Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Mar 1866, p. 2

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34 < ~!SL~r7 #UmmIC a","off e-aislu WM"et rýtiî v~uejgr teis mes as. h.> us~~6qmuuhInma.~ sugol I9red il. macosi ~oaaI~- Ê ma~ii ~. ~t or oui ~'th. il. fih~ osest dudn -ii, ct'~a - 5et ns moins maaansy i -~ I le "sur- ah InsU1. mei aes-ure tposi lfv*taad a%" o eGroat nu Tb Of litie 1 5tha07yu5 Aau aiaho. ui r guodeefl mp Nd .ai40,manies O ten lhrt-e & abspstion IWI badere, llieee sasero ovîllst iîmey waal bis Mcaaa. n4 t o m. q hmI.prtMtiojapa ctLW 14d a suithele lims-, It sto taos.vI.lI usiio MI »»el 4t a viltivouldbe is.usloacoeqslry lasacaihu- a n ute ins I.end lise- marlou' Wbnitsa ai lwy belim e lai auil vtFtse Uthese movee atl toal laie xection. Oasth. en toy lgeâsat Calbiolles, learming in ve: ematl bdluh ifsl!%onaDluen a> ia sdelûsion, edialle. (llerà ) Tistact ta hig s Olhlt uveaatl.Il amuWi Wb"o <int olio-crelgios. l u A4Ssii. eo othet'1 balbla tÀ bwlsvWei se rese4 té C"n -pnize dýýunpno soùada. anies, i ur li. W irlImiIN Thros i ians oreses et eu lm wnui ai final- i il wç a0 simca assaut, àd inteupayaie iaWUtpoi-lrw Basée. (Abm .> W it,"b uscici et lb. membersof tlIa i osa;scm'*ly cocèe of l'thef15C bestial. for a mtm t I4020:! borde etraieAmas, vifedJi ntury vomai papslalse4. Wud wlmvhsuIscnu- t ;*be aisM. sd, , yS- = eby sweh goow- us. Leti U our yuAg«M to%;nf sud If SoWeU osdtataat t »0 Il vas tb. eWo ism1ned bshl4, nue5d 'i he othaw" 1brve relaisu. passe wab.lstUi iSbuclly outhe p 4*16 eiaWg thé. ur MWyse Vt s b&Vi" to aaveéu&"l ieeel isse e eh.~~~ ymusm 46n Ili, the - - - t. *Ck-' àg& Uk, t â lm Pusa, Monme -%WftU.i. tige 0 S.Pà' Oeom-1 o(Ips oy-tb v - l q Uew* bu iula ld by a ail loir &Wi d aj ythe ex- Yb-Irtr Napeu"rA A et 1t aChOit, Twb*Ilwlng*Mme lbu h au he sied, ý jauom1 #e1r t«1 p * "» esuiPe *imm=e umi4mittj T Deai' and roysas 9?laLd<m Kw -Ivutlq Paminia, han, Ta-Cha, Ka1ihf: 8Caaiat sud aie ltth mAbuNas.-O ededat>.Pu ltTe.&-mm siedtImab;Aten net chante, bed la£1.&eo Boàe i : can-<ate Sud ar s0tl iWofm . 2, towaaip!TmbDvonk.ot vs ofli aÉ4ayhs o r oemur ipJemiScî tItat we lai e ver çdci u iMarÂdmHs.t;LeueaJoi ntd b*M e1w boit oçffl e i icgdhdesadmraby. w. an. Qvo ate iklnbaau t 10or--z hi~y ~d iB4 t CU~e 7PI!8aflrpmeN le. , . . Rup.t w onascvlycrs Iel iteduio i ~ ~*~â-iu~ ~ . a~y nram e ou ooIs4~',mciasa.alaeg a" Ier ! *i ! th C.aodl"Pth 55te Tka*li of tus eriCe atai* .(.~ t~huIls. T.Jpuamdut m.tioq wih ah Britil Crota uhel ha.meetAgdmsudvas fIIowe by ilJapeoer <ifW571 OPlmt .Mbiu*~ eenfi à11Mr thessud q>tâeildvuing ir e hv.e.bptiro e liere .kO.Bglw r o roiig hi Ii n a aImty wdhlhldsce ryitteta u apora. et, He 00dm fl Ving en la M odnal thebg toble meS » - î tallbj*m t tw g tate su ate r to Kin G lle ituinru h eid xieuet hyhv eue WM b0à i av - ; iM à li ,l .the- Egsrwm*rfch daI aPec stuetLâ d car "à e LU s er eU c doti ez d b gave - heIr.'W. so.nes lm eaft !tée or -z ah. UâbdMe.f pu * hiéh e»d aatd o idyay ei nt 1dtedivo â.mTeairse~ qg PNOM&T4" -y usa tisai tis.8. . a cavlio corps- Tloe, i' Little I kiow or bi &IM hl e4naî de iswomol & le1G.n m»> briégy state, theand, they bh diii mi, amiWB ' tià lown Tbey h«reeetiningdwthfol the seaker- fevery POPOW itikemif Wilw oelit ée àse, and h&*lit pa' temperan ,e, Rauuer odeoiiona toecivn ter e itrB.. 0. H.e ib ~~aale me vi a1eeà** m sule ba 'y O b, ad 0< elaael ng Aupeaeudpiroziy bîeedCxx ek ba-amnèeuu 4 B adawyajoi toyalas b scect. no !lIis to ngly dL-eslcs i@ nibVates - f _teeninxc_.__________bav_-_ecr li ~lm mom >t loolisoile patriote , uiTlé @4lS9 ~11 y iàEtolom ,oa#hîhy hd houga i e -matdiqoormoaadoa he OounOcr-ncan. u te ~UP ~Y~5 o P0m0 <Lii Vhe*w.) IuIadIW*bs WU e- reiés bekemi lu aksugany frmaide- lnsortl sol.itr Rupei was freqenîl tendd rcprtevexcellenteut th latomeét RIA 'an d eptid i~db?.eehutsh i~ii d hodron, . elevciihi f Ie. asapbise'drig i.adirbl lctre ajenglaateitv Hll srealarices ao wahvm ba ou "& M 0.1 b. erÇ- of5 latûmpierance in a.aimanWeiut his yulh Wd to la bot easena0ffmies u *~. hieeiras.â seté Imnever fvabch do -asî foina t T, v. dlivep n. tcaater- Se tisr crvdmmdheou"i of tiir fa W. 1Wli. oa amut içim ~~7~#Oe ~ ra? lte a ed e.aelaps os- ndhu L:_&Uiea d saiug bthe s eted shavof iiedsvu o aerunnx o 1 *we&ajvin pim eAsseof. IImrua> ltOitlOO lII urose sMfro ti.vteîis va yandldisprsutTawreedsaudone i m ortea ou dty, o ut 5Uçp vsI e hysu e.wahm. hal Ctaoîo 0 utFoinswoud bi thar i *bue ot hmci@Wsa osragaoi ach ut o loie etigcause'If000. ell dolUe Iofe vle son was tmperancead srauite toposatioto re bsa h. eilais<>~Il. 1mb. e Feisaia ieitg few..lh Thy 1izedBriisigoanl. n.s e ý i s ud il dnetd, trpleased ud rnpritd yaWna-lceadK.JosKud ,*" ml 12oi.i " '1'élce la he iihitB l asgt0 hatqote !ii leyuat son t Caelýnada vhs>léey theadndhOar miiy s a s corne sbo 1W Mi&ro0W * «"yttitntclydéryâlf r4 wse l"r f e0M Cuzuadina niaI10ilstruttyci prvaat (Aplause. one l Room,îFonelou Falla, o, th ex î~ ~Cadiusitbig eerae "Mhi WK. bOottMinghmakided an tcfrmel e-y 10 sol i. Ur.Rupet 1866. PaaaozÂk-4ndd reort hc Lan-gilofhe, adtor- léissal tenduosif 11ttiitigt-wuurneof liiiil. umimi ci.. bisadmirable ovra reatpariofiaandPrecat tinboteeaaToainlb.allrs.hi. rienainLarticalesnty0Victria a ui .Qioêas i cmtnoSi eveo It@<litalle9fiu pl roneovld e VcIesdis te o rvea uî» edadcn bm 0heaIty tOc wa. tçyôeedode yeUr. J. É4 Wâ, Dl GyWo P. e tboaareporti*ovaseabo.ard, Coomelhsnd îsrcou- itusa la ~r fmaevosissrtar.u a; u icO Iybt, sud <bIs a"'o!fnu&oen ised lu d eli. By.aunopens a Rad r.1> Toiaslaaiprset u onrel "91.0 C pta ccea.. appof Ille tàte wmeutaîo! Fepinal: sai.y Feniantin- are roides out, ofyal diz put de. cdt'84MfOf. Hanlue, t outwd aï e .,ttl. bsp lit b 0 acrosa île . E crmnt Loift N. e e opurcaai ng bis ring mand om er Goo. ,,*y- Uerty, permnente." o, Mascaahe., Iuyapltaue) the e 0.ofn lss, mil is coney wih therinal M émro adlv110811; *M i ' liwm d -iOBre 1864, i~e d.y.ri Ts i a ayra lIe ovoor uhe - nidLt.-ot DR. a ÂmeetingbellilYoTO R . af e sT Md ahee 0a ~O e-u hai iasoforeoer, n nC athre otedw[ngcoet.o rebaoi 10 R.hPu peehes hegéDEforthea;-r. stofds s to r o! ic e le aaat M tnatccedenîhis vota. e.> 09 laoies tr deli ei fuoes tIher aldclass forreheit&ouaî disiination ceavaded *0"sifon, cerme lu intty.raef a b- one se, n d, Woa mlmu ler to raid ts. ào emes larm t-ancried. nsi . a u a b lat a ase fbut a rtwka of amîco, nci1h b loldDulrei atifid ul c.Mcenzed th eatt r. l ii $7 brl i sn a wd erely rls ho enbis eter u me, rha vgotci -o epele i i ~ 0dolret. roI, l alrto vl rOf potse laI vud id_ tok plde-Tb eu BOfrteady! w h M y.anW e , lwuldoaeueecdbi pr a. (bff,) Ifeblievil a gat'fiil "Yef tip vo taipauuus o! aiag lhern uver île bodrdera, but lavotesvO eve been taie euiabsutîe of rae t o Wihs Cb a s nauld drive11cmactoa he. hlccotinen.t for s, r.yigaroad accusa Lo 6,Un 2aidcon. ups uhbti.Qu !t lrimxm pqpêftL. oaj uth .a1aroof smtalin.Tosu sp izdBi"*a l.sonasu us t .aceîe udThe-aared ovdbvlioterersy adv etis yUr pponent con- su lusta xpriess t ( "ai, boi')lie coulc Oàifti ndnussdî qu<1r.ti nlamf he«a ge morne faie C earadouosoaae Mc oart deun iasif" e ente man n b is bu - i a ha"îseniu-té, Mr.. Mave iabnfr wic eut hum tIwc ontyffu f temc odeanoli ainl~~lt 5575, c) ont e. laso ay areth . rua,, ~ ~ onoit mois sli aitt hohy uuupried sof, ahou at-!lb oueto'goii u cersthee h utf HuyDaa10"or ieeveYicl5 niraithchl bl cas doi i eore dasbnai l ee hhall toile plf w ldanud sa M",.a leveld ungi ]P c u le mauli! and sciea ygoaieuart, f ii oai us ta'*0 nthot haerid.b»u__7 rsng intuba oi Ci t[e Ibgltic or jeeit vs ue - oeryM. olhrsooddb c asl ugvn hma lss uaiosr biuos n L cfaqhehute 111eup1e;1lefol<I mpus ue. (ei er>Tc eiyu I absdent biausirou bcMdca onclo Mai i enin"at" u li ala ie 1 eueua toi tei.eofve la priv. Heinratilegail sdiebcd e- ui e uor&lajunnlusioGn. raluttCnder umu et I on a iered a 4 àe l be s r doulod las dtl lhte atof imn the less deec intly i assàa la led eians vhllpa rud tene CareeciIbo ]si by Mi. livthe, aoe d p hrite, c aa d C ougrt, so toeria,- IasplIedimnsins l s sus ameasu grauaa scii er,. flad em preotde o nowhe bioia ThOy byMruileodeaateeThat Wing îo ndÔ à~cipeonrs'l um ctro îe11 lio a ise Aris Go,-. Iî H« neirotsem i" ireeolea. oku U<iw t&bausomet n genu, sibico-hlni e~epîvaRw .bttcatonues aryeity o!thbuFenin wich voul crsh i beote sîial apen'ws"ur.aieî hi illihasn hainge fi on tvoontersd i vo l 'Vie-d oîd.* M I oed r. Dpm r b s ocniddI.ifI"ouddlieeligdn liedsucosàsrat.cBoteter s lIi e o net onedeoFeniaism opriaeeasryaoommdaioms-Carie <se t fru 1 dl4pegberdeo thshe *eno y Mr. LmkaIO"u kbeater- -Conapl pley t a uIa r &U c 'assal aoin- so .' of e9 am rtIfil lu bgeî ebelvi eiosveba sd ouîddb i ' th"mi jsie~lchIvud-reIrl btuu ttU rost e f iltirflsucam il qetin os, amI ibâtsadi wufe nîrafo ila sd t, IstieC rtoReionle lda vaes.ii oileenetcgam . ile* maoysu arsasnb ufima. i-v..scc meual thia waboeedrtle y Ivaurt tpepel Fnli Fiosmnda y, irto enhda ! a Ra nsroD t umadetvy r. atvoon s se wli comleqas.o akag anc sasucequîvî of eraion t i in- kdg"c. eco ere loyalt îe nied Ma(Gr -eat . CuaXi to d- ot or.uonmnteroa eauu er. lc eh.ÇMe- 1 p 5051te tb ti iiGien iiTUei.îeBili rNe s. he.chitte er theth S E. cWè f otNo6 t rh que s pi n a p Sue, or la a. bs jgJgaJI p~we, ala lvavero;haTe a et . tm ai ktii. isetl file ari o e oasposelofFmnns.o! aild àn: Jae tuogg. âTurono Co îdt. Co . MAmila, 2"REcI, 186R.6.T ~ iwe gansllIu- eaIl miethc loe la*t.ildreodo atins Til tIrueaster cllis ofcy m hi aTIe. eXelet pblïkaUiou fr Maeo TE CNADANWOLD. S E etsa tie euao!e xtrs t0 n si ,m zaes id igola o* ",- .i . lt l.fse 0 îe me ladmy byM.B mtiTath u ,oNie yappy Po d botbiiitoLmotlisOlfoeàdoftt &I i.aSeu J" eiihu itnto mu'ade tii. vend las usa - degneds'*, iofothe.1tii. ians làm lis. giupet ly= irosier _ doeen o esmaiuevle0lisnaII~ ntvoaeuat eb nitiaiil a IodtraIeci mmi i eed.nt-FieTr,,tns speeaksi a tete.ou If hve blpisolcaeili idiet pa g iisoueîry l a it me. a ai --iq te grdic$.at i es ut b"dacoalo nIli-e* lb saeenils é lIS V ugestony b an utider ord qutato 'Of istinus, andlsc- th t &eIu e aobi ysai u Iim OOt*rum5ke. .i Ir Cland«BC»4kh.mi lilI êmepne h i . 01 cme o egm. t rbtt Mud400,000J pop scb m.e svha ld notrs aîe i t t M ltesr,. effshcb.«î-11.1g " dml nomal a sl e U i to e hdom ~ ~ i " grasXild pstiontfiatF inaftaua M ls a f, d cati Gntesm *eth ley sre libnuvi. L Sap",£Il* MtZut t wItsrh anect ld bave er" A fbis nl of aidilorm- spt'imne aneltu- ferle e- a sold dreivus ie zmdaiigsa e ohi n I W6,e uinbadt. . . heeu& o.-! jur~ l)oemc e dtér g. p b.po et mlosdo (lm dt n i* u Ia oilavs ecno .ton asl f omai. dThebih of l en ccpen d paiduslSu.saas vi . fu 1 ofeetroersyi îb ey ouraIonecon-s moaie o trais - tlolene asg ner eaar, lre vhihla int- i utbsps pMkovaeadbleslitre bîes peyrd, pt siou ctes iniw.wml i en n isàe uodea.. vooeupMs.- Brtit Led Auer soute farherNe Ilasi l oMvor elraeal ieodvlaest.sfeulvhr n urnints ots er me4 eia aeB, pi s 4, W.Ian alay hsa pr patriiof eumlîe Amueré 1's on. and I eý rt-cJîàsaoify utr :.- fue So hie ag Il vri ce s fone. . 1camgisSl, a t at 1 îlebai t*th pltibuusndsai tt meuid van ugsonemuly ad- erruinas-oe fa t suie fiosm . nlieiedMa le but h 1àkt hat, à a noe ac~a*r ssi~n udli"ACahig p o de d 'A l. lataps, u .alierpul gis shapWls Of lsis bon.&to contenu hiesif l I osin t ~' ~<~'i hBuisaGet~.l1uV smIo thaàiutoen" e et offlmoives and the largeu" ~r4a sas outy Clua>NoMèr aiIl ina awloçyiwefe s poesll e *i. Wi .0 >for indamîry and isig.nsuty, frvoamld evident- me ls is pM ,hae mo.ew téeguifrl4esmss v Ab ~1.LeLaa ~Glanie.17 blïs ts lasin xmtacivantageous posi- ont à turebvae tiiUh. tidsae kMth"f o"tw la re lation boal lu-tise United States api mh »4wdia.l in eait, we te -bîkiodI lte, ire teco mplication of oasmnlîse*à*m vjall l taredl Rvenga,»tu Tl 1m.Patt ae rt4 1%atBîtjs.Te sother coSlnry, beinjr ju ad *l . B" ans d disloyalty qatsdhoe *héebringo mmai n- - T Iwsl (fes es bXie Eivr»Ver<Tie p- ntlaslialui aec lteetrd, ,ul ga meurAgni, bc llfpuUuUàthhme P.fitd -fnit sntt th United alas, e haIhti lyw eoUca i eria ulotç sa eamiWseeslay anlvri faYtarWssasat 000 -ta rof ta4vreu, #Ïve, & Tl. .find nôfnt i ieUibi ils ai q ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tl of s x,~4.N< .~e.i--.a~. d znejei retdifrocalIr.cud lhare' no igil lu s~~e.tts squl uMsarudpJt aun" mL àin lad&"nýge, <lma- couiplin. > t oul . gins the - greatest ira- y anis., viip- lunch te e da ebut »ele« l. sZlk. ~~tralsi by T. umUsei. opw. Thiima pusettrde, tit oins ard the -ont- flov IhÈbffiO 0<rSdlie 45 ~5Béfl 4~Ia br SaaI l. .<; Tii ~èhnt zioeo t f laoaaiu,crovs tle causa mmdrailtus isarsidiSUS IboaEV l àreopo vitI slips is i0#0014 tht mvms g iat, vIe gy w dpi b,1thatàbwlIiyet tls maêny d offest ~i,.e- ~ , ~ ~*9 Wu** v4ep* FeetirmP'I <'Mt-Wmtia e ieof a iPoimts, il votld-etamutale&IL tise -aaufac- ~'~ -- ~ s ao~0&*l jeas.of «cpW*lansd lism-es, sfgÀvoaW& ~TIe j" t s g 4 w U. ' v n rt worti, i1ýdA «ad<l ,ctfl P si." in i taI-m reta, uie"s the ~ ' ~ e * s s. ~ a é a g g n s uj C , a s ir T a i d ow l e s o is i . v io o ih~~hâ*s*U*~ I wj'I~m.tmkai ~ s~SSSje dSb .~.Sioo> IC!rnlnecml e îpsofit$ o!f for- itvah r tmreo- heertxalun'wot4ut ya Thfi , piie. lsrgslyasisiaanohe e 'Jou reraise ut11w oàshuti choebérquu ii Oltli masppm "nmW"« ibis bM.* *0 Qa5 wî îned - buitons. do s kt-M 1 1

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