuliial irtepoyes te haath#' valitat ftono haeseuu e ' duced. ti.1is heoun to many teSthe cuptditl o? certain appellent§ u laOl'ea itluindutciutg ttaCotrao Revisut n 1'rodeét athe'valneu, operty <lieNtbâlidnot bsem ucatoé«U . Thé. asàeemsso"a maypsely mate àma ité,if lu vatnottenMdant le th. Province o? the reourt o e lision goe wiactc, but iisla atottmmcmmv*11 o Poo uieeosthe' propertty 1a v s 1ii'tiam blir ownM i ang, asid tus th"t for th. fuitr<ise sm ubisappeu ara matit' thayy vl bu closlysmiuo mmt asî m tthtpoielooed. 99,. PlirR AND ftM A&AN2'8 4iui,-.W. onvary smuh loiibock lhme>- timathebt"deShahyen have Salnin laregad te Mr. Poum. Witu peoîp it'<s. méeui4lt.àa vory thtaeo m.tle fsirorlto a fou ies teoliméa rsetty. Thurs is noS a - lun tic bush oeina I teta pan l to ru1111a het" ueS a tln dm mar ntteootlathe' cnutnW asm Kt Peollim e bilsivos le e««Wg bigin ltellect, lka time,'utyttadé1 volulit e te'sait th" il Kr. POolbu gotmathrouglithe inoolvet mcour n whiescouaiutte BotciygecltWopeu raf sou eiltet sué" àalstit ipoas hlm, whasla t itttlhm Sliast Mm Io "te he puinti t tsnothing tut the Si.. tha hocha sipeulin lu uicafara Me at- êmtion vaés aitaâbSrtod la the vtlfe o? the contly "tis vu1temee ofe neffletiaighi. ova rivetolit Ifthotuleil Om u oas Md 1ls1à.publiehbisat Ob bu h s-euhav lii't dsaoistbut thii. eusiy teonid have bom pommer a poru e dm. go hme tomstà. ouiy Ilivemmàth ooneryt«Wrbhm; hoahm finutglfor lie peter for it'- ho 0=7 "4 di - odoe ilo ron d, va have sent'peopl o isc iulédd noiilng tionsel'i.for t$M. omm so «toléshy lea mytoity etus tut t*m iind im teptt'eU it.tbut mt deo Mr von Md agti ethèsMKr. Plslie ioos on u teintaulier li esmm', I coulé nos Noua hlm in à."ligstie for me detut'for the Vo.y esmmople Who $hus tili on h. veryOum svme m la Md tgihm v eue bnue m miy jonniahsWho w<ci tottp mlwse eo. butas m ma'sp veto bounei tohW à. tsj hlm i. nos verlhy ocim Ulm eitr. 14 pusaeno"0hoW *monle nothie btsasss u éM a mm dmsiol v mosuets him sa go de Midho eliuuinoSt sbu Iplié mm#f bis m. epo aeiiwosf à pui. hie ne iluot' tte poon»«yen Kio"é910 **y a stéhoua- top av avaru heii m evm. Kr * u MW mal of<esamuosi»e aso.u ait iea M ellvm tues t ms o eàopotm strm lt& i 61108, * @m bu " o upUet @ a"m ens mm nX. eé mm ution Shesnte il iba m *dg a vu,<éma Ml w a inuwoqs à.to bua th l A"tio~ osé alsahe taiato. aisé le à wIt~9- duhn bl fi fui lm a i th w ti lm te 9k tb i ai p L L 01 Xi. m. 0. Woocaeq«fP ia -ma mi lunmnm à. eyermi et à. tim tra in.6..Md aoS à . cm- M oan elm t-ào1 -aà t0a*a ià ~- - --e d7wo Who w - imèýpm". Kiama Dite ub"Mmo t iai Ibo ourut'ha lai tkaies- hor upr. ZL iii V M mateivo -te furlhilng edo neijoat tat à. hearl rasopsos teà àthes S pt, m. opiuin astite thwàsfotfotlo a omtlnî baitahisntblliy ta n VistsiaNtIàP~u ' mià. < obu e s khth u*uon. th t .e m.,- .mià .~ ~miopmitmitun-abins cOM& m i mi à W" ua d_ OMM"t9à. mm m m Iiaii the Na vu 61uug-a tamu hm wàdameita teoua wu duiS u pais taamOur m. t o. mi fuma o1mi' ZW@Zî v~ a "*- -le 1 * Icmme of*,ns «.-." ai - .... .....el <~à,Ie..,suiuuE.......... fat lSb ~oa me-= ~ P~is~u.miu ~.uuiaImm i oe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >AIIULAM Or Tm PE01IC'. op; buas thuldmt m mmtcwaa, Wb " = oiIffltebui. aem- 1" 6li f g w I I >i t UntilleiIV5 du4" ciLia effly dhleout tu a ut8 »aI in Tproponi 'u.t'losci ntains . se Mproi@NWta » ntt Rsu lem âraibhe - ta ia- oo.hOUbyà.ouai.Età.OupciL mmt b Ia nalv" the' oaauotmatdau> gaug*amâle n àmrod idd beui ti o.uiiouma 09 ci peplet'cfe b D " te wwdain - tht'0PMVin@bon, q - aun à.Od.e.U-Gm dmt the bu'et t ucabu g@" uta Lt by @er iee,". oani-es thsM u " t'h 15 oucnt the' cou-l" rmti mi t ite ls. ont' f 8114w pePm umme.Thii ut ht'face' M lie «» umduouw nu"atirn*6ht'th"ot 4they ia I& à ê ilp ietT Sadmm tii. veta fetum ai fGillw idu% 0ut ou * ~àn. h. ~ mpotan udisaw et itu à . bu ue» h bu M mnu l Wbthe' MOU & Diwlodhuualcshaw wteor thys=k*ý.ai , a"naâ iaajitu=à...i me gathurnutopétor; Mai it nosi tvo tevuhpm . .v «1U1..etIPt MW, bua sa"ith"t'die lat~ s tht' vouli Amuut' . fm eing am mjout~~~ ama"ththlam utlIe omoof apmltato. »1RU5the' ru rojmMd b* lace(àfitDOmt pieovni SceICOS voulié ha ex- co « onhaussi by dà.Aant ofet mii t u um- wi* iât thl iimsy vouti be icalied miso eam udtk$uoita 0. nd s.efDur*-eof th ritutt'. T14»imporemo, nv, tb nez. th"t am l*Odli bu qenin ià Ia7dm,&À .alîy Of havl a mil uhst votli lrWMMU5 t& deas al MtUorlm hm ey w ou à. ~d. ~ ~ iat1tht'e morerlatht' tovu. Tht f am Wtheb"eof he hit oucry oftht' Company aMdthe'bosd. tel ad pâlaelce, uin a position mocei ta no quertelu oftht' uurmeing staff oulti ha UN Ibér towe ln tht' Prvilm oforMenu- in Liuday, adntd eh .into m:saunt a11 ta boîu à on, a euttoilii Pi aS "vouall ha epos = e t tbat Pl 09 t %vo rtiporuoeW"; oui theul t@ mcouléiSd te xv ae wlstwoor hm «wm » th niy eut hmtht rimalhn. se wue ithrmu ocf opium wu lnrueot ?ce"ic-ta oroi vomIt hb bvtaem hom mtSo? ensBot cuedra ha'bock cautuy ta dwdulqit it; sadni e0>I0O4h.brut heo-vouIibo au. 15 Weil for LIéi.By te Mr viellai us of alunS otha% ,mi hep ion by for Mail, e be lquM scmsit,, conokl«dsa hSt'0 orPmt.,hcnomi CoheSoer âeIticp. ail loupes voul wti.uluiy nmouem m tw. àsud ihS il. HNObildOP ni wIoulé h furly oauttete mr4 ou rd t dimnuu, mucI -mou To- r lete s pinbarm si e.aodhu plels than bariyse tea d mlt tme louei d a m Pam Luha"" heoiltti oi0' - w co t-ril rn"ua aé"ttroit ta Wick md r l uuui:4 for Tom.Pi uwymigeusanio lw Odets lwb I twm zs = aéthèaS o ulcaotlenwuSnorth, 11110114 W" pu àattait' beda n'v i hois wu daay vs * * ven<u imea laâay Pl 0 amoide <bter 1$ t uu ha#it'.amae-t"of st' *11001 r int'*9'pro- ' md soui go dabuair or thmveit, t' for mmuhfmesuN ,mcm wd gl U a nbit'sothn OI ethe ju «" i od aytesrei. We tc Rlmaimon09 saffl tt'aitof'voeu h ave a l~ bu ipr I# t«tm off*= uiPoila'S*9living-cud iving hein thé,à. atiri ontat. IT hi ub "ot tu cf 1h. noi hiMgts m in To- re osves biimpmma To y e 1-sfi saauffl aly bhoneu f th up s rbiumt'brin aaudm Do pointSth"t <antibu ure ltrotve oM ;Obao lmea ii over Île Proa.eta à4d lin thatLuâq- Tht'ver a dm wb mlimyprojeb WM ef haeaffeonttht'rosiami thet' ottha" o toe v i a ioom ue b ueit abtai df iomLiutiuy vonlé ha en tx- ta 'za voit wa sud zr' otni. S aivortai"mttafr LInda, Manth ef el!=4 à.*!oWD Come Mt ait mil à. Iodin Mg mem o? teà. Mu wu appointai te t'a hut e eaini muult wceal te à. tis lnt . owi inng homrs te oulablleh m.ufacuurn, zi mmero-ite thailleàduintaeruocf Md m 50 IUUtainermeOur the owsmiob no ici Mm ruier mili. Clou) Anotior pubo. -Ir haef tova m bo nS iian.c m f om theà insme-,à Pmes Mtay publie With~<nt ouedti ftt oivt Md in vit'v a boith'= o u Mmtz hohaeà notinuiie tploymmuat ent , ~ ostlng ? lon~vould, te iurstly Mi ul iiy &&rd-li wuhei ' M-Veitchs beW Ot Yedmochélies MA lebotuug ,mU afftermioterhWà. Cominil hait edouro-tht' yor round. Londoi ..) 01v. il, i it vu e markm itat wuvsà. themmi. olt luetmdx ituwgtIlgof thefirpet,or yw d h o i L.imta. s t wu - sne" o hât linyoarati"inal txotiit.(Chéen) 01v.Io Eeltiov oi flrootsa o à. OUIPthe b.queo" o? PsYilfP18or $4 mmr mouId bave bton prusaS, tut" ot&m ha o ,a, mati oQuiitain sort Uoeectehy detaimmi hW *.- portent' bnueo idine t m8"tit' tii m (Cora.&) ti»tt emaet' th. kuov- p i m ii.l'h. emoeoliuhou- I@P " ha cmbve &a W ePPor J w.% =wdl s osi.mmo the project ttdtyo gosila à.v ush due ev nul grau" interaut umiaoa he ur,09e o sijouraneg titI fouer c'cokTmzuiay at. tà.questiosof luit' vaulé not' ha wnaul. At tuaS w bon X Lua tals 1110 OUitiruIÔ (Cheoni lm &,th Mr,. CmtlVU»t.pouilst, aMdThoy wm< o ani, of courus, t. conider x4umplu, cp% M Mlott WMtht' vie»a Mdiniltialmof tii large pro- kans ltai, t>p, md IIoS, otepetO pt:naKent-era h ol pieet. Thora v oialaattoeam ar Mt Who cf l te h4wtopléaotiou. tt*Prulile It pO 1.lergor oftain;s Mdé ta fiuitrois th. feeling1i n n"tut 15 vue their tiuty ta iconsder vitat opiion of à* paer cte=.o wu(vathbt m'CimbUltaitdo th gms- MinusJ. 1. 5ISU, .W. Grues, B:Mt oun toft t' a th* choit'cmm- C jn.elnm fsoim; eA e - obtamithe umromadvntagescf ri t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i ,MooU~?BU Te ~ md hr meu&limit in the time à. eokmmoam, s Tb*à. o-etfrouving Govorunot iett&M .roSi OWapmett"ai u*mum et a iar otruot i Docomsber motemà.th tmoaaoetlheiu-gh noISttth a u'ru'ing tefors, va nsu- tot, oMi tht' videsote ae'te h mdobl&Aft aW rnud frntCamp@"y veu cr 1 t' or thaeOr- mi. M.C. Woodi, eiuette .proceotdià,-'0" lap a dif 511e "Lm p a he mtt- saitgiio ae m oei ol m uio At mm -di thePlanaof cfu . n-voulé eolly for the' vory a&ULindaoy1 it"i&W he touleny Àhrajectait. Mr. Woodi aivorteite pmm. lié ootiy utht' (!OlUy «md',te G Jtlo maMioouàedth"a ie Md agoré-oomiy an thop pitul COu. manthe' roai mu* et eta eLinilmy mué thie 5,hu of tat 1eywv qîîre à.e îolovlug tosuasa- tl fyb à i' fna rol ,thoa a Llndaay........ 51100 ,<mihave te puy 050,000bonune.e ToMeOWR ï hî. - 10,0009) efoate .foaio* of tht' iîe IpsràlonVillesu ........ 10MM00 oucty cf uEWMrt>n, ud te tht' di- Voumm............... 12,M 0 tiousia mte dint vouldha on- Ilemorvtl. .......... 12,O0 teai on nyby àthe »Motion ai didal hué- -m et the Ceunty, if it u aS jo n e MMM444s th gaShormoil à.Sthle Victoria Couaty ?the n& pre.- voolut rprsomt $39M iS.lumcs hih o» oU sudub ldt uuu if it for the d.tstur" t' euhavt' ta he tsosnereaaomtlycertainthot the' oM1iti tolevpar,-samw an 1ev Ms80. A Viewltoi ailvy cuidé habuilh. H1e laqir mosmt vu soleilfm iosLndmy evur tb Peuplae fainiurmy wht ti*fr bocausa t ioulé bsooma à., tmai s oiaste à.aminunt oe .boume ha bu- oupplIas for tà. couren of teà. i-liorsi unt vere apuatiMta à.easuma- May, aMt veu dh hae à.miVataga O? aty c9 havinges .rosiNov w- à.th boir4 à.e.muthoea terminus Outil con- tissafortne te graspthe.but proet' eve 1-thuivuoutohiluhi <151 latuSeploni bufoaeuM; tut ha foiraidà.z4 sait. vItaly h. hovue oundonS poetuaty- c ablg « ciuSami 0 voclt b efedtmensony day .ith., ted mme Sos à my u eine itheà i~~~~~~~y~~~ .. Vz.- aCo-8yotyi. ot itoye à. tous; ma i it Maroa Ta i ;Fa.n fVctoria anthe .Ownmofrma- Gtiumu-I is anos aboei lin.. >.era ,"aS 1 mmmthe Menquu or'th lb. uâted flaitInsuronce CoupanofaiToronthe lb îb ronage of uhlch on .aurpari demande Ihank. The oigamu nin rival aputabeing aémauttmua confltcting. Yon ave magpeolully invitai te ipsue asmuter ut inaurance atho ahiveeitatton. The. lala"d ltim p Caadinthe Proe- tant of th.eomay, boin:g l&Hou. A.'iMackenzie.- "L. iats aLbte IMM eandi ita Depostib Faim builtflul/em.or au l5umnied 5M8U lamaei Oeatimmn, Tai.&Agni far Victoria C a andi taes banalaa.PAtCORfY Imily. AptEI d. lbT'4. TI-tpd Lot Se. 6, LeW retB lind &ot h .dl ai larh, w..plp My pemn proviDE property udp.ytexpena n ha=eu . Lladmy. Ajuit9, 1874-itI-Sp.. à 1a" Gotiael Llud y. Busa.t m t exes * par month. Saut! famtly » ebtima. M.» ava Dmeu".ai .ta" mt Vagi, a à" bc at guebeti. AppIy t oew or a m EJ ADEAN por. TI-tf $25 1WWAD. On UtiUey 4Umna lette aidremedti t AMue" à ca.. T, ua tuai ltw«te ens 0in lu, Wtahlm, andti be Pont OMeie. ab.v muat'ue peid la my p l ebv. th b.415 thtm. . 76142i eei:le .m of Im10. Liai..>, a poet-book mmttntg. am bokMadia mMoutay note UIâu3PJCD L al favor ut mym.If, andi man ei.for =ed pmt. An um'.. Who my IM a bu" atimm I t to 31 iteL&ýd s, tlb. rmimd".-T5i4p JO"I CLARKE, Uit>'. Apeti--.1W4. 0. 1 *t co. a tl' FOR BALE. O4pate tbm Fait Offie, on. occfled by P. J. Ay a,. imke, andS vacant lit njointas. Tory Mra amie aitosa a an ma laduîgtmme; de. aimMbe bu, -n U.ami. Appt t l. Aylum an lWemtaU or te or JAL IL DUNS FoRD.-ig M0-@ Llndâay. *NA» *NLY. BIERIRDI &OLARKES àb. de osbi telb«Undpim ibm> an. a vmPe. 701.1 e ARyUF UFFA.N. Agent cO0 R T. Sm IUL% LINDha. Am. ONÎ 25 Ctm. NUNaRO ma ai t1"" *8mm mu w- g=stitp o prtalr pt la cri 5ii-tf JH aMss.EY. sadk r, Lind»>ay- NOTICI. TUE COURT OF REV1SION VILLAGE air- Gi, HUE, wilt ha helti Ont WeaMU aY, 20Sh day of Zay -]x S. S. 6,CIRCAStAN, . Direct fro i raglantd, 120,000 RoilsdoWall Paper* G. . £EEVE. il oh.,'.mail ter= gnita o 0 AIl tO IaU bo51er 17 -riSSsor vrbtpromust sawlhI aU'~U Omo Md Bd veulidoe anlthati, t 5àmly ta1 ..vtuaaia, uveà. on ',M ve siur i > ,. 174-TM aisarmiodi ta the poo outf -mlo Aber Md a li.battnbaiÀ = mtiihon te tie -~ S io Iafl t v=tp5is u pouatetia it Win wv<o nid or tendeulOfor a 3Yu et the ltit vouli coulur c"AvoyÏ I7 te <. riEl, Lot 2e. nieamy. It vu netta e suuppruid574 bu moelsvarI moulé t. anrinion w<tI- A NPol&SAlu. m b.lag ci vwy gr"sSadtiutag t~ Lduy. le vu commeant a dsc or embaige fur Toua Propmnv <uiÏt ha dbboUl et an aortr Y a otteisDOM M019NMORGAN âiny ta Wick aodi te irt Permy.for là avwon fm&wie. 4jvst ald IbI Mt»«l. aSud Fuutvi mnet for S10Ss or 1 pecflota b a mtrottes it.Ib r«eu sbeU401 100 "w uPort Hopa te MM off -thbeisée a i se lasmibef <A.MSN tb à. uuinaqiet thiu natthinragin.Lai8.74~~ ~ à*t' etoua=omatyor ty à î P rt LIT. ?Myr Company; mai he"1 *TLOyOJS, 1dy te champ li s Ilh lal ,th"l zEm a 0u ra ts laS ebiseailt couveu!>'fa u epalian. E.u mProvsalui' àopepl o lndy adto-e-t douenece-a-y h-.bas attasti, endti Ibm t iuu,. u llet Gui>' taa cuomtalmn Who Witt keep <t la Which m Onfftt o àvu,'gru;filat«e4t-tyts. rem e sust e mm tobc àmup for the boum. Th"ep b a rk ai.uatd t1 t.n ~ td Stwrs cn"eo inthSe Clompany anti"=Lod.,Lu ns t kEKla t.Lids vd;adh ould amfirs thon Sthat mc Company vouli do thor vrybéauthb. %eC 1 b n erbu ioe >l 'r Mdwslllip. tatott mo<fte temm. MAha'e. tdervtheà.confidence lteS ai booma 'ORSAI1 ýE 0houé ce, t1am. (Ohm) MEr. C.L .CAUPEL iff s Prnltiut A wn ngwflet .f aué "h on boitai? of She Biord-ofl-. :=an h. ce rply iumsihla of the 1VALUA.BLE TOWIN LOTS' tuflenot rapmai n 51m bya grn Cetrally Atuateti, nclntn t he lBrick DOut- I nai a liberal ubolé'. Tht' imgot.-tuernow tenuta athe Bte. Xr. smn.îet ab at.a msa15lad nSbeasu tver-owimaW eti m.iouise accupiud by itobi. Hodhpstb. EaqÀ SOtt ht ohdioutru hrnm mu O=ugi>'lt tsstare a a Je ujtt b.ccqairsi i 1 t i é p n h i l g u m e s m T . K E E Y4 A N . pou ambliady fWs' tidaa.t Ho h Lai.>, ui prt.xgs.'u uas. no dout t hthe si à. km. bef .1 -TSLETACT OF 1M6. "immaso trosh.ellte, mulamutit'1 gw o ven be etaitiet te carry th. rosi Ila go- 54ifr ' XLYDER XKIL >iLAIv us ioflY. Tut itntoIa e au 4vt Tita' Itenioncea , The lIngolven qi madte an A-.utgnmsutt of big mamenncae penatinnea mseliy and titite 11, the titsd#rnOT are iitfid lu vi" onîti manu have tht' roaidrouaui-atIhea il uituinem ' tiu.'c 1ta"vsît a the vicstria ioaf in ihe Townâliip u of F migte Penasa Faluent d couit bave it nu TiieMatltithsDay af April, A. 0. t' , 1,a poulud en te Lumniot t a very early ITics o'clock 1 fortomu. l t M-ivt -tealeilfta ; oriet (Clis t affaire, lu appoint a -iue. Ik.., C. WOOD> Midit daffrésd imlu Inîerfim tnee. tetploien te moe that the people of t ay.--p187S4.-L- h" ti r b a largealvanco su the JNSOLV ACT 0F 1869. ami; anti hh eh.5ie Ste mia veilé a A.0ate VYRJ)EV.IS ai ot. aéver conte uhen the" ioulé eintte 1IVlx n u ean as.lguntfll tlit. ti01en al tha iid >O S U .d te>'rofy i c ourt Ilunat. inu lb, Twn u't bu' hlooi e 1f. L'dkw's continu- Untta, n .TIeay. Ibhe11hduay tf prit,. . D. oulatebo npmin naMd . iis 871, t tso ufwatrunt ee VIIIIIII h.auletlitos . guS naOf aeàfanteau appoint mul A*nii1nee. ou'. it Dmark iué Ie*toal int is- Iuti .g toryof Lladetty. (diteefa) Ht'trustad indsy .Tjr "o viienihe vote o e? tIc blàei Lau..luftIT-»- wu talon 15 vouali t. ach an etxprs. nIOLVE ACT OF 1809. min as coulé show tSiteh.action Sts h h.Ma- /JLo c'GJRT lI14 wam for thet' Sinteractif of the toua. OE eTGAR, alt In atutnstting the ty-Iv thse Maor, Telt sta ade an a-iwm uf i th., iLsve, oni othe,' f à' aiT l ms.-th.e reitorn are nulifed ulOu Cc-am ool melén tiat it containedthe etaitliasplâce, un taicuaof lbe In,-ohent in lb. conitins"quredMitheintrete i illage ut Kirkbhi oaîTueuuav. the fourtet iith dit)» ttuilsoit T5<ifiuai laSite tsteeutaot April.. . 871, at two o'ctsuk ini ate iie-uii. the Stoncitau vorkahopo, free grain ta r.sVe uSa ts nt, fhi. affairi, aiitea atuint uuushotue sué oSier piileges. Tht'e ~ OD o.e li e s entere aie toin thse S.înC. A-WOODe V«7yhaut fmith by tht' Company anti ay ~bMf-,lut4-7dO-2.ine failais coulé mott e chargeti oponit Sual.,thlè748 for they laed voila horil su mn-FO ALE- w:l m a ilway tram, er e ri.A HORSIE Mount ultis evry prospentof eing PUuho staily forurdte the Ottawava e yaold, aey. black statueantiti, faïriz .e, À vote oet thouhut50th. Maor for hi&NGE BGGY .oericn sm chairman wu tIen propoietiNL BGY hl M. WoodéManticarn thedà.Muet- 1nugant au usu or naarty u-0. wit!,a a u turc 101 ient roltenp. down for cbx...fsL une -estl .econd banti .ingle IX1SURISCE. jO»a iew Democrat Wagon aSF FI1N C: NEW, NEAT and-NOBBY! MEL VILLE &HMN BCG To AYNOI'SUNtE TIIAT THEIrF. <PRtlNf; -TOC K -W SILK, FPELT AND CÂSSIMERE HATS- lesN IC> =mpe40 le THE 'ftiCKTH E LAIIGEST AND-FINESTr EVER BROUGIIT TO LINDSAY. THE VERY LATEST STYLES. THE CLOTE? CAP. DEPARTIMENI IS ALSO COMPLETE. MELVILLE & HYMAN, One door Wesît of Frank Mimrîu's, 11KENT STREET, LNSY IMPORTED SEED-S next athe hour ut 7 nIock p.mut. -ai. C. ESONWLSON%' Clurk. Ounerne. Apri t-r. 14 71- - IED3LIJND - RGiY î COURT 01F REVISION 18M~ TO'WNO? IND T Bep tola .nnoutae to tus tl nd iPatron, h the ha o- et didrectl f<um n, Lotlalr,-ji Noot ce t.hetsb> glvesaihal the mort of RNovi'uÔ iThCuclCmsr a t ,e Tuwu Hall, an ~~~A.F kUS....k MONDA.IY, the 1I th D.1 Yul .11.4 Y, NEX 7' Drict f ru--aFianc-e. 'hl' 1 Yeuokm.. aandfopjeaturha mation C ARýROT, CAULIFLOWER & BEET SEEDS, JAMES IL . KY(WLBt>YAil otutfir"t cla.-"qtî.!.t). T..u CcI. LWadia . th Aprit. Ir4-.6- iA u.huiîje icýsorlinujt ouf 5P~I~'IHJ'FLOWER SEEDýS, BVLBS & ROO'L' oiut hi-u it -r-., Ce_- - - -an a n sa di> d a y . W . C . S u f I Llan>'. Apri t St. j ]) p v CH0101. FRESH AND OD Giles & mason's Floyer and Veptable! GOODS put np ai the - Pts~oouh MmdStn Petnbeioegh, Ont., anti for u-ale lu Llaib.y bt- Noua. F. J. Jonc,, CulaIt" A Carrait. W. li. - flebeon. Jai. Vateon, Jua. Chiabolma. Cbarisa Bih- i tas ami N. firookuire BILES A NÂSON. S TP ANDD BEAD. Sr>'tat.' bve StaiUP Im peinon L iM tçi T, O1?hiUtHU abd OFFC AIu=SWAUS UIE AN» BLE [GIS. tu th" me *. ufui bath b m ai ~t lent sa umaa Tm HOSE-IIOMN A SPECIALTY dis n buiSUdi.Amiints" Au ooMa a&zls --, .e rnloýMi 'AT BANKRUPT SALE GOODS ANID MLIE of theo'«Golden Lion," Kent St.,- SELLING AT A'NI) IJER COST PRICES The. Stock mut be ciered oiut none Month. C AIL EAIRI.Y *peu them 9<s untSu p m titticalA.tîo FIIT ARRIALS 0P TE SEA SON. huvIis de>' par Expoesa.,visPoritani ex Staama.hp '(arintmai,"f ruma CIa>g, a OiNE CASE SCOTCH CIIEVIOTS, OIE CAS[ ET IAOCOS SuliaM for aprieuOt.i.Aoa eg -myu C.&AZAIANl, 5TT WR EDS. 1 A emm bo lp uS, ii bm .secil t e m oetr la vld: - mme no.M&mi J. &L DUNDAS. Ltin"y. Aprit .174 S"r CD CD K- .0oug- a ý AT THE Linbay. Mireh 12. Itrit. mý JWL

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