Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Jun 1866, p. 2

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%~JT Li. î& ~ap1tateeir ha anmircma 1-.,& _pIinug , frefrais bebin!. ,h gieo nearlyaùu,!o' 1 V(eln theCana., efflea priiÏ bÀtty'wévsed. >They- on Iilsrti t balRul>b.,viot t itnami seatéed ot.ofitue ha:- "be f'éiati Mlarge, amu oiv ~~~~~' c i Oka pposte mBd~pDeaib lent oek t udr vistoey. pto wiabéaathe.t *111, ohd cheet D sy dainma it. promé. About six' Cd!o ah aides.. reptt onwlaat vo bé>el t , te1bi authoity hai ad« :ia" been ata st forces hadi iuua Cêi' lK> e enemy asar PoittrLie.. eniginîent lu;ie>!t%10haer. The. ý- were heavy on both Isido. mn,. qiro'y défeted andl erp~tate3 s t tÇol.Pecirhas' fie qtpçtoné vhé-ither h. yl ne- ike r~ui4er oif the Foinas as pris- ü Uwa. Gen. Napier, iltÏ& aui!e ne- i ouiephatis "NO." lHurah 1 * Toronto. 1 anie report ïiat -thé. Fenaua had escsped tii. - iver lais-tfll rconfirme!:' are alilacres.- jatatiiiaitmne. te sale lves tram ou roup, ho voe Wclose, 1 70, Kgted ith.éIUS. gulmbot capture-I itc frein Bu~io 'jusi receiveil- the Fç,niausj on bearnmaneyA of ýe gpproackiug Fort Eri, a » Mornîng are reporte! te have jacoma iii river, ladirig at Black affge wa à tmadte bl aid cf two 8tîved. Seral 1.ft boum! arem n *iffa. m hi. noming em Baffao # glaIsa usianscv-aocuated Fort Y.aiobetweon cup4ored white croMisug the ri ver, ioued St;ates -gubuitMiJia. wre lain reonand*, titans ycsterday captureil 42 of the Ovat; ut îhèy 'reigained Ibeir gain about 2'eekç, oun freso 1. eacoek adrancinq. - n'a Caval-y ,hauttries and cap- the. Fenian pieketes. th Rffoee Ti tae n teck 700 Fenians am- board, and atmn avay. A few v ert captre! boats. Great oxciternt-amfong as reinforcementi u ve-ont ntsent Toroete, 3r<t !une. k'. teres Oentereti Font* Lie al 9 fn!that-the indaiLd flova,. Tluey- a few pnisenemu, but, à,s prcvionsly thie maia body cf t-le maraudons vee onecauanites ilu cokl -lie is censure! boere for tardinesa vingthie Fenians to.eeape. Bit jostily or net, rentifr farthar 1b delenmsint4. EIGHT HUNDRED ýAND FIFTY FE- NIANS CAPTURE[) BY TIR1E -.S. REVENUE CUTTER MICHIGAN. Tornrto, Junc 3rd-Ncea. Tii. groat t oui efthle F.nsinirecreuse! the. river this momsiog betwveen 2 soit 24 this morig, rom - Fort £reuh.bai ao*mel ef themus bave lie« cpture.I by tire geamer Michigian. Oh the sinagglers Whoe remais ln Caiada, ierai vére 1laien rapisonte@ Thse ct.oaaing vas efetei b4y menus of twe paveafal oteam iio; eand dibamut@ aista oan ut fremn Bnêlo lu aa'wer ta Feu ia la. Tertreut lio ffmes!in snob a Jiurrythnt the piekels along theriver vers set *anuti, anti 140 are repete!te have beoai taliou. The rest vent n board, * and! barie away. Somne rfuW umaped ilan ai boatâ. This roerning île Qumea. oG* tüme! eut oa parade? ai Port,-Coiborne- la itplendid spirite. Major Gaier. adidrease!hem an a suirning speech, an! ýthe - men.a&e widly. anioîus teai-esaefor the reverse et ye aiendsy. T'a"ie Pealan <ugh peratell and loti io ta sur'onu. RILLED AND WOUNDED 0F QUEEK'S -OWN.- ÈutsiinMcEach ern, Ni), 5 e Lanre Grporal M. B. Defres, No. SCod Privaie B. Aldervon, No. 3 àCe - Pu-isSe W. P. Tom peei, No. à c Private Malcolm bMoKeuizie. pnlîatui J. IlMewbtrid. One weedeiitified.* Cupt. Bosteait, Lient. Beaicu, . Lieut. Çatmpb.l1, Ensiga 'FÀhty, Col.. Sgt. Mc- Hardy, Sgt Fesster, $ Matheson. Sgt Carr, CorpJ,&eyEmsui A -l.sryi Corp 1Etistm .Sti3st.4, Capt Robins, Pnîvafes Winter, FiRutherford, Suran. White, J >Bell, W Th'umffls, Kimasfotd, Bise., Vadermi.- Renrurner, Paltersea, GroeerDavsaloy, Iîenghtou, Manning. Hineo., Ruisal,:CêPp, D>oggMn,. Dobbie FOM tyht Jact, Frebont MoVonlaste an! A. T. RIliot. Sgt. Mai ntoeah t rws as ueMikg ha stico tare! up. FRIE-NDS WANTED. beItws via fell ai Rtdgevay, on a hdi. '*ndg ia country, saaiet hé»soerwaiou ri.âaaei.& ta UIt.y HosptbV "co- - Ont du Loess - ingrat lm«d~ 14 eût. -Th&tpes cav.Iry,0 MW d aquare te iéc siains mi-t a-rai Rocker .beimag - ordersafit a te don t- »tetet téPiwt (oborta Bo on e â tie n then.e i no dem weeo buiet aie t'.lid s i shoiiid r M", Wb*,vi ihat yonGng Tm fieuld vittasen buai beoi chou --PARTIAL Edwatd X. Edwat 'd %ul -James Ge ué McalPot ed. Michael Bai la, ba)oneteti 1 SMichael Mu1 ina thbe fie. John Lynch, Thomnas Lai abdomen., Thomas M *Co., Ind., in tI mg, Terne-iR Mathesir en edit n the liai Michael Ru Jcibt Lynbli Michael ilaif - ivrd K. --Patnick Nut TE QUEE Tht Queea1 port Ceitucnîtu ai Fort Eri sier. irought eut lp. A ni Io*. A Iton MORIE VENI The. nid sra THE' Her bi bore at.5 d Teroto Ns son., banda Th" are of-Ille Pi Fcurbes, v ,tisa, *a invain Chicag'> w sud enlisli fity4ix ha imssetamty1 bythe Mal lie Juwe .- itý '-f S t wmeoàtI. Aneé Owii - motouci nd drvn bu*l,. idÎeèy ohasét muniitgave tw i ummsi. the. sqÉare, anti - isiti, #av* by mesothotc-; *. " Théy' w.te ut if uheir wéy I. *avs i- »ppmi#t, mat mi pliant, bsy bus of tue.brs. hés sers a lubt mished venu ir breakfasts, deni en îbe vs viethu t, EtiiI nai, Oliio, kil led.. inci nasi, 0llmb, mer onthe ufield. i, slightly voua! itais, vesadedIthi d se f. Mro., 8itantôn. buy*il, Peints> tia. i te ig. ullibouce Anderson, Maduso 6ville, Ky. 3lin-lb wventef enac d., in 1 he abdcimen. cîuaiiî,Ohict, Wouaaal sueeee, in tihe arma ii, in the hhigi. . ubaàville, Ky., àlua t1- , of uffutie, %vous!.e- h -*ci d, ight -i! 0, woumded, oye an WN1 AND TENTI et! ta 'Toranto troi Teath Boyas.- teaý 1 uither criera. RIAN PISONER Fenian stfflans.tait chef Ttminl. Th-. so,,n,!ng andt fasi loti 4il pliest-l aSmo' LSONERS COMIN( ugvéteitted for the u' Ln Plimon ers. WviW us It i, mady. -The il 40 au RiantFd.' I(býDE -AT POE' DÂ&Leeuslc, Jane 4 amr .R..cètei anti iýh mue-toitby t s,>sUaring hadai . ..-The ame boun! Ion Win Or TUNE. Fmni Eait, Jnixu 4. Isis are nov pasa d bîy a guta-boaltri d Save the.Queuta duct bave juat left. *sg Io meJt WinDdsorjoue. 5. depmtation trou t tCicago, -cotiiti Kr. Ford, and [S tk. Mayor sud i rate with the intima reporteof the -'-euî r ycimég Caaiadiins ir eiUpl.yrnOatS, ar Vie pr;epareti' »Ved by the miebit wf hiehtbey rmade &mre eornpunY. bad hW Nte" for a* %mter lof NO. E ompeni opoietii. heari, tear-i img th:.skia, but Imeint sâd. . fivé' Aldmoont,l Peon. Eh. i. 'tj MeKazi, leco<UtvhtyKUu, a's ounn IMMENSE STOCK 0F Bamm tb 8lti f'i «w mouuuauuwa vt ~u PUWWUWW an16V the adrance guard, o. asigamedtv T A.D i4 h -"4 ... O...? Eving paId ipecia.lattention -te> the Dr... Giodi ..tmit loft.~ I P SG U Ef PO~ Ladks wv i nd in isi.Une of Dreus Couds 1q ..vcry New èstW u Inath e unt !W tq Yeody *eéoii les.of five of cent".re * ae ý. jf». Mfence TRIMMEX> ATS &BlES ilalwhehthftiii hve long threat te iiebdnen 4eaed bost an11mr.iopjstWittM.POowëis cvw" dmdiPu eo vr Glr retYnt Thd at n t Ish th on Tlhus a lei SSeie>i* IntL A b1e- ry JSnt.»epgii onon the ohapeof a udd e-f about Tagabootii. vioe ui. IbJOOd bdies t fCl'pno#wa M Deanad Ptivate An demfi ere cridinp u~freti the il >2U»The LatetiNovetty la BoeP Shirts la*the. CDos ý )Uàamàuhsli;bat fert«ftià wig i.Ui MhVs ttvieb Car-.Ia~eié~ediiaeL Ti igtD pe litr ~w h. if î.b a4 not pohhtçd he rld et' dcadIy rneu*t le EsdigMwaeb ç,g . j ,' ýUtllliiii f NO. 5; Quen'11, la charge of the t esuky~ ~pinooeada théuectin o u6poaT5br and w~ai ~ ead era. dzai$ in blwk,4e dalformo Wbsch yen eaget -at se.UPý auw e*indimarme .Siefsi and siveè wth bis. aaie r a ril e *îiî. lN ié,s w» Scttiedhla rosit for th0 raeption of '" tu t.w a~; may ~ b.liewgsW dA1»41t ia tiïeWi. aîen ,ieh à eod urato alioV the iiZf..vaew tbet YIairts Keenan's Block, alm4t wdfely-tlrouh hé, o~ 1. gllat u...Tho. cettenof E.sign gKent i ~ f1 1t5 > an' Wu iii ilthe"Ia jo "ad avias M -omhren oempiW e ii.mitiiîoandi front Weeb the. UP . seéiMi 'eavMd tth i ea0,4- ,Mlile w i osb BspOe'..OVV with, site Union .Jack;le aa Wte thé e taneif b slas ~ ep~ ilm foptl el *à*a. pleed en tberigbt, pruesu nov lF 0*1ig bT oronm sd t0,nt- dw.rdaand otbrs essaer c afe6tio ade>d it i.b.r'ea . r01et*0 olo je .SI70 pascetaiSi ,baieth' en ise vife. lie wau a.tteuded in lisilait Montante Oruge Mga t ae h :hatl belonged. roi d a îwatath extrSsepenalty aboula. by thé Itv. lir;. Eirwash, @allSigtoO. >H* '. roffi" f rivusen Ahuertaoeand Terr- the, si, buit won:d net- bc iallOdd »'dutpen vwcre ptaed beWnd end aboie, cvr ho rWiltd *p=amtufe of theûtj, in cordertO. Ju aetmer<latedft t~~~h f i Ls su~a4at. oher ofiii crw vo wuid .d tte dasai cfdyig bini At320 the cataîfalque whieh wàeata e'ar- likta to try entirs lW4e. To seivie, thte p.mi adviàced r!y th0'. teier place of b@ti) aruved,7 tbStthe baqir a «a hsi5and et en i8;te- O »i - deathis regrattMhy théicb th esur ual ii. Epiro an b ~ ser n n Ur ight. eupig bigla. giÔnunenWi paedoa»i b hee en._________the______ in hir'vengeance viien the. bleud of ber ieg fteod TeUvrt opuderof1the Quee'. Uvu in ad accorpanti -- aQcwg Capis, Whitney; being ordered te ad- tIlii'fIeiC>tld? 1 i.ct.".po *WdSUI 511 cll Lt * vanesan d extend. sirmisàlng line to, the right, acessian ,aried fWIroaue 3.50 , ià 7'eadmet of: ou galiant Yolnters, the. Highland cma!foir texlendinig .te tIllefotlo*wf ng fer olieFdlo flse(owéinle anaoéd ii.Feulaais.w .7% ibi h., ~h&.Z~po~ is BaRd oet hé 471h Eeoinit. Surm-Forthe Past Year or tWO your paper bas t.ari.W«l- - - 41 , Ii>e.î Farn Iboers t e Skàly graeed vith the atirirai toi but. as t-thi dketotheir nimbetet 1 % ,L Wbg ten, effusions of a correapondent styling himseif lal!ner of pride te every trais Conatia as dire td al'e.0 *hieh Lad Jlmi1 f Eag ccru Observer," vhieh put ene very iMich in Mmnd grind tu, théeIifrothoding1w raad, *t.Corpet lD.frieao( fthe.caïd, adage-" ,A littie learaing (ini the dm". Who utbdraàately fel lun.action- wili n h vainbnd e acioe m 4)i a dangereu% thing." i* «ver liv »'aiho m m ocf a gratebut buil~~ idings r hog oiinfrPrivate Audrson*AlIow me te point eut a few oft tla&absurdities conty th ne Th buid,.gs vs a atoo posation-or- Pivate Alement. of his last epistie : Economy lu generai he eury.o. th rnty, ieb us mu petted b lunisoe o-Piae epe.legislatius." tWhait tl:is means as applied tu- I Te oty bà nov thoronghly laseusd r a,to>-bc te er edl lsog4Mone.os: l.vo t 1s 1onels -cnotmk f4 . ih1 anwc, nii *» y t vfy heavyî!ieffinNo. ý6 Ce, Capta .nFunerai Cerrn ittee. tewr .TwepCuel,- enntmk fo ap t. advce-sn if n OfAd - This.plasegavéeffevideelet be sev- adâal eo ut.) IlCLakinuliuMely greniter deaamdt -bis e Sweeney's horde wlsh toe <'tcthé Unst, bu nity of the ire vhieh had beenmaiaitied ue id àtlioehoSt iiar ititatention.:IOne cfthe mcii fmaatik and ,'thé savcrdsocf thte rra-tw i#ib tliant trancistans, fer uhere ver. quantiti«Oe e uu ivae ninn-omsisdOfcr > cul*T<u, Ieietéfeuhe ni j a -ccure.mnt >iownsa-rf<,oeret, h M-turc of $150." "Diffident laramers May pine Sü Aaa honoU eth e.m onwoet n.a1tsadcueessnwogtégo n i icers cf Volunteera, actlordingt I ratai. away at the edg~e ls eampa&," te.: No, Mr. AHldirctins.Ofileers 01 the. Army, a4eordiig te raok. dit or, il iw a gond white ince 1 went te sehool: daylat oagh 5 g)ttt-1 e tp uldcr The Hamilton l3tb -battalion had by this Ma;ob-Generut Napier, ant i Saff, bat, if Iý have auuy recolleetion of the ruies of lieavned and ceatinucd imrclig te- Mavor and Corpuraiiti. Gasr rtt csn tvri h bv nationitl, piquo nsd UiOftSl al t- wiahiu ce. yards Of the Fenian line, visen in Citizeuu on lot.j are rather gross.bitinders for a main pretending '4i0u»tJimon ID"ot" au ecênibewytyveshle.ACar aes Jto se much- scltolarship 1I.Again, - 14The few et then,' incla 'dng ses-eral officers. nobly Jci$xncil perpetrates sa greaf. wrong instead of cale.up te tbi .adrtncc line. Tht posMoîin eofn >, mc pasuing asuperfiauna y-aw.' VhJsezver ,for- tht akrmnishers vas etill maîntained for a short oub >t Mo m Mcene. I r liere thnt thé passing of the By-Iaw as wvi t Yormmg. tThebatethée emy a lanie aactoi force, Tetfonemilietcomplains, of. In tht third paragraph of tim. ut,,novasemellea oetire nd thtlroent #fii. Queeillî Own" c f Toronto, Who felillis letrer, he makes the petitioners for the The Fesiâa Raid o u igr rnirbscMmenced, the men retiring auileniy.,and ina tii.action onenthe 2îudinsantuotok- place 1i "farntasti ,dcgati od orperat bais lm oeued the people ef Lindsay f ob ieir keeping up a âharp fie.Ibis afiernon, i 330, from .Calle'6 tarin, bdads nt i n ttecatr rom t.t udn Na. 3 University amd thre lOth ighlandées uear thii.pince, and-parsed t eigh-the tewn . Hi$ assertions with regard te the road te thbe indifteuc. W.vil lngerlit ufRred severely front Ibis trne, as tbeir pimi- to 1h. place of itterment lthe Prebyteruan bUtitfftçalte$10xpniue tttatd wit àaJack of spirit;*,Borahaîl wv e hé tin vas muc eposti,ài adistance trouathe bar)ying-groundi. The prozrmme cf lie every ody in the yard mitoste lie false-and -bohitaister tovas ila forniahing ouf quota of main biody and=qu th tirar. No. 1 Co. poes -aihlieh waprinttd and dlisibutetiiI oldams em-ugn ro aeït usa or he teInceof ii.coute~. uder aptm BoumUaSerdnedte dvaiteduriaig the day, il e sf,,Ollews:-Firing party. . vlulciare e l ai nteil u nesye a, ~~~~~t protecit 1rteta ee témi C ' orpaie, mouraien% cîy officiais and tuembera tiat Observer, like Jean of Arc, imagines hirn- Tb* LW»4sy Rifle Corps bh" been, rellorgan- b Fndin iremc le.lvers s oredad te y * lemnte e aaigaself diviuiely endoveti te fulfil soute important laedtai ader iiithéo"saura. tifficesu:-minu.tes iit, paiCmiOfa ission in the wvorld-the imissin in lais iadi- e CaptAis; Adam aHodspetb, Letenant. 1 ' .t d aa i i enpin. upa ha ira ven point. Thert» trere over fifty eivey- vaidaal caseélieing te castitate ami nuatligai the Young mes have eiroailed uheir name», and are o vn: iisun ta nsg aleNoimntes, andi as many on -font as. wonid have pulii: eficers it ti"icouuty in gene .ral, tioee In readyand villng te.,mtchaia mowtL'a 'Company, wasbot in the leg, and Leleut Can-tle-mo"thi it nne oi uins tFenelei lunpa. iti, a.No, bcd e plit,, o . 6- rcietliondi heam ait en entirely PsUspentedi.oc, 1e , 3 Ip.!!> viethis Observer jtntlesieuldàassume -so O mig -~jtlÉlowe bepale seid tue- m, ot pay a lmet tributte tu ithe respccted brave.!i much aaîberty' le he amain fet nbunblemu- ïTlru b le activeierlasot8berfme- wîe ikse by the vaut et suppr n A de,*patëh frinalis cosaadiug cofficer iâhed chraseter, and otsuchundoubtedintegnýty if ougilaniS C- Wood and James MeKiibon, fîoe fpeércmado being given by te mates that ho (cili agallatat and a noble sol-. and sobriety, that tie publie eau irnplicitly Esqo, s Inanty Cmpay, nmbniu 50COiiflFDete i.brigade, vas keociietido"bdir.Tthan sanu t lhe-front, its ser- rely on his statements, ne matter hou dtmag- by teiireating men andt rampleit upon, ne- vices cou Id net hé eecured,inthym le1lecarccrtsuiv- à f atd *,ataserice , la1ic1erel»1111 g eee ujresl bee îevsknown and trieti public servantes!as Mesure. andýà it ameeting held ati hé ett Houes on earnied by bis ceipaany as venot of het t. -Cuttiniham. Dick, Dovueror Clendeuning? n. WensaMyrLcne ati hiavudd yee o des, *a considerable TillE SITUATION. If se, vhy tien dots he clonak hianseit, under an moio e medatl ofr i (emay' er istance, sud exhibited, as did ail tue vound- nmyossgaue elelnio modest, Y cd heCmayssr.- a disregard fur their injutiies, Thre firat bipd or raider% Who have de-orlafu.rcordytath esbedf vices te thie Goveruy tvseamied, wlth t hcaeunvîale ttfiaethe naine bis another gave hina;Tht Camhray i. r~deoutramcfaplue.Sitbe An eretreat now eam ne. .e tefàiue ecrated Canadian mcilihave,(led isekward upl have a very.good'gaes efbis ldentity; ,d.ýer Cýmîostratin o:ýaplàse.:- uitbice Adý siizo eitliçr the bouses on the fianks. or tele e. arinseech es v e Temaielde nifMco-depoy, aaikingi boueynesearjy lun order.ta eaflueon, throwiniz away tiacir armei,bt leaemtatiteeyorreiesad adgilani er.WodsdLnbu Th te save the columai' front beiaig cut te îieces. and ie-aving behaind thens serera 1 lhundreds tus marne of se important a public liefacior Thtcoueu cmnaned te retraceilacir steps, kîiled, wounded. su-d takeet prisners. We- as he assuneste lie, ought ccrtamniy te lie tic -toleloVing eoficens vers unanimouely electsd :- sThpe tauin ly keiu alimdi ue htaurtîntd ie iIniar ai tacks, prcperly oet tie public. atie8C. Wood;- Lieutenant, J. Lenuban; nm, mniaade stands on tihe vay te cheekbtttrci fttfrtvi iudnTtcgoe htOsre sue ol IlCpsa 91. l Ibttei'-l ftéfrt ilogr es-indicatlé that he is in tic habit et taking .ob- sE-igm, GeorgeStevenson. N oin. tm.elers thé adranice et tht enemy. Tiexentionsme ti m Coor$egau obnMn Segauto, by the gallast Major Glî1mor to preserve ths so9 net le lie dsearded, 9114tht author. aerr,,lonas. ,Nov, vihatever the nature of these Ite. Jeffney a n%,W J. Robnson Seret1o f as rtglanent and effeci ana or- ities are prepared at ait points. kil lite Imay blin ether reslpects, it vouiti appear tbat, Oe.Jfre n et- Ie. Tht meetingdcrljy retreat, vas particulariy aticeable. Thé ucoiie cf Cunada be firin, snd quit tht-m. rn u.ltes lir rhsat cvy-r afte giingtbre bertyýcheri forexçtioù efEnsgn Athu, N. 4qualities. le dott net cndescend te indaulge li, fonxrae tEsga nhr o opany, selves like Ilhe men via -<oglit so galant lv.o lebsFnln bevtoswr ae -Qpaat ianrgligtnt ery iea - ethe sanie direction, vers aise Iverynoticeahle. aFo iebsFeeo bevtosvr u ee s.tht eu. -rit ebeocU peaeit o . Itolittom Fort Erie and Lime Riuige on Sa ard av, 1a tine vite his fertileimagieation vas lhuer- Aa"Intant ry Cornpaeày lbas s- li es tHebigae.lipe aienti. ook seio c at ese vrrtcltedFeulans Nwatt soon fiyung tneiter the conbineti ingluence ef lunar e I>y,,Mesure. Win. Omietandi1). Molomçy. 'Oef-the.,Coloul's herse, anti, dravimg hie nevolveri bicI te -rite siau% of the Ameariciin attractio n ad "tanck-eg.' h je rumoisret .Y ces.ati. . Ja ieutenant P -ftorced the head et the retreatiag columai. entier- rifleas froni uheare Iiyare aoudCabrytit iisvet îe bere ýk- hheym e iat ndonntuptear.s th as treqtaent-y been seen pcrnmbulating je tie ~1 istyan nsguP.F.Meatb. - iig h. e ai at atry- ep the neiV r- " k. tMma'vicinit et Mr*. CIende nnngs Il"osi fkantastié ig Tii. Cooety, toc, fi; liuntite redeu ber fair gi opny ' Tt- Menty ee .Thtnvey-fadecnrcrn, navr fnatea tomle. G. X. Roche, Esq., vas euroieg uass eld ibeir !)est until the 1lut moment, and suff. - -A NOBLE WOMAN ecce ti"sye nii e ene hispered tint ~nthr oman nlg-réd i n kiiled anti eudeti more than any our werthy tioancillar forthe. Caanbray Divi- for- nte ln'autryn ay ,ift tht ime - I sien le enda'aoriaag te get a- level rond arounti ote omanay. »-e maY alse mention thé-[eh.eiEenaeet enr hou!rhc-ýd etf(Jaqbnay andCatern. -Nearly ceoineset Nu. 6 Victoria>- anid No. 8. Trinity uamed .Mn.. Ray tdiepiayed Tema-able ttrck fcpleo ie 3rd Corese, th at opéet lis coae*6vard. ThCicoller, ettht Queee's (ivu; au& pauicumanli > dbrge and endurance. -W blihnb. re oacmôat a rl sote h thé eiost lie.huCn whvie naire not oely a level rond, but tht sr.1 rif officenire . O.M. Roche, Captala, C. B. .Orie.& h leoia Rifts, whitIrvas verY COUn-hi lbur vsagiiitighegisi 0u tfntbedhe t it h etbigfy'rc e Letenant, Croabie Brady, Ensign. .Spniciredim Titrecommie ainetis ral tinl v-h vr5 1or iua terpe ee-respondent Observer particularty li viev. And ise seceivei an ILcont etan tn.- at oac nhi cvrr ua el et lber dwVel!ieg, for preise l-dr-, i tieven fa t her bintedtheait Observerou bis Vpatag0p*-ontheDry Gots mpormn cf iEsigawt musei, 4tol!1 Vrtpcolloe1 lo ecdngy i.aitoaem a e- sa intue a good Toic-smtig that veailt ît1uri.ngnolmuw *aht auts--gm . FG<inmeon, vwich vas qnite- ùenlooketila in uivnthe action, i hoco faihti eceived th iibomsaof applanse, folioweti by strenguien tiae systean, cleense the gstmaci anti gwsg te ieu. IV.item tits siplan îles 'compatiy, (* OhDfr fa'e netbavaug the Netiosa.tAntheasefrot thé vwhole at'nla te tht bee-would bo a 4 itable ad- ggarrivet'an tisno 1er killo> sow a aui rar yeg"e Ir. usi e o as s yan-A*y= dition.e Having tirese objecte in view, tic pro-, de itufbs 4Hume, Rthei. tablient le tuil-leadiùg hia o jup>,to'teithïàfti yards___________pneo tti8lASALl BTES entlldt i.asrin ael iiise. e s el iifalsiepsn ami __ beg lt-ave te iinnrodmce it as eomliin il Htie _______ lo e.ost tIi. oaean.I VýV 18' OtO ue ti ofa gondtiTERATIVE, TONIC, ta- I -- lauthtM.A ourlons.lcl"ut- Io .relateti cf Ccrp"rl ej- I 1r hesy 4p nTo No.Welea8,tnt n.*eer.Mc-- ty la-r.a nco ssotu nd RE rA me utsyti. It is ne. j.DogaletManioslii lsle boka hn cLae N. , ulesly ofeg,Ûs*~s~S. à O. Spo aea c 9otetlqiiaack medicine-nothitig iteor more than it j&Dogll f aiîm bd eMgbobaw Ut0q,-. Whilàt eseapngkgt pr.ff t as :Oho m I o FAMAh atiCAersne ob-- gni peaaino. tse plosthg a pisceoenew land on lntd&y Mssu. ni aan, isrifle uvas atïec ea God, t whi ti aie-ilion cf JAA IAre RSeee PAeb-4Rnime -pearog.antie £#I stvz Mr CaresWadMai bani outtlng lie noue-capright avay. mli.Ladies i. spscially div.'ted, as lt>" , areexcellent Bitter anti Aperients. lu 's th Medi- Catit. Uhrvootiet t ii e $&mwm#m,'baid didedly goud value, qad et the sewest' cime al shoti4take, especîly at.tbis seasen Of ~tavile uistng i is alang fa orava th bai gkeacf it eolaràd ptô akea e White Celions .nd Fié Cttthe year. Try a, bille mni jutige. Fnice 75 a m.relyiyajed by thé failing eOttabeni t wlci Oui otie aers by aballet, vithout bolag evà toy Cnnu cents. etcmins ou-va"o asfootmsilabàg 12 baly. - en~t 1 ri outo uptKL eA c .e-' - Matutactureti o.ny kb Prfat 3 B Rotuoa'trla2yCelee of f HopgSrIeLadies Hlai,8w. The OU R & CHAMBIERSn -LMaàv l swv-I ouequeocf thé va struck hy a eul' ai eltrga ri~u. ll ltereolecoiht bi Rd oran) the ts à DruggÎsts,' -""u- '»' o on u i. r flsat laeimuso aigapsneut Si., .andi thtDameadoptedies ltaeir u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r lxl atmb4 Mtî riir llMtai t h4Mud*ÇOtn.hâlistud TweedsVery vilt sud Lindsay.TaiMrk - si~~~~~~eighuly hart adPbeIm~arc~~hlmci tyhv ieasetsst ahbyr i ne. «Te-hm4Oigetee ftotttO l~t ~e<TIIjVlee oaey lOt by making theirprcae fot NEARLY AN4 ENIE PAGE par A»»4 t.tmedw ces 10 g Tnt wo te lie icoiosofaTiu'a tue, eut, butk t'yA b_44i: mita24 j e aifiimbis thn - r. cf n*nal mabor-odUtcfland mmii op»d tck mvSi 10,p tovhe* vasat'to aema< wm ui, . vasp Pob man, atm*lr QIM5SIbo' a7FalhNfl ué1nt atsu SM M iis tNé=- o fOlj4L. J m et ido éiwo #tS -.m c -4E I aU .*a l héa iIhniftu# .. ~. ~ flm.,liaiwualria uPm aal u - ,Zt. - - 7=

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