Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Mar 1866, p. 4

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ALWÂYS ON IIANIk H~rriugs, Uod~fish, ami Bag~ Sait 1~r Sale. AfOvbtis of Onione to dittoeo hip ROBERT SPLER, Corner StOr, MN! t Nb ÎDSAà y- VALW $011 Lý ' IEN N N JAMES 0. mc attentioo c ashbuycrs invite&i. eir ewew* - I ~iIquL ý J y oïw w w 4rqofcI C tET m 8eTo -,i SU tg ýj. n-t ~- >r~-.- ~ -t. ~1 - r eut". -"wb I&. I4 Vencu-eu'A ýber bu a hly incrè dsi «.- M1- as the ihes of Louis X1Y., ei~let nPtris; at esat Mr. ChreKan r Ferfor ne" 'pradDr. Go toiwand Hf'a gm easm ure'l dy k i*M&s8 more divîded wheter otier mets ]!ipl bhpi4 h#e4vkmena .spd waters, that should botb ,.*, tUr.-, Rboehelebrated-~ ~~esW&s$e'ibïe resuits lUl siaxpicily, Permiti1 TheteBd to àdILeàsee 4ampliw*ac opted w .- Bat black, thèsn brown, thon red weIgi q il and othier colon hpng te!serrcd ____ d nte ,eu'*The colors atJ !."15 I IIlngIand are sux-ted, bine millinn~1 *9»4- or one, ? . Te p y. § arie'mosÙy mad1eat 10- ,-Ioiiwe, iu&r the manageaient 10 ~dwjp ~uII~ roîertp Sir piWi* la>etdL'th# prio-' > i the k todir pff tS.pecaiar, Lià OJ; Xe ecomiduiùon.,,peeuiar, te ' sig eq~dt.pono. aried ltik&o :il - uaitio. They are madoý 1 »Ze!É.Dtic the Wbih nt "d, the post offce - there is a ~ci~îto pcogi~twa 0281 -225 îm.: nmey .directly (rom ii. sqender 37e ldressed ;-the payatu is mo.tly 1 [nland %Reuomi1)pà"Mrent as 4~< leu for uapiSO wênderfully 1000 - 4 tUe contrivance, 1200 .4 postai m'altera, that adhesive post-1400- 5 ta are uow.tised. by almoat al lie iaticis of thoe arth, France b - 51o iuialo-a 188. *2500e 6i lu feh. u's MUcipiP.- Differente cf: and pratce hevinu existed tirough- RtOu ice&witk iespe4t le lthé postage ers, bMM$l, me haire tak4eýn,îmte asae0tam lte -tUne zeaning of' ihe atheo statute relatinq te tuîs at. tijon la set *ut test hy a ecommwîiea- t the Pouluùaster-,Genertl, through Qin,..E oilor. corres- ài âiïepubIiOsiin, Mustt-ho sent in DPeu £ bott-e odi, when eue cent four oz. weight-'*iii bu oharged.. b. particularly noted tit unsealed M are net in accerldanuce withb the aSN an4 -Pb"stése saie directed i otherwise :-tian asa tler:any- ,taned in an en#elope eI~o .W. are glad titis nMater ha. cia1Iy set at reei, sudwe hope our x1acîs, if thiy wisiite save postaRge, eaflir mail as alioya direcÎted, riz., i, wlth both etadoopen. MEGA N IWZ M EEQWe*N'aREGI-. .-A burglsr named Marray, of tii1 1e, bas. hein p1yg etiFeuxa&n1 le Wei brought yoeday, beooe9 llawley, and evidencoe of the fol-. > Loieiddnoe%: Ta e dMr ge Her Majesu>'- theQüeen used and treaso i'anoeuage to'Wards àaovmend n l4ed shortly e lgo rit , and the stars and leat proudi>' ovtÀîbe rimparte cf ain. Morat-a' S ai, ýwall.bho connt-martièh mien ano doubt huai emaded cf thé unsolth iii dl>' dowu tihe yt6 Kingston, te lie. So e d.- il ho al he tribu ly Finegauu. - I~dnPo iha Leys a""~ i4rw ti theoffc Oif offlheMatae 11Ud y àciag MrAlpzaer. Euti aeancy. r. Moab 1à4î-afrt'ô 1ogl~,M.P.P, -and a. reformin, a -pwigo& le.I v. given me mucit plemaeurO leeý e - that offce, asl e h [qpi a sto tQth-ii ui rctlces 1*oror ainat- Mr. boi ~ ~ l làtjdiila > bsAo éât wil 1b. La"dih«=aible EST.-Mr aeWi, wyIvansa, wakU4ô h. burauii fti.hero 1te varkia-ln Pte= ëlls are' .4 34 3. 30 40 46 48- 50. 52 '5 58 G9 21 %oulti c slag e ell b- ae, 1 a anti xtoudtheI us> anti -Bcavel amalgamale ti and *Chemong fW a grant of]1 aixtensiou andi dermiug jRan*gal ç6omumication ai>d Victoria, P. . . B Port -.9ol, X 'montis. Olt d " ir bought for.-cash. nufacturet, WlNSON,- tg, 'and. Sizea of at, &choo-h~se, hf Toke, Sadr' h*tcr jCOBo f Bel! and 1 Raungag comploe. a tIes E 5 I 8, 75 2 e. 12 50 19875 F8" 25 00 I " 5000ô 17 " 620 zam4iaat, Pire-al&rM, ý0O $15 00 s o 00$a5 00$ 71ý0<) 00 2 00 1200 2' 5 00f37S00- (» E 00-4000 00 5001 225 00 00- 6000 290 0 0 62 00 '435200 90 72 00 '40000 0~ 8300. 83500- 004 87 00 96200O 00f 100 00 1100 0, 106 113 0<> 1239 00 0.125 00, 1375:00 r*é al25 de. perpeutnd. cils solti at the aboya' inst breakage b>' fuir ntAs-.frem lime of Ipur- ril, a new bell 111il1be, broken one.. through the AMMuc 389~ Broadiway,- NeW fter the expiration cf prie. for the olti 36 Dey Streeti N. Y. licE l.a"de to the -Provin- [ta next etting te Ameuti *P « the, Port HoMcLifid- Imo>' Company, asudto witiz tie Peterborough tltw Company; aIBO,, aiti of the aid rail a1y in openiag up.and ten- îaýgo snd other- witer ainntes cf Peterbôrough tMer purposes.. aue~ghig Director. 'il ~ London e 11111 b>' thus o m- lu by £0eoù oI f pr.opie1i i b:.,brou ht Tl'1 basbeen (AEor bbu.0 out-Te'6h 94eI, Sitor, or% tapM t'. -i .cl*. "a>u Up' 111lid a u~ctbe ~a seectte ana- .TAT Nl]ctel, and Sultans Riis kNew Orop unrauts, Almobdo, Filberts,and mitaè, Anehevy Paste, i ckles, '8auci, tcî ,gr Salé by DOBSON dk NIBLOCK.- iported Liquors. ndvis: Martel;ý pritolPe artale ShrrisGraham'S.Parti (for Tuecinal purposes) Du Yupre's HÔIIand Gin, Jamalca Ruùnt, Irish andi Scotch Wiiskçie,j London and :DnWiu Porter, English Aies &c, for sale by' DOBSON à NIBLOOX. J ST the )MEDJOAL B ALL, C~ALL AND GET ONFJ. W. J. ýTfIRKELL Lindsay, ara eb. 1m". 33- ]W& lTi. £NTHNy & co iMansfaciw-rera of Pkodogvapàlic Materwl WItOL]gB.LU AND RUTAIL lN addition to Our M*àin business of Photo- I 9rapie Matérials We are.Uéadquarters l'or the follôwiag, vis- StMereoscopes and St eresco pkcviewa. 0f tiese we have animmense assortinent, in- cluding War Scenes, Aierican and Foreignx CltîeBs ud Lt&ndscapes, Groupe, Sittary, Sek *kc Aap Rvovng itere.oeopes, for' public1 or prvt aition., Our Catalogue will be sent to any adidres on reeipt of stmp.. PI-OTPOGRAP'HIC 'ALBUMS. .WÉ were the first te introduce these inta- tic tYiteti Stites, and'we manufacture immense qeulin lugreat variety, ranging iprice from 5w eents to $50 each. Ont ALBUMS !îa'âeý thprputation of being superloz in beauty and d baity to any thers. They will bce sent byý mifree, on reeeipt of prie. M" eAlbim. ilade te Oiderq, CARl> PR>O-TOGRAPIIS. Our Catalogue now enmbracte overflve tho- aand different subjects (to which, additions. are co6ntinuai!>' bing made) of Portraits of Emi- nent Acieriçana, &c., viz.: about, 100 eajor-Generals, -200 Brig."Generals, 275 Colonels, 10 Lieut.-Colonels, 250 'Other '0ffift si75 Navj Offikers, 550 Statesmen', Ï30 Divines, 12 Authors, 40 Artiisi-125 Stage, 56 Pr ominenit Women, 150 Promi- nent Toreigu Portraits.. &OOO Copies f W_000 Of , t, including reproduetions of tbeéniost',celebrated Engravings; PFsintilige,.Statues, Ac,,<Jata- logues sienitonmteeipt of Staimp. An-order 4) One Doses Picturee rom our. Catalogue.will be giled on tic receipt Of $1.00 andi sent b>' maiL Piioogrpheansd otites ordeiagooda C . > llples remît twenty-five per cent,.-of B . & -H. T. ANTHOýNY & GO., Maufacluirera f Photograpluc Mtaterùgtl 501 >Q*BOAyNEW YOBX. ,ot fail ta satud'y- 292-1y. TUE CG&FAT ENGLISEI!EMD shi uies llprk' Tus invaluable meicine lai fIlhLn»lutle' ente cf alh ai b ~lfulIanti danguroghas messes incident-te i eaecealin 1 It môderates ai xeses*d rpvsatT Ob-, structiens <tom wviiercause, 4ud a spcedy ctmt >' i;reili er il la poomilri>' uu it .If >1slaa dort turne bring ont ibe ouly>'perlcd with rgtut * Tiss PMIls.Àuw 1 nowe t"Mus yibmleu hal-xepregnant, duxlug thi. TIRgtTaSu YNTIIS, ashe> aremureto bring on>MIear- riag t 5L0rY, Ouer me and la--ever>' DenLPiuiervd. te ,al encircet 1. Great Etaie, ButmenS rL inday- P. S.-AII orders for the Lindsay Brewery left et the store will rèeeye prompt atte.n-tion. Linduay, 3Oth October, 1865.[30 J. EXTENSION 0l TE RaW -AND,-- MO0,RE NEW-.00DB!ý ON. WILLIAM STREETe I-m fe the AMY itrut0WlI4 or4p m"7 A2.adI5g0@ tIgpatf Th* soik;bhm ot Lot No. 18, in the isth Coiemmo na r4moa, containing 100 acres, f whicb abIo *0acrs re clered sud n- dot ealuivaio;i a ucil fescet,1 bas a god l4g~m I.1*a.jn Dwfig bouge, and A 55.41 ~r>'>9ad-Stable istep btere is ai- wq*~ ~ Wj f sPring wMer on the lot. put î,mpny. ter part o Mt>p iniliputable. For -particulare andti t ERELàARE, or te Kessis. NluKAY à IIEA P, 180-tfLindsy FORSALE On- Liberai Ternis. The. Soutbh hitf of Lot 22- in the Eigith cou- f cession of the. in the COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, OPn Hwid réd Ac res! aiRe" 01L EUS. Kfiown as the "KELLOG FARm.", A ver>' valuabe property with .good buiiiiigs. Apply tG. GEO. DORMER, or to l.*DUNSIPORD, solicitor, 4C., 1Registry office., Lindsa7. October m tb, 1i865. 32 ROYAL. MAIL STAGE. ]Linday to.Bobcaygeon.. Sbcrîber begs to annouace ihat unt i T furtber'notice he wil run a daily Stage be-. twcen the aboXe mentioned places, leaviug thie Jewett Bouse, Lindsay, at 7 o'clock, hrv ing at Bobeaygeon at 12 o'clork. Rûturning will leave Crabtree's *Hotel, Bobcatgeon at 2 o*clock p.m., arriving in Lindsay- ai 7 o'clock P. Ma. ,Fare ver9jReasotiabl4. Parcels ai tbe- risk of the owrner, nuless book- cd and, p*aid for.%. BIWAN GÜNIGALL. Lindsay, 2ist Dec. i1q65. 2- THE: CHEAPEST Lad& General Agency ATTME L AN ANDGENERAL AGENT- Lan( Ptnaken eut. Tîtles Fxamnrned.- Seache mnde.Letters Patentfor Invention secured. Municipal Fundesu d Acconukts col-, . - ' Re/i'rencee by Permssion: -R. L. Denison, Esq., Dover Court,-Trno The Subseriber iaring now opeucti a General Hon. John Ross, M. L;>C., Toronto. T. G. Street, Esq., M.P.P., Chippeva. Gr-oceru, Crockery: 60 Provision.à Uiore JIn F:TiO.i qNfQucaser, Tdôno 1lon. George AllanM.L., Toronto. ha Ksowsoa Nc Brck lock, ia lte own f LnclayFinding that there exists'at the Seat of Goy- ernment the neeessity fvr a Cheap, lielible and la prepare t teffer every -article in tic trade aut tc Lowest Cash price, bis motta being "Smalil Espcditious Agencv. through t he ,nediîlni of Profits anti Quick Returns.'p A uiAre of publie patronage is respeeifülly soliciteti. wiieh parties lix ing ait a distance, and having business with any of the lPublie Departments, L. H. HUTCD. may ho sa ved thc expense and ineonvenience cif N.B.--Cash paitifer ever> description of-Farming Producî. a journey, Iarn induced to open an offie- ini tie sanie btiilding and just ahox-e that of thécCiîy Lindsay, Jan. Oh, 186: 332-tf Regîstrar , o h oro etêi nt -rsý streets. IDesiiing tiat mny services shal] h made ivailable to that class cof persons Who are lin- - able te pay large fees, 1 havTe determined to t rakc an exc edirgly modera te charge for in N G . 1busine-R tiat 1 nay bc favoured wiîh, so thut fitnafty bc witbin the puw rof everyoie 10 h,.ve - --a reliàble A eunt. -he Capitale (Ail letters to le pte-ps idL EN ~ lu order te close up bis busii n uLlndsay by the fBraI cf .4ri, f Mi. tae.- D 13%2Y *ILL 1<0W 0151ER GIE ATER BARGAINS. THAN EVER. n& ii Gouda muaI ud shaîl buasold at whatever lhey bring. Don'tmt n i I cance- cOf buying CIIEJP GOOD~. GOOD BLANKES, -for $3. SHAWLS, ai! WoeI, rom sq. up. COBOUlGS, for ls. per yard. Syard widJe, fot li. 4jd. PRINTS, (ast cglors,-from 94. up.- CLOUDS, fine \vecl, cly 2e.6d.. PRETTY DELAINES, for 10<. TWEEDS, ail wmoo, fr3à. 6d. -IHEAVY CQATINGS, d"îbleý wilth Alarge lot of APESý and RATS, to b. shov.d o# ,atauvpi. àA& Immense Pile of otlAr Gk>odé to be aold ai ruimauaprices 00MB .-I TIME BEFORE THE'STOCK iS8 CULLED OViiR. N. ýB.-AIl Ihoe.indebtatib>'note or bcokwSecunt milI«i eelati sud e'e im medi- Lmd»Y, Ja1UarY20,186 1 Undsay turntre Wriue Tne suaber o es to tb.publie cf 'VictoraCmtyli ae na"0t tte motDu an~3e4 no m ntffl, in u valsa'let,vrbùt! intoLid'Y. a4nrateio " VH&RS " *OOD BEÂT 1< SIDE-Or DSkDni als OXN " OI~ER lI~NTSPÀW#} SÇTNDS> -CQ* <'B8BASSOA1COTAE i OXQN S~?AM AU LoMW*110&ETfl WI8 RBIN ÂLS e e UNDSAY AND MANILLA STAGE UNE. U NT I L. FURTIIE R NOTICE A4 STAGCF will lenve Fournier's I 1tel. L1ndsiiy,cierv' !awfuil orniiug at 6'd ok'c ecuî an i tinte to conneet w'îth the -stage for Oshâwa, Whitbi- and Ileaverton. Returning-le1n'reý Fento;*s Tiotel, 3Manilla, after the arrival'of ie -stages from Oshawa-, Whitby and Beavertoti, arrivin7g ut Lindsay at 8 o'ctock In the. evening. Fare reftsonable. ,The proprietor wi- Inot !w responsible for pa rcela or baggagc utless bcuvk- cd and paid for.. * GEORGE CRANDELL, Propri.ctor Lindsay, April 1, 1864. 143-f THE COMMERCIAL UNION CusmOmcs SLondon, 19 Couhl, E. C.. SMontreal,221 k 223 St. P autl St. Capital - -.- - - - - $12#500,000 I2ÇVESTED FVUS l565,000. DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA --$w0,000 Gencrs.l Agents fur Canada, NORLAND, WÀTSO!q Co. The. undersigneti having been app ointed *Agent of the above tirsIt clis English Cmpanuy for the. Count>' of Victoria, is preparcê. to effect every description of Fire-and Life Insurance at tic Iowest rates consistent with'secinity. Pros- pectuses, &c., «mn>e b d'on application ta JAMtES BEAP, 315-1>'.AgtLdaT FOR > ALE. FAUXN 0F 116 ACRES, about 75 of which are -cleared and seeded dowun Clover snd Tîmotiy, being lot -No. 29, Con. 71 TOWRSHIPOF 0PS Also, for sale iu the. Lots No. 4 aud 5 South ofRijdeehi treet, beiag th* Pite of Jewews foreer motel, coaising of two-fifths of an a=r. Lots 20 and 22, north M Gueag Street, Con-, aisting of one quarter acre eaci. Park lots T 1 anti C 2 Linduy Kate ualit- in of 5and aiafaceca. 8&zhafacm.ojo l&Uvutet Adéaide offli, <seig o4 Ail*waide atiQobourue to. par prtisuJs -iatairto wbo bas now on baud a complet. assortment of m»W anti ossnabe cbàéacg a large variet>' of Ladies Dresa Goots- News SHA 0 ,Ne,. RIBONS, News COROURS News MANTLSNeto FLO JERS, -New WIIES. New #BONNETS, News FEATHERS, Mw LELAMES, New H4719,- News GLOVES, Neto PRINTS. NesCAPS, NeWB OSIERI, NesoSKIRTINGS Neto CLOUDS, Nt ODNet ic lorn'eis, Canadiau Tweeds ad Full Clot ha, Broaddotka, Ieavmr, andl Doeski,Bfke, Flannela, Sheetings, Sirtiruga, 4c., Ready made Clotling, Rato, Caps, Ties, Coliara, Mse7erai, and, FRESH GROCERI.ES' Mil at tU, set reasonable pricS* .... ...... ... Wor Csh 40]"y. 3000 16à 4500. 72Z 5000 la .larger stze given by retu - Orders Di York.,: 1jn caïe a]B tie Warrante DîUy TheZ'1c4 tan' ,dUri%, Sterlint..- iffected atut bqdy bas .A. w 1 Séat-

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