Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Dec 1862, p. 2

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-Et CAP .~lmgoeUu ~diim'. -~ a ~tz~# .u~- If~, hI! *1 \.OE E~ 'i4 .d ~i , ~t tii ~ft àwu .Mit ou ut ~t~ *lunala osambU! wt~.rtir TiwE fmled -airdalaut. coemel Frankil tttb@O.6.lài dtIv1m ibm *0, e.op posa hIuue Ema t mie;but tue uuai P U al in *Ovas ,e>s ordM. Bth a r. tve r s e bqe, l roable, thàt be ulyooutud aI m . y, ihia tl*iuiyai o raup or the.Sothm arùnumbers mou I %bL Iii. rb able, boeat uA& ihe anty viii dr sud tuh.od ii tbte NoW Ahun asr bionug h m iîb. arginsatlon cf a 0w Cabinet, ov.risar.ot peso. iii oile lb. south.rm afua"oy. - nm .pailariy notic e i s oi i.poeslbility,,oemw b. mp. slbllty1 cd Dieuuim omd'Camp.m. losd.riulnitlou." vas ibm original Camsed, the nbeL lio: se eio n .t±h@.muiry be- talmded, i the asotion t"« es opposite vlew. Thus b.ol', s mtb. ides, whmlàl nva*ae 0,ta thaM rbellionStatu .aue d.tsqmIu ta.sia pautkos, Md that uUw»ibb a ev~usU.Pasi u*0vs i *~ ~ ~~o * rNrb b8l u'u --éUio fe - Z-b Ibo I.v i q Iaiea. k> 1t. cfIeatos c ~altm .l0 *ntenuatsh'b. feer wi.boet.*quefoaifbMMeb io tYmrua=, lb i yu, fsi Lod osetkotmi bêQubu aue m thé a ite #t-,bf* 4ssim So eode ati, ao 0111 ave b.. ooly frelthe propw e e li dilirej îoledremsl ihri.h &bout*%slion Art Wdam slves hbave ujued m4"a fflsdem, bho th eu eof itheu» at ëA - il.. onVismd of the reu mIi b.frevtr fus ;but mit ow»m ofs-etubmL.i &aI at obavebues 6hj4 I hhb. coupo. se- for tff m lb. e "ue i s mhla rovuil. bri suohas7 * sou lave eiac buwt util dae or.b tk ArtoI....n...Coigrmu aiappropelate majP" or Offul " boA lhoUmmti la tking mf ti fla in* aIehe ofly dwe0 ib n -beai of <ri- log bit vapW'mag*t1o that al s&la l 8tates la ,ebéenI.'o b lti Jcf y lanrwodd theabé. rt.. As &Uià$ ibm s.8a i arb sarly ~&lm vio affli . ste..admit IIs* lVesmpie r. eh. f u swd ts le ibi lb. 11h *E1m »0hd te km- ,"audh bsli Mr,~uaav~usfmtide8 e~kb~'qem0f5.imms Tb* bd 1« tobll. th oN v,'0,BlsteUIOr Tg aErm: Aitikw -JàViNit Lfor Né mrosiMI 86.Pýed sb4by bta Love iumbm mumhhofet tefr~atlo, vailt-be vtht shib be .s~idf~4 sqbntdb To Nav t6 Teulut.t-mh1imi q*~#. - ~ ~i ti m~ rupsibi fu âaitéImm. TUw #*Wy l MnàF t"m.e Pd, 4M*iI¶i gM00osbdonis Iat ilpei4 oaot eh. al ethe ob yaal *ehliat eoAwstiIwm%, y mdgbt enuowe yu it umit - *e-iaqaitlbut icie tet psopk' I&u in si, sayris andl ding.0 tMranod.MZ4ue a*~t hls h abu.medium ofbqeIDun a' p b I. T r fà i iaà W. ne' viii bu founi l~s sepMrFouitmdemi <autl l peas, LmêS ieluihimmmteor omdel hïïisuof by Qomeramed.Publisui y Lom*dr X 1upploott Iuadpb6; 8mats per lit. ieut r. *lInon electeil ta the omce of ùs vef* t - Vas iceo te. %,roun4ld iea.iuttio eth'. ys? Iml. k tMu«Musuul.ho retaineel po ms"qeOfeh. Oqs4- 1 Ras ji iteen. by Strict mhhermcetae priçja ,or by tLe vant cf h? q Wmtétiof *ekind ai*i sale. wmstadte Nosiar, it eeuùrema jur frienil, -'- c luOV TOBY. lin½>esa, Dec. là, 18811*1 Film il NuxMcT,- eercueire tôok pleac wtaLY nt he . h ouh l i. stael te ee *oW Thie. xpu4tbrwmpihuW tu 'umm m. c es oud, u mc t higent0- 1oet jphaq BRoituva loaNtNùiBmmyv*u. The Xoepuù.r maa, ual u JIrlew Tehr" s ý âmbu ..piw h , a mbea<IÂAL1V4 aleçl'êet w lau b. aMdiuiiituo ba fomd it*so wt*vh ebq.m tias w.ut 1m-ewae EOff 53 opu fr *.8. Cmm~ .uus h flMMÉbvuus4.'k dium ""i ;Pm Ooi~vaamrse~'. shai c~maIa ah s- TU 'S"t ' ~ wwging Imm ebr d w .4th uea berisî1ht 40W e lm th ibfmisairtion oran oficrr çp i10 ,r~~the 1 L c i v e ~ 0 v o1 " 1 b a g q u a d c o n - uhmxesoiUDt.we hav'e beenai tsome. afflts b s the ie met miii e ofiMatters. ni r rtenders my sly upm th i AbStantial rutit of ehat fIa-8m1seouy'iti tbe ar.. oÇ Ç5. > u » o qmwac leter m teComrdd AdL Mefoer ad the apolog atil dhlde, itur ptaia oemteil niel his (rdl wt ite~sos he iboulil take luths ,pMuiis. . e advisied o appyto t. edtitbe paper inldcb te the siders appeareil for thte nainesofthe por- son who hailapoihil npam hguadufterome- "lieution il waixven. W.e tgrottouay it was ,bat, of Colonai Dyde,.th. Coummadhfth ie ,Active Force.,,&W latte auler advice, Cap- tain De Montenacitcrosagitbis friand,, îpform- ed Colone l Dydh 0< ibis co"unleion, andl afier tweàty-f~a our m*dhlaY, receivred a reply. [I was to theeffoa tihli, Colonel D7ie, had in privaiscnvtatn miscertain «state- Ments &bout Captain De Mouatenmeh baseil upon puiblic rair, and upu> .bae bhm ail len ai a mneeting of, offleasofiC e.Active Force ait viic be-b.d beu pmment th. evemugji're- vions. Auioag other ihiaga <Colonel *vde ad- mîtteil having aai<l hat Captain De Monîepach Ouil outi <m the iUth rjient si the tira. cf the Grrmeau ver, butilnuilth"at loi iusinUm aeuh .ing »mÎ_xîffl bis l1seagm or spoke of h& being- a degcetdi tof cte efeiinate andl eflte French noblesse. Colonel 1)-ve, as ve arein- formed, declareil-ho MdilVerilv ne teei of lthe ConieftW*2 A&êý1fsjaertu hi' Mil tomob. Themuttemnt of " is he- tweeu ihe.. ThedeW »" %«l'as peilogid for andl reiract.el tbestateme.uh i male; and Colonel Dyde bas âalun e'cjareseel reg~ret ai ,,aentifltl'edl*& Wllri a î cotumon report. hAtt Captais eMntnuW fipà~ds hav* adtiedhlm; aind the steil hw; beeti taken to subitit theýwhoIe<oiiresulnd ence fobls Exelleficy die Cornniainder-iiî Chief, and deraisuil àiCoart of Enquirv., The Captain dues thia nu a eMnliain. and we- he!ieve to the enqui-y azanngt an officer eveti for using uîaenhemaIjexpressions. le le tiot nec-s, ànr teaa~'aword on thé One aide or thei other util the resuit in knout,. There are tht-ee flindampntal mies of the sen-vice, wlîich, it la saiI, n ne d ane îranqrress without héing eiher inaxked or severeli punisbed. Firsh' Neyfte c ovaimunlcaîe information) of any -ii touchinq iiair matera Io a cIviliaft. se oeil: Never to aispute thte orders or entl in quheon the judg.nent of a superior ofimer Ï4irrI: In &U l taters aicein- thé char, creioa a ulmlte-rnu au meofficer anil gentle utSne to cçfl iuai4te at once the facSt to heni q"vrtersa.IL ie iX~4that Colonel Dyde ha etiped l ifi. above, raies. The feeEne is vqy arngupeewaly &mon- théeFrenel Cq;nior.ohbe &c1Ative Force. uho eoneeivt their patieuasiitiês îlu bive een inilted tlm ruue t"eh.Aôii,ir, îhoug'h Colone Dydeil~1aius h's ujcornîciion vill E u 'Mi - vn puas to h. openeil'on the city. The cannon- ie, whicb vas coutinued oap t10 he poisent destruction is certain. -Iite euemy, abouti see, e'dock îhismerping opeuil vîtitth hevy gons fium leï~r Labut no fr hae douno neserons)Uury. R.adquarters A-m y of the Potomac,? Dec. 11, Eveaitig. But littie fiing tooai lac e boleen one and titree o'cloc k, dinngUvhch time ail thte avil- able batteries were piacéd in position. They tben utumbex-el 76 jans. At a given signal, al the vous opened ou the> citr. The tire was terrible, but the rebel sharp-shootera could not ho driven frot their ille' places. The shot ail aboi wn vea vmshîoi tbugh th ebouses, in many cases etinXtiem on lire. cousine a dense sanoke, ubioli, together yul, the explop- sion of so larg~e a quansity of powder, almutt hil the city f,-om view. lu soion becaime evident Chat the hridzes, conldno et h huit except bu- a hoA ldaah Voinucei»rs vee ecalled for tu cross in su.îià huais. Th.etorder w»vao &lin ier ti'.,diti bond"- aof' brves stept, ed fi rwa d; luit ai cQnl ami ot . Albout 1,000 were selete-d. lwh.yvere s"n ionit1heir a-ay. w Iitlîit. a-aiL- lerv hrew a perfect storm uft rot) haf it i. opoaebank. Tlwy - acheal the-u;*l shrbtstiot vithndt lms.Wiih I1î-d un onets. tla'-v rushed uliosi the etieniv. -i!. sevral, indîaiaî 141 -toes4ba(i- es1rtel atded on ibis snde. 8 A t halftf- a fotl u two ridres iut-,, t - ished op'osite t 1 1'-, mw ie te It-tuinn-ta'-diate1Y bpean hI r~o '.t.Tlàe eià, ii-t'. e C~*E ~~ ýSWINUUN1G OPERATION We uem oî5ean~aItmauatlonit Bufi'ale uhct pc ~tiie# n ean ct e a- feejuBuoq, tu W iat h. bal iîly Loua ,vni qawd ter'ee a lot efemtie the so ibthat L ecomod& lot of Caudaeu- 1t~spcbvss lie voWdi lika te dsPoSeý bimb..,n TIi.bken sai fe ola weo Umm het .isi uOýtunud m lebm**m*m ipteniewb j7 t.., wubande smactir- tb. ier. Lbmi dm idgm *0auIOsw coumps o l. ver,aad <liWmaIle of 143 puce plcei lup"uli-sopposite il.. city. kiI*e'cocktus bbnn*t hà rebels ireil twoIm agd ujýanld Acing te. ater part of tw wwqsuly -taio coqilt ithi teir lipo-lliv. o'eloek the. coq-, absliacfIbre I ksifi tnt ofthe ei* ur~aco~ced~~athp hudges vere 4o . *.f o . i* h Dey opseIKl nardooo Ie < uMly jro die bmm «Mou 1 h É fwe bImk. ufp c-m iis nu. oi $bot bail beew BSMilfromïur aide. Tbe teineers vwiîv i.frai.the bigs, Mail veýl ki»l- cd udi ouailhi.- a' we'y rapid re i..~k.i.y; e wom ed behiit.a mes e m WMmdo hoe u ehe ghî of th -.Of l. ebel i til. .e-. me. Preo ha mie e m1fl".eWTW .*on,' md ~1 -~ - - en. Frankis, -J. @r.use. aimulthe lblfi, met ,w * b 16 - 1w » c o m . Me m e e d e d , a f ie r -a *s Sr gkia, m i.*ilu e l ebels about Tbp eumy, oepy. b.e u suad bill. .bail a mincit mre iantageou position, but~ vere dniven baek ou hei uigit, a mile snd a Early ini the da Maout nôon ---- Gen. Gib bon u arelieved-i ou. ledil, anilCe. MI&W b7 Ce.oeu. a.MmwardGen. umeauub& là e suapport 0f dbfs~itbsa e USg for a short tim, andl broiee «t- M l eton fiereenesin eh. *utre, ubereOur -trops were expoed to., R asaig île from ibe emy's e&rthworjs Alousg ibm t"lefine the battet bus been lune a day, iti, peut b.on b4M aides. To-tigI mac mry bol its trin position. e.x- cept ; admivaeeof our left. i0irnonadin'S is ilt goin.- on, s»d theni- [het-y breaks out ai intervala quite f ýcev DOINGS 0F T»E I"ALBAXA " PUBSUIT BY THZ ISA'. JACINTO ESCAPE FROM MARTINI\QUE. The schooner Alice fron Point Petro. Gaud- aloupe, anived at this port this mot-ing. MLe bau on board the chief oficer snd the c-ew ot- the ship levi Starhuck, Captain Mellen, frim New Brunswick, bound to the Pacifie. ojn November 2nd, in latitude 35 30. 1o~i tude 66, the Levi Starbuck was capture(dl b the Coafederate steamer Alabama. Capi. Semmes. who, afer tak-in- al the eoîlitîingant nautie-ai instruments frons the Starhuck., set ber on fire. The Starbuck was oaly tfive days out aben site was capture. On November 8:h, latitude U 0O.10. longi- 'tude 5,, te Alabama capturel i he ship T. B1. Wak-3. of Boston, Ceptain Lincoln. btuaîd froîn Calcutta Io Boston, vith a 1011 CSt.0 e(t salîpetre and gutînveilh. Captain euas after taki:îg the captaiz an-d ciew tif the 'IT. L. Wales on board bis own iesi-l. set thé Waliès on tire. and destroyed..her. Iis T. Ji. W'., was 147 dars ,,tt when asht- wns -aer.- The Alahama teîaprieet-ded-d ýt'.acýL arr.itt,à..rthltee al S ti*!ock ots the niorl, t , the iî p 17t > (Pl rîd lauded iliti car- talins and ercreas oft he eh ips se Lad d-tv New York.D<e.I1 I Thie-Alabama,. uî1ý.1 (-!ose tipJoîi the - t-a-ed vessels. cartied the A' inerît-an fi a ' if. en u ut Illte lui) f-t-ss;. i \(tli apIdtii (A I *f le T. j". Wtî.s. llt 1,,,, t , t d 3L. , i t > J'oile.tir!i val -.f ilSrit'T t'tt t :L.she 1 1ra,:a% -tl.imnj . ;-,.1c . -iall t,' vis4.-X . 5, e t , l I * t tir'ivenu 1 uCn tue citv f P1ae'.1-t.11-1. The iiuid2e fr hont OS eea .t '- : -(WcS ,~J li' o î v î a < esîiit* ;aid a! exi u sr L -c~ t T Ee A ':,.:~ diav. but hii tt-0t05 4l;fl ntt ros5 utti l'" 1 . iVE E ed liaiti;t --t 1I-vIlle rt-ta upp r llS vert- i-af.d as su ,ppose i to lie piloced ~ hi EVM -. A~~~~~~~~~ :ulciat o-c'iSnv ntt uiOit tonnicthe Sain Jacinito. side of the*river Io îtsist anv atacli iat s T t a.mmoiid vas imrn diatelr 54iz4eII I" likelr ho becuade. th e ch ntaltoriies a ndJ usstiii in ("às*t% -G %%-lien the 6eliqotier Aýict- k-eî. Headquoeier, o ",i:wsitp Frederieksbur,,the j ltîo ma$ t i-, ma s a:. tl s aI. E L)e. I. ~' ~ on~ ktî~oh14,AXJ s ,Cav'e utt-E l'etweeii 4 and ;--this min:iil. te ponrlon i y 1 train in eh " o f the 17h and SOiL N. Y . E ti T hé,- e:uo efh e tc T. P. WNal1es w s gialéers, nnd ltuder cotunuilof Ceti. Wood- ai 209M0.o buy, prtceethl ho the river bank, a-bei-e an i h i'- thasi:î vent In Mat ii1ii i jl- a' attempt vas made le chrow thîe hrides cI lsfront an Ei:nhhi i_. Tht !alle-r a se' ac-oah e. ivir, one t C the poitl where ii)& -t,îalht er hwo .Armstronz 100 > tye - rait-na1 biid!eforneriv ernsued, asud hwo more The bhni, Weill (ulfaitil Ile I E:ia opposite the cky, but s'nearer Fainiouîl. Il wss ret>rtt-d rie St. Tl,,,uma, ita: îhe AI- A luli hame ce obseni-cilthe mo'.ement, thi thamîai heestpihted into tLe bat hor of Si. for a time le vus nut dise areîed br the re1l- Jobtas, a few mi!es ahov.e. andwans thete takin: pichets. The ociooneta Lai! succeeded in iai cosal and -nus. The_ intelligence was set t pau-ially coestructitîg che brid e hn thie to the- San Jueinto. Semmes boasted of hae- iebela-studecl> openel a rery bnisk and deadly î;: _ beezi ai une ime within 7&ü iles of Saady fire of -mukiteryfrom along te .banka of Io the. river sendhe inlos of'the bouses. cooMliing- a cessation of the vork. Soine GENERAL BUTLER. of oar metit vere aho, midvar in the streiandelfmlling overboard rom'it. boats, (F,-0u MecNet> -York forId) lomieldouatête river. Abot Cn octok Le ngieer vr om There are Amenican jonals sn ignorant or ed for a tbird ettecupt te caeteorLte bi .se bisle as to pi-aise the administration oft Geti. Thte 8â Commuaett, muder Mat as ; Bucler ai New Orleanis. The fact is. lie- iCt iylng ai titiume cie r ivi c n u-onlv diswraces the Union caus-he dL. i-att- port of one of our batteries. Afler te.pre- vithoat haiit tcî.lc ,u rions aie&«wectultiempi on th. part of tLe i îu polu-iM -ü'eAilgies: le oué lit o l'e enliestocra, ar Of 80 mcen of the î ithoot cuiogists in America- Silence cuti- regient eile' Ca E a-s vc>Inteerril toi cenuig Lia abuses f Power and malfetasatt asit iiisnew<atero t itihe bridge, in office, his brntalitv, and the pecutat ionwa imd once atmee.d~olcipa v t ch eifot-ce- vblch b. wiuks, if 1e dosa tnt hane cheir pro- tasauulmil day. ibme ecqwuAie diree its, might Le toienuitl bu the consciece,; i 1lion of 0ec. woaur,.- thm ewbo, hopelesa cf inoving the miuid 0' Tbi.e sei ehe pblaulus, m ailrried out soute Mn. Laincoln, verte uilling te re-àly obshruct doauà tIe eu o z the tiovemumeut, o-reva iteem 10 encoura-î' I ~par ii ehup~ami v; ~cu omplle ~< tisioyaty; but vitea that silence is misce -retins uclen r vmy àl .from te.rebel sttreiâito, 5pprbBttii - wuben t~ i - ahérpui.oe. - vi. ut fmamoec s î fouil vbich, h. euot of oSr contemMOP'-~-t - tidP5 mw l m - 0f ib e tllyin in ibis city, aetualiy prm iW ;n. Butler. dwve1l M pi$@#' cr0 <tb î%of te ter tyndspo> the-eleerueof bis thetorieaid îLle çf- Tve e îLe 11 Wns veudeilin t i i l tiucy of bId ate;-hb ilad the sfe brTu- r tempt, 1uNd tl mm--m afsr4terel . 1.1e, t b àis lcourse vith fsesiOcu'si. as - ~o bt l"iu , ti4 if taï tt e est vueas O teh' iIlel olé os.10 :Y»:j;ý thej smmexisi vhich bae Itle r_ l Pt wv-a'1relae h.roignleMfontery. or ithe ignorance. te reprf5fi.t te AtI *sdieeri im uee nsbr cf ili ose bave taien ail enlfi-ced 'Ibê fumes, vhlch oath of alle«iauce as the inucuber of' thoSe sen hoae berta lore en couurmined #o loyalty. " MI5ivIO m, w tawmiu# m t o ieit . ion slne bcmis- u. The truth .cot- q* ga a.a nov enrelopel ceraing thus bogetsud Mosti nupincipled man sbouclI tebe W4. .Ilsud i icouduct Le de. AequaCu&<~uisiitDec ll.Intlh-nouacel a h leSrres, ibai teibecame of the ~ tb~0&tê.iigi miies haiouiloyal ilflions, vbose Govermt lM-. Lincoln é_ tsrmIve euil vSuandam l are n basent hiin to repet, ay Yai least Le un- à- poumot i T,do g. - We dl nt amn 10 eprecte itue abarpees', 4< ~of (;«. bule' pea, or te. clevernes;of'bis A.1% 10 O"lcPk> umiug miel. Pettifoer hlave founulthetu- Abuer O -s5p b'e ïk« im ofetwte ay selreasurphssedin ibeirov1 Iri;la ire Iiul k ilod ul o*14teacliGsi>. MeCidlian atuig vhich i '~.*k us ibS thiejittheiEd moi 1mv.]le baus mot been ohiued:s dw~~ iMSh,mhst ut% amy b.mmdluin .fabis %V W tut in aitl-amodier ylable in bis pruinebe- W uRey vis show yte lie Las dmfae ie at-u, for the arnîy is honest e lasheuisaccd bis Govertnuleut. - his Goret-aunent is ici reli ellicgh te O ji tbtetoau, le buas àaiel haeuanry, for bis nie b arte. sco f foiiu inleqS acjs -~-~ the fog 4e"ntbe 'hW, !cf tir, ie.isdtboin We" â thoair j ete ie eif 0gstaebypOfcii.~he AI ~ibei co.oIsOr pryet 1.hobas IishosO'W At a twir efg erey fa ta -%i %àL.#ha k r 1- 1 ý by, 1

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