Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1863, p. 1

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M P. la A' &~ p ; ý- " l rpL. Jana. 81, I. Zt TtAcIiNu OpVIS EPIANO»IrgT AND * u 4. i .ItY lfirnstbi 1wbibu i eyf dua"y * l e'. ha. beeomNme ersaet reioria n uon$gtàtiu and Liaa.t p0rfgred te recel" pnti'u rlta "' ict flmt4uofi Mu ,l.Piano V.ýrO, andtin >$tu.I, uleh*umot lInprodydtn SIri L. fieAt uooltent thst -eh. cm ie homei. À44v .alhfuitIîl miiigin ntêt blttiUiUc ber, chu hilvlrug i,'Telotl tber Mfna ut<alodt"trôatu th 4o. ,atnrilni Ureut t blW and Iriland. M"- . Liro lathxitte% talme broughî oU i ila lier a vory cuporior lliwian matby O4y. lmoru ilu, or$t aufattln l nlon ,Englauti, and 'vhié1 ce*" itoltid for hemrl li' ulora.d o-Re '%oIineoNer lr. 141O', Kuaseli 8lreet. lin [ay.-Nt Fi. 10. -1861.1%I ( C (ON. ' al0 id <>nmontul fl'%Iqtrr and 0(>isu.hom, WIiiin M6eot. ,Ind- y.-. <uotihtry aied ir v ork uttadeti te withý mruntai Piiiîwa -and I'sptrhsuIgor, Remi Mtm~., ~,uWiv rm-Att Ordofluprompli Ani execitiuti>' o e ut.d11I 184 W l N~'EltS 00< >>W IN.liuuucirt, cl îk.r miI 1'm1e- linge' - W iimil 9trelta. isf111 > ( 1 lsi4I..tnlAý'du' t'le 0noël A , iliam ?$Vtmeed thrc twîrr fiunuay st $ure, Lindsayi. .fY-.-Offl(urâ fur i'er'y t èl(li t hit .11, Menmi11o.iitcI,11 PERResX-LIKE 1I-BISE. .HAV It'0 lu1u îrig 'ul ual b tlsothelate lire, IL tcuulî tlisotheopublt< ie *d ninumier- ouas 1'itntml I I 1hâvre 4o>îtaeMy ay ioen Kent t4trt.t, in >Ir. 'fhlnketl's Wmil<ig'n 8ip, tilt.. 4oora futi ls te ocalMati chers 1 atm . reîuiei t-) at~ ltcf-1nuo re1hl &m N iew <sit. nt di I Iti.ibd -lt.t.oror tntaruthet ot oiùt . 1 vohnx ulIbtil lt l l sI.»t it, hottillermIne«. t'itîuupri t i' .kIa. uthot . t &4àIle loilliîi.aY Sept. 4l, '1 114-tf kit lot If TUIUMN. s Ume »uti lJrt.tu., ofa1. tth* hm ~J 4~erttmuIux ts »#euusWl'mtai qmo sikt atet..t bsi5éS de &U in bi m"1. b eombl acul w ore DU 1.UM- DB, UIS, A8lWAM8 ime 4CSfMý , M14 f h li MandLA .. 0004 flant d& ih ~*~i . Wooi1) FILLe. NO UR3IN HOTE4 Wobd$flle CW. -and lad eta4s( ttsndauea 150 tient, r te L i Ja Walanssd Winteu s4took, vWhleb,,for *eacpse'u and quaity, ocfa te e. x- 00cilnluth. boa kCo¶iIli. Their TUM and other OIIOCBIIES s.r. of . banie sutiedoiquatity the.ured teep. Th" P.eVo ée4m vevry steet au.ortmuet of POC lULltB, vit!>Pnom anid paraphrae.. The. pubdic me roopeott"ly inIPTI. 4 that (.,&C. dconi witia*11l 'ho fàarûr thona with their ou#tom, lotiktt Woodell sMd Argyter ou rery llbo,'iii r'R ONTO. as rer»' j4'. ?~ u i..' ¾*~J~j -'fi :~Y. ~t. du* IS 4 - te a4m- tIc uuJetvfoi,* ne abeuire NwasWurt nai«thebro- se tsar-but uas. au rM"., AFfe .t1ili i t.W tge u alay flrà Va e m "ot ot, 66r. ew dm&u)»Is A bwbswi*, a bl , t a yleu<ai, Md oue maid4eltut'la tuI.lutte tovn every Iibt id out Mi en, oMcocl<, and of course the ut perfeot s.iWd ui, . at b oa in, udeir bolme,*bieh fies, 09 the tond, and I. completeiy hiddeii bytrc.. Ont n'ý4t Tut *inter, 1Mafdime Alibry vas siuag ura i~ading. ie'r hus>baud W d eft be-i her b moeingftevisit a few friendas ix or eight, vail. esd, a unh. expected tb bring home a- consdoble iniu of moey, lie had takon the pirecaution of arraim, biumif with a. fair of pistole. MA"ta ti1mi einck the.lady vent opte ber r'om a tu put ber cbld to led. 1aAWPART EU8fIP. Uer uptrtaient w a aarge room n ithe Efrst c r~~} i:Tjnmnlnct 4'ter~ lin nrl flor, BUed up on ont sida by an oflubaaioned j Aneshlpa Mbn3euRoll>1Io~, Cn~eyno.r, hitmney, sud on the. other by a <eep, spacina &@. i,'4r . ie mdfiyn f tNs> >C*aicove, near wLich sto od ber inrp&t'aý cradle. 1 1)OUASL. > i.-4 îl <~utt , d~, Tii. uight vwu a glousay one, cold and dark.1 JO1I MTAL M MNO ~L. Bvery nov sand thonadahf raie beat agaisitt lèssutu..1.>., 862.134theii gotie windows. The. trees in the gaolen1 bowed te the vind, and' their branches came EUU.nZI#J t humus uv.q *g aainet the e;aýM=nt; ia short, il îU {~T$ WE~E ~ vs a»&igu j» in icli thesolitude oft Lb. > -F fJ1«>I'Efl ad colonial Advertisi AW j con Wu m=re complet, sudalncht4 n , .j Gnswa. XlMreaitill, M8ppln¶ý md Ralws AdotI'oie' ïr <fl! Qtion ii iait tt!>. <'saulian, bMadame ,Aubry gat down in a chor narti. Rurpoa anWhAZ<espaermsudl'ei.> ire , wbish, by its uudden, fiaihel, ollt in umm fer.~ 1882. 152-tfcertain ligb: over the. apartmen4t bowing its1 atique carving and umudiugs hl terne ilto1 Sbrightr relief or 4keper sba*.. 8h. hsd ilèr1 <2 ER C.chidun ber lar, anidbad just flniehed prepaâ, --ing it for Lb. cradie.. 8he Mt ber 9708ate.- F R 1 1. TA'Y IO R, wnrd tho acoue lu ne if dieecra4e wu remdy I>uliaianfrLamnd, e* (knertil Agent, tem, .reil& .littie occupant, whoe eyes veo PA ri~~ra Vifzowri L*sim.,4 owtAiNED. aiready cl»Wl. Zest then tihe Or** flasbed' up <iim.hou~, Imnýent et rou a briglmtly, aindIthrew :a strung i a o, te I pâtet*fi f fvcflinfl and imraliBisinosi with cove, by vhidi tthe lady di4fuisuked pair tli4' ubilo aM<OX Atude toi fefiet, ed linheavy,1. W ll 1esoc, peping To'd~* P é-é qflare# out f g're<> va under the. c=tain id front of the W0. AtJouand thoughtc, puuud tbropgh ber uind T. i. m"ltý s. Ctholne t lon L.Rëb Î%an instant. -The. person illere wu a thief- obui. >14),troaI j lion. U.MuI>nald, Toront); lion. penbapsan main, 1ual was olouw. 8h. had (). Alexannder, W(siiistock -Ion. J. Hiiten, ýjn aad'h i1wobery lie. 1D. CirtiIgno ini proteti, ead at band. lBer usband« il tiheo.1erth; 0.Qoudhut, London; lipn. vawufnot tettrma 1111 .ibk t thLe bonest, and - -pwonybafout six. What wvu te 0 FF c E- hdon&et (orne of iRuade <and Fort/s Stre4ta, 8h. < d n&i w a inôlcr( Of t~t~Eihlmr g on ber aeat. -The.bornuk girl wouhM pfohably, hot h44 bid muuh peee i id i L~NUY (4 IIT. The.robber probafW1yýmeast ýto>romain quije Depamtal Md lPutliamatha7Agt, viirp o hwa&tlll mdiht r b.» seo t4a r~~u&iatt<sd74 r. 3 m. c , mo7 ber Wall tebi4fg valu limai #S8uo UIS DJ»PATEçI, ho.WOUl4 net -ail ta bar. .ishlidig-I.oe Md Pulc Dliriom4. n.,umTrit idatoi lIt notthe xiXJ hé the rabbèr'saeo Ç &retk4 LfUZ*tyt 1epI~vho te ï .wct..b* atono. ýud àù 411M *0ioaM tb*otl* i. d " bl. s iiad la leWLiet6" oftraveflimg tte Qfbe. ,1.hOdeuilcdai on"e UiasWr.fflwth the Crovu Land ,w4,broeD~a ~,1c~ ~~,~ ~ Oià ou *1b.rooqs........... Box 84k 01440960 Pm* Iook 1, f,» SiW81bu$g eu big g "é il di Bbdd nodsrto>)#av qbe:oom:it vould aroixm thse msç~oisu bý rII L. f 6 QoNIA"'. o& ma- bwobï nsbw cluldlu"ethf ILwm4lo kme'hw., Tie obék pointait. mens. Avlsfsir Y«, &atvIol. io*rî, loe..boeubwaslvud om.., soeef* edoa iàw o e fase, vb rtra oued ber vitide ail aIan»'momect i l*a s$09 e Of"sebat Tii.%le* Pre" e s hma rdA'sind ustieroma. Tbdwofatdutpt qUjetIy. Te de mot 1mev vbeffior oues'" AMtUo' a 1cr PlaCelveubebb l 4oduMis valet, bute*b .thtps sitecgeC *.amodd on r*defooe,vili 4t1à roter uth.tii. co.mon»fair' minutes tbat noiget a- ny of h»e. pouc au bsf* la moment: iL wu ber bubad-lt vu dsue. suce1 But so; it vat ot»' the Wlmd,d e,èwir ninîté seeio te b.bel Juet beaven l thê 'test moved 1 Doès the thlf 'ntind Lu ivabis biingplace? No ý it wau oply a slighl, 1xçbsbly ifolu<ay niovemeet toeeseM"Ief by chaislgJi raw nch a uis-hov mauni i1ntprayera -in tliese tryiug minutes 1 . etook a'bouk of devotion snd tried lu read, but ber eyes would tender fron t4s page te fix ou tua.. seawy Silo.c. AU at one, a îisought ara.e t cbîlled ber tei tbe ver»' huat: suppose ber husband shoutti mot corne!t.l'h. wcsther is stouuay, anti- i. Las relatives lu the village bc vent, bu. Perbapa ducy bave persuatied him it- wus nsfe te travel a Inigla t aa large a aura of mocey- about, hlm; par"sa" tey bave foi-ced bita, titis Crient!»' violenec, te yield lu their urgent invitations ta vait till morair.g. It is striking eigbt, suad uubody eomacs; and tbhe idea we bave ailuda etluap- pears te ber nie anti more probable. ACter tva iheures uacii *goal, tb. uabappy lay, v.. scourage.LaW been Irepi aap b»' te hope uf final rescue, futtas ber strengtli and hope faiu ber. Sou» aie bears a noide, u9der the wiuîdov, nd listeus, trwaaiuagly, doubtfuIy. Tis lime ai lanul miataken. Thse h.avy cint-door cet.ku qon its linges, ,andi abuts titi c!amor: a wcll-knOwwe s . abeard ,on thse sttira, sud a min entera -a a l, atout mn. liai, beau the tarai et aul htamuoda, le vosi liave been perfection i ih i tuey. -H. Ladi ouly taken off bis wt closir snd put àws»' bis pi7stous, antideli4g1id et saip ecin; ýWba lie loi cd most ou earth, opeus: hlm rma Wte ,a brace bi vite. Sie clsp lim n e vely; hot iu s nmomnent reeovering hemraelf-poeeson, puis ber* 4usger'on bis lips sud points te thto feet peepinutxk-ner b curtain. if M. Aulary býAI heen wanting in PreSnce Of mind, b, votatd nol»seeele b.heb bushami4l f msua awomaa. ,:He ma&ie aibt go to dluslw tiat he und*urood hmes'ant Maid, alouli- &~bcms me, ni»'dem';-I lefI litemoe» dow t#im las.Ilihe, bachia t'p amiautes," Tithin tliai t .lu e tune, 01ist h" au Ie Jouis t, ihe priming, wvalea <o teîleicav., sîoojwsd wvileleas M ircWl >rlj bt 04 1duotletIgge4 lhb' iE.=4tfl' li>.e as o ie iniMd e éri* se-&mior, the ileeta iMausof meut -Mi-faoa4 apec, - eouhing lo t lu avoid t. -ýpistai iah h. belti vithin au iiinc bkibêsd, Hat-. and a "trp dmi"e touu4oues. li. e etin- <eusse abat th ii i islt ièct «Àe u rhad':old hlm that M.Aàiry'~oi*b~ 11cm; butil> «tiéeo'd* i ltsm'ùia tâbibS4tei5 oflb Lad ppo4we.g1 Itriss*'é&Y a7-- "Wb ~êid r~ uigbayol t'le!,s b-p' 'I VA kteàdaf*RI; buài e*aeaàU Àp, aIuý liIcejM da»' isout l an, me<ia? nid er v'te tise poop anid golsuam.61 ýi=qtle, ut tcuf, meif cwee2ffl tion. ro hve gew notiier =dé , opII edabbiua , weSl imalt'a" *. Wb of, ise maes ucvoied to mlif e làà eï;wriaoae blh. va-wuto Uboeg fbia v rhéd; howV'« entinto 1the titI à pwsol-aug nfe.eic..Imuda if men, bein- idarmbd, mid t-e Th. prisoner thee orerd he t t' m"*tïebody of(themate OVmboatL "in"" *wUme * améxmiS. te ive aulthe, na aà<o vabet uu~ after ihis ha diaueed the, te peint the wvuS parts of tbe slip black. la a short tinte oater- wards thse primoer vent lotolbis cablt. muid Wi was eh.lerved te put. bis pistais away. The men keeinug tis rushed upon hlais," dovacti" hlm on te dècir, carrieti bita beIlov a put hiV=N erns d lasbed bita aeeaýdý. Thn renght to'sBetbsm toute rner Stated #buat ithinx ho did ua Save bis lite.. He difi net mean tý 1111lte lady, but mistook ber for tise mate. Ever»' day the captait> vas fifidin- fault titihVi. Wien h. irst camne ouurd, Le hovasgood frinds with erery aone; h. wt ill, antd b, vent tu tise hospitat. mml the cuiptain 'had la pa»' for iÈ, miâ4 he sociaî'aiu tien liked'him ao More. ia hb.seen ahe eaptain quirrel witb b vf.S trike ber; Ill vas alvays crose' with thP~Isoner. One day, tiethle captain vas asholre, i. saur the mate corne out of thé ca ofu t he capîaiti's vife, and the mate vas angry witb prisorner for seeitig hlm. Thée mate gave spirits bte i me, but net te bits. Tke captain snd bis vite spoke ta hlm as if h. wm &,aee n.Titi captain gave bita fat ina te esàt because lue did nul like il. Upon one oelsmdù, *ile he was Iying pretehding>' te ble. aseep, bbe car- tains aj, i d- 64Oh, tint savaje Munli'sMecp; jet -as ie bis banda and thrnv bin 6rtifboard." Thse mate soid it vas ti c sel le bis bards, as h. al dnni ôrvnoerbeard six menl; sud theu tie .p)risinet vasoond.aaeep. he vonld do 't. , He gai up _"d loA4.d bis piatol. Tistee nigbts aller this th. caýptain came aud ,CIii baud ovw4r lie moLt,,an th. mnate h. op=te tiehlà bads. Tihe mate knocketi hu ouad tried ta put irons on.bimi, anti then h atmuk tho mate. TII. irned CauaStlfor' lte prosèeton uaid the cmev vuuld tell thent that here viii aul tihe ligbtest tiut in: aîat»'pan ofM tisstaUte- usent, Tise priaoiser.Wl gQi g in o Myhaï'u if.cptffl sai*ed iq,4nd gaid ha wguld maow iptre eoà,iI, l; .- thé ossiansd the (~eaulGeaeri, bét Ifi.cW& 't sthtroir himvub" rd oli e h.ouif da u ,l*en hé vus ead :'e~talok thse baet.and strueTthe Cti b a t e. m Thiae m thon rnau , mv»an ne rim aftem hIu.le rsa. white dress anti h. thouýgbt i vu tise'matet snd he sirack atià:ith biff -AI> nd theaLc ofound ti l as tise captain4' 'uif_ î He aller- vL ards atmuckthe ate s*u*l:4mc Imite The learnd CM seI tiu Id4 «. . ppnrIt of t*mem eu thie cas vas (n*ve=Md WJ. 4"d, guift»'and-senten=te"" lb t 4 k e 'i I-b a, "~ -~ - - -i-mti i li* a- af appeçr ai tise pvuXeeW1l i t i.AtI.» F1 i.fa.ct 6 é ùr'e~k.e i Ly dyfor tbisul* iai ýFe;e!a 1 uever* bétrmed ei g bo.k> but tii vry day befovî tiips %vu ptotake plaejgie vtldd , -r irl -meMar tet *enusw. n es4oe'c Imm »gdL et oaep re" l'a, tcouffliA ui*,a4tq ber @tâte of md from h*isst' tit fieuda bit repoat;dl mtaedýt e»' voçld socber l~erot, aaialiuvJ os .aodm.m; but ah. osp. too pwerufiIw pknos 81 t ie 4 e1eu foshé E 1' -PUT THE RIGETMâLN ~THE i, lUWGedtro 'bseplopwkiww "" t porw«li 4hi -'th v ci- -b- .4 yslu , 1> , ' > sblaat l - meh' l5pet ;#mefa . mo94u ipml t st "u, reeveltri l1emlp4htm~a benotice a h p U~~,U~ m m t~But 'm guil fo su2 'j «_traMx vu thme ',v B lu t)Ejq aupred ac, Maiduit boe thisegnai îodshpma awlked to and ~~f usteo m a 1èu>- i mer "*k 1lqIa th.i~ e am.Ir tati-Wy ~ ision ton »à' dace. r~dpous lguie140 i 941P. -,,ip on ýlre sWLm.AI! mails voeae 1;datel" pped ,dz the $b>,.ten IMM, peu a fliaa loud tisedmirslip.. M But vilat aill tliarow about? Andthliaser te ýfn- towards Spithesa, ta ick our attentios waa àhe~ ud dark ara vas on 5Drud d dieuefbo4tIwm beld in ruda~»s -tg b r ler vbèpsbe gutt bar- bot-to scuttieLr if need'b.-ei>à; at ail events, to save the. crew frm thie perils tuat awaitedulseip. Om t h oiua, be eprplexed evey uloke*' héburin Um-'lbng kept on ber cour s seadily, vent round the. fleet,,st i.lthWiad, 'thn coolly bore up for he bu- batî Wre & IMMD MW*bor aPfoarane, 4ug ad bloiig, ut upiburoing. -On ie cameltOe e mâtement of aHl Who beheld ed offtii. liard But' wbat vas ibisextra6r- .dîse- ffl. tisat uaed vithout asils went right an against the Slnd and tide, &ca4 4 M ah. liated with those elementa iwiel allmen sud siips 'lWad ietofore imnplitli obeýed? Nobodycu1d 2 for nebody bad, seea *- ltbùý,IN ërbère. .Tck, wbo bau a titge j fsupei;isu about u;taid UIlte, sbek-bis hepieb.w uic. *À looWsd wço4eicly oi 'ês-or lai à y'ould in u m . ei' out "»u7 r boatOwmuâ6h viiseotld beodm ob» Dètili,~ ad&atél~ieiqgdUeflQno' bera beads and hands; and ti i1tIe ves- corrosire poisN, prOkahly asièlice m1dd! lIr sel, thicis was much smaller than our Ordinary àiatr, peatraingbermksgniril al br Iriver bouts, vas lie furt stearmboat ever'sein wo«Ëmly artst, gel ithé rital Ipielet <-ufio ,* uEgilwars p1t wtitisu sooing. The. Mv IuI An ineideat ut Ibis kind vas not likely to day tho 2,tn the twu. 'irî# lft Detiroit for pu nioticd--cer did it. On the fbooiag tbéir lu Çàffl, t WwS, maot day eeý-ov eth Sé e r, ana erbd mile 4 lve Mr. 1)onsid e mIIAg i "remcd IÈ;irwcstcisetat beer odyrs to wboma e bave referrei. lThe i'iris eehBat about 11 A. m.. there was a movetrnekc- îLe-t ho e a'Ih i u en.i bi tiit ' ra rdiary on the wj ters. The A dm iral's s~l ye -, o tihowtber ,detetee; vt itg lber-e, tilled with ladies. ad gentlemen pulied' aass in ah. conduct ut be r dauigbter, xalto salo.gide, Wouidto I s ikS~flad tisor i-ogv, a soon te become as oor-seb»'lo ber ova ct. went on board the Esk-a ship corvette, crm- Tii. iliamiiy ro~ired ici tee, Maret leeping mtnedbiv cainî Lurd.Napier. Who wuaît *itts ber ster. After a short. týie the de- -ardà lkil'eti in Chimsù-vhfe'a military bagd ereased arase, took îb.' tl 44rtught whieb awaited them, tem-ether vith alarg ecmpas>» ~illY brOught Ou tie mOutagOuuT ns-ofexctati&tns ie-ldqea Hem- cries alarmed the bhuse;ber. mOther wu s xp.etoîutsThe Cedul owat5avni iplckly lu beir bedside; sTe îlirew ber armthe w r.sofbeimowls n 'so, adcrds b .ariund ber parpeCts. neek; ps-nyed Cod Io bave skipitoard, site steaned brqvel»' ont to &s., mesvcy un ber &oui-l-and died la a feu iiute& bead, whera ase. lefi ber companion, and me- Wùât *tihe aroniied fo-eliaigs of lte unlxappY turneid iséat, in îlosedays ta be girl weme ut 'ihat Moment, 1wh c an imam*e icnevb.set, n okti nria ler porl>ody rua-ed vitdt aa l f ýsùu ju baud; andi, to the debi;ht of aIt argbot4y and lber iaàir with angish- aathae re- 4i.i< ote ie abrv t!tibiiiaàCeofMhe ro -tthse unbatpy b&burden na eWy», apparetiy sa agrava coudiisa itbwJlieh baie alfaqboy ste PM man vuqld carry nina T, lAs, vers lt4 PIa..ed. Aniit'ail ttifs iodi!v and I nm4!!sàï% ~4ngipoiers of aleamboats firet torture, the;mutd tif the trret6htd grt5 i-de m.satedte Engliah ayes, by asmnali Clyde recWto, teber exit (ri, Tim eiaio Et&Mit»', siamboat 47 years ago--a ctta vishikvas -sud tliecr-v tisat CGod might, Lvu nare»' on au e»'e vitutne, and visici May Fet conte to hea- soul tiin'h4ed àith' .er ciainaeons of Lave soute historical ralne.. ô-' eeiii ! »d on swtr, Q«wlu tts e rd of tisepoor G/açgow HleraM. gilwhose confiding nature hat pa&t ller 4h. prey Wtothe lhiasoutoué shosecs cience mut GiLTl .~.- .~,.isn~ -. .THE G OI" Afoeignjouwual, in aanýh A. QUIXOTIC E PEDITION TO puni$bment of 'deaths publishea tii. foilol!ing PATAGI)NIA. cros ewi Stéâea~r att isway ta Buenos AyIes,ývilb a a Intr -uthse Éfit place, tolknà thé lacet spot for, in g iutilhent on Ifie Patnge,niaa coanal; ud, t mieuo ed pae, e eelude neg el ti a~qsady w4tipt~io viktiatie evemumea t f on; coniitiuns oâd merelyIllominai allegiaspe, 'Y uf a portion of termitry - o'lie eckniie b»' ai ' 1ahtis ýeAObqlAda& ba ls a»'yOi t( irtjs airnua atb % ilWeIsIa Ia tb~t a ,u#lj ~ti~ peé ,with ~a ituie vày tii proses-v la ite ee cedin4 çiy iiTbey hàiuéSled on;- im 1p&itsnlW -tYàtdes or ls fuitucleas aht ou»'j4c l rtbeddl,, LiiéuLaet ir vi êp pod tqIi *id t&a*irhoiiçeg, N\r»' Intm of thelich J&M Moor'. A &àL gnp ý . ~ ut,è.psé d~énutU~< M-RJangdlne! forciviisd ellemets TbuglO o! lI Îache. -Q wheu, ut the end, of thé. lat entury hg ,«*We auine. of. Dr. Guillotine ra itw ~ipearanoe, ià gavé tise t. great cQutroVê.-s à.xrMg tbe. fiettty tisvoughout Europe. 'The aîventOr -p1ewpded uoinbeee8d. that'. 4wfr trough his instrument was ea*irrtbin Il amy, uiter 'P'~ aid the 4riptu r the 'uëet brs, teperve, ind ail the organe bf, hebsi, killed the. whole. body at omce amd iu«e4.tem ciuli. 'Several experimheuta verç made at, ielnna. Soute po*ou Imm ute b e eeýtàd, and several çelersted utedicl meN w, wlM~d - tDr. Oilla bamdpvll. o remain on the scaffold durý»g etsu1 aý -wben fièdladw b5i"Cul 1o=11it vu - aï8i.. 'Éhe e t were plcff, nid M t fflq trotuded <itaintitet véesaltiied ta expr% m us èàv s a lu, ue t)lw4âte inade. a tpaej ivra-of pwiurý Tbooer con& headlastll ?aoman. TE.evca nutes tf~i~ ecÇo he eyeg tffrnd tg- kÈntd e6. udg tias 0c Iro a~ss. c io4iJ4r>m4v À< h ~ts lit i -L .11 Fil V A. Ws lsug 0à*Imm«&*~48 ~<ti tonrita CM $olatTo a. OaMoaaa', Ï A5* 1u.

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