Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 May 1866, p. 2

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luuI<~. - 'au., "e 7 ýàtadNàËM un rl m'Ma --1 leoreCî Ljýb oste <ha L çt ê e est.m *h.UM ~lé1d b~ dpolls vd a t bwj" lira <JmuPt- ~~~tl 'raw a hs M. 0.. d s i MUsât g helday by u. Isp, .osde bmi. Graoe -ThNtP~il ll-1nto W»Vdýâï_ av iamt W «e yorseves <roi b»; Mdy stim te vit. l in mm ligstee woà*sud pro- LZ4 bj fbMv Grec, Mr.oonmd yMn. ap,- legm)le ledb i. iocI- MThk dose neegi e l' Ie - d a k sme u ettu fuo'peeait bd fo*ntphlo.ot" Mu.ireli eiahanq fud, sud epout totitis Concil a, Ls "eae o itebas ueo eawOpsiin u Clak 1e alovti esy ti ebeud fo a t laarinr ii se tlhuet *0 wate i- W. vàmk fid 169Wed. Sd y a >Say.-Carhed. gsu vi nd mduln etaupd&yt Mr ladton Ti. CuneiltienadjoumealuntiloTme.a a"vii sekiugteuti h.e rhuisflt shî bT M. -oPel:S u.dyMa I 16.w.vsvr Iir ie B -b 1PM zbtv.u ohéid tpint du Mate sait es... royfas, .1 Lt le I l. <et bit7 which h toa uam, bsspM.lney NaLof an, fut t h.ha ovet as lteut vi"àut Di ThIuê*. Abwnl. Mussus ea Ne 1erv ti .ettfa7obe le s ceorwtai rouet miaom, ybo LIbo" lon,Tia of thev us vhtteb. t a*sJ oen i0< lb.:et mfmon ~' lb. T.of Lu..neand 1.roMl. ans <iti. itae I fr este Csru*l.lOir liapeooned thtogesiloates o Ibi .5.of »tieHua a ~<. Mv. O Cogne, Dy-av 15 e diniroijuoâdslngou bmiitheid e smo ___ Mrise ;âsep àeçay mb ilXasl usg #si lot sua h mat *t i" iue.-CarvIed. d Wtvu Tise eu a net viteibe 41aMu. titn.l, a oto id bi M. onnant, le arofe aaid ut bve Oposito, binbebe -Tht - lsWg- oauritil.df-lore Noi. 12, v. ceo îspuo wlb.Ee hio a of. rmtevng .ti mnia al are flit.gTmte n(Ceor.)o, baib.Egaseosî- *ee fm edàdy,* a. -C n od. ft« bslÇqugr. -od Tb* Ch o "ti. 5.14 Dy-lav, b- atgau siduith m tq o eWIbditisc pu., 6" ona olalta ioni ho andr cou- is~~~ enteitî, Vsn ue as atimaitd tiote sitastle t et ine beustwedlbm * that t M Meayertic c o"ra. s vss- eiitaelsatê lbp.vlpssddul tacieS iorto.Nuvd b bi. Mtânanfoui ovn dewer i * tie coisn hojl iqaba c81ertiesiua<te b nodh Tpo. of Lnd.y . ewne »ie-b occur,-b.emesatiCema plae. < >sy.Csried MoeilituMu hP, Th Chncel iero le:edn the xhqo e lb No 1,t ppictioforie ue fa rumjeg-a sousdof»ttb l l te ts ussyblve" iii itsTwn Milfor DebtiugS hely io us.. Wbtarv) 'lgisiod lk eso s theTn o .foeLiday». ho a, br fororedt CamuahLsoseir.g of MesW.Bovuy en a alientmean co*u tntbe ade . Dtu Ur.o Ç»4% Musat Thiukeil.-Carried.u7h. Wiifthe sylor nt »»N »rd k>tofil A»yrca lar .V loe.b conatit*liu D«Qlia" t. isereese i uv Couinait tien adjoumneil.TeAquernnsttions fo bros ot -bb r bY»,Xtennswe aftad ofbte* eorkinsmnbuv t be r an mab-lwt metB4- clé 11, lsioed. i thea nos etlit, condition.x rtoiiy, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g àie uI -ebrcftseS. siy itl ati Egait tbheaisi l Ameutu s re tai n te trho riwlteo.M atslofasPhuain-(Choieu qla tnas eelmal in "Tw o l, vihourelndàgatuberef0suIhorebHa ) 7fou usinct . raiody fr atô - babul iit aid Ky-i , -pose 9discuýam- an sd boind su I dllitis, ndstrict u, ire tse quae. e my uw u in eî situtI ute virdti; le ldes isitiontbe m»»nb lnd-bruthon I- ~î d sprta~j vLs il ~i4uldculna odia t e t=Y or =e su of th.71c e, sebles- and lisd estmam t porp alelb. d u erfuru- m.nlate utec uii.lfl "d ~l *ac aao et hiei du*y; tue whc!e le. Lennator fo beirutadenrlad fuobte wcbmmeill j es i wtaanlkaao -I u îstg. h t ca flb. esate . ,l* ioevre r, y0:of a e dwsrlt a litr.s te tblspuognsinie iri n otlisl aetsi ,leni xeletl i*m rbesltsflg ~taée- m n propeasland e I Aiimucn" lys t eit ollaIct te et s es- àttsnob the Tonof . isai! b. glsteded es1ne -1. h Nowiof ourtity b lem a ftos *gr C oml sd- place. ru.'tO.lgeilUidd- -.Mr. ~blve LogNln ai u. Mtr. iîgHa ront c d mustise modiflu- Ecngle .te Mt te qtùdë 1 ad ircumatflofÀ tatrn 'e-a ef tii. Co#nalirati9nofoi , as oF-r»idsy sold ente f t r a igns tygle îuo in the-Town Halutfor,àMn. Turbotcf iCcn rety ofd 4-,Wble b.<osIlemtu*do ' ot uvl al aneDealtet. filai. Ti thois i t o f t e cntitu ion n s lag ites vers isipauho rsuin gmthirerfèrd rate Povut e a r. t ti teai 1-3 a dr mm pitre titogof sra ee neti Tt. h . lh.ettb. constiuio.(ier ... r emt vasdttrysvn, Tie lvi ucier lhîy et ey,1 oailin laspus to ee deaispol l.a th consetva Dois sdlt itetpi.- tittins.e u e e rvese.1 t-o M la tatei lu tte r nov ititutionsfor o u un hsBy aron l.egsn tothe onr hec 'ted ir jnA~<~~~ ~ &ulta %popeui* pies-"10 Q Thne xsi . nt a fortiro b t wuki. (ciar.aIf1 oul se geat body1of furaý. f pbli jornaisa, prpou tédistit frely ad tory pu lr*g ibe ossriru W) £4. tas tie adxe&UIntvius andtones.I iyii. ent un 8. Ivodsaut.elo'h w4a mt ho e. * Usa I ~ 0<1famlle, ut. maeasinvag feinmy l gi t m. fued c.sieroê tise astoeab "Ivs t 10 fai le*9ýIê ý«.«niq wxC* mmpheucuena eonhected vîtS soute portion ef tise eoistne dollar Io oue and shall-p«r day. it la cosîduel cf thlb alg Classes, and espoclally theulat tLiaibs nev faetory *iloi aèdy inilte Rscslmdltoa as b.e oasidered by Aguë nex, wea.pemi. 0sý wl .i 4 ia*t au amouat ofosef dueil as exibiltei by * byAqut sxtvitn epusIenevii bein.thèe Moun ins5t letthe b rica. varlt bCou«mabiave bsleved thuisacoudaIt --FnuitaiÂNDfl EAxarc,,Macxmmr.- no atili, se cara, s a kt, no eneiptie, cou Tt rlvlItpbn tsc4oîseonvbave platd ilseIf la lb. ualds of à population. celed-Th arivi fSepl" *oïiw1 ovà nw: ig npatent priaciple nrad ove-eut assong -the Brotb.rtood, ilii cos- .tirougioul lbtvhe hleesetry?Àasd yet wbia baisâ. quenoe. of vueSch n. Moadà 1as beemi or-! .ebo o1ti.ce-v aviat- am vil 1 *.1--i.i- -a <> psiiy éonble*ktpartc viti ihe peoisSof thlise vldeentatBuffalo, wt a a b re to er tht dotersmato dt otersu4r gjies. United S155,5troopa. The' vau steamer! luge. vi t b.y mliii umevWrd sa"I procoed Pai MiICpwihw bu obwid>w froîs h-t lAI viuldaInre s aees ojuat. M~cAivilisvasboutobeîttdtvn .) ,I1aballnhm Atsmpt teanessareitis pilas, roa in t port, lias been ordered le rentain recion th. forces Ihat an.lo be arsyci lu ha d- -.Ion of to-ulgh is motthu t tarI Utisi ml ae ~ Tu. Gousurs GaaaaL-Tit Beiiatplaeu ntie gmeattwggle. Tes my pcshby de succeeti ah sen i o thne b uit. .Y. id.. " oIes Lte, s an s jural0rpoîtio9nmay d&ive un eoui ursIs ,Teu may bety snd as u tioeiIe sob vasbev, itelua!theLbilblthat ve ha alveWudueed, bal h lis Lorcd dM is saboutise te "a Pe« of the oPltPb vW6iii ill upea- " M pIef Mima b Is5~epralm* i.~<~.. la Ilise, iit certancomes -n lu faISson- tWm.n Ip sooentqtl kis isver-Y. rare ïLusr 4 abu de " rsaougbuIrss~. Ps é o om U G lanson .- un- migblsund majesty , a nd W & bî ta M - 'Aq amle "thi. w l tvai. =ic0 lbis nom urfre"doesoMat for aS*S0Sê impeisoril&W au9mbuwus___________ bey are utaidaled ouw idme, andlb bave1 mer vbiib v. no uw ~at au""d. - -211- , .1!etilitbe a>- ilplbs4 BIaIex-mm" f~ ovr l bm st a W fr 'J' inUo ffl Ig.t e o ladh MM eg usl the boi9% vite. the htai set, tii Sady at mos, .aded hlmsufat - ieTho emmu. <ibis tsgrlW set wscun - ove , aýd a v#Wiet la tbai SOt vas1 retorsed by tb»e eeý jury~eeeiaed vas va kw hae u a lçi#.h osnad saio Id hiek 'spite (q asaitth 1aü l -m 0<11. tôw"elp Our risée. .rsir*i4mae "ht Parlla- for ehithe4dWiiBefb haMeen,@OU lb. tbe Bêo o l bit l1a iért one; and tbe priU-ý ciraib~ufasinlastatedlin Inn-lafornte csq, vwulm be .p. 11g thr«oug ertail- abtoïaticOr < e Recprfty TratyV. rn ai- JOWeMes .t ii lbenlabo-placeutome etinteq in Noveaui* hem à expectéi tît aî i oI tacw sto Cihderatviln ha" ba besiored. 'Th.t 4*eY" é ?Nusesinamaarticle on~ ", n. 9mth la, ual fui' ertain quatiii, or Ibeaa' &W fat ldyud long. vool, v. -VMa otinue tes very large exteut de- dapenduie tupon Canada ; and tii. extra ceci Of dus. articles ln our Matrketeo, produced hy cumste a dosil, alWf1 tpon our ovu Poo- pitaecomusers> .net upon th. Proincial farnerci umbrann.»Our ueighbonrMamr ,indiaig ut te -trut4 oft is mailer ai Iamt bUsy budkl préprmst starsi *;Cbeese Fao- tory la tdm. nolgbehoodf (,reph. It wvi!ne0 d"ube bsapayisg speculatlon la se veaih7 a a agrlWul - r ioghbouhced. W. hate elles thlongiýtt lmmofne0<oui victoriafbrumes migitiprot*bly LIstheir jttea to t is braé a* iuttM d ve are gad I. lests tbaltte ls,eproupeM-thtbau o te 11.ealtb- lesi farme, im*rlposalmtends making a coin- Oui riand oelb. Naémoarku iEr complaina that a Mm, anbsed Wilson took, Wu, paper for four jers itiit psy ing tobiif, &Bd thon mâovdod at,11,frein vitee ho. vitLesan Impudent note e ýe qnlvtunate publieber. Il ài surpisng boy mess mie peopiet cau b.. Widtbte pu v erabout a doses of our subaibgfleftithe .*W M d ooatrt o b oith te 0 i.La"o, ina arete lbe, Caa-> Pon asf su eoaiy oft ab.d ldob oaey to r«mitlbe amant cf hi. ladebtoduoa. S.ý 0. Bigl>vam'. slling Cottons ai vefY sfouci lovw*er pries ttan have been, .rulijng for some tante pam.A'.. e sort- mient etf Nnw Dç.Io»s erycep; ve, adviae Li ildiot te go snd.see temA, choivi. l1o f nev Tweeda. C"shcu.'tomers viil à %d 0 thii"advaatàgeto purchaw e aithîs.hocée. w. voe shows, a fov lay a-gomre spîec- dld specimensa of ish-hooks, Spoons, Blaits -snd Lises at léb" ore ures. y.. Foiey à Co., Ai very moderato puices. Any.! oursubacrt- bers itho dalgol l b. piscatorial art,,sud in vaut 0et ackle, tc., caâneL do boiter than cali tapoqit 1eabv Bu, h avi mcsupply ihefr. auy chier xubtien, vzAcbleve she iglît of titi nobEv*cl haïk given satifation té te thousaudeof-permons vite vetraveil- ed leouée.,te 'iev ber, snd veli repaid- therntfor their outtxay-'sad ikin jusabe vîh" te - caaoiasýPaii.l>eaoyqr"tIherneve vas msytig taigi e ino itlfgetion, it reieves pinK o i narntly, sd asflb. in' est duing ii thé vend for rheumnatin,,neur- 9s94gIasdpains u*somaeh&O" 2 " s wil- boy a boule ofit. Sld by ahlMediohm, Crinoline, for viticli tse Asuatrems of tbe article bave.b..» long dolog adesperte bai- tle, la docntcd--AitLadycwley'a lit bail ini PARalt ie teSt fashionable peo- is làclodiig ber daugitcerLady Reystoo,,sp-1 posredvithou 11, sd lb. liphnomenon i vms observed a là ily patmonled Initiaitý cbriy bail1 aIt dm rand Bot. Transi ave vers lu a l recuIs, but in the shts tuýladies nov valk hi reasbe dresses puftd eut by The~ ~ a Irs oa. io nait lent ibi m- Due m u tePtgws- oor respondetfri erlniy ile eti. ta lon 4«oer tbat lutl T*Wsd MrN. Danil unitb huai oemah à* bwsbain, tvemrStfté4umlle M 1bba Iiie ee<. bmw f«44 very osh2îamilbatted, sud apois. A dl wuie astboa en m nllea e br day kasll les Rai b .1e iaa essa cila dt ly 11 hs lha b pewin &Ils ud)é astte r 1 oatet waainsgla lb. Iénula pqbesatoe <th Pffenst age,%wusa gooea b et e-ba, s reali ripe, v wa sot ooelmala brtai su a i blvsvueih b station ai, liant limeUonuas, bu ç,eln ra route that meosoktioul e Usdai b ra"e isb 11ve y Élb. bi wevyou, *tisid ah. Io Mda myef epesa iy lb.e Ispre..a bout foi visbci ts ou, Nu'. Ollissale eveba eceupatles, 24 su a uni ho0,l glie ai la bad veatber es could b. vell concelved. Tho risses teraim.aedý, suedU. Glidalvo proposed btgte that Ismamnucimssa lis b ai W congmes.,v. soId crete menmsi. more aiu'dal epenttl plce aganutu Rohaee sas she vas cosapleti. Thbe van net havisg-turiist udget ethav1-ý viaig iledva b th pe .tfou 1965 wvr rsiber gLo y8sdi asInîeet by Ni. Gil- voli vitirsetb.spua udm.ry uis-. .410tecuepy lb. roste vlth tl b risti fer ihesesse a"sud laI Afieuvards se vould lu ail prob&Ùtlty ho takem lie u témail lue-to ester laIe dthe litog aragoasoavith bis: .The lp -s esvtd a n sd I vas, te mua du eheskgter iii tdu Cérùtinm coru& b. gciteady, viich, provod t. ,b. la veekta, isductlug MtaIcetthse pritat&**Y, ovýu»use£50, and dividîi!a," balance dure migibb. equal- Il it bts.'ltsbare of tissbaacevwas $3, 03( lu guceubacke, sud S848 Casuada money, w" 1 -Ipsu dhlm. -I1Ibea bi leeek a tcm- pevavy roule for ît..he*e, lookiug toivarti ted tieclose cf lb. e. son,,suise mCorùtA l -being plicetion'u lb.'mail aftervauds. The 1 t»aiaqn,*-ovover, lad net becs ruuuulg lon3,,beroroe'ue brke dein, sdiresumed amy route isy thecoasset NfiM. 0., on ltse vey tuberaI0cdition of my basting lm over oné- Ibiui 0<du profiLs vicisanmnlte $1«6S.59 .i. greembàcha sd $84luliCanada raomey, visieb I aise palot m. hAsoe..u wCous. . mis repaira voecoS.pletd, fibai egais le :9o ortie rouite by the ters et tdu agmement. Dutsig last vinteu I exponiel $7,000 i s evw bcileî.* upper saloon, in ralalug -b.emlaft, sud otites impro voe«iandsu1 i ai s.oe e os- 1meuci ruuainga tortoigittag, bam Mn. G. intruolsd i#is mp e nleter lIne »taif vitb mbut te do bis beat *0 rua the Recher ef duroute. I1 believe 1am £lstinsg tdu rutS vites 1 aay thal ince Itilis ses nbis belu=, andunu- tiltie âbchstrvwuroady là rus, tb. Couli-, thica bas laites gooi ativautqgeof.beiug alos on il>. route, sud a"i a peety goci baivesl by charging nesrly double the ordiiusuy faue.. Nov, 1 appeau 1tiste paI vbetieu i bock a. mess D'adrautageof tdu public, belone du Ra. tielude bimsf inte tdu'.ide& *Ibé e. asurus se et. N y luiestim a la 10 bee tise Aocheter . on du route. as, long as eue phaab sticks toau- eLiser; sud 1 appemil te a genron.-mladdpub- l ic, viseliso ugit to e b. mmed againssthdu opposition or seg. Foriunalely tb. Ror*eaW#s' speami se s. ucb aremt dt ber. eppoineut caun ooly bout iseruon duateé ls y alt..a- bu iten vb& il -ber gise! plaied aides.,- ceuimtiston euRecheser is nov &il taI cas bu vishel fou, snd cuifort and cilily vil! b.r met viti cu boaurd. Tise vIole came lies inamà,tsa. IfltbpubUicwisbto boelv-, iiy Uir le", amd canet acrosIeo*laies fr a tair remuseraive puce tbyvl! usa me, vier bave. bus n ;"idn Ca obourg tfei .24 1yeamw; if cet-, tb.y vilil encourage aniteilopor ftaKisgalo osu oelyal"1la te iqumes &Hl h-cSneut et the public, and vbo bas no inter- est isn lie velfare of tisis section oet le country, .aud wie, diectly b.o1baidiepeesi cf tdu .- diuer ouid tiuttho C*rmiaUmnon lhé mail .in,= d place on u eNerth.-SiMme parte and Rochtester toute 9me%.auch,is ot iboat as lb. Basaa.- si, youni, 1e.., G. & Dàuama, Sole ovuer cf ta. RomAester. BKAUTIES 0F MEXICAN -LIII -The iiaeaganited -social- ceauitos in lb. neighbeubeed0< ute ieGrand.- is vol ilium- .rteda by1du tlleviug- conversation la a cor- ha-o-lieusetb her dey ai Jrcvnsvloe: A gay iookisg Nmicau ple#saatlj adîreamea- a &FNnueitusu vie understcod lb. lauguage, m~Eouese, My friand, bul it suens s emue 1- caù't ucieber eeru avig met jeu any- 1 vicie," repiete t e be. &eThat'o-stange," ssii tise mée-il, I as sure litai met you; but.nov you *te iigbt sure taI jeu mter-molme srnyvbers t The - Freràcimmu tzlag âa goocilook aetlii sit: *'1 ans vcry certain 1 never mt o yehbeore foie il beécomes hav. * W. give tise olloqwiiu account et, the bill ini tise reently reporle debsteaCu , muî -s-; me. Moruel, (rcp.) ef Vi., fronthut.poan anites on vu j ast uBWSus, tolete a bill eievy on ailb emûsiectte lep hogp ani oterliv. animals impoe ru fereig u &nîis, -a duuuyOf tuvnty per ceni adi loea.l. usiBe i"»M t.-internai m»r nua bil, wvitic Id.ostb. epolitm-d weutd hava to ab oliupon beLote du tafif bd. "bais eith emer tue la. repeat -bài éeeW lal uts là nebernas vas wu »Wne datli oaIi»e lv samusla upciidan ho neusoot iatlte, osusti»#smm-mieaniig aisp over te bat- der unit havlngdus siounlait. se a Teaas uar Onaass.uW.-Tiare boua = d t eau&"e*ioui mtism t Gor vogli.1 ne vas b... uin 65, ansifor sîY, r. Iis area1 anhe "nid:- sas1 I vi"hedil. 1epelii e e * oeasrele bipeina o à - e I vaut- lt. 5RflsM- .90Wmoo sputa lUt 011 Mireansce pet me ilacOmumuni- lisejieama o.neiate speak, Woodi Opea beisame Id,' bea vel MaY owrMintt eop uts, abut uianme I 1 imv seiy g mpràbe&l .'"Oum enceet aof pils., obed ita i4sen,& hi.vdit you .angete have froisai Î.; 'Once out ef jvtson lled iot l tucy, mOoey.andi a -tolver wre gi ve me. 1i1tien hourd that e revard ovas »w»offereit Wrme, and h1anyon.evit. dieovoredtme vasteo biing. s e ock t e i ,d aM r m iiI rM ua s mbpa lb. oomtry lving ithat, Mmd nt ati ngwrl so âcan- 1 vase-l bnou.. indssd Iwu expeeted tiers. Nwsotviband.iusg ts ag uihr cd byr the luirt G1s7Men tM:y appre- vas ai nme disposa.> 'Ant nov vitalare me,a1ni vi fltruisiti tiseste deliver De. GruT,.-TIis nov. notorieus UDr.» vas tràd eti tIhAiesm i ftiese Uuted Counhiesl, en Mosdy ba forlte, attenipt-la poison t a n aWtitMcKnmoa, aciévrai amentiaime.,, iu Toronto.--Thte -jury f ouïadhi. guumty,,»md lte .ldge IUo. M.- DIrae,j semted biaiste btle«. yers impris.nmeat jethie.provn- cial Pemiteutiar I0 ynibV rt a sanite is " Gustal Sç-cbw'*g; ad he Î, ouly aibouti 27 years of' age,:-Ho - left bis pareuis iM New -Y.rk fo« lie.- City of Philadiphieaàad as lie, vas dispoeedtot biaud a hf. ot. an strict eoafuruiy toee moral code, Le csamgeit bis mare lu Gus-, laff rather lion bim-diasèe e pos the naet 0< ai uuy.. Ai .Philadeiphia te acquiret snme knovleitge of li. eI uiiug. art; sud'fuom.teuce t. proceeded. 10 Mee.tren- le nez tb roogtitiTient o, viee hâlâ crise vas emmîitled -fer, vict 15, yean of, péenielia fetoust auom.-May hlimprove aalubary. A LADY ABLE TO PROTEUT HER- SELF. A respectabiy treseet individuof t he genou Mlser, aya-te St. Louis Press, instuht- ea lady on tafeurbi atucaraa fev daym mîine, by p.aying heu are, tu " ecoucitor 'bf.,,t. eachetliher. Tise lady -ou being isforned titai ber are bail been paiti, asked lte conduetor 'if tepisSoeu ite opposite tise affirmative, te said haut sahe itd ne se- quaainlance. vith thdumansbut tisa i e vas oooin~aiy flle-,g ho, land titree tintes befue eutbot are jn tiselcarsg, sud shewu doeenmne. te Pot a stop b t. . My titis tinte lisiceer hliiksartid lot' tise usai aitlitacar, but sot qielk -eneugi hee. t e thio.scn oet veman, Wltoectcisg i th. y e llai,- siapet ifaies voel!-sd omaog, tinap- pising these sof a zsmber tire <Uite te lte JoncionO! iseleg cfils "urentien- lables,» pepoistm tthlie av alkaer ,Wh"t is rsib er osaiitle the. pec- Ltaim reudeteda verdict ofumived tint ENGLISII REFORM. Tise LiberaI Party -in Eniland has -mst r Mdtwodecisve triomphe in Parihamnt» y h.passr. mtie iieof Commuais on ue 25thisri. of thebill abolhssisngrthe declar- atiou- cf conforaity iratise Liîturg of li:e- Cisurcit of-£ngland by Felioewu et Celeges, sud on t1c'2lie X of tChe ReIbruBli. Thist lest aMtiMost important nsessui e vattcarried by tihé slender nîaajoy f fine vites. The main feesta'. dui bili is the. extension of tis fanctue.The.qualification for county votera in redtaced front £W0 cecupany to £14, fou burougisa te, £7,, nd fer .lod gers £10. Theitisviiincuessmtsennthbeo cf voiersi ii the imand, by abuntfour itontreti thousanti. Thetotal numberof votera in England, Wales and Scetîsmrd bcaîn in 1864 te 1,128,754, tise nov bill(=hchvîinet effectI reiand), Wiii hucretise-aggregulte ursiber cf voter& in iti prt f itekngdcm le about I1,500.(0M cIti, iii atotlpopulation cf .28,0000m. Maxicax Amas îa.-.4dvices by way of Ravins on te3»ktuit ., freinme-xico, lb. bmediug and heding of tobeep-Cobottrg AWoLn alu TAcunL.-T-mIte vont ha iin trouble, nations are convualed; tireuse are trembling ; govomneartn acitaet ; pe- pie ar ecitet, and tise violeoial o luaîof etcivitizatioa apaste h. senitiive- Iy infitoeed by - esnetlsngprentoitory eOf s hrasn ovW for- Buvoasnffss titee as enotusg he "CnainPaWiades- m awttie A cooue campe antipains îii tis sinsais c.Pàose25 ec et obottie. SaWs b7 alilI.IIEiaos se TAX, « Caa àPrmuax.-Tite U.S. Senau paied tise btoual bite-exempt e~soneso. u. ov i ve mme acount a<iai. sdofailmeIbo< du i elis in Psnaeylvanh, ou acount et the reduction etllhs puice ofeacioma aMMns soiuffi- chant Io psy Unb. ep.osa e*vn' tt vola ast gemagduaiticle rmiy fwr u mnket. Dmsum Tuaees.-Bt. Ctherisos .PusvXm sa*ody, ite of FeUbod.yvelmarp, baàsla t.1ev aye. Aab.v t bNi. msbilaima la IMMENSE -STOCK Op SUyaMER C00D8M.> 3108 te saence lie compleliosi cf bis sDpuuu; Purchase, vhici viii Le fousd tie Moat Attrative in Lnday.ý Havîrng paid pel attention te lhe. Dresa Gooda, Depertmont, Ladies will find, in bis Unse cf Dicos Goods Ev ery Nèi tc,âyleof the:se&aou! TRIMMED 1HA'S, & BONNEVS., Plnm< oevery O1oT, Great 1ariety, 3- The Latest YWovelty in loop Skirts is the Wbich ygen get ut Keenan's Block, . Kent St.reet. THOKASO 349tf DR. NORMAN MACLEOD AND GLASGOW PRESBYTERY. Thse Edinburgit Daily Reriew" gaves a report. cf the proceedingsata a private meeting cf lte Glasgowr EsIal liSbed Pres- bytovy, on Wednesday * erigi Glauge>v papier as" iibsLuiitially'> correct. itis repoýrt gives [says the 'IlDaily Review] " aji uccount cof whaîtecok place- difrering sornevta.t frvm wb..î was gener, ally underitood--ait ough Lle. differenc e is not very inaterWu, îna-inuch as Dr. Maéleod appears to be leftut liberty to- itdvocate bis peculiar views cf ibeSaIbath mad -te Decalogue ,as beloire. Mr McU- rûc, of Campiiie, moved that a Commitie be appoinled to confer wit W Dr.' iacleotl regarding portions. of lus recent speech vind pamphlet, which sinted toe be opposed in te Confession cf Fai!b. Ttc motion 'vas seconded by Dr.ý Park of Cadder. D. Macle'bd re;-lied Ili'ai bis speech, ilf t-entrary to théc-Confession ef Faithl,! Iould have been taken beld of ai the tinte. Ile vas prepared, bowever,. te meel lthe Pres- byterycnithte subject, thougb he olijected tu a Commutee. Mr*. Ufrtreris thien moved thai nDo Committet t le appointed, sand ibis motion lîaving itten. seconded by Mr. Macgreger, and carried byý 24 to 11, -a.di-4cussi -on enstaed, inuccurse ofv*hich Dr. .Macleod said ibat ho adbered lIn.thse wbo le Spirït?" cf ttc Confession,- and did not, even Vîjsb that thte luarcit sbouid officially -agree to give up ils pos'er' of dealing - it any une vite departcd I rom thte letter cf it., As, howverr,.ne man 1oeliered thte Confession ini erery pint-a.-, for ciample, yuL regard te the creation'of ail tliings in *six literai days--he tbe'gbî il wàuld net ho a rigittecus exercise of the power of ttc Church teo ballenge.bim for not holding the permaînence cf the Decs.. logue, qu-À Decalogtte. soi lte obligation <if the Fout Commandautent- The ex.. planation vas considered by maoy inembers unsalî4actory, bui after.a long conference a deliverance - as alopted, expressing satisfaction 'vitit Dr. Maclteod's staiemnert ali te bhis adberence te te Confession; but believing L'uat Lis. speech v"as 'u- guiarded asd cf evii tendency. thedeliver- ance embodîed'a solemo -and grave admion..- itien te the 11ev. Ductor. THE CAPTURE 0F (ŽUEBEC.. The foiiowingi dramatic arcount of t1he -caV>ure of Quebrep is tak-en fronm the fifili columu of MNr. -Carlisle*s 3iography of Frederick the Great. jsîst j'ublisledby the Harpers, of New York: Ahôve Quebec, nigbt of September twel Ve-tlirteen, lu prafound Silenice, otil.e Streanm cf the t. Lawrence, far away. a noble adveniture is going. on. Voife, lrom two points wei! abo)ve QutQhee,).[4 as la last shift we viii try tineI iay"j, wiîh abouit five tbolisand [nec. is sileniy des- ccnditio i rafts, ,vith purpose Io climit theý lî&ghts somewhere un tis side cf the city, en' t- le iià,-u;'.n itFate. veli. An enter- prise ci a mest sublime natuire very greas, ifit cansusccecd. Thbe ci'ilsaIl beset ont bis left -hand.;. Mnntcalm in person ,guard- iing-Quebec witb lus main streugth. - Noble silently descendls;mind cmadie P; ougits husited.qut. ini one great thoughî; bitle ipple.,ot lteperpetual waters and leteertial stars. Cosverunoe vitls bis peeople, lie was heard te. recte 1sonie vs sages in Gray's Eley, lately .ctime out tg thrjse parts ;,cf whicit asys artear- witness, te.expresses bis admii.ion, in !tn entinisi- I astic, iegree* ê&1Ah, these are tones ef Eternal Mélodies, aie not tlàey ? A man, aiglit ttauk itaven itadlte sucb a gf almost as we înight, for succeedin- h.' ne gentlemen ' Net moruino' [Thursday,1tSettc ber,17.9i]Wolil, wit bis b,000 is found' coïe e 0osome-woody neck inltéheiglst, wc vas net quit e prec ilitous; lhas irail, eduse' canne» -witb bias, 1îLe-Seamerà busy brin gug up anter,;.and _iy t-en of tihe more lte arvy vas do«e;u Englisitfallen On viit ayent, HBigitiuders vith Clay- msors,- ierce pnrsai; roui total -anud Que-. le sud Canadamasged as finised. The ting ha yet enelli kuo ite every Enclish- u- ad beyWolfe.biueldiet in uirl, 1.yue

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