Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Mar 1866, p. 3

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NERSMIP. 'im# 1Mà caye M , %y~u<i~sent.. MWMb è" AU Ascouats due - tb lai. Afmnwil be s5* 04 Md»- tleihy jobuOuflls.. i eiabudJAccoats ns etetled before tii. lai of Apil, a» à wvU b. p!aoed in suit fer collection. K hchb JOHN GULLIS ýyo5oMO T. A. Clux, Witneas. L~u.y * arel, 1868. 8342-4, PARU FOR SALE an 191 Subsriberoffers for Sale, onfavorable il hatthe!MConessonof barfa, ceauluingof le C ONE HUNDRED ACRES, I 1idi OU f whicb 5ê Â cm same .beared land -under cult1i. SW041n. vaiem. -the pnelxrty in -vall 'wdered, s ile tf t sPr-ýand a-hAit from la School-houlst, snd only il t à irtue, S miles frotfuLinidsay, th4 County Tlown.- The, Subscriber vili Rent, for à term et years, LrIyat ti 1 t auitabie tenant. Immâediate posse.3sion.ý *'IY I Un.For Nfthtbr particulars, *pPly' (if léy latter, F017 *pt ta putp&id,> te. .1 .. il, @Oa&ha, JMSMPESN oo.~la*is. * -Ma nlia, P. . )Iadosa,21st M&rc'i, l«G. 42-8 ~uIlf nunruRImÂ's FMILY UAG AZINE. ;O h187l 1"-E Ver>'page abounds lu an imerost Pecu- oma gner- iry its :wu and osie distinttive fcoiure o 25 e& pe Ibs ragazie 1, that it confines itàelf aslez- 142-lOin., clusïvel>' as enertgeticalIy to the elui dation of ~ sujects fairiy wiîhia the s2ope oft tha Church." -Oxford University Herald;, theii wife Zumber XXXIXfor MdR Cff, 1SGG, Lon tains: UE. A11YMÀxR.N'ZuEE.C. XALCOTT, B- D., Preceater and Prebéndary o! Chichester. )y he ev fON TU - 4IAÂLIMAÀND PIItEicIAN Chur >, Xr. WORSUIIP. Second Article. By Lhe Bey. WdFawa~, -Fun blacçx M riC M. A. -.A LENTENTIDZ. MEDITÂTION. Dy' thullen. inrothy Soeds Wan 'E S., &0. BIGELOWI ,TER &CHAMBI SAY MARKEET raday, Mateh 22nd, 18 ........1108-," ~00 ..............0200" .............60 ... .. . .. . 50" rlb ......... 0.12 ............ 000" .'.. .. . . 5-0() " qtr ......... 0 05 m......... 0 s ......100" r ...........0" posse.ssieu, C'Vn'wn l.n.. I r.. ASTICAL YRSTmeiNTS. 13>'the ANT ir IG.A TALEFory. sn lWjthI an Illuat ration. WORKAMOGSTTHE-NAVIES. Uev. G. G, Rogs., GARDEXING. 13>'the Corlîrss 5IGTOIYS SYMBOLISM O0F PRE- STO$ES. B'A.xa 1 w? l~eln -lob VU A Caliis R port j1op.,Fub CilA Sldb àtoeti. ( uq t PEAuw WlloSonVlb cPant f tws ,afofLo AmI A2cmodmg1 eetche fcowlg alui& Par e Y. 1 sl Los ors JliW. cordIîssg àl19ja 4akwo'A, 3ud, J) -7 acres, or tIerei sid niap or plan are 9 Vllage Loi -one-third .-fau f ree of charge, i clsser. SThe -putcbasê at iie lims oet Su th. proportion ef chas. mno>', t. -and ahali payseo 'withiu one mon- as@ wit the SAÏ& cfý liepurthase , malider of te aunnual'instalmet se mach theroof a et I pur cenit. p nîertgage on th ktrt..4" lu. yotetl BIXW a, 00.~ tid finaalQOdarfor .4 lu &» la lb T-9 wvlit lie bý, lte A.- kNoon, by Auctioneer, a the Villagi the Oounty of iades uued b r, tha tle te gy- ýtens of the Seti e tIs Concession eti ! 'atuu 84 acres a iSlaid eut ac- isban théef mode ~r viu illa e et mt for Salein21 iCh-lot G-cern- ie rcanaining Park K. Vary trom 2 te wili ap pear by the on te v-hich thon. , 1, 8, 9, 1- o , 1, e A Coaveyance,- lahe to te ach pur- d will lse~urd douna odep onit, :li r>' £t0oo f hlm9 pur- ir or h4 $ooiiitoti, eet, with inteîreSý, r the. day of ýale, Ei mke eis -third 1shml p.>' lte ne- ne>' by lieoquai terest thereon, on min due, ait the raté 'tel te secured by purchased, sucd âd exeéUW:d ai ti qu-1expeuns6fe isPùreTar andal be Int imutaI- THE rArTEI)RIKA BitzitER. B> EY &rment te beoine dm i ;1 ale îdiy eotMoreb - n How-iTT. ' 18ot7.1 The puirchaser. ai ithe lime cfSale, shalî aU CIXRISýt CHURCH fA~S&Au 0X(br ime Sru siguaunagreeenfrIbteoledue petformance c6f ['o hapter XL.- te Facile Desceent. the contra et on his, part. XX-Tt, T-ofM Wrck. The Coneitions of Sale, in ail other respects, arae sanig conditions of te Court et. >b.' WHIS1THE. TRAITOR? A LEZTxs eti . Chan _y.l PRIE- RECE-NT WUINGS ON TIE CHRISTIAN. Furlter particularnyl e lad,, andthtei ýipT LIE. B th IleV..RICHRD ILTO, M A.Plan seen, at the severa! offices'cf Joeepit A. ~jp~j' ~ LIT . R ' ti li r. ICH RD W LTO , M A. D onovaix, Esq, Cùu rt Stffl t, Toronto- ut A i- rTLE OU CLERICAL CLUB. By the. EDIToLI. fred Be.ulibue, haq.,, Ibs Vendo?îsolcleter> fl. us>'onTrctXd hop' of Ripon.s NWmiatket;. eft Michael Hayes, Esq.t,,Strat- Sermons-Sir E.B. Lytten's Lest. Taies of fond; et M. De» s, iLiaidmyand -osudes Streeto-Rni hà hdovi ofOt Book- Auctionenr, aise tRms Orl i --sellers -Froni Cadet te Çolonel-Genera1 Village cf Oakos4. f.. Kennedy on tho Waterlo-Rus- Djçîed ibis eth day -'tfMrdh, 18. te. kiai's Ethitis of the-Dust.ROETJTUNR ~s. ' 4 Our Clerical Club. ain mneet anti disculsu &FE OUTEg aRS amultitude ef curent -topiri with great,,vgour 341td: - YTEuEr'a s«lcio ER. nt point-Sonith ýees tenu i'Uenald. (idsyîIeoI eu net me. LONDON : JAVESHOG &SNS ORN TO: 'W. C. CIIEVWETT& QO. MONTRE AL: > SECOND ILAND) DiAWSON BRIOTHERS : ALL BOODKBLL5CRS. ~Ti LIST 0FL T E SSL ~ ~ &codbu $1r5_D EMAINI"<G in the MNLAPost 'Oce, BiiluîiÈrd Tabb il s set cf Phelans lest I L- l<> ré ç.Mnùt'2 86'-cshionis, sean>' nov-. The. boeat-taweedi 0 27 Ambersn, Thomas, Kennedy,-John F., pauneliet. l i in a ver>' god ste, aut-aili. 0 50 Austin, James, Logan James: bc soIt, vitIs hallesud eues complote, for $ 100 2.5 Btyen, Neil ' MDO i is is csor ftr. $120 ir murhalfJ-yearly: mtai- * Crightton Ms., ' (ina, ýmonts b>' giviag ý;eedrîty ton the payments, lte 0 50 Cuntain, John, >J'cDonaild, John - it $30 ait the lime #'urbuae ' 50 Cet-machAlexander, .MoZugli onld , 't. o 6 00 LCampiiel 4 Rugit, (2) P*rlier, Mfatthev-*OtSRWIS 00 Dunu, . W, Philpots, J. A., At Dunicaus lotel,1 0 14Davey) Georg, Pussel, A., 840-hta h 6t 1 0 4 Rlioti, Jôhn, Pax ton, T. C., ida',MrIBi 86 <15 'Golahon, Uils MarY, iiunItn, Johbn, Jf <> L te I heur>',James, WiliunWk 1' EANîNfI hathi 1BEAVEITO.N POori i 00 Regigtéed Letter; h Mardli 5th, 18GC6. 03 11., C. S, returnot- trnuth Ieatl Letter Offfice.,ýeoal,»h o 14 Peronsuscalling for tht- abovc, -il pieuse amk A.1aau.hnN2 eitliAc. foradrnilet otins. ' - Adamns & Scott 2 McF11Yden, b1rs OAR DOUGLAS ~Curryl 3Ialcohn« - MeLean, IHugi 5034.3Post Mis t-cii. urnie, Miss 3targ't Mv-Nal,, Duuicaa , 't>'Il Caunbel, rJotil Wpee-JWin 7 50 G;b*~ar- ,],ysen, raIluîn>' Wn. MRae, Farqluhun- 0 15ogtal Kitklà-nd, James- MeRse, Murdoch' -' I Mont>'. , Stewart, WMut. 04 P A H -K I L R Monagve, Jonas Opten, l 4'l A I .- Il L E R."Morson Duca Williamus, Gilbert.. tDeI A TTHÊEOLDPJ J.Persans ,allintlote sabove viii pIcoe aski tj Bwa o Cmtfété-alaDOAL CAMERON, Lindsa.y.4Mae, 1 866. 341 2 . rsigned * IA DA me by p~rovingth MVT UDteLusaioertl- olable charges for I V AE UNStLo*,à omellu , .R1Iy, . tarest, froni three, te five yer&,i in sums CURRE, font $»Q5 to$50. Aise, Bverai Parmsi M.ibiCont>' of.Victo- >, con. 12, N.Malposa. ria for Sal.. pI't 312-3*PA.BR, lCnowlsou's Brick Block, Lindsay'. Marcb I5tb, 1866. 341C.. ;TON fqc>e .United Nand DIGBY., *rn CAIRD 0F TRAN KS. n, on AIRAY t cîockc in the roreneen, ini vich trestat viii goraru thetumlgisi ClrLaxt, - Dgby -eh 15th, 186. 842- y- Lechmre te #gJeuIcnilmbertbÎ rei ii 4mO ÎÈ bau tofhoýrie&o v-hendemd hlm -ass sance oun the ime'mug of ihursda>,ilBh hmua, v-ion M3s Bouse iLittile Britaha v-as desBnuybd *>' rs; and aise Iii, tIse Synipathy vicih blieon oxtendedt* te lf1.and famil>' usie flui ihe. Little Britain, 13t1 MarcbltO 341i-1 ATEYT LA s>', ul r 1, 86 8p'l . t entas 5Iatost Cliomig~vI fer. IOWO kGEOY T liEsvertisec..offers for sale the follo wIni ai rv m ~Oto S2.-00 t-ace Lots1, h3*t piiu Sret ae), * " 4, 1tit'do do " S t1k do de a, 111 4 .. do Or ho viii bau the mm afor àUor,%rm, upen condition that à acres arteoamud pon each loi yeà#ayj amw petd, asuate lbour dom.. the Lu".. I 3Zid.s"d. lP , 0. W !fi. the. Ma tesr o 7?MAS GLADMAN, TE,,tm,, m ftIe xleiiare mofed Xstlo itand E.bund<f tbiiedrAct, te me, thé iïdersiOue4 bielee)â urre required »MM YAWULZU WAYMKED . BOIN"- %~mjM U.Wod, Fila tluOas 1.1 lsD.',. lition f ef IL 1Iu M d Tronk Ans adapted fbr T~êus~Ss A" i la ssimple tons. atd pluma% e. ilt. e BRYA1NB PULbtXITO VAl 'met oui>' relere, .i âs lsuagusa BrtYAN'5 PIÉXIONI#MATR Amr" nted t. &rive ssifacto ey v nt- îu '.No famil"I be l w ithout &aB«o f Iu the. bouse. l iW po.ket. NO porgons vili evor6ebjeet te givf«v Portale by Norbrop and Lymo., Nwa,Ède,, lu Lindsay b>' 0.Brttor -Knowlsou àGregory sud~~ ailteM al Ri; .A. owes, Oak- v-cd;Mo GrdoP as -À; . Wlatt, Oaauiugton Gibia oeoWdil; T. Mateit, Omàe"e, Ms.u l q*er meditise 0\ 'f ad after March fth, 1865,. and untir ft- U t her .notie,. Traino vili ruasflovs Leavie Liàdsàa>aiat 9.25 a.. sud -afive ai PrHpeai 12.50p.. lletuiring viii beave Pr lp .0Mda arr ive aiLindsayai 6.40-p.n.' 1. R.KIMEliq, EXPUREA Patented Febrcary 14tb, 18e0. Salesroom, 6536'roatdiayNeso York., Thiâ Machiné Is censtrucied bu, au ertiWey nev principle.of xnechanismi pouesang, mas>' rare 'audvuluable impràveraenats, hoing boom- exaàmined b>' tho most profound expertà, Iàà pronounccd to e b usi* yudpr.Umc biaed. ThRolleWiug are- the principaàlobjetii., urgodo gainstSi 5vlg macies - 1 - Excessiv e laoer te the epoerato. 2. Liabilit >yte gai out of erder. 3. Expense, trouble, sud Jos et tir n uru- 4. lncapacity tb sou over>' deription et 7%e- Empirýe seroug Marine î# Eximpt frowaU ail hn bjctiona. It bas s.straigbt needie. 1orendcular se- tiontunakos the LOCKôr SHUTT*LESTITCI wbich wiii -NE1TH'ER- RIP rior RA VEL, and it alike on bath sides;-,pèrfoim portiot sewIng on every description lof material, from Leéather- te the ,finst Nansook Mtulint iwith cotton, linen, or-silk thresd,, front the coarsesite the inesi' la ring ieither (J*M ver COC-4VHEJiL sund tholeatpossible friction, h nuas asinmoeth Tt requireu FIFTY PIER CENT: les pover te drive iLthaon u' ther Machine in market. A girl tf ielve $ar of âge con werk it steadi!y. vfitheut fotguorinjaryt. healtb. Its sfer.gth a)id londer-fil simiplicity of cou- strtuction render Il ainuestIimpossible tc> et Out cf order, sud,îis OUARANTEED, hy thoecern- pan>' te giv6e etimesatisfaction*. FWe respeettllliviteàalthosewhio tua>'de- iro te susppli' thetuselves with ai maperior arti- cle, te cali sund examine thi* NV./IVLED r ve souîci t the Pa tronage cf Met-Munit Tuiler., A Drem Makers, coach Makers I retMke, Shirt and Bsoiî mes oe:Idinde ra, 9es >n Pnia.oc- Makers. Religions sud Charitable liatitutions wilbo liberally dealt with. NO.ý 1. Esmil>' Mchine, with Ilemunor No. 2,1ialMnuatrug witb Exten- -sicn Table.............. 700 o.3, Large "* " 85 00 Xà.à4 La rgcjfor Lether ....... '100 00, W w ut agents for al 10v-ns in the TJsitedý Statez, Canaàda, Cuba, Mexico,-Central and Southt America, viiere .&gencies are not already oahlished, te wheun a liberaî discon iib gîebt v-e raakt ne ooignmeuta. OresMay lenteultht-eu g htho,*p*an .Uer toirg 4e"q, 3>i5 Ifada>', Neow Yrk. LT. .MÉARTHUR &C. u- 'Alàdiug, the. moctii mortant et Modem-n M-eticaldiscaverica stands . té CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER As a Famiily>' Medicn*s, hi ha uell ont fayet-- ihi>' kuowu,>rdlovig touis*uis frontpaîinl The Citaaun- Pain, Destroyer bus nov been hetore 11e public for a length cf lime, t-ut vlan- iustauaoe 10 give prae~relief' when t lI> used, and vo havem n uevu ain5!. case et tissa tiatitin, v-bathe icdirections have iteen prpei>' followed, but-ou thé cetran>- ai are delighted vlt 11 epenotions, sud spssk lu lie bighe&tt lr= ôfets 18Vrtues and Magical effects. w. speais &M Oelp1ieU lgIosMalter, bavialg teste& tr.ug4aâteworlas WIa,* wd> n-mç t a@s. 0>'et ,b tmu .lat fer witich i la i uS.ida itiv 1000àO it bing -a Soverei#gs»màwdY Destroyer, la cuamq i 4s ph ui ail. r.ommndeseud .4aeoirhsceslam-si. daiang lb. tortlitiug palis çt.lbeummatumm, sud in reiieriug YN1ervem . ui les atfte -Iltesa 'higIs raklils 11î.1 t reuadlfor lIes. 0ern. plaints. Ordure An.eoemg la trm Ou diclua DealeM n iial parbýt e m»troy..>for: torIl uifçn tgci est4ugast ia uvr Th Ti. auiapian Pain Destroyer- noyer-fahl* te #iv imnedii. relWsf Al Muodicine dienuï We ;, PIysicianâ ordçz mue usas il and mc tanal>'valo&bêviat t lr so. ti71yist. Nevýastbe C. W. Mud pnpnmiouanes àa Sm b. m ~il. k V., n*orI lbrge Moits.. Ea., 1'. T. D. .hq. 0 et , lum uEs 19d94 W Ub ô rie; ut.X. 4Mo*MFwPriz«e ai theA gritura R' ReIR»ANCIS D18te infonni hie Flends &"dthe pube Dtslt-f>r lte puapesae oabUlng hituei toUt =telb. temost perfeut màanri pelI or- dus. vith vhioh b4 -May' le f*vood.-hboab mode lnibueif thoroughly acquafftted witlkuel tb. lie i4tr6veme.ts. in bis- art - mê beia' éèieèî'wmtebfet iatrU"ls, cemti!,k4e lebogies tO produe iths Corte de FuUis. a Thu Gallery' la apséieus sud fovorabi>' situateal la regard tI lght, sud hpromou*ced b>' judges te b. remarkably v-cil adapted for il. purpose otmiakinig ccrrwt likenesses. I KrPositifel>' un pietures vii h . b ltoui of île 'Galler>' tili paid for. "uW. invariahi>' supi> Mr. Francis v-ith the! -purest and best chefials that can bo obtaiùued. and believe hîs o teb. thercutghly acquainted with his beautifil art. <Ihave much ploasure icriifving te 1lMr.i Franciàs abiity in regard te bis being Able te' niaie good photographa. "Thepictres alan>' M. Fraudas, ot Liud-, a>,aeas good a«l have sean from mou>' ef Le etGalledie. W,.. MCDONNXULL.w "1cossider the pluotoÉraphi cf Mn. Fraude ai good sud as true as an>' 1 have ercu on in EnÉlà» nd d -have mcci soute cf thefineat. J-AMEr B. MI. Lhnrlsay, April tI, 1865. 292 TO. SHOEMAKER&. FE NCH STýORE i14~ bOE. sugt VIbp =iadats e hwil[ give the ifhahEailo Sbstyh DoosaiNBlaek Ddhr d en7 ancy CVassime resctoh TIed, nhbd., aadad< (over 100 epioou), 71g f b aoa atens, Claa ec-is ta Ièmd Cep,&.&,e Ra~og ecnd jst-las Citr, hesubscriber is-prepare t znkc up * flça gr- vonts ia ils most, tbat eau 1*m=de in 31o treai or .oi"oato, asud lac sheapu. Childmufa Ohleg a1a6made ep voYMneatlt. Navbla 18 b asaorir, Pate md Vest orote rI~ ~be mornng en Dle hYidmaul. a day; ot a bolo oi uiu» p u14boumr. Alvals on bmad a ver>' leorg stock of -READY-MADtv CLOTTMG, eS4*m tgf t-hoami- te best a" mosiexponuve Clothing, and parties mot havring it>lDO 14> -Ibao&e ueo. a eau b. sufl ted>uas v-**I lathe renady-made lise, the reesouof tbis bellugtbm ey- t4ing le mao te lprouudm, fveua coteSsiri te mciiexpoiisie biaek drm o ut Partibuyl.g téos.ihu hou auohave them eut frceoÇcharter Staplo Dr. Qoods censuting i, nCoittns, Shirtiugs, Tikiagsy SIbéetiàglr G=* LiMona Bots sud @bW y e 7 an d of &a-,x>od qualit>'. .AS thi aeie r osp tyfrc slla for cauh, bis cMtheà enzut!de p *Mic uaY depnd m.gttig oodbarasn.À discount of len per cent. on sasfuem 50s pwardi.. It illiii ho 0(0enu. 10 ek for eredft for it wodt begivea.> Linday>, larch 2ad,Ï ift- IIIÏ1111I11EA11-ILII JOIU (ON LYXDSAT SI REF.T, OPPOSITE THE.POST OFFICE-) LINDSAYt COUNTY VICTORIA, C.W. JOHN IELLS' PR.OPRIETOR'* $-LEICOH$. AND CUTTERS-_ OFTHIS B.. Maeiala Laea SÈ«e, .$ltpeelor W.akmanahip -and Va,4oue -Pris, To suit ithe v-ants sud- means cf uver>' 'purcier. In ailces boasbut tb. very boit Tituber yl l e.u3ed, and au experi.nuuetf mM>'Y Y«» hmuves tisfaction toeuestomiens. ALI, WVORK WAIMIANTED. le under the'eharge ot a first cda.s WonAman.; nsu ail kinds of .obbing and . i RpIrng 111 receive prompt attention. U-The owuerm et orses ihould bear in mid tiat ini ibisEstablishunnila emploed the lest T IIE. Subnrier 115>on fianUU a, ÇUIpIUW i HosseShoer in Central Canada.; jstocketLodfy,17t1Jui >16.33 SIIOEF-eINDIKG S le,__ LASTS, BOOT-TREIES, CRAMPS, PEGS,TH EDN RC H1UNGARIAN NAILS,ý A..i U-' E2i «rYCY YC O BRISTLES, EYELETS, Z~DoFCE Z GEORGE STRLEET, EDINRBUGit(ff ZINC [IOX: 510E NAILS,, EVEETPLIRS P1CE~,HEAkO QF'ICE [N .CANADA,'WELLINGTOdN ST.rtRfto o. PUNHE, LSTNG ACS, THE EDINHURGU LIFE, ASSURANCE COMPANY AWILS,ý.SIZE TICIS, 1 PEG FLOATS, RE EL BALLS' truben the Act Of Patliamnont parse iltis last session; oareompov-cred te issue t plcni SHOE RASPS, &c. &W. JOIN BERTRAM, OIIXE Olne.I IERRA~E iVholelIlRe aiL Îrare Merchamut, KEMPTS BLOCK Ll.\DS41Y. - For the sole bene ft.or tiheir Wtt-es and Chiltire.n snch tofcîie-i are à1toetier tree freuB oau r Liadma>', Feb. '1., 1866. edaim on the part.of (Creditgrs, «d thi eru~ t proide whth centaint>' atten thein death fer the' . aintenance of theirFnii. I GIl IR YE ER HA~ Z IThe dinburgh Life Assurance Cempiny are.-prepared .teo oer unusual faciitiai for this de- "We wudrepcfll niat tTarins of propoai, and ever>' information respect-uig Lite Asseurance tua>' ho ad ai apy Of the Company O0fces in Ca ns a.ý *J. IIILLYARD CAMERONCara. j DAI 1fGNSeceotM>, DYEST F'ISCASiO &ORDE, Solicitorte, &C., CONDIITION POWDERS,,WORM MEDI- (1)Aet tLnapý CINES, CASTOR OILS, GAR- GLING OILS, ESSENCES, ______ PERUMEYlMEDIjL -HALL..GREA.TBARGAIRS IRA*11W X AT THE StGIOQTUE SSPE CIA L NOTI CE t- - Ueflnod Conl 011, COUNTRY MERCUAXTS, wv-bïhng to L.AMýPS, I £'RJMNl'e, 4.c., 4-. 1sert utp v-it Medicines, -wiil find a largoe. Can ho obtained tonr"Pricez7' that kili coin- 1-stock ai thée Moiéies liait, consisting cof pare favgrably wvith Iltiiose" cof Montreal er CASTOR 011.,, b>' the dozen, Toronto, atilthe- -ESSENCES, F, N E DRUG STO0RE. UCODITION POWDERS, OPQYT . .O.B'EOSSTORE. WORM LOZENOIERS,' DIRECTLY OPPOST9. "-Plueasec lie ri npcrt1Stock, 51aiascertain BIG LCCOL rw-' iaWrloselt 33-f IOLF& CiT IIMBERS,. " MAGIC RLE. LIST QOf IDETTERS - Théab, odeieELLlheso1 s'oGa 'EMAINING in the.L:iDuo s oirut , Gth, a ep stoed oontoii PcLî ontras 17 ' R March.,..18W6 a .prhst l oot rlnra. Silver Watches frein $2 tp te $32' ech, ail ln AgrivlJams . H-anaho, ichel Havintg becu appointet soie sagent for.,the good running erder and i arranied. A gnre, arie luHano , Da idhal sale et Briggs's MIedieines. ton ibis Count>', Clocks froin' $2 t1 Sioertch Br Xs eil H utton, John ' Mr-hants and oticrs requining Lad i.i. Breastpins snd Earfings'aM u21) chi Breen,Thomai Hutton, -Thomas che i1eMiaial.t$. Brady, lhlip * laon, Ta lve -Tnoty Se ble Lampa froui 25 ôta. te$3. Bneck., Wm. Kefee, Thos. tin Sia , :!str. Camipboll, John Lu:,Rchr . J Jst neceived'aIà, l of finit closClover and Two splendid Chandeliersý, v-it giles coin- Oalahae Mrs. Pal% Meehan, Elizabeth Tiunothy Sceda. * TLIîeKLforp, $$3and $6 ench.-3 t ptrll ConseIl, Bridgci Mthv, hnis JW. .R loo aletr3 froit 'tetc. tà 0ci o oi ConneltMarg't- ' Moore, James Lln1dsS>', ITtIt Jaar.', 1866. 334 Borders frein 2 et$. te 8 ets. 0ev-an, Maiah Moffatt, Sarah A splendid lot of Collines, Couenne 1McDermnot C(aleb mAD v% A~ Crowiey, Mrs Mary Meconneli, Marg't i .5[ i., W r.AA.- GIt 1 ' ) euePeter Meci>', . Ail work in the line, tucbhos Cleanîng and~ Ceuser, Cathenëinu ' loble, John ' PR ALE CHB4P,; ind upon LIBERAT r!iepaitilig Clocits, Watches, Jewelleryi,&C.- Dovyre, John O'Donnell, John . £TER.U.S iteé SOUTH IIALFcf Loi No. 13. ssd Engraiîug, vii be doneasheretofore in a Daniels,. Emna P ience, Joseph olte 3rd Cîeecssou f OPS, -with about 30 manner tha t iii retoin custom ndst£ive outire Fisher.-Peter Ias, Mary n ce ert.Te adh f RM U.satisfaction. GrIssa, AÀgnos - Ray, Hu-gh ITYt, agood netghbourboodi and within 3 Reuerbet-Sign ô e i.DVTCH JGjQ (breer, John Reid, >Ra lph iles cf Lintua'. iKent Street W-est, Lindlsay Hanaveon, Pst Shappard. Wnrw ,LI 1 EXTTAN.t> îHouBfVe n ou .Wakel*Y, JaUn Lda>,I§thFebnuar>', 180G... 338-L2..Fu h Noie flrisn Rbiite, leut-yurhe r Wyrnsei Robent. Pensons calliiig for the abo're wyl pliseask: MIACKENZIE k PATERSON, Olt SALE, in a central part of the t fo- adverhised letton, t UarriIteiS :anti Attoruaeyo, F tomn, tv-o Pv-eiing HcGufci, eojw T.U.DAIP.M r SUGIORSbrick and neframe. withi gooti lots te, SOUCIÙIR*$IN ýCIHAICERY,l &OC-each;.anti being sîtuctteti near the Markéaci- ~It1IVIt-tuI~ TTMUT .% ~ f~, th n formi a moit dessfrable..residance. Aloo IWIl.UIIAtU lii Il. tthe Store'ant DWelliiz> on Kent Street no'w ME, DE Faus8J~ l leAI O ON O .V occuîpied b> the subseriber anti prieton. Tii 1 . K.MsLcîuwsQ.C. C. W. pAuwtBIO,1.0 .L. punchaset- viii h alloiredti tv-Orto. ties ean trl7%IE folluwing 3Meticines ors ManqWatured ' tir-us ta îa>' b>instaimens, vitI intemrsi. 1i. ansd put up si bie Med!iolHal, via -ý ToneteJn.16'33-> For turther informuat'in appi>' la pena or BroW 's .1.nt~ ittr.,b>' letier talthe propnietor, . H.KEEVI. Frtcpenniamout cure ef Dyseposla nuet4 N OT I10 Ee nRé AAI330DTW 8im 4tà eartituru, adtLivur Comploti, f- 3Siltor 1>ÂRIt'SGIIBRTI CNDl!O PGDf& FX0I.aTi li.1 mdto Forflrss miCailetlO oty cdla ts rr u ttte imorpona aCompany', te cen- Th LuVO!poOl&LZAf TIISForA II de *esi_ t-a7fo ieTv ILtsi't lb Il andCatilea-the best . use i. I. I. I *For th. pet-Mu nt cure cf IPaom -(on Iteb) li!O VU 15 .~. ..~. boas heur. Oue beti u iuflimtitr tv-e or ensuftganetîeWu.Ldie tIrs. onl pssfaoi25 cents per bottie. ïe Crevainlamiet thle sme. ~~~~b ~ * stvwoile r arnantet if pt->.tpot -ope, JÀànry.25tb, 186m. 337-tf perlymasd. Giruai bma ,trial.' W. J. TEIRKELL, Will Cbvoid. a&M LInu-dua'.UoaU iv-l Llsdsayà 01h 7.1,, 1866. 138 Ipe~ e>. NOTICE £A~W LL$ A EY & PIÂnIolfwill boimde t te e A~ENT STIEN T à.. et to Ii .lucwpombu a (lemamy, to cou- Bissa a flt m to ilaeet Beaverten, Tfali combes$ Cholai Tdwla. .Ï;ud1 *0Ile Nukb Rvrs ram*.tienes to usme. ~~ué.*a Um Mal ulser. a groe a o an od lestf bout. 333Jdi> -CAR at*1 - * -1 tbu sÔ"te 1444. , gkà5" e 1- Dr fiagr> lasonie cf le Comapan>',t$12,OO. Tii.Fin Prinlmusreeivdl~ his Com- pan>' tueag île yoar 1863 exceed o.. of 057 other Company' tiGreat Bitais 6>' £20Off Afetodaitht e vwest rmrumurtiT * Mo Loua ed i4 menditel>'on -pafS mou iloo t% M u *y QI'. enu 1 l'

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