Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Jun 1866, p. 3

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rV IM41 ~ ~I v' ." ha ~.~i?? ~r- 14 Canada. 94 4 fi V. States Ireland. Catiolle, U. S. Protestant di -Catiiolie, f 4 - Canada. Protestant,, 4 £4tg proteqtaut, relatd- .adtholie, di u . Prolt, Lonidon, C. W. caicl, - U. S. 4 Irland. Protestant, I,,elsud. t4 -Etle, S Vtates M retaad Pbotestant u138 *' Qortuan>' Catiiohi, Ireland .4 1 . Protestsud iu R 4' relaad Oatbollec U S prtaut i ACTING PJIQMPTLY. MS$ CA.LE» OUT. t 1 oWoek p>- , e *. WrýUq.JlatOf t - Aumemuqt non$ &ud fer ,tlwr hiuon. Eyoiudh. mw. ÜW Liadu. C. dt. lik . LIST 0F LRTfR Ppemme .1&1%g for gay oth. ahpte, viii DONALD OANEROe. b.- u M 8~:3 PUttr. ateaiy, «k th * L" Op LEI1nýqMA- XA __ ' N TEM B RG ý GqE ,)oN c Ca-rt>', Roberti Larack, Olars Dcvi.>', Josept Mxwpf I Jame F*rrell, Jamsc canLhHUgb Fts , id >IÂDosc IfR, A reuee, 0 nul-ter, William Turk, Mn John*ôi oM Yw4,Tia Jordain, M H Wilkis,Cbaa Kely',J<*O , p . 'f .. for Advertised Letteru.sBOD LISTI'OF LETTERS RU NaÂNING ln tbe LINDSÀY. Post Om4ce,, Sth Jue 1866. Vamereis, C P Lai,.fim Coscadden, Sarai Lysa, VIan.>' Coauor, Mr@. Margt. eDahtGeorg eurtin, John . MelahloenesEdý connwSgbain, - Noire, Widowr ('ourrecr, Israel (9Connera John Fitapatuick, Patrick Popeé, Sainuci Fee, Wm B 1-R.>', Tiomas Geçer, Jobhn . - Rsyllmd, C M Hlyes, Alexander Strsdwick, Henr Hardle, John tuttos, Wm BenDne>', Mary.. Perseus calliug fthea&bore &Bkies sl for~ advertLqed ler. - .T». ADAN,, IsiUtl Onf Go.uPatrs)4p 1 JIJE psrts1enuipberfetofote exi.tiag betvee C OUTIREk&O'BRAN, Oeuers1 Bakers, aud 1Cctifectlottérs or uià Ternu, basibis dey been. dlswlved hu> mutual cousent. ,Al 5.61. due to the, fir are tu b. psid tc Mr., JOHN (MBIEN, w-ho- viliiaise setie.alil cou cetstdb>' the fira. WX. COURSE. JOHN o'lBRIAN. Linàsay, Jane 5th, 1866.35 WILLIAINM A. GQoODWINP 101 a.nsd FLAGP. .PMR, PAPER HAN- ksi Akc., &c. MshtStreet, Lindey, 3rd Ma>, 1866. 348tf MR.W.- N..WHITESIDE, G ItADU ATE of To1Otto University -and A- bauy bedica!l Coliege. (Formerly As- sistant Ph> siia of the New Yosk ýState Aiy- "'4. ItESIDENCz.-LitTLE BaITAIN. Alu 21ât 66. S47tfl Wall_-Paper. LAnG RE TYe .eer dfeription, Lept S*~cnsÀtiY O ESJGR 34< Vq~taw~~g Blocke Linda>. ,LAKE ONTARIO. UNTIL TURTEBSR NOTICE t-THE MAGNIF[CE KTNEW, wrEEL.PL &TED --UPPER CABIli STZAitER. ýy866 n- CIOR I NTHIAN, CHRFYSLER Master. w IL14 leave Charlotte .veq y Fvening at 1l o'clock. Leaves North . Shore port ever>' utnruing, (Brightoon nMonda>'. Wedaes- day and F riday oui>', at 5, 3ý Cokbo'esai7;- Cjobourg, 8.15: and Port Hope ast 1a .'eloek, amu., on arrivai of trains Eïian sd-West on Grand Truuk 1.11w&y, I,. lwghta ai Ruminer Us. POT ?lrelgb.ior PaPuagl¶ appl t te Captaits on board, G, He ndersou, .Agnt, Port Hope, or, A.i. BROWN, Genersi A gent. Âpil 4, 1866.35- c 1IS66. 186 "R0tCHESTE-Ri," CAPI' DAINTET, [Ts novmalking daj'y triPa-beveetn ibisý PortI rdes desineus of contrsctlng f«oîFreigitj 'sagei wiilsîudy their ôcviinteri, b> ,mg t tise Subeeriber, persofaly or b>' r at bis Office le Waààell's Sttck, mii - opposite Churc's Hotpl. JAM.ES H.IHAGERMtAN, rt Tope 10t'ýUyi j66. Agent. t Hoe, lti M>', 806.349tf dmy to -Ilbcaygeon, E Subseniber hegp te anonc bat umil ater notice lie viii run a SsiI>' tage 6-. rthe above nientioned places, leasing the t Bouse, Lindsay', sut7 o'clock amn., arrir- ýt Bobsyeon Ai 12 odôlck. Btetucaiag, ceave Crabtnee~s motel, Bobm -ruai 2 ck aritng n:-Wrdq t ah clock cla a 1ýh. risk et ts ovueansbook- km ba.-,t- lj [mes il 1 'tC L~Y T !t"7o uIT>~J fr~w i",.5-~iu<r aiL -t. i:~ GM ~CEILIE~ uiredC Cp~ty ~u~iT me t~.~~i Teu sulSd 0 te tte cat. î~-t~~>4i '<Jqr ~ 0 -JAMES WATSON .x / 1~fiVicI~. ... -J t»M usa that »d bow. but band, wbonm e vIMehla a ata S in Rth Ofsigh*vmaLys, "ng thse iWee cors principle s te do imagiuar> ' astie )Oe the. lerel of car. sudr das - eb.- aued but wb gsg(1pl* woéld stée ei* ýtt ,ày1qaIn e, lie o reqmse4 iscp~im~tb ,t . $rub:1 in &I aithi81 N1.B. -The beaaem .he carried-on là ils depariments ustilt>'y real est&*. eau disposed et. 18G6. :1a *1 4 . Y ~ç~~W1THSTANDING -.,~ (j FUNIAN RAID, I £ i i ~T* O. ~ - JeSarr'e, slage lot of CfOCKEKY obêlder'cap - ~ 5~~¶*o<1bu î .m*0<t~ wiii be 'fe'îad cf superier quai>' andu e> .- âm4te Price. eàl 441JR, WI S ANI par4 ne n ~~~~~ 0U 'fUszdCMMY$WIX1EY ofthe beat bramids an .F.OU ,.a pplORu a1Id indof roduel, y aspaidC ?tua4oe, Oss, Pense, PQrk, Buýtteï,&ci., &c,. - - 349 the dt ait 4 - , -t' Newv Brick Ri Wlserte b. lade tise L.,oW( keepiugbià old Quick. Rturui before goiug el 20 C/tes LindaS>', -3r4 May), 1866. L. H. HURD. 3481f BLACKSUITH: WANTED. w ANT&D1 sm8 e aoksmith;1 aise: hand te wo&ka t Wag% ons aid Sleigbs ., Coudant imployasent and liberal vgste- steady men. Apibly to Bobcaygeo, mMy 19, 1866. 35L-tf h«beeby iespetidly lufom the publie _-" he li.partnership heretotore existing, andknwn as the Sim orK N OWL SONSh G tE 00.R Y, Druggsta~d Sedinen,, cf the Towe of Lindayy bas tha day by>'mutual con- sent beou dba5oivd ud ê that in fnîture tht business vili be. cpr4ê onby tîxPNita Gaseeil. nue. Cf the WIst firm ;and tbat ail debta -due tii. ljate fr <tii M>' bo Mid t.eihiierof 1the.late partiifs. 30I KlOWLSON, »M>UND oGR(iGr. Linid'ay, ils>' 23rd, 1866. 362-4111 Insolvent Act of 1864. M1the mtter < PATK IM. 0'BEIRNE of the 7b" o f Ii*dsay, msolcent. T ECredittqs ef the InWovent are noeîifiedl that s Meeing ofthtei Çreditors for the, PuP.Iinin fte i.Insolvent,, and fo. theOrtrig te AÂ*irs of the. Bste gener- aly, -viii take pla Ce at My>'Office, on Mouids>' tii. Eiteenth Ésy of ine, 1866, at 4 Vlcc in iaccord» 'i ltlléqt Aet of 1 ansd tho Am enuete thstip*o. Lindsay', 30th Ma~y, 1866. Asgn. "NthiagLiïk LoaWthir." T DESuméibroWfeoq to helsof eh-ae Gei'Ladi' à4 1h...' oët&. Tu aIl the. Lates i Sye, and st Prices sure te gise setlisf*cwii. 1Partieuhe attentin -'p4id to the Qr(dei De' partment. 'S* maude by experiuuoed vork- mas esod a.good fit gaateed. Wllhi&mStrftt, Knowlaon'egBrckBlel Liada>', iiiÂJi, 1866. 34f SE Fi D SIEDS Âlso- auÂusortse.t of te-very, a- Ail Warftuted'Presh 1.< 100 Barres OSWIGO PLÂSTER ezpect.d, la tew Days. ONE CASU OTr CONCEItRATE D LU I . MEDICAL lIA LL, NovItis fr ay Js eçeived.! IN ýTHE NEWEST UkTimsue andcl'loth. M ANT.L E A N D. JACKETS. À euse ol tùIe gracefiàl EMPRES TRAIL SKrRTS, anid anothier lot of those 7id Puihts. Lindegy; 15th May, 1866. (350) Keenau's-Block.- -1- " ~mkt t o e sb ~Jwa 4Ier' aità iie! diaeîeitori!! lae-fP=d, 'a À ides b a 1u m m vai bd t i a ln. is charges ie etra .XPup l Or 16,&r.e~ c l% u paf vini -*es~bY eff asatikig tntvoM risIr. Delug e etdis nytinigluthe aoW~tuh te tios9 posesed f valuebe Waiebb. .4t ?bf o tg thdes uisd n6ske etti uses ~ ýEnkol d thespilyncU1P9' u~s i tiente gtadatoeerlluoe v'en pro- eured. Hne invarlabi>' truts te il.& vi n ecia- aia abuliw and A discriamisstgpubifr Whkh tshall be »U dtubspr Ibm. stsny etier hbouge in -towu. Re bau alm mos ha sece ld 0 Or 'D N oogod dailer iINCIS lb>ca b.p orS a au> other lae; hthbeyrast a huice selecîiou e of twoP1te aucli as Tes;St, Cruels, Cauke baskets, Table a"d TIea Spooas, Fanks, keC, 8e. Aise a fou as9otmeut et Bohool Books dMia " t*oery, ykles cs - T ho7 uacd Rous. of Rom Ppwr. Ailse a large aosorimeut cf bet Frenci Plate 1 bUA»KING GLÂSS,-ag of. wiicb sah Ibc sold- at prices tg n"*eu! "iLaoU, -but not l"sat, bu lie bs eststock cf Tiat. bas evrr beeu exhibited l in e cq..nty oW Viotoria, selected hy limselt and, honiht b Cash in the besl rnarket îL AmerÈca. As fê artmterial âud wOîrlûuanÉblp, lis stock *Wil be tunrd'lu ic mu ch sup erior toltise vissa of ;Wàtcles tiat ame general>' offered for sale ia ti i arket, aad shall b. sold cheaper &han tbe, elass of. Waîciics noW affered b>' an>' other pet. sou in tic trade. And, filali>', as h practises au duplicityto draw a L-ade, b>' edeavorng. te mae bis eusloiurs blierV tÇi a .l always' #Selling, ot, sud about te t.mbusi- ncss," parties f,discinati n v*Ut fid, on inspection, tht-they ean: do béiter nt bis eslab- bbinent, thaui lie>' anut itise plaes where sncb duit lu genenal>' attempled ta lie thrown in their eyes Liudoay, lUih Ma>', 1866. 3tô-1 3 J~ t CARR1AGE-MAKfIS N BLACKSMITUSý lyYfte ý %%à e, anad ffooMIme, fiteel Springs1 V and 0 Homse Na ils, FarrIers' Kalvest BRei4tueu ners ea Bo!es. and Atieo, or &al- thmng ini youiRulie, at T. POLEY -k V..'., Hardware Store- Kenit Street., aigu of tli ig Paàdw. îWORTItNG MEN Ee-q!iirlag Fishing Tackle. lqtX4 wln, "Ye 3Uiis, J'owder, Shot; Eley" fi nea aI1dw - terproof Caps1 (JuWada, OR' AK~ OTI-IER MAN .WantinDg anytbiig ese In the Ha*rdware Unei, _41heap for Cash,. caf1 at T. FOLET k ('o'., ]Kcenan's Block,.Keut Street* ýAgents for, the 'Treuton apqr Lindsay, 4thl3I, Ms86. 38 DISSOLUTION flUIVATE ?UNDS to Loan, ai nioderate la- ftenest, tram thnee te lire yara, inusm i fr.$30t $54)( 1 Prsth en> oVco Ait E S11I1Po IJ9Iair.B ~ iafrBal. Api>'te TEParfntesip hereiofore etuaing be. Iy il P. XIft URD, veen mise, uq&ersaned,,aM Rnrdwr V~J ~ J IL' w .' Soicitot, Merciauts, under tse ane an~d u.ya DR Kiowlsou'î Brick Bleck, Lindgay.& FOLEY, bhas,,tha 5n>' bora dfssolted b>' nmu. "O 3ardri5tb, 1866.- -341tf1ftuAi Cousent. Ail a&ccouaIs ot*r4m uesult o le %Wpaid immediately tb Messrs.- T. fOLEIY &Ce., IMP(Wo continue tic business,> or ctss*QIii1M 'ncurred. Il EMOVA ie - Signed TITOS. IL DRARE, ýDress Good@9, Mýanti-es,ëa IKnwsnsBic lc._ __ _ _ _ _ Bonnets à, tsiParasos .GURE ci ~~ ~ ~ ~ iS oinforw, bis nunsereas tnds and the Woo a o 0public generaîl>', f nemoved bis v.. B. vPbotô'u"'ie.'i PictuneL Gallery HE"' Subscribet visites to inforin bis numnr- ~ .~ .m ~ AhIT ous vustonuers. that be i& prepared. te do LWVVU~S 1~vUî~ ~Us, I~'US~ bleargnsd c=amodionsrom nKoio' Brick Block, specsîl>' fl&C., tpmo ie ponsCtdnFuln dCotrDes su qa oc ca imOO u ôrteion 10 an> 1 Cn U ic n ebs l, andth14 t itotdepch Cs*Xh uyerg wil tnd it to their aidvautage- to Cal.e JAMES LENIHANU; NEW GROCERV STORE!0 ~bscillrs ould Intimae to their fîiends asud - tbey are nov opeansQ pt a. the. publàc generailly, timt *WINES-.AND LIQUOIRS1 CROCKERÏ AND .GLoISSWARE,. la ii prmucaf6oeri>' k owu58tAsz -'SBixtaUT," ontdoor west cf Jewett's Béte.. IPIOttV1 AND PRqOVSIONS 0F E . eR Y DESCIPTI1ON, onaItyOn kand :- i'The. Hsghest Price, in Cash, vi"I b. piid for ail kindef Country Produçe. Lids.,25hAp, 1866. -J.-ULS .~N lATIES'inde1ied le othe laie firra of) FDrake k Fol.>' a"r rqqesterd to e ml- uieâae Ipaji4 ,or coula viii be incurred. T. IFOLEY àk CO., 0OI OTICE.. 'TIOODER IN ARREARS in A4i S Cabra> joi Sock Oit Comipany' are hereby l;uoliAed l imme4i4te PRYmett must bei -ma4e, tth eble the -Dk'ectors tu Proceed ~stsdq lit vii erWaIt>'malio sforfeiture Secretary. 0ulbP, ot i hWl 3M& 4-6n 'Net for Saie. ~ 1 o~,e851 tPrivate Saje FIVZ JORSS (oe afour-year-oid, verv PM mieina )ONE CUTTER. ý'ONEFAIr ox. OIý'E BUGÜY. ONE. SET.HAR- NS.Abouit tventy* Buthellifine .9pring Wh , tt for Swe. About On@e Nnndre luhi ota*es (Cupa.) A New S-iddi. fty Of oosâold Furnilure, &C-c..c Fo uihr atc ilraapply to To GAR»ENERS.: Super-phoepate of Lime B>' the, PouRd, aithe Medital H1all. J... THIRKELL, Lindsay, 101h May, 186. 51. Winter Eo<iets! ýU PWARDS. of a HUNDRBD VARIETIES - COULTElI CHABMBERS, Chbemisis. Drnggiata sud Seedanie. k'Sigu of the large 94Red Mortar," ICepisi. Lindsay', lTth Mfa>', 18,66. 3501f NOTICE ers, for tise (AKWOU l'or rr-" FrSoi sd a" d71hird,- a. ad Oeiwoed4th'Iti, 18< Province.. T. G woald returu bis tlanks for the very 1 liberalpatronage bcstowed upen lim for the past number uf years, and hb.,is now betterpre- pared thaï ever to suit the wants of-the public in the picture lime,,in- the latest and lnost pleas- ing styles and second la noue in the Province. Frec exhibitions cfcviw of il parets of the world. 1Gold and Silyer EBlectroplatiug doue on the tiie skortest muée. 4 have fitted up the above reenis speciali>' for T. Geurle>'. Photographer, and parties desiring pictures would do veli toe give hum a eaul.' J. IXNOWLSOX. Grocery & Ijulor Store!l j UAT RECX JVKD BY TUE SUBSCItIBERL, c0s oiplete stock of WINES AND LIQUORS, To which hoe invites. the attention of intendiug. Notei Keepers i inda ze su ad choice issortineut uf Pale WI I)s,Bra. Port amUi 1 .Swry fWîe, Hokmnd Ir0M Tom Gin, anti werat Herrings, Cod Flah- ênd.Moe,. Farinera viU i d a qusutit>' cf Irat-cas p1%st.r.& Olovtor Beed Which vil i c& flred on- favorable ternis. Aise a tiv bushels cf.Whîtç Beaus.. ÇASE FOR. PRODI) CÈ. get Sreetiuett tMr. BmWs*5StoviStore, 1Lndsq, th Marci, 18";. - 843 Ac 'AJ(ESTOCK, variesbrauds, whiole- s aQle ani ,4tail, ou *ery favorâble terius. floti-lkeeperl eau <md eve.>' lilaSfront $r to $4.per boAGiRet SECOND ftA"àq >D DISTRICT, will ___ - LOB SALE, b>'tihe subseriber, saseondbu Billard Table, ie as aset cf Phelan's heu fraies, FIDA >'e asbions, nacue ». Tii. boel a hrdood r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i jepunlt inh a * ver>' teod tate4 sud viii -clams Cv«%CGUD . oltti bui né cuWcoupeisfor $100 JUNS, mae. sb, o« for $120ii oie haIt-jea nistal- e bld la tii. <Gu.meuteby ivig souity' fer-tho psymmls, iii DAVID VN, Mges; Ile aiso wishcs Io stie that li t prepared tu iiuy ai'>' qâantity of Clean Fleece Wol, for which ber viii pay the Highest Cash.Price. G. W. SMITHT. L14inva, iltb May, 1860. 350-43 JOHN 1BERTRýAM ÈAÈI)WARE MERCHÂNXT, KernptVm 1Hlock, lndeny.- Wourld respectfülly invite attention ta, bis lirits stock of irmig Implements! Whiclîwil l e found verv compite and of first. class quslity, consisting is part of Blaek's# Cdebrated casi-stiee Spadea, BLack's Draining ced Dift*mgSpadoe, Lonsg and Short JIandUe ShcreZ., MaueFork-a, Barley Parks, RPakes, 7rnip Roes, Solid Neck cast-atcd flbe", 08iu, 6icst-sitlGhras# 4,Crrsdle & piheu As a CASH BUSINESS ONLY às dun, tii. rnces are put.dowa ta the ver>' lowest, and .I NO SECOND PRCE-!40 First-Rate. Chance. TO PAr.TIES'IUEQUIRIN\G ADFE- SIRABLE DWELLING, &c. OiVW for Sale, au.- ACRF LOT on- the cor. N ,ner of Bond tstreet, with -a good sabstan- liai pwelling-nouse, on Stone round*ation and lare Cfleansd eiery ailier convelenet, siso a goo Stal Well and Cigterî Tii. hona» For Ternis, Ikc., apèly to the proprietor, J. F. CTMSON. In.sol1vent Act of 1864 lisý he -natter qf n7omm,9 Gadetun, of the. Taou- of Lindsay, au In.ot rewi. -IE ('REITORS cf tii. Ioniset are eti- T fid that a metinig of he.CreditoTs for thet Public caminalion cf tie Inscireut, sMd the odring 6f lic esaie generali>, wil1 ta&* place at ni> office on AI 4 O'Clock P. K., in' accilance with,"u solveut Act of 1864;' and, tb. Amendracuts Linadu> 14th Ma>' p Ai"N' ICLL -R à TR OP RKI ufrub and relâMei. ,AÀIUt id wQcu1 onER ouhud. A us.,Àt~oIs heu,~~i prooe ither 4UQATW theu. Thi be s tpiÎd » p.tdfuelqi" ,Sud. PAIDLOKt Wanting. Naas. Glass,. Putty, I=eRngs pgMs Ol". notia« tt swa1is [ON STORE. ý lý 1 q ed &" pSd for,

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