Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Jan 1866, p. 4

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Lx Puglu M4i theI lt in- àkers. 'e isan eà -ara' orle iri id '<bat i have re, lo fi;r a ts and lùantre o> isaîmuly ex-. or Mri Diow tis a -pirit of te oira ei fit ýsst'liea ltly it<auaficial in. )m tise use of in. gegê~ @l Bqrost uwm iii. I ~S5t #~kie*is**< - they.kuo.a~ tht i e ON m iBLOCK. i 4 a- -t. ymago Ihe»e s'cry mos tfJer Sot, tain creit, 1 6 4 e~in h thirfraiur i, lfardh . The'i."pSe fetomi m. adU&roè. of buro vilesm 'wured wltfrar*iisad Ituiè vWk îlir kbauIo-gt h i md whobae' i) l 01 frpon s- 1blWtîçtoti and4 ia the ý 1 elrmailieai of want- -I~a. ~i~ryreinhution, which was 1v64'éïupèn theirashaswho atilesbt cou- uivtia the masar, e .ntirs it isupropa- rpie tt at tbo't ace nesu'f- terrer wit be re- ipeateni tither-upen Lebaooui or Damascuw. tThr har re atsy inpiotiomeets esmong sce o f the retty Guverunati' cf the P, iii, and) tht f rigîts o OCiwan sd ret~6~ porr im i aitei't to at Irasat orne Veitable republic, in the very ltart 'of i Le T1urkih Empire'. iPowem, with bâe ctit'sent ufthtîta. seieced.the gitteti Daoumd Pl.b1a aq.1-Pro- -us-sonal (,uveidor fiù five years aver ibe inosî refractory di-tric's i ' Of ùi Lebtiuop. tSoa vtl were ail parties t-atiuýfièd witb bus 1admnistration, thait at tht cuti of tue.five yieurs thse Sulta , ý upààn bis awirimpuls,ý ctintiotk-d J i n supoirer. '-And thiis-otan rlia,. iiti>.trattc'd !ome- , e~luof 5'Wertl-. imitiAh:ch it werr welI not ôl o .rt lié, iSulan .but tho,-bovert-ignu ofEurop*e btlent- sey. ag toi pder., Tise mîýutiailà heika a.h-o mere 1îlaced un(lerb's swàli tait. ton b li naîtritoviiy. inbtul>rdiuatue. hIr s UZ- by c- 8,OS 10 1 tîi ufatundt.,' ic-ne a nt vil a y thiat the 'isubl1iwte 'l'oite'as able te mîuln- Tht thesey i f- 1Lte .ilonG.Ovtrnmeat i ws a!ific;en ly tyraunacisl <o trtlia îfii eveiry rebel of (hi n ei t.feir o Ijarren iîocks, or sweep thein i fîcs cistnce with..tht b*'souZ t fdeitruelion; bu' t1Was! îhe>y were as iaccersmble andtthrcfcreu as utpuanu.h.a îItbleai'ilie suaanVtltr 'l ey %re prp.ctically sî'it'.gbyen.ed, V ougi under.0o diferent nmre, at vuiîtthe déeop..ý -ment eft tiit stase cf bonor wlich ttue iibeiqta suct.lculteb'd té.eau l fotih. The sictes ef Daoud la'ceh, ias.been, acheys. 'ed, b-v appe ailrg 1'Itt u f.*t Te n.rîat i"îî na" the s;Imple o a'uu ckn owlrged -nian- i itu.-of iîue ch.eI'sandIJ eif ilomers, snd by givine 'Iitrn à toice in'the-condnict of ibeir anfialTtirs. ' They, now b'ld:hii roru',? areletiutitsby Ite-S maud disrirt-,. cI mpse, tu a crritoîn tiSent Ibtir uWil t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý atmiossd rm it o'laws. rhus aih4her setit'iinîelttiae been awak- enu.d i tihe place C'fiav"eas A na- tional 're, eom hamsectîettuiatlre ftorcp<ot'ld tntd acceên1 lisbi.aid tepria- cipit of -rseif-gf-vernment haW found io tlica'j.i> nin 'îLe vety rnid-.t of the. Most I riii[&l cletilivîre utt eworl. jiy tev-en o'çWok me hId renehed tb. hi le'ýt pc>itit ofou 1rmy.vreaoî w hie re île ga niet a maugîm;ficee't vïew of t >ntawy Rer-mai', and of tilt- b-aïti-t,î'ley of the Litay-antiently-kripwn as CoeIu-' Syria. 'Is valfle, whic seýParqa(es Lebauta tram i t .Lt-lincss, uà,front ix in tep ies wîle ami) p~ i aa i iy te. usîy utiles i n ntb. It os ,alwà.-$ beën anti il îltiaot d for ils hcuauti itd' ils ferîiy; but <bat v b!h i iily mterests . 6lravel- fer is ils IIbrillsg litory. ma:bc bc is but, a few houri abaes ý ir place of tran ifm'icicumtiy attea t'hé.e grsa'ness adttiis~e'ouf shnalitiga hicbhave made 1ihi* t11.earens o f i heir mWghi dt. Tise dlPhoenicianslisse ,teft theirendur- ing foot-prin!s fere, sud snoh4vott bB- uans ~of the pa'muy days of Autonines. -- .A.îîd Ibis wWoe val ley vas te, the 't&Syu rians. tumd #lieKings ofr' lera ud, Judai, mitai the Sheaandoah bas b*fîtIo. thëex>l. tendiag, aqnsrs eoflite preeett, 1,erapa by Ili's tinte 1 hotid Say thse le* war. More issu ost-the biaisof Baby fate avept oser tiii. heautiful -plin tto a %«waia éad Jezusle. amaind so*rvivdiy are theterurileI sceuses c:f? the past récaliedy tlsat atbihsk1ieau cytti nov simosaid&f6 Iïg.itisa'triustpliant- îrmy Of --Nebachuüd.. DIaxr #trmg ur jouder vle4y nu 1j returniflom t t an0e-of Jcmi:àlem., Tiî ~tiakngZu-ikih, 'aprmirwiîh Ibis ho 1. uDé I uo! biî. oer imov the degr diay.oft 4 bsu ta .coitte. -1p huitbut lill i tere i n thf.. $cep . M 01 beaitt as i héps»ea ,8 <(0lis unknown but en~tl utr. T he Ihîr vafey, tise bo4 Brai rt uap," yl l ad a New 4to~ Otn lw Munds, Filbetn sui uu, Anebo'ry paste, En-lih ickes mes, ktefr ý DOB$ON 4. NLBLOCK, (LD Brandes i utlx*nfeads, riz Martels 'jJules '"xila-k#Co., United Viuyard Pro- prietorgs 'Pe Nart,â3berries, Graba m's- Port, (~r edicu~.~pse~ 'u Yuprea Holnd gin, Rum, 1= & - a4bd sotch Whskie, Leodoà n d DebUn Poe*. Engliah Aiea, ke., D ONkNIBLOCK. Insolvent -Act -o 186 C of !Victoria. In the Countv ,Conrt of tIie.Gouuty tu<Victoria. ,ln liteMalter of JOHN MA TTHIE, () N the Nîueteenth day eof FebruAry next, the, undersigues i ulrcaî wil apy t e i juâge of the mid Court Ibr a disehargje under the said Àet. The uuderl'gned Offcial Assigae givesno- tice paisethat ho wR! at> the samuene (or se seon the,-ea'fter as'Oousel'ceau be heu rd> aîply, te the salut Judge or bio disehârge fr6m tht- office of Official .Assignee,; sud thnt bis final accaunt id opta for inspection at bis office. in the Townuef Lindsay. J'OHN'MATTHI1E, Per JAMES HEAP, hba'Atlerbey. s 04. WOOD' Dated Li duay, fth D arus er, 8 Gà5 .3 27- , 1 HfER11 ('.LANDS. tCounty of Yjetl To wii:- the Towmn efLi teethlidayoet] hotîr e of uoe the underincut In the C Peter MeCabej Margaret Kenui Kenney, 1 Kency, ih Dey, thte]l Ther Eastihall concession oa I likeC rJohn O'Leary, Francis (VLea, Tht South h 6thb At At and parties tlteie'&4dvau betere clii Cooking 1 Box Stari . irtour 8 a-band.h 'ILL lieésol.d atthé --Court liuse, in- IUESDAY, t ht Thir- -A. D. '1866, ai the titie and interestotf l.$ts in and> te thue ots,viz: nney, Elizab-eth suad Marlin >y Martin Ktn- aiC guardian De feuaats. her Ten la thet <brd of Ops. ..PlaixV~ ...Défendanit. viliip of Hupily. Mc.DQUlfL4Y-- toves e Irub Pries.k s chase wlUlafid lb <o p swt,!4d stds mk e S to g1 $,. 10 8 4 t imftd p i* od atoug la dtbhe mrglusut mier mmOcf' w11. Ooue 3,00ACRE a!oc 'o om Laad ici tht C.sng-of JJtra i*. sutd I ctS etpct, loa'rla on ButentRiver, la the Townsbp of Sd'wervhfe, mc fic Lmssebol Itarct in tht eil-ka ~~egt u <ha outh sida of Fenelun River, at 'Tta.~eotiz Aibu O ofed bi Aue- ~nthe Town of lui day fu t»- toWNstU Of FENELOIf arethe folloVixig Loto: Essit hait ofýlýot 214autht Ith cen-- Mo00&crus. 16' St "18 eth su: 1 ith 200, West hW f,,tt25 'Gth 10 6~2 th 200 -1talo 13 S8th 100 Broke Wpt d 24 $th 80 to O "31 8th 20q West niÎer -32 th' 60 Il BU Oth gvt200ý 11,il' oth 13à "26' -Ith .:118.- *'12 liîth' 12 Brokeu part ' 2b lIth 26 Si, Ilthgov't 126 2il ' ith -200 b tht TOWNSHIP-0F VERELAN. SeqntiBt as ot26 litht lai Cou. 50)acres. M"t liait' 295 2ù4d 100 West hiait 16 4th 100 31"' 4th 2w< 28 .3fflgov't 200 TOWFSIIIP O~F SOMERVILLE., Lot9 In the 7tb Cencession,, ith mater 200 10 tb " prîvilege.. 200O 12 in the Front Range, 14 in the Front Rtange.: luI tht TOWNSIII1P 0F BEXLEY. Lots 3e' sud 34 Nert'h W est Bar. In the TOWN OY LIN SAY. Noitlhalt o! Lot 14 South of Wellingtou Street. Tht purebase money wiii be-.takea iiin five payai 'enti anti'yul bear'.Six per lcen-t lteruat.' For fuetherpartieularsapy ho. DE2XNISTOUN-f SON, Peterborough' or hoý R.k J. F. DENNISTOJN,4 Linutsay. December i 2th4 1865. ' 329-td COU NTYVICTRA Agricultuî'at SoetyI. '1 '1E ANNUAL MEETING etü tht Society, 1 bci b elld at JEETTS-11OTELI On PnidAyt. the l9th of Jlanuaty, 18Q6, ait the heur oft1il o'clock a.uî. W. J. THIRKHLL, Lindsay 181h Dece, 186.'32 01IL$ALE! Two*0Iniproved. Farms -IN ELDON,' ITÀC Weit huit Lot No. 15 in tht 6thcon-. «.ce@oc ot ini 90 acres; oftwich 8 loi INeý. 23 South Portage Road, eçontainiing over 100 acres et which 3& s-reý undercuLItiva- tien, sud- a good L0g lieuse 24 by 18, a 'good' ne'w hum stables erected theroù., a guod mcii, ke. -Th; OIiglaexcellent and- thtetiîrive-ry deairably situîated, being only 21.ileéstrüm ither ut' ihe rising..villages. ut Kirklleldand. ai. ,185 tJtJXBLUINk SON, Propnrietors GEO. "DORMER, Esq. TILe: CHEÀPEST IT TOI Setof 'Goverrrnent!j ANID AND GENEIRAL AGENýýT. Land I Patents -.taken oui.-Tities Ezamrnined.- Searchea made. Letteru Patent fer invention secarede- Municipal Fundi sudandAcOOUait. c- 31, L. Dealio., Huq, Doier 0Court, &To'ob. H.n.WIMmelisteî .L..,Torontao. fcmn, aïbsttete "1tg a-s et fGOv.- e**aaet the lcouultfoi a C'hm . lieaud- s~h amçitst aas I*mebâ4ýg ud- t au ?dt ofth ta af4 vitethiat étis,'e' ta1rv2&m v'tes ~ eéi~bi. Age - aiC~(U1b*.< lcparpl. çoigl Vwu. è*g. I fe1rSN buOetçth4 1 ay e fvoçd wb, o th"va rt" Agn ti Wc AUl e eau aluqie b ~s#e~ftht~lasaOhiG. IIaud q have fltted up the abuve roorus specialv fo r T. Gourley, Photqgrapher, antl parties desiritig pictures would duo we-1l te gjive hlm a eali." J. KNOWLSON.~ Litdsay, Nov. 17, 1865. 324 bnsivent Act- of 1864n&.~ PROVINCE 0 OP AA,~ County ef Victoria. In the Coun'ly Court 01 * 'the; Counly of Vietoria. la ie-Malter , f HUUIIBERT JAMES SUTTNan Insolvent. (NheNineteenth daty' of'Febrtiary next, the, '1undersgned Inselve nt- wili appiy te tIlle Judge ef the said 'Court for a dscla rge unude- the said Art. the undersIgned officel, Assigneea gives _no-_ tiee aise that he wiIi at the saine- time (orsi.. soon thereafteýr as Conirsel can be heard) apîply te the said Judge for bis.,discifaRrge tiotu the lofficeeOff ca siu t ud t: ut bis tfitis .,açcourot î1 ope.n for inspetioýn ut bis uffice iu the Tom et Lindsay. RUGHBERT JAMES- SrTTON, Ter JAXÉS HEAF, bis Attorney. S. C. WOOD, Dated et Lindsay, 6th Décentbcr, 1865. 3-21-8 THE, COMMERCIAL TUNION. Camr Orrîcas . London, 19 Cernhili E. C., m ontreal,221 -k223 St. Paul St. DEPOSIT FUNI leCANADA $- 50606 Geftra1 Agents for Csuad.Ç -NOAL AND, WATSON k Go(.% 11%i. buderaigued baving been appoitited Agent of tht aboyé fit dams Engllsh Comptany evey 4c.orptUoof Fise aad Lite lusiursuce at pelussu &e_, May t e Won ippllcatîoen ta ýýJAMES REAP1. l.i P. en. ay oN sd aDrTbu Ison ber lu, & u al ~tu sisWaa i nm Les. iadaji 955LUmi vvca Ju*uWsd aihe" leaêdV's ga4 louaDa kst Our, 7 «&bUgSlonraibsrae. W. L i,,uh i~StiLhvies, 1 Auxurs,46 Artis', 12 - 3O00 Copies o! Worka of art includiug reproductîions efthte Most celebratel h1 Engravings, l'aiutig'* Staus e Lt 1' 1 ~ ~ lugues sent on receipt ofSti.Anedrtr i~5 W U E Oîne Dczen fPictures.from oxmr Ca*.a.logueîi iii1e tiletd on. the receipt etf $1.80 and ser-nt iynual The suibseriber desires to itiforni tlxe ctstunt'r5 -free. tî eia t Photographers and others ordering goot's C K O.. D. wiil llease renlit tventy-fivep c1tit. Uf t' " ElTt: the amotînt with tireir ordsr E. & Il. " NIJ NY &CC., agwtili as the general Vu;1c îiýtat he ik uw litixnf ulurrs f ihoto-riii(,c)lati rit - yr'iîîg ou tlie làrîîî'ssau1,} s'uiffirV b'î-' 1*t BROîîADWY, NEW Yti<. stîli'yun is raaowon iithe, tld ti iand' a tr Thepriées àand qtiàtlitiy cf ur gueul a eiîi- jtîiiiixg tlic store (e Dii -1!. JLt 1! «- <ý C. uet fail b sîîisfy. M -I* W'iileaxn Stnuet, Lixdsay Wlierle lie a'ill be-gel LINDSAY AND MANdLLA STAGE LIN-i h, in J 8 i erevtejtwatc :y W'orkiuîl iu- lsel at the l0tsixtess hirizeif, a t ., ,U ýN T l L F1URTHERt NOTICE, A STACEeénvin.iyig noue I.ttt, texjterieneed workxiitîtu.iî wiii leare Fournier's IloWl. Liiuds.av.erery ýbuit iihinittrial for cash, heii' i lrerarcil ta :axvfui tinornig t .1 O 6o'ciork, reching Manîllia fftrs the folloiing rice, list for tht.e a-iîux in tinte tà cotuxe-t, with thielst-tige fiar Ushaîra. tion of intending lîxrchaser:s Wlîihy -and, Ikavert-),n. JRetîrniig-Ieares God lîeary Slor:-Tug I11nrness with Fcutoui's flmtei, Manilits. at'tee the arrivai tof the theavy ilanis...........1r "rta g rt OChama, lVlîibv and llesvertoîi, Long-Tiîg de ýdu do -deo 'l0J) r ariingatLids-a8 cckath ereulittg. 1liook Harnesa ..............1i i [Fae esub e plîr,ietor 'wilH ' ot lie Set oet hglitsingle Harnets, ith raised. rponsible for parcels or bafggage imItsbock-1i tae.rud ns u'lî-ta, edati paid for.'finit itey Bridile................18 OS GERECADEIL, A goti sertiiîl lte set ut co.urse- Propîrictor jinei;. (511itA)ble-fin vtuî r 1ri glat Lindsay, Ari.1 le 1864. :4-tf pyr)macitler ani'hip-stra;ts, f rotund Unes and faney Brde.... 0 2ilO à I B.,And e'verv*thi11ý lu proliortilin.' ila Repaiing exectited nestlyi proTriply ai:! VALUA LI? PY h;j.Lsis.Sicnls rirushes, Conmbe, &c. &e., kelt enstantly un 7OR :QALE li niaand uldverv cbeap. FO R SA E IAll kinds et Carrnage and Cutter Triming Ol 4b ral 'Tilrmns d at the lowejt prices. lcie JAMES LONVELL. The South hai t Lot.22 In the, EigI>hh con- Lnsy ecme[1 16.28t cessioa of the ne 1 84 1 atu PORT HP EEBR CO0UNYTT 0F. ONTAXUO, a fn d atterthe, 22ud o! MA", te eterboro'- 'Trai il run as fîîllews: Un u dî~ c e 'Leave Port 1hope ut... ..... .5 a.. tArrive at Pterboràughat ........ 12.1-5 p.m non OS L L'.,-'Leave Peterborouîgh at.......3pn. K»»-'" Ütii 6KELILOG IARM."'ý:Arrive at Port Hope ut.;.........5.55 p1). À* voyvalualbe property mW"iigood uln&JMvPerbogh61OM.i Apply te .lA4rrive at Port Hope at..........15 à-ni' OEO. ORMER Lesve Pprt Hope at.......00 Gur ta . UNSOR, Arrive at Peterborugh ...........530-jiut 'Registry OMMie. ind3ay. .R rMAL, JOU31FOWLER. - RYA MIL TÂE. Tobe Sod a Bargain,. LIndsay to 'bca'h yg eon. Tht sonth half of. Lot No. 18,lu tht151h concession of Naniposa, cotîtluiiigD081cre9, TRISubmerberbeg tasahtine 'hatuntl of which about 70 acre are cltared und un- jînetier notice bu miii sun adySaeb-der eullivation; it lu mell fenced,. ba* agood teccu the.ahort mentioasd pleesi, leasing UM log suid ulso a Pruine flwellobEgbou*e, &flta,. Jemtilius, iadaay, i - oos ~ is.rnail 1Rar aud Stable thereon; there i i img At Bobusygeçu at Il dOtC Ibeturi îg 'way a. geod supp yo pigmtro the ot viiiles" (sehircs Moel, obcamn a 2 ~ viilbe givea f1« the gre-ter parto u oiU leaeCk jsm., uanlvug u cqý 2parchase mnu p.~. yi J4 Weelo>muoubE ii (di put&b!q. For paticuhai dte Parcels at tre theb ovur, n. bck- t*QEOILGEO" tLAiZEfl cd mu d for. ' ' - . - I -U à AI'tlP àWV*à UVAP. b~=~ F MIw m 0 **SO dxfioelssasuild b ht . Pi* Ybuy1t- 8 thýt OfiUS OC i * «Mww ~ty e Nrcahs- s1u st»ao<owN M Y~rk. m k40<1 . W »ç~WaI Cbotl rep de, Tis lov"i ~tegrflna betirens fe heUioft" magot. b omo ui.d fr Bed &gmiuuli: g m aclaiyepsècoi itu Pbo.oraphuines. riei'asbloe t eut of tsr. g bé rit couse « lncbomrml Mh8fuerof o. 4 lucpacy txxst, Meve17 d eserptiondo my ýnèovI Exc e iqboyo b ok* tr 3. lquse, ouh4n sud ois c limein r- .,~ « Tacb~.s.us4Latte.. an Mèm CommoLaw, IMOeleUI Caônunden - matewi,tè raii Ojcin mc) la nm repodAc. .uý lmcer ou BuAnds- 5fiagebè noseub e aoraera .. mu Customs. lite £uupfre & s.wwg Machine iv E.reîp Mr. X.. SITLLITANl, IL.,. Dareister, Lecturer on jroRU al hege objectuons Comntroal aw.It busa straigbt needie, perpeudicula r a c- Mir. a«. B. TonB, Cbief operator in Mentreal tionuakes the LOCK or SB U 7TT$E S'lITcIJ Pl CN' 1A NS 111t1 Tulegraph 0941mpany's Office, Toronito, lnatruc-wihylNJURRPurR~VL n; TLdAJIG tor la Tekgrapby. la alike on both ikis - perfoais perfect sewvitig PIN>IPY Kr. W. B. Tnoxraoi, Instructor in P'10110o- every description of material, from Lath1P1e-r ) AP1 KSFgRLNCZS.tô the-flueit Snàsook MùsIL- iath Cotton, Iinen, BOACE4JG ~*.DA~ ba uachplesur i reerrng or silkthread,fr h oarsest 10 the fi xsti I'IINITC Mr . a abpesr nrfrigto number.. CORR ESPON DENCE. Ml~I~ gnlee-RvIHl. rust Having neither CIN noir COG-WHEEL, Mx. iuroï7, Eq, IIof !IoffbitMurray kCo.; sud tht lea»Spotleriiotrusa A..X Nclaster, Esq., of Mcelaster &Brother; as. glass, and la>> Tec ot on /a rir hyei G.O~.iCJ.C o.; David Bucban, Esq., Bur- 1»i~I .NieesX.Me practice whien tte y beconm Mi.'> bar JDIenntl;J. Lesslie, -EBsq',' Petmaser; W. Fitch, 1984, of Jlowlaud à Fitch; -,Adam*Ttrqurs TYPER CENT. less polwer ta T Or~,.Eq.,Q CM ~L .D. L.W. mit *drivei ne s ote Mcin umarket. AI *e collégialfe cours 'e of this Iisitution i Cro.ko,-oq. T. rA * .o; L.oW. Sissu e rl0<thlle l y erach'ceeuwr aedicudes everyîhing requisitelfor, a liîorcaïgh and 'aq Dnr"tr, D T ornt;L.. -luéwithout fatigue.o liuytr talh ra etical butsiùess Edu'acaîh.n look-ktel;ilg D__unnMP.- , R-asiEs. Alsn Its .trergth sund vonderut t Siîliclrcf adsîîed te every kind, of lusiness, by Siigi.. BueW~,Hsq HaiII.ou Donca BellL., uctin retider it aîûst impassible. iciget out su obEx îratnha~ ,Uaii~ NenIýtreal; *:Tent, Hq., Newmarket; .Re#. tioe.ler, sud la GUARand Dr. Gréen, Wellingtoa S .quare, Chairman Of ED y heco- iguExhîee. uwadig m loànty 'ad fPublic Instructioni, Halion I y tu giveentlre sa tisfactiost. b' tone , I)ouiicuiEnginiug an Forte dd'd'~l We rsi.eclfuly invitail thosewhomy df- elunging SiglluDîleErv te su~pIy then'selves witb ' uperior arui- - fi Prc fl >sipime ni ~, » , Icletae cai and examine tùs UNVRIV.dLËD Twenty lt dollrs. 1 .C.1 IN .t in a more speclalmantier do t1"Books and Srationety for'fill course Practical ýAcceuntant, Tor<mto, we solicit the patronage of Theactual. ilitNlùess Del.arîmert is turiebqîl 218 Feýrmely'et Loudon, EnÏlanid T-iila reaMaesc it woBks.with a ui1.8 - ~ Coach* Makers I C6rarejkIkerd, eundluvetd on lte >âîe lprincil-de asq out aor KON ! 1 LO N IoopkiiManif~ures I(iaferi r lBaiikiig g Iùes. A 3ltrcha nVs Em)c'r!irn AT 8 P EU VENT.'.Shirt and BifsnMikers, S/oe dindtrs, or W o a] 1kiistafu]Merýnt isei ing âf & --es of alaniuds (fMerebandse, Rt aiEst.1t*,1 paR rticulars apîpIy o 93D'Religinst ad artable Insttuion . fnîuwhic h 1the studt'rîts, etteriuig thie'de, art. r LACOURE' ~ Relgions sd ('hariabie Insitutton nient ruake Ilheir tirst jucats Ieho~ LàO-Sol& icit VErsRnd will lie liberall*v dealt wilh.T Soiios ida.- PRICE -OF MACIIINS. tXK4PLÊTE. kej't in the Enui',b~'teStudet'i,11 a Liudsy, Jau 21, 1864 234-tf egh n îmlr t-e '(Ilî'e os cf No. 1. .Famiiy Machinie, with Ilemmuer Oignluntvar oIot n l: complete .......... ....... r~ia nnadtîvlr ui<I~~ .it: The àvçropl.& IL-)-n-olaNe. 2, Smaill mi .nufkcîuriug, With Ext en- lulilliof th.e W I .lr-uk llo1. ý-s iii tLe sioux able y. This departrnient is und'it, is . rge nf a ~ 1*1b8 Ko3, Lre o "-TilicFer wiv i ashad ail îgeîehuriibtI>î- n VUfl A~iflNo. 4, Large, ete...... on~ ipticielit giaranicle f îrattd for Lna-hwrrkîng. ..100 00f!r spec ennoft rixing Rand Rt'ateq. (72np*dn, Cubha, Mhrxir'o. Cetitrail ,id 218_1L'SGIROVE &WIUî, pit- I ~ p JSI N E COM A Y SvuîI Wmrica, where Agencies are ro i ai3l InotdPmd,-- sestablished, te whorinaliberal disiountvlllie",NOney! v Money! Doney!#1 IUV«ted. YUndst 1tuOOO, O given, but ire nrake tne cnnsigntaents, - Ord -rs .ruay be sent throtigh tire - .d-,n IlIE tinterýsig!u d lias aîv' 1es f.t,ui lbis (!r- Daili Income, of tht Cormpany, $1.2,000. &drert#irkng gnry, 3 SY9 Breoadwnty, New rk j respondünts, t Th ie-J. T. MýcA4RTIff R &CO., LaitG1z suIVZ$CF MONZY plany duriug the yiiar 1,863ruaceedF thmse or the ' other Comîtanh lu Great Britain by, £201 î .&B .A' - 'TE 'i & FaOu. Sterli g. Aarnufacturers oJfholIog.raplsic MAjleria(,l, O ..D SETT LE-0O T0W NSHi;PS Insuresion every description, of property WrLSL MiRTi L ilje iClîngteJ'ile îd Asîartlf± efftctcdat the lwest reiuueratLe rates Losseî paid*immediustply ou î,roof. 501i BROAI)W.2Y, -N. Y. ~nenglttdA JAMES IIEAP,- Agent ftor Lno N diint u mi uinsoflhl Office lu Keipt's Brick Block. rddf,,,. ,tafour mainabufiness <if s are, TEX TOpFII"TE dAV t - the foiiotring, riz.'rtear u nuul c"Iu"d 1 I0 V [, . Siereoscopes and Stereoscopie viewrs. Ajy fb err îe~stt O>f tiiese wu Illire aun inze;se sîîmîj GM.BC TO vèlrý4ing WVar sýeees, Ain e .î:ttoî}xIi Lindsay, April 2G,,181:5. Knowiso 's Brik Ci(hes siand c eGronîts, Statiîary, 7 a . Also, Itvulviîig Streu-cupesfer îb' II .R" 7 AY> tir private ehihitiun. Out, Cataioguxe vii li e I'J VE1) FAR sent tu au3y address.on rereipt ùcf s;nmi. FC T.. ý-G URIIEY >PH11OTOGRAPIIIC AJ.BU-.1. IF 'NePP îf-r 1s fr SleLot N 91 SEG S te in forn is ismerons frien ds ant iilit lcWerethe first.te intru)di:c-c desè lu ie udu i (» f lt t> publie generally, tbatbe4lbas re.tueved bis Uie utsadwe iiianlît'îîctui.rnîae *TOWtNSIIIP 0F MÀRA, CO. (;NTAR10 tlianli ties lu great vlity, rr.gin-g in 'îp iîu.eiîteceîr 'ag. sîeu'î Photographie Picture- Gallery fon ý)(eist S- al.Oi'iBý.t n!,o toilarge and commodious recuims luKn6wilsoîî's jreiatiu eto n)- iers. heîr ll e setck ail YThIIe, e st Mi.s t' IrSTo i Bikulck, speeîaily fitted up for lte ltirp(tsv. .uaiiyt u tir.Te rl tsn yToPrvi.îrraic r~o la sud equal, for accommodation w ue,,ljl freouinllthe pîe.aa t is witi .1 of*f ilie Province. ~ ~ ' ~ Fine Album li,*e oOrder, s:'rîE-R. . T, G'. *OUId retnr his tbanks for, !lie ver-ve' The La îd ts- of he PlElT tUIA Ll1T Y, illtî hoq liberai patronage bestowed.upon hlmi for tht. CA RD P 110TOG;R.1PlIIS..1 Tiile ký intlisuîul"~ . past numüber olryearÎi and lie ig uow licter OrCîsuîu o nbace." e iez~u lîlahl&y10ntet pared Ïha~n ever te suit the watits of the *puthle <and different sîîljeetâ (to wlîich aidditi»ons aile*;D UNC N il NMC F w t'.Es la the ;îictureline,,iuti'te latest and' mît llflas- 'îîîîafll-beiiug ruade).of î.,rtrîslts tif, Eîni- F.duM~.laî~ rP igStyles 7and second te nueein the Pruv'Il CV. nent %meric.*n,., &c, riz.. abolit or to thiepropriet>îr (n14 le jat'ui-îcs, Frèetexhibiitions of riews et al parts of tl:e 1> Msu-Ceîris 'I l-Gnrl.25 N.,J) -. IAE.F . wold (uouel,100 Let-clnls 5 ttîr alt Rvr a

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