Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Feb 1866, p. 3

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e1 ý an4 enamIginuihlPai ospsaOto 0907 tribut. ttpUçsw - Toroný, Ytuumxy 20,ib#o. 81n ENGLISII, FRENCH 4àAMË9IOAN WÂTCUEIR JEWE~LLERYI CUTLERY, T RE subscriers vouli lofons thefrqui.m- e sandi the public lIat tle have lste]Y ta thei obis ui tUy fortm'Dt wW thse aboie articles, ihey are, ena'bled lu, offer goods o! suppuler quality st prices lover than SIlvr PWt s$ hvo2ry mae-tOo e<er REMIRIJQ aita lsbranaIes,ý4noCmlIy~ attendedtoblu Mtentoworkmn. No. il, King Stret East, Toronto, - .6 DooeenuEsiofYouug-Street.. Flsru"ry1, 1866. v 40 t01 5 » 0 25rl 0 iO .......5 0 6 00* *r** 00 " 005 ....,... - 0 U 4614 .000 15 S00 à 500 S005" 0 ....0 Û8" 0 14 1 (00"1 50 o.040" 0 70 .y 0 .y1%501 ..... 020 ' 0 25 A An L1 9 1 Kennty, the y*onger,-hy- Martin Kenx- noy, lthe elder, tleir acting g def 15 -The East baIfof oi uirber Ten-in the third concession o! the Towushi4p of Ops. -- In tAe Court cf Qu eeW'a DenA Jotn O'L.ary,....l?........... lafn«ff. Laske Y'llway1 Traneis O'Leat'y.....->...... ...Den sd ant. 5 purpoisoe! au- The Southt bal! o! Lot nauberBeyin tahe. elirecors o!f$bu znm concession of lie Tovnship o! Kmily. en,-juànitlisn nd NEIL McDOUGALL, thforuro ts Sheiffi"s Office,Lid.y ra .f 4th Februarv, 186&Y 337 m1 GRAY, .&B.Rilway. JT j * Y MASON,- rougish 4Cbe".ng UTREEVDaleMDCÂHAL IV>rqea~ aadCALL AND OBT<>UNE. ipart of Loi No., >f -Car4.n, F.100 ACRES, s are leareti ant inlua ion, andi a gond Log tisereon, with a neves' water-eue of the best e nt to thse honte.Tise th Iooti roads, and la ising Village of Kirk- tr111lai-s nfull votk, h. Vitoria Uoati, andi <vua on appieatton to ir Martin, Jmmedlate sdi3putale. rs appty toe .ussder- .WIIN, Preprietor, Kirkfield Po'st Office, [866. 3 - BIEdon. by giVrn, liaI ail j*h'soliu against the E fATE JAMES GOTT, OP MILLBROOK, A inl the RttLe tlte ciuder. sti and al persdons indeb"e t'y- Note, Book Accunt, or, ured Ate madle irnmediatei ûrsigee. MIAS EYRES, ~E -tr ES MIOJIT, Exte u tr. 1866. - f List of Leitters R ENfAINING in-the ýBuamcvoN PetOfieý Feb. 6th, 1816ZR Anderson, Robert Me- lài, NeiI'. Bain, W-m-McDonald,. Donald A Carmichtie, John McDgnald, mrs. Cath. *Camieruti, Mrs. Cat iellFee , John Grant, Donald Mecinais, iss Igabêllo IrvitieAndrew melunis, Anch'd Keecb,'Willam *Mcliane, Jno. Murr%y, w.i * McRte, A ii. cl)onald, Donald j2 licae, Datialci. [Mars&] 1icDonal,John Mcae oldA *pensonsc-ililng for the. abo ye, for adycitiseti lettonS. 336 NOTICE. r IIîg îndmîigned bas sppointed A.,Lacourse. f Esq., of the Town of Lidsiy, hlé Agent fur thse transaction o! business. - WM. DONNELL. Lindsay, Feb. 18 166. 3.30-ic.o Insolvent Act of -1W46; Idt1lié malter oef JOHN B. cG[LLTS -oethIe Townshxip o! Ops, The -Credit ors-o! the Insoltent are notifieci lIat h. bas madie a ssgiofobis eate ansd Effects, tînder-the. above ý.cie, t'Oe i, the andersigneci Assîgneeý,4sud they. are. neqtiiredi te funsme, vithin tionilhs.fotuosIis date, vitî t heicals, speclyg .the- -cuàiÏthhcy hold, if auy, andthie value oft i-; sd-imono, statiug tise tct; lie irole attesîed ancen, oatiswith ithe voucherss-lu support ot uuch, :CLAAmS. -- Linsdsay, 31s1 Ian-, 18à66 1866. *337t! gsay IIvmàte vili lias on hanti -a6 xrmpieheI PEGS, - S1HOF THREAD,z 1 NGARIAN NAIL5S, WÈISTLîES, EYELETS, [OE'NAIL.S,- ,.RS, PINCERS, ES, LASTNG TACKS, '. C. -OO D, Oc r O I 3R AY OP Joint -Stock 0OÙ compo-i CAPITAL ----$,O A.GENERÂL MEETING cf ie StockWcdý - ers of thei aboie Cornmny vi-!! b. bilaion Wedinesday, the, i1st re0b1.9 àt the heour of1One 'clQck p. n., l tise CAMBRAT SCHOOL HOUSFJ, For the puppse o! eonsideing thic propriety of Iraising the Capital Stock o! the qaid Company. A majoiîz of the Stockholeâ am, labe.Pre- MIL Secretary. --cambray, 31s1 Januny, . 1.; lit. m ià - APPLIC ÂTIQN viliihe tnxde le- tii froyia- ial aiament att a ifngt xiii, say anti BeavýertOQn Ratiil$y conàp&psy, pd te amnalamai. tic sine v-ii the ?etiM'bWpotgh anti Chemong Lake Raiivoay lI.s s, fer a. 7nno! Lanti i ,d W eeâ -way ueaenswa andt o assist lip.pin9 u.a rec- tieii navigable th.aes - gndUo;hei r ver eomm#aa cation1inlthe Couut&rletu*oebcosgh and I oria -,sad for cther purpolsa --I 1.11.m- LM Cm CmidIdr4 -qR J is nqum; Itlao=inihu HectorNeLeas do. uo fha p y ofriwore, e cf M1arch nent, and tlube ffllatindonceil, ti week until th.éu"id day. And t i lafirtbqý '-ordered, %bat &an offiuc e PY Of thmPlintif 'l BiItand aCpyOf tbs5 Ur4e1T4 b%ý,4çetid Mrs. ileLçkenthe Moller t iltl Detemê &t, Heutor McLoan. (Slged> atundLi entier te takoe Milasconfetàed against yos>j -and th Court.may grant the Plaintlffsou( telief ~ ~ b as4ee n . aitW t<wcn their @w*i mhowig,.*dq D ocive.axsy funtbr notice cf wtof ur procsidiagti n the caffe. .J33.9t T I TIjM'S" lu iusued o'very ovexinn r V T 'II'nMI-to,*r bl ai goins wef t, *ashh.,qset WesejRailwfàyj andi coi+usu*au tlie Arrivis Of Stmunr*, Enjyin a<uieuatin of more thotn double asy, Eot pae'sbishei st of Toronto, it forcis an excellent mediumifori Advertisngfr PRi CE 07. $5 pur a-.26 for thre Mohths, in Advance. Contalining 46 coluamna o!reading nattez,îis issucci every Thursdafinorbla*,, antid ênii &il -the, important nevs of the day-Editorials, *I~oe ~~.4#ate.- lu -tb. BEST anti CHEÂ?EST Tasnill Paius AMramuE. C. STEWART,,& Cc.,ý 336 Hamsilton '0. W. f. .,.....V* C. NoTrav~ste!ld e' wlaou' upply 'O! B~YA'GLMO<ICWAFER.S - -412 bils pocimet. t.~~~* 'N1pv*buirêiiovesoct la give for. BRYAN'S-PULMONIC WAFERS _§r Among tlisetilimpotant o emdq '--t.4yf. etsf M&li, hl tifroel'hstands lie CANADL4N* 010 Mwi2*e'YP eor~O, Rocleaftt.j PAIN DESTROYER.. --F~~e> ôtnpsdLmn eerie ~~ agL~veÎ~- C w, GuqqlAgenits or t-cCndaSl ~ous î renpin llu Ltid»y sitten uovso hGregor ably ku owu, relicîsng . i na ioiPsa7Àv reY.wio r te -Siie. llack and IUe o~tGugbq, Colds, S an sd st th*-eit al E*AIoeO hroat; 'rhs fîie.rausiti im~,-vood i .dam Gatdnù, 3Manulis;A Wyett, Cfilera loM Dens,8ftr, Boli C wmlaii*i aut ailotle .d'cln Thd ainain ~slnjat 1",.n ~en deaieru.., .si3 beforcthe, public lorsa length of time, -ansdvher.- - eicr usedi is Weill iked, aies failing in a sin le EL N'IONT& CO. instace t.giepepvteutrebf wb*n tinsél ~ neve-k' -1 Se ç,mfwsrr.roluGlic Mat erial been'propeniy flloved, but on tise contrary i- * U1 'RQ fla -AY Ny tho biigiest tersa cf it3 Virtues ani aglqal bdii~cO~ aaiusinesm of Photo- Weipakon nkieeIjî . >lu&Ieri~pi1is'É? laifatn ê h~ving osîeCXlhly, ÂdAithe ril4e thosmé ~ vne, -riz.- Whso are suffefîng lrom>any of lb. contplaù4tý J rwcoea antiSees9pçve ,.for whicls it la recoimned eêmay depeaci 0pon -m-Q lsew ie pImirs aormt à being à Sovereiga fteniody, 1. -cldipg17WîV. SeenesAmenioriandtiForeigu Thse astuüuislg ,téeay<4 tl.Canadien Pain iilsd eLihicïpes; Groupna- ay e Destroyer, in o-u ring- the diseases for which ii: laiht.--ki1. Pevoleiag Stoneoscopos, for public recomimended, and its wenderful succe«i asubý c-piitexhibition ut-aaou iil d o~ iUztlîI!I f Rhettmatism, sali sent te an atdrest où rccipî of stankp.- lu 2 ai' ei o reli i vtg N Y[M Affetiout ns tti t o '.--'J --'.o.I hizh rank inthe lisheof temediestfor theicom- x>pý- M&& OGRAPHICALE UItS. plaldis. Orders are comling in frem, Medicine o re1chA n, t. beae lsl& île Dealers, lu ail parts of tiec ountry for fürt 44-I1St eadi1mIc\o mee a$ ~ 4~a# t wsmvin Mqiathesepe Mvaieyrngngtapre - i. 11nsueiaref. A11 Medicin tealesblty uayces Tji y lint br Fnie oly25 ens pnblti. - *-l . - O ur -a - - - - The ondan Poilai esoe iee- cste ntýtiî Piý-f4ij1Tupe AH give* relief.dffl Medicin.. -.eaàS(Ta hý i i on s'e Sol inL byids yo. rdran e à uio m'nail y bonelpmt riée.!Piiit !E Greor, ud t b.Meica Hll E A.BoiaamikAnsans, Me i-' te ordo -O'wkwod; 2G cnt er. otlen' ;A W C4i0ao~eaI>20BlgGnrl CAnUioe (ilhlul bcamddersdo,Wodil;.CInlILtt"Oons 50<h Thma Mlcet 0ens>idtil~dCie >~ 7 ~*IyOce,50Saenn dealers.,- --* WC&Stle, *, W. 134- b ,lI Autrs,40Ariti 1 Geo. DolPi.ian, nanilliomAn. 1,0 P 215 C-nnng 'a; Gl i &,&mrnW* i JI lJJ') .IÜIÎO'1 Lin.0lhes tlt T.homs'Machet 'f~m*&+y fij, 5m ,Jat 4 iascidelnt b Ii0 fensipc= 84~1 i tr modreraosai fcée s4#WMreý4àIdllb- structions, fr-osu vatever eause,aud &a peedy: brn7zg onu the monthly period vith regularity. CAUTION. These PfbWbould netbeàUkeý_ y fq 1e oué 6(iN r IsbtxrQtog»u.will b éôtgip ersand others. ordéiiÏ'Ïobds C. OD.,wiii pl p~i~twenty-Ev*p*r ent. ci 1 ? oçlerm P 'e' ami FAIXÀ~ 07.I1Ç.Eu, ao.5~fh qêjteaoe pidedel wnin.Clierati rowgsrn, *fouuà Motel of.e W ofsit22 enI tGlenelâ flbimt, ion- gnt equasMss=Moob du mAdetiui rTHE' EDINBUýÙRGff LIFE ASSUANCE COMPANY Undai the Ad t fPanliamm~t peusedtýIàalait session; are empowered lu issue to applicanta YOLIC~JUJ OLUI AMÈIIaN For the sole beisefit.,bf their W'es sud-Chlden; daim -ou -ho part of Credilons a"tienable persoas the maintenance o! heir Familles. Thé Edibutgh Life Aaaurance Company are pi aciption o! lnstsraice. - Terme of propmceansd eiery informnation roi] the cQoepany'R Offies la Cana la. J. BILLYÀRD. CÂMERON, Cbsirnian« (319) - .Laia for SaIe- EASY TERMSIR Acres. Seuh prt j ot18,StIco. Fneon ..40 Souli of Pontage Road, Eidon, lot 0.,... 91 eastI art, lot.4à. Tq- - TOWN LOTS IN LINDSA Y, EASTWARI). Lot. Acres. Park Lot, E St. Patrick 8$t.>....3 ahDivison park 4. a Couenone St. 4. U: Ëa nkil1I.8Division St 4 4, B Coîborne St.-7 N Durham St... ............. 10 19 Lindsay Étl., notl ........... 13 *Lo.t. Feet fro EWamos>gt,N.jpt....... 1lolboaoSt wP........X GmeiSt -.........16 1 -dg "........ 16 -Y VWSt'Palick S, SPt. 5.1 ~SU..i Sti t, WPt...6 I - ORTE WiaRD. BubDIl~loaarkSpt.... sub D Biuck*..........3 OUEWÀRI> YE!<EON FALLS VILLAGE. Eo~unt>....... For *Partieulai Ppply (i b kJetes, pai) W - nfT~ Trene o11 rnte. 40 16 30 40 Or to )MJROiMAS NtGENT, n. Jan. 1 186!@o. 852 ESTABLISBED I L 59 1>WÀRTMENTA ,PARLIAMEN'tARY,* pT trassset, vil! i e suda itrouble by ,oamutWsg Mr.. Onsi. Oum mca dciibay oin, est Sasse BtMoet,. la tie gaUmebuildngithMeurs. BeCk- liy & SgdSolcior. r- tom .t T. 1tourle y, 1riitographer, andi parum e eiing picIure$IqW4ld du vil bu give biun.A cal!.' J. K;UWLSON'. L aouay Nov. 17, 18C5. 8 A Y-,L A W ýrepâxed to offer unusual1 facilitiS for ii>de- pality of )Verutwin. i;HEItEAS, a By-Lavw as pecting Life Assurance may ho -liati t loy cf .i adopte7d by he IBaepiy- j ers of the Township of Venulan,, > PD1VID HIGGINS, Secretary, on the thiteenth ad fquà teezth RON & O I>E Soiciors ~ daysof Jannary lasi, uider tÙe ptrovisions.of*. MON O DE, oliciorsthe Tenilyerance.Aet of 1864, for. the supprea.. AgeÛts ai L4indsay. jSion of ilhe sale of inioiicating liquor., and the isig LiceCf l heretoi4 in theTownihip ____________________________ nd mbiereas, a By-Law was pnssed by. the TOWV,SIP 0F FEJVELO.A%'1Municipal Counei ot he nTrwusb;ip of Verulam on tIl tweà.ty. sevcn!h idl v of Jdaauary last, ap- Tro 1it: provii of and confirmingtihe said B-ew Andi whereà3, thîs Couricil ii cf the opinion DE IT EN ACTED, by the au- tl4Lt the l,;yLaw bas rathei an evil effect tha L) thoity ot the Municipal a tndciiwy to do gout. Council ot the TowNISH IP I-) F Be îi terefore enacted. bv .thi! unnicipal rFENIELON, aiud it is heireby eu- Qouncil of the TFownshiip of Verulam, ad is acted y the athority- aforesaid, that thé By- j hveby enacted ty the authority of the same, Law adortel t'y the electors on the 10ihaid tlist.By-tiw Number Tlsiriy-four of the Mluni- 20th of I)ccemhe;r, JM4, for ýibe îurp~se of sùp-, cîpality of Verulai, pasSed by the Municipal pressing ih. sale cf intoxica ting liqlzors be and I o'uuuil on the rwenty-sevejilt.i day of Janu- ià here'hy repe.-tied.-.amy, 186", entitledi, a ily-Law ta approvo and. ..Aù A b it farther ensctcd, by tise'antlority continsa a Bv-hamw, ado1pteil by, the people on aforesaici, tbaLt tus he submitted t~o. the thirteenth. and fburteentli days of Jmnuary .tIseRatepayen> onthe Ninetethdayof Tobru- lat ho andi the sanic is hereby repeulei. &ry next. j nd be it furtiser enaeted, t'y the auhority (S.igned). ALEX. BURNET, .a-fores&id, that this Ë-Law Ill submitted toih. Rersu. 1 Rateiiayers on tenneteent a fFbnr W iLIA MFtE lD n G, Dext. lbuntip ('Jrk. IPaisec Decenîber isth, im~. (Signed) -J.1BEZ TflURSTO.N, TIlE. ELECTORS 0F TIIE 'owrisliil)- Of Fetîlon are herehy notified- that à ?OLL wilbe open- eci on the above DBy-Laâw, ln accordance 'witls the .13th sunisection of the 5th, secltioncf the TÈMPERANCE ACT 0F .1864.1 at thé Or-angu Ldgloom, nets' Bice's Tavern, on XOday the l9th Feb 1M66. WILLIAM FILDING, 33i onkpCek L~ f Ltteai DEANING in tise MÂXILLA Post Office.., ieeti andi Dot pré ativeo- .A4t 4qcng John McIzc.nnnJohn 1D. BSd ýC harles IMcDoulgàll, M. BonAlez lMctougssll, Ale% Ourie, Neil icLean, John Z CtmpbeI1;flngh McDonald, Chrlteens CamnpeW, H~tor MeDnsld,John CasuphelllfiiîýAlex ûlA* Ceenlie, Misà Moore, W. Carmich*e, John Blaitland, James Carmcb.ael, Duncaam Noble, D. Mn hulp, Matudus ZansVs in mz Roberts, Daviti .2 verguson, Donad. wear'y, oe. J4 d .on x ise . . I 5 Psons$.càlling fo>r tho aboie 'viii please euh NOTCE A PPLICATIO viii *poq 10lbimeei- an Adluln~orpç~saud )mmnyto a MieIalv eti *Boafùt o Ifonbe Vonlaadet" 86a"e Jé~UM78,ou; 0 - 1PUBLICANOTIOE* Notiçe la bereby gilen, t'hat 0on The, t9th day of Feýbr»" ay tet at the heur of '10 oclock in the foremoi, at Mr. ilettur's liaI!, Bobcaygeoup , a Meeting of the !uniripal Eiecon oft the municiiality of Veruilasa willI ho lield for tl'e tiking cf a 1>oll te decide wbethen or noL the aboie 1Uy-Lav la approveti by anti elleos. la thezmaUter of NEIL BROWN, of the * ,Iwcndip if 3 ripOJU, du ls scNm t.- T r IM C ed it e s o f t h . I n o i e n u l a r e o t - ied te ieet at te Law, Office nf Mesrs. 3IACKA V * MEAP, in lia. Tova o! Lindsay, in gise Costu f VietoxLit, on, Satunday thse *Trwenlthyb lJaiM5ylS at ic e ur of Ten o'élock is thie forenoon. for the Publier- Éxain' tien o! theInsolvent, end for Ibo or- *dekig of the Affilirs of thse otte peuaw, l acoodance, withthe 'lnsolvýeat Acte!of ýM4,» -and. thse lusoivent sà hereby notffiedti ta ttena DOXALD EROWN Mariposs, Dec-. 29tb, 18(15.ý InBoexmt Act of164 h14ë , "Utilef BLAaulTE rpUr, Crç ditooei ot meIsOra flftld lioS at 7~~ oeil thme Cout"o*% /r fno!Lindsy, îrdjtlve l er o!~~~~t to pifl.ocdk dil 'eutb day allottea ci Eo a . . & C. 1 -<M. - .?...~t - z. i f iil UO~ I111L Y f ,os e*qUI F fs Sdf ft In u - p agïad 1 04 'w Oufi "ciA ST arc A good auioat<e b.t~~5OS R~ox PAP=4 ,Boa>fsu 'W B*MS St*0 fori boorBLtç On I bud, very ebepi >li Tut i5nd» 10t of le .& a *apmuhlr, O M11 t <ifftrent ;jgs. ClOeIl uliéier and. olI4 e v.sac. l -a S RI OOOM FOU ,,HIBWatèhea, Chatou and Fier Rinp; I m ~ duIIy DlaBed Uga<ingu, Jsoobes ad Bial-piai; .zespt.d>or aI 0p. n, aa I.anti jattIs.IIl ýwSPRJGtIMRTATIO".te, às, LobingGlansest c. te., ah"s7m lb av XKUt! th Ti.mi nba"mY »00iiv Cnain tr Unerota,300 paire Pitls, an4,400 VUUI. _À11 ovon htilne, Meti s leanin&fat amivît Maifl-imlir. hureattewmds Al», 40Overcot-tbe balance of bit Stock. The OGreeoas t eWorth frein SI." 5U 0, epailing Clocks, Wawkes, .,1iY.&. printed gtieg 1caaainlag faithur ifqorm- ad i eedmction vilt b. made.on the.. and Engravring, 'ýill h osab<. ~W~ tien as toeoaciditio*u i 'propôsed Onumaelamy Tii. l bm adrertîsement but a.great reduetiOn ot Stock mus&lbe nue fortbîr6Priug -*ni >ner tuaittwill retain cit'UM 90d i <iii O8i b. Mien, ad blank fora2iof Tner ,aM 1. o;- G od a ib bc> tlers'ui. t..sfct tai*ied ai the Pomnort L d Mya- ~iuoe~ tCS0FFNCY~Remenber-Sigi' .1 h. UCHI <>NIE DEWE TOPIEaa<S cS ]Pys Kent Street West, Lauy . O. TIariv 14a fwo4u.'s ResSTApI.l ~OD S, :Vmgl CHAP, consisting of Shirting c ikna otons, Pu.rthér Iotfoe. à-oA. CÂDOT9, i F- 011SA=E, l a. umrtraljPart o b LuT *r LZT t8S DweIIug oUses. EMAIINQla .jaxisà p~<>~~ -brick sud one frame, with goo4 loist R Fb ch; an~~d b ing situated ne-h aht 1866 ~ ilici or me a Most desirabie residenc' h if ~I AV PIITAfI E~~5~IWEIM I u.Sterand Dwelfiax: oni Kent Street- mcv Alah, Wame. YoeKinn, Ab a wa E E ~ RAN mns El~ocp y the-suebutr and proprietor- The, Allib, Jams NcMion purc11 1-18r viU.!be allowed two to, Ibrees 7M Agev Adnw cintosh, John tiffe to pay by iusatimlents, vittl i*tits. Batisonf, JohueDaniel, Ja. (ON LINDSAY SI1WI', PPOSITE THE-PCST OFFICE.). Forfurthier infornrsleftapml±ini.ram Bevho ar MCluskey, ini by letter te te ii. prietor, (G.. a, V-. hb aAna f r J1TIYCT O -y.. Ourln, Patric i . van, i.DS Ë.~S.ifte Aiea O'Neai, Alick________ l"u George A 0004 Farà ForIwo1.. O",Mathew . N .K R P IE O . 14 i h 9th concessionofOi coutained HoaAna TyoGog 100 acres otwhîch about loi acres- are dleared Irin R- alr avdad1 veready to log. This fi rm isaithix KeUo JhnTaylor Dad .j miles of LiWdaay and 6 Miles -from Omemu., Lucai', littilda Ze"lnd W.Th Proprietor viahes te lafom bis fdiends aud, the ppoblie that ho hai nov in stock, anod la a short distance fvoni the railway. A900oà Bliybee, John tu ntantly n.anufactnning laii odru ip* !telt Poinscllofor lb. aboiTe wiàIplease ask Imbmediate possession. Titie indispitable, for adertiued letton,. Tua-& oto o b mnydir;ai T. . DAMI P.1( $ El S A N D CI> ý TJ V Iy the balance in 4 years; For t'urther particulars T R ~ apply ta Lthe owner John Bryns, <>ps, q t î loliof 1» ton.*iitl. *OF THE *we -rgrieeiIeIhbibdl 37adBi aeilLta tls SueFor. Woskmanship and Varicus Pr<' R M (VAs Ontaileléetre hld cer imtroduced under 're sait the- vanta -andimeans: cf "M purchaser. otie cntral tuêePbnâiaov Wfrra' -nallesru,ébut théel ttTimer will! ho useâ, and an experienceo f ma. ty i-1 T èonu , lb. guiine en 1 knoèv n smure-satisfaction te estome-ra., ALL WORK WARRANTED U wu.f ie the. naine BRYAN bein stanmd on th. Wafer. Rule-. ogs,GoldsSorýe Thioata, Hon sentesi vri[ 1 ? 1 1 1~ in * ~ ~ J .GR E * BYA'S PULMONIO WAFERS ~jjalknuc obigm lpiigvi -s WEGSn J * BRYAN'S IoMNIC WAF RS 5 the charge cf a frit dais WorUkm&n, tofiufokm hiand-mRrous friendi Pnd b RelioerSpiîting'of BlIood, Pain3s in, the . Chuit. neceive Prompt attention. .DpuBEGblî .gecensli.y, thathe hasrMoive4 hWs BRYANW' pL"*-IC WATERSUl1The ownens cf hors"e houid beur i mmd that lu this £s'ablishmint i iuploytd.theL best Poorpi icur al .Relieve -Irritation Of tii. Uvula %nid Tami HorsShéer iu Cetr4 Canada. BRAWPJL. I ATERS ýýLimduay, 17th January, 116C. 33 a large and commodiods ro<>xnuin* Kn9wlia Rlii.e the bo C ubpait la Ter niautes. Brick block, specially fitted up'for the, purpoée, Eo1qÏP4 and equal for accomumodation te any ili Ibe Ar. bluiîg wailGlaes nd onsItuiOn. ~wa~T. G. would trn bis thanksfor the, vey 1rntAN'l, ULmIOIlC WATERus T>E1 H-liberat patronage bestowed- upon hum for the Aeaatidfibr vôeÈhste and Public Speakers . FE' iNIU UI< . >al unberof years, sud h àn uw better p. Il WSUL1ONI Ih la w- W~~ A TE Tà4~ E~bI/U,7 preci than er-er to suit the wau;,s c f the. PUlI41 Xx, àt > gplomBId'pleaumt te t..~.*U 4 ~ E m ~ W i i UU I lu the jicture tUne, in the la tce.-ad Most pleai-. MY: à1 kSLO0 WTR ý'~ ingsyles andi second to noue ,àith. Prov;.nce. hI 'nyrélisve, 'but afléct lasingCoi. EAD 07710E> .22 GESORGE STP£ET,,EDINBIR.GII, Pro. exhibitions ôf vieva o ail p s !tIh ~i)EAN' PUMONIO WArE1RSfved v.eaetù14M!tLOlOWYes HADOFC I AAA WLIGON$-.TOO T.jGolci and Silver Eiectrop1tCg doui. on. tba a... rec" e &UI O -HAD -FIICÉ W'ÉLLIGiON, T..«r'ftoiro N RANADA, tJi iN1UwâWAnotice SHERIFF'S SALE 0OPADS Vounty of Vicoria, ILL ho sblda lVII, To wiî. 'Court ilouse, in the Tovn cf Lindsay, on TUES.-lAY, the, Sixth day of M ARCG1, A D. ISM~, utthîe bmur cf Nfoon, uùder andi hy 1virtue cf. soient) irits cf Venditioni *xjonas,. ail tIc i- gt, tille ani tereot !til ndementionied defendants in a&I t the mêfollowing landsansd tenoueéatà, vl*. In 1 h.eCos#t of Conmmon Pie. Peter MoCabe- and - Iaunah MCabe, Margaret kenney, Mary Kenàoy, Eliuaholh AVIi té. KÇ lànev. and li-rt. ý 1 are - ti toptik r free. ffrrin, any 4- with ee.rtàLinty after t'br,,.tr death fL7r1. CAME i 1

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