Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Mar 1866, p. 2

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*, ~ iitei# Wy. ",am dtupmoufltivefor Quéin Dv= -to tire Onnerai Cduneil 1, Csniiion of 'Upper Cda a at Whitby, on blonday, 191b 011 S~ù t.ui ora Bi r. KfGiUi , tOahawa,'sud ,qt,, eI-Whby , wero tire .only SAfier 27,votes we rooeérded Gi1I~hfPppo0l esi~e.Tire' ~é- âtr brug1tot close by ~w ri4 Q»en, ui.reeo for the Re- Mecer, anddetito for tir. s&uécessftl soccnded W' Report Tire elet. or Newcastle andi Trent Di- viies, wu- bold at Cbou4* Dr. Dewr, of PM antiDr. Gilcirrisi, etCobourg, vwes *a udy caudites At lire close of theloui D .«.a msdeclareti alectodyr t ~~l'being Dewar, 1 Il; Gbrisi, 8. J. P. Gimson finda il impossible ta enter Stock-4akinguntil the IStirinstant.ire GeAd# imnno* beingoàeasured, ana getting resdy for cali*g, aither iuta tireStock Book, ou'1 -st the call of Bargaiti Seekers, 50 tirat il Interesed in àbtai-ning Good Valueë for their * uoeiey, Ihae tlisiextension o tinte allowed them.. A fine ma«orint et Carpets and Crumbr Cloaostill in tire Basement.-'Aise sema 25 Dresse. cftlices Black Silks tirat by jr lower tithie Wholeoale Pri ces 1 aueo LalSorpet- ýdia him on the rWiliam .ae ccd. >*.ved by y Mr. Rid,- the sum of $5, rriel. Movod l'y y Mr. Connolly,- e Labor for 1885 ho. furnushed - by ita ved l'y Mr. Reid, -T'hat J.SConnoIly, LI on Robert I min, le pmy 10 Tireras wbicb ho gait ram limhamr.-Carried. tolly, -scondeti by raid ot John Moore, c oilitionrs beigsatisfiet.- d l'y Mr. Caanolly, seco nd- P-Tfrat $4 qa,li b. parl tire i5.--Carried. Moved by aondeti by Mr. Rai,-Tiral Measis. Connolly mand Duck te ltirhe Pnlnting for thre -Carried. Moreti by Mr. dat!b by Mn Ccllin,-Tirat License Inspectbr, gel an àtull et aildernande fur thre )r the. pas! yea.-Cairried. lenteoly, Reid- and Colins; Movëti by Mr. VCollans, se- Connmolly,-Tir5t hesalary ýnspectOr for tire carrait Tes! ruf, Nloved by Mr. Ducit, . Reid,-Tiraitir, Clark no- a-keprs to tae.out thiru ve la-ilie necas6a'y peition texl meeting oft tua Contei', ,journot! tiUthie 3rd Satur- =ech Bible 80ci6tY, meetinxg oft tis Socîty vas esday evelniag ,lastin e r erian Chrur i. AMier tirapre- ais was tramsactedtei rneet- Sl'y singing andi prayer. W. Thorniili, Eac., accu- and in a ft*vv bief remarks, objaci of thre Society, andi atie absence ot ail Miftis- pe! presiding over tire- sev- ns et-tire îowa. S. B; Jain- agent of tire Society, thont ineetitg, and gavea scbeer- t.e pragregsa wbacir d been e yesr hot l'y lire Parent land, and thre uiîlaries of es and Canada, and the ia- il wiie was. manfse*d by uisee mi i ie ho i ti te ting, Lindsayý pron~g the mn the report prusenIed by il appears lte fandas of the. ae in a healthy sate-lbe I vt year nmitee. rere te- mtan > illibe ctàroit T" MriTiNO A T C*MAaY.-The mein- bête o et heCanaLda- Preïlbyterian Chunr, .Carubray, 'hil é thetiir aanai soiree naZi Tueaay peening. wben tire-Rey. Dr. Burns, Toronto,Ilav. John MoTaviah,,Woa&.1 ville ; -Ray. J. . iMair, A.B. and Rev. A. A. Cameron, A.t, Linrday,-,.Rov..Mr. Campbell and Dr. Tireedie, Mfanila, %vil! de. iver addreses.ý Tickèe 25cet.Po ceada to ai(! la liq uidating debi cr tire Churcir. W. trust oaur t rierîdea aiCambray may have a large and profitable gatirern'n. ST. Azezw's 9.-Cuaou.-Ordhn'ation of Eiders. On' Sabbati ranorning, tire..4tb Match, SherifF YoDoirgalt,,Tiomma Robert- mou0, G. bePirerse'n anti Peter Laya 'uilI (D. V)be erdained El4eM Iot represenitire con-- gregation of tire ab6sée Chancir. As. ti.8> î the first iimo liai EIders are -te, ho ordained ïa Lindsay, iii, confiderrtly tl e b.expected tiraI tiere till bho alarge- cougregaîlan ta wiineas tire intereaÏtihg cueremony la St. An- drew>sCiro. BANK AOEry,AT 1'oav Pmt.--oThe Royai Canadiien Bank bas ôpened an Agency, ai Port Perry, which will be a greai bOon- to that section of thre countryýy. In appoint- ing Joseph Bigelcw,. Esq'.,,agent-of the Iu- stitution, the Directora made a Most judiciouas selection; and we feel cer- tain that tire busineas.-of the agenry-will b. conducted'witb care.and-ability under' bis man'agement. Messrs. Cochrane & Coch- rane, Barristera, of Whitby andi Prince AI-. bart, are the Bankc solicitara.ý Gonnr'ls LAD's Bôooa. ý Philadoîphia:, L.A. Gadey. $$ per.annuin. Thre March number of 'GodeV cunlains a splendid .engraving entitled deKnuck le, dlowr."1 The colored SpriUg Fashion plate ias usuai unapproachabto- for beauty; andi tire nreroQm ýattera of needle-work,' Ombroidery, crochet, &cç., can nal fail ta be çf teb ielîat interefi te the lad ies. .:Bey- ci payli's Idols," u >vIriozi Uarland, con-1 ti nue& toincrease la interna ; aàd aiogether the literary malter cau flot be exoelled, by arry other magazine. More NEW GOODS thia day ai S.& 0. Bigelows, tiroir -Stý'k îi. very complète for thiaaeason cf.the year. We oanwith every. confidence recommenti aur .friends a iis &mti. They keep -got articles, seil very cheap, and have only une pi je,, no jockey - in- or hrrmbug. Tarmers bavingrnoney to spend rabould be sure.ta cal!. E1ATUvM,.-in Au4itors, maternent Of Court- ty accotints pgblisheèd 1maiwo.k the. fol- lowirrg errora appeared:.. ader Abstract te- port, instaad of 1865m6, rmmd .1864-65. « In Anditom' report wiîb rofernce tu thre-Tow n off.Lindsay County rate, toi d 1864, instea d of 1865. Oua You'G o FL . e Boton: Tickuor& Fields. *2 par anàun Thtis excellentrllte publication, now in, its second volume, ii a Bùr sitable work' o b. placod in thé. banda of yoang ,pople. tOrde< frona any bookésller.- Puz-Smn' Cr uua. -We'have been . requeeled 10oannoonc lirai hthe vé._ Dr., Burus, ci Knox Cllage, Torontq, wyul preacir inte Canada Prebyteri an Church on Sab-ý bathi Unit, ai 11 'clock, Lam. Tu, Whitby Gamfe omtains à notice 1Of a donation pariy at which ýtire Bev J. Ihaw of Whitby wu& preente dwith a cake an 100 by the laies of ihe W.M. C14#oh 1eofliai town. ,baT.& MIIiSà- Vo. 82 S peraami. il» Mkg4 iuusber i4 lup I te uaemk. o-, thit vi E I dot addtiswnw .ip.$uasnt tefl titas fiéshitnay inimacule, ai rame proferean the redily . anre inclefui barman mys.u endure.extrert aIl y .nft ltei tynd stow i ea eurid~ tarda tiroir vi lite froga andi firsi sensiation img . ctity. SGood peopli gok ax lice indigenous 10 tiri Jabots la a1iieà offptàu m ginfome eranphyi ongaged in il 1.etveîoped thea kea. -The Ch load of Irk;i lasiwe . ea, w and îwoof thg Dressed haqas tq be iuhabit( turne. Thre! atnne otihe liatnPt a Tiiere are oof atie hi cape o.r leave fond ýofrtost. wIll have ii kitcen. il part la darne who is not a, as witira %i Germansai Yiatd fot 10 ,esew vWes lme ofl th riahinet r.. We Ire indébt- ta for this impori-I fil. wviei fternh usI tiolar. I t in t. t*4tag4eo unomof ba»d#eà theusamd il. itrey show thre 3 hat lthe devnt did, te biman ébomacir, ffdem through thre pie as tbey are,tbey arature wiîth sa'le- lerful. Tbey bWl, aura. Any degrpe. quickens than re- ey beine tarpiti - iater, but at tir. Vmieta 0 alarm- ly love a.roat-ot sud would confiue lnsledand demor- bt of t. Sine tire de sueir a valuable ,irera have been )n of pork, and tira ri tirai trichmna -have ie swia. of Amer- ea infrta us tirai a ai Pean, Illinois, ed mieoscopically, alive with trichnna. were aiso dis-overed iufhritessimal créa- papeorseof. Saurday et tire faicelies in eased park,. 'tîroagi have beeri madeot 'thediseaso. Doubt- ihorror. eto kéeping trichiinoe ,eh. Stey a tlcras- park. If*ycuaienas inca Latmi rs, and usicroseopa ha. your ô play an iimportant y« En-gage nu cook tith te, iroc .Avoid. ausage- porteti particularly. nien of Bologne,,anti là. TOx SourH SuxCoE Nrgws.-Tis isthe tille of a new pa.per Iustastarted in the, village! of Bradford, Meuarai. Porter & B.oughton, publishers andi prt>prieors. The. Nain is neatly got up, appears tuobe carefuilly edite d, and shauld recrnive -the -ordial sagpÔrt of 1h., peuple of, South Sinise.. The Newa as ita splus ,tat..* will-be a", moderate Re-, fu in. Puliie, and is furnished to m ub-ý seribersata the low rate ci one dolar per au- nnm. Wu w*tsh ourcouarer the most abund- aUt suceuse andi a karjage. C QRRUN DENOE. THE APPROACHING PESTILENCE, AND 1(0W IT SPREADS., cihy and lcliM etm exempt, andw h"ckwem Probal safe fre.m an ger et atîeIw I ti"nt thexp.uemoou «boni ta tends atrongly te confirin thr of îhae viewia l'Ih. rdI.eas lre steerage, where il Mahaa byon., individiral laboring end& Ms tire itei-'elùsets uteti by- t passSug.iSwere ual usedby .I'1 passengea rs otlie.coew, not one M 0er âeet attd 'y the dusease oxcl.xvIi ued hemtwere sel: ma-ad bois not tiisthecry aooderplaiàatian.9efleact Mia sgoeÏerlly Mor&,cl tivti by wvihan by land' tires. vievrs seem lu mÉe t l» sustained by wetl-kneown andi a' tacts, I arà ready le admfit tirat th pbaenla wiih choIera ejî wsndouins, whieh It is diffec on any exîitiw irer Bt t ,tu prevent lus tram lprofltiug ?frou tualty. khown. - Tho.e practical lassons wii tires. cezideratîois, are tire foil 1. quaa-,tioasregulalions i- tric tly nor too rigtdty en.forcet, 2. he rioat titerougb sanita mSuai b.enforeti and carried io ces affered ltire invasion of espacialpp in large chies, wheTa should ire usedt tahave .11 bot r hgily 1leÀsed nd: diminfecti iL irtercourse' with pla ýwith tire diseaseimuet ir aba Lhibited, or, ai ally rate, puart greatealt4 ae-#Mdprecaittoi.. 4.- Should th a dnseaae u nfortu trb"d îtdito a 1lace, c/talrg ,ueer be emptied, into tecmsari clouaina ceamati.use. S. The police sh9uld ire méti int every privy aind water-cl i.iinfectantsi or farnisli thei Thre Resident Physician thî irai tua letter saatisfaitority el tain faëta oiserved 4y Dr Rich ýLazaretio in tire.laJearie IW Malta lu w1831. Dr ic. hstate. oirserved tiraitirhe persans whr r of tire privias and dejections o twere rioat lilkely toi ie aitaeke< cae, n upected that this. cipal source ot ils proplagtionl Iarn, sir,"a fours truly, j PRO0BAON Lindsay,,Fei 9 7, 1866. 8'oe e v.Dr oo.(Kr,>sd ie 1 . asa ebut te be wholly auen dfflce with Clarke (C.P.C.) Qnobec, bave nnanifested"oly ned. Eveawhen lb WsInto e*bete I>r e«ýke! a mob 3 ci , At a'9& 'tit ushridi ) ; W * ng t1w huseàof Cote St. Presahytiahm nte1tiM i wm -a ft» aaP a-w[t#ýDhr. h*.Pbo*,f *hw"thýerbyteran frmaW% y -, * O Mg,, c g«tsthe Rov. tire iétermwptiou,neer mm e D r , a co of Ë . e h o b ig a i f r m th a m a AI a laie'nmmeting àflhtéP1%ébyt- of 1 #Zigo tatrId imprse, Montreal of.a - it, iriS resolè uaiaaW. wh h pt r wuu-t&le-rougi tirai whoîly tw r ývillagewa tev a u yrsaat niyÇmon-ee eir and uoisy Lbly -deei- or;,o-e-P- ebyteirr Ch#trch1 If ReidChuich excapt on tai *essien, ibe bad arrange- be' bùiWajd iuuser iniédu16 te front mentecowapel ih"an Pl pe of tioir betteri dëe làn- fW tire-other >rslytîriaa C urch(ri<ik tb- nature, te display bad mandrïsr-had adjuat- 0carreotnesa ing wouak b. done by tram lt fdter a ýliv - dtiemuelvea sWeillasuire'y could 10 the siatd in aion or buiki .aaoher-Cbwrch.» . seanty aonomlion efbrdle rmthe bien brough 5& Atm. miagiohnar wmeing ireld a few Lord Chattcelier, Standing té the regt on the' St ct&oie iii ol»hte o . St. Paî'. aChuroir, Monireal, Second stop.froue .tiroue, asuarunced tirai tire a1teeragwe (Kïirk,) tié-reye. Mr.- Clark., cf Derhara, ber M.jesy bail basin graciouaay ploased te nefl~tca- deprecael mottongy sudmost intelli- cernmaud him te. reiad tie- royal, speehi,, et i hes lat- sith n of tire coniinued separatien cf *hic h. should - proceed tu do in ber, Ma- 3,while large tire Preftbylerian Cirurcirea in Canada. jeuty'ar own wor4sa. is Lordahip then read rellr, tWho 1 .These.îwr a fow rtîrniafins f tie pro- the Speech. med wiîh thre arasa of sdrrtità*ei'iYt"hi Provihrike-on tItis The reading cohludd tire ]Lord Chan- ralso afford. jc.Il reiires 4nly a glance la see celîar tbowed ii obeisanoe te. the Qucan, tIrai tired thMat snob a ueioi woulti- be mucir better for «rbo alaghtly, beucourteusty, reîumned.tire! a oa n liné. of- minîstera andecongrégatintra, tran tire present salute. T. on rising 1rom the Throne, tire ? ÀIhougb stte -oftrialtera, - sepecially in- thoee tairas woe 0o1 th brilant, aaamitsae rising abandantly and sectionrs of tire eoltrtry where the former frein their semis ai th6 e t ime, Uer -Ma- 'rknowedged are poorîy pait andthie latter no amalthat jesty-8teppelow1y cdown, kissed the Priu heo are smre tirey are tinable, olen unwîlling to pay them ces etoWales, who.sataluloist ai ber feat, xhibitsin i i more. sirook bands *Witi tira Prince ýChristian,. andj, aît to explairrIanyr.sîuy iaddo!by Ris Royal Higirnesa tisa bis ought ua ot uj Prince of Wales, fallowed by the Princess ,n what is ac- Mn-ofnrw' iuri.u Waleà and thée Duke of Caâmbridge, re- .1 lwfot Lindsayi Feb. 19, 1866,tir"1 by tire door at ' minir sire bd eutered, h flo tram______________wiîh tireusual flouriair sud, tllowin.g, ini anownotb OL I ETN A HRF' wîîrirheraldg and Garter KingaetfArma de- cà»nt b to COL IIL EETNG T. HERFFSlight,- and rvhich they only are learsieti d. CORNERS, VERULAMt. errougrin tiirad rl 10 rcoîd-ý Tiras nded ry measures tire êpening of- the. tirry-sevcnth Parlia- )ut in ail p&-I lb the Editor o the Canadian Post. ment oftQueen Victoria. rb divery eor e, steree6t, ols, &c. tho- aces infecleti bsolàtely- pro- -ded W'itb he unrate)r be in- e tocitrsi&ou d. -ies aend waler ýructed to pour loset suitable sarne fur thîs an renarked ýxplained -ce:- ai the cholera- Ian,18, anrd at ýsthat lie there ïo liaitcharge f hptients Ià with tire d is - wvas-tire prin- id PUBLICO. THE DUTY OF OGUR TOWN AUTHOR-1 MTES IN VIEW 0 F »THE AP- PROACHING PEýSTILENtCE.- 7b ýtte Editor of thre Canadian Pus.-, Sîaà,-Would you allovv; me ta occupy yo r cliumne by a.teW remraka as ta the aanitry arrangemetits of ithe tawn, in anti- cyipthon nif tire eaming visit of Atiatia ChoI- era to Cauada? liras "been. my lot to wvitmessi a consîderabte arnount of tire coin- iag psilence, andi perlraps a few remarks fron .0o mîglIt place lte -ommuitity ina.a Being eeaiciiiscourse'il woult ire, foulisi ntr peopleof Lindsay tu imagine htit, will tI ra terse tiore Vet igirways andi leave 1k. ifilanti taias urascathti. W. p4uat recolleet il bas. mings as wvetl as legs, To ite.Edoroft~e-a,~Iin Pil eceaticmaner-noir eseapîng.a iwni SI14-Feeling interestedl in tire préserva-bdfmelieaiyfîcd;ginakg lion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~- ettr rattc t Qlwiwae, exactiy tire samne Course -as ini Former visi- desirerprmission, thriigirtire ceîumns atie tlIsintne l u e f ousin>dia Poat, t a saiOur Maicipal -autherities, if.bri prnn in the saiehnens anyantimirt mesirs haelben tkensecond eëpedanie as àh iad.(oie iri tire firsi.- by lrei te uaii aains s riai frin Bai u tirere ha sone -important faci tirai it ne- macir dreaded ;peisue.4A -ic C/tera'1 els in filtir antid teso msn.Cen A generIa ppréhension existe lirai Canada lilless las noir admittedt te.u the* bestisafe- mill b: visited by ih during tire apPn. oachiug guard, sud . ti la ot tIiéclearlluressa aoftir Summer. Il ireul e -moUl, tirerefone, th"a mar i iieseif bu t lo cf iris neigirbour-that ytire adopiorn oft aihable prieeantioary ieMuait look. afler. -Il is ns, melI ta make measures mo bu in sente dagreo prepaneti aur Pte aratiori in tie, aa It la %varse for ht airulit hîviait Our towa. Should i >beutIan 1ustioesa te up tire pesithon.;. Slirauki( thre caseliaI neo'cnuidérationiraî* yei beun tie epademuc. once app ear aur preparatron s. g liésyortvaauhrities ta Ibis iriport - -mouît bu mach -mare inefficie'ithan nuw, soit sabjeci, I oarnestly nope- tira! lhiy mil otir on accouru of tire ternor .il inspires, anti nô longer delay doirig se. irisa b>',reasan outht istrango belhargic Coli- 1 lako tirelierty of appending a foe *x. diîha u lif.te system whnerutirhéirravest and tractst'ror a very imrpotant letter on Ilirhe s..trongeat cumuilain of-during -its presence in apréati ut the Choiera,» irritien b>' Dr. Ch astire.atmaosphents. Tire disease utsed is nul A. e. Pofssao<Hyiae,&c., IUniner- psîmeyalagions, but -accoinlale I siîy 6r1 'f:! ', at odbfr iea sîi oa eîal'. - uwledge ia transmitîea in. Co ri e'. o f, " t1h. City cf NI.w York-, me ainexplic aemanner tiogir exaitia irirI beliere mifil 1 ",tan4 a oarlie skia. Te edemic it neem y om The~ li.e ie a tliveti pa a ot its airengt lr nady. much valunirle information oùtties 9 in eÏornrrk, ' i.ce howl laeele ir "I av n mmcitelieve tirai diseaae tr ttu eyope. Itisifl ie nII la ever coimnkaiîel ldirectly frein une par-oreÏed bird tram leehnterioe of Asia , ! fla, son Ioa arrttrer aveu aider circanrtances <,ç West, t light- on tire coasl t ireý Meditera- tegieaestosltimay. in other Word, it iga % 8MP m Ie inw gytwhr ,Understaning erth at word. . vr ena Cntnîal ier . 2 1 On liree theîr baut, facts abnndantW pro6ve more ils victina i nsquarice o!ilsbeirng M'ai t/te dile.. is 1prrtable, and. alays foi- ,ttoits1y tire itluncleIan cty la-tire lors.tire great rçumtes of travel and ti omer-vold AgaonWgtairAdai cia ineroure.' 1hollals tat vel-hve.- h@ýOntirélos wing ta Spaha. Englauti. mÏatisatr evidecet he is oveiemnade.more preparplions te resis tire. muic tredrogirthre ersouatiens of tiras. invasion etfan>' eiemy tiran sire i. ow mak.- imfece l ih imad in thia. way ouîy 1 mg bresist this. TireUniteil Statea 'are or- coulaltimitce matry instances, mire.tiree gauiihag li tirir sanaiiary committeesanad oaa 'b. noquestion tirelire cholera habéen cleaànrg tiroir Pesti hales, se liai il i.nenrly convayed t the re.haalthy locaitihes, iry lime fw nalt ot tak Ioourselves andi propaï» melnus of one 'nfeet=ed rsan, iù wli ta méat tire coming tue sibould ire invatie usi. lire disease irm martiJted 1sIby ana*p- I il net do la lin g oneseit mur htire beliet tr nfied iartma. P orin s ô e t aw o are safe. . W e ave never a- an May oubleu trelfron oi lu, Pedemic ut Choiera in Canada-since lie. ta noherwihpu ra sdeeoemn fbulogôet-arrailroadime me cannai yt thi.diseuse autêleave lind, la privi etsandJuig h mir i pd tramportation from thre mater-oloousgerme w-iti ay give îtise bu grat tbs>rougi ares ia>' produce, as fat ais adeadly epidûmïie. It ins " s act, se gene- CrYn ieps 5cocueiuo ia ral>' overlSolor5imoit eoegnizaod, tirias u rsb le ire mi rmistbai "foreaarneia th Bqmucui s he- tiecause Eà oi? and1 od 4 etemonofthsmesi fatal sud ,Lus.'THOMAS, BENSON, M.D. mystétous 17tir Feb., 1866. This fmt uli: explinstisa. apparent an.- omnalies in te progros o e l ilsemme, ut>'- PRESBYTERAN UNION. il alen îakeî i ,.4d course la ils.van-- deri 13, bu al çedo ideanliy in dilerveM To2h Me .Etitor of lte Cuaradwar Poi th re chtoi s an. rl.diE sre * quart iS U O,-Iw a--théo i ue et your jou rnal oftire ira ~ ~ ~ ~ i wmdBdW.16o 1 fl~gltbr FaI., 1I reati an extrsotfruintire Pal ne . eitn r hm Wta rg j ý on IlPresbylriun Union aitireé, Antipode&s." mme trarwuI. , aeet ea 7M irob sur ire t î oberved thraItire varions 1tes- . rieùtumnes 1aIube) ardr hksthava bitean a adies et Nqy rSauthr Waleahave bas âupa&dý e e «iv4te f:Usaw tiand, viii heilceforyard 4am.oer bagua ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,kuh au1& r D*1 b P L ç.vI. entiiely entier. yur observa- colabela 1 ri05b< <ii s aml'E m- borne on, tir. desaiIi ofeta like urr.ol Alirousg obm ataeuauli ire Preabytenari Ctiruheof etCm- "t&b be 4q&d@W f ithf -in da. 1 tuait snob a union la aousirrg, if tes ~eistu <mi a dg»oflteao by certa tina feme, "bdio«eaugs fitlo «tt hm s.v ba beoi.___ itpetla Wbe s how hou etbffl hid bline,a 1w, iteIderatabmw e atransow as. Il murmel el t9 esteti in tir epeaple Îuihatit vast tract of coun- tr tîrrougIt hicir your valuairle paper ila 50 ezten_ýivty ciraulated, you will confer a great favor 11pon. many of your readers by, iiserîing thre fôotwng: .A meeting of thre inrairitarits af tire above foenlity waa -helti in the &hoal tee - an Nednies&ryý the '281th Feb. ixîst., for thre pur- pase of coniside.,riisrg théepraprieiy of forrning c " "sa Y t a .aink a te st W e ll i n t ie i ag i- ourho,. -As your readena re awvare, con- Sitîcrabit .,ceethue ia for sorne lime pre- iris part af Vernlain, on accaurtio thé unr.iistakeable discoveryoaipatroleutim in a weil sunk arn tîe farm of. Mr. Wm., auntt.r.' Alter- calmly examirsifig tIre ex- cei letitît inicaijons of petîuleurr irrougiroul the locality, the meefing unarnimously si-- nifieti its dererminatioa lu taka proper steps LOairds aorga-tiziin g a joint stock Oul Comn- pany, ai d passed the tollowing- resoltions.: 1. ResoivedI,Tirat Mr.-.John. S. McSweyn ire cirairmen of t iris meeting. -2., Re'olved, Tira! Mn. Wm. Graham ire appui.rted Sec-retary cof tis meet;ing. 3. Hesolçed l e st6ýof ttis Coin- paii coniist ut 300 slitures c'f $10 cach. 4. ieolet, ira Msss.IVn.Grahamt, John -Mîtidock.ani( J. S. WcSwveynj, beas counuitl.eèta sieeabout advertising aid, cal- ling rrtnetl. 5. liasolved, 'hat Mr. McSiweyn do .noi leave the chair, ant ta Mr. Joseph Cowan take tic sanie. .6. Resolved. TItat, tire hanka oftIliis meet- ing are due ta Mr. McSwieyn for tire aile mapiner in wiioirireiras discirarged tire, dulty ef cirtirman. Tre meetinýg thon adjourriedti meet on Wednuesday tire 161ih March, 1866. J. S. ?îfcSWEYN, Chairman, WM.. GRAHAbl, Secretary. Sheriffls Corners,. Feb. .28,_ 1866. THE SABBATH BELL. TO. thcediitor qf the C'anadiaui Post: S,-! have just seen one of Our Counceil- l'ors, andiiie informe mne that our Town Coun- cil would'ha williug to grant us the use of- the Town Bell for aur dietu of worship an Sunday. There are two, ihirigl we must consider, Ist. Let tireabe the -saine tirné for our -miortning and evening services. t ain wil-> ling te change này hour >in the, evening ta. suitohrs Supposé tiien that we cauldi get the EnnlishChuroh,tite Peel-stree t Can.Pres. Church, the LMethodist Church, and St. An- dre-S's Church ta enter at Il o'clock, am.«Y and the saie, tihe New'Connexiun Meiho- dists iti ddition, at7 o'clock, we woul have no-difficulty '2nd. in giving imy frierid -Mr.Aernsirol g a respectable «sum' for ringing the bell for 10 or l5rrinin-utes hefore i1 a.m. and -7 pr..Qton Suiday. I wish l u co-ope-_ rate Nvili the iinisters, af dia aboya Chureh-_ es in bringing this malter te, a successfut issue. Iremnain yaurs lruly, J. t. MUIR. Lindsay, Feb. 19, 1866. Tn crowded state of a ur adverliisiàg cotirans this wee.k prevênts the appearance of several articles and a-nurnber of adveèr- tisenents. 4"A stabbing affray," 1ýthe Il Bap- tiaI Soiree" anti atvertisemneut of French SliDre,:ne.xt week.. upeling of >the. Brititth Parlia' On Tueaday, February, 6îbth. Queen opelled Parliamnent in. persan. The.7ymeà saya: Ber Majesty was attired ini half mourning, and walked wî,th slow iteps ta th -e ibrone, followed by the great afficers of State : the Marquis of Lanidowne,. bearing the Crown upan a cushion ; thé- Duke of Argyle, hold- ing the Sword of State; the Marquis of Win- chester, ouppocrting the Cap of Bf aintenance; anti several other nobles perfarmaing îheir ap- poinîed ýfubd.tions... Ber Majesty stopped for aw instant a! the foot of the ste ps te- shake handa with tie Princeas of Wàtes, who, ini comnmne. with lte whole assemablage. had riien- on her. entrance. The Queen. wore a black-some -aaid. a deep purpia-velvet robe, which, whether it were purpleor black,, looke.l intensely -black iai the drm 1iht of the chamrber, trimmied with a white miniver and a white lace -cap, a La Maria Sinî, ita th. orrits-of which unifortunate lady.. ah. bo=. atIis atture a remarkableusimilitud. jÇtoiuO her'neck shie wore a collar of brul- liants,,and ove breast the blue riband of thé (Irder of th.Garter. Other ocrnametits. ah. bail none, and looked in Ibis simple and highly becoming costumae I"everv inch a QQne.," and-fWr niore picturesque sund rn- aItItan if. ahe ha'1 wornthe royal robes hadt bdbecome .0 dia"taseul ta ber., Uer Majesty wras acéooipeni.d b y theilr Royal Bighneseesthe 1Prwaoeuaes Hlen. and Loe. isa, and by M&t Royal 1hig>bess the lrimce Chriutisa i De.ark, who stood ut the ight -of the Throne;l b.two Prmo.aeee attred&a alEmouo a, lkethiririllu- smo~~'fthe M theThrone were, ýhîa of WeWli,ètoxMintrei of " *9fluchm of kibow, ad t6erl.twiuu 1 Vis bile s ofW"lae cu- pied the chairto the rigbt of th& TWoà%~ mm a rcemly viailm à id lb. 1 ia f bwaty saWa4&MÏt Commercial. LINDSAY MARKETS. .Thuriday, Marcvh 2nd,186 TaitWhea,..........$1 1<.>to $1.35 Sprnt Whet,............ 10,11i105 Oats, per bush............. 0 20 0 27 Pease, per bush......O40 0,50~ Potatoes, pei; bush ..........O0&' *0 25 Barlcy, per bush......... O 50 0,O50 Timothy., perton.... 6 00 T 50 Clover, per toni............. 550" 00 Flu, per brI .............6 0" O Presb Butter, per lbî........O 12 " 0 141 Eggs, per doz.............O0 0 151 leef, per 100lbs. .......... 5 0"6 001 Veal. pet Ib. per qtr... 1..... 0 Q5, O 0O 1, Ilam per lb......... ......O OC)" 0 03 TaIlow, pcr lb............O0 08 .0 14! Cordwood, per cord........I OC00"1I50, Creese, cach... ...o03!î ô0501 Tiirkeys, eaeh . ..........*.0 40"le O7)' logs, per 100 Ibe ..........'T7LcO "'i 150 Ch.kenLs per pairý....-..... .O.020 0 O2.5 Ducks, per pair ............w-0-40)"0O45 grkirvi mUttutento. Prince Ai.bert P& Priry, C. W., S.H. COCIIRàuÂs, L.L.B.: W. M. Cocuatxz. County (Jrumn tey. 3 If Insolvent Act of 1864. à fE &PANO! DRY GoOS t LowER PICSlirmit lu b hd elsnvhu Particriaa leamim cafledta cMr Sh&WIea adlr.ssGéode, RiAY -MADE -CLOTHING, A 1.e lt ofNEWTEA just recived, tu Àbie. . %nlccl! ihe attention of Farnr West $hop Adan.s' l fliIng, KeintStreet. Great Prospcts ON THE IIIJNTER ARM, VrERýU- LAM 1E A JOINT BTOCK OIL COMPA NY h nov about being orgarized for thre purMofo sinking a Test Weli uin t»re eighrbrrroo f tio f4r notad Hunler Fim. STOCK TO CO(NSJST 0OF M0 SHARES 0F.$10.EÂCH».' Tire followiug ubjecis wrll be considered at a public. meeting taI e ireld at thre Sciool. Houa. ai Slerff-*i Corners, ou lVednesdav the. 141h Marcir, 1866, at tire hur of 7 p.m. lot, To Subscribe Stock. 2nd, To Irppoiatfa Corumitle to insperit the localiiy and select a site for operatigns. 3rd], To appoint Directon whose ditt il. shah ire ta tran2act lire business -of 4tI om. 4th, To deliberate.u.pon sundry-airer miat- tera. couected wutirte foirihering thée interests ut said Compîany. ,As tire save settlement la notedtriirghioii tire coun tri' for ils Oily intiietions, it is confi- dently'expected tisaI that Stock will ba seedi- ly subscrited for, anti that, the 'ftoribcoming meeting mii! ire numerottsly fttteuded. SUCCE.S 71M CANADA! Sireriff's corners, 28îir cb, 1866. ="~2 P HA Rt'AOHSSERPENTS The latest Chemical Novolty. Foi sale, by î33S-41ak- KZ?01,ISON &k.GREGORY-. JOHN ceNULLEN, \VILD AND IMPROYF.D LAND, Lc. &c. fur Sale lin tire Counties or Ontoatho Rad Simcoe. N. B.Seial attention paidte Collectàoi, ant prmt remittinces made. RzrzazCEs.-Bn. P). L. M1cPirersn, ..Ç f.y- T-L .Q. ...---. ù - IM.P;FP., J. W. Dunsford. Esq., M. P.P., Ang<us Morrison, Esq., M.P.P., T. D. McCoukcy. Esq, M.P.P., W.. H. lliggin, Eq Editor W1hilby -'nronicl1: C. Wood, Esq.. Clerk and Treas- urer ('JountvVictoria ; Wrn. M. Nicholson, Esq,,. Edutor Bazrrie Exaininer - sud tire Editor et the Canadiar Pont, Lindsar. Oriliha, February, 20th, 1866. 338. FamlyGroceries, &c., AT la tire malter of- WILLIAM CI4M CAflWELrLS SAUER?, BERS, offl1&e Toonstp>of EýM Iy, j -N T S TREE r.,LtN»S'Y. CiONFEFCTIONXERY,*Sireelmeats, Fruits,ý The Creditors of tire linsolvent aie no tified i, Teas, Coffées, Chaike Tobacc on, and Fancy tirat liebas matde an Assignaient aofIbis Estata îPipes. and Effects,, under tire aboaie Aét, t nie, tire1. Cigars of thelest Brind. ndersigneti Assigne; and.'they are requird ta CàRa t Oadwenl's! furnish mre, mithia two minths tram tris date, murh their Cahms, specifving thse securîiy theyi Lin"sY,2Otir October, 1664. hod, if amy, and tIre value o! il; sud if naine, tatiirg tire tirt; the whole altcsted under gj j~ otir, Wiîh tire voches un support ut aucin XKONEY JIAL S. C.- WOOD,. AT8ERCE . Officii.ssignee., R. particulars api-ly ta Linds ay, 2 7îirFois., 1866. 33-2rn .2 AOJRE&DOMR Lindaay 'Jau 21, 1864 234-tf OAKLEY, M. D.-Office snd Residenee IDA 1F Manil, 2 doors inantIrof F'ntaai'a Iki el. ~ 336 ais of WM TAYLOR, ESQU OF OAKWOOD, for Collection; and ini order te save farrîher, trouirle,,it iilire necessar tirat tbey calat' an erry date and psy thee mauey or balancej tiroir indebteduess by note. Tire subscriber would ali iriate tirai onî THE IstDAY. 0f MARCHNEXT, ir e wiih retire in fan-or of Dr. A. W. G. D'GRASSIE, Whivii i continue ta practice as formerly, andtb o Ir e begato introduce iris former patientsansd tire publie generafly. Parties wisiing to comnie iu tire undersigned may attres, Dr. D'Grassie, 292 King St. Eat, Toronto. D'GRASSIE. Oakwôod, 27th Feir., O.' 3394ià VTiIE Pirblirers miii gi-e oneiof tire Elegantly .1Baund Volumes ofut "Goone Woînse»or the "NDÂy MAGAZIN," or an aiditional copy, tu any one mira miii furnith, a',%ooeller wiur ti-z new Stibscribers'Damnes for atier cf the underaated Magazines. *.SPECIMWEN COPIES FREE. 66W dWord$,retai/ rucin ca litie."-- IlEEIRT. 11cents -a montir; $1.50 a year. Be muil- faily 1llualstéd- EDITu ' BY NO"MÂN MÂOLEOD, D.Dý. ouor Haun rmg acun.usa. 15 cents a niontir,$1.76 a Yesr. Promnaely Illuatrated., ruo szuday wagammie, EDITED: BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, DD. Author et The GeQel îrL '.. »k1, "Spe.kmngte ot le., o là cents-a& neth; S$Li.7a m"à. Bînstrateti. À vagasine for thee Freside àa tej rny PýuWb* ,A 541 w Sn 0e I,, at St. peler Street, moîtreal. Fer Bae &t &a ÊooBansd News, iens through- MtI Eb"' *ceAuoica Relief in Ten Xiu. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WÀFERS. Thre original medicine Estairlisiet in 1737 and firit article f thre kind ever introduced under ïtire tramenet"fIlPtmonic Wates,' in tln is .or ny other count r; ail ether Puirnani Wafer* are counierfeits. Tise gnumne can ire known by he mime BRYAN beigstmpe on tireWsfer. 13IYA.N'S PU'LMO-XIC WAFERS Ri-lieve Côn-bs,CoidaSre Thioats, Hoarienes BRY.AN'ýS IULMONI1C WAFERS Rehieve Spitting of Blood, Pains, in thre Ciroat. S BRYA NS PULIMON'eC WAFERS Rahiei-e Irritation, o!tIre Uyula ind ton if BRYAS'S PULMONIO WAFERS Relieve tise above Coxaplaints in Ton Minutes. riRYAXN'SPULMONI(O WAFERS. IAre a blessing to a,11 Classes andi Constitution$., BRYAN'S P'ULMONIC WXFERS Are adapted'forVocaliâsanti Publie 'Speakers. BRIYANqSPULMON11U WAFERM ,Are in a. simple toariud pleasant, ta sir taste. BRYÂN'S PULMO-NIC WAFERS Net ouly reliève but -effeet lastingecurés. BRYAN'S PULMONIO WÀFERS Arn warrantetlugilve satisfactiomEfo avery ont .BRY.AYS PULMONIC WAFERS. No Family siroîtiti e wiiirout a Box o!f la tireirouse, No-Traveller uirould lie wiihout Aý supply Of BRYÂN'SPIJLNONIO WÂfE'RS l in b i pe ket. . 1 No persas vil! evor obJect te gvef 1IRYÂN'8PULMONIC WAflRS Twenty-fiie cents. JOB bIOSS oe Preprictor, Jlocàettr. For sale by Northrop and Lymnan, Newcastle, C. W., Gainerai Agents for the Canaas. Sold' ta Linrdsay by C. Brille;, Knowlson &I0GregorY ni aitirhe Medical Hall; *B. A.,,eovesi Oak- wooti; Adanm Gardon,. milla; 4. lWyatt1 Canninglon; Gilcbriai à Camnmi Wood lhf T, MalcereilOmeiten, and 6,il1ailer inodicris dealers. - -39 ESTÂBLISHED IN 1839. DIEPARTMENlTA L, PARLIAMENARYP Ow ad aerai BglaiAgeS. TATIFS HAV NO BU elNqXBBTO .5 rtnuel vM imre tis.&sgdtrouble by Oww4 a t-i no, Tri onz1gi r .k laty uialma.Jc loy h &. 24 S IIiea G. F. West oi for, oeo*. 1

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