Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Feb 1866, p. 1

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Ut,!i-TtIm mata '.~T. ~'i~45 ~ ti lTff'.~ ~ :1 - 71" - 'LO1MJID F "'f t~ T5h~ 6od~ s~.vtftbiA 't.- - lji ,'-- ONLAji,?ML OINI ~tBR~X4LR~ 23, 1S66~ t' , t fl~nms : U0, bi~ Aqnuic~ 4f4 c. le Chl ent sti -, c. w; fl'Uc& bosv.<> ~B;tal:b~ gnttdiouaty do eaday axil ~aUwday fr-en - s 329 - i' ~ ~'4ta iîfor-m lhe inLûbi-: s~ ~ ant 11M 2kvo0 ria n r F a.-Qp « b *,ed t 1 WRI" ~Sttote ktelolpied by AT- .wst litt.h@41iI4 and furn!sb4- î4u- ed ina irst tZevtsitonwl 'ind every conv6ni'. - ais. V'mgjquçr am Ca~nwf -ti est Ard ttè trstler a alajinattends mcc. 'r M JTEË>. PoR~R4oplE. -ery, p1eteiy enovatcd, affords tise lest of se- itd- comunedation for traefélransd '111epublie- geuruuj -' p e'ý.I. menUpt ne bEIL efforts will b. s pst-ad tbia.tWI thwi cau e c 4f comfcrt cf guests. - 501, The beat t fLiuors nid ,ýCig nwRevere Bouse, tf BEAVERTON. nipl altenhiïcio, andi a -good- Surgeon Den- - 1hs block, oppa- ood s s to r-,1cnt i En1gineor tutiProvincial ,or, Rtussel Sîrcet. Enine r -ntdi ov'ncial or.. Ofttîce in Mvé e-np' ,et, lindsayýN. 0,V'. 18-t -ttr-ny-t-LwSolPcitor in dInsùlvencc'. -Offce-64- lorontin, ild A-tam's Bioek, y. -moncy -ta ITOan11, a- 1 and principal withrn ten as tisa bor-rver proposes. iNISiTOUN, Barr-laera andi a-v-, Selicitis ini Clixuucry, -Offies-Keenaii'-s lkce, 011-RTD)NNIST)UNý. As. F. »ENNISTIt-UN. PO 1T ANI)REW,- tr t-;Arcctheu.r, &C. LITTLiBr ITIN ii-. La t o 1 vsurgeon inu tue' Offce-Biobcaygcatt, C .W. A L L, E .-Corner. lt-E DIN( R110M, No. 8, ýK Kent StreCt The xbscriberb1Jgs 1b ii nnoip.nce that he bas leasedth ie above -olel, Whiéhbas been furnîsit- ed ansd fitted txp îhr-oughout i the best of style. None' but the choicest Liquér#s and Cgare wiII he kept ln t he bar, and bis table wilI hie fürnish- ecd wvith a81te delicacies of-tbeo .seR.a, n , !ilWCàrcfui anikd bll-ing Oit1eri-aways in attenda-tce. Wm- PARRiN, Propristr Beavertoiu, Jan. CtiIge8.. 280 Nel1un *tr'ieeti, TrOsito, ,Abve iugStreet. rI" lE nseribýrbcýgs taintima tetb isfind -inc anthe public, tishaviglasdthe ah- ovc centripenss for a ter-rn of years, he hacs p rfittea led rur ruishedt uhnl n ewli ho gad'to havea eau fr-om lte travelling coin- lý-1 Excellent acïdPexten*sive Stabling. - JAMES CEOCRER, H É N RY -UGHffI"ý ICE NSED -AlTO- H ouse and Commission Agent. RSEC: Kent Street, Lndsay, l'0rqOrdemslcft at tise Office of lte Canadiari 1Pc-twilI rceire pror t attention. iLindsa-y, July ltV184 55-If CAMBR5AY, *C.W. 1 511E Sicbscr'b,r bcg,- tg înfir'M bis friend, IIId the pliblic of Victoria ('outy, tisa lie ias, o1wiiwd th(' hotél ln Cambray In tely acécu-- pied hy Mr. cl; andi as lie fias itad it fur- 1n izicer! in first style, Visîtoirs Éidl fini eviery con-. ivenlie!I02, Ailes, iqùof.s aidi ciga rs .(f -tise bi~t qîaltr.An :attentve lIsiler- always ilu - ttet id nce. - Ch* ~ - WM. DAVIS, I'ropr-ietor. ID LER, 4"e 'r-4'.e-- - TTTM -.TrAIPl ýTâlîOît, WMilliam . Street, THE (;AOL,,and -i , -1. 1 l,'.' I v 'àiCdsay, Miliyi7Uniforiôs e ýrgy- 3&-tf k-ing Caips rîtfidc np-to order. -- ---'----'-- - -loihrw eoanei cnd tcirneý¶. Or-dors res- ýT, (late Orzas t of Tt in- pv ut-sl~iel n aifcingaatei tj. TescIter of te Piano- Iindaay, Juno.9, 180J. -~ 1 Res-id1euce ai Mr. Bitlats ___ __________________ S.Wilimn' m ToeT be SoId-& Bargsn 1, i rg.q ia. -- IL thn t new FIZAME DWELLITCG BOU'SE 1 .ltcly OCe'iti dby )1«e-Bllelo N. ICE11Z$-EÎ)7 - U- York Street, in Ë -It i3 a large coin- t ' W t'rtc~ai- a- nodiouý' isnns'- andwl adaipied for a Boarding cii s at'istr; ruu-~ mmed.ii pore-elo gien.A-pply to r-mon.McMichatot-1 Toronto. s!y0 Oct. 2i, l186 321 G,,neral Agznt- and Li- TER AND ERSON. rCambridge Street, Linci- 'm [,OR, oAýKwOOT>, (shop oposit 3r. A. - 1i,~1Caw.erou's olti store,). than1kful for- lhe lib- ; Arhitel xai uilerraI patronlage heslowed on hins for thee past Workint pans arefcll y ,13.eoairs, begs tosay tisho is stlipreprdt Woringplns c:ifýlýl 'v promptl.y exceut al ordere witb whicbhlie may aîff and floor ft-amns nmade ho faLvouréd, ini bbe lalesI styles andi aI the Iow- 1 rî.gnt;xtlsoTirnhe)r f M SC AI~ $I I Conario a n orlî the.Ooai (Cnuaido san ormlise Coai Brady wectt of thse Oouxntcy Bilti- fTAVING renter! a PIANO is desiraug of - -- Iltcking pxtpiis at ber-reaidence, Russell N, TAILOR, Wrliiimu - -"1erms unade-kiown obu application. y, thankful for lice libt ral yM~ ' o-n hlmi for lise past 14 ---'- bat âe ls still ptepar& 'ta ZUI . or-ders with whieh hocnîay --i- .. 1- Trs? 8-TTLFS, anId at Moi>- - - -- - 23,1Gooti st4tle and she i ttaehed, ànd au atten- fA'N' physicain Sut-gea I--- tive ~otier alwa3's in at"dance. Licuntiate, &r.- - le Cottage, back of te ':eoOmnibus lu and frô-oethe carsA and ats. felliîîgtQn - 1-.l - Bst.$.0 a 314-ly $15,pctDAY., -- - - ,-Lindsay, MarehIs 1, lsoi. 19M- 'hysieianh Stsrgeoû sand .-te àdence-Cot-er- William aitt mery occupiet! by Mfr. ~:2 TO LOAN~ IT VER1 CENT. G. DORMN ER Sclilitos-, k0. c~UTY BONDS. SIXTEEN BONDS 0F $1000 EACH pAyable 1i4t-year-ly, àÙd mturipgg.lineighteen joar-s. - Partes'dexlrousaf punrchastmg7one or- mare cf said Bonds can (do Sn by applying to lte cout- t.y treasurer or the Wtt-n.-t Pj or-dem of tlxo Warden,4 - 8,Ç. WOOD,- My il.t irea wa., Bouse con ire mde -With illtes. >o lte peopleetLinde, oua*aad happy ie Lanps mad 0Oki Rom-s PAIE*8à of dibrent sits. plated Earrint*s, Fine Rasera ROP Scissors, SBilver.-p Spoons, .Looking GC band. - - I ùçor)kilatlb. Repairicg lckj4 - amdlagaviig, wul m 1aner tisaI îli re satisfaction. Rememotr-Sigi Koat Street1 in a em$"alpart bric aidancframe, with g0c4, cdis andi being. alluated ertl tiser - for-ms a niets deaisble -es the Store and- Dwellin, on Ken occuîpied. b>'t he subscriber and p pur-ciaser- yul be allowed two t, lime Ici installmeials, With - or fer-ter inforratiot stpply by- ici ter- le tise proprietor, 'G. IB. Orte AAM HI A Good FarxiiF rro14 13E SOLD CHEAI>, the Eâ -I 4ktise 901 concession uof L 100 acres af irbici abouit If) acr- anii 10 acres ready le log. Thiui 41- miles cf Lixridsay àctdil6-miles1 a shritr-tdfàtane-fr-ou lte rRlw leadiug road ir-ns in part cf the. - Immndiateluossession. Titlè li TEiit'cs.-A. par-tion cf tbhermn tisebalance !i 4 jears' For to-rth api.dy t te lice-er Johirr Bs-ane. Messrs. MAOKKY Jff id dbavî-pn* and - mad gire enlfr lofs té the Marbel, ai- sidence. Aise t Street nov. preprictor. Tb*' ,heîIbrestea rDSPETHf,ý « -sale, ,astbaloLt Ops, cotrtained. -sas-c lieared, frcim Omexue., Va)'. A' goog lendisput-ande lier par-ieulars O,0pa, qertaý Y & IIRAI, REMOVAI4. Kuwson's Brick Block, T. .GOURLEY11 B EGS te inifot-r bis numerous frientis andtheit -ublic. generally, tirat ho las rexuvt i - Photographio Pictw'. (il llefy tci lar ge anti coniodiotîs roomrs in TCnolon s Brick Block, specialiyftitted uF for tise pîcriose, amd -equall fur or tàîo -any iits Province., T.' G. would rettîr- bis thanks for tisa vr' liber-aI patronagle be's!o)ved rî1pon 1dm for th e past nurvbcr of yean?, a nd hbis xtow bet-jer pr'e- pared!.than ever Io suit thr e -ts of the pubilic in theIicture unce, in ieI th-itesI and Most .plceaS- ing stvleS and srcond lu nana in, the Prov-ine. Free exhibiticns of vic'vs of ail pattof thre. world.- -Goîr!anti Slver- E!.eetroî>aing dones on 1thse the abattestfloti(c.- 'T have itteil up the above rooms peially tor- T. Gz'oîir-ey,. Ph t-bograph1 ler, andi parties'desirng, pictures ýwould d . Weillte gre hlm a cal!. Lindsay, Nov. 17, 1865, 2 A YL A W ToreelB;a . 34 of îhc Msnicim-I et1iity of Kyendarn.. V adnpteti bythe fRatepa- ers orf thse TQwmslilp of Verîlamn, - ou the tlirteth-anid fonileenth g tisys-<ifJo-nar- ltI, cuider t.he provisions ofl -lte Teruperance A-et of 18r,4, for- the suçspres. sion of tise sale of iniîoxica ting iquoirs, atid lte issîijng -o: Lice i ter-efot,- in tire ToinsLip of Ver-xlm. 1And wherras, a 13y-Law was passeti by tlie mlireitîsi Courncil ot the Towntship of Ver-ulam ou lie- xenty.evcclay of Jantiar-y as t, ap- proNîrU' of and confirriWnw thé àaid lyLw -And whereà3, Ibis (iotincll sotthe opinion thtt .it By-La w bias rat1uer an evil efFeet than a tendengtou.oo4.- Bec it therceýrc eaCteti, y h-y'1h.uicipâl Coutîcit of the Township- of Ver-dam, aur! l i ber-el»'enated by the authbtrly of lte, saine,11 tisa By-Law Nuraber Thirty'-fbtrr of lte Mutni- j eipaîity of Verulam, passed iiy thre Munricipal Couneil on. the 1'Pwemy-sei'énth day of Lanti- amy, 1865, entitled, a te iLppteve-nd. coimm- Ïa By-Law adaptsd by lts pèaeeon the-thirteentlt and fourteenth de.>' of Janruar tast b. and th lame la hereby 'repealei. An(! bu il fùrth-or enacted, h-y the authoritl r Ratepayers-oi tniat of Febrnar next. Passeti December 15th, 1866. - (Sigxxed) JAB BU1? Zê Noti'te s er-ehy given, thal cxi Thé- IBth day of Féb.ueuy nt! à t thé. tour oet l0 'o'lostek in the frne,~ Mrlt. Jottmm's Hall, Bob3cs >r'-a mseAng 4of tise MXun1itii Electouri c% i"e IIlltiaiI>Pofl Verulamn wili ho heM dfor- thic tkir* of a Poil, ta decide -*betber or,net the-above By-Law Wa Tmlijanuary11h", l86 71-1(redi o f U4h. Js*senttan-g xi$4 '-tlwst a Dvideud St lm asbteca iped ami. wi Jeinat Ot ins upetion and-, ow~je- tio at - yQ~oe x inte OonrI-iHotffl, in ts Town otliasyt, eery7dy- Itleen tiheurs of leri dmfive P'Çlo*k, ~imüUto Tw.u±leihi cf ~narletatflw-lich lii.di=ed aflotedw bc pald., ofwuu. j . In.11 -AI ~T LE. 0, ~ o> recks lay W iait dùSe. lon t re t uieoliff., *ith an occasionai ngüow and îrict. Passage betwaen, anti ' 4 tho prevailing dairnae amui turbulent aliatecf h. seas, a m arbons- must b. al- Menot asm mcl a matter cf accident m of s$Ui. go quite .aae cf tho vespon- sibiiity' cf bis pottiôn, anti that the others -veretrmuin tg d, h. vas doubty -valt- Itil :aadbent -a keen aearching look in- front. TitrsWus'once aircu M*abanci thât almoat. aanmi bn hlm -thel.beh wua aihasit, fr 4Z fis Was the- Lict îht Dasit wuld âmot coule 'aganit obibtcontinuti te awk behint he ba,. u "ukyer n]8, ~hostidenly shouteul, as Le cauùghit aglimpse, cf a tir-k ras ris'ng in frent eut of uc tuienrsal foamn.- Tne. arning vas juelt intime, for tise naxI ýmoment li tol gdid alongaide, et a bigla igolateti rock wqieb shot perpen- dieniarlfrmmthé, vater.-- "4Bedad, but:t a. ùt wathe lucçy anas ?' triad' Toiy jyotisly. "Oýct, b yl the powors, Irelanti for ever, anti-1I-hope 'Ilneyrer be se long- Away (rom « xl agahu.) "Why, what's bthé malter ?" ýatkred IHan-ý greve.: " %,io euti shome 1nov 1" "1lWo'ra nàmal, haxtdy le il, air, andi te beattiul1 louigings toc, if tae boysar e as. brisk as* they ver-e six ,jNear& ago. , It'saà mnaîxer of lifeo or deatti, or. I'd beau ai grai tôt do -il-t; ba ath la mentit ta stretchx au time&, antifsar-c jer. homour weuî'theayte -"Ha -ven't the sighlesl ticea whit- you men," oheer0 v etiHa-reave, s ire arî.d An- drev, nov rtach exhaudzbeti w'it -tir- long mving, rasted their'arme ainti gazed t te precipices.noiv:loer-nirgthrougf, the dar-k-, "Whiy," returieti Terry. il we'vo gaI ii- te the passage ltat lead. te lteSinuggbex-s' Cave. 1 bah an oat.b - lon-,ega ise ver .ta- show ilto a sranger ; burt i's the very plae for us î catdi uiglut it ttis pour coliècît tu ýnurse,. for neyer a bit o' atelier can we ,gelt anywher-e else, fiblireo cross the his lta Didarra, andtithat's a, malter o. liv. longD meuritainmie, id itî't fear for us-welro ase rue as tteel,. Antirew atiaW nti ve ait-ar thaI ot a sOul shal b. thre wist' for -tba ie se. Or- experience in the Smuggterasa'e. bIc- a nght-of itlas ifih wère D-nîcdarr-a itse1f, anti sure thalt's no ercno:ining te quarters, fo)rDunîlar-rain- the Cotoneiý' lune was a place Ini boas t of-il'a i ngel xwmore-s 1tIle pity. -Ocis, yen houtur, imnd the ear-,or- we'l1 be'strashe(it learitliereelis."f g.teave, re-suuiin. 1the strokes, wbîcli haxi A peentiar 1.1 alemn" 1fcmariltrdrev at Ilie saine moment ser-vet stl-tuiher Io reraI biint taprudlence, au tliey pusitet feMrdirl t'aiuosiy atld car-flly. The.boat wax now tbreading a rockj nize, k$ Black jagged ass vnwucl h u lov h-o~ i pryrose iin bath sitles, aint i f he row rR oi- aeleokec behd tlrey woultd have behld similar barrs closing tem i.t as il ver-e trom lte open sea. Clear'- ly,.inona but ihose famnitiar-vitli -the, spot .ou t-tf Pave guitiet a boat ile tsucb a harbour aven in tayltgitb. -They wer-euow in gmameolivaler, for ttce rocks bhidandi on-, ither band brokelire migbly vvs bcîetidie iniii ragmetila lte opacea betwean. Te'uereaiomuchb shellereti liomlte w-ind, irbicti cou!([ i ha isearci roariug nt - ome distance, ni jeining' withb the dasit cf tie butlois teuor-ale a tht t dering senut, whiehtîwent nép the face of tire cliffs, anti soundeut far os'er th. moui.tains'. By Ter-ry's directions, Har-grreave and. An-, drew sie-ed thmoirsr, anti benît thirr ieaxist timinitea-a level wilh théi ed-ye of tise boat, fùr:t;îey tati ta pasa und.enenania lo-v arcis- waj et rock, anti ivero car-net hy ltco fuli lite Soîno Jhirty or fort>' yardsilmbt a Cavemrn. the root f îviticb -recetet as tiey advanced., titI it rose a a ltvsonfisiiug tome eve.-hea(t. Whîh a tend g-ratcn-Y niuse, tebhast struck the grave!, and cae tul a stanuc-etilb.- -"We're Safe be lcap, I. -suppose ?M taidt - -s aafe as if you vwe ptepp in mi yaumciwn bedr-ooin,-sir,'> repiet Te rr-y The b. yon'lI condtescendl In take houlul of thb. laits ofmy coat,, ad Il'Il uieFolibotîlt'lu as pnrby.a place as jeu outt'nt think or, tooking for bru a cave uf lt e cita.W> Terry,>atîilcarryingthie celiwet bouiy cf aiketi fcrwaii, folloeti by lteh others. An- dre- having taken ont cf te boait ýtire portmanteaus which contaiiîet bis own &nti bis- ma.ster's travelling vwartirobe, anti sluingI -htî Jeb.evmoeal oedt b. plac va brigluly iIIhUtinlmd. 4 Çsni&hud, vM heaire, tabisa and oeuclte. Thero e ahl is. til l ee, sotie oen-q t~xrno a1>djand &em~b,çtm, *ad rooke'.1 a.. e ofia ila dry wood naît t il. Are 1- "She's' forlhar bair-," rema*ed Andr%* : 1Il bri ' lb. "Oh, ne,"1sa 1 h% masler, «tvrt -cruel to put Iii tend ýbçiy cf be-r hild ini bher ar-ms.." - A fait i y xnà"ehm turA quickly round, ali îbey -bettaidAniirow eoming .fo-yard wiih ue chLi mc - va in ohlo ifeand, coqàoet f us ante. -'-uvyeektl hi arms;Itopenedlh lartm -blue eyexi, lSiked op te hii*,- n'. suidt. *He snx.tvd it te bis -hêalt3 ku- Med it., aid vo*eti- tha-k* 'voolti b. -te, il as a fater. 'Alien 'ho adiliiNotait' bobnnt>ant, fia liug-ter. ltie humWaiua it., T iy bout eagerly 4lm> lsten, ut ho 1fil te icitcl tîeir%i'rt limUà ie' bien natîrre .baiÊ awake -th44d,.p slee« of the sennes; for a happ>mii*1 an ovpn ~ ~ ~ p unomobe'0fae«Ment reme!sintdd-a. 'Md dAiâreii wre ti4iaa I ~ ~ ~ a an Biglll losdbya kt' f- c o n ifo rta b le w e ll t o rte e d l eig i ig s ; b u t 1 h . 1 kî "-%i elaid lier, teàde.rly. uperf a couoi. 1 le r s lande? tomi aWsSe à elqp.diu a thick vooll-en ata and hWr«#oevrero fe il wvel hqeiy massovo 1bIr #c, a ihat ber.featurep couId flot b. aqen. Thé routli with of a woman, -ut_4nred lte shavl1 andi took it ftèaft-hba sento, *ben hi!' bby foeud that "sitor sin a relatuI as Weil as-e e.4hom. T s ilnd«rly seîuie jor v ctiqa0emas'F p~Idy'Whâ'as aoubtllf snfail h a&Tpring of ili-placetiloe n t rnaireîg-ý place in th. depîhs of the ses$." mgriad ,4rdr-a s. IlNae voman- coutl gang oie far frait land, tae droon herself.11.- . ," eYow are righ," saiti his. master in a tone of ber-r-or andti ind ignation. IlA cruel, a mion srous crime bas beeom -ernmitt&t;ý> - At this, point Tàrri adivanaced wiîh a black houile Mouae, hanti andi a glas& ini tbe other-. H. poured ont a smaîl quautity of tiquer,'anti itd set it down liii ýh lifteti the tresses cf hain fr-cmlhem fac." -" I cuîti aear she'e beautiful afore I do it," h. mrurratrei. "fI£'s-beauty anti love togetir that bring a gir-."l' "What'is the r-ttler ?"i askad Hargreave, îi Terry,',th mmnt he unicoveréti the face, gaveý a great star-t. Ter-ry titi ot saem- te heae the iquestion, for wvith distendeti ejebil ho vais, gaziiîxg, or raîter glaring, at l'ho white,, death-iike eounte nance.- "No, n,"1 ho %-ilily axe taimati, il cannot he; andi yet sie has lier features. Six years havn1t citaugeti - bbem rcb.. , miever iMother girl round bat!hêr- beauty. "Ah, lb. mark. la teé mark tîbr..." Wiîh'-fr-aie haste ha iilledthi .valhair slith furthen from the lefi temple, andc dis- closeti a pur-ple mrark semoethiîng in the fer-m of a'hear-t. -At FuI-,lt f tisat Ter-ry iitared aý lotît ory of aguany, clasped tus hatts itngietli- 1 .laiy Moticer! it -is m>y' sisber, Net-ah 2reatly .hr)cketi Are you certain of Ibis, Cerilainf il, ver iciOiour,"moanedthéii " l'here's nta boy at Dtii- latrra, or fic beautifuil miles râJnd it, but' coulat-ell -I a rî e wh<isc beaititi it lace tIsaI wva, an-d àaur-elher- oivi, brother outi lafi kowt.It %tîs thse terror fit ssrieX me tha, t mtatle rmedouthl atfir.4zt ; kiliteémark! Slue gut ua ai-y >ear-s ago, ani si" cair-y il te bier- grave.tIlar-grave!" lie wi la- ty répeatet ivwit-h zudtiea 7u'eene arc sure al-t'll -o t here. immedtiattely if ire don'lt And i xe-w fifted t'le lass fr-n i te flooa-, andi was-ntnstrt to put ilt taher-IIlips, when Terr-y s'iiil'lienraspel bis am. 64Slo-pffi he glisped ; anihis face was vititer th n ber.."If mhe,'s got the shame tipon lier,srelinever tilt. ber heat more anid it's better tisai lte sea. siouiui have itls will. Whats ibat.I" lie atided, as lie grasped aire çt'lbe-rhande "a ring. Thetu she's i inari-ed'. Ohi, wl:at do I cleservo fir- tiinli- mn'ý ovn t at- ing N-ar ah iran dbrixsgf 'li'~ace oiherse-f-anti titie uaiie Gcf Cuàha- l, te ut'ler-ly raiseti lier heat, anti as lite tüais stroatued fiom hi eee fi. took thé gla!ss1 fér)rn Adrv' anda; aud- put ilt tubho lips. She sawallc'Wed its cortenxsla witli a kpaFînàdic j-,ani a lou"-,lscavy sigb came fr-onu b-er, besoin. 'GentIr Mr. ilangreave-E utntwirsetilier arma tram Ithe infant,- anti An- t(ra%%, taok il fr-or-ilber bosont, and, mîwt sotnetlwùig like a Inotber's skitl anitl tender- r-ces, r-mie1 tlic iappluga, anti reveal.di a round, -l ubby bacc, tram whie he ltuer- ha t tlet geüne. Breathin" -con titinot ho detecteti, but bitere ivaLs a 4'ile btI-in the chibds body. anti ils own und plothes wer-e flot drenchôti wiîiu the sait %v4ler. WVhi!e Ilareove anti- Terry vere buoiy in titeir elfe-rIs la reFtare the maîber in anima- tio n, Andrevr quly usxc1-esse.t the infant, ani nbbetiý ils body wiit te strnng -1iquor which ivas caulainiet in the ,hback bottle. horcéertat, 'a troxiger heat cama iuîto the littiefr-ar-e a wra me.glaw rnantled ani ilschalrand1athougb't ho coulai even de- tect fa aintleavitrg c f thse chest. lije car-riedi it one of the bats, wrapped il Up inu a blanket, andi lef iti there. Thtan hc wvent toa a crrer svhere ise. ire bat i bceli f(rr-rly blnirning, anti piletl up-a qnanitiry eof wo . piie- ao- a-_à ona her -f - M~E 1 UoeM ý.C.W. .620 k.,)à 'ws h, 1é oil h e.feil now. ,"Yoùll1i Kndýthebedsx'oft atud frosh. iJ£~ ~4boêd' sw.e* pcem imber, l'il ait and watch Norah."y 404d îbvipwo hnooent Victime cf Malirrin Actirig on this suggestion, Hargreave lutngzee'W .,cttwlty wVere Savait from ogtLi îe e nmuchMhdrw cii aaeh- 144 cruel dssuh tp whi>they.baà -been erandDa"t ahathird. axeaai no; ti. ria. ipau," Terrytok beplae3 by thb eidref 1h, reaponde.d Tery. einoec. "Wbat a IMVOiplons optation if Provi- HPE V- dokp ttis lobnérred'Elargoeav. %tain, V 48 orus Io e b. 4n te the' particular spot LEYcvcATioms 1 Li .NOÂ5 gUVSTa at he i.eaç Olnat cl tO b. CO>NSrIOV5SSlft.-PL.'q<S FOR THE FUTURE. b bahr 9*n brother as h. vu. re- orevaihivNôh in iicairu Wrwg('ma foreiga land.'. tranquility,- antiThrry watchied b yh ér. cuch 14~vd by hmey«r honour?' ried Tevry wt tfu'eretes. Drn he aq ~ ~ I bpbùe wy1.tas Sr esilence,, wkil. aal ths.aheasèe i a muM~'tIbret ita hwas the deg tuai iid busy iith oori=ftlres as Ici his sser'se Wi- it Ik here 1,111e crathuai ail1, at iii?" tion, a-i whaî lh. cf'r-cnmstancer mîo,,tt b. "Ias-Dsh1"calied i bs Master, andi which had . placed hler in that desperale con- préseully ,somethiug dark appeared, (rom ldition (rom whichsF!ha hd bn: resoueti beneath the coverimg of one of he çoucLher5, %Vas if an acfl et self-destruciom, or an act of and flasJ; came Ieieurely frward waggihg murter ? Terry %yas ahuuost eorivinceti that hi. ta!. ilwas thà latter, and imre ant bitter fb -theUlnesof bis ,r.-titudie,,Territhrew -thoughtî,;darkened ihi*minJ -thouiits ofa hi. rmaroQd 1, du'p iee ~ engatnce, diêp ani deadty, ta b9e-taken oui ladly embrateed him,-alemonstratioti which the author of Norah's wràeg, whoever ho Dash received with.tnuch, graviqy, îbough Mizhî bew hu did net lotÜrn it. He was réealled frei h. lou., rath- <iOýchb,.1uyera wondlerful sinsable baste,' luti musing4 by Norah-muddeily s!irrîn i *eai-nea the impulsive Irishutan, givirg restless, uneas , marlier, lHe .held a toreh thé huge and patient .animal another hugx,. toiwards her faie, andi saw that ils color and 6'* ure andi ye deserve a tighty substantialeprsinha bhcage.Itmre feed andyIl1 get it too afor. yer haif-an- paleness was qone, ar~d a flueh hat maîîtled' hr oidr. ou ekitier cheek, %while an expression of illr- «!:thinit.w& wouli i bhe ,te ror, or extreine terror a' pedcie a (.d, sggested Hargrave-; 'but 110w who!e counltenance. lier haius begran- ta mach a thin¶ te te b. corne at ini ibis siiagy- tiwitch neyvoualy, an i. her breathing g-re*y nlarpi oî afè't imagùrie."short and ospasinodie. C "ThXen l'il b.after shcin' yer honour," " IlOh, Malvrin-, Malvrjn," Sie saià in a'i rejoined Terry, *hose*natunil. flow of spirits abrupt manaer. ",Yon wilno. t lbave me ta bad returned.i.l I aid 1 W01ui take you perish., Dennis says yon waî,î me deadithat te coroferablo iodgings, andi l'il redeem my you may, marry another. This -ha not true, word."Malvrin. Oh, say il is rnot trÙe. Atti, he i As hé spoke, b. wegt tea.a receas filled net hem He. bhas piie..ý4tft me te sink in with misceilaneojis articlas, and brought th,, boat.- Dennis, lbenns, you *would .fnot (onuh bai, diied lish, and hard sea bisc4uii. be se cruel. Yau xvvuld flot kill me and my- Frwi another ar4 Icower recas he. go. a innoccnt ba. . For hé4ven's sake, take me kettie andi cooking mtenails. The former hie te land. 1 wilI nover trnt>!. him." 1 will filbed wth lpure asring vater, whiclî bub- g uaa ith My eltilti. antifl c hall bled rip fro-nt he fIoor i.n cie corner; anti ever know that [a7-n.his wf-nt ,ever. having ùi i abave the firel whîcà was 'Oh, sparo. mec! ILvem ry nnv senàing ort a great heat, he eut sev- mec-îrrnr-iec eral Sluces cof hamn,ami put thern andi pis-1 errylseeit ii r 1i a;~bw: ces of fish m rigpnat nabreaîhbess attnti, and belli lh' i-ta catrc!î hissin"' noise and fragrant oduur gave plea- every llb. It caLta.lI hinx i a.q4 signiti- sait tikeng of the ming su pper. e icr rvýai'. r nnayaw 1 li jil,,, Ili lessathan an t hou-r théetaWe was 1tîet! aî the *enîoues wér--ý, bis nuick" minul with an abandani' welb-eookAeb rnIlealic, took ini the principal fitcts, aut e :< o with il s accessories, was as %véll served up ý'glaniUg te- rîreditate over theni. whern Nôralt as if il had been rtroducéd iii a- city hotel uîttered a piefcitig ehr-ek anl gw4peI ai er a nbemnan',, h. They ivovc>a ai.hun- oitrugg1ed as oiedrwmg -ry, andi each titi ampËe jiiieo la the goot Tesrlautsr~rv-th!vryan cheer, anti When the sut'stanitiaiies wero, terpit of that W ich t'ey hall heard whlert dispo.dof, Ter-ry brewed -a botvl of first- iD"11 eapt le -11lte boat, rousetlargreave rairexwiisky punch, ant I tcy becarne jolly lati Atitire%, wlio b-th ispirungta Iheir 1ibet ore is orî thl.,samne mn!enit artlrush;Ietifozrward. Il Well, Terry,ý1 remnarked Harg,re, 'as I"lVWhist, if ye plaze," li Fispetirel Tdrry, he ookthofull glass which In ore rej~a Cautiontag tone. "1-«'e's coinii', rounj., senteil 10 him firsi, "Yeu have More than re- Siebeenr spakut' in lier sîeep, axu by tii» deemnedt orPromise.- If tiis ai& fair- spo- iptitiers, I've got aI the black truîhi." cimen ef Irish. hospita1ity, l'Il- not- regret assteîroVIbte ae:"asked p-aying a visit te the -.eein Isle. I wi.,h iyou nectd joy on your retura wy our native laad, anil UZ l.t eibeinrf what 1- 1 may yoive a long ant i appybfe axriong mae u I, eturuoti Terry, ci g is yor relaives." I "Bleeà_y Oroou r o ilIet rn eetitfor a omrenl.wiCi il! îepr so. honou' for if tshhe "dIlSie's baeeo.secretiy marrieti. 1 i hin!c %ihs returrnet Terry. I f b the scoundrerfis the youimg Squ. ' an -ti re. atdoti, pointin; 10 the couch on whch No- n ohi.o irt fbi r a .î,at rab la-,-"l il&lite was corne round sa (aras! wanted ta marri- anothflr. artîl he ' elsm 10 o-.bléto speak, l'Il tearn whether -lva W *il o thé lixhînàe' i)w.nis toýi13the duel. coine home ta loy or to rorrour. Neyer a bit Byiabers, uaw% and.ti inkoï it, it must hava o' nevs have 1I hearJ ofthe nId inanor hcr 1been Detii« Mi.rga!, ~h>h<rbout since 1ituk the às-a)-ai C ortz -ji.xyetrs agone. Biantire CaC;ttle since *rrer-nb 'r anvthiunz. Miaybe a broken hîeart follo-wedl brpkeii for-1 O,tlIte mnrîheri-ug bLickgaar4li; bal> t - lune, ati entmy othe labisgrae." don't break ail tue bonr's in b- iîh t!,etr tbodils 'Your> father. was unfartuuaxte, then? rMay be My lieii e traj, Terry Çaialec ai."' querieti Hargreave. "Hlw sai Rihrge pajor -sister Troth anti'lie %vas ja: that Saine," an-moeagit;h is OIÂLce i. swered Torry, a shadow darlken iangbis- face. buCauiufrsei eidr .et Pray b Jhwlee] n "He feil intodiffliuities ?" atieti tLie when asebeholtis yo-à %vI'on rix has hot veu - h a. rapdm tei"sat er sceenfor su ma'xy yeara k ino itasoher Hi rasfrppld, nt thern11sai Terynervous flercely. Twenty jeara agone MNichael Cusb- 4 gia vr in."i aleen was as prosp-.rous a Maan as livet in Pcure aniit ih- as g2:itie as a lamb "xv*îh Dundarra, but that was in. theColonelý.8 the piolaf~~ lime Ut deili~va po~:i tom~n, bt îar-ruave ati Auir.w die-w te, one side il was min Ici oiîhiMiChael ; but rnayba e s .. t"jertý boy,, iIa he â bïononr.,kno.vs ,lamethin,, about jif.su1 oa ual t b oliervclaTi ast et,;i sue "Who-1 I Hoy should 1' I ?" akedTIar- igltea a wpenA le rv of Tu fhst -aing e greave,, witharti. aidulasitah a itî-dure aicontrat y enio-. 114 I a'k er bonour'a pardon,. but 1 thotight t a, Jin gaccs nt ititv you rnight, a uari o Dundarra.' a~r III Ah, ru,9 u k1o nhinýr of 'the rh plc rpe u 1. ki neye , , iNIrianh gazed ornlier brotiiWrs facà for soma~ fore, anti have coifOnowin% ta spnt a plea- ,Iaî~at e lo tag )br h sant surinmer in yate-hing antid eth g ooeï as if !Ite could have î-ecagnizeil il, have heard -thar there is somne fine mfodiila» Il but $lie di f ROt. la Ir lii, .,r iani aÏttue sceuery iu tue neighbourhýocod of Daiidarr-a." nmltwsa ad h lc nwit "91None better in irnei(t yr hno a and Uù , a 1tepae iwii an rean, cr onur a.4sie tvas, attJed ta îI -mu.Ia. laiîng that is saying a righty great deal." cvei'îrr'cout1nl"frsîx m-. CD Cn rytl eaotyu ahr unswîîaVgem uirir wainr. vio- -n a bitrtle A~acker-hearted scoun- IM I.titer os' vl ntofe.N nr Her gaze grew ry rcscarchtig. did thenews cornathat the elolelwaa'deat. " eta F hu u~ o, h o an.1 cit héb.hati got ail the lpower, iban the plet. "ou Zfe fnescb&Ln oue 1 rnui<t rnuls were raiseti. Ay father hbâtheîb.beat hv.lvtio cnag;utIcnIr- farm on> thu proety, anti O*Bràdy Wafltc*timeurh." ttliit ad e il ; @o he raieed the rînu, tilt1e1 wr - a 'i," &a, rytrii oai".at or beggaY;ri, and my- latiier anti Noraih wenîta nabaknvie a et arem i live in a. littie cabié,nndmulih broke ýtone* or eyet, '* ttou't Yen remeimber your owni bru- cnt hed-ges, or <ti auj ard -%vork that corne ther terrj." 1 conldn't bear ro .3se. bi wrkiri; ide by' '" bMy brother-my brother 1!".heexclaim'- sit wîh hoe h u.tilehir, or - 1 eII d starti ng np.1" Yes, yes, 1 know Yoga bave kept rny hantis off the blackguardi who nwt ycrn ara my, brother. Oh,ý téli me, hati robbed us or our ail, sa I toc>k mysoif off' where are we, wltat place is titis, ani how' ici, th4 tnos, wutti, anti hsa.abit o'tack. ai1the' came we hem?"i 'l' k ga, .ndhere 1 amn baok te u ti Ir@- &"[t vas Provitience thàt brouýtasaaa nksi t ,lv#at ."praise te lsna If< jhe "Buî-why-don'! ît4 tenaufs at Drintiarraba'tcnet rtelsry>î(aiu3lj acqtraint the proprietor with their . "g% ?"at thi. momleIt IlyiIIt2qliot r:ltesa asim l ilargreïve. who aomèd niuà ner- «'." tei uinthe ipaiier. "Ah P!" exelaime " Ncrali, t was ie ei Where weukid e1h. useof thitsame'?59han(Isu(ille,!IY talier browv."Te W8 iéxý i -jite4 efyp .sure the colioei's sont S trn - k .- " dosî'lar oyli, ib t &a' tuulot "u- dramne, it w saidT! try.[ hi' bo Miebea, ap1 hcto1 wa yÏhnqive biho e.aar8 VU I cminýhori% with a jent1âgna . i affie1jîgý1éiý daý 'r uti a s u agoig teut *aOtl utd eate I air qpw, W~y, bai'u e an Iii. van a Witi > - **. lan Itlild *b-hn ,ts *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~git J.tO.*e-thfffl dblet0»ast(Ihi IfihI' ti

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