14 Subsoeibrý sets luthise y theulkedAndrew for und'r impo zîsris u hen a t iud, opnmnaly f birn Who Wasu 10 b. ber Pro- I¶largreaadTryto we oremata, -anti a*- montias îowards Duitdarra. hiAN4IrecF*RNY. .for adtnission 'tô 1h.bar, je taký', ýeWesutern 14wjournal, end flu ý)i smoke,. pT*'M you a spa re cigar 111 ir1' <oxtendiig aa- hërt six.) sire what 1 heit sy a taect fe. What is the second ?" L ~S4 o i. outi î :Iowards t chIlange ?le lak a.bilt of costS.» lien occupy the. antagonistie posit- umo te .Plaintif and le becones Jlecided, i, bw tdo yputand wilh hsire, you pronie beçomt, eunt bo yo ,r1sau, ad ' JEW1IL adde. Tory'lari i-to tb* 4od0à md hr si 1 OFFIC0 Mau, toubm- OtIi, ~~s~qeately hol.si sd Umiailai IbfGknof oreto, ,f Young Stoeut February SHER IFF'S Çounity of Victori4 T4 wit,: tue Town of Linds Sday of MARCII, Noon, undr aad' Venditioni Ezponi 1Peter mccabe au )F LANDS. .Lbe soid'at îhe 'êiëut 'louse, irf ,SDA Y, thae Sixth , st the hour of severaU ïwrit9 cf ight, titie and la- efendantin an ieat , 1riz: a'.% wîeo ,you successa.- tNew arc .You sAware of 1snt~ 'bated tei , lit h ed UtyYox l 0W e e. »ikwi.. bsard w)h '.* teýén.l*MargM e Kusey,?Mary Kenoey, E14abth, 4' ii. rd err <Describe i 'Z! enney, Peter lenney,- andi Martin k, hsee ej 1tý o nvite. ut djk"Kenney, the yeaer, 1>y Marti eji- eath, 4t 1' I noeder »Vney,-tiie eider, thiacting guaiian, dt i t pse IIO8 d- cli.. Dfedt* e.ut îS Btaritie [candidate etralchihiw bs eti]àd. There The Rastbàlf of Lot ansbmler >Tai n. athe third ïi Ii ho JUte. 0) - fno inatitioe' tor't4Iisîkulid onrecord'lu coïicession of the Township ofO0ps. 't tUe %vile for oLes in tho book-s. 1 cannot answetr the queQtion." ied80 oal ati u~î. ,hil>you uiakethe setné~....P.n(f Élut 'Y*ý ý b>ve rexit rncis 't.eay,...... ........ .Defendat. ye abmiit i1m had i Letls take a«dritik, ýandi Iwill ign. W" Tite Switi, liif of Lût naumbrer een inu ha kn(iows tkat he lias ccrifcate. - . runtitconcession o~f tb T owhkij) p f Bîîily. ýate ini Ille ouitv- ~ -N1~MDUATt met O U ci.,tlll IOUÂ10RCE GIUSELETY TAKEN: OtA lciiT' ffc, 1dsy àcrf tm4,Il giat rnh itat V'AGANT.-A Nee Vork corresponiIcnt i itFbray 8Ç33 andi sUt O Ytbave't tels the foelrwing commîunicatlion to tLît ______- aperne iiPUI t fAl an amibing, storylhure -of Il race f1 'l~ tion fromwhics i'L e& -'of Ora.,udil silft 't ,N p t er thlinks, to -,lih h h kjia~i* Wscoen ir as .1 $10 onle; it ait- -]y than tsafrom- clidl isse, CALL AND> GET OSE. afoitý ad.niagr here blelorts lbi1scf in cvery day and -W . IIKL. cculd net say tmclia JrIr ien- 1 33-f ally -serve yeuto ro ol r lbua thîces ibat are ~~- 1an but a sMr4lig0r ail en a t Te1 ICI,(ît-b lg~h'rN'Tet'Ûic b. ai>i. t)odo mueh, iawe l ilu g B >tir iaêce Oa &Vait'You The whitecated llosoheriidîng Iliii1.itt. tl,1{d bo freoly g*ven.» efnschc1incn v~u ogi? nesnRbr MPnlNeil >~~ kiud~~ ut, o t ibut n'zealc>i l >o.betry-Il 'ik liil î MIoaDîuiA t*i V a yg che oln N)oa(,Mrs.Cath. ~~-tî.~~,î anê tout 'et ~~~la-ig, front Ilis c6s lfTtla ccasaVg 4rsrat.Meeou lajia lf sça inv, ci hd- ltîn by <qranhiDor ad M enal, M isâ s m ià revsmilmgn-i oi# 'h =urçhe1bipiýto the boam, lrvi ,A atIhtcw- Aî~i,.rcti' énill levs juti a thé1 iurt'ay, WlîuIÎVÏiliiat, A1Ct t, ~ltohatu wrngcles;whio belinved hlm oti of Ilîcir crew. MDolDnl ele ~~d[as vent [lio-wýM1g-.dO ' M rely proesteti a Id, Doninilat3îo a ld 2 u -1R~,1 or proccedilii, thse 1Jât qwj, wr i e »r .t e ilM nlfJôfd ei*e olf litnlreCasie ati '1i ~'t)lsmt ý0t bede jile: lit ' Pýronkt ûlu ~r lb. aove wili pleaie ask îim ber ir. oprtisday x luirtd'eu& Il&'oiee o dcta DONALDt-ers.N ~,,vitî'vheuenc..thià'fr the cJ- c6tce ws rauy', an ti tCMlN a d1 Noe ' ni et'le ua 'asylu?' The boat, fou33 - P.M wafflti tttlieneveîe to efac trq, bS..Irax-teýUcCIont - IfD t.iir' e'r, W11-edeV",oene n nthse vcs-N T e tlhat 1I tlunk yn'"' i r-- O IU E. woîii C ~ bi ita, WrYeseiLis .nut r1 1È inde.rsigicd lbas apitt aoîs bis Victign las Ëel,- siii(ýatlrlaedmln f6e'il i- Esq., ofthie Tow~n of Lizsdsv hî&-A genti ýsejze hiw,-alnd %ork agreible, iredica.nt., greàtiy te thse:fer totanitOsofbsiaess îl $OUI. But oit îLe dc!,Ibd ot file perpicëéc'd edllc'r, iinlté the - IM. DONNELL. rongtekeep the p r c Wo,l'à cf îLe o e't Ln~y e.1 SG 364 hoi nigliîtiarry and, jîolic îissuin ;îii iltlo l.au. If 1 7ow Rdide il wo-uW-'---Insolvent Act of 1#64. can g h th#s iia d -,. - Tn ?# O inatter 1f il - . M cOILLTS i f tbe tall "otiserb', ah 4 4oie eîee calspoQp,- :nuri ow luevery one, Toe eut after a pin onthlsëftiorn of' the..- - ~ Ino-et future prceeditiga., oean-(to m'y W1d an àbsîùitd'e itpesibie Crditcre utb tis uilverit are notirat siionthbs n tlieimh- un. la e isuada AsgInntlus Estate 'i~uiIs.ay b nUis te A'va Ieai"~ vlo tli ~a'i L nti Etitdr tbeahuwg Aet, le me, l-te with "~~ ~ -- -- - ~' tîîîdersieied A ârçýe, andi*~~#'e~e*t nequteec th -ýaciou.-,pretë,iusior-s.) -witîî t.'ir eansspctgIlle Security they, ier litoier, andti tby A i~renting i lIy-ý(dispropoîîion.) [htiifnyamth î citadi nn, tbe rula eJtt gatU0 A wb-î tgr(nunsuccessful plan 1t-o, 1 tc at;th i thcsted und", was no\viw 10rnsîîg. tQnipeople.) - .ý,111ý..ý 'ef l1gb: penietm-attd b",etl ' wüpldü ôd$èrj- 'rUr lf. 1-.au * .q~ il-kcemu éeuoUgli te oreblickun reat-dundicales*amoney- esing - -S. 'C. WOOD, Itsi hi thti dingy torrhb-jî . ----Oiee Assignees. a suminer dy was A tond ii, a wiell caîiio*t behôlhi the whoie Linduvir, 11 t Jan,18f,6. 362m a. lcavt fs ..- ho liock .t4 ,evls in 1 î tho.L lm a oti cut'.k-eoîtîin, d¶.)OFFICP os'r Ta Sacnuss'Âar olp 'rue t ua ara fe ; -, ttttl!n i- t rpr# *VU MSta tL fla*Wt"t-fin Iitvaý frticwhre thoy emi byn<q Noba4ilty bo foUn&Lý-- * in a rmetoi *patois do -nt-t atoop down- .to tIIiloOo ouîr Erhocs ;- tînrufa pluni tres do not Iitiyour baiid bta ajus yotur cap-(avoidt bo [IIrt feis a' issaii\ l "a fîI tomnachtIa youl arc-lug -.'iej.tafio; -plenliftil l'qapt d <ocsA 11(t re4y sInpalhîizewith th.e itclipga et a hUngi~ rinu Anli state QLtho- sagac.ity. of naitsi a s ve thjilIe P_ rqa '4j.4dlitAt t ~iteuarSt.Amuantt, waa acolt,three.years CMd, of a 'very js ttmlwpr' W + élca4arly 'I;tle with àahutle boy who hati beep ini the hIsbit'Ot bnnging' ,hîniktâ of'qieaà. :Clu. tiay a servalitt oftlhc f arn - hourd a cry fron iho yaî'ý aiîd, iooking ont. et the window, perceived ltaithe -chlld.,had,,falien incoaa 1h. w#*uè, 5't- nAI~g ha~ bcufaitiupt b '"moe, *hi ia ai eîîht up teah. itibh*wdresiu $and wIshdraw~ 4-froin tlw ',Wte. '- ttl-'*ner auow .Ilires theai liewil no.ver, Part ; with the animgal.- 'rn- c~'it ~ofÙt Stob~ômpany. C.wIPI FA \ GENERAIIIETUNC. etthse Stockîsolti- f ersjtfAls abê"e -Company viii be heid on At<ie 'heur of Oeooeip. xm., in lhé C4maRIAY SCJIOOL MUlSE, ,For t he.purlesee(if cnsidring the ProMre!y of' rEsing tbI! VaýitI ESteékot ii-Oal Company, ,& majority çf îhe SWckisoders are to bc proS- RENUX' FOrn ieR - - Becretaty- ca-mbray, .3 lotJa UsalMs*. 336-Zla mada te tise Pro' la z s' I I a ,h~ j Oouitry lerchants and AVINO others, occasion te timOn up,» viii finti a il ofU 'es.4 Llq eeleet~ mdvant 4TWA'~I ~-. k NIT$tkCK. - e, r, ..~- - *, ,'t. Brazil nits, ÂnchIovy paste, Engh Picbu Sauces, &c., for sale by e, DOBS04N à XIDLOCK. O lD Brandies of best brR'ndsj, vu : Mrtels, Jules Robin k(Co., Unaited Vinayatrd' Pre. prito'sTeMtîtu'sSherrIes, Grmbales Port, (fbr xùden~proc)JîYupre's flind Gln, Jansaica -Ruit, Irish a'td Scetti uWhiulcie iboQndoni and Dublins Porter,. ;aglish Ales, 4-é-2 for sale hy,- DOB~ON4l~IULOCK.I -'~ SkIERIFF'S SL FLN Counv oVlcoria ~.~7ILL. be sold at the To.wit ~ 1V Court, Irotie, in te Tô*È of. 1,intl.z, on -TT.'SDAY, th_ý Thir- ttënth day of FEBRL'ARY, A. D. IG'a li'iir of' Noon, ail the nrht.. titie and. itterest f te uniderîenti one& defendtrnts in àand .,to the following [andît ani tenernents, viz: lthe Cour! of Co,,smon pleas. Peter MeCabe and- Hannah MXcCabée Plaiýnt iff$ Margaret Keflney, Mary Kenney, Elizabet h IKcnney, i>eter Kcney, 'and 'Martin Kenney,.:tie younger, by, Martin: Ken- ney,.theeider, their aïctiig guardiàn, Défnat The.East baif of lot number Ten i 'a the thi rd concession of the Township nE Opa.. in tise COurt1 of Queen'e Rench. Francis O'Leary.........çeêît The South hi ftheitne $ee i b ninth co'ncession otthe Towniolip ofEmiily. 6th Nov.,18(65.322 In.solvont. Act'-ofU1864. PMovince of Canta, InT the County Court- Gounty of 1Victûriùý oftbe Couaty et Vie- TO Wîv Ttla ,In the'inatter of Alexander McLean, .4n Insolvent. 0 T OiE. le hereby given, «that en> -the LNTvetieth day of April next, at Ten o'clock in the forenooni (or as soonh thereafter as coun- sel eau bu1éheard) the- undéiigised viii.apply tqe tiet 'udg 6f tt esi*d court for td -a~ under the said.Act. The undersigned offic4ti asaiguee gives-notice also. h- h il.th an tjmý (o± as soon thiereàftei, as éoýnse1 en be iea îd) -appiy to the said Judge for bis discharge from the office of officiai assigiee, and that hie final account is open for. inspection ati bis office -in the Townsof, Dated at Lindsey, the 22nd day of Janary, 4. D; 186. At-EX &NDER McLEAN, h. 'PROSI>R AR31STÈOMG UeRIDi Bis A ttor.ney.* 834-8Si 8.. WOOD, Officiai Assigaee. The subscriber basjuat received the largest and Most ý,àrîed assortinent of stoyes éver brougbt1 into-Lindsay, the witle of, which he îla dete~p ed t oeili At stoisiintyLow .Prieas! iandpartie iptendlng i "aflvil it té their advarlg 0ijefitgi'~14s~e Cookiiig Stovesfozu..410o#8 BoxcStovsfrorn...... Io.1 Parlour'Stoyes from... 4 o ., AiU cther articles, loît eumerated, iprices which wÎll atoùish the buyer. The highet prie. paid lu, Jasb for Ail diioriptianm of Shanty Kettli OUttnty mu band. Liu4syNov 1DAVID32 Ladiord! Warat rîvnono»qP*i*hOiutraS DOUSN kNIBLOOXi. lji A Complete Stock, of Crockery HerringsCo4 a BaSI. ura ng,9,. iýr , DEýU~RCiTt ~A~fe'~3rs. o n¶or slt4 '. a ndofcea - N ttt ti~ i E~ > ~ r.i,. Go AJI R AT. -J.AMIES, L EN-1-HA N ' L o ii4 ib b.. c4 'eIl[4- *ti4 5, s1.1i ONoey Mny!Nney! e e bi.eft s Cor- arin. i Ui à likaathta a ionng t-ourtieeA 'ht~ r ~ terîvate Individuals, boans 1.~c~il~e ngotîated la PI~T'T~q~t¶FI FTEENý-Rxv*s aiter the apçiibèedare. ma*te, p)ro'eidcd tie Tities fflOyU complicated. fr~f ?tpre-paid, to' (P." M. ROC Il m. The south bait of Lot Noe1, fl the ]5jth concession of Mripoa cnaiii.19&Creq, of which about 70 acres are cleured and üUp- der cultivation;- il is well f-enced, basaf g~ lâg and aiso a Érame Diveiling bouse1 n Lwpýýb f 4*ri gwarer ois 0the . '1m1~bg 111fur tie gre.t'ter pert e j'ý purehase mont:vy. Tit.ie indis-)utabe. For j.artieohtrs and tle freat, appl.y *n the p)rc-et~s tu tht: l>roprietcre! ~..GGORGE LAKE, Sor 1ô-Nfesas.3LMA & K A Y Linisnay FOR SALE OÙ Libiral Ternis. * .De ZJUU«tl U lr o U'Lot22in II11the igbti cu5. cestn Of ule ill thje ICOUINTY 0F O.YTARIO, 0 I1. 1avdred Acresý.! embracing a large variely of ldi Drese Goods- .K~na h KLO A . Wew I4L, New RIlIBON, New 'COBOURC-91 0 ey po.r tîgr' îin New MAANVTI. ES, Nt w FLO WLwRS, New iltINCIES. IA1! tRE New BONNE TS, New,' FEATUERS, - Newt LELA1NESYU~r~F 1) o&io.& 'eC.New SKIR'TINf(i.S'fntv¶ - Ncw iô~.ïjies, - ' OSER 1Y, N VcoIw.October 20111, *?i ' 'aajî à ceàlarul Puit ll clhs, Bro4déIoth:sj Bearers, and Doeskins, Bl(ijkets, Io;.MAtt.STA . ..~Iî,ad,à~eeI*.,SrIng, ý.-, Reudy?'made Clohing Rate, Caps, 77e 1rs,- t'las,. MuijIer,#-.,and fniatcBbaygeon. r j~~fui.ber notie:lie will rn-ua :d.Sîg Ail et the. m oBt reasonable priées ...-Foi- Cash OnIyv.tveute'b nItitJîleslcîgPi> .......... ett H u-,Lînýav ,a t o'cloek.a.ni., i - , ~ ~ illat I ,ii.r.gveoà)at 1 2 e<;ctltk. &ti';. 10- T ae attention ofý'4b buyrs Ls spediafly invited. a»s .E~:ntloîe', BobaÊgtn a, 121 .1' ù %tg ll.nday at ô 7 X. East Kent Street, Linu.d Y jp h:r~ f h we n~ ~.S.~.Al rdrsfo teLhdsy rwery left. at the store villroi.I i cd aad 1ttn td fn. - insay, 3th October,,1865. -roiepop teto.ElA V I.L, EXTEN8ION O0F TUE -RMLWÂY, -AND- 51MRENEW COODS! '-'-4 ON: WILLIAM.SRET Trhe Subscr'ber baviune w opened a Gcnerai1 Qroceéry, .Croc kery J PrOtisio*ts i - Knowlson*S N(wBric-k HiocA, in thre Toiwn of Linidsay,, is prelî'.are 1 b offer e verv articteiu the tra tthe TLowest Cashlb ev, 1 01<mottellîî Proits ah(. Quick RcturnsY A sharc cf public i airounago 'Issp ýtîl e1ee. ,~:l.--us~-i'44 tô yîêéy sic'tO"-f Fammriug Produce. Lindsay, Jani. 611>, 6.- L H U SEL LING o*UrI i In. order -to close- p isbuîsiness iLind*say by the Frst of A prl, -Top, Ui!tAPPEST- Land & 4Jeu,-raI gly Seat- of oirîw f! fAN D AND (WE'tAT, ACFi"\T. . IjPatcr,5 ttken Ont. * Tille, -&itrl~cs ~au*.LettprsPu.eîlr n 'ît n setireql. - M îutcipna lFunds and Accer.îs -R . L E -sq. 1k-v er G -arToroat.o.ý fore, Touta.- Ftiad t. , lr-'îlit ita tanelt .~tcv t di%,l(it t he exri" e -a r oo Uti., k e c- tirf t whi,1. 'vtt'- iian z at a ttht'nnoe.an-f'i le,-h 3321' ' -- - r, ' n t orner ,1 ecIf nd s1 ark3 v 1liin, 1 1 ofroi i'- -h a e i;:.- 1, - e !c". '- t ýr L. îu w-t v r1 iiii : ni io>'- c darge fer arny i-u,-ineèss fit1 111.1v'e îîx-,iîiu'i rth)il. s } &iheA p-in'ît bC i.f:('itetu $.aýrDce.îý Wtt. G: DENISt~'N~ Oîtawa.-13325 3L~IEc, C U~9C~~2" LINDSAY AND MANILLA, STAGE UNE, WLLI. 20W'NOTICEI A 'S T tA C 11-' ol ti -"' i E A STÀ i- G RE ATER .BA AN JIAN EVE Fentops' îoti1. WirÀilia, a fier te rri.'ai fil U -Siewfroi >i ,va, Wlî t1x;1iI-it !n The Goods niuat and shall, a se-Id at whîtever lhey brin-g Dopu' mis titis chace rÏ-igatLIa'idSo- ki ie,î.îi of buying ' Fart's rî'sonible. T!î i rieorwillil ot ' rcŽgponsihle fnr I.arceis c-r buggagc unleis book- cI:".LI 3.%I~ r . ~ ~ et!d and jiWd for. Li.- A pr . ii 1, 1864. - 43-tf GOOD BLANKETS, for $3. CLOUDS, fine wool, eniy 2 - Tu CM ER6d.UNO SHAWLS, al Woot. fromn,;2 up. PRETTY DELAINES, for 10d. - -I N EGXAY COBOURGS, for. la. par yard. TWEÉEDS, ail woei, for 3s. . 1 Çs'îc: hndon, 19 Cartîilt, E. ci- FM1i~E.LS , .rtwialy. ôr La.4 4' HEAVY COATINGS>dolewfi- nred,2&3 S.PiSt Pii'RÉ fait Coors, frein 9. up. - ou iy 6s. 3à. JCîttî---------l.ll>uO A'IIrgo lOtf' CAPES.'and'EÂ>RâS, to be shOvýed offat aty pr1ca IDEOSTFlND-NCNAA - Ail Immen8e Pile of otirer Goods lo'be 80&1d at uinoyqîiçe&. - .Iraeg4sfeP aad, ~ & c COME IN TIME BEFORE THE STOCK. 15 CULLED 0V -. '"P s"..gei' tvn~ en.'ei"~ N. B.-Ail tss. indebted by acteuor bcok aceàunt. wil please eall andi seule immeiý- Agist f thA tbOve tirs elfiss EngiishCoy.i ately. for the Ctonry otVic'toriia. l prer-ed to eft'ccî Lindsay, Jaauuar 201h,18u..-,- 3 de'scription offire -i'd lifle lueuraiie ai. - -pectusos, &c.. nia v be-ad on fappicatiAn tn t - 315-v Agent, Linffimv. LidsNf Prait re, Warehi<. e- T~ sax-i4e~erso tis. etVictoria (lounty the-lairgeat stmtosoD g WANTS0FAS IN MAIR GLOTH, - CANÈ BOTTOU CHAIRS.,' -1-1 4~'~U! ~~IY-2~ib' £ -W44~SEAT <t SIDE-BOARDS kDiplug Tables, ROCKING t-- - *O~E WH~N"SI WASII STANDS, 7 Id ài]'. ..k6"; OtÀ* BiD STADS PABLO6R, DINING à KITOEN CHTAIRS, DRESSING TABLES, &c. &C. --- ~.Pictire.xFI-aMed 0z>'A cati-i iotantendsngpurchasers solieîted.. IRSUmbm-ADJOIMNG TUIE ENGLuIH CIURCIJI KENT StRRETý. -~~~~:q -w- ý -- w R~ . L. & B. Railway.- 'fiaudaftr Thursday, Decein htr 2W~, I1,9% ~ un'ti fuxther notie, Train wi r n.a Leave Lindsay ai .9.55 a.m. and- arrîve ai PoftltPpe àt 1.20 paln Rgturnýirv will ieu»o Pr oe33 n arrive i r,&-.a . JOHN FOWLER, B.. R. KIMJ&4LL, Mngr Supreintendeni. - Just receird AttW "Mee 4HIA'800ga:, io~wOpsScmi Oi*r.7 gallon cr barrot, u ~I *i4THRIr tromUts lw LIEU) tai-1 ( à' ttat' her i A, ehould- d Corner Store, LINDSA Y. id ba.do rai rhiere- thoy ihelter; 1 ani beau cave, t-se of i 4 )»W 1 1ÉMUUM 1 1 I.-l'